Why Malakhov was fired from Channel One TV. Why Malakhov left Channel One and Let them say: Andrei Malakhov’s departure is still being discussed on social networks

Work on Channel One proceeded as usual: smoothly and harmoniously, and there was no information that Malakhov was leaving for another place of work due to some kind of conflict. A few days later, Andrei Malakhov put forward a refutation of this rumor, talking in a short interview about why he is not going to leave anywhere and continues to work on Channel One as usual. That the channel is undergoing technical work and some changes, due to which his project temporarily stopped appearing on television screens.

At the same time, the TV presenter and Tina Kandelaki played a prank on the audience by spreading a rumor that Malakhov was going to become one of the commentators on the Match-TV channel. The result of joint efforts and a couple of comments under the clumsily edited photo was a wave of indignation from fans and the expectation of “the worst.”

  • What really happened
  • Opinion of Andrey Malakhov
  • Friends support

What really happened

In October 2017, the news that Malakhov was leaving Channel One, replacing it with Rossiya-1, was confirmed by both the TV presenter himself and his employers. Viewers received answers to their questions quite recently. An ambitious presenter with 25 years of experience was prompted to change jobs by an interesting offer to become a participant in a new project. Now he will be the face of the game show "The Wall".

The unique program will reveal the fates of brilliant and ambitious people who, without the opportunity to earn big money, are building the future of their beloved country. Their stories will reveal the background to how small people doing small things improve the quality of our lives. It was this interesting program that caused me to change jobs.

Opinion of Andrey Malakhov

IN modern world There are no longer such barbaric methods as luring famous stars of TV shows and programs with promises of more high fee and increased bonuses. Ambitious presenters with big names independently choose the place where they feel comfortable working. That’s why we can say that Malakhov, having decided to leave, encroached on something more profitable than on Channel One in financially offer is not possible.

He was simply tired of performing in the familiar and already boring role of a TV presenter who starred in the same type of programs and talk shows. Therefore, the offer to participate in a new project, in which he could develop as a person and explore what was really interesting to him, became the main criterion in choosing a new place of work.

Work in the “Let Them Talk” project in recent years Malakhov regarded it as an auction in which the one who pays the most wins. To conduct a scandalous, shocking interview, he had to persuade people to take part in this show, purposefully dragging them into the thick of not always pleasant events. Celebrities had to be bribed in various ways, which Malakhov absolutely did not like, because his character does not allow him to overstep certain principles. But the show regularly required making deals with itself.

Now Andrei Malakhov does not need to sacrifice his precious time and go against his moral principles to create a unique and amazing show. It is enough for him to tell the truth, talking about people who, with their discoveries and inventions, make the world a better place, embodying their deepest dreams in it.

Friends support

Quite often it happens that a TV presenter who runs his project on one channel takes with him all the developments and command staff. Malakhov, choosing the show “The Wall,” did the same. But convincing others of the correctness of the decision was not as easy as it initially seemed. After all, his team is used to working at a certain, measured pace and mode in the “Let Them Talk” program. Not all employees wanted to change their place of work, and, accordingly, their lives. Innovations and changes are not liked by everyone and not always.

Andrei Malakhov explained the reasons for his departure from the country's main television channel. The former presenter of Channel One said that he was tired of “reading from a piece of paper” and had long grown into producing his own show.

Andrey Malakhov. Photo: Channel One website

According to him, he is tired of being a “lead in the ear” and has long had something to say to the audience without prompting.

"It's like family life“At first there was love, then it grew into a habit, and at some point it was a marriage of convenience,” he said frankly in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper.

Therefore, the TV presenter wanted to take the initiative into his own hands. “I want to grow, to become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determining what my program should be about, and not giving up my whole life and looking like a puppy into the eyes of people changing during this time. The TV season is over, I decided “that you need to close this door and try yourself in a new capacity in a new place,” he continued.

At the same time, Malakhov did not comment on the rumors that main reason His departure resulted in a conflict with producer Natalya Nikonova. She came up with “Let Them Talk,” and then went to VGTRK for 9 years and returned to “First” only this year.

“I have always believed that you need to be consistent in love and dislike. It’s unusual for me to change my set of beliefs as if by magic. I’ll end the story here,” he said.

The presenter assured that the separation from “First” did not in any way affect his relationship with its leader Konstantin Ernst. Like, he realized that Andrey, due to life circumstances (the presenter’s first child will be born in November), would not be able to devote much time to the project and let him go in peace.

However, Malakhov did not hide the fact that he sent the application by Russian Post, and sent his representative to negotiate with Ernst about extending his contract.

The TV presenter entered into a new cooperation agreement with the Rossiya TV channel. He will head “Live Broadcast”, which was previously managed by Boris Korchevnikov.

By the way, the latter, in a conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda, said that his era Live broadcast" ended. "The program that will be released in its place will be different. But it will preserve everything that made “Live Broadcast” successful and loved by viewers,” he noted.

