Romeo and Juliet. Sonnets

Son of Montague.

Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo.

Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo.

Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet.

Brother Lorenzo, Brother Giovanni- Franciscan monks.

Balthazar, Romeo's servant.

Samson, Gregorio - servants of the Capulets.

Peter, servant of Juliet's nurse.

Abram, Montague's servant.


Three musicians.

Page of Paris.

First Citizen.

Lady Montague, wife of Montague.

Lady Capulet, wife of Capulet.

Juliet, daughter of Capulet.

Nurse Juliet.

Citizens of Verona, male and female relatives of both houses, mummers, guards, servants and choir.

Location: Verona and Mantua.

The choir enters.


  • Two equally respected families
  • In Verona, where events meet us,
  • There are internecine fights
  • And they don’t want to stop the bloodshed.
  • The children of the leaders love each other,
  • But fate plays tricks on them,
  • And their death at the grave doors
  • Puts an end to irreconcilable strife.
  • Their life, and passion, and triumph of death,
  • And the later world of relatives at their grave
  • For two hours they will make up a creature
  • Were played out before you.
  • Be more merciful to the weaknesses of the pen:
  • The poet's sins will be corrected by the game.

Act I

Scene one

Verona. Trade area.

Enter Samson and Gregorio, servants of the Capulets, with swords and shields.


Remember, Gregorio, don’t lose face in the dirt.


What you! Vice versa. Dirt in the face, just whoever gets caught.


Let's give them a bath.


We would like to get away with it ourselves.


I'm quick to hand when I get boiling.


It’s not a quick task to boil you.


Before the Montague mongrels I boil like boiling water.


Boil - you'll leave. You boil it and it runs away like milk. But the brave one will resist - he won’t budge.


In front of the mongrels from the Montague house, I will resist - I won’t budge. I will grind everyone into powder: both the good guys and the girls.


Just think, what a hurricane!


Every one of them. Well done to the side, and the girls in the corners and in the cracks.


The quarrel is a master's quarrel and between male servants.


Doesn't matter. I'll handle the men's, then I'll take on the women's. I will show everyone my strength.


And the poor girls?


As long as there's enough urine for the girls. Thank God, I am not a small piece of meat.


It's good that you're not a fish, otherwise you'd be salted cod. Hurry, where is your sword? There are two Montagues over there.


Done, the sword is out. Get them, I won't leave you.


What kind of conversation is this? Go ahead please.


Don't worry about me.


Something to worry about!


Let's piss them off. If they start a fight first, the law will be on our side.

William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet


Escalus, Duke of Verona.1

Paris, a young nobleman, relative of the Duke.

Montagues, Capulets, heads of two hostile houses.

Old man, relative of Capulet.

Romeo, son of Montague.

Mercutio, relative of the Duke and friend of Romeo.

Benvolio, Montague's nephew and Romeo's friend.

Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet,

Brother Lorenzo, Brother Giovanni, Franciscan monks.

Balthazar, Romeo's servant.

Samson, Gregory, servants of the Capulets.

Pietro, servant of Juliet's nurse.

Abram, Montague's servant.


Three musicians.

Page Mercutio.

Page of Paris.


Signora Montague, wife of Montague.

Signora Capulet, wife of Capulet.

Juliet, daughter of Capulet.

Juliet's nurse.

Citizens of Verona, relatives of both houses, men and women, masks, guards, sentries and servants.

The location is Verona and Mantua.

Included Choir.

In two families equal in nobility and glory,

In Verona the lush flared up again

Feuds days gone by bloody discord,

Made civilians bleed.

From the loins of the hostile, under the ill-fated star,

A couple of lovers happened.

According to their terrible fate

The enmity of the fathers died with their death.

The whole course of their love, doomed to death,

And the rage of their loved ones that faded away

Only after the death of the lovers, -

It will probably take you two hours.

If you give us your attention,

We will make up for all the shortcomings with our efforts.



Square in Verona.

Enter Samson And Gregory, armed with swords and shields.


Take my word for it, Gregory, we won’t grow beans.


Of course not, otherwise we would be gardeners.


I want to say: if anything happens, I don’t intend to fence the garden, I’ll immediately grab my sword!


Look, you grab it, and you’re already in trouble.


As soon as you touch me, I'm now in a fight.


Yes, it’s difficult to touch you in such a way that you sway.


Any dog ​​from the Montague house already affects me.


Whoever is touched moves away; brave - stands still. So, if you are touched, you will pull away?


No, I won’t run away from any dog ​​from this house! I will climb the wall and prevail over any man, over any girl from the house of Montague.


This means that you are a weak coward: only a wall serves as protection for the weak.


Right! That is why women, a meager vessel, are always pushed against the wall. So: I will throw all the men from the house of Montague from the wall, and I will pin all the girls to the wall.


But our masters are quarreling, and we are only their servants.


It's all the same. I will show my villainy. When I have dealt with the men, I will brutally attack the girls; Heads off everyone!


Heads off?


Well, yes, heads or whatever else, understand it yourself as you know.


They will have to understand this, depending on what they feel.


They will feel me as long as I am able to hold on. But, as you know, I’m not a bad piece of meat!


It's good that you're not a fish, otherwise you'd be dried cod. Draw your sword: here come two from the house of Montague!

Enter Abram And Balthazar.


My sword is ready! Start a fight, I'll follow you.


How about you hide behind me and run away?


Don't be afraid for me!


I'm afraid you'll run away.


We need the law to be on our side: let them start a quarrel.


I frown as I pass them; let them take it as they wish.


No, how dare they! I'll show them the trick. They will not tolerate such insults.


Are you showing us the fig, sir?


I'm just pointing the finger, sir.


Are you showing us a fig, sir?


(quietly, to Gregory)

Will the law be on our side if I answer yes?



No, sir! I'm not showing you the cookie, sir! I'm just showing it, sir!


Do you want to start a quarrel, sir?


A quarrel, sir? Oh no, sir!


But if you wish, sir, then I am at your service. I serve a master as good as you.


Not the best!


Yes, sir!

Included Benvolio.


(quietly, to Samson)

Tell the best one: our master’s nephew is coming here.


No - to the best, sir!


You are lying!


Swords drawn if you are men! Gregory, remember your vaunted strike.

They fight.


Stop, you fool! Sheathe your swords!

You don't know what you're doing!

(With a blow of the sword he knocks the weapon out of their hands.)

Included Tybalt.


How are you fighting among cowardly servants?

Here, Benvolio, meet your death!


I reconciled them. Sheathe your sword

Count Paris, a young man, a relative of the prince.

Montagues, Capulets- the heads of two warring houses.

Uncle Capulet.

Romeo, son of Montague.

Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo.

Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo.

Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet.

Brother Lorenzo, Brother Giovanni- Franciscan monks.

Balthazar, Romeo's servant.

Samson, Gregorio - servants of the Capulets.

Peter, servant of Juliet's nurse.

Abram, Montague's servant.


Three musicians.

Page of Paris.

First Citizen.

Lady Montague, wife of Montague.

Lady Capulet, wife of Capulet.

Juliet, daughter of Capulet.

Nurse Juliet.

Citizens of Verona, male and female relatives of both houses, mummers, guards, servants and choir.

The location is Verona and Mantua.

The choir enters. Choir Two equally respected families In Verona, where events greet us, They are waging internecine battles And do not want to stop the bloodshed. The children of the leaders love each other, But fate sets up intrigues for them, And their death at the grave doors Puts an end to irreconcilable discord. Their life, and passion, and triumph of death, And the late world of relatives at their grave For two hours they will make up the creature Played out before you. Be more merciful to the weaknesses of the pen: The poet’s sins will be corrected by the game.

Act I

Scene one

Verona. Trade area. Enter Samson and Gregorio, servants of the Capulets, with swords and shields. Samson

Remember, Gregorio, don’t lose face in the dirt.


What you! Vice versa. Dirt in the face, just whoever gets caught.


Let's give them a bath.


We would like to get away with it ourselves.


I'm quick to hand when I get boiling.


It’s not a quick task to boil you.


Before the Montague mongrels I boil like boiling water.


Boil - you'll leave. You boil it and it runs away like milk. But the brave one will resist - he won’t budge.


In front of the mongrels from the Montague house, I will resist - I won’t budge. I will grind everyone into powder: both the good guys and the girls.


Just think, what a hurricane!


Every one of them. Well done to the side, and the girls in the corners and in the cracks.


The quarrel is a master's quarrel and between male servants.


Doesn't matter. I'll handle the men's, then I'll take on the women's. I will show everyone my strength.


And the poor girls?


As long as there's enough urine for the girls. Thank God, I am not a small piece of meat.


It's good that you're not a fish, otherwise you'd be salted cod. Hurry, where is your sword? There are two Montagues over there.


Done, the sword is out. Get them, I won't leave you.


What kind of conversation is this? Go ahead please.


Don't worry about me.


Something to worry about!


Let's piss them off. If they start a fight first, the law will be on our side.


I'll make an angry face when I pass by. Let's see what they do.


I will bite my nail at their address. They will be embarrassed if they let this pass.

Enter Abram and Balthazar. Abram


I'm biting my nail, sir.


