TPU admissions office opening hours. TPU applicants can monitor changes in the list of applicants to the university in the mobile application

Competitive lists by which applicants to Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) will be able to assess their chances of entering the university can now be monitored daily using a mobile application "TPU entrant" .

“If previously applicants waited for lists of applicants and constantly updated and looked at the “Competitive situation” page on the website, now The application will provide them with all the information about them. Including competition liststhey can watch from their phone,”

— says the leading developer, programmer of the TPU Student Population Management Center Dmitry Semenov.

The competitive lists name all Tomsk Polytechnic applicants, indicating the scores, admission category, and priorities of each of them. All this allows applicants to assess their chances of being admitted to a university. At the top of the ranking are published the names of applicants who may currently be enrolled in TPU.

“Despite the fact that, by law, universities must publish lists of applicants no later than July 27, Tomsk Polytechnic University, due to its unprecedented openness, shows all the “working”, current information that changes daily. And every applicant can follow it today. The official competition lists will be published on July 27, after which nothing will change,”

— commented the executive secretary of the TPU Central Admissions Committee Boris Kadlubovich.

Thanks to the mobile application, applicants can monitor the competition situation anywhere in the country and the world where there is Internet access. Information is updated in real time, so the information is always up to date.

The lists of applicants to TPU display the current position of the applicant, information about new applicants for admission is updated almost hourly, and data on the original documents brought is regularly updated. Using the filter in the application, applicants can sort information according to the desired request. For example, ask the application to show the rating of only those applicants who have already submitted original documents to the university.

In addition, after finalizing the application, a convenient “Status of my application” button and all the information on where and how you can submit documents and where to call if you have any questions appeared on applicants’ phones. There you can also find information about all the institutes and areas of training at the university, see the status of each participant in the competition - who submitted the application for training along the trajectory

Locations for accepting documents at TPU in Tomsk:

TPU Scientific and Technical Library (Belinskogo St., 53a)

  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri – from 09:00 to 17:00
  • Saturday – from 9:00 to 13:00

Call center phone number: 8-800-550-48-23

Documents are accepted from June 20:

For bachelor's/specialist programs:

  • until July 26 for applicants for training without passing entrance examinations conducted by TPU independently (having Unified State Examination results);
  • until July 10 for applicants for training based on the results of a VI conducted by TPU independently, including for persons who are recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation, permanently residing on the day of the admission of the Republic of Crimea to Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or on the territory of the federal city of Sevastopol.
  • until August 28 for those arriving at the expense of budgetary allocations;
  • until September 18 for applicants for on-site training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

For master's programs:

  • full-time education until August 12;
  • full-time and part-time courses until August 30.

For postgraduate programs:

  • to August 9 for applicants to government-funded places within the framework of the CCP;
  • until September 20 for applicants under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in full-time and part-time forms of study.

Important information about moving in during the period of submitting documents

To check into a dormitory for the period of submitting documents and passing entrance tests, you must have the results of fluorography and a medical certificate about the absence of pediculosis, which, if necessary, can be obtained at the address: Tomsk, Usova St., 13, Sanatorium-preventorium of Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Opening hours of the admissions office:

  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri – from 9.00 to 17.00, Sat – from 9.00 to 13.00.
  • Sunday - acceptance of documents in the Main building of TPU (Lenin Ave. 30-128 room) from 11:00 to 15:00
  • August 1st and 6th admissions committee open until 18.00

To enter Tomsk Polytechnic University you must have:

  • a standard document on education or a copy thereof;
  • current USE results (if available);
  • diplomas of winners or prize-winners of schoolchildren's Olympics (if they participated);
  • 2 photos 3x4 cm;
  • copies of documents giving the right to benefits (if any);
  • documents confirming individual achievements (at the discretion of the applicant);
  • document proving identity and citizenship (or a copy thereof);
  • a copy of the certificate of change of name in the event that the name/surname/patronymic specified in the education document does not correspond to that specified in the identity document.
  • Consent of the applicant to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research TPU for the processing of personal data (download the application form) or Consent of the legal representative of the applicant of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research TPU to the processing of personal data (download the application form)

For TPU applicants – a free set of 3x4 photos!

When submitting copies, copies do not need to be certified!

Last day to replace copies of documents with originals:

the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places (enrollment in 80% of the specified places) – August 1, 2019 until 18.00.

the second stage of admission to the main competitive places (admission to 100% of the specified places) – August 6, 2019 until 18.00.

How can I apply to TPU?

Submission of an application is allowed no more than five universities of the Russian Federation, including the university to which this application is submitted and in no more than 3 specialties or areas of training.

