Kholmskaya Mother of God. Icon of the Mother of God Kholmskaya

Its origin is very old. According to local tradition, which was recorded by Bishop Jacob Susha, it was written by St. Evangelist Luke and was brought to the earth Kievan Rus during the time of Prince Vladimir, who after baptism received many icons in Constantinople.

The Kholm icon is depicted on three cypress tablets connected together.

In ancient times, this icon was decorated with a precious chasuble made of cast gold and Byzantine enamel. But in 1261, during an attack by the Tatars, Burundai's regiments came to southwestern Rus' and plundered the city of Kholm (today's Chelm, Republic of Poland), where the shrine was located. The icon itself suffered from them: with damage to the image in some places, the Tatars removed the robe from it, and the icon itself was lost. Only 100 years after the destruction of the Hill, the holy icon was found during excavations and solemnly installed in the restored Kholm Cathedral. In our time, the image shows two ulcers that were inflicted by the Tatars: one on her left shoulder (from a saber strike) and the other on her right hand from an arrow. There is a pious legend that the wicked Tatars who robbed the temple were immediately punished: they became blind.

With the transfer of Kholmsky Bishop Dionysius Zbiruysky to the union in 1596, the Kholmsky Cathedral and the icon ended up in the hands of the Uniates. In 1650, during the uprising of the Cossacks of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Ukraine, the Uniates were forced to return it to the Orthodox Bishop Dionysius Balaban under the Zboriv Agreement; at the same time they tried to hide the icon. Therefore, it was found only after a certain time in the dungeon. The following year, 1651, war broke out with new strength, the icon again fell into the hands of the Poles. On the advice of Jacob Sucha, the Polish king Jan Casimir took the Kholm icon with him on a campaign, after which it was exhibited in Warsaw in the chapel of the royal palace, where it remained until 1652. Jan Casimir attributed the victory over the Cossacks to the help of the Mother of God, to whom the Kholm icon was I'll take pictures while hiking. In gratitude for this, the king restored the Uniate see in Kholm and gave it the icon. On April 29, 1652, it was installed in the Cathedral of Kholm. Meanwhile, the war between Poland and Ukraine broke out with renewed vigor. Then the king again took the miraculous Kholm icon to the battlefield, but it did not bring him help. At Zhvanets, the Polish army was defeated. After this, the Kholmsky shrine was returned to the Kholmsky Cathedral, where it remained until the beginning of our century.

During the reign of the union, there were attempts to Latinize the miraculous icon and the Kholm Cathedral itself. The icon was placed in the altar, above the main altar (according to Catholic custom). In 1765, the Pope crowned the icon with two golden crowns. A silver plate with bar-reliefs and Latin inscriptions was attached to the front of the throne above which it was located (today it is kept in the Moscow Armory).

In the first half of the 19th century. The Kholm icon and the cathedral were returned to the Orthodox community. The shrine was solemnly installed in the iconostasis above the Royal Doors.

Many miraculous phenomena took place before this icon. Stories about them are contained in a separate book by Archimandrite Ioaniky Golyatovsky, “New Heaven.”

During the invasion of the Tatars during the time of Batu, some of their detachments approached the city of Kholm. Two pious princesses lived in the city at that time. Seeing the impossibility of defending themselves by force of arms, they, together with other people, turned in prayer before the Kholmsk Icon of the Mother of God with a request to take the city under their protection. After this, the women took the miraculous icon from the temple and placed it opposite the enemy troops on the wall of the fortress. Some kind of obsession came over the Tatar army: the mountain on which the city was located began to seem steeper and higher to them than it actually was. And the closer they got, the stronger it seemed to them. Panicked, they began to run away. Thus, with miraculous help, the city was saved.

Currently, the Kholm Icon of the Mother of God is on display at the Museum of the Volyn Icon in Lutsk.

The origin of the icon is very old. According to local tradition, which was recorded by Bishop Jacob Susha, it was written by St. Evangelist Luke and was brought to the lands of Kievan Rus during the time of Prince Vladimir, who, after baptism, received many icons in Constantinople.