Is it on our account that you are biting your nail, sir?

Samson(in a low voice to Gregorio)

If this is confirmed, is the law on our side?

Gregorio(in a low voice to Samson)

No way.


No, I'm not biting my nail at your expense, sir. And I'm biting my nail, sir.


Are you looking for a fight, sir?


Me, sir? No sir.


If you're stuffed, I'm at your service. I live with the gentlemen no worse than yours.


But not the best either.

Gregorio(to the side, to Samson, noticing Tybalt in the distance)

Speak - from the best, there is one of the masters.


The best, sir.


You are lying!

Included Benvolio. Samson

Fuck you if you are men. Gregorio, show them your great kick.

They fight. Benvolio Weapons away and quickly back to your places! Don't know what you're doing

tragedy in acts V Translation by B. Pasternak Characters Escalus, Prince of Verona. Count Paris, a young man, a relative of the prince. heads of two warring houses. Montague Capulet Uncle Capulet. Romeo, son of Montague. Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo. Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo. Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet. Franciscan monks. Brother Lorenzo Brother Giovanni Baltazar, servant of Romeo. servants of the Capulets. Samson Gregorio Peter, the nurse's servant. Abram, Montague's servant. Pharmacist. Three musicians. Paris's page. First citizen. Lady Montague, wife of the Capulets. Juliet, daughter of Capulet. Juliet's nurse. The townspeople of Verona, male and female relatives of both houses, mummers, guards, servants. Chorus. Location: Verona and Mantua. PROLOGUE The choir enters. Chorus Two equally respected families In Verona, where events greet us, They are waging internecine battles And do not want to stop the bloodshed. The children of the leaders love each other, But fate sets up intrigues for them, And their death at the grave doors Puts an end to irreconcilable discord. Their life, love and death and, moreover, the World of their parents on their grave For two hours will make up the creature Played out before you. Be more merciful to the weaknesses of the pen _ The game will try to smooth them out. ACT I Scene 1. Verona. Square. Enter Samson and Gregorio, servants of the Capulet, with swords and shields. Samson. Gregorio, an agreement: don’t be ashamed in front of them. Gregorio. What you! Vice versa. Whoever I meet, I will disgrace myself. Samson. Let's give them a bath! Gregorio. We would like to get away with it ourselves. Samson. I'm quick to hand when I get boiling. Gregorio. It’s not a quick thing to boil you. Samson. When I see the Montague mongrels, I boil like boiling water. Gregorio. Boil _ you will leave. You will boil _ and run away like milk. But the brave one will resist - he won’t budge. Samson. In front of the mongrels from the Montague house, I will resist _ not to move. I will grind everyone into powder: both the good guys and the girls. Gregorio. Just think, what a hurricane! Samson. Every one of them. Well done to the side, and the girls in the corners and in the cracks. Gregorio. The quarrel is a master's quarrel and between male servants. Samson. Doesn't matter. I'll handle the men's, and I'll get to work on the women's. I will show everyone my strength. Gregorio. And the poor girls? Samson. As long as there's enough urine for the girls. I, thank God, am not a small piece of meat. Gregorio. It’s good that you’re not a fish, otherwise you’d be salted cod. Hurry, where is your sword? There are two Montagues over there. Samson. Done, the sword is out. Get 'em. I won't leave you. Gregorio. What kind of conversation is this? How! To chicken out and show your heels? Samson. Don't worry about me. Gregorio. Something to worry about! Samson. Let's piss them off. If they start a fight first, the law will be on our side. Gregorio. I'll make an angry face when I pass by. Let's see what they do. Samson. I will bite my nail at their address. They will be disgraced if they remain silent. Abram and Balthazar enter. Abram. Is it on our account that you are biting your nail, sir? Samson. I'm biting my nail, sir. Abram. Is it on our account that you are biting your nail, sir? Samson (in a low voice to Gregorio). If this is confirmed, is the law on our side? Gregorio (in a low voice to Samson). No way. Samson. No, I'm not biting my nail at your expense, sir. And I'm biting my nail, sir. Gregorio. Are you looking for a fight, sir? Abram. Me, sir? No sir. Samson. If you're stuffed, I'm at your service. I live with the gentlemen no worse than yours. Abram. But not the best either. Gregorio (to the side, to Samson, noticing Tybalt in the distance). Speak to the best. There's one of the owner's relatives. Samson. The best, sir. Abram. You are lying! Benvolio enters. Samson. Fight if you are men! Gregorio, show them your brave strike. They fight. BENVOLIO Weapons away _ and quickly get to your places! You don't know what you're doing, you fools. (Knocks their swords out of their hands.) Tybalt enters. Tybalt How did you get into trouble with this peasant? This is your death - turn around, Benvolio! Benvolio I want to reconcile them. Put down your sword, Or let's separate them together. Tybalt I hate the world and the word "world", Just as I hate you and all the Montagues. Wait, you coward! They fight. The adherents of both houses enter and join the fight; then the townspeople with clubs and halberds. First Citizen Come here with a club and stakes! Loopy! Down with the Montagues and the Capulets! Enter Capulet in a dressing gown and Lady Capulet. CAPULET What's all this noise? Where is my fighting sword? Lady Capulet A crutch for him! The sword was missing! Capulet Give me the sword! Montagues are in the yard and raised their weapons at me. Enter Montagues and Lady Montagues. Montague You, Capulet, are a rogue! Let me go, wife! Lady Montague I won’t let anyone take a step near the fighters! The prince enters with his retinue. Prince Traitors, killers of silence, Contaminating iron with brotherly blood! Not people, but likenesses of animals, extinguishing the fire of mortal strife with streams of red liquid from the veins! Who am I telling? Under pain of torture, throw away your swords from inglorious hands and listen to the prince's will. Three times, under the influence of nonsense words, both of you, Capulets and Montagues, disturbed the peace of the streets with massacres. Having taken off their robes, Verona's advisers clutched blunt halberds three times in their senile hands, Deciding the litigation of decrepit antiquity. And if you ever run into each other again, you will reward me with your life for everything. This time let the people disperse. You, Capulets, follow me, and I am waiting for you, Montagues, in Villafranca on this matter during the day. So, on pain of death, disperse! Everyone leaves except Montague, Lady Montague and Benvolio. Montague Who started this argument again? Tell me, nephew, were you there? Benvolio I have already found our servants with the enemy's servants in the midst of hand-to-hand combat. As soon as I began to separate them, suddenly Furious Tybalt ran in with a sword and began waving it over his head. He challenged me to a fight, and the wind whistled mockingly in response. While we were alternating blows, With a crowd of people running to the call, the prince appeared and separated the fighters. Lady Montague Where is Romeo? Have you met him? Wasn't he here? Is he really unharmed? Benvolio Madam, an hour before the sun illuminated the window of the east with gold, I went out for a walk in restlessness. Crossing the sycamore grove, At the western gate I came across your son. He was walking there so early. I walked after him. Having recognized me, he disappeared into the depths, and since he was looking for solitude, I left him alone. Montagues They often saw him there in the morning. He wanders and the dewy vapor of the meadows multiplies the pairs of tears and the haze of sighs. However, as soon as the sun opens the bed canopy in Aurora’s bedroom, My son gloomily trudges home, rushes into his secret corner, and with curtains in broad daylight turns it into an artificial midnight. Where does this persistent darkness come from? I want to understand but I just can’t understand. Benvolio Do you know the reason, dear uncle? Montague I don’t know and can’t find out. Benvolio Did you approach him with questions? Montague What about it! Me and best friends. But he is impenetrable to questioning and is as protected from everywhere as a worm-bitten bud, which will not drive out the leaf and will not reveal the core to the sun. Are you asking if I know the reason? If I knew the essence of this sadness, I would heal the patient with something. Enter Romeo Benvolio And here he is. You are here as if by accident. You'll see, I'll get to the secret. Montague Let's go wife. Let's leave them alone, Like a confessor with a confessor. The Montagues and Lady Montagues leave. Benvolio Romeo, good morning! ROMEO Is it morning? Benvolio Tenth hour. ROMEO How long is the hour of melancholy! What is it, my father has not left? BENVOLIO Yes, your father. What melancholy lengthens your hours, Romeo? Romeo Longing for someone who could cut them down. Benvolio You yearn for love Romeo No. BENVOLIO Do you love? ROMEO Yes, and I yearn for love. Benvolio Oh, this gentle-looking love, As in fact evil, is inexorable! Romeo How immediately, despite his blindness, Finds a vulnerable heel! _Where will we have lunch? _So much blood! Don't talk about the landfill. I heard. And hatred is painful and tenderness. And hatred and tenderness are the same ardor of the Blind, forces that have arisen from nothing, Empty burden, heavy fun, Discordant collection of harmonious forms, Cold heat, mortal health, Sleepless sleep, which is deeper than sleep. This is what it is, and worse than ice and stone, My love, which is heavy for me. Aren't you laughing? Benvolio No, I'd rather cry. ROMEO What about, my friend? Benvolio In response to your tears. Romeo What evil we do with kindness! I’ve had enough of my own melancholy, And you hurt me with your participation. With your worries about me, you have doubled my sadness. What is love? Madness from fumes. Playing with fire leads to fire. An inflamed sea of ​​tears, Thought for the sake of thoughtlessness, A mixture of poison and antidote. Goodbye, my friend. BENVOLIO Wait, you are too fast. I'll go too, but let's finish the conversation. ROMEO I have lost myself and I am not here. Romeo is gone, Romeo will not be found. Benvolio No, tell me not jokingly: who do you love? ROMEO Were there still jokes? Benvolio Of course not. But who is she, no joke? ROMEO Tell the sick man at his bedside that it is time to die in earnest. She's no joke woman, mate. Benvolio I knew it, and I hit you not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Romeo A dashing shooter, but the maiden is not about us. Benvolio The better the aim, the more accurately we aim. ROMEO These words are not applicable here. She has the soul of Diana, Cupid is not afraid of a virgin and is funny. She