Novocherkassk Engineering Reclamation Institute College. Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy (NGMA)


Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A.K. Kortunov

Created date

Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A.K. Kortunova has been a separate structural unit (branch) of the Don State Agrarian University since 2013.

The university traces its more than 100-year history back to 1907 (from the formation of the Faculty of Reclamation Engineering as part of the Don Polytechnic Institute), and is the only specialized educational institution in the Russian Federation. scientific center in the field of water, forest and land reclamation.

From 1930 to 2013, NIMI was an independent higher educational institution. First as the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute (NIMI), and since 1995 it was renamed the Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy (NGMA).

In 2013, by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 319 dated August 28, 2013. The Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy was reorganized in the form of annexation to the Don State Agrarian University.


Based on the Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2008 No. 450, and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2006 No. 1041-r The University is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The Ministry exercises the powers of the founder of the University, in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, exercises the powers of the main manager of federal budget funds, including providing the University with subsidies for reimbursement of standard costs for the implementation of state assignments, and issues permission to the University to open a personal account to account for funds received from income-generating activities, exercises control over the targeted use of federal budget funds, reporting, and fulfillment of tasks for the provision of public services.

Location of the Founder: 107139, Moscow, Orlikov lane, 1/11.

Location, mode and work schedule

Location of the institute: Rostov region, Novocherkassk, st. Pushkinskaya, 111

Postal address: 346428, st. Pushkinskaya, 111, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russia

Year founded: 1930
Number of students studying at the university: 4727
Cost of studying at the university: 26 - 37 thousand rubles.

Address: 346428, Rostov region, Novocherkassk, Pushkinskaya 111


Email: [email protected]

About the university

The Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy dates back to the start of work in Novocherkassk by the Don Polytechnic Institute (DPI), the grand opening of which took place on October 18, 1907. Among 4 faculties, a completely new engineering and reclamation faculty was opened, located until 1927 in building of the current motor transport college.

Professor Viktor Iosifovich Deich was appointed the first dean of the Faculty of Reclamation Engineering. On his initiative and with his active participation of teacher Dmitry Petrovich Mazurenko, work began on creating an office for agricultural reclamation at the faculty.

In 1923, as part of the Don Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (DISHiM), she began working under the guidance of Professor B.A. Shumakov research reclamation station. At the same time, Professor P.A. Witte creates educational and experimental farm No. 1 in Persianovka. In 1928, engineer M.M. Grishin opens a hydraulic engineering laboratory.

In 1930, in connection with the reorganization on the basis of DISKhiM, two new independent universities appeared: the reclamation faculty, which served as the basis for the formation of the North Caucasus Institute of Water Management (SKIVKhiM) in Novocherkassk, and the agronomic department - the North Caucasus Grain Institute in Persianovka (now DonGAU).

The North Caucasus Institute of Water Management and Land Reclamation (SKIVKhiM) was often called simply the “Water” Institute. The new institute opened faculties: hydraulic engineering, agroforestry and forest reclamation.

In February 1933, the Institute of Agroforestry Reclamation was added to SKIVKhiM and on the basis of this association the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute (NIMI) was created with three faculties: hydraulic engineering, irrigated agriculture and forest reclamation.

The building of the former Donskoy Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens on the street is transferred to the new institute. Postal (now Pushkinskaya St.).

In 1934, a new structure of NIMI was approved, consisting of two faculties - hydraulic engineering and forest reclamation. In the first decades, scientists and teachers worked at NIMI: institute directors G.I. Myshansky and I.S. Khomenko, Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences B.A. Shumakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.M. Grishin, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.S. Ovodov, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.M. Skiba, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.P. Veselovsky, professor P.A. Witte, Professor M.P. Voskresensky, professor I.K. Fedichkin, professor P.F. Kononenko, Honored Forester of the RSFSR S.F. Bessarabov, Honored Land Reclamator I.S. Khomenko et al.

