It's a pain in the ass to read. Online reading of the book Woe from Wit Woe from Wit

Today the comedy by A.S. Griboedov's "Woe from Wit" would be called more of a tragicomedy, since there is no more sad than funny in it. The incident that prompted the writer to create this work also makes me laugh sadly. Being young and ardent, having returned from abroad and having traveled a lot, Alexander Sergeevich saw how servilely the St. Petersburg high society treated a foreign guest, was indignant at this and expressed his indignation out loud. But society did not want to hear the truth; it was easier for them to declare the young man crazy. On that day the future was born main character works by Alexander Alexandrovich Chatsky. At that time, the traditions of classicism still dominated Russian literature, but if “Woe from Wit” is read from a modern point of view, then one can notice in the comedy features of realism that were already beginning to come into their own. On the one side - speaking names, a love conflict, unity of time and place of action, on the other hand, a living language and a complete reflection of the historical realities of that time, coupled with well-written characters. Griboyedov wrote “Woe from Wit” as a bitter satire on Moscow society, and not only of his historical period. He himself noted that the basis of the work was a fairly long period of time when ranks and honors were given not to those who were worthy of them, but to those who knew how to curry favor better than others. And therefore, for the local nobility, anyone who did not want ranks and honors was insane. Unfortunately, the comedy “Woe from Wit” is in many ways clear today: realities have changed, but people have not.

In addition to the main character - Chatsky, there are other important characters in it - the Famusov family, Skalozub, the careerist Molchanov and the entire society that is pre-set to condemn dissidents. The lover is connected with Sophia, who once loved Chatsky, and is now cold with him, since an unworthy, but completely understandable person has taken a place in her heart, and the social one is built on the confrontation of two centuries - the present and the past, which are embodied in the images of Chatsky and Famusova. If the first person has progressive views, then the second believes that making fun of those in power in order to get the desired place is quite normal. Today you can download “Woe from Wit” for free to see the two conflicts on which the development of the action of this play, simple and clear in dramatic structure, is based.

Read the full text of the comedy “Woe from Wit” online or pick up the book - in any case, you need to know that the four acts of the play include exposition (the first act to the sixth event), a plot (only one event - the seventh of the first act) , development of action (from the end of the first phenomenon to the end of the third) and climax (fourth act). This composition allows you to fully demonstrate the characters’ personalities and develop storyline. A literature lesson dedicated to “Woe from Wit” will be of interest to everyone - the theme of the confrontation between old and new is still relevant, and that is why Griboyedov’s play belongs to the Russian classics.

Act IV

Famusov has a front porch in his house; a large staircase from the second dwelling, to which many side mezzanines adjoin; bottom right (from characters) exit to the porch and Swiss box; on the left, in the same plan, is Molchalin’s room.

Night. Poor lighting. Some lackeys are fussing, others are sleeping, waiting for their masters.

Phenomenon 1

Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter, ahead of them is Lake.

Lake th

Countess Khryumina's carriage.

Countess granddaughter

(while they wrap her up)

Well done! Well Famusov! knew how to name guests!

Some freaks from the other world,

And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.

Countess grandmother

Let’s sing, mother, I can’t do it right,

Someday I will fall to my grave.

(Both leave.)

Phenomenon 2

Platon Mikhailovich And Natalya Dmitrievna. One Lake is busy around them, the other is at the entrance shouting:

Gorich's carriage.

Natalya Dmitrievna

My angel my life,

Priceless, darling, Poposh, why is it so sad?

(Kisses her husband on the forehead.)

Admit it, the Famusovs had fun.

Platon Mikhailovich

Natasha-Mother, I doze off at the balls,

Before them is a deadly reluctance hunter,

I don’t resist, your worker,

I'm on duty after midnight, sometimes

It pleases you, no matter how sad,

I start dancing on command.

Natalya Dmitrievna

You are pretending, and very unskillfully;

There is a mortal desire to be considered an old man.

(He leaves with the footman.)

Platon Mikhailovich (calmly)

Ball is a good thing, bondage is bitter;

And who forces us to marry!

After all, it is said that he is of a different kind...

Lake y (from the porch)

The lady is in the carriage, sir, and she deigns to be angry.

Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)


Phenomenon 3

Chatsky and Lake are ahead of him.


Shout for them to serve quickly.

The footman leaves.

Well, the day has passed, and with it

All the ghosts, all the smoke and smoke

Hopes that filled my soul.

What was I waiting for? What did you think you would find here?

Where is the charm of this meeting? participation in whom is alive?

Scream! joy! hugged! - Empty.

In the carriage so-and-so on the way

Sitting idly across the vast plain,

Everything is visible ahead

Light, blue, varied;

And you drive for an hour, or two, the whole day; that's frisky

They rushed to rest; overnight stay: wherever you look,

Still the same expanse and steppe, and empty and dead...

It’s a shame, there’s no point in thinking, the more you think.

The footman returns.

Lake th

The coachman, you see, won’t be found anywhere.


Let's go look, don't spend the night here.

The footman leaves again.

Phenomenon 4

Chatsky, Repetilov (runs in from the porch, falls as fast as he can at the entrance and hastily recovers).


Ugh! made a mistake. - Ah, my creator!

Let me rub my eyes; where from? buddy!..

Heart friend! Dear friend! Mon cher! My dear. – Ed.

These are the farces I have often sung,

What an idle talker, what a fool, what a superstition,

That I have premonitions and omens for everything;

Now... please explain,

As if I knew I was hurrying here,

Grab it, I hit it with my foot on the threshold

And stretched out to his full height.

Maybe laugh at me

That Repetilov is lying, that Repetilov is simple,

And I have an attraction to you, a kind of illness,

Some kind of love and passion,

I'm ready to sacrifice my soul,

That you won’t find such a friend in the world,

So faithful, really;

Let me lose my wife, children,

I will be abandoned by the whole world,

Let me die in this place,

And God will strike me...


That's a lot of nonsense.


You don't love me, naturally:

With others I do this and that,

I speak to you timidly,

I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.


What a strange humiliation!


Scold me, I curse my own birth,

When I think about how I killed time!

Tell me, what time is it?


It's time to go to bed;

If you came to the ball,

So you can go back.


What's the ball? brother, where are we all night before? broad daylight,

We are shackled in decency, we will not break out of the yoke,

Have you read? there is a book...


Have you read it? task for me

Are you Repetilov?


Call me a vandal:

I deserve this name.

I valued empty people!

I myself raved about a dinner or a ball for a whole century!

I forgot about the children! I deceived my wife!

Played! lost! taken into custody by decree!

He held the dancer! and not just one:

Three at once!

Drank dead! I haven’t slept for nine nights!

He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!


Listen! lie, but know when to stop;

There is something to despair about.


Congratulate me, now I know people

With the smartest!! – I don’t search all night long.


Now, for example?


That one night doesn’t count,

But ask, where have you been?


And I’ll figure it out myself.

Tea, in the club?


In English. To start confession:

From a noisy meeting.

Please be silent, I gave my word to be silent;

We have a society and secret meetings

On Thursdays. The most secret alliance...


Oh! I'm afraid, brother.

How? in the club?



These are emergency measures,

To drive away both you and your secrets.


It's in vain that fear takes over you,

We speak out loud, no one can understand.

I myself, when they start talking about the cameras, the jury,

About Beiron, well, about important mothers,

I often listen without opening my lips;

I can’t do it, brother, and I feel like I’m stupid.

Oh! Alexandre! we were missing you;

Listen, dear, make me laugh at least a little;

Let's go now; Fortunately, we are on the go;

Which ones will I set you up with?

People!!!.. don’t look like me at all,

What kind of people are they, mon cher! Juice of smart youth!


God is with them and with you. Where will I go?

For what? in the dead of night? Go home, I want to sleep.


Eh! come on! who's sleeping now? Well, that's it, no preludes,

Make up your mind, and we!.. we have... decisive people,

A dozen hot goals!


Why are you freaking out so much?


We're making noise, brother, we're making noise.


Are you making noise? and that's all?


Now is not the place to explain and there is no time,

But it's a matter of state:

You see, it’s not ripe,

It can't happen all of a sudden.

What kind of people! Mon cher! Without distant stories

I'll tell you: first of all, Prince Gregory!!

The only weirdo! It's making us laugh!