will not surrender to the tenderness of her gaze, not for any mountains of gold. Beauty, she will take her world of beauty untouched to her grave. Benvolio What, she took a vow of celibacy? Romeo Alas, she gave and will cope with the task. From this maiden and her fasting there will be emptiness left in posterity. She is such a strict saint, That I have no hope for happiness, She lives in righteousness, but I am finished: I am not alive in the world, I am dead. Benvolio I advise you to stop thinking about her. ROMEO So advise me how to stop thinking. Benvolio Give freedom and space to your eyes _ Admire others. Romeo This is a way to recognize the more perfection she has. In the slits of black masks, women's faces sparkle with whiteness with greater force. The blind man always remembers the preciousness of his lost sight. And in the features of the Beauties I will read a reminder of the one who is without comparison the best. I still haven’t learned to forget. Benvolio I will teach you, no matter how hard you try. They leave. Scene 2. Street. Enter Capulet, Paris and a servant. Capulet Montague and I were fined. Would it be difficult to live in harmony? Paris Yes, it's strange. Two venerable elders - And for some reason they are always at knifepoint. However, you did not give me an answer. CAPULET I will repeat what I have already said: After all, my daughter is still just a child, She is not yet fourteen years old. Wait another two years, and we will declare our daughter a bride. Paris They marry younger than she. Capulet But this early maturity is harmful. My hopes were devoured by the grave, And heaven only saved my daughter. Face her, dear Paris, _ That's all that is needed for us to get along. Find out her wishes in advance, And I bless you in advance. Tonight we have a reception _ We are setting up an annual celebration. A lot of people will gather here. We will be glad to see you. You will find yourself at a rich congress, Like the stars of the night, shining brides And you will witness fun, Similar to the flood of waters in April, When their round dance surrounds you And you find yourself among the beauties, You decide which one has struck your imagination with greater power. Without the right to such praise, the Daughter will also be at the ball that night. Let's go, Count. (To the servant, giving him the note.) And you, low swindler, go through all the invitees on the list. Tell the guests whose name is here that the entrance to us is wide open for them. Capulet and Paris leave. Servant. "Go around the list, go around the list"! Who will understand this list? Or maybe it says here that a shoemaker’s job is an arshin, and a tailor’s job is a last. "Go through the list"! Or maybe it says here that fish are caught with a brush, and roofs are painted with seines. "Tell the guests whose name is here"! Tell me, whose name is here? There are people who can do this. Yes, here they are! Easy to remember. Enter Benvolio and Romeo. BENVOLIO Be silent, my friend. Fire is met with fire, Trouble is cured with trouble and illness, By circling the circling is stopped, And you argue with trouble in the same way. Try to grab a new infection, And the old one will never be remembered. ROMEO Plantain is also good. BENVOLIO What's that got to do with it, my friend? Romeo With broken legs. BENVOLIO Are you crazy? ROMEO No, not crazy at all, But on a chain, like someone crazy, Tortured and in a straitjacket. Servant Hello, sir. Are you a master reader? ROMEO Oh yes! Your lot according to the warehouses of misfortunes. Servant. Thank you for your frankness. But we need those that are written. Romeo. Where are you going? I was joking. Let me read it. (Reads.) “Call Signor Martino with his wife and daughters; Count Anselmo with his beautiful sisters; Dowager Vitruvio; Signor Placenzo and his dear nieces; Mercutio with his brother Valentine; Uncle Capulet with his wife and daughters; lovely niece Rosalina; Livia; Signora Valenzio with his brother Tybalt; and his playful Elena." Great choice! Where are they waiting? Servant Over there. ROMEO Where? Servant Come to our house for dinner. ROMEO To whose house? Servant Master's house. ROMEO About all this I should have asked you first. Servant. I'll tell you this myself. My master is the rich Capulet. Maybe you've heard? If you are not related to the Montagues, come to us for a glass. (Exits.) Benvolio The Capulets, in addition to Rosaline, Your sweetheart, will have at the ball the most prominent beauties of Verona. Let's go there. When you compare them with your peahen with an open mind, She will seem like a crow to you. ROMEO Oh, if you are such blasphemers, the pupils of my God-apostate eyes, Let your tears turn into flames And you burn like heretics! Has God really offended me with my eyesight, so that I don’t see the sun in the sky? Benvolio But you haven’t even once put this beauty of the sun on the scales. Look around at those who are more beautiful, And you are unlikely to sing the same thing. Perhaps your only diamond will turn out to be a simple piece of glass. ROMEO Let's go to the ball, but not to the review of the meeting, But for the sake of one who is beyond description. They leave. Scene 3. Room in the Capulet house. Enter Lady Capulet and the Nurse. Lady Capulet Nurse, rather: where is Juliet? The nurse, I swear by my former innocence, called. Juliet, where are you? What a fidget! Where did my little darling go? Juliet enters. Juliet Well, what else? Nurse Mother is calling you. Juliet I'm here. What, mother, do you want? Lady Capulet. Now. Nurse, come out for a minute, we’ll talk. However, wait, don’t go, you’d better listen. My daughter has grown up quite a bit. Nurse. For mercy's sake, I'll count down her summer to an hour. Lady Capulet. She is not fourteen years old. Nurse. I will pawn my fourteen teeth, even though there are only four of them, or none. How long until Peter's day? Lady Capulet. More than two weeks. Nurse. With or without excess, that’s not what the debate is about, but she’ll get a fourteenth blowjob on Peter’s Day, I’m telling you right. She and Susanna _ God rest her! _ were the same age. But I wasn’t worth it, and God took it away. And she got a blowjob at fourteen on Peter’s Day, don’t doubt it, I remember it well. This shaking of the earth, you now count, is eleven full years. And in the midst of the turmoil, as I remember now, I excommunicated her. I rubbed my nipples with wormwood and sat down near the dovecote in the sunny heat. You and their honor were in Mantua, tell me, what is the memory! She, darling, grabbed the wormwood from her nipple and rolled away - God forbid! At this very time, the dovecote in front of me tumbled, and I, of course, from there, God bless my feet. And this case is now fully eleven years old. She was already getting on her feet then - why am I on her feet! _ was already running and walking, by God, really, the true Lord! Now I’ll tell you, she hurt her forehead at that time. And so my husband... may he rest in heaven, he was a terrible joker!.. he took the child in his arms and said: “It’s not good to fall on your face,” he says, Julinka. When you grow up, you will, he says, strive to fall on your back. Will you?" _. says. And what do you think? My little one wiped away her tears and answered him: “Yes.” Just think, what a laugh! I’ll live a thousand years and never forget. “Will you, he says, on your back, Julinka?” "And she, as if nothing had happened, answers him: “Yes.” Lady Capulet. Enough chatter! Shut up, please! Nurse. I’m listening, madam. But tell me, isn’t it hilarious? She calmed down in a minute and without thinking , answers him “yes,” but the lump was huge, the size of a pigeon’s egg, and she cried with burning tears, “It’s not good to fall on your face,” she says. When you grow up, you say, you will grow on your back? Will you?" - says. And this little one answers him “yes” and calms down at once. Juliet Calm down, nurse, and you. Nurse. I obey, I won’t do it anymore. Of my pets, you were the prettiest. I wish I could live to see your wedding , then there would be joy! Lady Capulet Before the wedding, then it came. Tell me, Juliet, How would you feel about this honor? honor? Think about it! It’s a pity, I’m your nurse, otherwise you could say that you sucked in your mind. Lady Capulet So think about it. They become mothers in Verona even earlier. , while in a hurry and briefly: Paris has wooed us for you. Well, this, my young lady, is a man of glory, such a man that you won’t find a better man, not a person, but a picture. which Verona has never seen. Nurse Flower, there is no word. Lady Capulet What do you say? Will you study him at the ball today? Read, as in a book, on his face Hints of affection and charm. Compare his features like writing, Measure what depth is in each, And if anything remains in the fog, Look for interpretation of everything in the eyes. This is where you have a complete vault of bliss, And the binding is only missing. Like a fish in the depths, with the same force itself, a picture requires a beautiful frame, and the golden contents of books need golden clasps, so you, too, by thinking about your husband, will not become smaller or worse. Nurse. You won't become smaller! More, madam, more. Men make women fat. Lady Capulet Well, will you take care of his special one? Juliet I don't know yet. We need to do a test. But this is only for you. I'm just following your orders. A servant enters. Servant. Madam, the guests have arrived, food is served, they call you, they won’t hear you, everyone asks the young lady what’s going on in the pantry, they scold the nurse, and everything is upside down. I'll run to the guests. Do me a favor, please immediately. Lady Capulet Let's go. The servant leaves. Hurry, Juliet! The Count is already there. Nurse of the Good Nights in addition to good days ! They leave. Scene 4. Street. Enter Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio with five or six mummers, torchbearers and a boy with a drum. ROMEO Shall we read the greeting in verse, Or should we enter without further ado? Benvolio No, that is not in use nowadays. We can do without Cupid With a woolen bandage over his eyes, With a Tatar bow made of moulted shingles, Who looked so ridiculous that the ladies were scarier than scarecrows. We won't have to torment anyone with Impromptu speeches using a prompter. We will not dance to their tune, but we will dance to our own and leave. ROMEO Then give me the torch. I'm upset and not a dancer. I'll be the torchbearer. Mercutio Romeo, no, you can't escape dancing. ROMEO Fire me. You are wearing light ballroom shoes, And I am pressed to the ground by the weight. Mercutio You're in love, so flap your cupid's wings more decisively and break away. ROMEO He nailed me with an arrow right through. I'm so wounded that my wings can't support me. Under the burden of love I buckle. Mercutio If you fall, don't crush her: She is tender for your fall. ROMEO Is love tender? She is rude and angry. And it pricks and burns like a thorn. Mercutio And if so, be cruel to her too, Stab