Star Wars: Why Darth Vader wasn't a real villain. Who is Darth Vader? "Star Wars" Old Anakin Skywalker

Good day to all self-respecting readers of the site!

Today I would like to puzzle you with a survey that, perhaps, will not dispel the darkness of secrecy on this issue, but will at least give us all food for thought and express the public opinion of the GRU.

So, recently, while watching Star Wars films and reading articles on their world, this very question came to my mind: who was the father of our “darling”? Anakin Anicea, also later known as Darth Vader.

To begin with, I propose to take a look at how Anakin was seen by us as the plot developed:

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)
I believe that everyone is perfectly familiar with the series and there is no need to repeat its plot here. =) In this case, I suggest simply returning to the moment when the boy was Tatooine finds Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon: He has an unusually large flow of Power.

Qui-Gon: Who is his father?

Anakin's mother: He doesn't have a father.

Anakin's mother: I carried him, I gave birth to him, I raised him.

Anakin's mother: I can't explain everything.

Thus, in fact, here the first, most canonical version of Anakin’s origin is born - he did not have a father, and he himself is a creation midichlorian. And it is not surprising that it takes place. The Jedi had long been waiting for the Chosen One (though for some time, while the Sith were considered destroyed, this prophecy was considered fulfilled), who was supposed to bring balance to the Force.

True, there are suspicions that if these midichlorians did this of their own free will, then perhaps they were midichlorians of the dark side. =)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Midichlorians, that's what they are. ;)

Anyway, midichlorians is our number one candidate for paternity.

Now, if we think a little more, we can assume that midichlorians they didn’t do it arbitrarily (well, after all, why do they need it?), but they were controlled by someone’s will. Moreover, this “someone” clearly had something to do with Strength and knew how to use it (otherwise how would he/she know about midichlorians?).

Let's welcome our number 2 paternity candidate: Darth Plagueis.

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Darth Plagueis the Wise (Darth Sidious's teacher)

This Sith lord was, according to Darth Sidious, so powerful that he could control midi-chlorians to create life. So he could very well participate in Anakin's consciousness. (Moreover, many fans of the series adhere to this version. Although, I have not yet found a 100% reliable source that would describe that Plagueis created Anakin)

As an alternative to the first two candidates, I propose to take Darth Sidious, who managed to be the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and the first emperor of the Galactic Empire. After all, it was he who taught Anakin, had such influence on him, and told him about Plagueis and his powers. Perhaps he himself was either the father or the creator of Anakin?

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's father (poll)

Darth Sidious before plastic surgery by change of face.

Candidate number 4 is Qui-Gon Jinn. He took the boy from Tatooine. What if he found it there for a reason? ;) Although, of course, there is no direct reason to believe that he is Anakin’s father, his unexpected concern for the slave boy still raises questions.

Lucasfilm President Caitlin Kennedy stated that, after the end of the third trilogy of the space saga, “ Star wars", the characters of the Skywalker family may be excluded from the plot. It is known that in the film “Rogue One. Star Wars: A Story" Luke Skywalker has a cameo role. Spin-off “Rogue One. Star Wars: A Story opens in theaters on December 15.

The story of the Skywalkers in fiction George Lucas universe includes four generations - starting with the Tatooine slave Shmi Skywalker and ending with her grandchildren. Members of this family contributed to the Jedi Order and the ranks of the Sith Lords.

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker was born in 42 BC. b. His mother Shmi refuses to talk about the boy's father and claims that Anakin had no father. The film says that Anakin is the great focus of the Force in a living being. He first appears in Episode I: The Phantom Menace as a nine-year-old boy. He and his mother were slaves to the junk dealer and parts dealer Watto. In the 10 years since Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Anakin has matured and become a Padawan. Meanwhile, Palpatine dreams of making him his student, turning him to the Dark Side of the Force. After turning to the dark side of the Force, he took the name Darth Vader. In The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, he is revealed to be the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is one of the main characters in the Star Wars universe, a Jedi, the son of Naboo senator Padmé Amidala Naberrie and Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker. Older twin brother of Leia Organa Solo. Born on April 11th in medical center Polis-Massa on the day of the creation of the Empire. After the death of Luke's mother, he was sent to Tatooine to stay with Anakin's half-brother Owen Lars to hide him from Palpatine. On this planet, under the supervision of guardians and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood.

