Wishes for a man on his 60th birthday. To the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor"

Congratulations to the hero of 60 years

Let the gray hair at your temples shine,
And you’re no longer in the clouds!
You have achieved everything in life,
And your loved ones are very lucky!
You are kind, smart, hardworking,
You know how to smooth out the negative!
We have prepared a surprise for the anniversary,
Listen to the poems and smile!
You are sixty today,
We also wish you to walk briskly!
manage everything, do everything, decide everything,
Pamper your beloved grandchildren more!
We wish you good health now,
And we believe that today, at this hour,
The time has come for happiness and good luck!

Congratulations in verse for the 60th anniversary

Sixty is a moment, just the beginning of life,
Sixty is the eternal source of wisdom,
Sixty is very, very little,
This is only the first serious threshold.
It doesn’t matter that your temples turn gray – that’s your reward
For the years lived, for the path traveled!
May your children and grandchildren become your joy,
You become younger at heart - after all, this is the essence of life!

At sixty you look great
Sweet, smiling and pretty!
You are a wonderful mother and an excellent grandmother,
The Universe revolves around you!
You manage to do everything, you are so energetic,
I wish you only happiness in your personal life!
Good health for many, many years,
And may there be goodness in return!
Good luck, inspiration in business,
And realize what you see in your dreams!

Happy 60th birthday greetings

We wish you peace in your family,
And bread and salt on the table,
So that your health is strong,
And don’t let your heart fail you,
Let joy knock on your home
Morning, evening and afternoon!

Congratulations on your anniversary - 60 years

60 - your life has counted down!
60 is a moment
60 is life
60 is just the beginning!

Congratulations 60 years of gratitude call

Happy Anniversary! Like 60
But his gaze shines like at 38,
So, you don’t need to remind me,
What happens in life is also autumn.
Congratulations, let your eyes sparkle,
The heart will not stop beating clearly,
Let trouble pass by,
And luck doesn’t pass by!

Congratulations to the boss, 60 years old

Dear ____________(name)! Happy Birthday! Please accept our sincere congratulations! We wish you good health, happiness, kindness, warmth and comfort! May you have many loyal friends and good guests in your home!

Happy Birthday, 60th Anniversary

Already 60! What can you wish for? You have a wonderful home, a large and friendly family: a wife, children and grandchildren, loyal friends, a favorite pastime - a complete idyll! I wish you that you can enjoy such a life for a long time and give your love and warmth to all your family! Now, let me kiss you!

Anniversary father 60 years congratulations

Towards this round date
You walked for many days.
Hair is already gray
And today is the Anniversary.
What year? Those are just marks
In life, the roads traveled.
All your children have grown up,
The grandchildren will jump over the threshold.
I wish you health
So that you take care of your strength.
May there be years of joy
And Almighty God protects!

Happy Birthday greetings for men 60 years old

We want all adversity

They retreated and left

So that the years are not a burden,

The arms would be strong.

So that fatigue recedes,

A friend would not betray in trouble,

So that every day is a joy,

Nerves are doubly strong

Congratulations 60 years

Today is your birthday – 60 years old. Most of your life has already been lived, but don’t be sad – the most interesting things are yet to come. New meetings with mischievous and cheerful grandchildren and great-grandchildren await you. And I want to wish that you have enough health, strength and patience to raise your children, to pass on to them at least a part of the huge store of knowledge that you possess. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations to dad on his 60th birthday

Oh, dad! Today is a special day -
It’s your anniversary, you’re already 60.
And all the beautiful words are not enough to
Tell me about my feelings for you.
You are very sensitive, loving and kind!
For me, you are an ideal man!
You have enormous life experience,
And for me you best friend became!
I wish you happiness
Health and mental strength!
So that, despite all the bad weather
You have maintained your optimism!
Don't worry in vain
Live without sadness for many years!
Let the star of love not go out
And it shines brighter than all the planets!

SMS congratulations for 60 years

60 years old- it’s not autumn yet, but the velvet season along the sea coast! The children have grown up, a career has been built, life has been established - go out, have fun and enjoy life!