and burn, and you will be even. However, it's time to put on a mask. Well, that's all, and the mask is on the face. Now let them tell me what they say: I am a mummer, let the mask turn red. Benvolio Knock on the door, and as soon as we enter, everyone dance, and move your feet. Romeo Give me the torch. Let the fools dance. The rugs were not laid for me. With a candle, as the grandfathers said, I’ll watch the game from over my shoulders, Even though it doesn’t seem worth the candle. Mercutio Ah, torch-bearer, with your ardent love You are as tired as a smoking smokehouse! Knock on the entrance so as not to rot alive. We burn fire during the day, as they say. ROMEO Hanging out on a visit is a good idea, But the lawsuit is good. MERCUTIO What, may I dare ask? ROMEO I had a dream. Mercutio Imagine, me too. ROMEO What did you see? Mercutio What dreams are nonsense. ROMEO And I have never been mistaken in them. Mercutio All Queen Mab. Her pranks. She is the fairies' mother, And the size is the size of an agate pebble In the mayor's ring. At night, she rides in a train on a gear of dust particles along our noses while we sleep. The wheels have spokes made from spider legs, The carriage top is made from locust wings, The tug straps are made from spider web threads, and the clamps are made from dew drops. A foam whip is wound around the bone of a cricket, A mosquito on a goat is the size of a worm, One of those that, out of sleepy laziness, starts in the nails of craftswomen. Her cart is an empty hazelnut. This carriage was made for her by the Coachmen of Sorceresses - a beetle and a squirrel. At night she crosses the brains of lovers who dream of tenderness, the humps of nobles who dream of the court, the mustaches of judges who dream of bribes, and the lips of maidens who dream of passion. The minx Mab covers them with a rash Because they are greedy for sweet pies. Litigation will roll up to the bridge of his nose, And he will smell the aroma of litigation. The bristle will tickle the pastor's nostril, and he will have a dream about the profitability of the new parish. With a running start he will rush for the Soldier's collar, and in his dreams he will dream of Massacres, Spanish knives, and spells in two buckets, and drums. In fright, he jumps up from sleep and crosses himself, trembling, and falls asleep. These are all Queen Mab's tricks. She braids her manes in the stables, And her hair becomes tangled, Which is not safe to unravel. Under her, girls moan in their sleep, Preparing in advance for motherhood. This Mab... Romeo Mercutio, be silent. You are idle. Mercutio It's about dreams. They are the fruits of an idle dream and a sleeping idle consciousness. Their substance is like air, and their leaps are like explosions of wind prowling blindly, now to the north, now from north to south, in a surge of affection and a gust of anger. Benvolio This wind of yours would not chill our supper while we foolishly procrastinate. ROMEO We are not foolishly slow, and not in a hurry to meet the deadline. I don't expect anything good. Something unknown, Which is still hidden in the darkness, But will be born from this ball, Will untimely shorten my life Through some terrible circumstances. But the one who guides my ship has already raised the sail. Gentlemen, come in! Benvolio Beat the drum! They leave. Scene 5. Hall in the Capulet house. Musicians. Servants with napkins. First servant. Where is Anton Soteyshchik? Why doesn’t it help clean up? So it sticks to the leftovers! So he plays around with his tongue! Second servant. It’s bad when all the work is done by one or two people, and even those have unwashed hands. First servant. Carved chairs over there, piles of dishes against the wall. Keep an eye on the silver. Hide me, my dear, a piece of marzipan and, if you love me, warn downstairs at the entrance to let Nadezhda Nazhdachnitsa and Nellie through. Anton Soteishchik! Third servant. Here I am. What is the cry about? First servant. In the big room they are calling you, calling you, demanding you, and I don’t know how to say it. Third servant. You can’t keep up everywhere, you can’t tear yourself in two. Have fun, guys! If you live longer, you will live more. Enter the Capulet, Lady Capulet, Juliet and Tybalt with their household to meet the guests and the Capulet mummers. Hello, gentlemen! Ladies without calluses We have enough work until the morning. What do you say, beauties? Which one won't dance after that? Now we suspect that they are calluses. You see, we have you in our hands. Hello, gentlemen! Ladies, there was a time, And I whispered confessions in my ear. That time has passed, passed... Enter Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio and others. Hello friends! Play, musicians! Everyone out of the way! Dancers, ladies _ in a circle! Music. The guests are dancing. More light! Move your chairs back! Turn up the heat in the fireplace: it's stuffy. (To Uncle Capulet.) You look at the dancing and it’s clear. No, what are you saying, sit down, where can we dance! When, tell me, Uncle Capulet, we danced in masks last time ? Uncle Capulet Yes, I think about thirty years ago. CAPULET Oh no, not so long ago, not so long ago! Consider how many years Lucenzo has been married? No more than twenty-five. We danced at his wedding. Uncle Capulet No, their son is thirty-something years old. CAPULET He's only been out of care for a year. Romeo (to a servant from his company) Who is this young lady with whom this gentleman stood in a row? Servant I don't know, sir. ROMEO The torches were eclipsed by her radiance. She, like the bright beryl in the ears of a blackamoor, is too bright for the world of ugliness and evil. Like a dove among a flock of crows, I immediately distinguish her in the crowd. I'll get through to her and look at her point-blank. Have I ever loved before? Oh no, they were false goddesses. I have not known true beauty until now. Tybalt It seemed to me, in the voice of a Montague. Boy, sword! This scoundrel dared to sneak into us under a mask in mockery of a family celebration! Well, we have enough resourcefulness. He will pay me with his life for this step. CAPULET My dear, why did you cry out? Tybalt We are Montagues! How did he get to us? Rushes into us, without looking at anything, To disgrace us at the masquerade! Capulet Are you talking about Romeo? Tybalt About wretched Romeo. Capulet Come to your senses. Why are you pestering him? He behaves as he should, and in Verona is unanimously recognized, they say, as an example of true nobility. For all the riches in the world, I will not let anyone here offend him. Leave him, this is my order to you. And if I mean something to you, have fun and don’t frown anymore. This pouting is inappropriate when visiting. Tybalt No, it’s in place if the extra ones are visiting. I won’t demolish it... Capulet You will demolish it when you order! Have you heard? What! He won't take it down! He won't take it down! Not me, but he is the owner! He won't take it down! Just look at me, Society will riot in my living room! He's the boss here! He's everything! He's a horse breeder! Tybalt But, uncle, this is a disgrace. Capulet No talking! Calm down! (To guests.) Yes, yes. Can't be! (To Tybalt.) He will give me more advice! (To guests.) It can’t be! (To Tybalt.) You are ignorant and rowdy! Learn manners. (To the servants.) Light, more light! (To Tibaly.) If you don’t want anything good, I’ll teach you by force. (To guests.) What kind of confusion is this? Be friends, dears! Tybalt Leave, having conquered anger with humility? Well, I'll leave. But your uninvited guest, who cannot be disturbed, will also cost you a lot of blood! (Leaves.) Romeo (dressed as a monk, to Juliet) I touched your hands with a rough hand. To wash away the blasphemy, I make a vow: The lips will make a pilgrimage to the saint and kiss the trail of sacrilege. Juliet Holy Father, shaking hands is legal. Shaking hands is a natural hello. Pilgrims bow to the shrines. There is no need to apply. Romeo However, lips are given to us for something? Juliet Holy Father, send up prayers. ROMEO So here is a prayer: give us work. Incline your ear to me, holy mother. JULIET I will incline my ears, but I will not move. ROMEO No need to bend over, I'll get it myself. (Kisses her.) Now all sin has been removed from my lips. Juliet But mine were covered with it for the first time. ROMEO Then give it back to me. Juliet My friend, where did you learn to kiss? Nurse Mother calls you in two words. Juliet leaves. ROMEO Who is she? Nurse Where are you? She is the head of the family, the mistress of the house. I was here as a mother and my daughter was coming out. You were standing with her now. Remember: Whoever marries her will take away a good jackpot. ROMEO So this is Capulet? I'm in the enemy's hands and caught in a net! Benvolio Farewell. I see the joke was a success. ROMEO And even too much this time. CAPULET Oh no, where are you going, gentlemen, so early? There the servants are coming with refreshments. Can't? Are you in a hurry? Well, thank you. Farewell. Bon voyage. Shine on them! And I'm on the side. Oh, damn, it’s really late! Time to go to bed. Capulets and others leave. Juliet Nurse, listen: Who is this guest at the exit in the corner? Nurse Son and heir of the old man Tiberius. Benvolio leaves. Juliet And this one, who stood at the door? Nurse And this, it seems, is Petruchio Jr. Mercutio leaves. Juliet And the one who came up to him And is not willing to dance? Romeo leaves. Nurse I don't know. Juliet Go find out. The nurse leaves to join the dispersers. If he is married, Let them cut me a shroud for the wedding. Nurse (returning) His name is Romeo. He is a Montague, the Son of your archenemy. Juliet I am the embodiment of the hated force. Inappropriately, out of ignorance, I fell in love! What can the times promise me? When am I so passionate about the enemy? Nurse What are you muttering? Juliet So, poetry, empty. At a dance in the park, someone gave me a hint. Lady Capulet (offstage) Juliet! Nurse We hear, we hear! I know, I know! Everyone left. Let's go too, dear. They leave. The choir enters. Chorus The former passion lies on his deathbed, And a new one has replaced it. And the former Romeo is dearer than everyone Before Juliet is no longer sweet. Although their love is more and more invincible, They are still divided. The primordial enmity of families between them has torn an abyss of terrible depth. In her family, Montagues are hated, In the eyes of her relatives, Romeo is not a groom. When and where will she see him and how will she save them from their hatred? But passion teaches them to overcome suffering and finds a way for them to date. The choir leaves. ACT II Scene 1. At the wall of the Capulet garden. Romeo enters. ROMEO Where will I go if my heart is here? Spin around the planet, poor satellite! (Climbs over the wall of the garden.) Benvolio and Mercutio enter. Benvolio Romeo, stop! Mercutio Romeo is not a fool: He is at home and probably in bed. Benvolio He climbed over this wall into the garden. Call him louder, Mercutio. MERCUTIO