The world is not without good people meaning of the proverb. The world is not without good people, a post about those who do good and change the world for the better without further ado. There is no such thing as someone else’s grief

Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

How many times in our lives have we remembered this spell? Have you noticed that we remember about him only at that moment when, in a moment of our need, someone suddenly appears who gives us attention or help? How many times in our lives have we ourselves become what others would say so about? I’ll probably say without exaggeration that if it weren’t for those same kind people, the world would have fallen into tartar a long time ago. And believe me, this is no exaggeration. Although it is often customary to say that “Beauty will save the world,” few people have thought about what lies at the basis of beauty. Isn't kindness beautiful? Or compassion for example. Beauty is a consequence of kindness, mercy, unconditional love and everything that belongs to the Divine world, or rather to God Himself, or whoever likes to call it.

It is good people who maintain the delicate balance of power on the planet, and despite all the horror that the servants of darkness create, good nevertheless always wins. Everyone has probably already been convinced of this axiom more than once. And although sometimes it seems that evil still prevails, in the end good will win, for it is the Almighty Creator of the visible and invisible worlds.

The trouble with humanity is that underdeveloped souls, small consciousnesses still do not want to be on the side of good. They chose the path of ignorance, vice and power. That is precisely why they are fools because they do not even suspect that no matter how dark the night is, the Sun will rise in the morning. They don’t even know that the Sun never set. No matter how much a child walks in the yard, the time still comes to go home. But this is the course of evolution, the work of higher laws, and those who have already matured and become conscious are this “good person” in this world. For at lower levels of consciousness the distinction between good and evil is still very weak. It was for them that there was a warning:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

And only when the soul of a matured person learns to distinguish darkness from light, truth from lies, only then does he understand the difference between good and evil. Only then does he become “serving others,” and until then his essence clearly occupies the rank of “serving himself.” “The service-to-self” are the army of darkness, for they think that everything revolves around them, everything belongs to them, and they are the center of the universe. Then, as those “serving others” realized that the world is one, God is one, all people are one and the same, and by serving someone they thereby serve the common good. And according to the laws of the Creator, everything they give comes back to them. If they give away something bad, they will receive something bad; if they give away something good, they will receive something good. It's very simple. And the “serving self” self is a cancer cell of the body, which a healthy body rejects. And then, through pain and suffering, a person’s soul matures and understands simple truths, and once having embarked on the path of light, love and mercy, it can no longer turn back, for every healthy person, once breathing in the clean mountain air, will suffocate in the smog of cities.

Join the ranks good people, so we will fulfill our goals faster.

Proverbs are folk wisdom. They are created by generations of people, and each word is polished over the years. Therefore, all proverbs are laconic and well perceived. Many proverbs were created about good and evil. They show examples of correct behavior and teach good deeds.

  • every cloud has a silver lining. Even in a bad event there is something good. After all, such events in any case become a lesson for the future; they add to a person’s life experience. It is worth seeing new opportunities in failures;
  • Do not boast about silver, but rather boast about good things. This means that you should not boast about material wealth. True wealth is good deeds. These are the ones we should be proud of;
  • good deeds live on even after death. The proverb means that people remember good things. Such cases remain in the memory of people for many generations. Even after a person's death, his memory good deeds remains. This emphasizes the importance of good deeds and their significance;
  • The evil one cries from envy, and the good one from joy. The idea is that an evil person is jealous of other people's luck and success. This upsets him and he gets jealous. A kind person is happy for other people.

Thus, by the example of good and evil rise serious problems relationships between people, proper life. In fact, these proverbs represent life rules of behavior.

How proverbs are created

It must be said that some proverbs are modified expressions of people. The literal expression of such statements is impossible, since they have been forgotten. At the same time, the meaning of the statement is important and it has taken the form of a proverb. However, most proverbs represent the result folk art. They are based on someone's saying that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Goodness in proverbs and sayings for grades 1-4.

Goal: to educate students on the gold mines of folk wisdom.

Develop speech and memory.

