Intellectual game based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". Questions for Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince" reading olympiad assignments (4th grade) on the topic 10 questions about the story of the little prince

Quiz based on the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupery " The Little Prince»

    Who is the fairy tale dedicated to? (To Leon Werth, my friend when he was little).

    The biggest threat to the Little Prince's planet is... baobabs

    How did the Little Prince end up on earth? (Advised by a geographer from the 6th planet).

    What did a businessman count on his planet and why? (Stars to be rich).

    This heroine “wasn’t even afraid of tigers,” but “was very afraid of drafts.” ( Rose.)

    This hero honestly fulfilled the terms of the “agreement,” despite the fact that because of this he had no opportunity to rest or sleep. ( Lamplighter.)

    This hero was “deaf to everything except praise.” ( Ambitious.)

    This hero asked to be tamed. ( Fox.)

    Where did the pilot-narrator meet the Little Prince? (In the Sahara desert)

    Insert the “key” word into the statement: “Only one thing is vigilant [what?]. You can’t see the most important things with your eyes.” ( Heart.)

    Those who need to “always explain everything” because they “never understand anything themselves.” (Adults)

    How many planets did the Little Prince visit? (Together with the Earth - 7.)

    If you walk straight and straight all the time... you won't get far.

    Everyone needs to be asked... that hecan give.

    Got up in the morning, washed, put myself in order and - and immediately put yours in order... planet

    When it becomes very sad, well... watch the sun go down.

    You are forever responsible for everyone you... tamed.

    Who owns the words: “I have so much work to do!” I am a serious person, I have no time for chatter. Two and five are seven.” To a business person

    Who owns the words: “I love you. It's my fault that you didn't know this. Yes, it doesn’t matter. Try to be happy." Rose

    Who helped the Little Prince return home? Snake

Goals events:

  • activate students and encourage them to read;
  • test knowledge;
  • develop speech abilities;
  • revive the tradition of family reading.

Office decoration:

  • an exhibition of drawings by students based on the read work “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry;
  • multimedia presentation “Saint-Exupery: the path to the “Little Prince”.

Command location: family teams (1 parent and 1 student) are located at separate tables.


Everything I've achieved in life
became possible
thanks to the book.
Richard Bach

The books told me that
how great and beautiful the man is
striving for better.
M. Gorky

Progress of the event

Teacher's word:

– The significance of a book in a person’s life is enormous. It is difficult, of course, in our time, when there are a lot of temptations - a TV with many programs, a computer - to get a child to read. But in the age of computers and high technology, a person cannot do without reading. However, teachers and psychologists state that children, having barely learned to read in elementary school, by the seventh and eighth grade they read worse and worse. Slowness of reading, lack of interest in reading lead to the fact that the processes of intellectual activity also slow down. The guys do not read the terms of the task or exercise well, and forget its essence before they begin to perform it. Many terms and concepts that they should have an idea about at this age are simply unknown and uninteresting to them.

Today the tradition of family reading has almost been lost. 2008–2009 has been declared the year of the family. In this regard, at our school we decided to revive the tradition of family reading and hold a family quiz “Read Together” based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”, thereby pursuing several goals: to intensify the use book funds school library, attract new readers - parents, continue cooperation with library employees.

“The Little Prince” is the topic of today’s QUIZ. You just recently read this work and know almost everything about it. If someone has forgotten, and the names of the heroes only vaguely emerge in their memory, then do not let this bother you.

– Let me remind you that the theme of our game is “The Little Prince Fairy Tale.” Three families are playing. We wish everyone good luck!
– Presentation by the jury (librarian, literature teacher).

Teacher's word:

– In the final lines of the fairy tale “The Little Prince,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote under a lonely star painted over the pitiless desert: “Take a closer look to be sure to recognize this place if you ever find yourself in Africa, in the desert. If you happen to be passing through here, I implore you, do not rush, linger a little under this star. And if a little boy with golden hair comes up to you, if he laughs loudly and doesn’t answer your questions, you will, of course, guess who he is. Then - I beg you - do not forget to console me in my sadness, write to me as soon as possible that he has returned.”

And, indeed, he returned to us. But... first things first.

Antoine Marie Roger de Saint-Exupéry is like this full name writer.