The Kholm icon is depicted on three cypress tablets connected together. In ancient times, this icon was decorated with a precious chasuble made of cast gold and Byzantine enamel. But in 1261, during an attack by the Tatars, Burundai's regiments came to southwestern Rus' and plundered the city of Kholm (today's Chelm, Republic of Poland), where the shrine was located. The icon itself suffered from them: with damage to the image in some places, the Tatars removed the robe from it, and the icon itself was lost.

Only 100 years after the destruction of the Hill, the holy icon was found during excavations and solemnly installed in the restored Kholm Cathedral. In our time, the image shows two ulcers that were inflicted by the Tatars: one on her left shoulder (from a saber strike) and the other on her right hand from an arrow. There is a pious legend that the wicked Tatars who robbed the temple were immediately punished: they became blind.

With the transfer of Kholmsky Bishop Dionysius Zbiruysky to the union in 1596, the Kholmsky Cathedral and the icon ended up in the hands of the Uniates. In 1650, during the uprising of the Cossacks of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Ukraine, the Uniates were forced to return it to the Orthodox Bishop Dionysius Balaban under the Zboriv Agreement; at the same time they tried to hide the icon. Therefore, it was found only after a certain time in the dungeon.

The following year, 1651, the war broke out with renewed vigor, and the icon again fell into the hands of the Poles. On the advice of Jacob Sushi, the Polish king Jan-Kazimir took the Kholm icon with him on a campaign, after which it was exhibited in Warsaw in the chapel of the royal palace, where it remained until 1652. Jan-Kazimir attributed the victory over the Cossacks to the help of the Mother of God, to whom the Kholm icon was on a hike with him. In gratitude for this, the king restored the Uniate see in Kholm and gave it the icon. On April 29, 1652, it was installed in the Cathedral of Kholm.

Meanwhile, the war between Poland and Ukraine broke out with renewed vigor. Then the king again took the miraculous Kholm icon to the battlefield, but it did not bring him help. At Zhvanets, the Polish army was defeated. After this, the Kholmsky shrine was returned to the Kholmsky Cathedral, where it remained until the beginning of our century.

During the reign of the union, there were attempts to Latinize the miraculous icon and the Kholm Cathedral itself. The icon was placed in the altar, above the main altar (according to Catholic custom). In 1765, the Pope crowned the icon with two golden crowns. A silver plate with bas-reliefs and Latin inscriptions was attached to the front of the throne above which it was located (today it is kept in the Moscow Armory).

In the first half of the 19th century. The Kholm icon and the cathedral were returned to the Orthodox community. The shrine was solemnly installed in the iconostasis above the Royal Doors.

Many miraculous phenomena took place before this icon. Stories about them are contained in a separate book by Archimandrite Ioaniky Golyatovsky, “New Heaven.”

During the invasion of the Tatars during the time of Batu, some of their detachments approached the city of Kholm. Two pious princesses lived in the city at that time. Seeing the impossibility of defending themselves by force of arms, they, together with other people, turned in prayer before the Kholmsk Icon of the Mother of God with a request to take the city under their protection. After this, the women took the miraculous icon from the temple and placed it opposite the enemy troops on the wall of the fortress. Some kind of obsession came over the Tatar army: the mountain on which the city was located began to seem steeper and higher to them than it actually was. And the closer they got, the stronger it seemed to them. Panicked, they began to run away. Thus, with miraculous help, the city was saved.

Currently, this greatest of the shrines of Christianity is kept in an armored glass safe in the Museum of the Volyn Icon in the city of Lutsk and is exhibited for worship on major religious days.


Kontakion 1

Chosen from all generations to the Lady of the world, above the powers of heaven, most exalted, we offer songs of praise to Your servants, the Mother of God; But You, who have unspeakable mercy, manifested in Your holy icon, free us from all troubles, so we joyfully call to You:

Ikos 1

The angels of the ranks in heaven magnify Thee, the Most Holy Virgin, who gave birth to the brightest Joy of the whole world, but we, imitating the songs of the angels, here on earth will sing thee to the face:

Rejoice, God-chosen Youth;

Rejoice, pre-betrothed to God from the ancient days.

Rejoice, foreshadowed prophet of the world;

Rejoice, foretold by the Archangel Gabriel of the conception of the Son from the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, you who humbly accepted the archangel’s gospel;

Rejoice, teacher who teaches us humility.