Georgy Ignatievich Myshansky worked as the director of NIMI during these years (1933-1937).

Further development of the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute was suspended by the Great Patriotic War that began in the summer of 1941. The educational and experimental workshops of NIMI began to produce products necessary for the front. Many teachers and students of NIMI went to the front in the very first days of the war. In the city, NIMI employees participated in the creation and provision of air defense for Novocherkassk.

About 100 students and employees of NIMI died on the battlefields.

Seven students and graduates of the institute were awarded the highest award. Heroes Soviet Union steel: V.K. Vdovenko, N.N. Gabov, I.P. Kalganov, I.I. Klimenko, G.I. Kopaev, A.K. Kortunov, G.K. Petrova.

With the end of the war in 1945, 155 people were admitted to the institute.

In 1950, the institute opened a correspondence department in the specialties of irrigation and forestry.

For its 50th anniversary, celebrated in 1957, the reclamation faculty prepared and graduated national economy There are about 5 thousand engineers in the country. In 1959, the faculties of hydraulic engineering and forest reclamation were renamed into hydraulic reclamation and forestry.

The NIMI team took an active part in resolving such important water and forestry problems as: the Volga-Don shipping canal, the Tsimlyansky hydroelectric complex, the irrigation systems of the Volga-Don zone, the Terek canal systems, the Kabardian and Alkhan-Churt irrigation and water supply systems, the Kargalinsky hydroelectric complex, the Nevinomyssk canal, Kuban-Kalaus system for watering the Staropol Territory, Novocherkassk State District Power Plant, creation of protective forest belts in the south-eastern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation, etc.

In 1964, the Faculty of Mechanization of Irrigation and Reclamation Works was opened at NIMI. In 1966, a faculty of advanced training for specialists in irrigation and forestry was opened at NIMI.

In 1967, Professor Pavel Mikhailovich Stepanov, who headed the institute until 1985, was appointed rector of NIMI.

In 1982, the first land management faculty in the North Caucasus region began operating at NIMI, graduating specialists in land management.

In 1983, NIMI was given the name of a graduate of the institute, Hero of the Soviet Union, Minister of the Gas Industry of the USSR Alexei Kirillovich Kortunov.

Under the rector of NIMI, Professor Vladimir Viktorovich Denisov (1985-1987), by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR dated March 21, 1986, the institute was subordinated to the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR.

During the difficult years of various transformations in the country and NIMI, the period of management of the institute by Professor German Aleksandrovich Senchukov (1987-1994) fell. There was a real threat of reorganization of NIMI. In 1992, even the name of the main reclamation engineering faculty was changed. Now it has become the Faculty of Water Management and Land Reclamation. And only after the restoration of a normal attitude towards the problems of land reclamation, the faculty in 1996 again regained its former name - engineering and land reclamation.

In the mid-90s, the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute was transformed (1995) into the Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy (NGMA).

By order of the rector of NGMA, Professor Viktor Nikolaevich Shkura, dated August 1, 2002, a reorganization was carried out at the academy, as a result of which, along with the previous existing faculties, two institutes of the academy were formed, namely: the engineering and reclamation institute (dir. Vladimir Nikolaevich Shkura) and the institute of economics and management (director Pavel Vadimovich Ivanov).

Currently, in the main building of the NSMA (Pushkinskaya St., 111) institutes are located and operate: reclamation engineering, and the institute of economics and management, as well as the faculty social work and vocational training. In the 3rd academic building (Platovsky Ave. 37), three faculties are located and operate: forestry, mechanization and land management.

In the anniversary year (2003), the Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy (NGMA) has 37 departments, 335 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 47 doctors of science, professors, 158 candidates of science, 35 academicians of Russian and foreign academies, this is a university in which 6,500 students are educated in 12 specialties in full-time and part-time departments.