  1. Everyone is kind, but not everyone is kind.
  2. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  3. A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.
  4. Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.
  5. A good deed nourishes both soul and body.
  6. Good silence is not an answer!
  7. Having done good, do not boast.
  8. They pay for good with good.
  9. And the dog remembers the good old times.
  10. And the dog remembers who feeds it.
  11. It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
  12. For a good deed, boldly expect praise.
  13. Honor the good, but do not spare the evil.
  14. Forget my goodness, and don’t do anything bad!
  15. Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  16. Life is given for good deeds.
  17. Having done good, do not repent.
  18. They do not seek good from good.
  19. Kindness without reason is empty.
  20. The world is not without good people.
  21. Good then will be good when people praise.

Vivid expression popular thought And life experience is any proverb about goodness. With the help of laconic, complete statements, you can show your opinion on certain realities. In everyday life, people often use proverbs and sayings about goodness in their speech to demonstrate their attitude towards certain actions of others. Responsive and caring people have been valued at all times. The proverb about goodness emphasizes the importance of moral actions like nothing else. Everyone knows how important it is sometimes to be selfless and give good. This article contains sayings about good deeds that cannot go unnoticed, and also reveals their meanings.

“Life is given for good deeds”

Many scientists and thinkers have wondered about the meaning of existence. Almost everyone came to the conclusion that actions performed for the benefit of other people helped to gain self-confidence and reveal true values. If each of us truly strived to do something good for our fellow man, the world would change completely. A person’s thinking system is such that it depends on the experience that a person receives in the process of existence. Proverbs about kindness emphasize the importance of such concepts as responsiveness, caring and mercy.

Some people do not realize the value of their own lives, they do not understand that it is important to fill every day with something conscious and serious. In fact, the truth is that you need to hurry to do good, since there is not as much time as it seems at first glance. The more we help others, the more fulfilled we will feel.

“A good deed will not go unrewarded”

Many people, performing noble deeds, want gratitude in return. For this reason, they often do something useful and believe that they should be constantly praised. But this approach to life cannot be called correct and useful. If you do good deeds only because you expect a reciprocal step, then it is better not to do them. The proverb about goodness says that all actions should come from a pure heart, and the intention to help people should be selfless. It is better not to expect anything in return from the person you are helping.

As a rule, gratitude comes from a completely different direction. Proverbs and sayings about goodness are intended to awaken best qualities character of a person, help him do own life brighter, more fulfilling and positive. Strive to be as useful as possible to others, then those around you will treat you with attention.

“Get good and get rid of bad”

Throughout life, it is important to form a good attitude towards yourself from others. So you yourself will begin to feel better, at some point a new meaning in life will open. To help people, you yourself need to have many virtues and have an inner drive to do so. The proverb about goodness emphasizes the need for fruitful work on oneself, which consists of eradicating shortcomings and expressing one’s feelings about certain events.

It is better to get rid of negative emotions as early as possible, before they have time to completely take over your consciousness. This is not always easy to do. The fact is that negative emotions tend to accumulate in the body, leading it to a state of stress. A person does not always know how to get rid of his own negative impressions on his own. However, this can and should be learned.

“It will not be good if there is enmity among each other in the family”

In fact, the state of internal harmony is largely determined by how family and friends know how to get along with each other. Building relationships is a complex thing that requires a certain tact and trust. It is not always possible to immediately understand each other, sometimes you have to work hard. The main thing is not to become despondent and not to harbor grudges against loved ones.

The best proverbs about good and evil were presented in this article. All of them are aimed at revealing the deepest human need - to create, to be useful. I would like to wish this kind of attitude to everyone. Generosity gives rise to a reciprocal emotion of gratitude, which in itself is very strong.

