Caprice raises the bar. Premium collection. Alexandra Bril: the shoes are light - and you feel light! Alexandra Bril presenter how old


Behind the scenes of the theater. Exemplary's life is in full swing. All the corridors smell of a theater buffet and the theater bustle that usually happens before a performance. At A.S. Dennikov is a creative mess both on the table in his office and in his head - after all, preparations are underway for a new performance. In the corridors there is a discussion of new decorations, leaving the office, Andrei Sergeevich is talking with some man in glasses. He offers him his ideas, which the man with glasses, from his professional point of view, immediately develops in the right direction. The work is so busy creative people, mutually complemented by colleagues precisely in spirit, and not work, in the future, acquiring the clear features of a work of art that comes out for public viewing during a theatrical act.

There are two New Year's wigs on the table: the Snow Maiden's braid and the beard attached to Santa Claus's hat. “Excuse me for the chaos, there is such a commotion here about a new performance, a complete creative mess!”

Dennikov's latest performances often involve animals. For example, "It's a dog's life." It is not without reason that the director approached the interpretation of the performances from this angle. If you remember his favorite authors, poets, or look at Andrei Sergeevich himself, then there is an elusive resemblance to kind and pure beings.

What does the wolf mean in Vysotsky’s works? For example, remember at least the song “Wolf Hunt”, “Hunting from Helicopters?”

— As a child, I always had such associations, as you know, all children have at an early age. Even now I can’t say that I’m an adult, because somewhere inside me lives little prince, who sometimes bursts out, giggling, misbehaving, sometimes he is sad in such a childish way. New Year I love in the same way as a child, so this feeling from a person, that is, what kind of animal he looks like, it remains to this day. Since childhood, I associated Vysotsky’s voice with a wolf, Vysotsky’s Hamlet was a wolf driven into a corner. It even seems to me that Vysotsky himself associated himself with this animal, of course I don’t know if this is so... but for some reason it seems to me that this wolf, wild, proud and lonely - it was in everything that Vysotsky did: in cinema, in the theater, and naturally in poetry and songs. Vysotsky’s singing is also wolfish. You can’t just say that he’s hoarse, he’s just some kind of animal voice, alive, individual, incomparable to anyone. Perhaps his performance is very close to Karachentsov’s; he sang somehow like an animal. I always remember Juno and Avos, how he performed. This, of course, is not like today’s performers, for whom everything is smoothed over and made up, feigned. They do not have such a wolfish, bestial individuality that Karachentsov or Vysotsky had. I think that in the image of a wolf Vysotsky had his own associations.

— What animal do you associate yourself with?

— As a child, I was madly in love with foxes, because they are generally very beautiful and always occupied a very important place in the intrigue of some fairy tale. And I remember that in kindergarten I was just trying to get myself the role of a fox in plays, but since I was in a Soviet kindergarten, it was somehow strange for all the teachers: well, of course, a girl should play a fox as usual! How can a boy play the role of a fox? Ugliness! And they gave me the role of a bunny, and I realized that if I play the role of a bunny, it will be a complete nightmare! I'm not ready to play rabbits! I can only do something solid. And I started to cry on purpose, to be capricious, and deliberately threw a tantrum, the teachers were very kind women and they gave in. I also absolutely loved this real huge fox tail in the costume. Well, how could I agree to a hare when there is such luxury here! And I still achieved my goal. I even have childhood photographs, and when I look at them, I’m surprised how I, such a little person, could be so embodied in a fox. I have such a cunning pug there! It’s amazing, both the gestures and the hands were put together just like that. I still remember this performance in some outlines. Foxes have always been very important animals for me. And even now in my performance, in addition to the cat Vaska, I play a fox, because a fox is a greeting from childhood. And I associate myself, no matter how strange it may seem, with a swan in life. There's something cat-like about me. When the dogs start barking loudly, I really want to climb a birch tree or somewhere else and sit until the dogs stop making noise. I don’t like it when dogs bark; you know, it’s as if my back is arched like a cat’s and my tail is like a pipe! (laughs) Why a swan, well, because in life I’m like a swan on the shore: completely clumsy, I don’t have any special grace in everyday life. And in art, like a swan in water, I swim out and feel: that I have two wings, there is harmony with the world around me, I give my art to people and do it with great pleasure. There is such a belief about swan fidelity, well, this is also my quality. What I often suffer from, but I can’t get rid of it. Maya Plisetskaya also associated herself with a swan in dance. But she has it in a slightly different way. I look at people and understand that this one is like one, that one is like another. But I don't focus only on swans. I love pigs! I just really love them and collect them, I really like them! (laughs)

— Would you like to adopt a pet pig?