Rejoice, named Mother of God by inspiration of God from the righteous Elizabeth.

Rejoice, for the birth from You of the Savior of the world, you magnified the Lord in spiritual joy.

Rejoice, hymn-filled faces of angels.

Rejoice, ever blessed from all generations.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Your intercession, O all-merciful Lady, revealed to the Christian race, you are a strong helper for us in troubles, an intercessor for the offended, a consolation for the sorrowful, a healing for the sick, and a quick helper for all who labor, we all cry out to God in gratitude for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Give us the understanding, O all-merciful Lady, how to worthily glorify Your providence, revealed to the land of the Hills, always the enlightener of Rus', Prince Vladimir, by Your will for the protection and protection of this country, enlightened by the light of the teachings of the Gospel, bring Your icon, Most Pure, to the city of Hill as a gift. We, marveling at Your intercession for us, call Tisitsa with tenderness:

Rejoice, zealous intercessor of the Christian race;

Rejoice, you who helped Prince Vladimir, the planter of the faith of Christ, in his apostolate.

Rejoice, having enriched the country of Kholm with your miraculous icon, like a precious gift;

Rejoice, you who have strengthened the Orthodox faith in this land.

Rejoice, thou who hast spared Christians with Thy innumerable goodness;

Rejoice, you who exude unspeakable mercy to our souls.

Rejoice, you who do not fail in Your prayers for us;

Rejoice, freeing those who honor Thee from all troubles through maternal intercession.

Rejoice, who through Your most honorable icon shows physical and spiritual healing to Christians;

Rejoice, incomprehensible height, who leads us to our refuge.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 3

Thou hast revealed the power of grace in Thy holy icon, O Most Holy Lady, for Thou hast revealed a treasure of great value in it and bestowed countless bounties on those who flow to it, so that all who have been enriched by Thy bounties may cry out to God with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having infinite care for the newly enlightened people of the land of Kholm, You have flowed currents of miracles from Your most honorable icon, O Lady, so that everyone will know that Your love and care always abides on Orthodox people. For this reason we sing in gratitude to You:

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of grace, bestowing;

Rejoice, illuminating all the rays of miracles flowing to Your icon.

Rejoice, O glorious help to all who faithfully honor Thy Son;

Rejoice, Orthodox faith in our land is a strong fortress.

Rejoice, through Your constant care for Orthodox people, you affirm the truth of Orthodoxy;

Rejoice, through Your icon you bring spiritual joy to us.

Rejoice, you who reveal to us a treasure of great value;

Rejoice, you who pour out a sea of ​​generosity to those who ask You.

Rejoice, you who show the way of truth to those who have gone astray;

Rejoice, you who quickly hasten to those who call upon Thee for help.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 4

The storm of misfortunes and misfortunes, more than once raised against the Orthodox faith in our land, cannot shake the firmness in the faith of all those who flow to You, Lady, and worship Your most wholesome icon, for this icon and shield, a victorious sign to Orthodox Christians, You have given us and we sinners firmly We hope that even in the days of our misfortunes You will quickly listen to all of us, who flow with faith to Your most pure image and sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, how Your icon was most pure in the days of Thou, when the city of Hill was given over to fire and sword from the wicked Hagarians, under the ashes of the temple it was hidden and after a hundred years was again found unharmed, rejoicing with great joy, the praise of Ty, the Most Holy Virgin and Mother, sang such :

Rejoice, cover of the Kholm lands;

Rejoice, Orthodoxy is planted and established in her.

Rejoice, having preserved Your most venerable icon miraculously intact in the fire;

Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire with miraculous dew.

Rejoice, you gave us great joy, as you gave us the Chaldean youth in the fiery furnace;

Rejoice, you who taught me the power to know You in miracles.

Rejoice, for we can see Your icon undamaged; we learn to venerate this shrine;

Rejoice, for from Your icon we have been granted wonderful gifts.