On Tatooine, Luke grew up unaware of his origins, but his life changed completely when his uncle acquired two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, carrying blueprints for the Empire's superweapon, the Death Star. After his aunt and uncle were killed by Imperial soldiers, he set out on a dangerous journey to deliver the plans to the Rebel Alliance. After becoming a member of the Rebel Alliance, Luke participated in many battles with the forces of the Empire led by Vader.

Ben Skywalker

Ben Skywalker is the son of Luke and Mara Jade. Was named after Luke's first mentor Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi. He became the father of Kol Skywalker and his son Cade, who was the last living Skywalker of his time.

Leia Skywalker

Leia Organa (born Leia Amidala Skywalker) is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala Naberrie, and the twin sister of Luke Skywalker. After her birth, she was adopted by Bail Organa and Queen Breha, making her Princess of Alderaan. Excellently educated as a senator, she became a stalwart leader during the Galactic Civil War and other subsequent galactic conflicts, and one of greatest heroes Galaxies. She later married Han Solo and had three children: Jane, Jacen and Anakin.

The system of calculating time in the fictional universe of Star Wars, the starting point of which is the Battle of Yavin.

IN Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Anakin's mother, Om, was told that he had no father, although it seemed to me that she doubted that.

Is there a canon answer for who Anakin's father is? If so, who?

Daniel Bingham

Due to the rule that there are no prequels, this question remains unanswered. Anakin is a father, we just didn't introduce him ;)


It will be revealed in a future film that Luca travels back in time to the planet Roswellooine and becomes his own grandfather.

Richard S

Well its obvious, look at his nose, he is Roman :)



Additionally, although Darth Plagueis made an attempt to influence the midichlorians to create the Ultimate Sith weapon alongside Darth Sidious, the experiment was ultimately abandoned, and the midichlorians, sensing the inherent evil intent of the Sith, not only refused to do so, but conceived Anakin Skywalker in response. to destroy the Sith once and for all.

So, according to this, neither Darth Plagueis nor Sidious is Anakin Skywalker's father, then the midichlorians actually conceived him without any external direct intervention.


An article over at secrethistoryofstarwars (take this connection with a pinch of salt; I have no idea how "canon" it is), indicating an early work of the Rotten Tubers script was actually Darth Plagueis "manipulating midichlorians" to create life, thereby creating Anakin .

Michael Brown

Palpatine turns to Annakin and says, “Annie, I am your father,” so the circle is complete.

Robert Brim

Shmi specifically states that there is no father. Later conversations between the Jedi tend to conclude that the midichlorians created Anakin in Om to bring balance back to the force.

She never claimed to be a virgin when he was conceived, so it should not be assumed that this was an immaculate conception, so he was never the biological father.


I would say that being born without a father is almost the same as being born as a virgin. The notable quality of birth is the absence of a father, not the amount of sex the parent had.


When writing phantom menace, The answer was not actually George Lucas's plan as it was simply repeating the story of Jesus Christ.

But in the first project Revenge of the Sith when Palpatine tries to lure Anakin to the dark side and the young Jedi learns that Palpatine is actually a Sith Lord, Palpatine tells him that he was the one who orchestrated the death of his mother,

In the same scenario, there is no mention of Darth Plageuis, but Palpatine tells Anakin that he adopted him through the midichlorians to his mother.


This interesting information, but since this is from the first draft, it was never made for the final script and it is contradicted by a later publication, it cannot be considered Canon. But still interesting information (+1).


Who contradicted? George Lucas? Lucas Films? Spent up by the universe?


Expanded Universe, Star Wars: Darth Plagueis novel.


Oh! So you're more likely to "believe" something from the expended universe than what Lucas originally had... okay!


@Arc-Vile See Your first project falls under N-Canon, not G-Canon, since the project was "cut from canon" by Lucas. The books are C-Canon.


The canon "answer" is that the force itself caused by Anakin be understood without explanation as to the biophysics involved. IMO, it was ACCEPTED so Shmi simply announces in episode I that Anakin didn't have a father, that she got pregnant w/o the benefits of intercourse (bad Shmi, for all that grief and work she deserved, at least one night of fun) , This echoes the “miraculous” conception of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the following Episode I script does not rule out a biological father for Anakin, but also does not give any hints as to the identity of said father.