Congratulations on the Anniversary, 60 years

Dear hero of the day! We congratulate you on such a significant date and sincerely wish that the carriage of your life will carry you easily and happily, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties! May you always be surrounded by only your beloved family and friends! We wish you well-being and success!

Happy Birthday greetings for a 60 year old man

Today is a wonderful day for you:
You have turned exactly 60!
You too were young once,
How quickly the years fly by...
We wish you health, happiness, strength
And never grow old in soul,
And for a long time to be as sweet,
And the years lived do not count.

Happy 60th Birthday greetings in prose

Our dear man! The whole family congratulates you on this wonderful holiday, your anniversary! 60 years is not autumn yet, everything is ahead, everything is just beginning. Therefore, we wish you now and in the future to be the most cheerful, full of ideas and endeavors, to set high goals. Let health amaze everyone with strength and constancy, creativity and passion steadily flow like a river, and let your soul sing and dance!

Happy 60th birthday to a woman

You are 60 today!
Oh, what a date!
The years fly like birds of happiness,
It doesn’t matter that there is no return for them.
Are you 60 today!?
It's a joke?
Cheerful in spirit, cheerful in appearance.
Good until you lose your mind.
Are you 60 today?
It can't be!
Every year, praise the Gods,
You are younger.
Don't be sad about the years in vain,
After all, in your heart you are always 17.
Stay as beautiful as you are
And fate will smile on you!

60th birthday congratulations to brother

You are sixty today, but you look younger,
You can still compete with the young ones quite well.
Our brother, recently you too were a gallant gentleman,
Years have passed, and now you have become a pensioner.
Today we came to you not just to drink tea,
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday.
May your home be filled with happiness and great joy,
We wish you to be healthy and not old in soul.

Beautiful congratulations on your 60th birthday

Respectable age has made you more beautiful, sharper, wiser and stronger. Accept our congratulations as soon as possible on your sixtieth birthday. summer anniversary! We wish you to always be energetic, loved, cheerful and pretty. May illnesses disappear forever, live happily for many years to come.

Congratulations to a man, 60 years old

_____________ (name!), congratulations on such a milestone anniversary! We wish you good luck, health, and bright things in your anniversary year! May you greet every day with a smile and joy, may your eyes glow with happiness! Happy 60th birthday!

Congratulations to grandsons and grandfather on his 60th birthday

We gladly congratulate grandfather -
Grandfather is already sixty!
We already know him from the very cradle,
He loves us - all his grandchildren.
We would like to tell our grandfather with feeling -
You are our best, there are no words!
Even though you sometimes feel sad,
Live two hundred years!

So the years flew by unnoticed, as if flocks of birds flew into the distance. But their main advantage is that they left their indelible mark. After all, everything you dreamed about came true, and you were able to make it come true. And how many more plans are planned? Let everything come true and become a reality. Happy Anniversary!

Personalized congratulations to a 60-year-old man

(name), on this wonderful day (evening), I want to congratulate you and all of us on your 60th birthday, wish you good health and happiness, which includes everything else - money, family well-being, success at work. And most importantly, always remain yourself, with all your qualities that we value so much in you.

Toast: congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday

Maturity and self-confidence, one's own strengths, immense life experience! Our birthday boy collected these qualities in himself, walking through life with ease and ease! Let's raise our glasses to this worthy and respected man!

Original congratulations on your 60th anniversary

We congratulate you on your Anniversary and wish from the bottom of our hearts not to get sick, not to be discouraged, to rest as much as possible, to sleep the sleep of the righteous. Let things work out slowly. May fate always protect you from all misfortunes, may joy and happiness go side by side in your life.

Personalized congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday

___________(Name)! Congratulations on this date! It's your anniversary today! We wish you good health and bright days! Please your loved ones with your optimism and cheerful mood! Stay young! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on your 60th anniversary, touching

Our dear hero of the day, let me congratulate you and wish that the bright spring sun always shines in the sky of your pure, bright soul. Let the friends who visit your home always come with good wishes. Let the song of love still sound in your heart.