During the period from 1907 to 2003, 41,144 specialists were trained, including: 32,954 specialists with higher professional education, 1,234 graduates of postgraduate vocational education, 496 specialists with additional vocational education, 6970 specialists in mass working and non-working professions, 1539 specialists underwent advanced training and retraining, 8699 secondary school graduates completed pre-university training.

The Academy employs: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 9 Honored Scientists, 7 Honored Land Reclamation Workers, 2 Honored Foresters, 2 Honored Land Surveyors, 3 recipients of the “Honorary Worker of Higher School” badge.

Canteens, libraries, gyms, dormitories, and Internet cafes are open to the staff and students of the reclamation academy. The academy has a well-established cultural life, amateur artistic activities, and a widely developed sports and physical education movement. Teachers and students of NSMA participate in many charity events and youth movements.

The staff of the only specialized university in Russia with a natural and reclamation profile, which has the status of a federal state educational institution higher professional education - Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy (FSOU VPO NGMA), there are good prospects and I want to believe that the faculty of the academy will implement them in the best possible way.

Novocherkassk State Reclamation Academy is a higher educational institution in the North Caucasus. The university is an operating branch of the Don State Agrarian University and functions as a separate structural unit. This is a specialized scientific and training center in the field of water, forest and land reclamation, the only one in Russia in this profile.

The history of the academy begins in 1907. Then the Don Polytechnic Institute was formed, in which the faculty of reclamation engineering operated. It was this faculty that became the basis for a modern educational institution. Over the many years of its existence, the institution has undergone many changes; for a long time it bore the name of the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A.K. Kortunova. And in 1995 it was awarded the title of academy.

The Academy trains highly professional specialists in the field of natural reclamation, which is in demand in the agricultural industry. The activities of the academy bring very positive results: thanks to the enormous work of the employees of the educational institution, more than 40 thousand trained personnel were graduated. University graduates become honored scientific and technical workers, honorary workers in various branches of agriculture, and successful managers of land reclamation enterprises in our large country.

For the successful implementation of reclamation programs, professionals are needed, who are trained at the following faculties of the academy:

Engineering and reclamation
Business and social technologies
Land management
Water management and reclamation
Additional education

Additional education increases the level of training, competence in one’s field and contributes to a successful search for a job.

Numerous departments employ the best teachers who train land reclamation specialists at the highest level. Among the teachers there are honorary workers of higher education, honored scientists, prominent scientists in various fields.

Future specialists master organizational, management and marketing, and undergo training in production, technological, diagnostic, construction and design specialties. Research and teaching activities are widely developed as a profession in these specializations.
Water, fisheries and municipal services welcome certified specialists into their ranks. There are always vacancies for young promising employees that allow them to demonstrate their knowledge and gain professional experience. Enterprises in the hydropower industry, oil and gas complex, construction, as well as transport organizations are in great need of specialized personnel and are waiting for them to work together productively. Academy graduates are actively working in cities and villages in social institutions, government and commercial spheres, find themselves in industry management and financial structures.

Those students who see the meaning of their lives in science enter graduate school, where they study research work in many scientific areas.

Scientific activity occupies a particularly important place in the academy. There are scientific schools, a whole range of scientific events are carried out, in which students, graduate students, and department staff are involved, and design and experimental work is carried out. Meetings and conferences of the Scientific Methodological Council and the Council of Scientists are held regularly. They hear and discuss information about successes and achievements, and raise current issues and problems. further development scientific sphere of the academy. There is a decent research base, which includes the latest laboratories, hospitals, and equipment. All this is constantly updated, which allows for the most important ongoing scientific work.

The Reclamation Academy takes care of the life and leisure of its students. At their service is a complex of dormitories, canteens, modern educational and practical premises, libraries with a rich collection of all types of publications - from printed to electronic, and Internet connection.