In the first film Phantom Menace, When Anakin Skywalker is a boy, his mother says that he has no father. I thought Darth Maul - could Darth Maul be Anakin's father? It seems that when Anakin becomes a Sith as Darth Vader, his son Luke fights him. Maybe father and son fight or feel each other in these films? Perhaps Anakin's mother knew that Anakin's father was turning to the dark side and becoming this Sith in the first film.


Sorry, but Darth Maul already has an established backstory. Besides, he's not human, he's a Zabrak, so he couldn't be Anakin's father.

It is unlikely that among fans of cinema and pop culture there will be a person who does not know, He became a symbol of the space epic “Star Wars” and its main antagonist. Despite the fact that he is negative character, fans elevate him to the rank of their favorite heroes. However, once one of the greatest villains in the history of the Galaxy (ours and the fictional one) was an ordinary boy who, for many reasons, became a servant of the dark side.


Once upon a time, the most controversial character in the Star Wars film saga, Darth Vader, was called Anakin Skywalker. Viewers first meet him on the sand planet Tatooine, where he and his mother are enslaved by a parts salesman named Watto. WITH early childhood the boy had high intelligence and extremely developed technical abilities. Already at the age of 9, he assembled his own droid C-3PO and a real racing car. Qui-Gon Jinn immediately sensed enormous Power in the young slave. The Jedi's feelings did not fail him when he learned that the number of medichlorians in Anakin was much greater than that of Master Yoda. He tries to find out from his mother Shmi who the father of the child was, but she says that besides her, he never had anyone else. This leads Qui-Gon to think of a prophecy that states that a man will be born from the Force, called upon to restore balance to the world. Then he decides to take young technician himself as a Padawan, which becomes possible when he wins a bet with Watto, the condition of which was Anakin's victory in the race.

Clone War

After ten years of training, Anakin masterfully masters Jedi techniques and is distinguished by special talents. Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes his teacher, as this was Qui-Gon Jinn's dying request. In this part Star Wars Darth Vader begins to awaken within the young Skywalker. He is accompanied everywhere by stubbornness and vanity, and the patronage of the Sith Lord, who is Chancellor Palpatine, further strengthens his sense of his own superiority. The first step taken towards the transition is the mass execution of an entire Tusken tribe in the name of revenge for the captivity and subsequent death of the mother. At the same time, he developed strong feelings for the former queen of Naboo. He learns that his love is not unrequited, and contrary to the strict rules of the Jedi, he marries his chosen one in secret from everyone. Due to the inextricable connection with his wife, a strong fear of losing her arises in him, which also condones the development of the Sith.

Going to the dark side

The next significant move in the internal war between Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker is the murder on the orders of Chancellor Palpatine, which violates the Jedi principle of not executing unarmed prisoners. Almost immediately after this, he learns about Padmé’s pregnancy, but his joy at this news is replaced by intense fear, overshadowing everything around him. The Force shows him a future in which his wife dies in childbirth. Disturbed by this vision, he shares it with Palpatine, which speaks of the young Jedi's unconditional trust in his patron. He is unaware of the skillfully thought-out plan of the future Emperor to make Ani a Sith and his devoted student. Thus, the seeds of the dark side he sowed begin to germinate rapidly. When Skywalker learns that the Chancellor is Darth Sidious, he tells the Jedi Council, where he sits as Palpatine's representative. However, he soon begins to realize that the latter is able to protect Padme from death. In the decisive battle between Mace Windu and the Sith Lord, Anakin takes the latter's side, as a result of which the master dies. From that moment on, he becomes Sidious's student and, on his orders, kills all young Jedi and Separatists. It is the new trilogy that reveals to viewers the truth about who Darth Vader is and gives insight into how he became a villain.

Years of Sith rule

At the end of the new trilogy, Obi-Wan cuts off both of Anakin's legs and an arm, and his body is completely burned in the fire. However, the self-proclaimed Emperor Palpatine manages to save his student from death with the help of a special suit. Since then, Darth Vader's sword turns red, and he himself commands the armed forces of his teacher while on the Death Star. He captures Princess Leia Organa, who is his daughter, but does not yet know about it. In order to reveal the location of the rebel base, as well as return the circuits to his space station, he destroys Alderaan. At this time, the Millennium Falcon is pulled towards them, along with Han Sol, Chewbacca, an aged Obi-Wan, Luke and the droids on board. They flee, but Vader manages to kill his former teacher. He later encounters Luke as he attempts to destroy the Death Star and senses that the young man is full of the Force. As a result, he has to flee, and the planet destroyer explodes thanks to young Skywalker.

