The Nativity of John the Baptist: features of the holiday, history and interesting facts. Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist: description

Troparion. voice 4.

Prophet and forerunner of Christ's coming, we are not skilled in praising you worthily, who honor you with love: for the barrenness of the one who gave birth to you was abolished and the silence of your father was resolved by your glorious and honest birth, and the incarnation of the Son of God is preached to the world.

Kontakion. voice 3 is like:Virgo today...

The formerly barren one now gives birth to the forerunner of Christ - and he became the fullness of every prophecy: for Whom the prophets preached, laying his hand on Him in the Jordan, he appeared as a prophet, and a preacher, and at the same time a forerunner of God's Word.

Worship in honor of the holiday

Begins in the evening

July 6at 16:00 -all-night festive serviceWithlithium and polyeleum

July 7 (if it is a weekday, then there is one Divine Liturgy, after which there is always a prayer service with water.

This year July 7th falls on a Sunday -

two Divine Liturgies:

V 7:00 - early liturgy and

V 9:00 - late liturgy.

Water Blessing Prayer - pabout the end of the late Divine Liturgy.

John the Baptist is the most revered Christian saint after the Virgin Mary. The Savior Himself spoke this way about the prophet John the Baptist: Among those born of women there arose no greater (prophet) than John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11). The Nativity of John the Baptist is a unique holiday for Orthodoxy. There are only three holidays when Christians remember not the day of death, but the birthday of the person they glorify: Nativity of Christ, Christmas Holy Mother of God and the Nativity of John the Baptist. This fact is another evidence that the Prophet John the Baptist is especially revered in the Church

“Today we celebrate the birthday of St. John. This is an honor that no saint has ever received. Throughout the entire Christian world, only the day of the Nativity of the Lord and John is designated and revered,” wrote St. Augustine.

In our time, one should add “and the Mother of God.” Saint Augustine did not mention Her because at that time in the Western tradition the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was not yet a holiday.

Why is this day so important for us? For those who were familiar with Jewish prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, the fact of John's birth meant a lot.

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I do not strike the earth with a curse,” the prophet Malachi wrote in his Book.

The appearance of a special person on earth was an indication that we must soon wait for the coming of the Messiah. And the Jews had been waiting for this instruction for many centuries.

The writings of the prophets are allegorical. Some people actually expected Elijah himself to appear on earth. “What, are you Elijah?” those sent from Jerusalem asked John himself, when he had already begun to baptize and preach.

Jesus Christ pointed out the allegorical nature of the words of the prophet Malachi. “And if you want to accept, he is Elijah, who must come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” the Savior said about John, explaining his role in the salvation of mankind.

Why did someone have to come before the Messiah appeared? To spiritually prepare the people for what the Savior will say. A few centuries ago, the prophet Malachi spoke about the need to convert people’s hearts, so that through their sins people would not bring curses to the earth.

And then John the Baptist (Predecessor) was born on earth.

He was a very unusual person. “Among those born of women there has never arisen a greater one,” Christ said about him. His whole life was a service to God, even his birth itself in many ways prepared people for the future birth of the Lord.

John's father, Zechariah, was a priest. He and his wife Elizabeth lived piously, kept all the commandments, but could not give birth to a child. Zechariah was already in his old age when suddenly, entering the temple to burn incense, he saw an Angel.

The messenger predicted that Zechariah would have a son, John, who “will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God; and will go before Him in the Spirit and power of Elijah... to present to the Lord a prepared people.”

It would seem that one should rejoice and rush home after the service to make his wife happy, but Zechariah doubted that this would happen. Six months later, the Angel Gabriel will also unexpectedly appear to Mary, and the young Virgin will humbly submit to the will of the Lord. But the priest, who knew the Scriptures, did not accept the Angel’s words. Just as the Jewish people subsequently did not accept the messiah.

For this Zechariah was punished: an angel deprived him of the ability to speak until the prediction comes true.