Student's word:

– A short sketch of the writer’s life and work (prepared by the student) accompanies the demonstration of the presentation “Saint-Exupery: the path to the “Little Prince”.

- So, are the teams ready? We're starting!

1st competition. Blitz survey. Each family is asked five questions, which are not given time to think about. You need to answer immediately.

  1. What is the Little Prince thinking about? (About the meaning of life, about a person’s place on earth, about the traces that remain after death, about relationships with each other, about friendship and love, about ambition and power, etc.)
  2. What images seem especially important to you for understanding the main meaning? (Rose, Fox, etc.)
  3. Why was the narrator afraid of the snake? (What if she stings, snakes are evil, it’s a pleasure for them to sting).
  4. What terrible evil seeds are there on the planet of the Little Prince? (Baobab seeds).
  5. Why does the author move the Little Prince from planet to planet? (Entering a relationship with different characters, and it is in these relationships that his character is revealed).
  6. What does the Snake offer the Little Prince? (The body is a shell, the main thing is the soul; free yourself from the earthly shell).
  7. For whom was this fairy tale written? (Both for children and adults, so that adults and children understand each other better).
  8. Why did the Little Prince come specifically to the author? (Both came from heaven, the adult hero is just as lonely, or maybe because he himself retained his childishness and spontaneity).
  9. Why did no one believe the Turkish astronomer who discovered asteroid B-612, on which the Little Prince probably lived? (Because he was dressed in Turkish, he was not like everyone else). This is irony.
  10. What did the Little Prince teach the hero? (Maintaining order on your planet, cultivating a garden, decorating a house, working every day, seeing beauty, teaches patience, spiritual vigilance, teaches one to overcome sadness, teaches love).
  11. Is there a planet whose inhabitant pleases the Little Prince? (Fifth, lamplighter).
  12. How did the Little Prince end up on earth? (Advised by a geographer from the 6th planet).
  13. What does the little prince learn from the Fox? (I am responsible for my rose. We are responsible for those we have tamed).
  14. Who is the fairy tale dedicated to? (To Leon Werth, my friend when he was little).
  15. What did a businessman count on his planet and why? (Stars to be rich).

2nd competition. Mosaic. Put together a mosaic, this is the author’s statement, which has become catchphrase, aphorism, are phrases that express the most important thoughts of the writer (expressions are cut into separate words).

“You can’t see the most important things with your eyes—only your heart is vigilant.”
– The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication.
– Don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed.
“It torments me that Mozart may have been killed in every person.”
– When you really want to make a joke, sometimes you inevitably lie.
– True friendship cannot be preached; it is learned through action.
– Love means not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction.

3rd competition. Guess the hero. Guess the character based on the illustration.

– Ambitious
– Lamplighter
– Geographer
– Drunkard
– Business man

4th competition. Discord. Ask each other questions related to the appearance of the fairy tale characters, their characters, and the events that happened to them. If they don’t answer, give the answer yourself, and you can get extra points for this.

5th competition. We are artists. Role-play reading of episodes from different chapters.

6th competition. The most attentive reader. Place the heroes in order as the Little Prince met them.

7th competition. We are writers. Continue the story of the Little Prince and compose a continuation of the fairy tale, telling about what happened to the Little Prince after the Pilot found him in the desert in the morning.

Teacher's word:

– The jury sums up the results. Now we can reveal the secret - it turns out that there is a book written by a famous Hungarian writer who took the pseudonym Antoine Saint-Etienne - “The Little Prince Returns”, which talks about how a pilot, having become an astronaut, visits various fictional planets on a spaceship and finds The Little Prince. The hero meets a brown woman who collects tears and turns them into stars, then finds himself on a planet where giant sunflowers grow, and twin girls throw giant seeds at the traveler. Elsewhere, a huge lemon-yellow worm is sharpening its planet, then evil dragons offend the Pilot, and then ride on his ship. In the end, he finds a mate for the Little Prince on Earth - the girl Luala - and again sends them to the planet of the Little Prince. But that’s another story... And the topic of another literary quiz.

Attention! Attention!

Would you like to become the owner of a free ticket to the screening of your favorite masterpiece from “Kung Fu Panda” director Mark Osborne, “The Little Prince”? Take part in the quiz based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”, which is held by the children's and youth library " School world"together with k/t "Lena".