- Here! I really want to!

- Now it’s very fashionable, both small and big ones are taken...

- This is very cool! I have already read a lot about them, learned everything. George Clooney is said to have a big pig!

- Yes, his name was Max, but he was already old, he died at the age of nineteen.

- Well... why did you upset me? I even have a favorite movie about Babe the Pig and the Little Pig in the City. I really like the way he said: “I’m not bacon, I’m a pig on a mission.” I just adore him! (laughs) Such beauty! It was shot great! I was very indignant when I found out that Babe the pig himself was not allowed to attend the Oscar ceremony, and he even wore a bowtie... The Americans themselves are pigs in the bad sense of the word, but the piglet was not allowed! As a child, I really loved Piggy, whom Natasha Derzhavina, an actress in our theater, performed. And now he is aggressive and angry. I remember that Piggy very well. And when they show the old recordings, it is clear that that Piggy is the real Piggy. Loved Piglet very much!

- It's just fate!

— (laughs) Well, I just have two cats. And therefore, if he lives, he will eat cat litter! Well, this is unpleasant, why would he eat it...

Yes, we need to come up with something about this! Well, let's get back to symbolism. Remember: “Dear, dear, funny fool...” by Sergei Yesenin? What does a horse mean in Yesenin’s works? And the dog? “Give me a paw, Jim, for luck...” And why did Yesenin so often turn to images of animals?

This is often the associative thinking of the poet. Animals are very close to nature. They are - part of nature. And Yesenin and nature are so united and inseparable... for example, the cow from his poem... After all, her image, on the one hand, is maternal, she gives milk, feeds the family, cows are loved in Konstantinov, I can say this with confidence, because every I'm vacationing there this summer. But there are fewer and fewer of them. In general, I associate this animal with the village. In it, Yesenin embodied not so much the cow itself, but the image of that village where “a rough herder beat her in the distilling fields,” that Rus' that was leaving. He recorded the moment when the village was being slaughtered, purposefully destroyed. In general, for Yesenin, the swan is very important. He has a lot of birds in his poems: “a flock of jackdaws on the roof...” and so on. It’s not for nothing that Yesenin was called “Lelem”, but he is inseparable from nature. Yesenin is a genius, and geniuses are always alone. Do you know that he has never hit our little brothers on the head? He loved animals very dearly. This childishness in his eyes, purity... They tried to discredit his image in the eyes of our nation with all sorts of TV series, but there are poems and there are photographs of the real Yesenin, and not this golden-haired one... It was the purity of his soul that made him reach for nature. Horse... He was a horse breeder as a child and spent the night with herds of horses. Just like a dog. We have a closer relationship with dogs... Here we are with horses and dogs. “The red-maned colt is galloping...” He, too, was chasing and chasing... This foal was for him a visual image of a dying village. And it seems to me that he associated himself with this creature. But Yesenin, with his sincerity and spiritual beauty, could not keep up with this devilry and convince everyone that this was so - he could not.

— Why do you think Tarkovsky burns a live horse in Andrei Rublev? And why a horse?

- It's scary, of course. For me, this is generally terrible. The horse looks as if it is very wise and wants to say something, but cannot. And the eyes are so defenseless and huge... And Mayakovsky, remember, was about a horse? All artists and poets are somehow kind to this animal. And when a horse is burned... Just like when a horse is slaughtered, when it falls, it’s somehow very sad. “Horses in the Ocean” remember the poem? Of course, the horse is not only Yesenin’s, but in the minds of our people it is a very human creature. A taxi driver told me about how besieged Leningrad one day a horse fell, it was still alive and people ran out of all the houses... and the worst thing, he said, was not that people ate each other, but defenseless animals. Why is there such an attitude towards this animal? A heroic horse... And look, I have a very rare icon hanging and everyone is depicted on horseback...