When, after the due date, Elizabeth gave birth and on the 8th day (as the Jews did and still do today) it was necessary to circumcise the baby and choose a name for him, neighbors and relatives were very surprised that the mother wanted to name him John - before that, none of her no relatives had this name. They asked Zechariah, and he wrote on the tablet: “His name is John,” because Gabriel had told him so a few months ago. The Angel's prediction came true, Zechariah gained the gift of speech and began to praise the Creator.

These events were talked about throughout the entire country of Judea, because they knew that Zechariah had a vision in the temple and that “the hand of the Lord was with his son.” People tried to understand what purpose was destined for a child whose birth was accompanied by such miracles. Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied that the child “will come before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways... to enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace.”

As we see, in all prophecies John is likened to the prophet Elijah. However, the circumstances of his birth are reminiscent of the story of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah. About 18 centuries before the birth of John, the aged Abraham, like Zechariah, was promised that he would have a son. His wife, like Elizabeth, was barren all her life. However, unlike Zechariah, Abraham believed the prediction.

These events dated back to ancient times; perhaps they were not perceived as real story, but as a fantastic legend. And on the land promised by God to Abraham, the same miracle happened as many centuries ago. A miracle that could not help but recall Old Testament history, which showed that the events described there are reality.

Was not the birth of John perceived people as a sign that the ancient Scriptures are coming true, which speak of the coming of the Messiah - the Savior?

John Chrysostom writes that the very fact of John’s birth to a barren and elderly mother seemed to prepare people for the idea that, according to the Word of God, a Virgin who had never known a husband could give birth: “... the old woman touched the firstborn child, and the barren unexpectedly gave birth, so that they would believe the Virgin, who gives birth beyond nature. Both are new and unusual, because both the barren one and the Virgin are unexpected mothers.”

After the birth of Jesus Christ, King Herod ordered the killing of all babies. Hearing about this, Elizabeth and her son fled into the desert and hid in a cave, and Zechariah, as a priest, remained at the temple in Jerusalem. Of course, the king could not hide from the fact that Zechariah had a son - the whole district was talking about it. When Zechariah refused to tell the soldiers where his wife and son were hiding, he was killed.

After the death of Elizabeth, John, who was guarded by an Angel, remained to live in the desert until the time when he began to preach about repentance and baptized the people of Israel and the Lord who had come into the world in the Jordan.

The tradition of celebrating the birthday of John the Baptist already existed in the first Christian communities. This holiday was introduced into the Christian calendar in the 4th century.

Among the Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John occupies a special place. For believers different countries Biblical events associated with this saint are of great importance. The Church has dedicated the largest number of memorable dates. This is the only saint whose Christmas is celebrated in church calendar how Shrines associated with the Baptist are kept not only in Catholic cathedrals and Orthodox churches, but even in the mosque. The Nativity of John the Baptist is widely celebrated in many countries and is an official day off.

Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist

The Nativity of John the Baptist is one of the most significant holidays of Christianity. In the Orthodox tradition, the birth of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord is celebrated on July 7 according to the new style (June 24 - old style).

John the Baptist is the son of the priest Zacharias and the righteous Elizabeth, revered by the Orthodox Church.

Zechariah learned about the future birth of his son during a service in the temple, when he had a vision of an angel announcing the imminent birth of the great Prophet and Forerunner of the Lord. The priest did not believe it and asked for a sign. As proof and as punishment for his unbelief, Zechariah became mute until the birth of his son and was able to speak again only after he wrote the name of the born baby on the tablet.

He preached about the need for repentance and was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. He baptized the people of Israel in the Jordan River and prepared people for the coming of the Messiah and his teaching. Himself in the Jordan with the prophet John.

history of the holiday

Currently, the Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated in all Christian countries, in some with the status of a public holiday.

The tradition of celebrating the birthday of John the Baptist originates in the first Christian communities. Already in the third century, the birth of John the Baptist was widely celebrated in both Western and Eastern Christianity. Since the fourth century, the date of the birth of the Baptist has been one of the official holidays of the Christian calendar.