Rejoice, our invulnerable armor;

Rejoice, our indestructible wall.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing star appeared to us, Mother of God, Thy most honorable icon, with the rays of miracles emanating from the icon, illuminating all Thy faithful, driving away the darkness of sin and the darkness of our sorrows and instructing all who seek salvation to sing to God with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing Prince Vladimir, how the inhabitants of the land of Kholm are in the darkness of paganism and the shadow of death, destroy the idol’s temple on the mountain of the city of Kholm and create on it a temple to the Living God, in it and establish Your most honorable image, Mother of God, so that all who look upon and honor You will receive gifts from They will accept you, even to the stomach and piety. We, who honor Your holiness, say with tenderness:

Rejoice, chamber of the Son of God, who deigned to dwell in the earthly temple;

Rejoice, receptacle of the glory of the Lord, who crowned those who flow to You with glory and honor.

Rejoice, uninfested mountain, who has provided a fountain of living water for the thirsty;

Rejoice, dawn, shining in the darkness, destroying the pagan darkness in our land.

Rejoice, you who are so golden, you who deliver the entire world from spiritual famine;

Rejoice, pillar of fire, lead all those seeking salvation to the Sun of Truth.

Rejoice, through Your icon you flow forth sources of miracles for us;

Rejoice, thou who openest the doors of heaven to all who faithfully honor Thee.

Rejoice, joy and consolation for Christians;

Rejoice, loosening the bonds of sin for the fallen.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 6

Preachers of great miracles, exuded by Your icon, appearing not only to Orthodoxy, but also to people of other faiths; For by Thy mercy Thou hast not rejected those who flow to Thee and worship Thy celibate icon, so that all who understand Thy mighty helper and have learned to worship the most holy thing of Orthodoxy, will call out to God with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having shone forth from Thy most venerable icon, luminous grace, shining with the light of miracles and mercies upon our country, O Most Pure One, and all who flow with faith to Thy most wholesome icon and expect great and rich mercies from Thee, with one mouth and one heart cry out to Thee in a loud voice:

Rejoice, bold intercessor to God;

Rejoice, warm prayer book for the Christian world.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of holiness;

Rejoice, multi-flowing river of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, thou who shinest upon us with the radiance of Thy glory;

Rejoice, thou who exalteth the darkness of sinful souls.

Rejoice, for through Your icon you reveal sources of miracles;

Rejoice, for you bestow all useful things upon those who resort to her.

Rejoice, tenderness of our hearts;

Rejoice, our salvation from troubles and misfortunes.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 7

Wanting to show mercy to the city of Kholm, from the wicked Hagarians, you did not reject, Quick to Hear, the two maidens of Kholm, who were praying for the salvation of this city before Your icon and promised monastic rites of acceptance, but you came to the aid of this city and put the hostile regiments to flight, that all who have been saved from troubles by You will sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You showed your wondrous care for the house of the Lord, in which your celibate icon resided, O Most Holy Lady; Why then do we not marvel at Your more wonderful help, the collector of the mite for the expansion of this temple showed the icon of Joasaph, when this monk from You, appearing in the form of a woman shaped like a woman, accepted as a gift a scroll with a mite sufficient for this work, and, marveling at the help sent down from above, chanted Ti sitse:

Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles;

Rejoice, giver of great mercy.

Rejoice, you who anticipate our many requests;

Rejoice, radiant radiance, dispelling the sorrowful darkness of our soul.

Rejoice, shameless hope of the unreliable;

Rejoice, joy and consolation to all who faithfully honor You.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of love;

Rejoice, our trust is firm.

Rejoice, covering all those who flow to You with Your mercy;

Rejoice, thou who grantest us eternal joy.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 8

We seek strangers and strangers to this earth, the new city, the heavenly Jerusalem. But You, Most Pure Lady, as the intercessor for people to Your Son, pray to grant us forgiveness of sins before the end, so that we may reach a quiet refuge in heaven and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All the heavenly powers magnify You, like the Mother of God, but You, the Virgin Mother of God, the most honorable cherub and the most glorious seraphim without comparison, did not disdain to stand before the human race, defiled by sins; for the race and all earthly beings bring thanksgiving to You, chanting to the Sitsa:

Rejoice, inconceivable container;

Rejoice, divine repository of purity.

Rejoice, having united God with man through Your birth;

Rejoice, you who have arranged the salvation of man.

Rejoice, guide, who leads us to heaven;

Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth, who opens the gates of heaven to us.