- But you also have something about animals. Your new play is called “A Dog’s Life”, what role does the dog play in it? And it’s very interesting, is theatrical life a dog’s life?

— (laughs) Dog? Well, it’s okay, I knew where I was going! If everything in the theater is smooth and leafy, then life will probably be uninteresting. We need some kind of counteraction. My relationship with everyone is good, warm, but the rest is not so important. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on. In my play, dogs are either people or dogs. I, like Yesenin, am inclined to humanize animals. For example, in “Confessions of a Hooligan” I have both a cow and a dog... They don’t have muzzles, but faces. I don't have such exact proportions. I sculpted this, gathering mass from toilet paper and poured my heart, soul and emotions into the sculpting, and this came out. And it’s the same in “A Dog’s Life.” My animals have living souls. And the puppets are very interesting, not just an end in themselves, but I want to combine (I have a synthetic theater) a puppet and a person, and in this performance it works out perfectly. A dog has a human soul, after all. Sometimes we associate them with homeless people, with their difficult destinies, or they are the heroes of the play “At the Lower Depths” by M. Gorky, or they are really animals, or they are just lonely people.

— Do you have pets?

- Yes, I have a cat, Donut, and a cat, Fufa (Infanta de Belle Flor). She's definitely a bitch. And Donut is a good-natured person. But besides the fact that she is a bitch, she loves only one man, this man is me, and this fuels me. And despite all her disadvantages, I love and appreciate her. Well, of course, if a woman loves me, what should I do - drive her away with sticks? And Donut is so fat and kind... When his tooth hurt, we brought him to the veterinarian. And so I walk into the office with him in my hands and the doctor asks: “What’s the cat’s name?” I say, “Donut!” And I dump it on the table and everyone just falls because my Donut’s body was just hanging off the table. He really feels good people, talks, understands me. And I also have a canary! It was given to me on stage during the play “Rigoletto”. And when they gave it to me, I was so happy! I really like them! And they give me this canary, I take the cage in my hands and at that time from the hall male voice, covering all the applause: “A canary is not a comrade to a nightingale!” (laughs) But nevertheless, my friend likes to sing along with me at home. Moreover, when I sing the women’s parts, he doesn’t sing, he sits and listens. And when I begin to sing the bass, the nightingale begins to sing. I play a lot of good music for him to listen to: Vivaldi, Mozart, and Chopin! Donut actually sometimes hunts my canary. But the most he can do is insert his snub nose between the bars, raise his paw, then realize that he is lazy and lower it. (laughs)

- Yes, hunting is when everyone wants to hunt, and when someone doesn’t want to, then it’s no longer hunting!

- Exactly, exactly! Oh, I also had quail! But still...

- Do you really want a pig?

- Yes, very much. They are also smart, and they grunt like that! I love them. “The dirty muzzles of pigs are pleasant to me...” - Yesenin wrote this. Because previously all villages specialized in their craft. And the village of Konstantinovo was engaged in pig farming! They are so cute and small there! We have a pig, Manya, and we used her as a character for the performance.

- Well, be careful, otherwise next time I’ll come to you with a pig!

An expert from the shoe brand Caprice talks about visiting the city of Pirmasens, the shoe capital of Germany, about the philosophy of Caprice and where the Sargasso Sea is located!

— Alexandra, you are an expert not only of the Caprice brand, but also an expert in footwear in general. How did you master this pretty a rare profession?

— My appearance on Shopping Live was surprising even for me. Initially, I studied at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. Moreover, I wanted to be a journalist, and a war correspondent; I had no plans to become a TV presenter. Since childhood, we ran with our friends around all the yards, pestered grandmothers and interviewed them with a voice recorder, while introducing ourselves as correspondents from the newspaper “Young Marmots”. We should also tell them that we are from the “Big Laundry” program, and that they, these grandmothers, won a washing machine ( laughs). I have always been attracted to the interview genre and wanted to develop in it. And, as I already said, it was war journalism that attracted me most.