Meeting with my son

In the next episode, Luke will reveal a terrible secret about who Darth Vader is. He ends up on Dagobah, where he studies with Master Yoda. However, at this time the dark lord captures his friends in order to lure Skywalker into a trap. He succeeds, and during a lightsaber battle, he cuts off the young Jedi's hand, after which he admits that he is his father. Vader invites his son to choose his side and together overthrow the Emperor in order to rule the Galaxy. Luke takes this news painfully and jumps into the garbage compartment, where he is picked up by the escaped crew of the Millennium Falcon.


In the next installment of the popular space opera Star Wars, Darth Vader builds new Star Death, which should become more powerful than the previous one. Together with the Sith Lord, he develops a plan to lure Luke to the dark side, because his skills could be very valuable to the Empire. Thus, he once again captures his son, who firmly decided not to resist, because he hopes that there is goodness left in his father. Vader soon learns that he has a daughter, also endowed with the Force. Then he threatens Luke that he will lure her to his side. The young Jedi succumbs to anger and tries to defeat Vader with a lightsaber. The Emperor encourages him to kill his father and take his place, but Skywalker does not give in and throws away his weapon. While Palpatine inflicts heavy lightning strikes on Luke, Darth Vader realizes that he cannot allow his son to die and throws his master into the mine, where he dies. However, Anakin's life support is damaged. Taking off his helmet, he says last words, and his healed soul finds peace.


It is thanks to the black cloak and helmet that most people know who Darth Vader is. This armor was designed specifically to keep a wounded Skywalker alive; without it, he would almost immediately be unable to breathe. Sith traditions dictate that heavy black suits be worn. In total, 2 different outfits were created for each of the trilogies. Their design and construction took a lot of time and effort, which ultimately paid off.


As many as 4 actors participated in creating the image of Darth Vader. In the first part of the new trilogy, little Anakin was played by Jake Lloyd, and in the next two, Skywalker’s place was taken by Hayden Christensen, who also appears in the sixth episode in the guise of a ghost. With the original trilogy the situation is more complicated. In all three parts, the suit was replaced by British swordsman Bob Anderson during sword fights. The voice of Darth Vader belongs to James Earl Jones, and in parts 3 to 6. And when his hero takes off his mask, the face of actor Sebastian Shaw is revealed to the audience. This is probably one of the few characters in the history of cinema, whose image was simultaneously embodied by so many performers and became truly iconic.

Anakin Skywalker

However, Anakin took his first step towards the Dark Side of the Force long before these events - when on Tatooine he exterminated the entire Sand People tribe, avenging his mother Shmi Skywalker. Anakin's next step towards the Dark Side of the Force was the murder of the unarmed Count Dooku on the orders of Chancellor Palpatine. And finally, he took the decisive step when he betrayed Jedi Master Windu and helped Palpatine defeat him.

Suppression of the Rebellion

Darth Vader commanded the Empire's military forces. The rebels sometimes mistook him for the Leader of the Empire, and forgot about the Emperor. He inspired fear throughout the galaxy. Thanks to the brutality of his operations, the rebels had a hard time. In general, he is indirectly guilty of the beginning of the war: while still a Jedi knight, he foresaw the death of his wife and, of course, did not want it. Darth Sidious, aka Palpatine, was then the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and took advantage of this to lure Anakin to the Dark Side. After Anakin became Darth Vader, Order No. 66 came into force, after which most of the Jedi Knights were destroyed, and the Grand Army of the Republic, in accordance with the charter, came under the direct control of the Supreme Chancellor. During the rebellion, Vader played the role of a target for the Rebels to eliminate, as well as a deity for the Empire. He acted without miscalculations or misfires. Vader was a genius of war. Any miscalculation on the part of his subordinates was strictly punished by his favorite measure of torture - strangulation at a distance. Darth Vader and Darth Sidious, unlike other Sith, had full access to the Jedi data archive. At any moment, they could look at the file on any Jedi or event that happened. Because of his punitive functions and unconditional devotion to the Emperor, he commanded respect from his soldiers, and among the rebels he received the nicknames “The Emperor’s Chain Dog” and “His Majesty’s Personal Executioner.”