Congratulations for the father on his 60th anniversary

Years go by, but your optimism, cheerfulness, good spirits, thirst for new discoveries and achievements does not dry out! You are an example for all of us! Stay as cheerful, kind and loving as you are. After all, at 60 years old, life is just beginning and opens the doors to a new world for you!

Congratulations on 60 years in verse

Let's celebrate the anniversary
We'll laugh all day!
So that your sixty years
They became eighteen!
So that lilacs bloom in your soul!
Bright and playful!
Happy holiday!
Let life flow beautifully!

Toast of congratulations on the 60th anniversary

Happy Anniversary to the most important person! Our hero of the day has lived and made us happy for exactly 60 wonderful years! Let's drink to this worthy and respected man who has done a lot and is capable of much more! For the hero of the day!

Congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday

Happy Birthday! We wish you all the best, good and cheerful mood, so that you never get sick or be sad! Let every day become a joyful discovery for you! Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your 60th Anniversary

We are still next to you and are ready to share sorrows and joys, and today we have joy - this is the anniversary of our best friend. What does it mean to us that our friend has reached his small peak of his 60th birthday, with many more to achieve. For the conqueror of peaks!

Personalized 60th birthday greetings

Dear _________(name)! Happy 60th birthday! May God grant you only happiness and warmth, a beautiful, quiet life, without sadness and adversity! Long years to you, good health and good winters!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
You are sixty today!
Let the guests who come to the house
All illnesses will be healed,

Wish you strength and health
And many happy years to come,
Moods, good luck,
Good thoughts and welcome!

Sixty is so little!
On our anniversary - hello!
Know: there is a lot left to live
Long wise sweet years
Without despondency and boredom,
Full of happiness, passions.
The grandchildren will confirm all this,
Giving you my children.
And with every new great-grandson you too
Become many years younger!!!

Congratulations to a man on his 60th anniversary with poems

Wonderful age 60
it's not so easy to live it
among family among friends
we want to meet 90

May our dear one live long and long
and don't count your years
joy of happiness and health
they always accompany you

Celebration! Anniversary! Sixty!
Holiday! Feast! Round date!
How bright these words sound!
And the eyes twinkle like agates!

So let me hug you tightly,
And congratulations on your anniversary,
And wish you health,
And leave all grudges in the past!

Happy birthday greetings to a 60 year old man in verse

These are the things, brothers:
The years don’t run, they fly.
You go to bed - eighteen,
You wake up in the morning - sixty.
Unnoticed by the hero of the day,
That he lived for six decades.
Probably visited somewhere
He is the secret of eternal youth.
Its a special breed
Visible even to the blind.
And, apparently, the road
He did not forget about women's hearts.
He is not deprived of health either,
I am familiar with sports and work.
And he will cut anyone off with a word,
And if necessary, use your fist.
There is no need to even doubt -
Only for others the years fly.
You wake up in the morning - sixty,
And he wakes up - eighteen.

60 is a lot, 60 is a little,
At 60 the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn’t matter that the years flash by
And my hair turns gray over time.
There would be a young soul,
But young souls do not age!
So even in these years,
While there is still “gunpowder” and agility,
The fire of enthusiasm burns within you,
Continuing to shine for people!

Happy anniversary to a 60 year old man

We hasten to sincerely congratulate you
Happy 60th birthday!
We want to wish you good health
And, of course, longevity!

May there be prosperity and comfort,
And warm. And understanding.
May the years bring good ones
Fulfillment of your wishes!

You've come a long way
So we have lived to see our gray hairs...
But believe me, sixty is not so much,
Just middle age for men!

Six dozen behind me,
The path is not easy behind.
I only believe that the best
The hero of the day has a birthday ahead!
Happiness, joy, love
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Life is just beginning
I know that for sure!

Our years fly by like birds,
Leaving an indestructible mark.
Now you are already sixty,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

May you in all your ways,
Protects the light of the home.
Pleases the attention of relatives,
Respect for loved ones and friends.