- Romance?
- Not only. There were very philosophical reflections on this topic: to be someone in this life, to help someone, maybe even save someone... You understand: someone has to put out fires? Someone has to save lives? It seemed to me that I should be that kind of person, that my mission was to be a war journalist. Who if not me? And I also wanted to be the first woman in history - a war journalist who would do what many men cannot.

— Here we are now sitting right on the podium of the television studio where the Shopping Live fashion shows take place. And all this does not look very much like the front line. How did such a transition take place: from military journalism to the world of fashion?
— The fact is that I did an internship at federal channels, was a correspondent and was even close to fulfilling her dream and becoming a war correspondent herself. I was already one step away from my dream. But there was a wonderful person, Yuri Kosovan, a director from the Rossiya TV channel, who said: “Sasha, what are you talking about? What kind of war journalism? You are a girl, you still have children to give birth to, a family to build. And they don’t take women there.” And somewhere at this stage I began to slowly move away from this topic. Even then I tried my hand as an editor and screenwriter. And, besides, people directly from this field, military journalism, also explained to me: Sasha, firstly, it’s really very difficult there and, secondly, they don’t take women there. Thus, I simply understood that I really had very little real chance - if I really wanted this. Women in war, as well as on a ship, are not needed.

— And then somehow Shopping Live appears in your now new life?

- Yes. This was in 2012. An agent called my friend and invited him to a casting for presenters on the Shopping Live TV channel. He came and they took him right away! And he then called me and asked: would you like to try your hand too? Want! I remember when I came, they immediately put me on air, in the frame; then there were no such separate castings as there are now. They gave me a pair of shoes - and not Caprice, I remember that for sure - and said: speak up! There was no special acting task, no script then. The camera was just standing - and I was standing there, with shoes ( laughs).

— Was it scary?
- No, it was very cool! I love to talk and have always loved to talk, to reason different topics. Therefore, for me, speculating on the topic of shoes was quite common, in some ways even commonplace. At the same time, I didn’t come from nowhere: I worked on TV, did internships on many TV channels, in general, I imagined a kitchen.

- AND?
- And that’s it, they said: we’ll take it!

- Great! How did you end up joining the “Shoes” section?
— When the recruitment of experts for the sections had already begun - which had not happened before - I was invited to try my hand at the “Shoes” section. And Anton Mazaev, who was then the casting director, suggested that I work on shoes as an expert. And this topic was close to me: fashion and shoes, in particular. I was pretty good at this even then. After all, shoes are not just fashion, they are also technology, and this is also close to me, organically. And that’s how I became a shoe expert, at first without dividing into brands. And it so happened that then I became pregnant, went to the minimum possible, three months maternity leave, and then suddenly I get a call from Shopping Live, and it was our manager, and he says: come, we need to talk. It turns out that the Caprice brand really wanted to collaborate with me. And we have already crossed paths with this brand – not only on our TV channel. For example, I periodically hosted their fashion shows. In general, we already had, let’s say, tender feelings for each other. In addition, I already knew the shoes of this brand very well, I saw what a huge selection in the Caprice collections presented on Shopping Live, more than two hundred models, I understood how popular it was with the audience. That’s how I became an ambassador, ambassador of the Caprice brand on the channel, its exclusive expert.

— What does it mean to be a Caprice expert on Shopping Live? Have you undergone any special training or education?
— Yes, at the beginning there were trainings, although there I already largely repeated, as they say, what I had learned: even then I knew almost every model, every pair of Caprice shoes. In general, I already understood each lot. And there, at the trainings, they told me: well, you probably already know this. And in many ways this was exactly the case.

— Were there any new, unknown moments?
- Certainly. For example, at that stage I was still not familiar with all the nuances of technological issues, I did not know all the technologies used in Caprice shoes. For example, if we talk about methods of tanning leather. I didn’t know then, but now I know. And she always asked me to tell him everything possible, all the information. After all, they say correctly: when you own the information, you own the world... The fact is that I want to be ready to answer almost any question. For example, they will ask me in live: Alexandra, what is the tanning method used to produce nubuck? And here I won’t say: but here I would rather talk about the weather... ( laughs). Naturally, I will answer such questions.