“Who knows the fairy tale-parable better French writer

1. Name the planet on which the Little Prince lived.

3. What did it mean to the Little Prince to “clean up his planet”?

4. What flower did the Little Prince grow?

5. Who lived on the sixth planet?

6. What did the Fox ask the Little Prince?

7. What secret did the Fox reveal to the Little Prince?

8. What kind of minister did the King propose to appoint the Little Prince on his planet?

9. What did the business man who lived on the fourth planet think?

10. Who helped the Little Prince return home?

11. The desert in which the pilot made an emergency landing.

12. Heat sources on the planet of the Little Prince.

13. The little prince met a gentleman with a purple face who had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. Never loved. Didn't do anything. He just added...

14. A feeling that makes you happy and makes you sad.

15. An organ with greater vigilance than the eyes.

16. The only adult whom the Little Prince met during his journey who was nice to him. His work did not seem funny and useless to the Little Prince.

17. The source that gave the Little Prince in the desert “the most wonderful feast”

18. On what day did the boy tell the pilot about the tragedy with the baobabs?

19. Why does an ambitious person need a hat?

20. Why does the lamplighter light/extinguish the lantern so often?

21. What was the main requirement that the geographer made of travelers?

22. What positions did the King offer the Little Prince on his planet?

24. Why, according to the Little Prince, do flowers need thorns?

25. How many thorns did the rose have?

26. How many volcanoes were there on the planet of the Little Prince?

27. How did he use them for business purposes?

28. Where and when did the Little Prince first regret his rose?

Send your answers by email. address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. marked QUIZ THE LITTLE PRINCE until December 20, 2015 inclusive and do not forget to indicate your name. Quiz results will be posted on December 21, 2015.

The winners will receive tickets to the premiere of the cartoon “The Little Prince”

Mind game

based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"The Little Prince"

The goal is the formation of value orientations, the development of interest in reading

The sky is the home of millions of twinkling stars,

they enter and leave it

without any fantasies and sweet dreams,

the doors just open it.

Try to open the door, wonderful lock,

just by putting a ladder up to it,

The door opened - you are a star, and the threshold of talent

will melt before you in a light haze...

(O. Chiesova)

Ved. “The Little Prince” (French Le Petit Prince) is an allegorical story, the most famous work Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

First published April 6, 1943 in New York. The drawings in the book were made by the author himself and are no less famous than the book itself. It is important that these are not illustrations, but an organic part of the work as a whole: the author himself and the characters of the fairy tale constantly refer to the drawings and even argue about them. The unique illustrations in The Little Prince break down language barriers and become part of a universal visual lexicon that everyone can understand.

“After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, from the dedication to the book.

(2 teams are formed before the start of the game)

Dear guys, we are starting our game. I will ask you questions one by one, for the correct answer the team gets one point.

1. Who was Saint-Exupery? (pilot)

2. What did the Little Prince destroy? (baobabs)

3. What did Antoine dream of becoming as a child? (artist)

4. What was Exupery's first creation as an artist? (boa constrictor swallowed an elephant)

5. Recipe against sadness from the Little Prince? (look at the sunset)

6. What is the main rule of the Little Prince? (got up, washed, put myself in order, put the planet in order)

7. How should children treat adults? (condescendingly)

8. What is missing in the world according to Fox? (perfection)

9. What did Rose wish for the Little Prince? (to be happy)

10. Why do the stars shine? (so everyone can find theirs)

11. What does Fox think is vigilant? (heart)

12. What did the Little Prince give to the pilot? (laughing stars)

13. Where was Exupery born? (France)

14. During which war did Exupery die? (World War II)

15. What did the Little Prince ask you to draw? (lamb)

16. Why did the Little Prince set off on his journey? (to learn something)

17. Why did the Little Prince clean volcanoes? (so that they burn evenly)

18. What do you need to do to have a friend? (to tame, create bonds)

19. Why is the desert good according to the Little Prince? (springs are hidden somewhere in it)

21. Why did the little prince need a lamb? (so he would eat baobab sprouts, whose roots could destroy the planet)

22. What is the most important and beautiful thing? (what you can't see with your eyes)

23. What did the flower say to the little prince about people? (they have no roots - this is very inconvenient, they are carried by the wind)

