Thunderstorm characteristics of heroes. The play "The Thunderstorm" and its characters

Boris Grigorievich - Dikiy's nephew. He is one of the weakest characters in the play. B. himself says about himself: “I’m walking around completely dead... Driven, beaten...”
Boris is a kind, well-educated person. He stands out sharply against the background of the merchant environment. But he is a weak person by nature. B. is forced to humiliate himself before his uncle, Dikiy, for the sake of hope for the inheritance that he will leave him. Although the hero himself knows that this will never happen, he nevertheless curries favor with the tyrant, tolerating his antics. B. is unable to protect either himself or his beloved Katerina. In misfortune, he only rushes about and cries: “Oh, if only these people knew how it feels for me to say goodbye to you! My God! God grant that someday they will feel as sweet as I do now... You villains! Monsters! Oh, if only there was strength! But B. does not have this power, so he is unable to alleviate Katerina’s suffering and support her choice by taking her with him.

Varvara Kabanova- daughter of Kabanikha, sister of Tikhon. We can say that life in Kabanikha’s house morally crippled the girl. She also does not want to live according to the patriarchal laws that her mother preaches. But, despite his strong character, V. does not dare to openly protest against them. Her principle is “Do what you want, as long as it’s safe and covered.”

This heroine easily adapts to the laws of the “dark kingdom” and easily deceives everyone around her. This became habitual for her. V. claims that it is impossible to live otherwise: their whole house rests on deception. “And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary.”
V. was cunning while she could. When they began to lock her up, she ran away from the house, inflicting a crushing blow on Kabanikha.

Dikoy Savel Prokofich- a rich merchant, one of the most respected people in the city of Kalinov.

D. is a typical tyrant. He feels his power over people and complete impunity, and therefore does what he wants. “There are no elders over you, so you are showing off,” Kabanikha explains D.’s behavior.
Every morning his wife begs those around her with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry! Darlings, don’t make me angry!” But it’s hard not to make D. angry. He himself does not know what mood he may be in in the next minute.
This “cruel scolder” and “shrill man” does not mince words. His speech is filled with words like “parasite”, “Jesuit”, “asp”.
But D. “attacks” only on people weaker than himself, on those who cannot fight back. But D. is afraid of his clerk Kudryash, who has a reputation for being rude, not to mention Kabanikha. D. respects her, moreover, she is the only one who understands him. After all, the hero himself is sometimes not happy with his tyranny, but he can’t help himself. Therefore, Kabanikha considers D. a weak person. Kabanikha and D. are united by belonging to the patriarchal system, following its laws, and concern about the upcoming changes around them.

Kabanikha -Not recognizing changes, development and even diversity in the phenomena of reality, Kabanikha is intolerant and dogmatic. It “legitimizes” familiar forms of life as an eternal norm and considers it its supreme right to punish those who have violated the laws of everyday life, large or small. Being a convinced supporter of the immutability of the entire way of life, the “eternity” of the social and family hierarchy and the ritual behavior of each person who takes his place in this hierarchy, Kabanikha does not recognize the legitimacy of the individual differences of people and the diversity of life of peoples. Everything in which the life of other places differs from the life of the city of Kalinov testifies to “infidelity”: people who live differently from the Kalinovites must have the heads of dogs. The center of the universe is the pious city of Kalinov, the center of this city is the house of the Kabanovs, - this is how the experienced wanderer Feklusha characterizes the world to please the stern mistress. She, noticing the changes taking place in the world, claims that they threaten to “diminish” time itself. Any change seems to Kabanikha to be the beginning of sin. She is a champion of a closed life that excludes communication between people. They look out of the windows, she is convinced, for bad, sinful reasons; leaving for another city is fraught with temptations and dangers, which is why she reads endless instructions to Tikhon, who is leaving, and forces him to demand from his wife that she not look out of the windows. Kabanova listens with sympathy to stories about the “demonic” innovation - the “cast iron” and claims that she would never travel by train. Having lost an indispensable attribute of life - the ability to change and die, all the customs and rituals approved by Kabanikha turned into an “eternal”, inanimate, perfect in their own way, but meaningless form