And, probably, there are no words more valuable,
What are the words of love in these moments:
Be always lucky and healthy.
Live in this world until you are a hundred years old!

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a man

Dear, today you turned 60 years old
This date is honorable and beautiful,
And life is not lived in vain.
We are proud, we love, congratulations
And together we wish you everything:
May the joy last forever
And life will last for many years!

Sixty is a special date,
Maybe you will feel sad at this hour,
That you were young once.
So forget it. Youth - now!
After all, she is in your soul forever,
We will wish you health,
After all, wiser and better than man
You can’t find it at all in this life!

Congratulations on a man’s 60th birthday in verse

60 is not that much!
Behind lies the road -
Glorious journey.

Life is always a little miracle
All you have to do is tell her: “I will!” --
And she will answer: “Be!”

From time immemorial the news cannot be counted,
But it is known that from time immemorial
No news is better than news
About the birth of man.

60 is not a celebration of old age,
Let your heart not feel tired,
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is an experience of great work.
This is a very young age
Only if you don't grow old at heart.
I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your work and responsiveness.

Heartfelt congratulations on a man’s 60th birthday - anniversary in verse

You are still young at heart - that’s for sure!
Don't be upset about all sorts of trifles.
After all, 60 is not 90 at all,
And you still have a lot to do.

I wish you never cry, have fun,
And rejoice in the happiness that is inside you.
And if something goes wrong, there’s no need to be angry at all,
Good things are yet to come!

There are so many wonderful dates
For those who are in love with life!
It's not autumn 60 yet,
It's a velvet season!
Let your hair become whiter
And your soul is more and more cheerful.
Fate with its severity
It makes us cleaner, kinder.
Today is your big holiday.
Gather all your friends.
Don't grow old in soul any longer,
Create, love, dream!
Like an apple orchard in spring
Enchants again and again!
To meet a young soul
Love will always come.

Anniversary congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a man. Wishes in verses

Is it really 60? And he is still impressive and good-looking. But looking at his adult children, it becomes clear that the man was able to realize himself. Relatives, children, friends and colleagues rush to bring their congratulations on the anniversary. A man is 60 years old - this means that he has the right to take a break, from now on he can take advantage of his position as a pensioner.
On no other anniversary will there be so many frank recognitions of his merits. And, of course, on this day his grandchildren, who probably already exist, will rush to congratulate him, mature sons and mature daughters. And, of course, a loving and faithful wife throughout the years.
You don’t have to compose poetic congratulations yourself, but simply look on our website; we have selected the best wish poems for such a special occasion.

60 is a long time, but spring is blooming in my soul,
And we wish you that the cold does not come.
Let illnesses recede and gray hairs do not bother you.
May your faithful wife still be nearby.
To surround you with affection and care,
So that she would grumble less and not worry, so that it would be in vain.
We wish you strength, inspiration, and to be successful in everything.
So that joy and fun do not leave your home.
Let laughter sound in him more often, there will never be quarrels.
Let your eyes always sparkle, your soul soar like a bird.
So that there is always money, so that you can’t count it.
There are so many bold undertakings that you can’t count them all.
Let your career go uphill, life’s work will be important.
Let worries and misfortunes pass by in your home.
May your friends be with you in joy and in trouble.
And they will help if necessary, do not stand on the sidelines.
So that children inspire and are proud of their father.
Be happy and stay young longer.

Timchenko A.I. for http://site/

Sixty is not yet old,
Just another date.
Write yourself off on vacation
Believe me, it’s too early.

You are a very distinguished man,
Look incredible:
Impressive and respectable
And always dressed fashionably!

Look back over the years:
There is no return to what has been lived.
But there is so much good:
There are both children and grandchildren.

For many years you walked side by side
Together with his wife,
Thank God
Why did he give this to a friend?

You were happy together with her
And everyone shared their worries...
And today - as with the bride,
You sit at the same table.

On your anniversary we wish:
Good health, happiness,
Many, many bright days
In the midst of care and participation!