Features of the holiday in Russia

In Russia, the Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John not only recalls the birth of the greatest prophet, but is also intertwined with the pagan holiday of veneration of Ivan Kupala. On this day in Rus' it was customary to douse yourself with water, jump over a fire, and collect herbs. They especially tried to find and bring fern into the house; it was believed that the plant would protect against evil spirits. Pagan customs were replaced by Christian traditions. But even in modern society On the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, many remember the ancient rituals of paganism.

The Church condemns any pagan rituals, especially those related to fortune telling, worship of the elements of nature and unbridled festivities. Many believers believe that the very name of the holiday of the Nativity of the Baptist of the Lord insults the memory of the saint and returns human consciousness to the history of paganism with its sacrifices, worship of many gods, and ignorance.

How the Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated in different countries

The Nativity of John the Baptist is one of the most popular holidays in Catholic Christianity, which is celebrated on June 24 and lasts all day, sometimes continuing into the night. Torches and bonfires are lit and fireworks are displayed. Believers with lighted candles or torches go to the nearest chapels for prayer services. In many regions of Spain, it is customary to burn old things, make a fire and jump over it. Such customs are explained by the proximity of the holiday to the Summer Solstice.

On the island of Menorca, in honor of the birth of John the Baptist, a festival is held where horse racing takes place, in which representatives of all social classes and classes take part.

In France, Saint John the Baptist is especially revered; his Nativity celebration lasts several days.

Orthodox holiday traditions

According to the Orthodox calendar, the Nativity of John the Baptist and Baptist coincides with the period of Peter's Lent, so believers abstain from noisy festivities and rich feasts. The holy prophet grew up in the desert and led an ascetic lifestyle, eating only honey and locusts. Orthodox Christians, especially in pre-revolutionary Russia, tried to celebrate the birth of the prophet John the Baptist with a particularly strict fast.

A festive service is held in churches, at which funeral and memorial prayers are not performed.

Believers offer prayers with joy and repentance at the Divine Liturgy on the Nativity of John the Baptist. The holiday not only allows Christians to remember the history of biblical events, but also calls for cleansing from sins and reminds that the sacrament of confession is a prerequisite on the soul’s path to God.

Prayer to John the Baptist

You need to pray to the holy prophet for help in church or at home. The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist can be visited in many Russian cities. There is a troparion, kontakion, magnification and a special prayer to John the Baptist. It is believed that the saint helps with headaches and diseases associated with the functioning of the brain. The prophet is prayed to before confession, he helps in repentance and improves a person’s ability to think clearly and objectively assess the situation.

You can venerate the ancient miraculous icon of the Baptist of the Lord in the St. John the Baptist Monastery. There are also particles of the saint’s relics.

You can pray at icons with particles of relics in other churches, for example, in the church in honor of Vladimir icon Mother of God, in honor of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

In Russia, in honor of the Baptist and Forerunner of the Lord John, many churches, chapels, and monasteries were founded at all times. Among them there are real monuments of culture and art; in some you can touch unique shrines and ancient icons.

The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in St. Petersburg is an architectural monument of federal significance. The church building is distinguished by lightness and grace.

The Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on Presnya in Moscow was founded in 1685. At first the temple building was wooden, but at the beginning of the 18th century a stone structure was erected. The church has always been open to parishioners, even during the USSR period, thanks to which the amazing atmosphere and ancient icons have been preserved. The temple contains a unique image of John the Baptist “Angel in the Desert” from the 17th century, in which the saint has angel wings behind his back. An icon of the Nativity of John the Baptist was painted especially for the church in 1686, which is especially revered by believers. The interior decoration is decorated with monumental paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov, which was discovered after the myrrh flow of one of the frescoes on the wall.

The incorrupt relics of the saint

The Baptist was executed by order of King Herod by cutting off his head at the request of Queen Herodias and her daughter Salome. Currently, according to most experts, the original head of John the Baptist is in a cathedral in France in the city of Amiens. Many pilgrims from different countries come to worship the shrine. The chapter is kept under glass on a special silver dish. Above the left eyebrow there is a hole, a mark from the dagger with which Herodias, in a fit of anger, pierced the already severed head.