Katerina-she is incapable of perceiving the ritual outside of its content. Religion, family relationships, even a walk along the banks of the Volga - everything that among the Kalinovites, and especially in the Kabanovs’ house, has turned into an outwardly observed set of rituals, for Katerina it is either full of meaning or unbearable. From religion she extracted poetic ecstasy and a heightened sense of moral responsibility, but the form of churchliness was indifferent to her. She prays in the garden among the flowers, and in the church she sees not the priest and parishioners, but angels in a ray of light falling from the dome. From art, ancient books, icon painting, wall paintings, she learned the images she saw in miniatures and icons: “golden temples or some kind of extraordinary gardens... and the mountains and trees seemed not the same as usual, but as in the images write” - all this lives in her mind, turns into dreams, and she no longer sees paintings and books, but the world into which she has moved, hears the sounds of this world, smells its smells. Katerina carries within herself a creative, ever-living principle, generated by the irresistible needs of the time; she inherits the creative spirit of that ancient culture, which Kabanikh seeks to turn into a meaningless form. Throughout the entire action, Katerina is accompanied by the motif of flight and fast driving. She wants to fly like a bird, and she dreams about flying, she tried to sail along the Volga, and in her dreams she sees herself racing in a troika. She turns to both Tikhon and Boris with a request to take her with them, to take her away

TikhonKabanov- Katerina’s husband, Kabanikha’s son.

This image in its own way points to the end of the patriarchal way of life. T. no longer considers it necessary to adhere to the old ways in everyday life. But, due to his character, he cannot act as he sees fit and go against his mother. His choice is everyday compromises: “Why listen to her! She needs to say something! Well, let her speak, and you turn a deaf ear!”
T. is a kind, but weak person; he rushes between fear of his mother and compassion for his wife. The hero loves Katerina, but not in the way Kabanikha demands - sternly, “like a man.” He doesn’t want to prove his power to his wife, he needs warmth and affection: “Why should she be afraid? It’s enough for me that she loves me.” But Tikhon doesn’t get this in Kabanikha’s house. At home, he is forced to play the role of an obedient son: “Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will! Where can I live by my own will!” His only outlet is traveling on business, where he forgets all his humiliations, drowning them in wine. Despite the fact that T. loves Katerina, he does not understand what is happening to his wife, what mental anguish she is experiencing. T.'s gentleness is one of his negative qualities. It is because of her that he cannot help his wife in her struggle with her passion for Boris, and he cannot ease Katerina’s fate even after her public repentance. Although he himself reacted kindly to his wife’s betrayal, without being angry with her: “Mama says that she must be buried alive in the ground so that she can be executed! But I love her, I would be sorry to lay a finger on her.” Only over the body of his dead wife does T. decide to rebel against his mother, publicly blaming her for the death of Katerina. It is this riot in public that deals Kabanikha the most terrible blow.

Kuligin- “a tradesman, a self-taught watchmaker, looking for a perpetuum mobile” (i.e., a perpetual motion machine).
K. is a poetic and dreamy nature (he admires the beauty of the Volga landscape, for example). His first appearance is marked by the literary song “Among the Flat Valley...” This immediately emphasizes K.’s bookishness and education.
But at the same time, K.’s technical ideas (installation of a sundial, lightning rod, etc. in the city) were clearly outdated. This “obsolescence” emphasizes K.’s deep connection with Kalinov. He, of course, is a “new man,” but he developed within Kalinov, which cannot but affect his worldview and philosophy of life. The main work of K.’s life is the dream of inventing a perpetual motion machine and receiving a million for it from the British. “The antique, the chemist” Kalinova wants to spend this million on his hometown: “jobs must be given to the philistines.” In the meantime, K. is content with smaller inventions for the benefit of Kalinov. With them, he is forced to constantly beg for money from the rich people of the city. But they do not understand the benefits of K.’s inventions, they ridicule him, considering him an eccentric and crazy. Therefore, Kuligov’s passion for creativity remains unrealized within the walls of Kalinov. K. feels sorry for his fellow countrymen, seeing their vices as the result of ignorance and poverty, but cannot help them in anything. So, his advice to forgive Katerina and no longer remember her sin is impossible to implement in Kabanikha’s house. This advice is good, it is based on humane considerations, but does not take into account the characters and beliefs of the Kabanovs. Thus, with all positive qualities K. is a contemplative and inactive nature. His wonderful thoughts will never translate into wonderful actions. K. will remain Kalinov’s eccentric, his unique attraction.