24. To whom did Saint-Exupéry dedicate the book? (adults)

25. Why do flowers need thorns? (to be afraid of them)

26. What do children do on trains? (press their noses to the glass)

27. What did the Little Prince compare the stars to? (with a bunch of laughing bells)

28. “Elusive, mysterious and unknown, like the land of tears...”. What is this? (soul of the little prince)

29. What should be protected? (lanterns of the soul, a gust of wind can extinguish them)

30. What do only children know? (they know what they are looking for)

31. What truth did the Fox reveal to the Little Prince? (you are responsible for those you tamed)

32. Why was Rose ready to tolerate two or three caterpillars? (to meet butterflies)

33. Why did the Little Prince dream of the planet where the lamplighter lived? (you could admire the sunset there 1440 times)

34. What did the golden wheat remind the Fox of? (about the golden hair of the Little Prince)

35. Why do volcanoes cause people a lot of trouble? (people are too small to clean)

Result: the teams receive certificates, and the winning team receives a book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Compiled by Oksana Gennadievna Nefedova, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the MKOU Menshikovskaya Secondary School, Vengerovsky District, Novosibirsk Region.

Size: px

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1 Developed by: E.V. Dorovitsina, teacher of Russian language and literature Quiz based on the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince” 1. Where did the narrator meet with the Little Prince? 2. How many days would the narrator have enough water? 3. What did the Little Prince ask you to draw? 4. How many times did the narrator draw this? 5. What was the name of the planet where the Little Prince came from? 6. In what year and by whom was this planet discovered? 7. The seeds of what harmful plants grow on the planet of the Little Prince? 8. Who owns these words: “There is such a firm rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order and immediately put your planet in order”? 9. How many times on his planet could the little prince watch the sun set? 10. How did the narrator answer the Little Prince’s question: “Why are thorns needed?”? 11. What did the man with the purple face do, according to the Little Prince? 12. “If you love the only flower that is not found on any of the many millions of stars, this is enough: you look at the sky and you are happy.” Who owns these words? 13. “And the unknown guest, hidden within the walls of her earthly room, kept getting ready, kept preening. She didn’t want to come into the world disheveled. She wanted to appear in all the splendor of her beauty.” What kind of beauty is this? 14. “What a difficult character this flower has,” thought the Little Prince. What is the “difficulty” of this character? 15. How many thorns did the Little Prince’s beautiful guest have? 16. “You should never listen to what flowers say. You should judge not by words, but by deeds.” How do you understand these words? 17. How many active volcanoes were there on the planet of the Little Prince? 18. “Try to be happy.” How many times did Beauty say to the little prince during farewell? 19. To begin with, the Little Prince decided to visit asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330. They were closest to his planet. Who lived on the first asteroid?

2 20. “After all, the most important thing for a king is that.” What was most important to the king? 21. What position did the king offer the little prince so that he could stay? 22. Who lived on the second planet? 23. The king saw a subject in the Little Prince. And who did the inhabitant of the second planet see in him? 24. Who lived on the third planet? 25. Why does an inhabitant of the third planet drink? How does he explain this? 26. Who owned the fourth planet? 27. “I have so much work to do! I’m a serious person, I have no time for chatter!” How many years does a business person live on his planet? 28. How many times was he interfered with during this time? 29. What does a business person count and for what purpose? 30. Which of the planets visited by the Little Prince was the least? 31. Who lived on this planet? 32. Which of the inhabitants of the planets does the Little Prince see meaning in? What is the meaning of this? 33. How long is a day on the fifth planet? Why? 34. How many times can you admire the sunset on this planet? 35. Who lived on the sixth planet? 36. What does a geographer do? 37. Why are travelers' stories written down in pencil first? 38. As the geographer explained, why are “geography books the most valuable”? 39. Who advised the Little Prince to visit planet Earth? 40. How many times did the Little Prince visit the Earth? 41. The little prince calls the Earth a “difficult” planet. Why? 42. Which lamplighters on Earth, according to the Little Prince, lived “easy and carefree”? 43. Who was the first person the Little Prince met on Earth? 44. How do you understand the snake’s words: “It’s also lonely among people”?