Rejoice, thou who reignest with Thy Son and God;

Rejoice, and in the midst of us sinners, did you not disdain to abide.

Rejoice, who brings prayers in the faith of the pious to the mercy of the Lord;

Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of us sinners.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 9

All angelic and human nature, marveling at Your ineffable mercy for the Christian race, brings songs of praise to You, through Your powerful intercession you deliver the whole world from troubles, heal the sick, intercede for sinners and pray for all who flow with faith to God and cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of multi-proclamation are perplexed with which words to praise the glorious, Lady, holiday of Thy Kholm Icon, to which on this holy day a great multitude of not only Orthodoxy, but also heterodoxies flow, expecting from You the sorrows of deliverance, the ailments of healing, the joys of fulfillment and the blessings of eternal blessings. You, the Generosity, show countless blessings through your icon on this day. so that everyone, rejoicing in You, will say:

Rejoice, thou who deliverest the world from sorrows;

Rejoice, you who protect us in adversity.

Rejoice, sight for the blind, hearing for the deaf;

Rejoice, lame walking, dumb speaking.

Rejoice, healing of our illnesses: Rejoice, fulfillment of our aspirations.

Rejoice, you who revive those killed by sins by Your grace;

Rejoice, you who show us the gift of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, quiet haven for those seeking salvation;

Rejoice, undoubted protection for those who venerate Your icon.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 10

Wanting to save a certain Kholmsk man Jacob, drowning in the river and calling for Your help, You, Mother of God, who despaired of salvation, like Christ, who pulled Peter out of the depths of the sea, You extended a helping hand to this perishing one, so that all those who are in trouble, knowing this miracle, will sing God’s song about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the indestructible wall of the city of Hill, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin, when in the days of ancient Hagarians wickedness, betraying the land of Kholm to fire and sword, I approach the city of Hill, the inhabitants of the city, holding up your most honorable icon, wearing a shroud around the temple and tearfully praying for the salvation of the city. But you, listening to the prayers of people who despaired of salvation, frightened your enemies with a wonderful vision and drove them away from the city they had besieged, so that all who were saved by you from the troubles that befell them would sing to you like this:

Rejoice, I have freed us from the Hagarian invasion;

Rejoice, having terrified the enemies with the miraculous vision of the impregnable wall.

Rejoice, through Your mighty intercession freeing us from all troubles;

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from fire, sword and the invasion of foreigners.

Rejoice, strong helper in battles;

Rejoice, unexpected joy for those who despair.

Rejoice, our salvation from mortal destruction;

Rejoice, our enemies are clearly put to shame.

Rejoice, unshakable fortification in troubles for those who are exhausted;

Rejoice, in our struggles there is beneficial consolation.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 11

An all-contrite song is brought to Thee by all who labor and are burdened, constantly standing before Thy Son, praying that the word spoken by Him: “I will give you rest,” will keep and lead all those in deprivation to heavenly joy, and all who have received this heavenly gift will sing a song of praise to Him : Hallelujah.

Ikos 11

As a luminous ray of grace-filled hope, Your most venerable icon, O Lady, appeared to Orthodox Christians in the days of their sorrow, when the country of Kholm was quickly torn away from Orthodoxy by flattery. People of Orthodoxy, in this present misfortune, praying before Your icon, found great consolation and bright joy, in hope affirming that these days of evil are temporary. When this hope was fulfilled, people joyfully hurried to You the following praise:

Rejoice, denunciation of harmful teachings;

Rejoice, gift of useful knowledge.

Rejoice, our sacred refuge and protection of the faithful;

Rejoice, recovery of dead and correction of the erring.

Rejoice, steward of our salvation, organizing our life well;

Rejoice, you who give us consolation in suffering and grace-filled strength in life.

Rejoice, for for the sake of Orthodoxy people sweep away heretical temptations;

Rejoice, for through you, even from the seduction of a heretic, they again acquire the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, bright adornment to the Church of Christ;

Rejoice, Orthodoxy is an unshakable affirmation in our country.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 12

Do not deprive us of Your grace, Most Immaculate, for we suffer fiercely from our iniquities and the imams have no other hope to be justified, except for You, the Lady. Help us, so that we may not perish violently, and take us into the heavenly shelters, and, rejoicing, we cry out to God about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thee, as our representative who never fails in mercy before the Lord, we believe and confess that you have obtained good things for us not only in this time of life, but also after our death, so that we will not be deprived of heavenly blessings. Let's sing Ti sitevaya:

Rejoice, purification for those who dwell in the abyss of sin;

Rejoice, reconciliation of sinners with God.

