Residential buildings next to the cemetery. Why is it bad to live in a house next to a cemetery?

I don’t know if this is true, but my friend assured me that she didn’t make up a word.

A couple of years ago she lived on the fifth floor of a multi-story building built near an old cemetery. The house had been recently occupied, and she did not know the neighbors. And as soon as she moved in, her parents had an accident, after which they were taken to the hospital. The girl was left at home alone.

And then one late evening the doorbell rang. She was already going to bed, but then she quickly put on her robe, went to the door and asked:

Who is this?

It's the neighbors, baby! - a rattling old woman’s voice came from behind the door.

The girl clung to the peephole. And in fact, there was a nice couple standing outside the door - an old man and an old woman. The girl opened the door for them.

Baby, we live next door now, so we came to see you. - the old lady said apologetically. - Are you ready to go to bed already, or what?

There is such a thing. - the girl agreed. - Did you just want to sit, or maybe you need salt or matches?

Yes, we can chat, like an old man... - the old woman lowered her head. - Okay, girl, let's go. Just remember, this is not a good place. The roads are dangerous. If you cross the zebra crossing tomorrow, we will meet soon.

And the elderly couple quickly went to the elevator. The girl looked after them, stunned, then closed the door and lay down again.

The next day she was going to visit her parents. To get on the bus, she had to cross the road. She was about to raise her leg over the passage when she suddenly remembered the old woman’s words about the zebra. And as if some force made her stop. And just in time - a second later, out of nowhere, a car emerged from around the corner with great speed and rushed right through the place where she was supposed to go.

The girl moved away from the road and called a taxi. She did not dare to step on the crossing a second time.

A few days later the parents left the hospital. The neighbors didn’t come by anymore, but for some reason the girl couldn’t forget about their visit. She even dreamed of them at night and persistently invited her to visit, repeating - “we are here, we are next door!”

The next weekend she went for a walk with her parents, and suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, she asked:

Let's take a walk through the old cemetery!

The parents agreed. They didn't walk for long. Their walk ended almost immediately at the sight of two neat graves, on which stood a double monument with two photographs in oval mourning frames. The faces of the old man and old woman depicted on them looked at her peacefully, and the girl even thought that the old woman smiled at her.

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There was an old cemetery on a high hill; even the sloping slopes contained someone’s remains. As soon as a good downpour passed, yellowish skulls and other parts of mortal bodies, buried one on one, began to peek out from under the exposed roots. There had been no burials in the cemetery for a long time (they probably thought that “six floors” would be enough), and it stood majestically in the middle of the village. Houses were built around it and sometimes only a small path or fence separated City of dead from the village of the living. Here in such a house lived a young family who were engaged in raising pigs and subsequently selling meat. There were two seven-year-old twin girls in the family.
Something sad happened in the village: one family’s son died at the age of five, but how this death happened is still remembered with a shudder...
His father’s brother died, and the whole family went to see him off on his last journey, and naturally they grabbed the little boy. He went up to the coffin to look at the guy, and grabbed the edge with his little hands, stood on his tiptoes and... a chair leg broke off under the coffin (apparently it’s on good terms) kept her word), and he collapsed right on top of the boy. The numb uncle, who flew out of the coffin, covered the child, spewing streams of stinking liquid from himself... The uncle had a heart condition since childhood, was registered, so the corpse was not opened and was not taken to the morgue. Respectively " inner world” he remained untouched. The boy screamed wildly and died of a broken heart...
The parents decided not to bury the child far away, and despite the ban on burials, they dug a grave for him in the old cemetery, right between the grave of his great-grandmother and the fence of the pig breeder...
The season for turning pigs into lard and meat was open; they were slaughtered for three days, then handed over or sold on the market. The rest was prepared for the winter in the form of stew, sausages and saltisons. The weather was hot, a lot of blood was lost, and what they didn’t sell or use for sausage was given to the dogs. The enterprising father of the family would stick a bowl of intestines and blood through a hole in the fence right into the cemetery area and go about his business, while the dogs, smelling the smell of fresh flesh, would start a terrible fight. The cup overflowed onto the ground, everything else was stretched in different directions, and all this happened on the grave of a long-suffering boy, crushed by his dead uncle. Naturally, all the evidence was eaten at once, the remaining blood was absorbed into the ground, and the visiting parents could only complain about the rampant dogs that trampled the child’s grave.
And after a while, the twins began to complain that someone was scaring them at night. The complaints became more and more frequent and the father decided to spend the night in the nursery.
It was midnight, the moon was shining brightly in the dark sky, and somewhere nearby a bittern was crying. Suddenly the man heard the front door slam. He carefully walked up to the nursery door and froze. Someone's squelching steps could be heard from the corridor, as if someone was walking through puddles. The steps approached, the handle on the door turned and it slowly opened. The man felt the hair on his head move... A dead boy stood in front of him, in his hands he held a wit from the fence, and his whole body was covered in blood.
“Oh God!” the man exclaimed, and at the same time, the boy drove a pin into his leg and, turning around, disappeared into the corridor. The wife rushed to the husband’s wild screams, the frightened children burst into tears, and even the workers who were helping him at that time woke up in the summer kitchen.
In the morning, with his leg bandaged, the man went to the cemetery. He didn’t find anything suspicious there, the grave was in place, and so was the monument. The night incident looked like a dream, if not for the punctured leg...
But he was not going to give up, the next night he put the children in his and his wife’s bedroom, and he lay down again in the nursery. But midnight passed, and the house was quiet, the roosters had already crowed, and the visitor still did not appear. Delighted by this circumstance, the father returned to his bedroom and almost went crazy... His entire family was butchered in the same way as he butchered pigs and lay in a heap on the bed. A man was imprisoned for the murder of his family, but he didn’t stay there long, he hanged himself in his cell...
The house fell into disrepair and soon the entire yard was overgrown with grass, the fence collapsed and the boundaries of the cemetery moved closer. Out of habit, dogs sit on the boy’s grave, but for some reason every day there is one torn to pieces...