Goodness runs away from you - catch up with you, evil overtakes you - stay away. (Georgian)

A noble person will remain noble even if he is touched by evil. (Arabic)

A noble man does not remember the old evil. (Chinese)

Be the tail of a good deed, but do not be the head of an evil one. (Arabic)

To be good or evil depends on habit. (Japanese)

In a worthy soul, goodness lives on in a long memory. (Tamil)

The age of an evil man is short: an evil man is an old man even from a young age. (Balkan)

Near gold, copper turns yellow, near a good person, even a bad one becomes better. (Mongolian)

Anyone who sows the seeds of evil opens the gates of his own destruction. (Tajik)

If evil leaves the house, good will not come from outside. (Chechen)

Anger and evil are brothers. (Chinese)

Conquer anger with love, evil with good. (Burmese)

Mountain torments a horse, anger torments a person. (Kalmytskaya)

Bitter onions will burn through their skin. (Azerbaijani)

Even a cat, if fed for three years, does not forget good things. (Japanese)

If you do good, do it to the end. (Turkmen)

Do good and fear evil. (Hindi)

Do good and don’t ask who it’s for. (Colombian)

Do good and fear nothing. (Portuguese)

Do good in the face of evil. (Irish)

Do good and you will find only good things. (Moorish)

Do good to those who do you harm. (Sierra)

Do good at least by imitating them. (Japanese)

Do good while you are strong: there will be no time after death. (Slovenian)

Doing evil is not heroism; heroism is doing good. (Abkhazian)

When doing good, do not reproach: part of it will return to you. (Georgian)

To perform a good deed there is no need for fortune telling. (Uzbek)

He is good who is good of his own free will. (Mongolian)

You will not spare goodness for another - goodness will touch your blood too. (Kabardinskaya)

Good is not appreciated until evil comes. (Norwegian)

Carve good in stone, and write evil in the snow. (Norwegian)

It's never too late to do good. (French)

They do good without consulting. (Arabic)

If you do good, you elevate yourself; if you do evil, you humiliate yourself. (Burmese)

Then they know and love goodness when they lose it. (Portuguese)

If you repay good with good - well done, if you respond to evil with good - you are a sage. (Kyrgyz)

To the good - all are good, to the dashing - all to the dashing. (Lithuanian)

A kind person and good weather never get boring. (Romanian)

A good person does good to people and does not boast to anyone. (Macedonian)

If good was paid for with good, they would not have slaughtered the old ox. (Turkish)

If you do good to a bad person, he will not understand; if you do evil to a good person, he will not forget. (Kalmytskaya)

If you plan an evil deed, it will first bring misfortune to another, and then even greater misfortune to yourself. (Amharic)

If a person cannot be beautiful and rich, as he would like, then he can be kind and honest. (Serbian)

An angry dog ​​sees a stick everywhere. (Kabardinskaya)

Evil is a bad advisor. (Hungarian)

Evil will return to the one who created it. (Hausa)

Evil does its work faster than good. (Akan)

Evil and good are like water and oil: they cannot mix. (Akan)

Evil comes easily, but goes hard. (Bulgarian)

Evil on the mind is a burden on the back. (Japanese)

Evil will pass, but the evil person will remain. (Kalmytskaya)

The evil one grows old before his time. (Tatar)

An angry man beats his dog on a happy day. (Korean)

An evil person sows trouble all around. (Gypsy)

Evil eyes will not notice goodness. (Norwegian)

And the devil knows what good is, but does not want to do it. (Bulgarian)

He who seeks good stumbles upon evil. (Georgian)

When a person does good, his past mistakes are forgotten. (Chinese)

If the beginning is not good, then the end is bad. (Kabardinskaya)

He who himself does not have evil in his heart accepts everyone as good. (Swedish)

It is easy to do good when you yourself benefit from it. (Norwegian)

Don’t be afraid to do good to people: a good one will repay you twice, and a bad one will at least do no harm. (Karelian)

Do not do evil - you will not be its victim. (Turkish)

Neither talent nor craft is needed to do evil. (Kabardinskaya)

Feigned good turns into evil. (Italian)

With the evil, the good will suffer. (Kabardinskaya)

Anyone who harms you will never forgive you for it. (English)

You can't make the world better by hiding evil. (Georgian)

To become good, even ten years is not enough: to cause evil, one day is more than enough. (Chinese)

The tongue has no bones, but is full of anger. (Ukrainian) Related posts:

1) Proverbs and sayings about good and evil

For the evil - death, and for the good - resurrection.