Calling is not enough - I will call him like a shadow. Romeo! Crazy adorer! Stand before me like a cloud, like a sigh! Say half a line and that’s enough. Say "alas". Rhyme "love" and "blood". Turn to Venus or Cupid. Say he's a nasty little brat with a black eye. Tell the legend of the beggar woman and King Cofetua. Doesn't hear, doesn't sway, doesn't breathe. Poor guy, he's dead, and I'm calling him! I call you in the name of Rosaline, Her burning eyes and moist lips, Cool forehead and slender legs and hips And other circumstance, wake up and come to us. BENVOLIO He may be angry. Mercutio And, actually, for what? Another question is: When would I call the Other to his dear one and leave them alone? But I conjure the spirit of Romeo In his direct and own face. He should appreciate it, not get angry. Benvolio Blind passion does not achieve its goal. He probably froze here, under the tree, and regrets that his queen is not a garden dogwood berry, to fall into his mouth without a seed. Oh, if only she were a berry! What a complete fool you are, Romeo! Goodbye, though. I'll hurry to bed. It's terribly cold in your camp cot. Let's go, Benvolio. BENVOLIO Let's go. Why look for someone who doesn’t want to be found? Scene 2. Capulet's garden. Romeo enters. ROMEO To them, out of ignorance, this pain is funny. But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony? There is light there. Juliet, you are like daylight! Stand by the window, kill the moon with your proximity; She is already sick with envy, That you have eclipsed her with whiteness. Juliet appears on the balcony. Leave to serve the goddess of purity. The virgin's dress is pitiful and inconspicuous. He doesn't suit you. Take it off. Oh dear! O my life! O joy! She stands there, not knowing who she is. He moves his lips, but no words are heard. Empty, there are views speech! Oh, how stupid I am! Others talk to her. The two brightest stars, in a hurry to leave the sky on business, ask Her eyes to sparkle for now. Oh, if only her eyes actually moved to the vault of heaven! With their radiance, the birds would sing, Mistaking the night for a sunrise. Stands alone, palm pressed to cheek. What was she thinking about on the sly? Oh, to be a glove on her hand, a glove on her hand! Juliet Woe is me! Romeo She said something. Bright angel, In the darkness above my head You fly like a winged messenger of heaven Above, at an inaccessible height, Above the amazed crowd of people, Which is watching him from the ground. Juliet Romeo, how sorry I am that you are Romeo! Abandon your father and change your name, And if not, make me your wife, So that I won’t be a Capulet anymore. Romeo Listen further or answer? Juliet Only this name wishes me harm. You could be yourself without being a Montague. What is Montague? Is that the name of the Face and shoulders, legs, chest and arms? Are there really no other names? What does the name mean? A rose smells like a rose, Call it a rose or not. Romeo by any name would be the height of perfection that he is. Call yourself something else, Romeo, and then take all of me in return! ROMEO Oh, deal! Now I'm your chosen one! I will accept a new baptism, just to be called differently. Juliet Who is it that penetrates in the dark Into my cherished dreams? Romeo I dare not call myself by name. Thanks to you, I hate it. If I came across it in a letter, I would tear the paper with it to shreds. Juliet Ten words have not been spoken among us, But how familiar this voice is already to me! Aren't you Romeo? Are you a Montague? Romeo Neither this nor that: names are forbidden. Juliet How did you get here? For what? The fence is high and impregnable. Your death is inevitable here, If only my family would find you. Romeo Love brought me here, Walls don't stop it. In need, she decides to do anything, And because I need your family! Juliet They will see you and kill you. Romeo Your glance is more dangerous than twenty daggers. Look down from the balcony more friendly, And this will be my chain mail from them. Juliet Just don't get caught in their sight! ROMEO The night will cover me with a cloak. If only you were warm with me. If not, I prefer death from their blows, Than a long century without your tenderness. Juliet Who showed you the way here? ROMEO Love found her. I’m not a sailor, But if you were at the end of the world, Without hesitating a moment, I would, without fear, Set off to sea for such goods. Juliet My face is saved by the darkness, Otherwise, you know, I would have burned with shame that you knew so much about me. I would like to restore decency, But it’s too late, there’s no point in pretending. Do you love me? I know, I believe that you will say yes. But don't rush. After all, you will deceive. They say that Jupiter neglects the vows of love. Don't lie, Romeo. This is not a joke. Maybe I seem gullible? Well, okay, I’ll correct the impression and refuse you my hand, which I wouldn’t do voluntarily. Of course, I’m so much in love, That I should seem stupid to you, But I’m more honest than many touchy ones, Who play prudes, I should have been more restrained, But I didn’t know that they would hear me. Forgive me for your ardor and do not mistake Direct speeches for ease and accessibility. Romeo My friend, I swear by the shining moon, Silvering the tips of the trees... Juliet Oh, do not swear by the moon, which changes once a month, - this is the path to betrayal. ROMEO What shall I swear to? Juliet Swear not by anything, Or swear by yourself, as by the highest good, Which is sufficient for oaths. Romeo I swear, my friend, whenever this heart... Juliet No, I believe. No matter how dear you are to me, I’m scared that we soon came to an agreement. Everything is too hasty and rash, Like the shine of lightning that goes out, You can barely say “the shine of lightning.” Good night! This bud of happiness is ready to bloom next time. Good night! I wish you the same captivating dream as the bright world with which I am full. ROMEO But how can I leave you so soon? Juliet What can we add to our agreement? ROMEO I swore an oath. Now you too swear. Juliet I was the first to swear and I regret that it’s in the past and not ahead. Romeo Would you like to take back this oath? Juliet Yes, in order to give it again. I have no control over what I own. My love has no bottom, and my kindness is like the vastness of the sea. The more I spend, the more vast and richer I become. The nurse's voice behind the scenes. My name is. I'm leaving. Goodbye. _I'm coming, I'm coming! _Sorry, don't forget. I might come back again. Wait a minute. (Exits.) ROMEO Holy night, holy night! What if this is all a dream? The happiness is so immeasurable, it’s all so fabulous and wonderful! Juliet returns to the balcony. Juliet Two more words. If you, Romeo, have decided to marry me in earnest, let me know tomorrow when and where the wedding will be. My man will come to you in the morning to find out your decision on this matter. I will lay all my goods at your feet and follow you everywhere. Nurse (behind the scenes) Darling! Juliet I'm coming! This minute! _And if you have deception in your mind, Skinny, then... Nurse (behind the stage) Darling! Juliet Leave me immediately and don't come again. I'll handle it tomorrow. ROMEO I swear by salvation. Juliet A hundred thousand times goodbye. (Exits.) ROMEO A hundred thousand times I will sigh with longing far from dear eyes. To our friends we are like schoolchildren going home, And from our friends we are like going to class with a bag in winter. (He heads to the exit.) Juliet returns to the balcony. Juliet Romeo, where are you? I wish I had a pipe to lure this bird back! But I’m in captivity, I can’t shout, Otherwise I’d drive the echo hoarse with the silent repetition of these words: Romeo, where are you? Where are you, Romeo? ROMEO My soul is calling me again. Like the voices of lovers calling at night! Juliet Romeo! Romeo Dear! Juliet What time should you send me tomorrow for an answer? ROMEO At nine. Juliet This is a whole twenty years away! It’s painful to wait... What did I want to say? ROMEO Remember, I will stand here for now. Juliet Wait, until I forget again, Just to hold you again. ROMEO Remember and forget, until, not remembering myself, I will stand. Juliet It's almost dawn. You should go further. Tell me, how can I break up with you? You are like a dandy's tame bird, tied to her hand with a thread. They either let her fly up to the full height of her suspension, or drag her down on a silk cord. That's how you and I are. Romeo I would so like to be that bird! Juliet Oh, I would like this too, but I would kill You with my caresses. Goodbye! Goodbye, goodbye, but there’s no way to separate! So one would say forever: “Good night.” (Exits.) Romeo Farewell! Peaceful sleep come to you and spill sweet peace in your chest! And I’ll go to my confessor’s cell to talk about joy and business. (Leaves.) Scene 3. Brother Lorenzo's cell. Brother Lorenzo enters with a basket. Brother Lorenzo The night is angry, and the day surreptitiously Paints the clouds with paint. Like drunk people, drawing pretzels, the remnants of darkness scattered. Until the dew in the sun disappears and the pre-dawn haze lingers, I will fill my wicker box with healing potions and sleepy grass. The earth is the mother of all breeds, their goal. The tomb and again _ their cradle. Everything that is on her, her whole green world, sucks her, falling to her native womb. She gave countless special properties to her creations. What amazing powers the Earth has put into stones and flowers! There is no such fiber in the world that she would not be proud of, just as you will not find such a basis where there would be nothing bad. Everything that comes in handy and not on time is useful. All benefits turn into vices. For example, the vessels of this flower: One thing in them is good, the other is bad. Its flowers contain a healing aroma, and its leaves and roots contain the strongest poison. So the Spirit of kindness and evil self-will split our soul in two. However, in those where evil triumphs, the black hollow of death gapes. Romeo (off stage) Father! Brother Lorenzo God's blessing! Who would come to me this early today? Romeo enters. Oh, is that you? Are you completely healthy, that you woke up before the roosters? Old age and worries are a different matter: They have their own scores to settle with insomnia. But in young years, sound sleep, It seems to me, is the only law. It’s not without reason that you burn with early zeal, but for some important reasons. You had to get up due to ill health, or you didn’t go to bed at all? ROMEO You're right. There was no mention of this. Brother Lorenzo Forgive me, Lord! Have you been to Rosalina? ROMEO No, I'm finished with Rosaline. I forgot her name, father. Brother Lorenzo I approve. Why are you shining so much? ROMEO Now, father, you will learn the main thing: Yesterday I was wounded, coming to the ball, And I responded to blow with blow. Bandage both of us quickly. That's why I'm in your holy chambers. How dear is your commandment to me! I