Conspiracies for diseases. An ancient conspiracy - an appeal to mother raw earth Protection from the incomprehensible

“The pain came from someone else’s box and went there from where it came.” Whoever sent you missed you...

- Shann! Shanna!!!

Whispers, whispers, sways, whispers...

“I conjure you, I send you back, beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the one who sent, who knew no grief. Stay with him and don’t come back...

Blood. What is this, blood? Moms, so many.

- My word is strong!

- And Igni? What's wrong with him?

Shanna turned. The face is shining with tears. Lips are trembling.

– I don’t know... This hasn’t happened before. Damn, nothing works...

Gray eyes with long straight eyelashes. Calm. Like Anton: “Do you want me to go there?”

“The pain came from someone else’s box and went there from where it came.” The one who sent you misses you... He will not return.

- He won't come back! – The cry echoed loudly throughout the rooms. - He can’t. Nika, find him. Please, please find him... I would do it myself. But you see... Igni will not return. I'm sure.

- So what then? – Nika asked, moving her disobedient lips with difficulty and felt the floor begin to disappear from under her feet.

- They will die. Both.

The pain smells like wormwood and coffee. She has gray eyes.

Now Nika knew this for sure.

Nick, Nika...

Do you want me to tell you how to kill me?

Easy and simple.

Cut off from Halfway.

That's how it is now.

I can't go back. The route doesn't work. No, I see him. Your first soul. Just don't step.

Maybe I just think I see. Just like you.

If you let all my blood out, I’ll die like anyone alive. This is the price for physicality. But it’s better this way than a disembodied spirit. I'm already used to it. Fine.

Would you cry now? Or would you turn away and leave? I'm not very pleasant to look at. I hate it myself.

You're imaginary and don't cry. Not a person, but a stone maiden. Valkyrie. Bogatyrsha. Fighting girlfriend.

Just kidding, don't be offended.

You, this... Don't answer if you don't want to. And I'll tell you more. To stay connected. I heard that if you fall asleep when it knocks you out like that, you might not come back later.

In your first year, you already learned the difference between Rite and Ritual. - this is the performance of certain actions performed by priests, and - this is when a priest helps a person perform a Ritual, hence the “rite”, i.e. “both are nearby”, “they did it together”. Rituals are divided into: Everyday, Church, Ancestral, Necessary.

Cheating is a Necessary Rituals- these are those that are carried out, as they would now say, urgently. Let’s say you come to visit someone, and you need to perform a Rite. Sometimes Skruttka is called “Skrutka” for short, but the correct name is: Skruttka. Cheating is done to transform and transfer negative information flows from person to carrier object. Let's say that someone you know has been jinxed or cast a spell, has made a slander, a conspiracy or some kind of mischief has been committed with the aim of causing harm to this person, and you will have to rid him of this alien influence. How? For this purpose, several types of Twists were used: Wax, Zarodnaya, Iron.

Types of Cheats

1. Wax– when information is transferred by twisting onto a candle.

2. Zarodnaya– for this Twisting there must be some kind of embryo, often grandmothers twist it, roll it onto an egg, i.e. The egg is doused on a person, and the egg absorbs the negativity from the person. To show what was taken from a person, grandmothers break the egg and it becomes bloody with black negative splashes.

3. Iron- when a person is wrapped in hot tin or lead, and then poured into blessed water, as a rule, silver water or water from seven springs is used. All this pours out, and all the negativity solidifies on lead or tin.

Wax Twist

Today we will look at wax wrapping, because it is more affordable and cleaner. Wax is a natural element that best absorbs energy and information flows. Therefore, let’s say, on Perun, we put a wish on the candle and let it go in a wreath around Iriy. The candle burns, the wax, as it were, illuminates, releases this information, and passes into water, and part of it, along with the fire, rises upward to Heaven with warmth, and the water, evaporating, also rises, and conveys our requests to Heaven.

Therefore, even when we buy candles from non-believers in a Christian church, what are we doing without even knowing it? We remove all their slander with our hands, clean the candle and give it our energy new strength this wax (to remove someone else's information, you need to grab the candle with your hand and run along it three times, i.e., as if to remove the shell). So we kind of re-blessing these candles, and it doesn’t matter where they were made, in diocesan workshops or in the workshops of the Moscow Patriarchate, it makes no difference, because wax has a very good system.