Darth Vader

In the original Star Wars trilogy, Anakin Skywalker appears under the name Darth Vader. He was played by bodybuilder David Prowse and two stunt doubles (one of them Bob Anderson), and Vader's voice belongs to actor James Earl Jones. Darth Vader is the main antagonist: the cunning and cruel leader of the army of the Galactic Empire, which rules the entire Galaxy. Vader appears as Emperor Palpatine's apprentice. He uses the dark side of the Force to prevent the collapse of the Empire and destroy the Rebel Alliance, which seeks to restore the Galactic Republic. On the other hand, Darth Vader (or the Dark Lord) is one of the greatest figures in the Star Wars universe. As one of the most powerful Sith, he is endeared to many fans of the anthology and is a very charismatic character.

New hope

Vader is tasked with recovering the stolen Death Star plans and finding the Rebel Alliance's secret base. He captures and tortures Princess Leia Organa and is present when Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin destroys her home planet of Alderaan. Soon after, he fights with lightsabers with his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who arrived on the Death Star to save Leia, and kills him (Obi-Wan becomes a Force spirit). He then meets Luke Skywalker at the Battle of the Death Star, and senses his great ability in the Force; this is confirmed later when the youth destroys the battle station. Vader was about to shoot down Luke with his TIE Fighter (TIE Advanced x1), but an unexpected attack Millennium Falcon, piloted by Han Solo, sends Vader far into space.

The Empire Strikes Back

After the destruction of the rebel base "Echo" on the planet Hoth by the Empire, Darth Vader sends bounty hunters. bounty hunters) in search of the Millennium Falcon. Aboard his Star Destroyer, he executes Admiral Ozzel and Captain Niida for their mistakes. Meanwhile, Boba Fett manages to discover the Falcon and track its progress to the gas giant Bespin. Discovering that Luke is not on the Falcon, Vader captures Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to lure Luke into a trap. He makes a deal with Cloud City administrator Lando Calrissian to hand Han over to bounty hunter Boba Fett, and freezes Solo in carbonite. Luke, who at this time is being trained in the use of the Light Side of the Force under the guidance of Yoda on the planet Dagobah, senses the danger threatening his friends. The young man goes to Bespin to fight Vader, but is defeated and loses his right hand. Vader then reveals to him the truth: he is Luke's father, and not Anakin's killer, as Obi Wan Kenobi told young Skywalker, and offers to overthrow Palpatine and rule the Galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He is sucked into a trash chute and thrown towards Cloud City's antennas, where he is rescued by Leia, Chewbacca, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2 in the Millennium Falcon. Darth Vader tries to stop the Millennium Falcon, but it goes into hyperspace. After which Vader leaves without saying a word.

Return to the Light Side

The events described in this section take place in the film"Star wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi »

Vader is tasked with overseeing the completion of the second Death Star. He meets with Palpatine aboard the half-completed station to discuss Luke's plan to turn to the Dark Side.

At this time, Luke had practically completed his training in the art of the Jedi and learned from the dying Master Yoda that Vader was indeed his father. He learns about his father's past from the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During an operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to Imperial forces and is brought before Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's call to give vent to his anger and fear for his friends (and thus turn to the dark side of the Force). However, Vader, using the Force, penetrates Luke's mind, learns of Leia's existence and threatens to turn her into a servant of the Dark Side of the Force in his place. Luke gives in to his rage and nearly kills Vader by cutting off his father's right hand. But at that moment the young man sees Vader's cybernetic hand, then looks at his own, realizes that he is dangerously close to his father's fate, and curbs his anger.

Vader's costume design was influenced by the costume worn by Lightning, a villain in the television series Fighting the Devil's Hounds, and Japanese samurai masks, but also featured similarities between Vader's armor and the costume of Marvel Comics supervillain Dr. Death.

Vader's iconic breathing noise was created by Ben Burtt, who breathed through an underwater mask with a small microphone in the regulator. He initially recorded many variations of breath sounds, from rattling and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. The more mechanical version was mostly chosen, and the more rattling version was chosen in Return of the Jedi, after Vader was fatally damaged by Sidious' Force lightning. Vader was originally going to sound like an emergency room, with clicks and beeps while he was in frame. However, it turned out that this was too distracting, and all this noise was cut down to just breathing.