Feklusha- wanderer. Wanderers, holy fools, blessed ones - an indispensable sign of merchant houses - are mentioned by Ostrovsky quite often, but always as off-stage characters. Along with those who wandered for religious reasons (they went on a vow to venerate shrines, collected money for the construction and maintenance of temples, etc.), there were also many simply idle people who lived off the generosity of the population that always helped the wanderers. These were people for whom faith was only a pretext, and reasoning and stories about shrines and miracles were an object of trade, a kind of commodity with which they paid for alms and shelter. Ostrovsky, who did not like superstitions and sanctimonious manifestations of religiosity, always mentions wanderers and the blessed in ironic tones, usually to characterize the environment or one of the characters (see especially “Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man,” scenes in Turusina’s house). Ostrovsky brought such a typical wanderer to the stage once - in “The Thunderstorm”, and F.’s role, small in terms of text volume, became one of the most famous in the Russian comedy repertoire, and some of F.’s lines entered everyday speech.
F. does not participate in the action and is not directly connected with the plot, but the significance of this image in the play is very significant. Firstly (and this is traditional for Ostrovsky), she is the most important character for characterizing the environment in general and Kabanikha in particular, in general for creating the image of Kalinov. Secondly, her dialogue with Kabanikha is very important for understanding Kabanikha’s attitude to the world, for understanding the inherent tragic feeling the collapse of her world.
Appearing on stage for the first time immediately after Kuligin’s story about “ cruel morals" of the city of Kalinov and immediately before the exit of Ka-banikha, mercilessly sawing the children accompanying her, with the words “Bla-a-lepie, dear, blah-a-le-pie!”, F. especially praises the Kabanovs’ house for its generosity. Thus, the characterization given to Kabanikha by Kuligin is reinforced (“Prude, sir, he gives money to the poor, but completely eats up his family”).
The next time we see F. is already in the Kabanovs’ house. In a conversation with the girl Glasha, she advises to look after the wretched woman, “wouldn’t steal anything,” and hears in response an irritated remark: “Who can figure you out, you’re all slandering each other.” Glasha, who repeatedly expresses a clear understanding of people and circumstances well known to her, innocently believes F.’s stories about countries where people with dog heads are “for infidelity.” This reinforces the impression that Kalinov is a closed world that knows nothing about other lands. This impression is further strengthened when F. begins to tell Kabanova about Moscow and the railway. The conversation begins with F.’s assertion that the “end times” are coming. A sign of this is widespread bustle, haste, and the pursuit of speed. F. calls the locomotive a “fiery serpent”, which they began to harness for speed: “others don’t see anything because of the vanity, so it appears to them like a machine, they call it a machine, but I saw how it does something like this with its paws (spreads its fingers) . Well, that’s what people in a good life hear moaning.” Finally, she reports that “the time has begun to come in humiliation” and for our sins “it is becoming shorter and shorter.” Kabanova listens sympathetically to the apocalyptic reasoning of the wanderer, from whose remark that ends the scene it becomes clear that she is aware of the impending death of her world.
The name F. became a common noun to designate a dark hypocrite, under the guise of pious reasoning, spreading all sorts of absurd fables.

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Alexander Ostrovsky's play “The Thunderstorm” is a real legacy for future generations. Despite the fact that it was written almost two centuries ago, its plot concerns pressing problems of our turbulent times. The same problems of daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, husband and wife, mother and children... The events of the work take place on the coast of a river called the Volga, in the fictional city of Kalinov. There, in this seemingly quiet place, a real drama develops, the fault of which is ordinary people. But to understand what happened, you need to get to know the characters in the play and determine the role that each of them plays in the work.