A century with the English, the whole English fold,

And he also says through his teeth,

And also cut short for order.

Don't you know me? O! meet him.

The other is Vorkulov Evdokim;

Haven't you heard him sing? O! marvel!

Listen, honey, especially

He has one favorite:

"A! non lashyar mi, but, but, But". "A! non lasciar mi, no, no, no” - “Oh, don’t leave me, no, no, no!” – Ed.

We also have two brothers:

Levon and Borinka, wonderful guys!

You don’t know what to say about them;

But if you order a genius to be named:

Udushiev Ippolit Markelych!!!

You are writing it

Have you read anything? at least a little thing?

Read, brother, but he doesn’t write anything;

These are the kind of people who should be flogged

And say: write, write, write;

However, you can find in magazines

His excerpt, look and something.

What is something about? – about everything;

He knows everything, we are herding him for a rainy day.

But we have a head like no other in Russia,

You don’t need to name it, you’ll recognize it from the portrait:

Night robber, duelist,

Was exiled to Kamchatka, returned as an Aleut

And the unclean hand is strong;

Yes smart person can't help but be a rogue.

When he talks about high honesty,

Some kind of demon inspires:

My eyes are bloody, my face is burning,

He cries himself, and we all cry.

These people, are there others like them? Hardly...

Well, among them I am, of course, average,

A little behind, lazy, it’s terrible to think!

However, when I strained my mind,

I’ll sit down, I won’t sit for an hour,

And somehow by chance, I suddenly make a pun.

Others will pick up the same idea from me,

And the six of them, lo and behold, are making a vaudeville show,

The other six put music to music,

Others clap when given it.

Brother, laugh, whatever, whatever:

God did not reward me with abilities,

I gave you a kind heart, that’s why I’m nice to people,

If I lie, they will forgive me...

Lake y (at the entrance)

Skalozub's carriage.


Phenomenon 5

The same and Skalozub, comes down the stairs.

Repetilov (to meet him)

Oh! Skalozub, my soul,

Wait, where to? make friendship.

(Strangles him in her arms.)


Where can I go from them?

(Included in Swiss.)

Repetilov (Skalozub)

The rumor about you has long died down,

They said that you went to serve in the regiment,

Do you know each other?

(Looks for Chatsky with his eyes.)

Stubborn! galloped away!

There's no need, I found you by accident

And please join me now, without excuses:

Prince Gregory now has thousands of people,

You'll see about forty of us,

Ugh! what a lot of brains there are, brother!

They talk all night, they don’t get bored,

Firstly, they will give you champagne to slaughter,

And secondly, they will teach such things,

Which, of course, you and I can’t invent.


Spare me. You can't fool me with learning,

Call others, and if you want,

I am Prince Gregory and you

I'll give the sergeant major to Voltaire,

He will line you up in three ranks,

If you make a peep, it will instantly calm you down.


All service is on your mind! Mon cher, look here:

And I would have climbed into the ranks, but met failures,

Like maybe no one ever;

I served as a civil servant, then

Baron von Klotz was aiming for minister,

To be his son-in-law.

Walked straight ahead without a second thought,

With his wife and with him he embarked on reversi,

What amounts for him and her?

He let it go, God forbid!

He lived on the Fontanka, I built a house near it,

With columns! huge! how much did it cost!

Finally married his daughters,

He took the dowry - shish, but the service - nothing.

My father-in-law is German, but what's the use? -

I was afraid, you see, he would reproach

For weakness, as if towards relatives!

I was afraid, take his ashes, but will it be easier for me?

His secretaries are all boors, all corrupt,

Little people, writing creature,

Everyone has come out to know, everyone is important now,

Look at the calendar address.

Ugh! service and ranks, crosses - the souls of ordeal,

Lakhmotyev Alexey says wonderfully,

That radical medications are needed here,

The stomach does not cook longer.

(He stops when he sees that Zagoretsky has taken the place of Skalozub, who has left for now.)

Phenomenon 6

Repetilov, Zagoretsky.


Please continue, I sincerely confess to you,

I'm just like you, a terrible liberal!

And because I explain myself directly and boldly,

How much I lost!..