The front part of the head is kept in France, the other half is in a mosque in Damascus.

Another important relic of Christian culture is the right hand of John the Baptist. The right hand of the holy prophet is incorruptible and is kept in a monastery in Montenegro. In accordance with biblical history, Saint John, performing the baptismal ceremony, laid his right hand on the head of Jesus Christ, which is why the relic is especially revered by Christians around the world.

Nativity of John the Baptist - the great non-twelfth Orthodox holiday. In 2020 it is celebrated on July 7th. The full church name of the holiday is the Nativity of the honest, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. It is dedicated to the birth of St. John - the baptizer of Jesus Christ.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

John the Baptist was born into the family of a Jewish priest, Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth. The couple were elderly and considered themselves infertile. One day the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the temple. He predicted the birth of a son for him. The priest expressed disbelief, for which the Archangel punished him with muteness. Zechariah regained the power of speech on the eighth day after the birth of his son John.

After the birth of Jesus Christ, King Herod ordered the destruction of all babies in Bethlehem. Elizabeth and her son John fled into the desert. He spent his childhood there. At the age of thirteen, John the Baptist began preaching in the desert and around the Jordan River. The preacher gained fame. Students began to surround him. John baptized people in the waters of the river. Baptism symbolized repentance and spiritual cleansing of a person. He predicted the coming of Christ and baptized Jesus.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

On the eve of the Nativity of John the Baptist, an all-night vigil is held in churches. At the Divine Liturgy, stichera and canons are read, in which John the Baptist and the event of his birth are glorified.

After the morning service, people bless water, herbs and flowers. It is believed that plants consecrated in the church on this day protect and heal from diseases.

Parishioners make pilgrimages to Orthodox shrines named after the Prophet.

Among the people, the Christian holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist coincides with the pagan celebration of the summer solstice - Ivan Kupala. On this day, people organize mass bathing, collect herbs, light fires and dance around them, singing songs. Girls weave wreaths, perform magic rituals and tell fortunes.

What you can and cannot eat on the Nativity of John the Baptist

The holiday falls on Peter's fast. During this period, believers are prohibited from eating meat and dairy products, and eggs. But on the Nativity of John the Baptist, parishioners are allowed to include fish and some red wine in their diet.

What not to do on the Nativity of John the Baptist

On this day, the Orthodox Church prohibits doing hard physical work, getting angry, and swearing.

It is prohibited to give, sell, borrow something from home, or pick up coins or bills found on the road - this can lead to poverty.

Do not pour water on pregnant women, children and the elderly. It is believed that their bodies are sensitive to evil spirits, and it can harm them.

On this day you cannot offend or beat pets. If you hit a cattle, it may not give milk and not produce offspring.

Signs and beliefs for the Nativity of John the Baptist

  • A rainy day is a sign of a good harvest.
  • Starry night - for the mushroom harvest in the fall.
  • Seeing a snake on the Nativity of John the Baptist is a sign of disappointment and trouble.
  • A girl who washes herself with dew in the morning on this day will retain her youth and beauty for a long time.
  • The singing of a cricket on a festive night foretells good news.

The Nativity of John the Baptist is one of the great Christian holidays, celebrated annually on July 7th. John the Baptist is one of the main revered saints after the Blessed Virgin Mary. What believers can and cannot do on this day.

The full name of the holiday is the Nativity of the honest, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. The Great Holidays follow the 12 Twelve Christian Feasts. None of the saints, except John the Baptist, received such an honor to receive a holiday in honor of his birth. On July 7, believers remember the birth of the future prophet, who predicted the coming of Jesus Christ to earth. John the Baptist is the one who goes ahead. Jesus Christ said about him: “Among those born of women there has not arisen a greater (prophet) than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11).