Local self-taught mechanic Kuligin

This hero appears from the very beginning of the play. He is a self-taught mechanic who acts as a tour guide of sorts. By nature Kuligin - kind person who is accustomed to acting in accordance with established rules. Speaking about others and assessing their morals, he is very accurate in his judgments. He constantly dreams of the common good, of a lightning rod, of a perpetu mobile, of honest work, but, alas, his cherished desires are not destined to come true.

Vanya Kudryash - Varya's beloved

This minor character, whom the author described as kind and sincere. Despite his simple appearance, Vanya is a fighter in life and always finishes what he starts. Any business in his hands goes wrong. By nature, Ivan is not a romantic, but a practitioner, from this point of view he looks at life.

Dear readers! We invite you to familiarize yourself with A. Ostrovsky's actions and phenomena.

He is a strong, smart, well-built guy whom Varvara Kabanova loves. A bright and kind feeling arises between them, although in order to avoid scandals from Varvara’s mother, this relationship has to be carefully hidden.

Boris is Dikiy's nephew

Boris is the nephew of Savl Prokopyich the Wild, a powerful, cruel and greedy man. The author endowed this hero with a contradictory character, on the one hand, describing him as young, educated, well-read, fashionable, on the other – cowardly and weak-willed, who never learned to defend his own point of view despite external circumstances. Knowing that his inheritance is in the hands of Uncle Saul the Wild, Boris tries to please him in everything, despite reproaches and ridicule.

Having fallen in love with Katya Kabanova, who has a mutual feeling for this guy, the young man does not value this relationship, and at a time when the slightest problems arise, he does not try to protect the girl, but immediately backs down, fearing that their relationship will be made public.

Thus, we can conclude that Boris is not so much a positive as a negative character in Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”.

Dikoy – representative of the “dark kingdom”

Savl Prokofievich Dikoy is a wealthy merchant who is the most respected and influential person in the city. However, he is picky, angry, ignorant and cruel. This set of negative qualities greatly outweighs the external significance of Dikiy, whose last name also speaks for itself - all his behavior is wild and unnatural.

It doesn’t matter to him what others think about this or that issue; Dikoy considers his own opinion to be the only correct one. He stops at nothing, brazenly taking away what he has acquired through back-breaking labor. This hero takes pleasure in quarreling and swearing with everyone. He shouts at his workers who come for their due salaries, raises his voice at family members who get the most from Savl Prokofich’s character. Knowing that the fate of his nephew is in his hands, he abuses his powers in relation to Boris, because he is ready to fulfill any of his demands in order to receive an inheritance. Dikoy can only communicate as equals with Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, who, surprisingly, understands his nature. Savl Prokopyich personifies the morals of a small provincial town. With the help of this image, the author wanted to show the reader the need for changes in the views and behavior of society at that time.

Kabanikha - the negative character of the play

The image of Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is presented in the play as one of the most negative. This is a rich merchant's wife, a widow. A despotic and capricious woman, she keeps the whole house in fear, offending both her own son and daughter, and her daughter-in-law, who suffers the most. “You must do what your mother says,” she orders her weak-willed son Tikhon, and he obeys the demands of the oppressive parent. Achieving order down to the smallest detail, Kabanikha acts with violent methods, making everyone fear her. He won’t be afraid of you, and he won’t be afraid of me either. What kind of order will there be in the house?..” she is perplexed.

In addition, Marfa Ignatievna is a hypocritical and cold-blooded old woman who loves to read morals to her children, without doing what she herself advises. Kabanova is used to getting her way only with reproaches and threats; she does not know such feelings as love and compassion. She mistakenly believes that children should revere their parents so much that their opinions are not taken into account. Indirectly Kabanova becomes main reason the terrible death of her daughter-in-law Katerina, but does not realize it.

Tikhon, son of Kabanova

There is such an expression as “mama’s boy”. It suits Tikhon Kabanov, the son of Marfa Ignatievna, perfectly.

From childhood, accustomed to living in complete submission to a strict mother, he grew up weak-willed and spineless.