Rejoice, through Thy Mother’s prayers, the sinner asks for mercy and all-forgiveness from Thy Son;

Rejoice, through Your prayers you righteously turn away the wrath of God against us.

Rejoice, our joy and consolation on the day of death;

Rejoice, our hope even after death.

Rejoice, who grants a shameless death to those who trust in You;

Rejoice, you who arrange for us to stand on the right hand on the Day of Judgment.

Rejoice, key of the kingdom of Christ, opening the gates of heaven to us;

Rejoice, door of heaven, raising us to the heavenly palace.

Rejoice, the land of Kholm is a joy and refuge and consolation for the whole world.

Kontakion 13

O all-sung Mother, Queen of heaven and earth, we resort to Your most pure image and, worshiping it, we tenderly say: cover us with the shelter of Your mercy, deliver us from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes and beseech Your Son on the day of the righteous Judgment of God to grant us standing on the right hand with all the saints. Let us continually sing to Him: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


O most holy Virgin Mother of Christ our God, all-powerful intercessor of our country! With fear, faith and love, falling before Your miraculous image, we prayerfully cry: be merciful to us, Your humble and unworthy servant, and our sins and iniquities, O Good One, do not remember, but stretch out Your hand to the mercy of the Master, so that He does not turn away His face from his servants and will not condemn us sinners according to our iniquity, but will deal with us according to His great mercy. Hey, Lady Lady! Be a guide in our lives: enlighten our minds with the light of truth, soften our hearts, strengthen our faith, affirm our hope, grant us the gift of love. Have mercy, our all-merciful Lady, on your weak people: guide those who have gone astray to the path of righteousness, teach those who waver in faith to reason, return those who have fallen away from the pious faith of their fathers, and teach them all the true path. Save by Thy mercy and have mercy on Thy faithful people, the Orthodox bishopric and the entire church rank. Do not reject the same with Your mercy and accept all the rulers of our country under Your shelter, teach and instruct them in the right to rule, observing the divine laws. Confirm us in peace and love for each other, so that we may all live a quiet and serene life in unity with each other and, having enjoyed the gifts of earthly blessings, we will not be deprived of the blessings of heavenly mercy for the sake of the Divine. We also pray to You, Lady Theotokos, deliver us from famine, destruction, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, enemy attacks, civil strife, insolent death, pernicious diseases and all kinds of evils around us. Look and hear, O all-merciful Lady, all of us, now falling before the icon of Thy saints and crying out for Thy mercy with tears, quench our sorrows and be a quick helper to us in all our affairs forever and ever. Amen.


Voice 5

Like a Mother's blessing, you bestowed. Most Pure Virgin, / Thy most wonderful icon / by our Orthodox father on Mount Kholmskaya, / so even now, despising our many falls into sin, / do not leave us, O all-sung Mother, / but remain with us until the end of the age / and open to us the doors of heaven.

Kontakion, tone 6

The Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, / who adorned the Orthodox Church with Her wondrous icons, like stars, / and bestowed this wonderful image on the Orthodox people of the land of Kholm, / we sing songs of gratitude; / You are the Most Pure One, / strengthen us in the Orthodox faith, / let us call Thee: Rejoice, Queen of heaven and earth / and loving Mother of all who honor Thee with faith.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and venerate Thy venerable icon, which Thou hast glorified since ancient times in the city of Hill.