For the creative development of youth there is a house of culture, an educational department, cultural events. Student-athletes are given the opportunity to engage in sports complexes, defend the honor of the academy in different sports competitions. The educational institution educates not only excellent specialists, but also intellectually literate and comprehensively developed people in all areas.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Bachelor, Specialist, Master

Skill level:

full-time, part-time, part-time

Form of study:

State diploma

Certificate of completion:



From 23,000 to 104,000 RUR per year

Tuition fee:

University characteristics

General information

The origins of higher reclamation education in the South of Russia go back to 1907, when the Faculty of Engineering and Reclamation was opened as part of the Don Polytechnic Institute (DPI). In relation to agricultural reclamation, the starting date for personnel training in our region can be considered 1916. It was then that the Higher Women's Agricultural Courses were created, which in 1918 acquired the status of the Don Agricultural Institute (DonSHIN), and from 1922 - the Don Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation ( DISKhiM). However, this university did not concentrate all the reclamation education that then existed on the Don. The Polytechnic Institute continued to train hydromeliorators.

The creation of a specialized reclamation university was dictated by the specific historical conditions of the development of the state. Modernization of industrial and agricultural production required design, survey and construction work, including the creation of large reclamation and water management systems in Central Asia and the Caucasus. This required not only significant material investments, but also the training of specialists in hydraulic engineering and forestry reclamation. The issue of concentrating the efforts of reclamation science and vocational education was put on the agenda. The reorganization of DISKhiM, the separation of the Engineering and Reclamation Faculty from the DPI and their merger into a separate North Caucasus Institute of Water Management and Reclamation (SKIVKhiM) was carried out on the basis of the resolution of the Presidium of the North Caucasus Regional Executive Committee No. 105 dated May 22, 1930. From now on, reclamation engineers prepare at an independent specialized university, and this date can rightfully be considered the birthday of the Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute. The importance of SKIVKhiM as a specialized reclamation university increased even more due to the fact that Novocherkassk was also chosen as the location of the North Caucasus branch of the Institute of Agricultural Reclamation and Hydraulic Engineering. This gave a new impetus to the development of hydraulic engineering science and reclamation education in the south of the country. Reorganizations of SKIVKhiM also occurred later. In February 1933, the Institute of Agroforestry Engineers was annexed to it, and the combined university was renamed the Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute with three faculties: hydraulic engineering, irrigated agriculture and forest reclamation. However, all the reorganizations and renamings up to the current ones did not change the main thing laid down in 1930: a multidisciplinary combination of the most important areas of reclamation education (from hydraulic engineering to forest reclamation).

Over the entire history of its existence, our university has trained more than 30 thousand certified specialists: land reclamation specialists, hydraulic engineers, foresters, builders, mechanics, land managers, economists, managers, social workers and engineer-teachers.

Among NIMI graduates are five Heroes of the Soviet Union, participants in the Great Patriotic War: G.K. Petrova, I.I. Klimenko, I.P. Kolganov, G.I. Kopaev, A.K. Kortunov. Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of VASKHNIL B.A. worked at the institute for many years. Shumakov. Academicians and corresponding members of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences M.S. emerged from the walls of the institute. Grigorov, I.P. Kruzhilin, V.I. Petrov, B.B. Shumakov, V.N. Shchedrin, V.I. Olgarenko, ministers and deputy ministers of the USSR and the Russian Federation I.I. Borodavchenko, I.I. Budarin, A.V. Kolganov, A.K. Kortunov, V.P. Loginov, N.N. Mikheev, N.S. Cherepakhin, P.P. Chernyshov.

The graduates of the reclamation university are several dozen laureates of state and republican awards, more than 500 heads of federal and regional institutions and organizations, more than 120 honored workers of science and technology, honored reclamation workers, honored foresters, honored builders; more than 80 honorary workers from various industries economic activity; more than 100 doctors of science, professors and more than 1200 candidates of science, associate professors. Graduates of the institute became the organizers of faculties and departments of reclamation in 20 universities in Russia and the CIS countries - in Moscow, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Rovno, Dnepropetrovsk, Kherson, Chisinau, Simferopol, Bryansk, Vologda, Ufa, Barnaul, Irkutsk , Volgograd, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Nalchik, Makhachkala, Elista, Tbilisi, Baku, as well as in universities in Algeria, Cuba, Mongolia, Kampuchea. The Institute gave a start in life to many heads of major research and design institutes. All these people are the pride of the university.