Original congratulations for a man's 60th birthday

Who told you that sixty?
Read correctly: “six – zero.”
Fate is ahead of you
But don't get upset again.

Years have their secrets:
About six more will pass -
The date "six and six" will come,
And you will be able to even the score!

Congratulations to dad on his 60th birthday

Dad, you are our hero
(And this despite the date)
We are always there for you,
For us, you are the best dad in the world!

Today, on this anniversary,
It is not easy for us all to gather here.
Pour us a little,
So as not to push the toast “dry”.

We wish you now:
Stay the same brave
And this makes us all happy,
And wait for the weddings of great-grandchildren!

Congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday

Six dozen behind
A lot of roads have been covered...
Now look for yourself:
There is no less time ahead!

Troyan Marina specially for http://site/

60th birthday greetings to a wonderful man

Dear, our dear man,
On this anniversary birthday
You emit a special magical light
And worthy of the most best words and respect.
Like the sun, you give warmth,
You devote yourself to the task without reserve,
Your feelings, fullness of emotions
You don’t regret it for the sake of general prosperity.
Sixty wonderful, precious years.
An anniversary is like a diamond in a setting.
Allow me today, on a bright day,
From the bottom of my heart, my dear, I congratulate you!
May your home be cozy
And health to a strong, wise heart,
So that when it’s cold outside the window,
We could warm ourselves with your warmth!

Congratulations to a man on his 60th birthday
Birthday has arrived
Of course you are lucky
After all, not everyone is in a row yet
Celebrating sixty.
Let the wine sparkle, play,
The heart does not know tiredness
Don't let your joints hurt,
Let your gaze shine with enthusiasm,
Let the songs ring loudly.
You are sixty today!

Good congratulations to the hero of the day on his 60th birthday
Anniversary, anniversary,
Pour a glass full!
And now, on the anniversary
Do not regret congratulations!
It's already sixty
The years fly by so quickly.
They keep flying and flying,
They won't go back!
Don't regret anything
And don’t shed burning tears,
Read the congratulations to the hero of the day as soon as possible:
"Don't get sick, don't grow old,
Just get younger at heart,
Live, make good money,
Celebrate anniversaries!

You are sixty today
Unprecedented case
And young, as if at 25,
At least he became a grandfather more than once.
Our advisor, our parent,
Protection and support!
Be healthy and happy always!
May he marry his grandchildren soon!

The years fly by, you can't catch them,
Again round date,
And forty and fifty-five,
And sixty – once.
But he’s still young at heart,
And the heart is young,
And the age in the passport is nothing,
Although you can't hide it.
May the new day bring warmth
And joy and hope,
And grief will pass by!
Be young as before!

And good luck and patience,
We wish you a happy birthday!
Sixty anniversary
Noisy, fun to meet!
Gather friends at the table,
And gifts from relatives,
And postcards from the heart!
Let your dreams come true
Life is bright and sunny!

Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a man
What is 60?
This is the age for the soul.
Children don't make noise anymore
Grandchildren, passion, how good!

We wish these years
Only spend it usefully,
Enjoy only freedom
Avoid failures.

Of course you need to follow
For your health. It's a fact
So that your nerves don't go crazy,
So that the heart beats to the beat.

On this glorious day we wish,
We will give you less trouble.
Let the kids surround you
You are taken care of all year round!

The years fly by so quickly
You are 60 today.
But don't be upset
Life will continue to rush.

Many adventures await you,
Let there be less grief
Meets you on the way.
We wish you to reach

To your global goals
And what they failed to achieve.
Well, to achieve everything
Your health will be useful.

Take care of your nerves
Watch the pressure
Don't forget about the heart -
This is an important place.

Smile, don't be sad.
Let everything you want
It will happen at the same hour
No hassle and no worries!

Who said 60
Is this age already?
The years will fly further
I'll tell you seriously!

You are an impressive man,
Look stylish
Always wise and gallant
Very forward-thinking!