do not remember evil and have forgiven the enemy. Brother Lorenzo Simpler, son. What will I answer when your confession is so vague? Romeo Daughter of Capulet, know that I fell in love, And instilled the same love in her. We won’t last an hour without each other, Everything is coordinated, and it’s time for the wedding. Now let's get to work quickly. I'll tell you the details later. But first, promise me, however, Today you will take on the consummation of the marriage. Brother Lorenzo Saint Francis, what a revolution! There's no mention of Rosalina. The attachments of our youth are not in the souls, but in the ends of the eyelashes, it seems. Tell me, for whom recently, helipad, I saw tears in your eyes? How much brine, pity for seasoning, poured into the ditch without any benefit? How long ago did your last breath die? How long ago did the inconsolable groan die down and the traces and stains of tears faded? It is unclear whose feelings these were. Maybe I’m wrong and didn’t lavish praise in honor of Rosaline? But if so man's word shaky, What kind of order can you expect from a woman? Didn't Romeo scold me for her? Brother Lorenzo Not for her - for her over-the-top agility. ROMEO So I lost interest in her all the more quickly. Brother Lorenzo To be carried away by a new one after her? ROMEO But this one is no match for the previous one. That one was angry, and this one was kind. Brother Lorenzo And it’s good that she was angry. Behind love She guessed idle talk. But I'm with you, young carminative. This is what attracted me to both of you: I see in your second sweetheart the denouement of your civil strife. ROMEO Please, hurry! Brother Lorenzo Please do not rush: He who rushes at full speed falls. They leave. Scene 4. Street. Enter Benvolio and Mercutio. MERCUTIO Where are the devils of this Romeo? Was he at home tonight? Benvolio No. I managed there. Mercutio This Rosaline will drive the poor fellow to madness with her empty, unscrupulous play. BENVOLIO Did you hear? Tybalt, Capulet's nephew, sent him a letter. Mercutio. A challenge, you'll see. Benvolio. Romeo will answer. Mercutio. Nothing surprising. Replying to a letter is not a trick. Benvolio. No, he will answer by accepting the challenge. Mercutio. Poor Romeo! He is already dead from the black eye of the white fever. His ears are shot through with serenades, his heart with a love arrow. And so and so can compete with Tybalt! Benvolio. What is Tybalt? Mercutio. Something more significant than Tybalt the cat from the fairy tale, you can believe me. In matters of honor there is a real devil. He fences like clockwork: one, two, and three is already sitting up to the hilt in your belly. Such a duelist, my respect! And his immortal passado, his punto reverse, his hai! Benvolio. What is it? Mercutio. This is their stupid gibberish, damn them! All you hear is: “I’m ready to swear, this is a blade! I bet this is a man! Fail, this is a girl!” And where do so many of them come from, these overseas flies with their fashionable pardonnez moi and bon, bon! And their wide trousers, from which there was no place on the old benches! Romeo Benvolio enters. Look, no way, Romeo! Mercutio. Power with power, like a dried herring! O poor human flesh, how much have you become like a fish! Now who is the one to expound on poetry like Petrarch, fortunately, in front of his dear Laura, she is no more than a kitchen mess. Bonjour, Signor Romeo! French bow to your French pants. You really fooled us yesterday! Romeo. Hello both. Cheated? How? Mercutio. But what about: the agreement was to go together, but you slipped away. Romeo. Sorry, dear Mercutio, I'm so busy now! In matters like mine, there is no time for conventions. Mercutio. Of course! In matters like yours, you have to crawl on your knees. Romeo. A very polite thought. Mercutio. Of course! I am the color of politeness. Romeo. Cloves, probably. Mercutio. Absolutely right. Romeo. Like the studs on my shoe clasps. Mercutio. Oh, how witty! Develop that shoe-sharpness until you wear off the soles of it. Oh, the only wit in the world that is as taut and durable as an insole! Romeo. But you are naturalness itself. Do you imagine that your promiscuity saves you from tension? Mercutio. Well, isn’t this better than your “oohs” and “aahs”? Now we can talk to you, you are Romeo, you are what you are and what you should appear to be. And this damn love of yours is like a slobbering holy fool who walks from corner to corner, rocking a wooden block and wrapping it in rags. Benvolio. Enough, enough. Mercutio. Are you afraid that it will be against the fur? Benvolio. You're wrong. I got to the essence and I'm cumming. Romeo. Pay attention, what a spectacle! The nurse and Peter enter. Mercutio. There's a sail on the horizon! Benvolio. There are two: a skirt and pants. Nurse. Peter! Peter. What do you want? Nurse. My fan, Peter. Mercutio. Give her a fan to cover herself with. He will improve her appearance. Nurse. Good morning, good sirs! Mercutio. Good evening, good lady! Nurse. Is it already evening? Mercutio. Apparently. In your life _ no doubt. Nurse. Come on, really! What kind of person are you? Romeo. By nature, madam, he was created for his own ridicule. Nurse. Curious! To ridicule yourself, you say? But that's not the point. Who can tell me where to find young Romeo? Romeo. If you please. Only young Romeo will be a little older when you find him than when you searched. Of the people with this name, I am the youngest, for lack of a worse one. Nurse. If you are Romeo, I need to tell you something confidential. Benvolio. You'll see, she'll invite him somewhere for dinner. Mercutio. Oh yes pimp! Atu her, atu her! Romeo. Who did you track? Mercutio. Unfortunately, not a hare. Or one who, due to old age, can be considered fasting. (Sings.) If you bake a piece of a hare into a pie, then you won’t insult the fast. But it happens that the hare is so old - if you touch it with a fork, you will break a tooth. Romeo, are you going home? We are going to yours for lunch. Romeo. I'll be there now. Mercutio. Farewell, old lady, farewell! Nurse. Goodbye, good riddance. Mercutio and Benvolio leave. Explain to me, sir, who is this impudent man who, God knows, thinks about himself? Romeo. This is a young man who loves to listen to himself and will say so much in an hour that he will regret it for a whole month. Nurse. If it’s him in my opinion, he won’t fare well even if he’s ten times as fast as twenty of the same upstarts. I'll show him how to laugh at me! And if I don’t show you, there will still be people who will show you. Sneaky braggart! You should talk to your bastards like that, or to one of your filthy drunkards! (Addressing Peter.) And this one is good too! He stands there like a tree stump and watches as each scoundrel does whatever he wants with his mistress. Peter. I didn't notice this. I would not tolerate such things and would have taken out my weapon on the spot. I use my sword as well as anyone, as soon as I see a reason for it and when I know that the law is on my side. Nurse. Good God, I still can’t come to my senses, and I’m shaking all over! Vile braggart!.. Oh, sir, I came for a completely different matter. My young lady, as they say, asked me to find out. What she asked is, of course, my secret, but if you, sir, are going to fool her, I just can’t find the words, how bad it is. Because my young lady is still very young, and if you deceive her, good people don’t do that. And it doesn’t suit you, by God, it doesn’t suit you. Romeo. Wait, nanny. First of all, give my regards to the young lady. I assure you...Nurse. I'll tell her this, you kind soul. She'll be happy! Romeo. What do you want to convey? I haven’t even had time to open my mouth properly yet. Nurse. I'll tell you what you assure. This, I believe, is an important statement. Romeo Tell her that under any pretext she must come to confession by noon. Brother Lorenzo will marry her. Won't you confuse? And this is for the work. Nurse Come on, don't even need half a dime. Romeo Well, here you go! They give it, so you have to take it. Nurse I'll arrange it, okay. I'll bring you by noon. Romeo And you stand at the monastery gates and there you will watch the man with the rope ladder. On it I will climb at night to the top of happiness. I will thank you for your services. Now goodbye. Bow to your mistress. Nurse God bless you! Listen, sir... ROMEO What, nurse? Nurse Is the person faithful? Why do we need a third one, I have no idea. I would have one, but there’s no need for a third. Romeo I guarantee it is more reliable than iron. Nurse. Well, okay, sir. My young lady... Lord, Lord! When she was little... Listen, there is a young man here in the city, a certain Paris, who would not mind getting her. But to her he’s just like a frog—by God, he’s just like a frog. Now she can’t when I say that this Paris is a more suitable match than you, and at these words she turns white as a sheet. What, the words "rosemary" and "Romeo" don't have the same letter? Romeo. For one, nanny. So what of this? Both begin with "er". Nurse. What scoffers you are! This is a dog letter. "Er" is a completely different matter. Your name doesn't start like that. I know she's making up all sorts of things about you and rosemary. You would really like it. Romeo. Bow to the young lady. Nurse. Yes, a thousand bows. Romeo leaves. Peter! Peter. What do you want? Nurse. Take my fan and move forward quickly. They leave. Scene 5. Capulet's garden. Juliet enters. Juliet I sent the nurse away at nine. She wanted to run away in half an hour. Did they miss each other? It can't be. No, she's just a bad walker. Thoughts should be the messengers of love, They are faster than the sun's rays, rushing in pursuit of shadows. This is what hurries the mail of pigeons and why Cupid has wings. However, the sun is already overhead And for three hours from nine to noon, She’s not there. If she were with hot blood and passions, She would fly with the ease of a ball Between my lover and me. But this is the right of old cunning people to trudge and linger, writhing like the dead. The nurse and Peter enter. But here she is. Nurse, dear! What's new? Have you seen him? Say goodbye to Peter. Nurse Go, brother, to the gate. Peter leaves. Juliet Well, nanny... Why are you so upset? Do not multiply bad news with a gloomy appearance, But if the messages are good, They are spoiled by your sour smile. Nurse I'm tired. Give me a break. Ends are no joke. The legs were moving away. Juliet I would like to sacrifice my bones for your message! Nurse Just think, fever! Don’t you see _ Shortness of breath has overcome me, I’m exhausted. Juliet Do you have the strength to cry from shortness of breath? Oh, nanny, your innuendos are longer than any other full story! Are we okay or not? Tell me, I'll calm down and leave you alone. So tell me, are things alright? Nurse. You know in what order. I forced myself into a treasure! She chose without me, blame herself. Romeo! Well, what can you do... Of course, his face is good, but his figure is even better. Of course, there is nothing to say