The NIMI team took an active part in resolving such important water and forestry problems as: the Volga-Don shipping canal, the Tsimlyansky hydroelectric complex, the irrigation systems of the Volga-Don zone, the Terek canal systems, the Kabardian and Alkhan-Churt irrigation and water supply systems, the Kargalinsky hydroelectric complex, the Nevinomyssk canal, Kuban-Kalaus system for watering the Staropol Territory, Novocherkassk State District Power Plant, creation of protective forest belts in the south-eastern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation.

The main task today and in the future remains maintaining the current pace of development, continuing to improve the quality of the educational process and the volume of scientific research. IN lately Interest in land reclamation has begun to revive again; at the state level, a subprogram for the development of land reclamation until 2020 is being developed. The government of the Rostov region also sets the task of restoring and increasing the efficiency of use of irrigated lands and carrying out a number of measures to modernize the entire reclamation complex. Governor Vasily Golubev spoke about this when speaking at a meeting on the development of land reclamation in the Rostov region last year. All this inspires confidence that the need for qualified specialists will increase, and the scientific developments of university scientists will be in demand by the industry.

The main result of educational work is the high quality of trained specialists. Further work on concluding agreements with enterprises for targeted training of specialists seems promising. Many graduates of our university receive a diploma additional education. This is another promising option for training reclamation specialists. Graduates of the Faculty of Water Management, hydraulic engineers, land surveyors, forest reclamation specialists and landscape designers are in demand. Traditionally, our graduates are in demand in construction and operating organizations, at housing and communal services facilities in the city and in the countryside. Time dictates the need for quality training not only for specialists with higher education, but also mid-level specialists, as well as workers who are lacking in agricultural production. Therefore, since 2015, the reclamation college named after B.B. Shumakova.

The Institute strives to become a scientific center. To achieve these goals, the university has formed a scientific and innovation complex, which includes the Research Institute of Reclamation Technologies (NIIMT) and the Research and Design Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Supply (NIPIIGiV). For joint research and innovation activities with the departments of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RosNIIVH, an intersectoral research laboratory for hydrological and water management research (MNILGVI) was created on the basis of the university. The topics of scientific research conducted by university scientists meet current issues of reclamation of agricultural lands. Scientific and innovative activities are carried out according to the following priority areas, such as land reclamation and water management; hydraulic engineering, hydraulics and geoecology; forest reclamation; mechanization of environmental management; land management and cadastre; economics and management; man and society.

The institute employs 13 large scientific schools in all areas in the field of reclamation and water management, hydraulic engineering, economics.

Scientists and students of the institute regularly participate in various All-Russian exhibitions and competitions. In total, in 2014, NIMI DSAU took part in seven similar events, receiving 4 medals, 18 diplomas and 8 letters of thanks. In 2015, at the annual exhibition " Golden autumn“scientists of NIMI DSAU were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals; Associate Professor of the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Alexey Vasiliev was awarded a Bronze medal in the nomination “Best Young Land Reclamation Scientist” in the competition “For Achieving High Performance in the Development of Land Reclamation”.

39% of full-time students are involved in research work. In 2014 35 student works participated in competitions and were awarded 3 medals, 24 diplomas, 2 certificates, 6 letters of gratitude.

The most important condition for the development of the university is the further expansion of international relations. One of the main directions remains joint work with companies producing sprinkler machines Reinke (USA) and Bauer (Austria). Contacts have been established with technological universities in Austria, and joint research work with the University of Zagreb (Croatia) is planned. Cooperation with the German public organization “INTEGRALeV” continues.