We wish you on your anniversary
Good health.
More light warm days
With joy, love!
Anna Akmalova for http://site/

You are sixty! Today I congratulate you
Friends came, it's an anniversary!
Even if we can’t send a year ago,
This is not a reason for us to be sad! Pour

The glasses are full! For happiness and health
We'll have a drink! And not just, but to the bottom!
Breathe deeply and with love
Look at a new day like spring

I surrounded you forever,
Forget about the blues, sadness and laziness!
After all, there is a woman with you who has bewitched you
In your crazy youth, Holy April!

So be happy, and most importantly, healthy,
May there be success in all your endeavors,
The sounds of children and grandchildren laughing in the house,
And there will be conversations without grumbling!

Who said that sixty -
Is this the sunset of maturity?
Look at the hero of the day -
Life is in full swing, the soul is in full swing,
So what if he turned gray?
He will give young people a head start.

Happy anniversary, dear!
We admire you
And with all our hearts we wish
Knowing neither worries nor troubles,
Don't mope and be cheerful,
Live a hundred years and love life.

And of course, let it be
Your path is bright according to fate,
Let them be with you
Those who are devoted, those who love,
So that you say: I’m happy
And I couldn't be happier.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
We are happy anniversary
We wish you to live as long
Happy and rich

Let the look reflect happiness,
And my chest breathes with love
Let the soul not be sixty,
And twenty years and three times.
Planida Natalya for http://site/

A man at 60 is so impressive
Reliable, courteous, gallant.
There is no ignorance, no youthful rudeness,
Maximalism, stupid stubbornness.

Everything is harmonious in a man at 60,
He is already an accomplished person.
we wish further development
And new, interesting discoveries.

All roads are unfolded before you,
Walk along them firmly, without anxiety.
After all, the wise people have been saying for a long time -
Only those who go forward will master the path.

Are you 60 today?
We don't believe in this!
Maximum 25
You look somewhere.

Young as ever
You are young at heart
Save it for years
You are proud of yourself.

Be happy always
And be healthy
Our honor and praise to you
Just don't forget us!

Sixty is a round date,
This is a reason to fill your glasses.
May you be rich in soul,
So that happiness sparkles in your eyes.
We wish from now on
Don't care about the years.
Man is not born to grow old
He was born to remain for centuries.
Let your love and loyalty
The family will warm you up.
Let hope and faith in the best
Your life is illuminated.

We congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday,
And may you be happy in this world.
Let everything that didn’t work out still work out,
We want to try, but not suffer for long.
We wish you to remain as you are,
So that not a single bad news dares to break you.
Be happy, be loved, don’t forget about your friends,
Be who you are and don’t give up your position.

Young and beautiful at heart,
The eyes are still burning,
You are not subject to your years,
You are sixty today.

Let the gray hairs get stuck in your curls,
Your game is not played,
And the anniversary is not a reason at all
Divide by tomorrow and yesterday.

And after stormy years and springs
Empty tinsel will fall,
Velvet autumn will come,
It's time for fruits and gold!

We congratulate you on your sixtieth birthday,
And may you be happy in this world.
Let everything that didn’t work out still work out,
We want to try, but not suffer for long.
We wish you to remain as you are,
So that not a single bad news dares to break you.
Be happy, be loved, don’t forget about your friends,
Be who you are and don’t give up your position.

Life and energy are in full swing,
There is no trace of illness,
Well, would you say that in a man,
There are as many as sixty in this one!

Today I congratulate you on your anniversary
I'm in a hurry with a huge cake!
I wish you patience and strength,
And don't regret anything.
Today you are 60! Happy anniversary!
And may life make you happy.
Live, enjoy, without growing old in your soul,
And stick to your family!

Dad, you are our hero
(And this despite the date)
We are always there for you,
For us, you are the best dad in the world!

Today, on this anniversary,
It is not easy for us all to gather here.
Pour us a little,
So as not to push the toast “dry”.

We wish you now:
Stay the same brave
And this makes us all happy,
And wait for the weddings of great-grandchildren!

Original congratulations on the 60th anniversary of a man

Sixty years is a wonderful age,
You can praise yourself
How much have you achieved in life?
And they were able to keep the love.