The immediate proximity to the cemetery can hardly be called pleasant. Living with such a view from the window is, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. Unless you fence yourself off with a fence. This is what often becomes a stumbling block in disputes between townspeople and local authorities. Especially if the fence is the only dividing line between two areas.

- We live in our own houses overlooking the Novosemenovskoye cemetery, - Galina Gerasimova and Anatoly Trus, living in houses No. 15 and 13 on 1st Azina Street, contacted the editors of Vitbichi . - The burials were made close (less than a meter) from the border of our plots. The concrete fence built around the cemetery under Soviet rule has been destroyed. People, dogs, and cats constantly walk through our beds. They trample and break plantings, and personal property is stolen. In addition, the cemetery rises above the vegetable gardens by more than 3 meters. Because of this, rain, snow, and groundwater from the churchyard constantly flood our yards, houses and other buildings. Where have we turned!

And indeed, a dozen replies from different authorities were attached to the letter. Thus, employees of the Vitebsk Specialized Civil Services Plant responded to the appeal that work on installing the section of the fence adjacent to houses No. 13 and 15 on 1st Azina Street would be completed by the end of July 2013. It was even stated: the company purchases materials for installing the fence, holds a tender to select a contractor to perform this type of work. But nothing was ever done.

When contacting the authorities further, the applicants learned the following: the plots of their houses are adjacent to the cemetery fence, but do not border them. The following data came from Vitebsk Housing and Communal Services: “According to the plan presented on a scale of 1:2000, the cemetery fence is located at a distance of 2 meters from the fence of house No. 13, and from the fence of house No. 15 - at a distance of 4 meters. In this regard, homeowners are required to install their own fences.<…>We also inform you that due to a shortage of financial resources for the construction of external improvement facilities for 2014, this issue will be considered with additional funding.”

On the one hand, one can only sympathize with people who find themselves in such a situation. But on the other hand... The Novosemenovskoye cemetery was founded according to a single state register real estate in 1913 and closed in 1972 within the existing boundaries, that is, new burial plots have not been allocated since that time. The registration date of residential building No. 13 on 1st Azina Street is November 27, 1975. Therefore, in this situation, it is not possible to say that the residents did not know about the problematic neighborhood.

Again, since 1975 there have been no complaints from anyone. Of course, the cemetery fence could indeed have collapsed during this time. But has rainwater from the cemetery never flooded the plots before? Or has the situation become unbearable only recently?

Local officials tried to understand this situation.

Members of the visiting commission tried to get answers to these and many other questions. It includes the director of the Vitebsk Specialized Civil Services Plant Lyudmila Spiridonova, deputy general director GPO Housing and Communal Services Vadim Ilyinets, head of the land management service of the city executive committee Tatyana Guzikova, deputy head of the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district Alexander Ilmovich, deputy head of the department of architecture and urban planning of the city executive committee Leonid Bogdanov.