3 45. What does the snake think is its power? 46. ​​Why, having met roses on Earth, did the Little Prince “feel unhappy”? 47. Why does the Little Prince’s attitude towards his rose change? 48. “If you want to have a friend, tame me,” says the Fox to the Little Prince. Why is he asking for this? 49. What does “tame” mean, according to the Fox? 50. Who owns the words: “There is no perfection in the world”? 51. What secret did the Fox reveal to the Little Prince when he said goodbye? 52. Which of the fairy tale heroes wrote the words: “It’s good where we are not”? 53. What, according to the author, is the happiness of children? 54. What was the merchant the Little Prince met on Earth selling? 55. What would the Little Prince do if he had 53 free minutes? 56. How do you understand the words of the Little Prince: “The heart also needs water”? 57. “Whether it’s the house of a star or the desert, the most beautiful thing about it is what you can’t see with your eyes,” the author believes. How do you understand these words? 58. The little prince asks the narrator: “You must keep your word. Remember, you promised.” What are we talking about? 59. How long did the Little Prince spend on earth? 60. What parting gift did the Little Prince give to the narrator? 61. How did the Little Prince return to his planet?

4 Answers. 1. In the Sahara desert. 2. For 7 days. 3. Lamb. 4. Four. Three times just a lamb and once a lamb in a box. 5. “Asteroid B 612.” 6. In 1909, Turkish astronomer. 7. Baobabs. 8. The Little Prince “There is no need for thorns. They release them just out of anger.” 11. Added up the numbers. “He had never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And he never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: adding numbers.” 12. To the little prince. 13. Rose. 14. Either she declared that she was not afraid of tigers, or she said that she was “terribly afraid of drafts” and asked to cover her with a cap. 15. Four. 16. “My flower filled my planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to enjoy it. These conversations about claws and tigers They were supposed to touch, but I got angry. She gave me her scent, illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks one had to guess the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent!” 17. Two. And one is extinguished. 18. Twice. 19. King 20. “to be obeyed. He would not tolerate disobedience.” 21. Minister of Justice. 22. Ambitious.

5 23. Admirer. “After all, vain people imagine that everyone admires them.” “To honor means to recognize that on this planet I am the most beautiful, the best dressed, the richest, and the smartest.” 24. Drunkard. 25. To forget that he is ashamed to drink. 26. Business Person of the Year. 28. Three times. 29. Stars. In order to be rich, to buy more new stars if someone discovers them. “I own the stars because no one before me thought of owning them.” 30. Fifth. 31. Lamplighter. 32. In the work of a lamplighter. “When he lights his lantern, it’s as if another star or flower is born. And when he turns off the lantern, it’s as if a star or a flower is falling asleep. Great activity. It’s really useful because it’s beautiful.” 33. On the lamplighter’s planet, a day lasts one minute. “My planet rotates faster year after year. The planet makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don’t have a second of rest” times. 35. Geographer. "The old man who wrote thick books." 36. “The geographer is too important a person; he has no time to walk around. He doesn't leave his office. But he hosts travelers and writes down their stories.” 37. “And only after the traveler provides evidence can his story be written down in ink.” 38. “They never get old. After all, it is a very rare case for a mountain to move. Or for the ocean to dry up. We write about things that are eternal and unchanging.” 39. Geographer. “Visit planet Earth,” answered the geographer. She has a good reputation."

6 40. Seventh. 41. There are 11 kings, 7 thousand geographers, 900 thousand businessmen, 7.5 million drunkards, 311 million ambitious people, for a total of about 2 billion adult lamplighters there were on Earth until electricity was invented. 42. “to the one who had to light the only lantern at the North Pole, and even his brother at the South Pole, only these two lived easily and carefree: they had to do their job only twice a year.” 43. Snake “I can take you further than any ship. I return everyone I touch to the earth from which they came. On the day when you bitterly regret your abandoned planet, I will be able to help you. I can do it.” 46. “His beauty told him that there are no others like them in the entire Universe. How angry she would be if she saw them!.. She would cough terribly and pretend that she was dying, just not to seem funny. And I would have to follow her as if she were sick, because otherwise she would really die, just to humiliate me too.” 47. After meeting the Fox, the Little Prince realizes that his rose is dearer to him than all other roses. “After all, it was her, not you, that I watered every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cover. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that the butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained, how she boasted, I listened to her even when she fell silent. She's mine." 48. “And my life is a bit boring. But if you tame me, my life will be illuminated as if by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others. Your gait will call me, like the music of Golden wheat, it will remind me of you.” 49. It means: to create bonds. “If you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world." 50. Fox. 51. “Here’s my secret. It is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all your days. People have forgotten one truth, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for those you tamed. You are responsible for your rose."