— It turns out that in this area you are already like a grandmaster who knows all the moves on this board?
- I guess you can say that. And then Caprice said: Sasha, it’s time for you to go to Germany and see our entire process. And that’s how I ended up in Pirmasens, the shoe capital of Germany, where both Caprice’s headquarters and their factory are located. It was a joint trip with purchasing specialists from Shopping Live; they were just purchasing the Spring-Summer collection there. And we filmed a Caprice commercial there, which is now airing on Shopping Live. And the shooting took place quite recently, on July 3, that is, this summer. And there I was introduced to the nuances of production. In addition, I asked for a tour of the city, because this is a truly historical place, Pirmasens. I wanted to know where the monuments to famous shoe manufacturers are, where which shoe productions are located, in what year each of them was founded...

— Pirmasens is the shoe capital of Germany. Is it true that the whole city is a hub of “shoe temples”?
- Yes, there you find yourself in some special shoe world, as if on a separate planet. It's a pretty small town where everything has to do with shoes. You don’t understand who makes coffee there in the cafe, who sells clothes in the stores there. It literally has everything to do with shoes. All the residents there are shoemakers, or former shoemakers, or their parents and grandparents were shoemakers! Once upon a time there were three hundred shoe factories there; in almost every house there was one kind of shoe production or another, a shoe manufactory. And everywhere there are signs: here such and such a shoemaker worked, there – such and such. On every street there are bulls - monuments to bulls, of different colors.

- Bullocks are leather for shoes, right?
— Yes, these monuments symbolize that shoes there, in Pirmasens, have always been made from genuine leather. There are other monuments to shoemakers. There is a shoemaker standing there, and he also has genuine leather in his hands. And now, of the large shoe production there, there are only three left today, globalization... Nowadays there is some kind of automobile production there, there is a furniture factory. At the same time, the town is really very small - one main street is three hundred meters long - and that’s practically all.

— Alexandra, did you have any questions about shoes on air that puzzled you?

— It would probably be very pretentious to answer that there are no questions that I cannot answer... Of course, this is not true: there are questions to which I do not know the answers. But specifically from buyers who call us live... I don’t remember such questions. Mostly they call to express kind words or wishes. But then there are questions of this kind: will this pair really suit me? Is she exactly as full as stated? In such cases, I always try to dispel doubts and answer as fully and thoroughly as possible. It happens that unexpected questions are asked from our presenters. For example, recently during a broadcast I said that this particular pair of shoes is the color of the Sargasso Sea...

- What color is this exactly?
- ... and the presenter suddenly says to me: Sasha, where is the Sargasso Sea? And I answered: really, where is it located? She answers me: I don’t know. And I also say: well, I don’t know either! ( laughs) And then the producer’s voice is in our earphone: in the Atlantic Ocean. And the presenter and I blurt out at the same time: in the Atlantic Ocean!

— How many pairs of Caprice shoes do you have at home?
— Personally, I don’t have many, about five pairs.

- Near?
- Yes, I don’t remember exactly. Maybe four, maybe six. But definitely not twenty-five. I love good, high-quality shoes. At the same time, like any adequate shoe expert and like any adequate person, I understand that there is something that suits me, and there is something that does not suit me. There are three hundred pairs in the Caprice collection. I can’t, no matter how much I want, buy them all – to show everyone: I’m such a super mega-expert, I have everything. I think Giorgio Armani doesn’t wear all the things he produces. For example, I have narrow feet and shoes with increased fullness simply do not suit me. Or shoes that are ten centimeters above the ankle don’t suit me - and I don’t wear such models. It’s just that every woman has shoes that suit her or don’t suit her. And I'm no exception here. Naturally, I also have shoes from other brands - this is absolutely normal. After all, if you don't try different shoes, how will you know if yours is better? I think my mother has four pairs of Caprice in her wardrobe, and my grandmother also has several.

— The brand’s slogan is “Easy as air.” Are Caprice shoes really that light?

- Yes. Caprice shoes are really very light. Whatever pair you pick up - be it boots, boots or ballet flats - everything is very light. This is one of the real advantages of Caprice shoes. It happens that boots weigh like ballet shoes. And, besides, “Easy as air” is not only literal, it is also a metaphor. About your mood, about your inner feelings. This is a set of feelings, this is a whole philosophy. And the shoes are light - and you feel light!