Among all the prophets who lived on earth, John was the last to predict the coming of the Savior who would free Israeli people. John is called a prophet, forerunner and baptizer - Forerunner, because he was born before (first, before) Jesus. And the Baptist, because he baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

The future great Prophet and Forerunner Yohanan ben Zechariah (son of Zechariah) was born into the family of the righteous Elizabeth and Zechariah and was a relative of Jesus on his mother’s side, having been born 6 months earlier than him.

The Gospel says that three months before giving birth, Mary came to Elizabeth. From Luke: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and cried with a loud voice, and said:

"Blessed are You among women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb!

And where does it come from for me that the Mother of my Lord came to me?”

This prayer is called the “Song of the Virgin Mary” in Orthodoxy, and the Magnificat in Catholicism.

John spent many years preparing for preaching and ministry, lived in the desert, fasted and prayed, wore simple, rough clothes, and ate honey and locusts. When he was thirty years old, the Lord commanded him to come out of the desert and preach to people about the imminent coming of their Savior - Jesus Christ.

John came to the Jordan River, in which Jews traditionally performed religious ablutions, and called people to repentance and baptism for the remission of sins.

When John was baptizing people, with the words: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” Jesus came to the Jordan River and also asked to baptize him.

To which the prophet replied: “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” At the moment of Jesus' baptism, a voice was heard from heaven: “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.”

What to do on the Feast of John the Baptist

If you are a believer, you need to go to church for a service, or find time at home and read a prayer to John the Baptist

“Baptist of Christ, honest Forerunner, first prophet and first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and close friend of Christ, I pray to you and resort to you: do not refuse your intercession, do not leave me fallen, renew my soul with repentance, as the second baptism. Cleanse me, defiled by sins, and help me earn the Kingdom of Heaven.”

As on any day, and especially on this holiday, any good deeds, any help to people, charity, donations are very welcome. Moreover, we are talking not only about material assistance, but also about moral support for those who need it.

What is forbidden to do on the Nativity of John the Baptist

July 7th falls on time therefore, according to church rules, one should adhere to Lenten food, but on this holiday dairy and fish products, as well as wine, are allowed.

On the Nativity of John the Baptist, excesses are not allowed in anything: neither in food nor in entertainment.

The Church does not impose a strict ban on having sex on this day, but it is recommended to give up carnal pleasures, at least on the eve of the holiday and on the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

As a true Christian, on this day you should especially not show negative emotions, but on the contrary, show kindness, do not quarrel, do not use foul language, do not offend or be offended by people, do not get angry, and try to forgive offenders from the bottom of your heart.

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On September 11, the Church remembers a far from joyful event - the Beheading of John the Baptist. On this day, by order of the ruler Herod, the prophet was executed. Why and how did this happen? What made this saint famous? Is it possible to cut and eat round vegetables and fruits with a knife on this day? Read on.

Nativity and education of John

John the Baptist was the son high priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth .

For many years, the couple did not have children, which is why they suffered greatly: childlessness among the Jews was considered a punishment for sins. But God heard the prayers of Zechariah and Elizabeth and, already in old age, sent them a son, John. The boy was destined to become the greatest prophet and forerunner of Christ - hence the name "Forerunner" .

Even in infancy, John lost his parents. How did it happen? At that time, on the orders of Herod, all infants were killed. The ruler acted so cruelly because he heard about the born Messiah, who was destined to become the King of the Jews. Fearing that he would lose power, he gave the order to kill children under the age of two. The son of Zechariah also found himself in this category.

To protect the baby, the high priest asked his wife to find a safe shelter for herself and her son. When Herod's soldiers came to Zechariah with questions, he did not tell them the whereabouts of Elizabeth and John. For this they killed the high priest, right in the temple, between the altar and the altar. After 40 days, Elizabeth also died.

The orphaned John the Baptist was raised by the Essenes - Jews who lived in the desert and whose lifestyle resembled monks. Thanks to their influence, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth became a severe ascetic. They lived in the desert, wore clothes made from camel hair and ate wild honey and desert locusts. But the Lord entrusted the prophet with a special mission.