7 52. To the switchman. 53. The author puts his thoughts into the mouths of the heroes of his work. “Only children know what they are looking for,” said the Little Prince. They devote all their days to a rag doll, and it becomes very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry.” “Their happiness,” said the switchman. 54. “The newest pills”, which “save a lot of time”: 53 minutes per week. 55. I would just go to the spring. There is a secret in everything, and it is precisely this that you cannot see with your eyes. 58. About a muzzle for a lamb. The little prince explains: “I am the flower who is responsible for that.” 59. Year. 60. Gave me his laughter. 61. From a snake bite. “You see, it’s very far away. My body is too heavy. I can't take it away. But it's like shedding an old shell. There is nothing sad here.”

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Antoine Saint-Exupery The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery The Little Prince Saint-Exupery Antoine The Little Prince - 1 to Leon Vert. I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry The Little Prince - 1 to Leon Vert. I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult. I'll say this in justification: this adult is my best friend. And one more thing: he understands

Antoine Exupery: “The Little Prince” Antoine de Saint Exupery The Little Prince Russian Language Help Service “The Little Prince”: Frunze; 1982; Translation: Nora Gal Antoine Exupery: “The Little Prince” 2 Abstract

Nadezhda PTUSHKINA THE LITTLE PRINCE Vaudeville in three parts Attention: any (commercial, charitable, professional, amateur) public performance of the play is possible only with permission

Epitaphs of a daughter -301- She has always been an example to us, As a person with a pure soul. And the memory of you is alive in the hearts of people and loved ones. -302- She flew through life like a comet, leaving a bright trail behind her. We love, we remember,

3 About God For children about Orthodoxy 4 The world is inside you The mysterious, endless sky is like your soul. The amazing thing is that you exist. You live, think, dream, you can cry and laugh, joke, and at times

There is a flower on the stage (in the Bahu flower), music is playing. It was in March, The whole class was thinking - What?! About the holidays? - No! About who is the best in our class! 1st The best is only the one who helps in trouble, Who, without sadness,

Adults and children in Golding and Exupery We all have different opinions and points of view. We can talk on the same topic, but at the same time have completely different ideas and thoughts. Before us is a work

Methodological development lesson on the topic “Developing your own business” Subject-social studies Grades: 6-7 Prepared by history and social studies teacher Pavel Aleksandrovich Martynov. Goal: Promote development

Annotation In one of his letters to his mother, Saint-Exupery admitted: I hate people who write for fun, looking for effects. You have to have something to say. To him, the romantic of heaven, who did not shy away from earthly joys, who loved,

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school named after M. Gorky" municipality urban district Skopin city, Ryazan region 391842 Ryazan region,

How the wolf got his bottom "waiting but" whose fox "went" to aul 1 for the chicken. She “went” there because she “really wanted” to eat. In the village, the fox stole the big hen and quickly ran to

MKU "Centralized library system of the city of Miass" Center for socially significant information translation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to children's language Miass, 2015. Wherever we live, whoever our rights are,

LOOK LOOK Valeria Sirota SEASONS ON EARTH AND OTHER PLANETS Why is it cold in winter and warm in summer? Surprisingly, many people, even adults, smart and educated, do not know the answer to this question. Because of

Samuel Chambel Snow White and the Twelve Miners A fairy tale told to Samuel Chambel on September 27, 1900 by Anna Benchokova from the Khontinskie Gosars Once upon a time there lived a queen, she was pregnant and was sitting

State budgetary educational institution secondary school of the village. Beregovoy (Lesson on the book by A. de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”) Literature lesson in 5th grade Russian teacher

Once upon a time there was a planet “Why should we hate each other? We're all in this together. Carried away by one planet, we are the crew of one ship.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Once upon a time there lived a planet. She was very beautiful, but sad.