The world is not without good people.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

They do not seek good from goodness, horses do not roam from oats.

From love to hate - one step.

Just think - grief; but if you change your mind, it’s the will of the Lord.

It’s hard for those who remember evil.

Evil Natalya's people are all crooks.

Learn good things, and bad things will come on their own.

The good is gone - the bad remains; If something bad doesn't happen, what's left?

It’s good to give the go-ahead to someone who remembers.

If you spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief.

Trouble after trouble.

Where there is laughter, there are tears.

Beauty is for a while, kindness is forever.

It is not possible for a good tree to bear bad fruit.

After grief comes joy.

Maybe, somehow, it won't be any good.

Trouble will torture you, trouble will also teach you.

THE LIGHT (PEACE) IS NOT WITHOUT GOOD PEOPLE. - Has anyone visited the hut? “We know,” she grumbled, fussing around the stove, “the world is not without good people.” Grigorovich, Four seasons. About thirty rubles have collected. - Well, take it to her! - Anna Andreevna said to her daughter, “tell me that the world is not without good people.” Saltykov-Shchedrin, Village Fire. - Ivan Gerasimovich, where did you get the person we need? “The world is not without good people,” Rodionov said, smiling good-naturedly. “A major I knew helped out.” Babaevsky, Cavalier of the Golden Star. - How did she get to you? - The wounded woman was brought to me. - Who delivered? “People... The world is not without good people,” Stepan Mikhailovich answered evasively. B. Polevoy, Deep Rear. - No wonder the district party committee stands behind our Fyodor Vasilyevich!.. Do you understand? And the collective farmers will now all stand for him. Look, I'm only telling you this. I see that you are worried. And given your current situation, you shouldn’t be upset.” “Thank you, Ivan Danilovich.” It is already rightly said that the world is not without good people Yu. Laptev, Zarya. - This is how we can do it! - he finished his story boastfully. “The world is not without good people, eh?” How do you think? Dmitrevsky and Chetverikov, We are peaceful people. But just as misfortune unexpectedly fell on a homeless family, so suddenly happiness came. The light does not exist without good people, and they are not always found with fire. Kokorev, Samovar. Ivan took dishes and a bottle of cognac from the sideboard and deftly set the table. At the same time, without stopping, he reasoned that his gullibility does not lead to goodness, once again he ends up in history, but “the grave will correct the hunchbacked one,” apparently, it was destined for him to suffer for his simplicity. Thank God, the world is not without good people; chance brought me together with a good person. N. Leonov, There are no free cakes. - Well, nothing, the world, as they say, is not without good people... although our people have become brutal, but the soul remains in man. V. Zakrutkin, Creation of the World.
There are many kind people in the world. - Makhni-dralo, your honor. - Is that your name Makhni-dralo? - That’s their name... - Who called you that, you scoundrel? - Good people named it, your honor. There are many kind people in the world. Dostoevsky, Notes from the House of the Dead.
- Dahl: There are many kind people in the world; Mikhelson: The world (in the world) is not without good people; Rybnikova: The world is not without good people; The world is not without good people.

The day before, when I was returning home after a day of work, I saw in the door of my entrance a soiled piece of notebook paper with a line, on which was written in large letters: “Dear residents of the house! Yesterday at nine o'clock in the morning 400 rubles were lost near the entrance. In case someone picked them up, please bring them to Galina Grigorievna’s tenth apartment. Thank you in advance."

At that moment, it was as if the ground had gone out from under my feet, and my heart began to pound at a frantic rhythm because I remember and have known Galina Grigorievna, or Grandma Galya, since childhood. Galina Grigorievna’s husband died when the children were still very small, and the children live in different cities. Nevertheless, Baba Galya, given her rather advanced age, is beautiful, pleasant, despite life’s difficulties, she did not give up, she often looked after the children, and it also happened that she looked after me. In our yard, everyone knew her very well, loved, respected and treated her with respect.