Malakhov himself confirmed that part of the “Let Them Talk” team moved with him to the second channel in the country. Thus, new broadcasts will be produced together with Alexander Mitroshenkov, who previously also did “The Big Wash.” But even here, the final word will remain with Malakhov.

“My wife calls me a boss baby. It is clear that television is a team story, but the final word belongs to the producer,” he concluded.

The TV presenter has already published an open letter with his former colleagues.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all employees of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to the colleagues with whom he had worked for 25 long years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is used extremely rarely, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people still wrote letters to each other, not text messages. So forgive me for such a long message. I hope you know real reasons my unexpected transfer to “Russia 1”, where I will host the new program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast,” to work on the Saturday show and other projects,” the site quotes the text of the letter.

The “Let Them Talk” host thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, named those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all my hope is in you! The other day I saw fragments of “Let Them Talk” with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I did not comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you guessed, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with his wife Natalya’s website, he openly explained why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that “it’s time to get out of the tight confines.”

“I have always been subservient. A human soldier following orders. “But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings.”

An additional “blow,” the presenter admitted, was the move of the “Let Them Talk” program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when they called him from “Russia 1” and offered him to become a producer own program, to “decide for yourself what to do and what topics to cover.”

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: “Andrey Malakhov. Live.”


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no more: the talk show “Live” on the “Russia 1” channel has indeed undergone a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion from the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who quit Channel One for this purpose. Filming will begin this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host of “New Wave 2017”

The passions around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. They only dissuaded him on the topic of “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Rossiya channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. How suddenly - new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the “New Wave” ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: They saw off Malakhov - they broke two button accordions


In the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, with the new presenter, they made a decisive break with the dark past ().

This week there were rumors in the media that Andrey Malakhov terminates cooperation with Channel One, where he worked since 1992. This news came as a real shock to fans of the celebrity - after all, for 10 years they had enjoyed watching all the episodes of one of the country’s highest-rated shows, “Let Them Talk,” whose permanent host was Andrei all this time.

According to rumors, Malakhov decided to leave Channel One for VGTRK. However, neither the TV presenter himself nor the management of the TV channels comment on this information in any way. However, today new details have appeared in the media, shedding light on the current situation. According to the Russian BBC Service, the reason for Andrei’s departure to VGTRK was the decision of the management of Channel One to add more political topics to the air of the show “Let Them Talk.”

As it turned out, this conflict situation began after Natalya Nikonova, who had previously worked in Malakhov’s program, returned to Channel One, but became a producer in the “Live Broadcast” program on “Russia 1”. “Nikonova returned to First to shake up the socio-political bloc before the presidential elections. When she arrived, everyone didn’t really understand what was happening. There was no conflict as such, but everyone was tense. She also did “Live Broadcast” on “Russia 1”. And this is s***. The editors don’t want to do sh*t,”- said the interlocutor of the Russian Air Force service.

The insider added that so far no one from the “Let Them Talk” team has written a letter of resignation, but, according to rumors, “Evening News” announcer Dmitry Borisov and Dmitry Shepelev, who recently began hosting a new show on the First “On the Real”, are already trying out for Malakhov’s place. in fact." It is worth noting that none of them confirmed or denied this information.

Finally, all the i's are dotted - Andrei Malakhov officially left Channel One. “I was always subordinate. A human soldier who followed orders. But I wanted independence. I looked at my colleagues: they became producers of their programs and began to make decisions themselves.

And suddenly an understanding came: life goes on, and we need to grow, get out of the tight confines,” Malakhov explained in an interview with Woman`s Day.

And in his address to the country’s chief television doctor, Elena Malysheva, published in StarHit, he was a little more specific: “We need to develop, you, as the producer of your own program, understand this better than others. And if at the same time I pushed you to new topic broadcast called “The first manifestations of male menopause” is also not bad.”

Now for people far from the television kitchen, it is worth explaining what Malakhov meant. The fact is that Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One as a producer. She returned and developed vigorous activity, seizing the reins of the “Let Them Talk” program. Employees of Channel One reported that Nikonova’s task is to “shake up the socio-political block of broadcasts.” These changes were not to the liking of the star TV presenter.

The changes, it must be said, were revolutionary. Firstly, Andrei, as they say, was deprived of the opportunity to formulate the editorial plan of the Let Them Talk program. He was assigned only the role of the presenter, to whom questions are written to the heroes and into whose ear monitor the director gives the commands “Let them fight,” “Don’t approach the heroine, let her scream,” “Approach the experts in the hall.” Malakhov function " talking head"wasn't satisfying at all.

The second change concerns the subject matter of his program. If “Let Them Talk” previously touched on the social and everyday sphere, Nikonova decided to make the program a political talk show, which would talk about America, Syria, Ukraine and other news-producing countries. The new format has already been tested - the first episode of “Let Them Talk” with a new host was dedicated to Mikheil Saakashvili. Malakhov, of course, is not at all interested in politics.