For this Cheating we need a wax candle, we remove information from it. Next, take any blank piece of paper, fold it in half to connect plus and minus, two opposites + (Ha) and – (Tha), tear the piece of paper crosswise in the middle, and insert a candle. When you perform Twisting, you hold a candle under a piece of paper; from the point of view of physics, the piece of paper is electrified, and we use it as a screen, i.e. so that what you are filming does not transfer to you. Some people involved in extrasensory perception thought that the piece of paper was needed simply so that the wax would not fall on the hand, and they did it without it, and then lay flat for a day, two, three. Those. took the disease upon themselves.

Question: There was no paper before?
Answer: Previously, birch bark was used instead of paper, or foundation was used. But now it’s easier for us to get paper than foundation.

Now you have prepared the candle. Next, take a chair, or a stool, a bench, and the person sits facing North, with his hands placed on his knees, palms up. It is desirable that everything be made of wood, so that the metal does not shield, and so that unnecessary information is not mixed in, the person must be asked to close his eyes, then through the optic nerves he does not receive additional information, his brain seems to leave the analysis of the surrounding world, it switches to the internal one, and immediately begins to analyze what is native and what is alien in him. And what is alien from within passes on, radiates and remains on the protective body, i.e. all alien information from the outside reaches the protective body (aura), and from there we will remove it.

1 . Before the beginning of the Rite, we must consecrate four times - make the sign of the blessing with our right hand, and hold the Ognevitsa in our left. Consecrating ourselves as Perunitsa, we say: “To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors.”

2 . Then we transfer the Ognevitsa (candle) from the left hand to the right, and with the candle we consecrate the face of the sitting person four times with Perunitsa: “For the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors.”

3 . After we have made the fourth Perunitsa, without stopping, we immediately begin to describe clockwise circles in front of the person’s chest with a candle, covering 4: the throat, axillary, and solar plexus. We lead in a circular manner, and the energy system between the chakras twists, and the energies will flow like a swastika, i.e. an energy swastika will rotate inside it. We read: “This Child is cleansed from sickness and pain, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever!” And we continue Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!” And we read this (points 2 and 3) the same way four times.

Those. we read points 2 and 3 (four feathers, slander):

Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
“This Child is cleansed from illness and pain, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever!”

Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
“This Child is cleansed from illness and pain, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever!”

Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
Perunitsa: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”
“This Child is cleansed from illness and pain, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever!”

5 . Then the spiral begins, i.e. circular movements, first only around the head, and then spirally higher and higher above the person’s head, and also back in a spiral downward clockwise, while constantly saying: “Body and Soul give away illness, wax receives, Fire burns.” Those. We turn on the information transmission mechanism, because energy flows around the body in spiral streams, so we first of all start from the Face and move to the Fontana, i.e. We clean the birth canal for a person, so that from above, during cleaning, the person receives his pure Generic energy, and for us it goes through the Fontana.

6 . Then from the face, going around the person’s body clockwise, I twist his head in clockwise spirals and return again to the face. Those. point 5 - you need to spirally clean the fontanelle from the face up, return to the face and point 6 - clean it clockwise around the head, also spirally clockwise. And there is no such thing here that you only need to do 1 circle, i.e. If you make an extra one, it’s not scary. And you finish the phrase when you come to the face again: “Body and Soul give away illness, wax receives, Fire burns,” and until the phrase is completed, the spiral circles do not finish, i.e. There is no need to stop while reading. When we stopped, we greet Perunitsa with the words: “To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors.”

7 . After we have closed this Rite with Perunitsa, we begin to walk around the person clockwise and read the Hymn. Ognevitsa (candle) is how we initially took it, so it is in our hand, we do not twist it, we do not twirl it, i.e. keep it in its original position. We read the anthem: “Semargl Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child of man, of every creature, old and young, You, God's delight. Cleansing with fire, opening the power of Souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. So be it, so be it, so be it.” And we conclude with the words: “To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

But here we walk more than once, but we need to read the anthem “Semargl Svarozhich!” four times is the minimum. Those. read not four circles, but four times. Sometimes it happens four exactly, i.e. depending on what kind of circle you make. And this is in a standard situation, and sometimes five times, i.e. you feel that you need to go through more, this suggests itself, which means you continue to read, because... If it’s readable, it means it’s necessary. And note, if you finished the Hymn-Address to Semargl when you are not in front of a person, you continue to move on, whispering this hymn-ritual. Those. it's all done in a whisper, you whisper!!! Speak not out loud, at the level of a whisper, but the whisper occurs at the level of breathing, and whispering primarily affects the subconscious, and not the human consciousness, i.e. you kind of bypass his consciousness and cleanse him.