From 1930 to 2013, NIMI was an independent institution of higher education. Since 2013, on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 319 dated August 28, 2013, Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A.K. Kortunova is a separate structural unit (branch) of the Don State Agrarian University.

1 of

Bachelor's degree

  • 05.03.06 Ecology and environmental management
  • 03/08/01 Construction
  • 20.03.01 Technosphere safety
  • 20.03.02 Environmental management and water use
  • 21.03.02 Land management and cadastres
  • 03.23.02 Ground transport and technological complexes
  • 03.23.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
  • 03/35/01 Forestry
  • 35.03.10 Landscape architecture
  • 38.03.01 Economics
  • 38.03.02 Management
  • 39.03.02 Social work
  • 43.03.01 Service
  • 44.03.01 Pedagogical education
  • 03/44/04 Vocational training (by industry)


  • 05.23.01 Ground transport and technological means

Master's degree

  • 05.04.06 Ecology and environmental management
  • 08.04.01 Construction
  • 04/20/02 Environmental management and water use
  • 04/21/02 Land management and cadastres
  • 04/23/02 Ground transport and technological complexes
  • 04/35/01 Forestry
  • 04/35/09 Landscape architecture
  • 04/38/01 Economics
  • 04/38/02 Management

Admission conditions

List of documents required for admission to study

for bachelor's programs

  • Education document (original and copy - 1 piece);
  • Copy of passport (the original must be presented when submitting the application);
  • Photos 3x4 cm, 6 pcs.
  • Medical certificate (upon admission to training in the following areas (specialties): 03/23/02 - Ground transport-technological complexes; 03/23/03 - Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes; 03/44/04 - Vocational training (by industry);
  • Documents confirming limited opportunities health or disability, documents confirming the use of special or preferential rights;
  • Documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant.

Graduate School Contacts

General information. Research work at the NIMI Donskoy State Agrarian University is carried out in accordance with the university thematic plans on state budget topics, according to the thematic plan-assignments for the implementation of research work commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia at the expense of the federal budget, under a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Rostov Region and under orders-agreements with production organizations .

Research topics 2011-2015 was carried out in accordance with the plan of fundamental and priority applied research on scientific support for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation to solve problem 03 “Develop theoretical foundations, technologies and technical means for the sustainable functioning of reclamation, water management, agroforestry, forestry complexes that ensure high productivity and environmental stability of agricultural landscapes, conservation soil fertility, their protection from degradation and desertification in the context of technogenesis of global and regional climate change,” as well as in accordance with programs for solving scientific problems of rational use and protection of water resources and assignments on higher education topics.

In order to organize, develop and increase the efficiency of scientific activities at the institute, more than 20 intra-university regulatory documents have been developed, reviewed and approved by the scientific and technical council and the director, regulating the organizational and legal support of scientific research work (R&D) carried out by employees within the framework of Federal topics and financed budget and extra-budgetary research work, including: “On the procedure for conducting state-budgeted research work”; “On the procedure for carrying out contractual research work”; “On the Agreement of Creative Scientific and Technical Community”; “On students’ research work”; “On the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists”, etc. The following have been developed and used: “Guidelines for drawing up technical specifications ( work program) for carrying out research work" and "Methodological instructions for the preparation and execution of a report on research work", as well as a set of materials on the work of graduate and doctoral studies, intra-university regulations on organizing the work of dissertation councils, etc.

The main scientific divisions of the institute are the department for planning and organizing research, research institutes and laboratories, departments, interdepartmental research laboratories and creative teams created for periods of solving specific scientific problems and problems. The institute has created and operates laboratories: “Modern irrigation technology”; “Technical justification for projects of fish passage and fish protection complexes”; "Anti-erosion laboratory"; “Water supply and improvement of water quality”; “Mechanization of irrigation and drainage works”; “Reclamation and prevention of desertification of sandy lands”; “Agricultural reclamation and operation of reclamation systems”; “Development and use of reclaimed lands”; “Biological reclamation of disturbed agricultural lands”; “Inter-industry research laboratory for hydrological and water management research”; “Safety of hydraulic structures”; “Water systems management”; “Ecological-landscape farming systems”; “Research of anthropogenic landscapes”; “Organization of agricultural land on an adaptive landscape basis”; "Agricultural and forest ecology"; "Sociological Laboratory" and others.