Grandchildren and children congratulate you,
And they wish you long life in health.
Let only sweet faces in life,
You will certainly always be surrounded.

We raise this glass
With good wishes,
Let joy sparkle in your eyes,
And there will be recognition from people!

60 - gold, 60 - labor,
Life has already counted down to 60!
60 is a moment, 60 is life,
60 is just the beginning!
60 is not a celebration of old age,
Let your heart not feel tired,
This is maturity in everything and always,
This is an experience of great work.
This is a very young age
Only if you don't grow old at heart.
I wish you a full cup of happiness
For your work and responsiveness!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
You are sixty today!
Let the guests who come to the house
All illnesses will be healed,

Wish you strength and health
And many happy years to come,
Moods, good luck,
Good thoughts and welcome!

Happy anniversary!
I wish you 60
Be as optimistic
And a perky comedian.

Don't be offended by fate
Just don't worry so much.
Both in work and in business
Keep everything in your hands.

You don't know defeat
And worthy of admiration.
Keep it up! Don't be discouraged!
And reach a hundred years!

Birthday, sixty -
A great holiday for men.
Happiness has a hundredfold
Increase reasons urgently!

You are as good as anyone,
And years since there is wealth,
May everything you are waiting for
It never stops coming true!

More regiments lead the attack
And they become presidents,
Drive away old age with its fear,
Your journey is far from over!

Over sixty years of experience,
The look is sharp and the soul and mind,
We wish you good health,
Live in joy and bright thoughts!

Wonderful age 60.
It's not that easy to live through.
With family, with friends
We wish you to meet 90!

Live, our dear, for a long, long time
And don't count your years.
May the joy of happiness and health
They always accompany you.

There are so many wonderful dates
For those who are in love with life!
It's not yet autumn sixty,
It's a velvet season!

Congratulations on the round date,
You are sixty today!
Live long and rich
We would like to wish

Be an exemplary owner
Happiness, joy, love,
And good, faithful friends,
And good luck along the way!

You are not a man, but a miracle,
Without you, I will feel bad.
After all, you have a good heart,
And nothing, you don’t regret it.

I wish my soul not to grow old,
And somewhere to fly to your dream.
At sixty, everything is ahead,
Only worries are left behind.

Start today to change everything,
And have fun.
And paradise will come in life,
Just don't be discouraged.

You are an absolute man
There is more than one reason for this.
Where you go, there is joy,
Life there is like sweetness.

Happy anniversary,
I'm sending you a lot of luck.
Use it as you need it,
Fate will give you joy.

At sixty, it's time to go for a walk,
And this holiday begins.
Happy anniversary I shout
And I’m stuck on the holiday.

Congratulate a man on his 60th birthday in an original way

Today is just a wonderful day,
Beauty, emerald.
The best man's anniversary
We have reasons for this.

I wish you to greet life with a smile,
And say goodbye to the past mistake.
At sixty, there's no reason to grow old,
You need to really enjoy life.

I wish you many bright days,
And become more fun.
I wish, grief, not to know,
And never lose heart.

All words are for you,
I felt dizzy.
From male charm,
And your charm.

Celebrating the sixties
We are with you, do not lose heart.
We wish you to live your life as it should,
May happiness greet you gladly.

After all, there are many different things ahead,
Just walk with confidence!
Happy anniversary,
I just declare this day to be yours.

Today is a special and idle day,
You are turning 60 years old
Man, you are strict, kind - different,
But overall you are a wonderful person!

60 years for everyone in the world,
It's not just a date - it's an anniversary,
Relatives, dear children, will congratulate you,
And a wife who is dearer to the heart,

And you will accept my wishes,
Good health, successful new ventures,
Always go forward with a smile,
And may luck be your lot!

We open the door for the anniversary,
Today you are sixty years old,
And may your heart be enriched,
Great happiness and gold of victories!

Sixty is no longer enough
You achieved everything on your own
My husband worked hard,
Helped us become happy

For your work, care, affection,
I thank you
Know, dear, I always miss you,
I love you very much

More happiness, optimism,
Take care of yourself
More dear selfishness,
Let everything be to your liking!