Only 100 years after the destruction of the Hill, the holy icon was found during excavations and solemnly installed in the restored Kholm Cathedral. In our time, the image shows two ulcers that were inflicted by the Tatars: one on her left shoulder (from a saber strike) and the other on her right hand from an arrow. There is a pious legend that the wicked Tatars who robbed the temple were immediately punished: they became blind. With the transfer of Kholmsky Bishop Dionysius Zbiruysky to the union in 1596, the Kholmsky Cathedral and the icon ended up in the hands of the Uniates. In 1650, during the uprising of the Cossacks of Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Ukraine, the Uniates were forced to return it to the Orthodox Bishop Dionysius Balaban under the Zboriv Agreement; at the same time they tried to hide the icon. Therefore, it was found only after a certain time in the dungeon. The following year, 1651, the war broke out with renewed vigor, and the icon again fell into the hands of the Poles. On the advice of Jacob Sushi, the Polish king Jan Casimir took the Kholm icon with him on a campaign, after which it was exhibited in Warsaw in the chapel of the royal palace, where it remained until 1652. Jan Casimir attributed the victory over the Cossacks to the help of the Mother of God, to whom the Kholm icon was on a hike with him. In gratitude for this, the king restored the Uniate see in Kholm and gave it the icon. On April 29, 1652, it was installed in the Cathedral of Kholm. Meanwhile, the war between Poland and Ukraine broke out with renewed vigor. Then the king again took the miraculous Kholm icon to the battlefield, but it did not bring him help. At Zhvanets, the Polish army was defeated. After this, the Kholmsky shrine was returned to the Kholmsky Cathedral, where it remained until the beginning of our century. During the reign of the union, there were attempts to Latinize the miraculous icon and the Kholm Cathedral itself. The icon was placed in the altar, above the main altar (according to Catholic custom). In 1765, the Pope crowned the icon with two golden crowns. A silver plate with bar-reliefs and Latin inscriptions was attached to the front of the throne above which it was located (today it is kept in the Moscow Armory). In the first half of the 19th century. The Kholm icon and the cathedral were returned to the Orthodox community. The shrine was solemnly installed in the iconostasis above the Royal Doors. Many miraculous phenomena took place before this icon. Stories about them are contained in a separate book by Archimandrite Ioaniky Golyatovsky, “New Heaven.” During the invasion of the Tatars during the time of Batu, some of their detachments approached the city. Hill. Two pious princesses lived in the city at that time. Seeing the impossibility of defending themselves by force of arms, they, together with other people, turned in prayer before the Kholmsk Icon of the Mother of God with a request to take the city under their protection. After this, the women took the miraculous icon from the temple and placed it opposite the enemy troops on the wall of the fortress. Some kind of obsession came over the Tatar army: the mountain on which the city was located began to seem steeper and higher to them than it actually was. And the closer they got, the stronger it seemed to them. Panicked, they began to run away. Thus, with miraculous help, the city was saved. Currently, this greatest of the shrines of Christianity is kept in an armored glass safe in the Museum of the Volyn Icon in the city of Lutsk and is exhibited for worship on major religious days.


The Kholm Icon of the Mother of God, according to legend recorded by Bishop Jacob (Susha), was painted by the Evangelist Luke and brought to Rus' from Greece under Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who after Baptism received many icons as a gift from Constantinople. The Kholm image of the Mother of God is depicted on a cypress board.

In the year, during the invasion of the Tatar hordes, the city of Kholm was plundered, the icon of the Mother of God also suffered: the precious frame was removed, the painting was damaged, and the icon itself was thrown away. A hundred years later, the holy icon was found and solemnly placed in the Kholm Cathedral. There were two deep wounds left on the icon: one on the left shoulder of the Mother of God, the other on Her right hand. A legend has been preserved that the wicked Tatars, who robbed and damaged the holy image, were then punished: they lost their sight, and their faces were distorted. The legend of the miraculous signs performed by the Kholmskaya Icon of the Mother of God is described in the book of Archimandrite Ioannikis (Golyatovsky) “New Heaven”.

In the year the chasuble, which had become dilapidated during its stay under the Uniates, was renewed. The consecration of the new robe, made in the Ovchinnikovs' jewelry workshop and costing 1,300 rubles collected by the whole world, took place on September 8 of the same year with the participation of Leonty, Bishop of Kholm and Warsaw, Flavian, Bishop of Lublin and Modest, Bishop of Volyn and Zhitomir. In the year the robe was decorated with pearls and precious stones.

The old chasuble was carefully placed in the sacristy, and then transferred to the church-archaeological museum of the Kholm Brotherhood and placed on a copy of the Kholm Ion of the Mother of God, which was located there in the red corner of the main hall.