In 2014, a stronghold of the department of “Soil Science, Irrigated Agriculture and Geodesy” of the NIMI Don State Agrarian University at LLC “Istok-1 (Shaminskoye)” of the Semikarakorsky district was created and is currently successfully functioning in accordance with the agreement in pursuance of the provisions of Federal Law No. dated December 29, 2012. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, Federal Target Program for the Development of Education until 2015.

Information about the research activities of scientists, doctoral students, graduate students and students is regularly heard at meetings of departments, the department for planning and organizing research (P&O R&D), the scientific and methodological council, the director and the Academic Council of the institute. Final annual reports and for a 5-year period are compiled by the department of planning and organization of research and are reported to the deputy. director for research at a meeting of the Scientific Council of the institute.

Departments annually submit reports on research and development work to the R&D department, which reflect the results of the work of each researcher of the department. The final reports on research work undergo internal and (or) external review by leading departments, scientists and specialists. Every year, based on the results of research work, thematic scientific and practical conferences are held with the participation of employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov Region, other universities and research institutes, and specialists from agricultural enterprises in the region, at which the scientific developments of the institute’s scientists are reported and discussed with the subsequent publication of messages in collections of scientific papers.

The normative documents developed as a result of research are heard and discussed at the scientific and methodological council of the institute, and then considered and approved at the scientific and technical council of industry enterprises.

The total amount of funds disbursed during research and development in 2015 amounted to 17,033 thousand rubles, budget funds - 850 thousand rubles, contractual funds - 16,063 thousand rubles.

The institute has a material base that meets modern requirements for conducting scientific research, which has been significantly updated recently. Research of hydraulic structures is carried out in the largest hydraulic laboratory, filtration laboratory and hydraulic laboratory operating in the country. Mechanical scientists conduct research in six laboratories equipped with modern technology, including a ground channel for studying earthmoving machines and units. Forestry scientists conduct research both in the laboratories of the Faculty of Forestry and at 6 field stations on the territory of the Praktik training base in Persianovsky village, Agroforest, Istok-1 (Shaminskoye) of the Semikarakorsky district and other objects. Land reclamation scientists have their own laboratories and field stations in 10 agricultural enterprises in 6 districts of the Rostov region. Over the past 5 years, more than 5 million rubles have been spent on expanding the scientific base and measuring equipment.

Scientists of the institute take an active part in research carried out at the “Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Supply”, created in 2011 (director Prof. Vl.N. Shkura). Thus, in 2015, design and research work was completed for a total amount of 2250.0 thousand rubles. To carry out this work, laboratories and equipment were used, and employees of a number of departments, graduate students and undergraduates were involved.

In order to implement scientific and innovative activities in the field of reclamation, the “Research Institute of Reclamation Technologies” was created as a structural subdivision of the scientific part of the university. The volume of disbursed funds in 2015 amounted to 3,610.0 thousand rubles.

For the joint organization and conduct of research and innovation activities of teaching staff, students, undergraduates, graduate students with the departments of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RosNIIVH, an “Inter-industry Research Laboratory for Hydrological and Water Management Research” (INLGVI) was created on the basis of NIMI. Within the laboratory, in 2015, employees of the Department of Water Resources Use, Hydraulics and Mathematics mastered 10,952 thousand rubles.