8 . As soon as you approach the face again and you have finished the Hymn (that is, you don’t need to run, but with a calm, measured step), we again impose Perunitsa, but here three times: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

9 . And we go in reverse, i.e. in the opposite direction - counterclockwise, reading the plot: “Pain-illness from someone else’s box, where it came from, would go there. Whoever sent you missed you. I conjure you, I send you back beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the one who sent you, who did not know grief, stay with him and do not return. By the Will of our Gods and Ancestors."

This is read at least 3 times, but if it doesn’t end in front of a person, then we continue reading.

10 . Then we put Perunitsa on his face once: “For the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors,” and again we make a spiral, but a different spiral (after all, we have already cleaned the Fontana). We begin to make a spiral from the person’s face and move to the back of the head, and stop behind him, saying the words: “Body and Soul give away illness, wax takes in, Fire burns.” And we do this nine times, i.e. We have 9 chakras, 9 streams, 9 bodies, so we also do the “Fiery Cross” cleansing 9 times.

11 . As we finished for the ninth time at Rodnichka, making spiral movements at the person’s head and saying again: “Body and Soul give away illness, wax receives, Fire burns,” and after that we stand in front of the person’s face and put three Perunitsa on his face with the words: “To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

12 . After this, we again go in this direction, only from the person’s face, clockwise around the person, and read the Hymn-appeal to: “Peruna! You who call upon you! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health and strength to this family for this child. Reveal the power of your Glory. Rule everything from Rodno. So be it, so be it, so be it!”

The appeal to Perun is read at least 4 times, and if you finished the Anthem not in front of a person, then we go and read further until we finish reading in front of a person, i.e. the circle must be completed simultaneously with the words.

13 . After completing the Perunov circles, do Perunitsa 3 times on the person’s face with the words: “For the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

14 . After this, we again make circles in front, covering 4 chakras: the throat, axillary and solar, and read: “This Child was cleansed from pain and illness, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever. To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors!”

15 . After this, Perunitsa is applied 4 times with the words: “To the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors!” But if before this we applied Perunitsa to the face, now - the first time Perunitsa is applied to the face, the second time a large Perunitsa is applied to the whole person, the third Perunitsa is again applied to the face, and the fourth is again a large Perunitsa. Big Perunitsa is done in very rare cases, but here it is done, i.e. In addition to the upper ones, we also use all the higher centers.

16 . After we have completed the second Big Perunitsa, sharply extinguish the Ognevitsa by jerking the candle up, then down or to the side, and the candle goes out, and smoke comes from the wick, and bring this smoke to the nose so that it gets into the mucous membrane, the person inhales it. After this, the person opens his eyes.

To remove candle sagging, I bend the sheet of paper (candle cuff), lift it up, the sheet has already been folded in four, and I wrap the corners. It should resemble a domino. Those. We energetically buried the sore, but it still remained in this cocoon. Therefore, in this form, the candle is given to the person who asked for help, and before going to bed, he puts it on a candlestick or iron tray, and removes the piece of paper from the top, i.e. so as not to touch. They put a piece of paper, set it on fire with live fire - from matches, and not from a gas lighter, the piece of paper burned, go outside, or tell the person to go outside, the wind is at your back, it blows, and the ashes fly, and the person says: “ Let all my illnesses and illnesses scatter to the wind, just as these ashes scatter!”

It is better to warn the person that there is no need to throw ashes from the balcony, neighbors are people too. Those. they sent him to the wind and that’s it. After this, the person lights a candle with matches, goes to bed, and it all burns out. When a candle burns out, there remains a speck that shows that everything has burned out. Many people ask: What if pieces fall off? If you have a tailor’s needle, remember, with a loop at the end, then carefully prick what has fallen off, and place it on top of the wick so that it all burns. Those. through a needle with a loop - the ring will not harm you. It burned and that’s it - the man was cleansed. Here is one of the forms of Cheating.

After the ceremony you must go wash your hands under running water from the tap. If there is no tap for someone to pour water from a bucket, i.e. not you for yourself, but for someone to water for you. After each Rite, wash your hands, for as it is said in: “Wash your hands after your deeds, for whoever does not wash his hands loses the power of God,” and the Power will still be useful to you.

Video tutorial

* Temple service, course 2, lesson 5.

What are energy-informational influences? You can read about this in the corresponding section .

So. Twisting. We make protection for ourselves: we overshadow ourselves with 4 Perunitsa ⚡ with the words:

- (4 times).

We seat the person on a wooden (not metal) chair, facing north, with his hands on his knees, palms up. Take a wax candle and thread it through a piece of paper (the paper protects your hand from dripping wax). We light a candle in our left hand, with our right hand in front of our face we overshadow the Man with 4 Perunitsa ⚡. We take the candle in our right hand. We do “infinity” 4 times 4 times in front of our face and say:

The child of God (name) is cleansed from pain - ailments, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from any infection, today and forever, according to the will of our Gods and Ancestors.