And then an idea came to me, what if I take these 400 rubles to her, since for me this is not such a huge amount, but for an elderly pensioner woman this is a sufficient amount with which she can buy something necessary, with these thoughts I took the required amount from my purse and knocked on the door of the apartment where Baba Galya lived.

Suddenly, after knocking on the door, the grandmother approached the door with small but loud enough steps and opened the door. Seeing that this was Galina Grigorievna, I immediately handed her four hundred rubles. Suddenly, to my surprise, Baba Galina began to spread her arms and say:

- Oh, Svetochka, you are my Svetochka, what are you all doing? Today, you are probably the tenth person who brings me money.

- Baba Galina, take it, I beg you. After all, you lost them near our entrance, I walked past, saw and picked them up. True, I found it!

- Sveta! With a raised tone, Baba Galya. - Take the money away, I told someone, let’s go and have some tea and pies together. After some time, Baba Galya led me into a clean kitchen, a small kitchen room, and served me a cup of tea with a plate with a beautiful rim, from which there was simply a wonderful smell of freshly baked homemade pies. Then Grandma Galina remembered that she didn’t lock the door, taking advantage of the moment when she went to lock the door, she decided to leave her the money, I quietly put it under a beautiful scarf where the pies were laid out. Having thanked me, I had already put on my shoes and, leaving the apartment, Galina Grigorievna shouted after me:

- Svetochka, my dear, do a good deed, remove the notice from the entrance door. That's not my ad!

I see in the morning there is a completely different notice hanging in the entrance, which says: “Dear neighbors! Many thanks for your help. You are welcome to come to me for cake and tea in the evening. Baba Galina."

Nowadays, a statement of this kind is quite sharp and not many people think about what such concepts as kindness and a kind person mean.

It’s clear that each of us at school was taught that every a person must be kind and bring at least a small amount of this wonderful concept into the world, but it seems to us that today many people have completely forgotten what it means. There is a wonderful one about this.

Many of us see how our world is increasingly becoming material, one in which people are more and more dependent on money. How beautiful is such a world? A lot of expensive and fairly simple things that can satisfy you for some time, or those unprincipled feelings that have become so popular in our time?

Of course, the value of human existence lies far from this. Everyone understands that a person is a social being who, no matter how, needs the support and help of another, and this is precisely what real kindness is in our time. Selfless in our time are extremely rare, but they still exist and many people are inclined to do the so-called good, which, in the opinion of many people, has lost its real meaning.

It would seem that the road is far from best place to do good deeds, but as we can see from the video, this is far from the case. Many people agree to give selfless help, but not many bring their desire to the so-called final end. Some people lack motivation, some are simply lazy, and some are not interested - everyone has their own reasons for this, because we live in a democracy where everyone decides for himself what is best for him to do, and what to do.

However, despite all this, we can say that good people nowadays there is and many people will agree with this. You can even use a little allegory and say that goodness is that piece or that center of pleasant emotions and selfless help that is embedded in us since childhood.

Yes, one can agree with this, but one cannot help but notice that each person uses this particular “hearth” to the extent of his needs. So, for example, someone only thinks about helping other people and inviting at least someone to use their selflessness, while someone does not understand the happiness that lies under such a wonderful concept as selfless help. For example, .

It has deep philosophical meaning, and maybe some people have not yet fully discovered it for themselves, but throughout their lives they will definitely succeed and there will be one more kind person in the world.

No matter how optimistic this may sound, it is true. Be kind people and give others that “hearth” of kindness and joy that was given to you by nature - and you will definitely succeed, no doubt!

“The world has become smaller,” some will say. “People have become cruel,” others will confirm. And only a third will object: “Russia is not without good people.” One cannot but agree with the last expression after reading the stories of these five individuals.

Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev

Nobleman Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev During his lifetime, he received the nickname “gracious husband”, and his name was recorded in the synodics (memorial books) of countless monasteries and churches in gratitude for his activities and financial investments.