International Olympiad in Astronomy. Olympiad tasks 2015-2016 academic year. 1 International Olympiad in Astronomy The International Olympiad in Astronomy is held by the Snail Center since the 2010-2011 academic year

“Dad, Mom, I’m a friendly family” Collection Moscow, Southern Administrative Okrug State Educational Institution Central Educational Institution “School of Health” 1998 “Lukomorye”. 2008 Usanova Nastya, 5-b My family loves to read, She reads different books. There are detective stories, there is science fiction, and

A N T U A N D E S E N T - E K Z Y P R I M A L E N K I Y PRINC LEON VERT I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult . I'LL SAY IN JUSTIFY: THIS ADULT IS MY BEST

Nadezhda Shcherbakova Ralph and Falabella Once upon a time there lived a rabbit. His name was Ralph. But this was no ordinary rabbit. The largest in the world. So big and clumsy that he couldn’t even run and jump like other rabbits,

Christmas rituals for good luck and health 1). January 6. conspiracy for healing. There are days on which they create (make) amulets for their family. The birth towel also belongs to this amulet. January 6, on the eve of the day

Meeting with the Little Prince Fairy Tale 1 “And if a boy with golden hair comes up to you, if he laughs loudly and doesn’t answer your questions, you will certainly guess who he is” Antoine

“How Kolobok went to school.” Scenario puppet show based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” for older preschoolers for the Day of Knowledge. Characters: presenter. Dolls; Gingerbread Man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox Leader.

PARABLES ABOUT EDUCATION When to start education One day, a small child was brought to an old man living as a hermit in the Egyptian desert to receive a blessing to be raised in the fatherly faith. AND

Mysterious space Educator: Burmakova T.N. Goal: expanding children's ideas about space, planets, astronauts. Objectives: -to expand and deepen preschoolers’ knowledge about space, cosmic planets,

Irina The Tale of How Elizabeth Saved the Kingdom from a Cough Chapter I The Tale of How Elizabeth Saved the Kingdom from a Cough Once upon a time there was little Elizabeth. She was a very smart little girl. Baby

I want to correct my mistake and improve our relationship, I hope you will forgive me and stop being offended, know that I love you, baby! The snow is swirling outside the window, It’s winter outside, Where are you, my beloved person?

Everything around me distracts me, And everyone interferes with me in some way, I don’t understand anything... I miss you so much! Don't rush... don't... keep quiet... Words are carried away by the wind, you'll forget them... Don't shout about happiness, about love,

Poems for a deceased brother we remember we love we mourn >>>

Poems for a deceased brother, we remember, we love, we mourn >>> Poems for a deceased brother, we remember, we love, we mourn Poems for a dead brother, we remember, we love, we mourn When using materials, a link to the link is required. What can this now



Maria Adamovich THE EXTRAORDINARY ADVENTURES OF LITTLE HANS FROM THE FAR NORTH A few words about the author: I am 11 years old. I'm in fifth grade, studying in depth English language, additionally German. I'm visiting

It would seem that fairy tales are not included in the list of recommended literature for beginning Christians. But re-reading “The Little Prince” once again, I would like to recommend the book specifically to believers. Creation

You cannot teach to speak a foreign language, you can only learn it. teach teach learn learn I will bring stories of how people teach foreign languages. required What date is today?

When you sometimes get bored, and something bothers you, remember that there is a heart in the world that loves you! Oh, how insignificant all comparisons are, I know one thing: I always need you - In the sun, in the moon, in the crowd

SCENARIO OF THE MOTHER'S DAY HOLIDAY PRIMARY CLASS TEACHER GALINA VALERIEVNA ANTIPINA Goal: preservation of family traditions, values, through joint creative activity of children and parents. Tasks: -

“Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes” in the “Operator of the Year” nomination. My name is Aleshkina Oksana. I am a senior contact customer retention specialist

Chapter One God created everything. The Bible is a very important letter from God. This letter is for each of us. Yes! The Bible says God has a special message for you. Despite the fact that the letter was written a lot

The image of the Little Prince in the aspect of problems of human studies (based on the pages of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s story “The Little Prince”) 1. Types of people in the perception of the Little Prince Children often ask such questions

How Kolobok went to school Script for a puppet show based on Russian folk tale"Kolobok" Characters: Leading adult Kolobok adult Fox adult Hare toy Wolf - toy Bear

In life we ​​are completely simple people. On stage or in cinema, our souls open up, and we become more like energy than the usual appearance of a person, this is the miracle of reincarnation, for

Our iceberg will never melt Once upon a time, on one of the icebergs in distant Antarctica, in the very place that we now call Cape Washington, there lived a colony of penguins. The iceberg has existed for many, many