- The boundary of the cemetery has not been preserved, and until it is restored using the geodetic method through the relevant organizations, employees of the Vitebsk Specialized Civil Services Plant cannot begin work on installing the fence,- Tatyana Guzikova, head of the land management service of the city executive committee, spoke about the reasons for the delay. - I would also like to note that the applicants believe that the fence will become a common boundary between their plots and the cemetery, but this is not the case. According to the plan, there is a distance between the two sections. What is it like? Will show the restoration of boundaries.

Director of the Vitebsk Specialized Civil Services Plant Lyudmila Spiridonova, in turn, promised that the installation of the fence will be completed as soon as possible, as soon as the Vitebskgiprozem design institute, which the Vitebsk Specialized Civil Services Plant applied to, completes the land management work to restore the borders.

- Depending on the conclusion given by Vitebskgiprozem, we will try to resolve the issue of flooding of the applicants’ plots,- Lyudmila Vladimirovna also noted. - If the restoration of the boundaries reveals a technical zone between the plots and the cemetery, then it will be possible to dig a drainage ditch to intercept water from the cemetery. In any case, we are keeping this request under control.

A cemetery is a special area of ​​land used for burying the dead. This is a centuries-old and most common method of neutralizing the dead using earth. Cemetery: this word is associated with something creepy.

After all, a cemetery means death, death means loss, and losing loved ones has always been, is and will be scary for a person.

Living next to a cemetery is a kind of proximity to the afterlife. What does the church think about living next to a cemetery? The priests in the church say that according to the church, there are no prohibitions! It is not allowed to live directly on the cemetery, and there are no known restrictions regarding living near it. It is a mistake to believe that a cemetery is negative; rather, it is a place where all negativity disappears.

A cemetery is a sad, mournful side of human existence: sometimes people are in mourning in a cemetery only at the time of the funeral of loved ones, and after that, going to the grave comes down to a feeling of peace.

As for the energy of a house located next to a cemetery, everything here depends on the mood of the household members themselves, on what they invest in it.

The cemetery next to the house is a place of power, the energy from which each person decides for himself how to use. The main thing is not that it is nearby, but how a person treats it. If a person wants peace of mind, the cemetery will give him peace of mind; if he wants to harm someone around him, then the cemetery will not stand aside.

A cemetery occupies a rather important place in the life of every person, whether he wants it or not. A person may never go to the cinema, library, circus, museum, abroad or anywhere else, but he will definitely visit a cemetery more than once. There is a cemetery in Russia near almost every village. The villages are so small that if you leave the house, there is a cemetery. And those who live at the end of the village, in general, as a rule, live near the cemetery. People live there permanently and, as a rule, do not intend to move. In addition, village cemeteries are much smaller than city cemeteries. In the villages there are no multi-storey buildings and the windows, as a rule, face the road, which is why the cemetery does not loom before the eyes of the residents. But in cities there are mainly high-rise buildings and city cemeteries are very clearly visible from the windows.

For most people, the very sight of a cemetery brings up bad thoughts. That is why such people, living next to a cemetery, will experience a feeling of constant depression. Although there are those who can easily walk through the cemetery even at night. For them there is nothing scary in the vicinity of the cemetery. A significant inconvenience for such people would be the construction next door, the incessant noise - this is terrible. Sometimes living people pose a greater danger than dead ones. Or maybe the house is located near an inactive cemetery, where it is always quiet and peaceful. And if a person likes the apartment, it will be difficult for him to refuse it. It’s just that after some time a person gets used to living near a cemetery and stops paying attention to what is happening.

Why are people afraid not only of the sight, but also of the word “cemetery”? There is only one explanation for this - outside the cemetery gates the unknown begins, that is, something that is beyond the power of a person to recognize. After all, having learned that there on the other side no one will ever come back and tell others about what is happening somewhere there...

What worries people living near the cemetery in the first place? This is a violation of the sanitary zone. After burial, the corpses decompose in the ground. In the spring, when the snow melts, there is a danger of decomposition products entering the groundwater that feeds the wells. You can get used to the location of the cemetery, but it’s unlikely to be a health hazard. The proximity to a cemetery has a negative impact on people's psyche. It’s not pleasant enough to look out the window and think that everyone will end up there sooner or later.

You can often hear that people with mental disabilities or suspicious individuals are often drawn to the cemetery. There is only one conclusion: everyone decides for themselves whether to live near a cemetery or not.

Whether it's superstitions, scary stories, or just a reluctance to constantly think about death, the truth is this: in Russia, few people decide to buy a house next to a cemetery. Abroad, this is a completely normal situation, no one is scared, and nothing supernatural happens in such houses, but Russians are still wary of even the idea of ​​this. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of buying such a home?