In July of the year, due to the evacuation, the Kholm Icon of the Mother of God was taken to Moscow by the key keeper of the Kholm Cathedral, Archpriest Nikolai Gankevich. With the beginning of the persecution of the Church in the year, the icon was secretly transported to Kyiv and placed in the monastery of St. Florus. Then it was secretly taken out of the monastery, and remained hidden in the private homes of believers. The guardians of the icon risked themselves many times for the sake of the image; at one time it was dismantled into separate boards.

Having become Archbishop of Kholm this year, Hilarion (Ogienko) immediately began searching for the Kholm image Holy Mother of God. When the Kholm Cathedral was reopened to the Orthodox, on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the year, the icon was transported from Kyiv to Kholm thanks to the efforts of Archpriest Anatoly Yunak, in whose family the icon was kept in Kyiv for a year, and the Deputy Mayor of Kyiv, Professor V. Volkanovich. On Sunday, October 3, the icon appeared before the believers in the Holy Prechistensky Cathedral on Kholmskaya Mountain, and then was transferred to St. Andrew’s Church.

However, soon, in July of the year, the icon left the Hill again. Archbishop Hilarion (Ogienko) was forced to leave for the West and took the icon with him, but near Lublin his convoy came under bombardment and the image was saved by Ilaria Bulgakova, cousin famous writer Mikhail Bulgakov. It was decided to return the icon to Kholm, and it ended up in the secret custody of Archpriest Gabriel Korobchuk, who was a vicar at the Orthodox Cathedral on Danilov Mountain in Kholm. In the year he was forced to leave for Ukraine, where the image was kept secret by his family until the 1990s. Meanwhile, various guesses were made about the fate of the icon, while others considered it lost.

In the year, the daughter of Father Gabriel, Nadezhda Gorlitskaya (Korobchuk), gave the icon for restoration to the Lutsk Museum of the Volyn Icon on the condition of maintaining secrecy. Until a year ago, a limited circle of people from the Kholm region knew about the existence of the icon. After the first stage of restoration work, in August of the year, members of the Volyn society "Kholmshchyna" decided to make the icon public and transfer it to the ownership of the Ukrainian state.

Kholm Icon of the Mother of God

According to legend, this miraculous icon, painted by St. Evangelist Luke, brought along with other icons from Constantinople to St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir after his acceptance of St. baptism. The icon is depicted on three cypress boards connected together. In 1261, during the attack on Brundai Hill by the Tatars, the robe made of cast gold with Byzantine enamel was removed from the icon, and the icon itself was abandoned. Only a hundred years after the destruction of the Hill by the Tatars, the icon was discovered under limestone rubble. In 1596, the Kholm Cathedral and the miraculous icon located in it ended up in the hands of the Uniates.

In 1650, the Uniates returned the Kholm See to Orthodoxy, but hid the miraculous icon. She was found only after a long search.

In 1651, during the war between the Cossacks and the Poles, King Jan Casimir took the icon on a campaign, after which it was taken to Warsaw. Having attributed the happy ending of the war to the discovery of the miraculous icon among the Polish troops, the king restored the Kholm Uniate See and distributed the icon to the Uniates. However, during the next battle, the Russian shrine did not help the Poles and was returned to Kholm.

In 1765, the icon was crowned according to Catholic custom with two crowns sent by the Pope.

On the Kholm Icon two wounds are visible: one on the left shoulder from a saber, the other on the right hand from an arrow. These wounds were inflicted on the icon by the Tatars; but God’s punishment then befell the wicked: the daring became blind and their faces turned to their backs.

When the Tatars approached the Hill, all the inhabitants of the city prostrated themselves before the miraculous icon of the Kholm Mother of God, begging Her to intercede and protect her from enemies. Taking the icon, they placed it on the city wall. The Tatars fell into madness; the mountain on which the city stood seemed to them too high and therefore inaccessible; then it seemed to them that they were approaching the city, but in reality they were retreating and finally fled from it in disorder. By the miraculous intercession of the Mother of God, the city was saved from destruction.

Many wondrous miracles and healings are performed by the grace of God from the holy Kholmsk Icon of the Mother of God.

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