about the arms and legs, but they are beyond any comparison. Well, what’s there... Serve, baby, a prayer service. Haven't you had lunch yet? Juliet No, no. But I knew all this before. How about the wedding? What did he say about her? The nurse's head is aching, and sometimes it will crack and fly apart into twenty pieces! And the lower back, and the lower back! Do you think God will forgive you for driving me to death? Juliet I'm very sorry that you're depressed, But what did he say, golden nanny? Nurse. As befits a kind, handsome and, most importantly, decent person, he said... Where is your mother? Juliet Where is my mother? She's in the house. Where should she be? What a ridiculous answer! Like people with good upbringing, he said: “Where is your mother?” Nurse Oh my goodness! Here's a fidget! And this impatience is a well-deserved warmer for my bones? Fly ahead with the notes yourself. Juliet What a torment! What does Romeo say? Nurse Could you confess today? Juliet Mogu. Nurse Then run to Lorenzo’s cell... There your husband will make you his wife. Look, the blood is flowing, villainess! I'm blushing, just show me your finger! Here you go. You are going to the temple, but I have a concern: A rope ladder is needed for your night crank. Anyone who wants can torture me, an old woman. Yes, at night, look, they will load you too. I'll go eat. Don't be late. Juliet I'm coming, I'm coming, my dear! Goodbye! They leave. Scene 6. Brother Lorenzo's cell. Brother Lorenzo and Romeo enter. Brother Lorenzo Marriage must be properly sanctified, so as not to cry about it later. Romeo Amen! No matter what threatens ahead, All troubles are outweighed by the happiness of a date with Juliet, even for a moment. Join our hands in prayer, And there may be death. I will rejoice that I called her mine for at least a minute. Brother Lorenzo Stormy feelings have a violent end, It coincides with their imaginary victory. Gunpowder and fire are fused in a burst, The honey is so sweet that it is finally disgusting: Excess of taste takes away the taste. Be neither a spendthrift nor a miser: Only in a sense of proportion is true good. Juliet enters. Here she is. Such a light foot has never stepped on these slabs. The spirit in love is probably weightless, like the threads of a spider's web in Indian summer. Juliet Hello to you, my spiritual father! Brother Lorenzo Give thanks, Romeo, for both. Romeo Tell me, Juliet, is this how your heart beats with happiness? If so, Find the words that I am deprived of, To express what overwhelms us. Sing at least a sound from the choir of voices that rage in our meeting. Juliet The richness of feelings is avoided by embellishment, Only inner poverty is verbose. My love has grown so terribly that I can’t even cover half of it. Brother Lorenzo Let's go and get everything done quickly. Without getting married, it is not safe to leave you alone with such a passionate speech. They leave. ACT III Scene 1. Square. Enter Mercutio, Benvolio, page and servants. Benvolio Please, Mercutio, let us go. Today it's hot. Capulets are everywhere. We cannot avoid trouble, And the blood boils in our veins from the heat. Mercutio. You are like those who, entering a tavern, put their sword on the table with the words: “Bring it, Lord!”, and grab it at the second glass unnecessarily. Benvolio. Am I like that? Mercutio. My dear, you are as passionate as everyone else in Italy, and just as prone to recklessness and reckless in inclinations. Benvolio. Really? Mercutio. Or not? He still doubts! After all, you are ready to attack with your fists anyone who has one more or less hair in their beard than you, or just because a person eats chestnuts, while your eyes are chestnut-colored. Your head is stuffed with fisticuffs, like an egg with healthy food, and, just like an egg, it’s chock full of eternal brawls. Didn't you beat a man because he coughed in the street and woke up your dog lying in the sun? Didn't you attack the tailor who dared to put on a new pair before Easter, or someone else for tying new shoes with old ribbons? And so-and-so wants to teach me peace! Benvolio. If I loved quarrels like you, I would have insured myself with a guarantee for an hour and a quarter. Mercutio. Insure yourself! Oh, a guarantee! Enter Tybalt and the other Benvolios. I bet my head, here is Capulet. Mercutio. I bet my heel, I don't care. Tybalt. Follow me, friends! I'll talk to them. _ A word or two, no more, gentlemen! Mercutio. A word or two? Tell me how important it is! I thought it was a blow or two. Tybalt. I am always ready at your service, just give me a reason. Mercutio. Should I still give it? Tybalt. Mercutio, are you in company with Romeo? Mercutio. In the company? What an expression this is! What are we, in an artel of traveling musicians? If so, don't be angry. Here is my bow, with which I will make you jump. I like this! In the company! Benvolio It is in vain that we make noise among the crowd. One of two things: let’s retire or discuss the dispute with a cold soul and part ways. They are watching from everywhere. MERCUTIO And to your health. For that eye. Let them watch. I won't budge. Romeo enters. Tybalt Leave me alone! Here is the person I need. Mercutio Your man? What is he assigned to? Apparently, to be your opponent in your duel. Tybalt Romeo, the essence of my feelings for you can all be expressed in a word: you are a scoundrel. Romeo Tybalt, the nature of my feelings for you commands me to forgive your blind malice. I'm not a bastard at all. Be healthy. I see you don't know me at all. Tybalt Words cannot calm the irritation that you always excite. ROMEO It's not true, I didn't offend you. And soon news will reach you, Which will make us closely related. Let's part as friends, Capulet! You hardly know how dear you are to me. MERCUTIO Cowardly, contemptible submission! I must wash away her shame with blood! How, Pied Piper Tybalt, are you leaving? (Draws his sword.) Tybalt What exactly do you want from me? Mercutio. One of your nine lives, cat king, in anticipation of the other eight, which I will knock out next. Draw your sword by the ears before I grab you by your own! TYBALT Readily! (Draws his sword.) Romeo Mercutio, leave it! MERCUTIO Well, my sir, where is your passado? They fight. ROMEO Take out your sword, Benvolio! Knock the weapons out of their hands. Gentlemen, be ashamed! Tybalt! Mercutio! The prince banned massacres on the streets of Verona. Wait, Tybalt! Mercutio! From under Romeo's hand, Tybalt wounds Mercutio and escapes with his accomplices. Mercutio Stabbed! The plague has taken both of your families! And he left and was safe? BENVOLIO Big shot? Mercutio Scratch. But even this is enough. Where is my page? Run, boy, for a doctor. The page leaves. ROMEO Take heart, the wound is not deep. Mercutio. Well, of course, the wells are deeper and the church doors are wider. But enough of this. Call me tomorrow and they will tell you that I was running back. For this world I am over-peppered, the matter is clear. The plague has taken both of your families! Oh, the dog, and the rat, and the cat! Scratch a man to death! Unscrupulous scoundrel! Learned to fight from a book! Why the hell are you stuck between us? I was wounded by your hand! ROMEO I wanted to separate you. Mercutio Vedi, Benvolio, Somewhere. I'm going to lose my feelings now. The plague has taken both of your families! Because of you, I became food for worms. Everything is ashes! Benvolio leaves with Mercutio. ROMEO He is my friend and kinsman of the prince And he is seriously wounded because of me. I silently bore a mortal insult: Tybalt insulted me in front of everyone, Tybalt, who soon became my family for more than an hour! Thanks to you, Juliet, I am becoming too soft. Benvolio returns. Benvolio Romeo, our Mercutio is gone. His fearless spirit ascended to the sky, Turning away from the earth in contempt. Romeo Bad day! One murder is a bad omen for the future. Tybalt returns. Benvolio You see, here comes bloody Tybalt again! ROMEO How, unharmed and at the height of glory? Was he killed? Shut up, kindness! Fiery-eyed wrath, I am yours from now on! Tybalt, take back the scoundrel Who told me! The spirit of Mercutio has not yet flown so far, so as not to long for you as a traveling companion. You or I will share this path. TYBALT No, only you. You've rubbed elbows with him in your life, go ahead! ROMEO Let's see who! They fight. Tybalt falls. Benvolio Run, Romeo! Alive! The townspeople are on the move. You stabbed Tybalt. You will be sentenced to death for murder. Why are you standing? Run immediately! Romeo Fate is a mocker! Benvolio Why do you hesitate? Romeo leaves. The townspeople enter. First Citizen Where did the thug Tybalt run off to? Mercutio is dead. Stop the scoundrel! Benvolio Here is your Tybalt. First Citizen I warn you: You are under arrest. Follow me, sir! Enter the prince with his retinue, the Montagues, the Capulets, their wives and others. Prince Who set an example for stabbing? Benvolio Most Serene Prince, order the cause of this bloodshed to be restored. By the hand of Romeo Mercutio himself was killed and killed before. Lady Capulet Tybalt! Tybalt! Child of his brother! O husband! O prince! Oh, terrible loss! Our kindred blood has been shed! Seek her from Montague, good prince! Here he stands - a murderer and a scoundrel! Prince I ask, who is the self-governor? Benvolio It is Tybalt who prostrates himself here. He insulted Romeo. The offended one endured the insult and, on the contrary, tried as best he could to cool Tybalt. But Tybalt didn’t care at all, He continued to rage. Then Mercutio intervened, they grappled, and off they went. They fought for a long time with equal strength. Spinning almost all the time between swords, Romeo asked them to stop, but he himself brought the fatal outcome closer: From under his hand, the brave Mercutio was wounded to death. Tybalt fled and thought about hiding, but then he returned. Then Romeo lost his temper, And before I could figure it out, Tybalt lay lifeless on the ground And Romeo fled from the consequences. Here is a reliable move of the fight. I am responsible for the report with my life. Lady Capulet He is from the Montague family. For him, truth is not more important, but kinship. There were twenty of them, and they barely defeated Tybalt with the whole crowd. Seize Romeo, prince! He is a murderer and according to the law he must be executed. Prince Romeo was an instrument of retribution. Who will we condemn for Mercutio? Montague Romeo is the smallest of all. He was friends with him and took revenge on the killer, as you would have noted. Prince And for this arbitrary act he will be immediately deported to a foreign land. And I’m doubly tired of your discord Since it’s costing me the lives of loved ones. I will impose such a penalty on you that you will appreciate my patience. I don’t attach value to tears and prayers; they won’t atone for your guilt. When Romeo does not leave the edge, Nothing will save him from death. Clear the area! Remove the dead man. Forgiving a murderer means killing. They leave.