Fyodor Rtishchev was a friend and ally of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During his life, he built many schools, shelters for the poor, hospitals, and became the founder of St. Andrew's Monastery. This man, seeing a drunk lying on the pavement, could easily pick him up and take him to a shelter. During the Russian-Polish War, Rtishchev achieved success in peace negotiations with representatives of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the battles, Fyodor Mikhailovich carried both his own and the enemy from the battlefield. He hired doctors with his own money and bought food for the wounded and prisoners.

Most of all, his contemporaries remembered the incident when in 1671, during a severe famine in Vologda, Rtishchev sent there 200 measures of bread, 100 gold and 900 silver rubles. These donations were proceeds from the sale of part of the nobleman's property. When Fyodor Mikhailovich found out that the residents of Arzamas were in desperate need of land, he simply donated his possessions to the city. When Rtishchev died, his “life” appeared in monasteries. This was practically the only case when the righteous life was described, not of a monk, but of a layman.

Anna Adler

Anna Alexandrovna Adler dedicated her entire life to helping children with disabilities. In the 19th century, the activities of charitable foundations were mainly aimed at satisfying only the physical needs of disabled people for food and shelter. They were deprived of the opportunity to realize themselves in society.

Anna Adler herself was involved in educating the blind in order to prove to others that they could study and earn their living just like everyone else. This woman mastered the Braille system, found funds to purchase a printing press in Germany and began creating teaching aids for the blind. In addition to teaching literacy, in schools for the blind, under the patronage of Anna Adler, boys were taught to weave baskets and rugs, and girls were taught to knit and sew. Over time, Anna Alexandrovna translated the notes into a form understandable for the blind, so that they could learn to play musical instruments. The first graduates of the school for the blind in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with the active assistance of Anna Adler, were able to find work. This woman managed to break the established stereotypes about the incapacity of the blind.

Nikolay Pirogov

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov became famous as a brilliant surgeon, naturalist, and teacher. Already at the age of 26 he was appointed professor at the University of Dorpat. Pirogov devoted his entire life to saving people. The soldiers called him a wizard who performed miracles right on the battlefield.

Nikolai Ivanovich was the first to distribute the wounded on the battlefield, immediately deciding who would be sent to the hospital first and who would get off lightly. This practice has made it possible to significantly reduce the amputation of limbs and the mortality rate of soldiers. During operations, Pirogov was the first in Russia to use anesthesia, thereby relieving the wounded of excruciating pain.

In addition to performing his direct duties, Nikolai Pirogov carefully ensured that warm blankets and food were delivered to the soldiers. When, after the end of the Crimean War, Nikolai Ivanovich had an audience with Emperor Alexander II, he began to talk in his hearts about backwardness Russian army and its weapons. After this conversation, Pirogov was sent from the capital to serve in Odessa, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the sovereign’s disfavor.

Pirogov did not despair and directed all his energy to pedagogical activity. The scientist zealously opposed class education and the use corporal punishment. “Being a human being is what education should lead to,” this is exactly what Pirogov believed. Unfortunately, Pirogov met with decisive rebuff from officials. All students spoke of him as a brilliant teacher who cared not only about their education, but about instilling high moral qualities.

Sergey Skirmunt

In the second half of the 19th century there lived a certain Sergey Apollonovich Skirmunt. He was serving as an army second lieutenant when a fortune fell on him. From a deceased distant relative, the 30-year-old officer received 2.5 million rubles, land and farmsteads. But, unlike many people who suddenly became rich, Skirmunt did not go to great lengths.

He donated part of the money to charity. On his Crimean estate, the newly-minted landowner decided to improve the living conditions of the peasants. New houses were built to replace the dilapidated shacks. A hospital and a school also appeared there. Needless to say, the residents of the estate prayed daily for the health of the landowner.

Vladimir Odoevsky

Noble origins of the writer and philosopher Vladimir Odoevsky did not prevent him from showing sincere participation in the destinies of people of the lower classes. The prince actively advocated the abolition of serfdom.

Odoevsky organized the Society for Visiting the Poor, which provided assistance to 15 thousand poor families. Those in need or the elderly could go to the community and receive medical care there. Prince Odoevsky was called a “strange scientist” whose main quality was virtue.