Why is it worth it?

  • You can hide from the cemetery... Let's start with the most obvious advantage - you don't have to look at the cemetery every day. If you buy a plot, you can initially plan the house so that the windows do not overlook the cemetery. If you are buying a ready-made house, you can use your imagination and use the area between the cemetery and your house - for example, to plant trees. Thus, a small grove will block a not very pleasant view. Of course, trees need time to grow, but you don’t live there for just one day! As a temporary measure, you can use curtains - and still not see the unpleasant sight.
  • ...or defend yourself. Considering the problem from the Orthodox point of view, it cannot be said that the church strictly prohibits settling next to a cemetery. No, this does not disturb the peace of the deceased and is not even considered a sin - however, negative energy can influence the life of the inhabitants of the house and spoil it, attracting misfortune. There is a salvation against this - to acquire a church amulet, consecrated in the temple. If you are not religious, again, there is nothing to worry about.
  • Price. Although this advantage is not always obvious, it is so - buying a plot in areas specially designated for summer cottages can sometimes be more difficult than in an area next to a cemetery. Even if the difference is insignificant, it can save you a lot of prejudice and save a little.
  • You shouldn't be afraid of such neighbors. Even putting aside the dark humor, we can say with certainty that there are much fewer annoying neighbors around the cemetery. This means less loud music in the middle of the night, fewer land disputes and conflicts. In addition, there is a chance that the area next to your house will not be occupied - potential owners will be put off by the proximity of the cemetery. It’s not for nothing that they say that you should fear not the dead, but the living.
  • Children are not afraid of what adults. If you don't tell the children scary stories about the cemetery, they won’t even think that there is anything bad in it. The mystical is possible, but shouldn’t it be exciting, awakening interest in research? Of course, there is nothing fun about running around graves (and, frankly, it is disrespectful), but with the necessary educational work, you can safely send children for walks in or near a cemetery. In other words, it is not always justified to be afraid that the neighborhood will affect the child’s psyche. Many of those who grew up near the cemetery speak of their childhood without religious fear.
  • It all depends on your attitude towards it. You will not be surprised if someone tells you that people are different: for some people the cemetery gives them goosebumps, for others it pacifies them, for others they don’t care at all, the main thing is that the plot is cheaper. If you are sure that such a neighborhood does not mean anything, nothing should stop you - after all, everything depends on your personal perception and superstition. If you don’t want to move in with a cemetery, don’t move in if there are other options.

Why not?

  • Possible violation of the law. According to the law Russian Federation, the cemetery is considered a sanitary zone, and, depending on its size, construction on the adjacent territory is prohibited. This means that before building a house (and possibly before purchasing territory), you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the dimensions of the sanitary zone and the prohibitions imposed in connection with this. Otherwise, there is a possibility of committing a crime.
  • Possible criminal events. Although, in general, the attractiveness of cemeteries for sectarians and various criminal groups is exaggerated and multiplied popular culture, even if something happens at the cemetery, it’s unlikely every day. However, it is still worth taking an interest in advance (at least for the sake of peace of conscience) about the situation around this cemetery - listen to what local residents say, and make a decision based on this.
  • Constant funeral processes. Participating in a funeral is psychologically difficult, but watching them is sometimes no less difficult. Even if the cemetery is nearby and not in the immediate neighborhood, from time to time you will still come across mourning people and even entire funeral processions. If the very thought of death disgusts you and spoils your mood, it is better to refrain from such proximity.
  • The relationship between the cemetery and groundwater. There is nowhere to go - coffins buried in the ground inevitably affect the ecosystem, affecting the composition of groundwater. It is this water that you will have to use: drink, water the beds with it... the problem is easily solved by installing a drainage system, but if there is no desire to do this, then you should refuse the purchase.
  • Inability to grow a vegetable garden. Even if we assume that you have installed a drainage system and do not take water from the soil, you still interact with it - for example, when you start planting something on your site. The close proximity of the cemetery also means that products grown in such soil can absorb decomposition products. Big question, is it worth eating such food, or is it better to abstain? The solution to the problem is very simple: either do not plant a vegetable garden, or do not buy such a plot.


It's true what they say If you have doubts about a purchase in your heart, you shouldn’t make it– otherwise there is a risk of regretting it for the rest of your life. In the end, the ritual atmosphere around the cemetery, the very feeling of the proximity of death can negatively affect the mood. Therefore, it is possible that you should only build or buy a house on such a site if you are 100% sure of it.