This manifests itself throughout his life. Having no opinion of his own, Tikhon cannot make even the simplest decisions, in panic fear of the condemnation of his strict mother, who, without even realizing it, raised her son to be an infantile loser who would start nagging at the slightest danger - and the worst thing is, they lived with the conviction that such education is the only correct one.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with A. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”

Only once, at the end of the play, when a tragedy occurred with his wife Katerina, Tikhon exclaimed, reproaching his mother: “Mama, you ruined her! you, you, you...” And here it is shown that even a person driven into a dead end is capable of defending his position. It’s just a pity that he realized too late what a jewel and treasure his wife was for him.

Varvara - Tikhon's sister

Varvara Kabanova is Tikhon’s sister and daughter of Marfa Ignatievna. Getting acquainted with the play, the reader can notice what a contrast the brother and sister represent. She, unlike the lack of initiative Tikhon, is lively and courageous, able to make decisions on her own. Varya managed, unlike her brother, to adapt to the character of her overly demanding and wayward mother; I learned to lie, to be a hypocrite, to dodge where necessary, to ignore her orders.

To remove obstacles to meeting her loved one, Varvara simply changed the lock. Thus, she protected herself from unnecessary outbursts of her mother’s anger. As they say, the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe.

This girl is, firstly, practical, secondly, cheerful, thirdly, smart and insightful. In addition, she is the only one in the family who supports Katerina and gives her good advice. In the work, the attitude “do what you want, the main thing is that no one finds out anything” is realized in the image of Varvara.

Katerina is the main character of the play

In A. Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" the image of Katerina is key. This girl experiences a difficult fate, and, unfortunately, her life ends tragically. But to understand the character of the heroine, you need to follow the author’s storyline from the very beginning.

Only childhood was happy for Katerina, when she, like a sponge, absorbed the good things that were instilled in her. loving parents, went to church with great joy.

And then a storm struck in the girl’s life. She got married. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. For a weak-willed and spineless person, for whom mother’s orders are more important than normal and healthy relationships in his own family.

All dreams of a happy and strong family collapsed, life went downhill. The fierce mother-in-law Marfa Ignatievna began to act with the girl according to her already proven methods of violence and endless reproaches, which were unacceptable to Katerina. No matter how hard the daughter-in-law tried to smooth out the situation in her family, nothing worked. The mother-in-law continued to nag with or without reason, and the weak-willed husband still obeyed his mother.

Katerina with all her soul internally opposes such hypocritical and senseless behavior, this contradicts her bright and sincere nature, but the girl cannot resist the order established in the Kabanova family. She doesn’t love her husband, but she feels sorry for her, and this is not enough to create a strong family. And then Katerina indulges in feelings of love for another – Dikiy’s nephew, Boris. And from then on even bigger problems began - pangs of conscience that give no rest day or night, a constant question in the soul: “Should I admit my guilt?” “She’s shaking all over, as if she’s got a fever; so pale, rushing around the house, as if looking for something,” says her husband’s sister Varvara about Katerina’s condition. - Eyes like those of a madwoman! Just this morning I started crying and just kept crying. My fathers! What should I do with it?

And finally, Katerina takes a decisive step, telling her mother-in-law and husband about her sin towards Boris: “Mother! Tikhon! I am a sinner before God and before you! Wasn’t it me who swore to you that I wouldn’t look at anyone without you! Remember, remember! Do you know what I, dissolute, did without you? On the very first night I left home... And all ten nights I walked with Boris Grigorievich.”

After this, a real tragedy unfolds: reproaches and scolding from the mother-in-law, who incites her son to beat his daughter-in-law, unbearable mental pain and, finally, the fatal decision - to rush into the Volga. Alas, Katerina’s life was cut short at a young age. Some understand and do not condemn her for this act, some, on the contrary, believe that only a weak-willed person could commit suicide. But, be that as it may, Katerina will remain in the eyes of many readers a positive heroine, that is, the best of all the characters in the play.

The events in A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” unfold on the Volga coast, in the fictional city of Kalinov. The work provides a list characters and their brief characteristics, but they are still not enough to better understand the world of each character and reveal the conflict of the play as a whole. There are not many main characters in Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm".