— Alexandra, how do you relax, even from your favorite job?
- Oh, this is a sore subject! ( laughs). As a child, in my youth, I did everything: journalism, first of all. I made wall newspapers at home and hung them in the entrance. She even made films herself. I also went to a drama club and learned English and Spanish. Swimming, drawing, choreography. I did everything I could - I went somewhere all the time! Then for a long time I went to the theater studio “School of Freedom” by Roman Rabinovich - this was what I needed then, such, one might say, a theatrical sect in in a good way this word. Stage self-destruction for the sake of stage self-realization. Discovering new facets in yourself that no one knows, even you yourself don’t know. We worked for almost 24 hours, until late at night. I really liked it. But what I liked more was the very process of these endless, exhausting rehearsals - not even performances, not performances as such. It was a very big hobby, it lasted almost three years...

- And now?
- Now? For example, snowboarding – I’ve been snowboarding for a long time. Although, when I found out that I was having twins, I thought that there would be no time left for anything. And if there was only one child, then you could leave him with his mother and go riding for the whole day. But we have two children - of course, this imposes restrictions. You can’t leave two of your mom just for the sake of boarding. But still, three months after giving birth I went back to work. And the hobbies remain. Actually, snowboarding. And my husband, of course, plays rugby around the clock. He has been involved in this sport for more than twenty years, played and plays in various professional teams - Spartak, Dynamo, Slava. Master of sports in rugby, champion of Europe and Russia, for him rugby is his whole life. Now he is not only a player, but also a children's coach. And I, of course, am also very immersed in this topic. This sport is very dangerous, very courageous - and there are a lot of rules. No wonder they say: rugby is a game for hooligans, played by real gentlemen. This is really interesting - my children and I go to his matches, we like to root for him, there are even T-shirts with his number, fourteen. I also get very worried when I have broadcasts and my husband has a game: then our administrators tell me during breaks that everything is fine, there are no injuries, everyone is alive, our team is winning!

— It turns out that the name All Blacks in your family is familiar not only to him?
- Certainly! ( laughs) New Zealand rugby team!

Star blitz:

- Favorite actor?
- Not alone. Of the modern ones, I really like Alexander Petrov, he is incredibly organic and charismatic, he is the most talented young actor. Also Alexander Pal and... Dmitry Nagiyev, I think he is cooler than Jim Carrey, because he copes very well with dramatic roles. And, of course, Nikolai Karachentsev – his expression, charisma and temperament. And from Hollywood: Matthew McConaughey, Gerard Buttler and Javier Barden. But I like them more as men than as actors.

— What is style?
— Personal sense of self, sense of self. At forty, you can dress like you’re fifteen, especially since it’s in fashion today. Style is you at forty, as you remember yourself at fifteen.

— What is your ideal vacation?
- Extreme every day! I don't like lying on the beach. I really like Asia. Therefore: go to Thailand, but not to the beach. The first day is rafting, then hiking, and so on.

- Favorite color?
Lately- green. The color of life, health, vitality!

- Describe yourself in one word.
- Original!

#shopping_live #caprice #Alexandra_bril #footwear_caprice

Text: Sergey Pashkevich

Photo: Alexey Khromushin

17.08.2016 5051

The German shoe manufacturer Caprice, known for its collections of comfortable casual shoes, presents a line of elegant dress shoes called Caprice Premium


Caprice's main priorities are high quality and precision in detail, which can be felt in every pair of shoes. Our experts travel around the world in search of best views leather and design ideas. We will introduce you to the exciting variety of leathers used by CAPRICE.

Opening up the delightful world of leather, Caprice offers us a new look at fashion for the spring/summer 2017 season – Caprice Premium.

The Caprice Premium collection represents a new line of dress shoes, designed taking into account the latest fashion trends.

This is an amazing number of options for low-heeled shoes, a variety of flat-soled models, and classic pumps.

The Caprice style, already loved by our customers, is represented by the always current “naive” ballet flats with cute decorative elements. Bright and unusual textures are used in sports themes - sneakers and slip-ons, which makes the everyday look bright and memorable.