With a candle, we go around the Man in circles clockwise, read the plot to Semarglu Fire God 4 times:

Semargl-Svarozhich, great Ognebozhich, sleep away the pain of the ailment, cleanse the womb of the child of the people, of every creature, old and young, You are God’s delight. Cleansing with fire, opening the power of the Soul, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you and call you to us. Now and ever and from the Circle and to the Circle. So be it, so be it, so be it.

4 times praise to Perun: Perun! To you who call upon you! Glorious and Trislaven Budi! Health and abundance of family, give to the children of Svarozh! Show your protection and mercy! Rule us all! Still from Rodno! So be it! That's it! Wake it up!

We stand in front of the person, make 4 Perunitsa ⚡ on him and say 4 times:

To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!

We go behind the Man over the left shoulder and cast 4 small feathers on him with a candle, while repeating the spell:

Body and Soul give away illness, wax receives, fire burns.

At the end, we make 4 Perunitsa from behind with a candle. We return over our left shoulder and stand in front of the Man’s face. With our right hand we create 4 Perunitsa in front of the face of Man ⚡. We go around the Man in circles counterclockwise with a candle, while we read the hex 4 times:

The pain of a disease from someone else's box, where it came from, would have gone there, I conjure you, I am sending you back, beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, where conspiracies will not find you, return to the one who sent you, who has not known grief, stay with him and do not return.

We stand in front of the Man’s face, overshadow his face with 4 Perunitsa ⚡ candle, saying:

To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors!

We place the candle on the Altar to the Kummirs. The paper with the wax inflow is removed through the top of the candle. Burn the wax in the paper or bury it in the ground.

We wash our hands under running water and wipe them only after burning, with the words:

The good Spirit is on the ground, the evil one is underground!

If the ritual is performed several times for one person, then no more than once a day.

Think over the slander algorithm in advance so as not to get confused at a crucial moment. Repeat the necessary texts of prayers and conspiracies to yourself several times so that you do not have the fear of mixing up the words or saying something incorrectly. These texts must be learned by heart in advance and pronounced automatically, without remembering and without dissipating energy and attention to remembering.

How long does the water remain infused?

Water, spoken according to all the rules, has great power to fulfill desires and retains its spoken properties for about 12 hours. You can use this water either immediately or throughout the day, distributing portions evenly. You can drink the charmed water, wash your face with it, splash (sprinkle) it on people, animals, and things.

How to use spoken water

You can use the spoken water yourself or speak it for someone else. If you are slandering for someone, it is up to you whether or not to inform the person that you are “working” with him. It is important to ensure its contact with water.

Water can be used in different ways, depending on the desire that you put into your hex. If it is the health of internal organs or longing for love, then water should be taken internally. If your skin and hair are not in order, or you want to improve your appearance, then you need to wash your face with intoxicated water and spray the problem areas. If your head hurts, then moisten it with water in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. For good luck and to attract money, they drink the spoken water, always in one gulp, a lot at once.

Slanders on health

When starting rituals of turning to water, you need to remember the rules of incantations that were described earlier. I will not remind you of this every time, but you must follow them firmly. Only in cases where special conditions are required for the hex will they be written about. All words must be repeated exactly as written. Slanders must be spoken by heart, and not read from what is written. Where “servant of God” is listed, when addressing a woman or about her, one should say “servant of God.” So let's begin.

A hex that is used to treat any disease is pronounced in a half-whisper, in one breath:

Pain-illness from someone else's box, where it came from, would have gone there, whoever sent you missed you. I conjure you, I send you back, beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to where conspiracies will not find you; return to the one who sent you, who knew no grief, stay with him and do not return.

After this, you need to bow to the water and drink ten large sips from the cup. Pour the rest of the water over yourself. The result will be noticeable within 1-3 days. To consolidate the effect, repeat the ritual after a week.

Attention! Slandering water is not an alternative to seeing a doctor! Don't give up your medications! Do not neglect consultations with specialists! Take advantage of all the opportunities for health improvement at once!

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Hex for heart disease

For this hex you will need three matches with a box and a little salt. Prepare all this in advance.

Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. Then cup the edges of the water container with your palms and concentrate. You need to read the hex three times in a quiet voice, but not in a whisper:

It’s not me who is flying, it’s not me who is speaking, but the Mother of God. She heals, washes, speaks. He calls on the Lord God for help with the angels, with the archangels, with the Heavenly Powers, with the Lord's dawn, with the evening star. Painful sickness, move away from me to a thousand roads, to a thousand fields, where cattle do not walk, where people do not walk. And here the holy path is in a holy place and is fenced off by the Holy Spirit. Lord, save and protect the servant of God (name). Amen, amen, amen.