Katerina, girl, main character plays. She is quite young, she was married off early. Katya was brought up exactly according to the traditions of house-building: the main qualities of a wife were respect and obedience to her husband. At first, Katya tried to love Tikhon, but she could not feel anything but pity for him. At the same time, the girl tried to support her husband, help him and not reproach him. Katerina can be called the most modest, but at the same time the most powerful character in “The Thunderstorm”. Indeed, Katya’s strength of character does not appear outwardly. At first glance, this girl is weak and silent, it seems as if she is easy to break. But this is not true at all. Katerina is the only one in the family who resists Kabanikha’s attacks. She resists, and does not ignore them, like Varvara. The conflict is rather internal in nature. After all, Kabanikha is afraid that Katya might influence her son, after which Tikhon will stop obeying his mother’s will.

Katya wants to fly and often compares herself to a bird. She is literally suffocating in " dark kingdom» Kalinova. Having fallen in love with a visiting young man, Katya created for herself perfect image love and possible liberation. Unfortunately, her ideas had little to do with reality. The girl's life ended tragically.

Ostrovsky in “The Thunderstorm” makes not only Katerina the main character. The image of Katya is contrasted with the image of Marfa Ignatievna. A woman who keeps her entire family in fear and tension does not command respect. Kabanikha is strong and despotic. Most likely, she took over the “reins of power” after the death of her husband. Although it is more likely that in her marriage Kabanikha was not distinguished by submissiveness. Katya, her daughter-in-law, got the most from her. It is Kabanikha who is indirectly responsible for the death of Katerina.

Varvara is the daughter of Kabanikha. Despite the fact that over so many years she has learned to be cunning and lie, the reader still sympathizes with her. Varvara is a good girl. Surprisingly, deception and cunning do not make her like other residents of the city. She does as she pleases and lives as she pleases. Varvara is not afraid of her mother’s anger, since she is not an authority for her.

Tikhon Kabanov fully lives up to his name. He is quiet, weak, unnoticeable. Tikhon cannot protect his wife from his mother, since he himself is under the strong influence of Kabanikha. His rebellion ultimately proves to be the most significant. After all, it is the words, and not Varvara’s escape, that make readers think about the whole tragedy of the situation.

The author characterizes Kuligin as a self-taught mechanic. This character is a kind of tour guide. In the first act, he seems to be taking us around Kalinov, talking about its morals, the families that live here, and the social situation. Kuligin seems to know everything about everyone. His assessments of others are very accurate. Kuligin himself is a kind person who is used to living by established rules. He constantly dreams of the common good, of a perpetu mobile, of a lightning rod, of honest work. Unfortunately, his dreams are not destined to come true.

The Wild One has a clerk, Kudryash. This character is interesting because he is not afraid of the merchant and can tell him what he thinks about him. At the same time, Kudryash, just like Dikoy, tries to find benefit in everything. He can be described as a simple person.

Boris comes to Kalinov on business: he urgently needs to establish relations with Dikiy, because only in this case will he be able to receive the money legally bequeathed to him. However, neither Boris nor Dikoy even want to see each other. Initially, Boris seems to readers like Katya, honest and fair. In the last scenes this is refuted: Boris is unable to decide to take a serious step, to take responsibility, he simply runs away, leaving Katya alone.

One of the heroes of "The Thunderstorm" is a wanderer and a maid. Feklusha and Glasha are shown as typical inhabitants of the city of Kalinov. Their darkness and lack of education is truly amazing. Their judgments are absurd and their horizons are very narrow. Women judge morality and ethics according to some perverted, distorted concepts. “Moscow is now full of carnivals and games, but through the streets there is an indo roar and groan. Why, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, they started harnessing a fiery serpent: everything, you see, for the sake of speed” - this is how Feklusha speaks about progress and reforms, and the woman calls a car a “fiery serpent”. The concept of progress and culture is alien to such people, because it is convenient for them to live in an invented limited world of calm and regularity.