In order to increase the efficiency of research, graduate students and doctoral students of the institute have concluded and are implementing 57 creative partnership agreements (including 8 concluded in 2015) in farms and enterprises of the Rostov region with the aim of creating and using pilot production hospitals for joint research work , testing and implementation of completed scientific developments. Since 2004, similar agreements have been implemented with Novocherkasskaya State District Power Plant OJSC to carry out long-term joint work on the biological reclamation of the ash dump. The institute, together with the American company for the production of sprinkler machines "Reinke", has created a laboratory of modern sprinkler technology, on the basis of which students, undergraduates, graduate students and specialists of agricultural enterprises are trained in irrigation technologies.

The institute pays due attention to the results and stimulation of the activities of scientific schools and the scientific activities of students and graduate students through poster information. Students and graduate students who are successfully studying at a university and are actively involved in scientific activities, personal scholarships are awarded (in 2015, students were awarded 11 personal scholarships), graduate students and doctoral students receive systemic and one-time financial support.

Scientists of the institute take part in exhibitions and competitions at various levels, and in particular, every year at the exhibitions “Golden Autumn” and Agricultural Technologies of the Agro-Industrial Forum of the South of Russia, the scientific developments of scientists were awarded gold, silver, bronze medals and diplomas for the exhibition exposition.

Close cooperation is maintained with the branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (formerly the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences). Every year, joint scientific and practical conferences and meetings of the bureau of the section of land reclamation, water and forestry are held at the institute with the participation of Academician-Secretary of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.N. Dubenko.

The Institute provides support to other institutions (research institutes and universities) for the targeted training of highly qualified scientific personnel for Ukraine, the republics of Tajikistan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kuban, Stavropol, Volgograd region and other regions. Preparation is carried out through postgraduate and doctoral studies, so in 2013 alone, 6 candidate and one doctoral dissertations were defended in the dissertation council of the institute, incl. in 2015 - 1 doctoral and 2 candidate dissertations. Every year, the institute transfers 130-150 copies of scientific and technical literature to other universities and research institutes, and provides its library facilities and laboratories.

Scientific and practical conferences and seminars are held annually at the institute, incl. with the participation of foreign partners.

  • Sport
  • Medicine
  • In 1978, to coordinate the work, the Museum Council was created, which included teachers and staff - veterans of the Great Patriotic War; a “Search” group of students and teachers was formed to collect materials about war participants and Heroes of the Soviet Union.

    In 1978, the museum opened large exhibitions: “Military Glory of NIMI” (exhibition about veterans of the Great Patriotic War, deceased students and employees of the institute, Heroes of the Soviet Union) and “Labor Glory of NIMI (exhibition about scientists, their works and inventions). To this day, the following works have been preserved and exhibited: “Irrigated plot” (model made under the direction of academician B.A. Shumakov in 1925), “Complex of water management measures in the Zimovnikovsky district of the Rostov region” (model made by B.A. Shumakov and N S. Timchenko, awarded two gold medals from VDNKh) and others. Of particular interest is the original architectural design of the Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens of 1888 (now the main building of the institute) with original inscriptions of the construction committee of the imperial chancellery and the signature of the architect and author of many buildings in the city of Novocherkassk A.A. Yashchenko.

    The museum's exposition is constantly updated. Since 1988, exhibitions dedicated to famous NIMI graduates have been opened: A.K. Kortunov, a graduate of the Irrigation and Reclamation Faculty, Hero of the Soviet Union, Minister of Construction of Gas and Oil Industry Enterprises; P.G. Fialkovsky, chief expert on land reclamation at the UN; as well as land reclamation scientists B.A. Shumakov, V.I. Artsikhovsky, P.A. Kashinsky, M.M. Grishin, I.K. Fedichkina, M.P. Voskresensky, V.S. Ovodov and others.

    The museum regularly hosts exhibitions dedicated to national events, and hosts competitions and presentations. The museum is visited by students, graduates, guests of the institute and the city, students of schools and other educational institutions.

    In general, the activities of the NIMI history museum have a powerful educational effect for past, present and future generations of students of the Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute.