With best wishes. The ritual of sprinkling the newlyweds

Symbolizing wishes to the young spouses for many years to come happy life, - This ritual of showering newlyweds with rose petals , rice, coins. Pink petals, naturally, wish the newlyweds long marital love, A rice and coins wish the young spouses a prosperous life. This ceremony can take place as when the bride and groom leave the registry office from the official wedding procedure or when leaving the church from the wedding ceremony, and when meeting a young married couple near a restaurant, where is the festive banquet organized? . When to arrange a ritual of showering rose petals, it's up to you to decide. But take into account that at the registration of the marriage at the registry office or at the wedding in the Orthodox Church, most likely, not all the friends and relatives you are with you will be with you. invited to a wedding. Perhaps the largest number of your guests will arrive at once to the restaurant where the banquet will take place. Therefore, if you want all your guests invited to the wedding to participate in the ceremony, it is better to arrange a ceremony of showering rose petals, coins and rice before entering the banquet hall.

But it’s worth knowing that traditionally:

Mother of the bride showers first

For the first time during the wedding celebration The newlyweds are showered with cereals, sweets, and small money. They do it when the newlyweds leave the bride's house after her ransom. According to some traditions, it is customary at this moment tying the hand of the bride and groom with a beautiful wedding towel. The mother of the bride comes out with the future spouses. This The ceremony of showering must be performed by the mother of the bride or a close relative.
This shedding portends material well-being and prosperity in the family.

The second showers the groom's mother

Next the ceremony of showering the newlyweds occurs after they leave the registry office or a wedding. The components of the ritual do not change, but flower petals or even the flowers themselves can be added to them. This shedding symbolizes the same thing - a wealthy family life. But flowers have an exclusively decorative function, as flowers should. They add special romanticism and beauty to the ritual. The main difference between these two rituals is that the second shedding is done by the groom's mother.

Organizing a wedding, be sure to decide who you will appoint responsible for the availability of guests materials necessary for the ritual - coins, sweets, rice, rose petals. You can entrust the task of collecting and distributing materials needed for the wedding ceremony to your guests witnesses at a wedding or wedding receptionist. The person who will be responsible for the proper performance of this traditional wedding ceremony must remember what an important mission is entrusted to him. If this person will be yours witness at a wedding, she must definitely teach the guests, how to throw rose petals at newlyweds, candies, coins and rice. If your bridesmaid at the wedding does not know what rules this ceremony should follow, tell her yourself - you don’t want to get hurt by a coin that accidentally hits you in the face?

Symbolism of the ritual

The symbolic sound of the ritual depends on its components. With what young mothers shower, this is the life they predict.. So, dear mothers, don’t be lazy, stock up on all the necessary elements of the showering ceremony.

1. Cereals: millet, rice, buckwheat symbolize many healthy and happy children in the family.
2. Various candies, the pills foretell a sweet family life for future spouses.
3. Coins, small money used for material well-being, prosperity, wealth of newlyweds.
4. Confetti, flowers, flower petals. They not only decorate the wedding celebration itself, but can also give the bride and groom beautiful love and fill their future life with touching tenderness.

Children are a special sign

It so happened that children also play their role in this action. A very good omen is children who have taken away all the candy and money.. It’s good that you don’t have to beg them for a long time, because for children, participation in this ritual is interesting fun and a pleasant treat. Also, a huge number of cheerful children in this ritual foreshadows healthy offspring in a young family.

Instead of children - girls!

There is another sign according to which it is not the children, but the unmarried girls. They must under no circumstances spend or eat all the collected “wealth”, but carefully store it! This promises girls of marriageable age an obligatory fateful meeting and wedding.

So, what is the correct way to throw rice, coins, and candy at the newlyweds? Guests should throw all these small but hard objects at the level of the newlyweds’ waist; in no case should they throw money and sweets up so that they fall with a joyful ringing on the heads of the guests and newlyweds. Firstly, this in itself is not very pleasant. And, secondly, all these small details can ruin how bride's wedding hairstyle, and evening hairstyles of beautiful ladies invited to the wedding.

But pink petals, on the contrary, need to be thrown up so that they flow like a waterfall around the newlyweds. From such a ceremony you will have as a memory great photos, in which you will be depicted surrounded by bright and delicate pink petals. To ensure that guests do not confuse what should be thrown up and what should be thrown at waist level, it is better to distribute different materials to different guests, let some guests throw coins and rice, while others throw rose petals.

Another important element of this traditional ritual is the loud shouts of welcome, clapping hands, sweet. In short, guests should try to make as much noise as possible. As we remember, our ancestors

Traditions for the groom's parents at a wedding are in many ways similar to the rituals for the bride's parents. However, there are also some differences. If we look into the past, the traditions for the parents of the grooms at the wedding were expressed in various song and verbal rituals. IN modern world much of this has been simplified or eliminated, however there are basic traditions that are still performed at weddings today.

How to escort the groom to the bride

Meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt

So, what must the groom’s father and mother do at the wedding? Let's start with one of the most important wedding rituals, which traditions instruct us to honor and perform. This is a “bread and salt” ritual that should be performed by the groom’s mother. After the newlyweds have signed or gotten married, they go home, where the groom’s mother is waiting for them. This tradition has roots in the distant past, when a young woman after a wedding went to live with her betrothed, and was greeted at the door by her mother-in-law. She presented the bride with bread and salt, which symbolized joy at the arrival of a new family member, as well as the wish to live in peace and prosperity. The groom's mother presents the bride with a loaf of bread, which lies on a beautiful embroidered towel. A small open salt shaker is placed on top of the loaf. When the newlyweds arrive at the house, the groom's mother and father come out to their doorstep. The mother must have a loaf on a towel in her hands, and the father must hold the icon. When a young couple meets, the groom's mother presents them with a loaf of bread, wishing them happiness, wealth, prosperity and love. Then the mother and father bless the newlyweds in front of the icon. After this, the parents take them into the house and offer them a taste of bread and salt. The bride and groom break the loaf and dip it in salt. By the way, the groom’s mother must ensure that no one else touches the loaf after this. After all, according to legend, if a bad person touches a loaf or takes a bite from it, problems may begin in the family. After the wedding, the groom’s mother wraps the loaf in rushnyk and takes it to church, leaving it on the alms table, so that the young family will always be happy and live in abundance.

After the newlyweds have tasted the loaf, the groom’s parents’ task is to sprinkle them with coins and grain. By the way, the same ritual is also carried out near the registry office. But there everyone can sprinkle, but at home, it is advisable that it is the father and mother of the young man who do it. The fact is that with such sprinkling, mom and dad bless the young couple for a rich and prosperous life in their new home.

Also, the groom's parents organize a small buffet after these rituals are completed. After all, often young people and guests go to the house before a buffet table, after a walk around the city. Therefore, mom and dad should prepare champagne, drinks and light snacks so that the bride and groom, as well as everyone who comes with them, can relax a little, take a break and gain strength for the celebration.

Wedding banquet

At the wedding reception itself, most of the rituals are performed by the mother of the bride. As for the groom's parents, the father can have young ones and seat them at the table. According to tradition, the tables are walked around three times. However, this ritual can also be performed by the bride's father. It all depends on how the matchmakers and the newlyweds agree. Even at the wedding buffet, the newlyweds always dance with their parents. But the dance of the father of the groom with the bride is also considered traditional.

To prevent your wedding day from turning into a nightmare, here are some tips and tricks for parents to plan for their children's wedding day. In different regions and families there are different traditions. Therefore, in order to determine WHO and WHAT should do, it is simply necessary to meet with the parents of the bride and groom and discuss the traditions of their families.
Let's discuss some aspects of the wedding day:
What do the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride do in the morning at a wedding.
In the morning, the groom gets ready and goes to pick up the bride; video and photo operators also go with the groom. Parents bless their son ( Orthodox icons and sprinkle with Rye (Sometimes wheat is added) and coins prepared in advance for this:
Sprinkling: (In a sieve or beautiful bowl)
? Rye
? Wheat - (At the request of parents)
? Change (Yellow coins in denominations of 10 and 25 kopecks, an even number of each denomination) or 7 UAH for 10 kopecks
? Caramel - even quantity.
? (Separately) 2 coins with a nominal value of 5 kopecks, mothers put in the shoes of the newlyweds. — (At the request of parents and newlyweds)

Words spoken by the groom's mother while sprinkling:
*I will sprinkle rye on you so that your race will be good. *
The bride's house is always more crowded, because the bride's ransom takes place here. Certain people are often responsible for the ransom; these could be bridesmaids or sisters or a guest host. You can also ask your host for simple ransom scenarios. For the bride, it is necessary to allocate a separate room or room in which she puts herself in order; there may be a makeup artist-stylist, hairdresser, and the bride awaits the arrival of the groom. The bride's parents bless their daughter. Next, the bride’s parents monitor the arrival of the guests (You can organize a buffet table, with light snacks and low-alcohol-non-alcoholic drinks), and the final preparations are made before leaving for the registry office. The groom's parents are with their son. The ransom is followed by a blessing. From the bride's house, both sets of parents bless the newlyweds. It is customary to bless before committing a deed, so at a wedding they bless the newlyweds before leaving the bride’s house. After the blessing, the newlyweds go outside, the mother of the bride follows the newlyweds and showers the newlyweds with a mixture of rye, sweets and coins so that the life of the young couple is sweet, rich and well-fed. Sprinkling Composition See above.
Words spoken by the mother of the bride during the sprinkling:

*Rye will fall on you so that your generation will be good
Warm wheat is pouring in so that you can be a friendly couple.
Copper money is pouring in so that you are not poor,
And sweets for the kids! *
At the registry office.
The parents of the bride and groom are simply guests at the registry office, except for the moment that the newlyweds will come up and bow to you. Parents are the first to congratulate their children. That is why parents are asked to stand immediately behind the young ones as they enter the hall.
Of course, parents definitely need to be in the banquet hall before the newlyweds, since they will have to meet the bride and groom.
The ceremonial meeting of the newlyweds in the banquet hall.
Of course, parents definitely need to be in the banquet hall before the newlyweds, since they have to meet the bride and groom, so often parents do not go to the newlyweds’ wedding walk, but go straight to the banquet hall.
Traditions at the banquet.
According to Slavic rituals, mothers (or parents of the groom) lead the newlyweds into the hall with their hands tied with a towel - the Rite of Entry to the tables. The parents lead the young people across the hall to the table. Initially, according to tradition, the newlyweds had to be led around the set table three times. Then the mothers remove the towel from the hands of the newlyweds and, without untying the knot, tighten it together by holding 2 edges of the towel.
The second tradition at a wedding is parents dancing. Sometimes parents dance with their other halves, but they can also change.
The third tradition is the son-in-law and mother-in-law dance.
And also the dance of the bride with her own father, the dance of the groom with her own mother, and even the dance of the bride with her father-in-law. (All this is discussed with the presenters)
And of course, wedding rituals, such as removing the veil and lighting the family hearth, taking out the wedding cake, because it is the parents who receive the first pieces of the cake that the newlyweds cut.
We hope that this article will help you in preparing for your children’s wedding.

A wedding is a holiday for two young people who have decided to unite their destinies. IN different times and in different countries This celebration took place and takes place with its own characteristics, depending on the traditions and rituals that are present in society. In our country, a special place at a wedding belongs to the groom’s parents, because they are the ones who meet the newlyweds after the wedding ceremony. But how to greet the groom’s young parents is determined by each family independently, based on their life experience and existing traditions.

Where and when should the groom's parents meet the newlyweds?

In those days when there were no such institutions as the registry office, the wedding ceremony was held in the church. And after the wedding, the groom’s parents met the newlyweds in their house, since it was customary that the young family would live in the husband’s house.

Today, the meeting of newlyweds after the registry office has become more common. This is due to the fact that not all young couples get married, and sometimes they postpone the wedding ceremony in the church to another day. The newlyweds are still greeted by the groom's parents; more precisely, the main role in holding this event belongs to the mother-in-law.

Another change that modernity has made to the ancient custom is that now parents meet the newlyweds at the entrance not to the groom’s house, but to a restaurant or any other establishment where such an important event is celebrated. After all, previously, weddings were always held at home, but now preference is increasingly given to restaurants, so going home just so as not to violate the ancient custom is not entirely reasonable.

What traditions exist for newlyweds to be welcomed by the groom's parents?

There is no single opinion on how to meet the groom's young parents, so everyone chooses the option that they both like best
families and their close relatives. The main goal of this event is to bring prosperity to the future life of the newlyweds.

One of the most common customs is the meeting of the bride and groom with bread and salt. Some parents prefer to greet their children with glasses filled with wine. There are also people who believe that the main attribute of a wedding is the wedding loaf, and it is this that the mother of the groom should hold in her hands when the newlyweds meet. Believing parents prefer to greet young people with icons.

An integral part of the wedding event called “meeting of the newlyweds” is the showering of the bride and groom with grain, sweets, rose petals or confetti. This ceremony is performed by the mother-in-law, sometimes guests join her.

What do parents need to prepare to welcome the newlyweds?

It is important for the groom’s parents to think in advance about what rituals they will perform when meeting their son and daughter-in-law, and to prepare all the necessary attributes for this. Moreover, it is better to do this in advance, so that at the most crucial moment it does not turn out that something is missing at hand.

So, first of all, think about what words you will use to greet your children. And if you are afraid of forgetting your speech, write it on a piece of paper. To carry out the rituals you will need icons, bread and salt or a loaf, two towels - one for the bread and the other for the feet of the newlyweds, two new glasses, champagne, as well as grain, candy or rose petals, which you will sprinkle on the newlyweds when entering the restaurant .

How newlyweds should behave when they meet the groom's parents

The newlyweds, approaching the groom's house or the entrance to the restaurant where their parents meet them, and stepping onto the towel laid out for them, must first bow to their parents three times and cross themselves (if they meet with an icon).

Next, if they are greeted with a loaf of bread or bread and salt, break off a piece of it and let each other taste it. At this stage, you can determine who will be the head of the new family - it depends on who broke off a piece of bread or loaf faster. If the spouses managed to do this at the same time, then you can be sure that there will be harmony and order in everything in their home.

After the parents serve the newlyweds glasses filled with champagne, they must mark them with the sign of the cross three times, which will protect them from possible troubles. Next, the bride and groom should sip a little champagne from the glasses, pour the rest behind their backs, and then break the glasses. After the meeting ceremony, the newlyweds can safely head to the hall to continue the celebration.

Words from the mother-in-law when the newlyweds meet

According to ancient traditions, the first words of congratulations to the newlyweds on their creation new family pronounced by the groom's mother. What exactly the first words of the mother-in-law at the wedding will be depends on her wishes. Some people prefer to learn poetry for this purpose, some cook in prose, and some say the words that came to mind at the moment the newlyweds met, without preparing in advance.

It's up to you to decide what to do! However, it is worth noting that it is better to think in advance about what exactly you will say when the bride and groom meet, so as not to find yourself in an uncomfortable position in front of the newlyweds and guests. Of course, learning poetry, firstly, is not something everyone can do, and secondly, due to excitement, you can easily forget the rhymed lines. Therefore, it is best to prepare a short one in prose.

The words of the mother-in-law at the wedding could be, for example, the following: “Our dear children! I would like to congratulate you on your marriage and wish that the union you have created will be strong and filled with happiness. Stay as beautiful and happy as you are today for many years to come. family life! After the first words, the ceremony of meeting the newlyweds will take place depending on the traditions chosen by the parents and newlyweds.

Blessing of the newlyweds icons

All parents dream that their children’s marriage will be strong and long, so the most exciting moment in the wedding is the blessing. Believing families use icons to carry out this ritual.

In addition to having the oldest icon at home before handing it over to her future husband, and the groom’s mother blessing her son before leaving the house, the newlyweds also meet with an icon or two (depending on the traditions in a particular locality) at the entrance to the restaurant.

In most cases, the newlyweds are greeted at the entrance to the restaurant by the groom's parents with two icons - the mother-in-law holds the icon Mother of God, and the father-in-law - Jesus Christ.

Where can I get icons to bless newlyweds?

Where exactly to get the icons for blessing is decided in each family. You can use those with whom the groom's parents got married or the oldest ones, which, for example, she inherited from her mother, and she inherited from her mother or grandmother.

In addition, you can buy new icons; fortunately, today even special sets of them are sold, intended for blessing the newlyweds during the wedding. After the ceremony, the icons are placed next to the loaf, and
At the end of the wedding, the newlyweds bring them into their home as a talisman.

Meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt

Many modern people do not know how to greet the groom's young parents with bread and salt, despite the fact that this ritual is quite ancient. After all, it has its roots back in the days when newlyweds lived in their husband’s house. With bread and salt, the mother-in-law welcomed her daughter-in-law into her house as a new tenant.

Nowadays, this custom has no practical significance, since most newlyweds live separately from their parents after the wedding, but nevertheless, many people like it, and they have every right to have their son and daughter-in-law meet in just such a way. “We welcome the newlyweds with bread and salt...” are the words said by the groom’s mother at the entrance to the house or any establishment where the wedding will be celebrated.

It is important not to forget that the bread is placed on the embroidered towel, and the salt is placed on top of the bread. Under no circumstances should the salt shaker be placed next to the bread, as this symbolizes poverty. And, of course, it is necessary to ensure that the salt does not spill, as this promises quarrels in a young family.

Meeting the newlyweds with a loaf of bread and glasses of wine

In some localities there is a custom to greet newlyweds with a loaf of bread and glasses filled with champagne. However, until the time comes for this ceremony, few people think about how to greet the groom’s young parents with a loaf of bread and champagne.