This article gives brief description heroes of the play “The Thunderstorm”, for a deeper understanding we recommend that you read the thematic articles about each character in “The Thunderstorm” on our website.

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We bring to your attention a list of the main characters of Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”.

Savel Prokofievich Dick O th – merchant, significant person in the city. A scolding, shrill man, this is how those who personally know him characterize him. He really doesn't like giving money. Whoever asks him for money, he certainly tries to scold him. He tyrannizes his nephew Boris, and is not going to pay him and his sister money from the inheritance.

Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, a young man, decently educated. He loves Katerina sincerely, with all his soul. But he is not able to decide anything on his own. There is no male initiative or strength in him. Goes with the flow. They sent him to Siberia, and he went, although in principle he could have refused. Boris admitted to Kuligin that he tolerated his uncle’s quirks for the sake of his sister, hoping that he would pay at least something from his grandmother’s will for her dowry.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova(Kabanikha), a rich merchant's wife, a widow - a tough, even cruel woman. He keeps the whole family under his thumb. He behaves piously in front of the people. Adheres to Domostroevsky customs in a form distorted in its concepts. But he tyrannizes his family for no reason.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son is a mama's boy. A quiet, downtrodden little man, unable to decide anything on his own. Tikhon loves his wife, but is afraid to show his feelings for her, so as not to anger his mother again. Living at home with his mother was unbearable for him, and he was glad to leave for 2 weeks. When Katerina repented, he asked for a wife, just not with her mother. He understood that for her sin, her mother would peck not only Katerina, but also him himself. He himself is ready to forgive his wife for this feeling for another. He beat her lightly, but only because his mother ordered him to. And only over the corpse of his wife does the mother reproach that it was she who killed Katerina.

Katerina - Tikhon's wife. The main character of "Thunderstorm". She received a good, pious upbringing. God-fearing. Even the townspeople noticed that when she prayed, it was as if light emanated from her, she became so peaceful at the moment of prayer. Katerina admitted to Varvara that she secretly loved another man. Varvara arranged a date for Katerina, and for the entire 10 days while Tikhon was away, she met with her lover. Katerina understood that this was a grave sin, and therefore, at the first laziness upon arrival, she repented to her husband. She was pushed to repentance by a thunderstorm, an old half-crazed lady who frightened everyone and everything with fiery hell. She feels sorry for Boris and Tikhon, and blames only herself for everything that happened. At the end of the play, she throws herself into the pool and dies, although suicide is the most serious sin in Christianity.

Varvara – Tikhon's sister. A lively and cunning girl, unlike Tikhon, she does not bend before her mother. Her life credo: do whatever you want, as long as it’s safe and covered. Secretly from his mother, he meets with Kudryash at night. She also arranged a date between Katerina and Boris. At the end, when they began to lock her up, she runs away from the house with Kudryash.

Kuligin – tradesman, watchmaker, self-taught mechanic, looking for a perpetuum mobile. It is no coincidence that Ostrovsky gave this hero a surname similar to the famous mechanic Kulibin.

Vanya Kudryash, - a young man, Dikov’s clerk, Varvara’s friend, a cheerful guy, cheerful, loves to sing.

Minor characters of "The Thunderstorm":

Shapkin, tradesman.

Feklusha, wanderer.

Glasha, the girl in Kabanova’s house, Glasha, hid all of Varvara’s tricks and supported her.

Lady with two footmen, an old woman of 70 years old, half-crazy - scares all the townspeople with the Last Judgment.

City dwellers of both sexes.

The play “The Thunderstorm” is the most famous creation of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Each hero of this work is a unique personality who takes his place in the system of characters. Notable in this regard is the characterization of Tikhon. “The Thunderstorm,” a play whose main conflict is built on the confrontation between the strong and the weak, is interesting for its oppressed heroes, our character being one of them.

The play "The Thunderstorm"

The play was written in 1859. The scene is the fictional city of Kalinov, which stands on the banks of the Volga. The action time is summer, the entire work covers 12 days.