Then add a pinch of salt into a cup of water. After this, light the matches and let them burn out. Throw the burnt matches into the water, saying a request for healing:

Water, water, help me heal, heal my heart, give me strength and health, I know you can do anything, and I believe in you.

The water prepared in this way is drunk three times a day at equal intervals of five sips. After drinking water, sprinkle it all over the body, trying to get it to the heart area. At night, sprinkle the bed with the spoken water and wash your face.

Hex against heart attacks

It is obligatory to perform the spell on Thursday, facing west, at sunset.

Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. Next, you need to read the slander words in a chant and without stopping:

I, the servant of God (my name), will stand up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself; I will wash myself with the morning dew, dry myself with a thin white linen and go from the hut to the door, from door to gate, under the eastern side to the ocean-sea. On that ocean-sea stands the island of God, on that island lies the white-flammable stone Alatar, and on that stoneHoly Prophet Elijah with heavenly angels. I pray to you, holy prophet of God Elijah, send thirty angels in a gold-plated dress with a bow and arrows, and beat off and shoot from (name) lessons and ghosts, and tributaries, pinches and aches, and wind-borne ulcers to where the winged bird flies to black mud, on trampling swamps, and across and across, stamovo and lomovofor the young, for the old and at the end of the month.

Drink nine sips of water and sprinkle the rest of the water on your face and chest.

High blood pressure spell

Pour the water for the hex into a glass vessel with a wide neck (you can use a jar). Place the vessel on the table in the northern corner of the room. Cover your head with a white cloth, read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. Then say:

The servant of God (name) stood up, blessed himself, and walked, crossing himself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, and went out into an open field. In an open field there is a blue sea, on that blue sea there is a quiet creek, in that quiet creek a gray goldeneye swims, on that gray goldeneye neither water nor dew sticks. Likewise, neither lessons, nor prizes, nor dashing slander, nor windy shots, nor nightly commotions would stick to the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

After reading, pour the spoken water over yourself or the sick person from head to toe.

Hex for nosebleeds

Collect water late in the evening. The next morning, place a cup of water by the window. Face north. Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. Take a handful of any herb (you can buy medicinal herbs at the pharmacy). Throw the grass into the water with your left hand without looking. Then look deeply into the water while counting to nine. When the water calms down, read the spoken words to it in a very quiet voice:

Water is water, and in the water there is grass that was not planted or sown, fulfill God’s command for healing. Amen.

Soak a cloth in water and apply it to your nose. Then wash your face with water. Repeat treatment after 6 hours.

Hex against vein diseases (varicose veins)

You need to collect water from a natural spring at dawn. Go home without looking back, at home immediately place it by the window and open the window or window.

After 3 hours, perform the ritual. Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon.

Then, without looking, throw a piece of bread into the water and add a pinch of salt. After this, look closely into the water and say quietly:

The holy relics do not hurt, but the veins of the servant of God (name) will heal. Your hands don’t hurt, your legs don’t hurt, all your blood vessels don’t hurt. Just as holy relics do not hurt, so the servant of God (name) will not hurt. Amen.

Conspiracy for health

Perun! Heed those who call on You! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children (names...), show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracies for diseases

* Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep away the sickness, cleanse the womb of the child of the people (name), of every creature, old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the sickness disappear. We glorify you, we call you to us. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

* Father, Semargl-Ognebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! Just as you burn and scorch grass-ants, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots of a damp oak tree, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!


* Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, sleeplessness. Zarya-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away from me (the name is spoken) and take away from me the cursed power, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

* I will become blessed and go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump back from (name) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarseness, Lomeya, Decrepit, Dozing. Vetreya. Troublesome, Chilly, Shaking, Lightning, Puffy, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart, From the wind came, go to the wind, from the water, go to the water, from the forest, go to the forest.
From century to century.


* A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood, but from that wound came clear water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Healing ritual to get rid of illnesses

Since ancient times, the Goddess Mother of Cheese Earth was considered the best helper for man, the best healer. A protective circle with a diameter of 1.5 m was laid out from the pebbles of Salting (clockwise), a small Altar was installed inside it, the person conducting the ritual entered the protective circle (having previously taken off his watch, since then there was no hurry) and greeted the Goddess with his hands raised up, palms up. Two candles and incense were placed on the altar and ignited using fire produced by friction (you can use matches); two bowls with spring water were placed near the altar on the left and right. And they began a conversation with the Goddess about their health. Then the cup on the left was taken, brought to the forehead, and the performer of the ritual asked Mother Cheese Earth to bless it. Then the same thing was repeated with the right bowl. Next, it was necessary to thank the Goddess, and at the end of the ritual, pour the water charged with the energy of the earth into other containers and drink when feeling unwell. Water can also be rubbed in for eczema, burns and joint pain.