So, for this you need to prepare a silver tray, new glasses, champagne, two wedding towels and a loaf of bread. The groom's mother greets the newlyweds with a loaf of bread, which must lie on the towel. And the father at this time holds a tray with glasses and champagne, symbolizing the sweetness of married life.

A second towel is laid in front of the parents, which the newlyweds step on as they approach their parents. A towel is laid under the feet of the young so that their path will be as beautiful, festive, bright and clean. The meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf of bread promises them a rich and happy future.

Sprinkling of the newlyweds by the groom's parents

After the wedding, meeting and blessing, the mother of the groom can also perform the sprinkling ceremony. For this purpose, our ancestors used a mixture of young grain (rice, millet, oats), coins and sweets. Such “rain” symbolized wealth, prosperity and sweet life.

Today, it is no less common to see the mother of the groom greeting the newlyweds and showering them with rose petals. They symbolize beauty and eternal love, which, of course, all newlyweds dream of. Even more modern parents use confetti to shower the bride and groom. This method is no less beautiful, and the same wishes for happiness and goodness are invested in this ritual.

Whatever method you choose, it is important not to forget about the practical side of this ritual. So, it is worth keeping in mind that if you are showered with grain, sweets and coins, it is better to sprinkle them under your feet, otherwise the joy from this custom may be eclipsed by getting grain in the eyes or ruining the bride’s hairstyle.

Now you know how young parents greet young people in different localities and families. All that remains is to choose the rituals that are most suitable for you. However, no matter which of them you prefer, the main thing is that they are carried out with all your heart and your children like them. And then the wedding will be fun and unforgettable!

For many centuries, Slavic peoples have observed the tradition of sprinkling the newlyweds, symbolizing the wish for the newlyweds to have a long life in a happy marriage.

This ritual is sometimes performed several times during the wedding celebration. When to organize the ritual of sprinkling, parents decide together with the newlyweds.

This can be either when the newlyweds leave the registry office, or when they meet them near the banquet hall of the restaurant, where all the invitees will be present. This is a very beautiful event, so everyone wants to be present. Happy newlyweds walk through the gauntlet of their family and friends, who sprinkle them with fresh rose petals, most suitable for this ceremony.

Showering the mother of the bride in front of the registry office

A mandatory custom, which is carried out after the bride's ransom by the groom, when the newlyweds leave her parents' house, is the girl's mother showering the girl with cereals, sweets, and small coins. She throws millet and rice at the feet of the bride and groom so that the family can have children and prosperity. At this time, the hands of the newlyweds are tied with a wedding towel and, holding it, they are taken out of the house. Lately To prevent cereals and petals from spoiling the bride’s hairstyle by getting stuck in her hair, the sprinkling ceremony is carried out after the newlyweds have gotten into the wedding car. The mother of the bride walks around the cars of the bride and groom three times, showering them with candies and grains prepared in advance, while reading prayers or saying wishes to the newlyweds. Then she takes the towel tied to the mirror of the car in which her daughter is traveling to the registry office, and leads the wedding procession out of the yard.

Ceremony of showering by the groom's mother

After leaving the registry office, it is customary for the newlyweds to sprinkle rose petals or other flowers in addition to small coins, cereals and sweets. This ceremony is different in that it is performed by the mother of the groom or all the guests invited to the wedding. This is a special romantic ritual that leaves no one indifferent. Along with the showering, guests say wishes for a happy life, prosperity and security for the young family. Some people pre-cut strips from multi-colored candy wrappers, which they also shower on the young ones. If there are enough props, then the showering ceremony can be repeated during a meeting of the newlyweds near a cafe or restaurant immediately before the banquet.

What do they sprinkle with?

The more attentively and painstakingly the relatives of the bride and groom treat the ceremony of showering the newlyweds, the more beautiful and romantic it will look. First of all, you need to prepare wicker baskets tied with colorful ribbons and flowers. It is very beautiful when children in elegant dresses and suits have the same small baskets and also participate in the ritual.

In different regions, sprinkling occurs using:

  • grains - rice, buckwheat, millet with a wish for the birth of children in the family
  • sweets in multi-colored wrappers, foreshadowing the sweet life of the newlyweds
  • small coins, wishing the young people prosperity and wealth, as well as family well-being
  • rose petals or other flowers, paper confetti, which should fill married life with beauty, romanticism, love and attention to each other

Special sign

It is advisable that as many people as possible gather together when the bride and groom leave the house, and even better if they are children. It is considered a good sign if they collect sweets and money after the departure of the wedding procession. For them, this fun and interesting activity brings great pleasure. A large number of young small children present during the shedding portends a quick and healthy offspring in a young family.