The spring/summer 2017 shoe collection is so well balanced that it will be able to satisfy the needs of buyers from a wide variety of stores. Those who work with comfortable shoes will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of elegant models in the group of shoes with increased fullness, with insoles, and models made of elastic deer leather. The line of shoes in the style of urban sports, which has proven itself in recent seasons - sneakers, half-sneakers, slip-ons - will be of interest to youth-oriented stores. And, of course, our new product is a group of Caprice Premium models - our offer for shoe boutiques.

Caprice Premium is a line of elegant shoes made from high-quality Italian leather, featuring models with a variety of lasts.

IN recent years We so often see leggy beauties pairing dresses with trainers and sneakers rather than high heels. This trend will be relevant in the next season.

On the occasion of the opening of the GDS shoe exhibition, Caprice presented to the public its leather book, worthy of a book of records. This world's largest leather book is a collection of all the leathers used in the production of the spring/summer 2017 collection.

“Here we demonstrate the variety of stunning textures and visual effects that can be achieved with natural leather,” says Thomas Kölsch, Caprice Marketing Director. The leather book contains fantastic and expensive leathers with unusual textures: from mirror-glossy surfaces, luxurious varnishes to floral prints and embossing. At the same time, Mr. Kölsch especially emphasized that only natural leather is used in the new Caprice collection.

Like a second skin, Caprice shoes fit snugly and caress the foot. Leather is a material with unique properties. Thanks to their unique ability to breathe, leather shoes are able to maintain natural thermoregulation, providing maximum comfort. That's why we at Caprice only use first-class materials.

By developing a beautiful and extensive collection, Caprice once again cements its undeniable professional excellence. Comfort and fashion are not mutually exclusive, as evidenced by the new fashionable and fresh look of our collection.

50 different leathers in 250 colors are presented in the Caprice collection.

Caprice takes this unique book on a tour of Europe. The next stops of the book are the cities of London, Paris, Munich, Moscow.
A hazel-shaped toe and a “flared” stable heel are the undoubted trends of the coming season.

Alexandra Bril. Journalist, TV presenter, fashion expert for the Shoes section and the Caprice brand on the Shopping Live TV channel, fashion blogger, mother of twin boys

Why do I personally choose Caprice?

For me, this is perhaps the only brand that offers comfortable shoes made of genuine leather, made in the most different styles and fancy colors. This time Caprice has outdone itself. Caprice sourced incredible and exquisite Italian leather. Interesting textures, rich colors, floral prints, elegant patterns - and all this is made of excellent quality leather.

Have you ever wondered: “What role do shoes and fashion in general play in a woman’s life, and is it so important?” These are not global warming issues, or macroeconomic issues, some will say. However, great things begin with small things. AND Trojan War it wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for Elena, or rather, her beauty)))), and there wouldn’t have been any intrigue in “Cinderella” if her shoe hadn’t been lost, which means she wouldn’t have married the prince Pictures Of Smiley Faces Emotions... And fairy tales and true stories lead us to the main conclusion: you cannot escape beauty: any insignificant detail (be it a dress or shoes) can lead to both war and peace.

Shoes change your body language. It elevates you both physically and emotionally. I'm a real fan of good shoes. That's why in the Caprice showroom I feel like Carrie Bradshaw in my huge dressing room. In Caprice shoes I can be beautiful, sensual, mysterious or strict, bold or conservative. Here I can also find classic shoes, with a fashionable cutout, in the slipper style - I will wear them to work; and mother-of-pearl sneakers with a juicy peach tint - ideal for walking with children; and open sandals that can be worn with knitted socks, and the slip-ons themselves: bright with a white sole - ideal for a family trip to see your husband at a rugby match. The only thing you think about when looking at such an incredible collection, at all this amazing Italian leather: isn’t this the height of perfection? It is always easier to surpass a competitor than to jump over your own head. Now that it would seem that Caprice has embodied the most daring ideas, how will they surprise? Let's see!

The German shoe manufacturer Caprice, known for its collections of comfortable casual shoes, presents a line of elegant dress shoes called Caprice Premium.