Healing ritual with wondrous stones

Mothers take a ladle of water from a stream, river or lake and pour it over the stone. And then they collect the water in a separate container. This water is revered as holy, and is then poured over it - consecrated by the ancient Vedic knowledge of infants. After which the children are changed into new clothes, and the old ones are left by the stone. During the ritual, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

I, (name), blessed, will go to the blue river. On the blue river, on a steep mountain, lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr. As the icy water rolled off the white body, so recoil, jump away from (the name is spoken), birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Plump, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf , Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. It came from the wind - go to the wind, came from the water - go to the water, came from the forest - go to the forest. From now until forever.

Cover the wound with your hand and read a conspiracy to stop the bleeding:

On the sea on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, lies a white, flammable stone called alatyr. On that Alatyr stone sits a beautiful maiden, a seamstress - a craftswoman, holding a damask needle, yellow ore, sewing up bloody wounds. I speak to (name) because of the cut. Bulat, leave me alone, and you, blood, stop flowing. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Appeal to call upon the Guardian Leg for help:

Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy for warriors:


In the name of the Light, in the name of the Family, in the name of its power! Perun sends goodness to those who call upon her. Strength and glory, firmness and fury, give us Perun in battle. Revealed by thunder, be inspired, show your will. In the name of God Gray Svarog, give strength to the warrior. To your son and brother, to your friend and howl, show your will. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Conspiracy before the gathering medicinal herbs:

You are the raw earth, you are our dear mother! You gave birth to, raised, nourished and provided land for everyone. For our sake, you gave birth to your children Zeliy. Use polga to drive away demons and cure illnesses. They took off themselves to grab various supplies, land for the sake of the hollow on the stomach. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

For your health:

Empress, Makosh Mother, heavenly mother, Mother of God. You, mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, no troubles and no crying! Give health to the children (names) great and small. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

For healthy offspring:

Mother Rozhanitsa, Sister Rhoda, hear our words, accept our bloodless, necessary gifts,


grant healthy offspring to all our generations. So that our eternal family thread will never be interrupted. We sing great glory for you and call you into our mansions. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Plot for happiness:

Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you, Now and ever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

Spell for a good life:

Veles Patron God! Swargm is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

Ritual for getting rid of grievances and sorrows:

If your life is filled with sorrows and grievances then go into the deep forest, find a lonely place there in the thicket. Dig a hole in the ground (30 cm in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your grievances, fears, despairs into it, scream about them until tears flow from your eyes and you feel empty, drained. Then dig a hole and immediately leave without looking back at home. Remember, you should never return here under any circumstances.

It is also useful to speak all your sorrows and pains into water. Only it must be running water: a river, a stream, you can even open the water from a tap and talk about it.

Ritual for a good life:


They put grain into a pre-plowed furrow in the ground and poured beer, saying, facing the east: “Mother of Cheese Earth! Quiet all unclean reptiles from love spells, trafficking and dashing deeds.”

Turning to the west: “Mother of Cheese Earth! Absorb the evil spirit into the abyss boiling into flammable resin."

Turning to the south: “Mother of Cheese Earth, quench the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with blizzards.”

The north was addressed as follows: “Mother of cheese Earth! Calm the midnight winds from the clouds, hold back the frosts and blizzards."

After each appeal, beer was poured into the furrow. Then the sorcerer covered the earth with his hands and whispered: “Mother of the Cheese Earth, tell me, tell me the whole truth, show it to (name)” and predicted the future for the person. Having said goodbye to the Goddess of the Earth, they collected a small handful of it in a bag and kept it as a talisman.

Water and fire spells to remove damage, the evil eye from a child or adult

The spells and prayers are very old, they were preserved in the clans of the Old Believers and have come down to us in the form in which I place them.

1. Take water from the spring, scoop it up along the river and return back from the spring without talking to anyone. Then at home read on the water. Drink half a glass, pour the rest on your head.

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, stands the Yar tower,

In this mansion stands the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

She reads a pigeon book and says:

From the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the witchtail, from the witchtail,

From the envious, from the hater, from the envious, from the hater,

From a bad hour, from a bad eye, from a girl’s, from a youth’s, from a night, midnight, from a day, midday, from an hour, half an hour, from a gray eye, from a yellow eye, from a black eye, which jokes and dries this person.