Happy birthday greetings to husband on his 60th anniversary

I don’t regret wishes
I'm ready for the anniversary!
My dear husband, dear,
We've been together for a hundred years.

And I want to confess to you
I keep falling in love.
How many years have already flown by?
I haven't lost interest in you.

Our grandchildren are growing up
And they adore grandpa.
This is the truth without dispute -
You are a support for the whole family.

Happy 60th birthday greetings to my husband

The best, faithful husband in the world,
Happy anniversary!
Let success be life's witness
Happiness invites you to visit!

You're 60 today
Became even wiser for a year,
Good health to you,
To find your dream soon!

Touching congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday

Sixty, beloved husband,
You've gotten older, so what?
Thank you, dear,
For support and shoulder,
We've been through a lot together
We raised children with you,
Life seemed like a song with you,
There are no such people anymore

On your wonderful birthday,
Accept congratulations,
Always be healthy, dear,
Don't forget about family!

Congratulations to my husband on his 60th anniversary from his wife

My dear husband,
Look, you're sixty!
Don't regret anything
Looking back!

Gathered around the table
I raise my glass
My dear hero of the day -
Above all praise!

Hug, kiss,
How wonderful it is to have you!
My great wizard
From a woman's dream!

Congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday in verse

Sixty years is an important milestone,
An indicator of goodness and success,
Stay young and fresh -
More joy, light and laughter!
Forty years is your anniversary,
And years are a man’s pride!
So let's have fun quickly
Don't be sad, don't suffer for no reason!

Beautiful congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday

Beloved husband, I congratulate you,
And I wish you happiness with me!
After all, sixty years have passed,
How did you appear in this white light.
I am very grateful to fate for you,
After all, you are, of course, my best.
I wish you many more years to live
And to be my support, my true friend.

Congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday

Congratulations on your anniversary
Your dear one -
After all, more beloved and sweeter
There is no one for me!
Fifty! And this means -
You have become more experienced, wiser,
And I hope you will come more often
Indulge your wife!

Cool congratulations on the 60th anniversary to my husband

My beloved, my dear!
Sixty is the age
That all paths are open
See for yourself where to go!

You can go south
(Don't forget me).
You can open your own business
It's important for you to be the boss!

Large bills in pockets.
I am planning to go to the Maldives.
Yes, a new fur coat for my wife
So that he could completely afford it!

Congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday from his wife

My priceless darling,
Beloved husband, dear husband,
Happy anniversary, happy birthday:
Happiness, vigor, luck!

Sixty matches you -
It's time to wish for money,
Be successful - in any business
Definitely win!

Beautiful congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday

My husband is sixty today,
And he is cheerful, like a boy,
He's a real man
I achieved a lot myself

Surrounded only by loved ones,
He is the most faithful of friends,
My man, I know for sure
Only mine, no one else's

Be healthy, beloved husband,
Never be sad
Know that you married successfully,
Once and for all!

Touching congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday

My dear and beloved husband
Celebrates anniversary.
You're 60 today
I wish you glorious days.

For me there is no one more worthy,
You are the best among men
Be happy, healthy and cheerful.
You are the only one in the world.

May success follow you
He boldly follows his destiny.
And my love is great
Let him give inspiration.

Congratulations to my husband on his 60th birthday in verse

Husband, dearest,
For me, because unearthly.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And to you, I declare.
That I don’t know better than you
For you, I will send warmth.
You are worthy of all beauties
After all, he achieved all the heights.

Happy sixtieth birthday,
That you are beautiful, I know that.
Let your dreams begin to come true
All plans will come true in life.

Congratulate your husband on his 60th birthday

My support is my reliable husband.
I love you, I believe in you blindly.
You and I are united by the merging of souls.
My wall. My earthly fortress.
They tell me that it’s a lot of sixty.
Springs are supposedly replaced by winters...
But your spring look tells me:
As long as we love, we will be young!