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Title: Romeo and Juliet
Author: William Shakespeare
Year: 1597
Genre: Poetry, European ancient literature, Foreign drama

About the book "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare

The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” is the main fictional love story of mankind, which has captured the imagination of readers for centuries and has become the basis for many productions and film adaptations. This play, written back in 1594-1595, won the hearts of many art connoisseurs, as well as those who do not consider themselves to be such.

This grandiose work was created by the English poet, writer and playwright William Shakespeare, recognized as the most talented English-language writer. His most famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, tells the story of the love between the young protagonists, the ardent Romeo and the beautiful Juliet, who were deeply devoted to this great feeling. Being the heirs of two eminent families of Montague and Capulet in Verona who hated each other, Romeo and Juliet, by the will of fate, met at a holiday in the Capulet house. An unknown force riveted their attention to each other. After the holiday, each of the main characters realized that this was love. Juliet, as if spellbound, alone with herself began to speak out loud about her feelings for Romeo, and he, coming to the balcony of his beloved, heard these words and confessed his reciprocal feelings. The lovers decide to swear fidelity to each other and conduct the wedding ceremony in secret from their parents.

However, the enmity of the brothers on both sides becomes more and more fierce, which leads to tragic events - Romeo kills one of Juliet's brothers. As punishment, he was expelled from Verona. At this time, her parents are trying to marry thirteen-year-old Juliet to Count Paris, without accepting her protest. However, the kind-hearted priest Lorenzo, wanting to help the lovers, as well as their families, gives Juliet a drug that temporarily hides the signs of human life. He hopes that Romeo and Juliet will be able to meet and reunite in this way.

The end of the work “Romeo and Juliet” became a sad lesson for the Montague and Capulet families, as well as for all people whose actions and decisions are controlled by personal ambitions, hostility towards their neighbors and the desire to extract material benefits from everything at any cost.

According to the generally accepted version, William Shakespeare came from the family of a wealthy artisan and significant public figure, who was his father, John Shakespeare. After graduating from grammar school in his homeland, in the English county of Warwickshire, the writer married at the age of eighteen and acquired heirs. After some time, he moved to London, where his writing and playwriting career fully developed.

The literary treasury, created by William Shakespeare, is full of his numerous works. These are his famous sonnets, poems, tragedies, comedies, as well as apocrypha. The writer and playwright's works include comedies: "The Taming of the Shrew", "The Merchant of Venice", "The Comedy of Errors" and others; poems: “Venus and Adonis”, “The Phoenix and the Dove”, “Sonnets of William Shakespeare” and so on; tragedies: “Julius Caesar”, “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Othello” and others; apocrypha: “The Judgment of Paris”, “Musidore”, “The Puritan Woman”, “The Birth of Merlin” and many others.

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Quotes from the book "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare

A rose smells like a rose
Either call it a rose or not.

But if a man's word is so shaky -
What kind of order can you expect from a woman?

The blind man always remembers the jewel
Lost vision.

Stormy feelings have a violent end,
It coincides with their imaginary victory.
The explosion merged gunpowder and fire,
So sweet is the honey that finally
and nasty:
Too much flavor will ruin the taste.
Be neither a spendthrift nor a miser:
Only in a sense of proportion is true good.

The plague has fallen on both your houses,
Because of you, I became food for worms.

But if a man's word is unreliable,
What can you expect from a woman then?

Try to catch a new infection,
And the old one will never be remembered.

Crying in moderation is a sign of great love,
And crying without measure is a sign of stupidity.

Perhaps your only diamond
It will look like simple glass.

"Alas! Why love
What is so beautiful and tender in appearance,
Is it really so cruel and harsh?

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