He did not flatter you, he did not do evil to you, take all ailments out of the whole white body and from the violent head.

And if you don’t stop joking and drying out this man, I’ll go and pray to the family, I’ll bow to the Sun, I’ll bow to God, I’ll turn to Perun, I’ll turn to Kryshen, they will send threatening clouds on you, they’ll beat you with thunder, they’ll burn you with lightning, they’ll pierce the earth through the ashes of Mother Cheese .

Oh, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, could you have saved God, help us to dissuade us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour.

2. Conditions for water are the same as in paragraph 1.

Mother, the water is clean, your springs are swift, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Mother, you are the dawn-Zaryanitsa, the dawn of the Red Maiden, the dawn of Maremyana, from a gray eye, from a white eye, from a brown eye, from a black eye, from a sorcerer man, from grandmothers of a sorceress, from a simple-haired girl, from an unclean spirit, from a strong whirlwind, from a bathhouse, from a water one, from a forest one. GO!

3. Also for water. Take a sip of the charmed water, then wet your hair 3 times and sprinkle the chest and back of the person being charmed.

I will become (the name of the one who speaks the water), blessing myself, praying to the family, I will go out of the hut through the doors, out of the gate into an open field, into a green oak grove. In a green oak grove there is a white birch tree with 12 roots, don’t hold any lessons, no prizes, no sorrows, illnesses, fears, commotions, or wind breaks on me, from my relative, from fair-haired, from blond, from black, cherry , from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from bigamous, from three-toothed. May my words be strong and moldable, stronger and more moldable than sturgeon glue. GO! GLORY!

4. Purification by fire.

Father, you are the king of fire. You are the king of all kings. Be merciful, how hot and ardent you are, how you burn and scorch the grass, ants, thickets and oak groves of raw oak roots in the open field, I pray the same way, I reproach you.

Father Tsar, burn the fire from the son of God, all sorts of sorrows and illnesses, fears and turmoil have fallen around, cleanse the illness! GO!

Plot-amulet from damage:

If there is damage, then first filming , and then we read the amulet.

1 version of the amulet. The ocean-sea cannot be bypassed, the white Alatyr-stone cannot be turned aside, the child of God, (name), cannot be condemned, neither the sorcerer nor the sorceress can be disgraced.

Option 2. You can also read it every morning to have protection for the whole day. You can read the same plot on your own protective belt, ochelye.

The morning came clear. The red sun is coming down

Lights up the light gold wheel

The morning is clear, the sun is red

Illuminate, protect and preserve with happiness for a long time

Young water

Pure sister

In the wonderful lake I washed myself with a beating key and locked it

She commanded to live healthy, to forget the illness of the disease

Water is young, icy sister

Illuminate, protect and preserve with strong health

The wind is a daring fellow, well done

By the will of the Soul, illuminate and protect

Fire is the bright king,

you burn and remove what you find in the past,

Evil, black bad,

Fall around, don't let the disease

Everything is worthless and unkind

Fire father, fire bright king

From a crooked glance, from fierce anger,

Protect and save from black envy. The forest is dense,

ber forest,

give me peace too,

Unlock your memory, open your heart,

Let in the great power, the immeasurable power,

Protect and preserve, become a guiding star.

Conspiracy for women in labor:

Three-light Rozhana mother! Do not let our Family become impoverished, sanctify the womb of all our wives and brides,


with his grace-filled power. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

For insomnia:

You need to put a treat for your brownie in the owner’s corner (right opposite from the door), cookies, candies and say: “Knock-knock, chok-chok, brownie, brownie, turn to the other side” - in a couple of minutes the body will relax and you will sleep well .

If there is no item in the house:

Give a treat to the brownie and say, “Brownie, play with it and give it back.” If after three times it is not found, it means that this thing is not in the house.

For the protection of the house:

“Hey grandpa, don’t fall asleep, deal with the thief in your own way, go on patrol around the yard, keep everything properly.” And provide a treat brownie . You can calmly go about your business.

Treatment of infantile hernia:

Stroke the sore spot in a circular motion clockwise and say “The hernia is gnawing (name), you are one - I am two, you are two - I am three, you are 3 - I am 4, you are 4 - I am 5, you are 5 - I am 6, you are 6 - I’m 7, you’re 7 and I’ll eat you completely.” And so three times. Spend 5 days on the full moon. Two days before and two days after the full moon.