Vladimir Odoevsky defended the interests of families

“THE WORLD IS NOT WITHOUT GOOD PEOPLE” - I always liked this proverb and I often remembered it when I met kind people in my life who responded to a request for help, and sometimes did not expect it, seeing that I needed it:

I remember how a young stranger named Shamil bought me a ticket for the nearest train with his own money, when in the distant seventies I was left in the bitter cold on the platform and could not squeeze into the general carriage of the Moscow - Sverdlovsk train: there were simply no other seats, and no money either. . The lines at the box office in those days were five deep and there weren’t enough tickets for everyone.

My grandmother neighbors in the communal apartment, who took my coupons during perestroika to shop for them: I myself didn’t have time, spending almost all my time studying and working.

The boss in a distant Karelian town-village, who almost paid for me - a young forest specialist)) to give me the best room in the hostel, which I never occupied - families with children huddled nearby.

The mother of a friend who shared humanitarian aid during perestroika with me, a medical student whose increased scholarship suddenly turned into a pile of worthless pieces of paper.

Skipping here the memories of entire decades of life and the kind people I met then, simultaneously refuting the opinion of those who believe that there are almost no good people left, I confirm that they exist always and everywhere:

An unfamiliar girl in Brovary near Kiev simply came up to me and said: “Your bag is heavy - let me help!” And it helped)

An elderly, intelligent Frau in Hamburg was not too lazy to come up with us from the metro to show us where to go next.

An employee at one of the major airports in Turkey, in response to my sad assumption that a couple of bottles of collection wine, bought during the excursion, in a suitcase (on this route the baggage handlers threw them SO MUCH!!!) simply said: “Give them to me. I’ll give them to you.” To you upon boarding." And she gave it away in front of the amazed line that lined up to board. By the way, when we opened our suitcase at home, we discovered that even the seemingly durable plastic bottles with shampoo and something else couldn’t withstand the flight and loading: they cracked and leaked.

Yes, you can’t write everything.... What am I talking about: I read an article on the blog “I was my mother’s only son (a good tram)” and remembered my “good trams, trains and planes” - about people whose kindness makes them like this.

And here is the story itself:

“I was my mother’s only son. She got married late and the doctors forbade her to give birth. My mother did not listen to the doctors, at her own peril and risk she waited until six months and only then went to the antenatal clinic. I was a welcome child in the family. Grandfather and grandmother, dad and even my stepsister doted on me, and my mother simply blew away specks of dust from her only son!

Mom started working very early, and before work she had to take me to kindergarten“Dubki”, located near the Timiryazev Academy. To get to work on time, my mother rode the first buses and trams, which, as a rule, were driven by the same drivers. We got off the tram, she took me to the gate of the kindergarten, handed me over to the teacher, ran to the stop and... waited for the next tram.

After several delays, she was warned about her dismissal, and since we, like everyone else, lived very modestly and could not live on my father’s salary alone, my mother, reluctantly, came up with a solution: to let me off alone, a three-year-old baby, at a bus stop in the hope that that I can walk from the tram to the kindergarten gate on my own. We got it right the first time, although those seconds were the longest and most terrible of her life. She rushed around the half-empty tram to see if I had entered the gate or was still crawling, wrapped in a fur coat with a scarf, felt boots and a hat.

After some time, my mother suddenly noticed that the tram began to leave the stop very slowly and pick up speed only when I was hiding behind the gate of the kindergarten. This went on for three years while I was in kindergarten. Mom could not, and did not try, to find an explanation for such a strange pattern. The main thing is that her heart was calm for me.

Everything became clear only a few years later, when I started going to school. My mother and I went to her work, and suddenly the carriage driver called out to me: “Hello, baby!” You have become so grown up! Do you remember how your mother and I walked you to kindergarten...?”

Many years have passed, but every time I drive past the “Dubki” stop, I remember this little episode of my life, and my heart becomes a little warmer from the kindness of this woman, who every day, absolutely selflessly, did one small good deed, just a little delaying the whole tram for the peace of mind of a complete stranger!”