One of the canon changes regarding the suit was that by 4 ABY, Vader's left shoulder was completely artificial, and in 3 ABY, after his encounter with Luke on Bespin, he noted that his right shoulder had healed well. Since the bionic shoulder could not heal, Vader's right shoulder must have still been made of his own flesh, although earlier, on Mimban, Vader's right arm was amputated from the shoulder. This information may be somewhat incorrect, as throughout the 2nd and 3rd in his Episodes we see how Anakin Skywalker first lost his right arm below the elbow (in a battle with Count Dooku (replaced with a prosthetic in the same Episode 2)), and then lost left hand below the elbow, and both legs below the knees (duel with Obi-Wan), which were also replaced with prosthetics at the end of Revenge of the Sith, during Anakin's final transformation into Darth Vader. However, whether Vader spoke of this healing literally, sarcastically or metaphorically is unknown. Another change was that in Episode III, Vader's completely new suit was made different from the original design, although only slightly to give it a new, newly created look. Several small changes to the length of the neck and shoulder joints gave Vader's movements a more mechanical appearance. Another change in canon is that Vader's chest panel changed slightly from III to IV and from IV to V and VI. The canonical reason for this has not yet been stated. Additionally, this control panel contained ancient Jewish symbols, which some fans believe translate to "His deeds will not be forgiven until he deserves it."

The costume has been referenced several times in the Expanded Universe. For example, in the Star Wars Legacy comics, Cade Skywalker appears wearing a pair of pants very similar to some of Vader's clothing. Also in Star Wars Unification, when Mara tries on wedding dresses, one of them resembles Vader's armor. Leia tells the designer that the reason Mara rejected him is because "The bride doesn't want to dress like the groom's father."

Criticism and reviews

This character is one of the most famous pop idol villains in cinematic history.

...the presence of the disease also explains the popularity of Vader’s character among teenagers. It is noted that young people see Darth Vader as a kindred spirit, since young viewers themselves often suffer from borderline personality disorder.

The full results of this study were published in the scientific journal Psychiatry Research in January 2011.

See also


  1. The website states that Anakin's official height is 185 cm. The height of actor Hayden Christensen, who played Anakin, is 187 cm.
  2. British Director Ken Annakin Passes Away,, April 24, 2009
  3. Ken Annakin dies at 94; British director of "Swiss Family Robinson" and others,, April 24, 2009
  4. Vader in Dutch dictionary
  5. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  6. The Chosen One features
  7. Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide. ISBN 0-7566-1420-1.
  8. Empire of Dreams
  9. Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars. ISBN 0-8109-6567-4.
  10. The sneak preview BTS look at Episode III included in the OT special addition bonus material
  11. Star Wars: The men behind the mask
  12. Audio commentary for
  13. Audio commentary for
  14. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  15. Shadows of the Empire (comic)
  16. Star Wars: Power Crystal Shard. ISBN 5-7921-0315-1.
  17. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  18. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  19. Comment regarding the inscription on the control panel of the suit.(unavailable link)
  20. AFI's 100 Years…100 Heroes and Villains ", American Film Institute, last accessed April 17, 2008 (English)
  21. 100-greatest-movie-characters. Archived from the original on February 5, 2012. Retrieved January 13, 2012.
  22. French psychiatrists diagnosed a character in the film epic “Star Wars” Radio “Moscow Speaks”
  23. Darth Vader was diagnosed with a mental disorder
  24. Darth Vader declared mentally ill Movie news
  25. French psychiatrists diagnosed Darth Vader
  26. Bui E., Rodgers R., Chabrol H., Birmes P., Schmitt L. Is Anakin Skywalker suffering from borderline personality disorder? (English) // Psychiatry Research. - January 2011. - Vol. 185. - No. 1-2. - P. 299. - ISSN 0165-1781. - DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2009.03.031
  28. From life: Darth Vader visited the Odessa city hall
  29. From life: Darth Vader addressed the mayor of Odessa


  • Anakin Skywalker (English) on the website Internet Movie Database
  • Gallery “The Return of Darth Vader” on the website (Russian)
  • Family tree of Darth Vader on the MyTree website
  • Anakin Skywalker (Russian) on Wookieepedia: Wiki about Star Wars