To open or clear a path:


“Buy - Tur Ariy, I think about the hara, I lament about the hara. I’ll put Zhinev’s bench press on that path.”

Spell for water:

The pain of the disease from someone else's box, where it came from, went there. Whoever sent you missed you. I conjure you and send you back, beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to a place where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the one who sent, who knew no grief. Stay with him and don’t come back.” Drink 1/3 glass of charmed water 3 times a day. Take live water, not boiled or stagnant.

Treatment of Meningitis (even at the last stage): Take an oak barrel, steam hay there and bathe the patient in this steam.

Treatment of gangrene: Take fresh pork liver and apply it to the sore spot, gangrene is gone.

A belt of living help is made like this: on a white cloth they write the words of the spell “Where he came from, there he went” Or “Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Firebozhich! Sleep away the pain-illness, cleanse the womb of the child of the people (name), of every creature, of the old and young, You are God’s Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, let the sickness perish, we call upon You now and ever and from circle to circle! The writing is applied to the naked body and worn. After 28-29 days, tear and remove (do not cut). The best belt is made of linen.

Food spell for health and strength

The plot is intended to ensure that the food is tasty, goes to good use and fills you with health and strength. Read in the morning while preparing food so that no one hears:

Father Svarog and Mother Lada created heaven and earth and the entire universe: water, dry land, mountains, wilderness, grain, and bread. Dear Gods, let me create and feed your grandchildren. Give them health and strength so that they can eat and drink and glorify the Gods. Grant, Father, that I too may become famous for my righteous deeds. Glory to the Gods and Ancestors!

Conspiracy from fear

Veles, help, Mother Lada, the Guardian Gods will protect us, help me and my child to drive out the evil spirit, give joy to me and my child, keep the whole world, all the light, joy and glory! Come out scared! Come out scared! Come out, come out, evil spirit! Whether they add fuel or slander, don’t allow it, Svarozhe. Svarozhichi, flog, chop, drive away from the world, from Dazhbozh’s grandson (name), from granddaughters, from great-granddaughters, from my child, from my herd, from the whole world around the world! I drive out evil: from my head, from under my head. There is no rabies in the head, no deafness, no muteness, no blindness, no hearing, no knowing. I expel from the womb, from the heart, from under the heart, from the lungs, from under the lungs, from the livers, from under the livers, from the stomach, from under the stomach, from the intestines, from under the intestines, from the spleen, from under spleen, from the kidneys, from under the kidneys, from time, from under time, from every disease I drive out trash: from the arms, from the shoulders, from under the shoulders, from the elbows, from under the elbows, from the palms, from under the palms , from fingers, from under fingers, from nails, from under nails. You don’t know paralysis, you get bread and salt with your own hands. From the sides, from under the sides, from the knees, from under the knees, from the thighs, from under the thighs, from the shoulders, from under the shoulders, from the bones, from under the bones, from the heels, from under the heels, from the soles , from under the soles, from the neck, from under the neck, from the lower back, from under the lower back, to drive away tetanus, to not know seventy-seven diseases, not to hear twenty-four winds with deadly twists, to have fame and health, a clean bed, like God’s Svarog, Lada's mother. Lying down - don't lie down, don't know illness!

Universal conspiracy for all diseases

Come out, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases from man: from the bones, from the veins, from the joints, from the blood, from the neck. Go where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, where the voice of God does not set, where the temples of the Family do not stand, where the fires of Svarozh do not burn. There you will hold the will, sprinkle sand, wave reeds, do not occupy the world, twist stumps, break them, sprinkle leaves, make hollows, pull out roots, but the world will not have or know grief. Disappear, disappear, move away from the World, and take my conspiracy to the Holy Rule! Week with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and Saturday itself - evil spirits and illness disappear. Every week the Sun rises - evil spirits and all diseases recede! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors, Perun's children, come to my aid, pour evil spirits, all sorts of diseases, evil foreign beliefs into wax (fire)! Come out, evil eye, fright, whirlwind, whirlwind, draft, draught, navei, naveinitsa, sleepwalker, paralysis. From scrap, from chips, from glue. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases, all diseases enter into the wax (fire). From fire, from the sword, from the invasion of the Holy Fiery Spirit. Descend from dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. From the head, from the ears, from the spreading of the ears. From the spine, from the neck, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from the bladder! Come out, dark spirits, evil faiths and all sorts of diseases. Come out: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, done, sent. Come out of the hunt, out of work, come out as a cat, as a dog, as an ox, as a chicken, as a sheep, as a girl, as a fellow. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. All dark spirits and all kinds of diseases enter the wax (fire). And stay there forever! Glory to Svarog!