In terms of its genre, “The Thunderstorm” belongs to the social and everyday drama. Ostrovsky paid a lot of attention to describing the everyday life of the city; the characters in the work come into conflict with established orders that have long since become obsolete, and the despotism of the older generation. Of course, the main protest is expressed by Katerina (the main character), but her husband also occupies an important place in the rebellion, which is confirmed by Tikhon’s characterization.

“The Thunderstorm” is a work that talks about human freedom, about the desire to break out of the shackles of outdated dogmas and religious authoritarianism. And all this is depicted against the backdrop of the main character’s failed love.

Image system

The system of images in the play is built on the opposition of tyrants who are accustomed to commanding everyone (Kabanikha, Dikoy), and young people who want to finally gain freedom and live by their own mind. The second camp is headed by Katerina, only she has the courage for open confrontation. However, other young characters also strive to get rid of the yoke of dilapidated and meaningless rules. But there are those who have resigned themselves, and not the least of them is Katerina’s husband (a detailed description of Tikhon is presented below).

“The Thunderstorm” depicts the world of the “dark kingdom”, only the heroes themselves can destroy it or die, like Katerina, misunderstood and rejected. It turns out that the tyrants who seized power and their laws are too strong, and any rebellion against them leads to tragedy.

Tikhon: characteristics

“The Thunderstorm” is a work where there are no strong male characters (with the exception of the Wild One). Thus, Tikhon Kabanov appears only as a weak-willed, weak and intimidated by his mother man, unable to protect the woman he loves. The characterization of Tikhon from the play “The Thunderstorm” shows that this hero is a victim of the “dark kingdom”; he lacks the determination to live by his own mind. Whatever he does and wherever he goes, everything happens according to the will of his mother.

Even as a child, Tikhon was accustomed to following Kabanikha’s orders, and this habit remained in him into adulthood. Moreover, this need to obey is so ingrained that even the thought of disobedience plunges him into horror. This is what he himself says about this: “Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will.”

The characterization of Tikhon (“The Thunderstorm”) speaks of this character as a person who is ready to endure all the mockery and rudeness of his mother. And the only thing he dares to do is the desire to get out of the house to go on a spree. This is the only freedom and liberation available to him.

Katerina and Tikhon: characteristics

“The Thunderstorm” is a play where one of the main storylines is a love affair, but how close is it to our hero? Yes, Tikhon loves his wife, but in his own way, not the way Kabanikha would like. He is affectionate with her, does not want to dominate the girl, intimidate her. However, Tikhon does not understand Katerina and her mental suffering at all. His softness has a detrimental effect on the heroine. If Tikhon had been a little more courageous and had at least some will and ability to fight, Katerina would not have needed to look for all this on the side - in Boris.

The characterization of Tikhon from the play “The Thunderstorm” shows him in a completely unattractive light. Despite the fact that he reacted calmly to his wife’s betrayal, he is unable to protect her either from her mother or from other representatives of the “dark kingdom.” He leaves Katerina alone, despite his love for her. The non-intervention of this character was largely the reason for the final tragedy. Only after realizing that he had lost his beloved did Tikhon dare to openly revolt against his mother. He blames her for the death of the girl, no longer fearing her tyranny and power over him.

Images of Tikhon and Boris

A comparative description of Boris and Tikhon (“The Thunderstorm”) allows us to conclude that they are similar in many ways; some literary scholars even call them double heroes. So, what do they have in common, and how are they different?

Not finding the necessary support and understanding from Tikhon, Katerina turns to Boris. What was it about him that attracted the heroine so much? First of all, he differs from other residents of the city: he is educated, graduated from the academy, and dresses in a European manner. But this is only the outside, what's inside? During the course of the story, it turns out that he depends on Dikiy in the same way as Tikhon depends on Kabanikha. Boris is weak-willed and spineless. He says that he is only holding on to his inheritance, without which his sister will become a dowry. But all this seems like an excuse: he endures all his uncle’s humiliations too meekly. Boris sincerely falls in love with Katerina, but he does not care that this love will destroy married woman. He, like Tikhon, worries only about himself. In words, both of these heroes sympathize with the main character, but they do not have enough fortitude to help her and protect her.