John had to prepare the Jews for the coming of the Savior. The Old Testament prophets spoke about this. For example, the book of Malachi contains these words:

Behold, I send My angel, and he will prepare the way before Me... (Mal. 3:1).

When Archangel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah with the news of the birth of a son, he said what the Forerunner would be like:

For he will be great before the Lord; He will not drink wine or strong drink, and will be filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb; and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God; and he will come before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to restore the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the minds of the righteous, to present to the Lord a prepared people (Luke 1:15-17).

All the prophecies came true, and at the age of 30, John the Baptist went out to preach.

At the sermon

The Prophet called on the Jews to repent and baptized them in the waters of the Jordan. This is how the name “Baptist” stuck to him. “John’s baptism” was different from the modern one: the prophet immersed the repentant person with his head in water, as if washing away the dirt of his sins.

People revered the son of Zechariah as a great ascetic and treated his disciples with respect. Christ Himself testified that the Forerunner was the greatest righteous man: “Among those born of women there has not arisen a greater (prophet) than John the Baptist.”

Seeing the Holy Trinity

The Lord vouchsafed John the Baptist to become a witness greatest secret- revelations of the Holy Trinity. During the baptism of Jesus, he saw the Holy Spirit descending on Him in the form of a dove and heard the voice of the Father:

This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (Matthew 3:17).

Another evidence of the extraordinary holiness of John can be called the iconographic tradition. Around the 13th century, the image of John the Baptist with wings appeared.

There is nothing surprising when icon painters depict winged angels. But before us is not an angel, but a man... what served as the basis for such an image?

Yes, John the Baptist, not an angel, but a man of flesh and blood. But his soul was amazingly pure and bright, and his life was overflowing with service to God. Moreover, the prophecy of Malachi says: I send My angel, and he will prepare the way before Me... . All this served as the basis for the appearance of the icon "John the Baptist - Angel of the Desert" .

Why was the prophet executed?

IN Orthodox calendar There are several holidays dedicated to the Baptist of the Lord. And the saddest and, it would seem, generally unfair is the beheading of John the Baptist. How did this happen?

The Prophet called people to repentance and often rebuked them regardless social status and position in society. He pointed out the sin of adultery to the ruler Herod. The fact is that the king made Herodias, the wife of Philip’s brother, his concubine. And this while my husband is alive!

For telling the truth, Herod put John the Baptist in prison, but, knowing the people's respect for the prophet, he was afraid to kill him. Herodias openly hated the prophet and was preparing a plan for revenge. The bloody plan was carried out on the ruler’s birthday.

At this time, Herod prepared a feast and invited noble guests. Food, wine, fun... But nothing impressed those present more than Salome dance - daughter of Herodias. The ruler, drunk with wine and fun, promised her to fulfill any wish for this. On the advice of her mother, Salome asked... the head of John the Baptist on a platter.

Herod did not want to kill the prophet, but was afraid of what the guests would think of him. Thus, ambition defeated common sense and the voice of conscience. These bloody events served as the basis for the holiday of the beheading of John the Baptist.

Is it possible to cut with a knife on a holiday?

The Orthodox Church established a one-day fast on September 11th. On this day it is not customary to eat meat, milk, eggs and even fish; vegetable oil, bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits are allowed. The holiday itself is one of the great holidays, so believers attend evening services and Liturgy whenever possible.

The people formed an Orthodox-pagan vision of the holiday. Many are really sure that at the Beheading of John the Baptist you cannot cut anything with a knife. If you want to eat bread, you better break off a piece. Otherwise, blood may appear on the cut products.

You also “cannot” eat round vegetables and fruits: cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, watermelons, because they are shaped like a head. All red foods are also prohibited, especially drinks: wine, cherry juice. Some people also refuse to eat borscht. All of the above allegedly resemble blood in color.

Such gastronomic prejudices are nothing more than superstitions , and to Orthodox traditions they have no relation.

We invite you to watch the sermon of Archpriest Vladimir Golovin on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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