  • You can submit your application personally or by an authorized representative in your hometown to the authorized TPU official. Check when you will have ours
  • It is allowed to send documents through public postal operators. When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission copies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, originals or copies of standard educational documents, if necessary, copies of other documents and 2 photos measuring 3x4. Postal address: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 30, TPU Main Building, Central Admissions Committee. The application is signed with a pen with blue ink.
  • Through your personal account on the website: .

Only those applicants who:

  • before August 1, 2019, before 18.00, they will create a complete set of original documents in their personal file (the first stage of admission to the main competitive places);
  • before August 6, 2019, before 18.00, they will create a complete set of original documents in their personal file (second stage of admission to the main competitive places)

Enrollment is carried out from the first priority specialty (direction). If the applicant does not pass the competitive selection according to the first priority, then the procedure is repeated for the next priorities provided that there is consent to enrollment and the original document of the established form on education. The following priorities in the list of applications are considered only if none of the previous competitive selections were made.

Enrollment in TPU is carried out only if you have the following documents:

  • a printed and signed application from the applicant addressed to the rector;

  • a printed and signed application for consent to enrollment;

  • original document of education.

* Applicants who have benefits can use them only if they have an original education document.

Dear applicants!
This memo contains information that every applicant must know. We ask you to carefully read its contents.

Admission to Master's program

Held from June 20 to August 12, 2019. in areas of master's training on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations for citizens with higher education vocational education(bachelor's degree, specialist), according to the current admission rules.

Targeted admission to TPU

Documents for applicants:

  • application in the prescribed form (submitted in person or online) ;
  • state document on education and its copy;
  • identification document and its copy;
  • 6 photographs 3x4 cm, photos in JPG format (for TPU applicants when submitting an application in person (free);
  • agreement (for persons applying for a place with payment of tuition fees);
  • a copy of the certificate of change of surname if the surname indicated in the education document does not correspond to the surname indicated in the identity document;

Document submission method

1. The package of documents is submitted personally by the applicant to the Selection Committee with an identification document (passport).

Acceptance of documents: Tomsk, TPU Scientific and Technical Library, st. Belinskogo, 53a (on the map)

Applications can be submitted to away commissions , as well as in Applicant’s personal account

Opening hours of selection committees:

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri - from 9.00 to 17.00.

Saturday - from 9.00 to 13.00.

Sunday is a day off.

2. The package of documents is sent by registered mail with notification and a list of the attachment, certified by the post office that accepted this postal item. When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission copies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, originals or copies of state-issued education documents, if necessary, copies of other documents and 6 photographs measuring 3x4.

Postal address: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 30, main building of TPU, Central Admissions Committee.

It is possible to provide copies of documents with subsequent replacement with originals. When submitting copies of documents, the copies are not certified!

3. Apply in your home city. Check when you will have ours visiting commission .

  • All documents must be filled out in blue ink or in Times New Roman 12 point bold font and signed in blue ink.

  • The notification and a certified inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant’s documents.

  • Only those applicants who, by August 12, 2019, will have compiled a complete set of (original) documents in their personal file will participate in the competitive selection.

Document submission procedure

  1. Register in your personal account.
  2. Read the documents.
  3. Select the areas of training you are interested in.
  4. Contact the selection committee to which the chosen direction belongs. The selection committee staff will advise you on issues related to admission and study in the chosen field.
  5. At the selection committee, fill out the applicant's application in person, in clear blue ink, without erasing or corrections. The application can indicate up to 3 areas, listing them in descending order of preference (priority).
  6. Submit documents to the selection committee and receive a receipt.
  7. With your passport and receipt, arrive at the classroom within the specified time frame to sign up for the entrance test by selecting the date for the entrance test. Admission to the exam is carried out only with an identification document.

Entrance tests

Submission of original documents and enrollment

Acceptance of original educational documents and applications for consent to enrollment is completed 08/16/2019

Enrollment of applicants who have provided original documents and passed the competition is carried out August 20, 2019

Dormitory for non-resident applicants

During the period of submitting documents and passing entrance examinations, applicants are provided with a place in the hostel on duty. To be accommodated in a dormitory, you must contact the selection committee to which documents are submitted, take a referral for check-in, and pay the TPU accounting department for accommodation. Representatives of the selection committee will clarify the address of the hostel and advise on check-in issues.

If the date of arrival in Tomsk falls on a Sunday, a non-working day of the Selection Committee, the applicant must notify the representatives of the selection committee in advance about the date of his arrival, who will issue and transfer to the hostel on duty the necessary documents for the check-in of arriving applicants and inform them of his address.