Repetilov (with annoyance)

All apart, without saying a word;

One is barely out of sight, and then the other is gone.

There was Chatsky, suddenly disappeared, then Skalozub.


What do you think about Chatsky?


He's not stupid

Now we have collided, there are all sorts of turuses here,

And a sensible conversation turned to vaudeville.

Yes! vaudeville is a thing, but everything else is gil.

He and I... we... have the same tastes.


Have you noticed that he

Is your mind seriously damaged?


What nonsense!


Everything about him is of this faith.



Ask everyone.



By the way, here is Prince Pyotr Ilyich,

The princess and with the princesses.


Phenomenon 7

Repetilov, Zagoretsky, Prince and Princess with six daughters and, a little later, Khlestova descends from main staircase, Molchalin leads her by the arm. Lackeys in bustle.


Princesses, please tell me your opinion,

Is Chatsky crazy or not?

1st Princess

What doubt is there in this?

2nd princess

The whole world knows about this.

3rd princess

Dryansky, Khvorov, Varlyansky, Skachkov.

4th princess

Oh! news is old, to whom are they new?

5th princess

Who doubts?


Yes, he doesn’t believe it...

6th princess

All together

Monsieur Repetilov! You! Monsieur Repetilov! what do you!

Yes, like you! Is it possible against everyone!

Yes, why you? shame and laughter.

Repetilov (covers his ears)

Sorry, I didn't know it was too public.


It wouldn’t be public yet, it’s dangerous to talk to him,

It's time to lock it up long ago

Listen, so his little finger

Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!

I think he's just a Jacobin

Your Chatsky!!!.. Let's go. Prince, you could carry

Katish or Zizi, we will sit in the six-seater.

Khlestova (from the stairs)

Princess, card debt.


Follow me, mother.

Everyone (to each other)


The princely family is leaving and Zagoretsky too.

Phenomenon 8

Repetilov, Khlestova, Molchalin.


King of heaven!

Amfisa Nilovna! Oh! Chatsky! poor! Here!

What a lofty mind we have! and a thousand worries!

Tell me, what in the world are we busy with?


So God judged him; but by the way,

They'll treat you, they'll cure you, maybe;

And you, my father, are incurable, no matter what.

Deigned to show up on time! -

Molchalin, over there is your closet,

No need for wires, God bless you.

Molchalin goes to his room.

Farewell, father; it's time to get mad.


Phenomenon 9

Repetilov with his lackey.


Where to go now?

And it’s already approaching dawn.

Go put me in the carriage

Take it somewhere.


Phenomenon 10

The last lamp goes out.

Chatsky (leaves the Swiss)

What is this? Did I hear with my ears!

Not laughter, but clearly anger. What miracles

Through what witchcraft

And for others it’s like a triumph,

Others seem to have compassion...

ABOUT! if someone penetrated people:

What's worse about them? soul or language?

Whose essay is this?

Fools believed, they passed on to others,

The old women instantly sound the alarm -

And here is public opinion!

And here is that homeland... No, on this visit,

I see that I will soon get tired of her.

Does Sophia know? - Of course, they told

It’s not that she’s doing me any harm

I had fun, and whether it’s true or not -

She doesn't care if I'm different,

In all conscience she does not value anyone.

But where did this faintness and unconsciousness come from?? -

Nervous, spoiled, whimsical, -

A little will excite them, and a little will calm them down, -

I considered it a sign of living passions. - Not a crumb:

She, of course, would have lost her strength as well,

When would anyone step

On the tail of a dog or cat.


(above the stairs on the second floor, with a candle)

Molchalin, is that you?

(Hastily closes the door again.)


She! herself!

Oh! my head is burning, my whole blood is in excitement.

She has appeared! she's gone! really in a vision?

Am I really going crazy?

I am definitely prepared for the extraordinary;

But it’s not a vision here, the time for the meeting has been agreed upon.

Why should I deceive myself?

Molchalin called, this is his room.

His lackey (from the porch)


(Pushes him out.)

(Hides behind a column.)

Phenomenon 11

Chatsky is hidden, Lisa is with a candle.


(Looks around.)

Yes! of course! He wants to wander around the hallway!

He, tea, has long been out of the gate,

Save love for tomorrow

Home and went to bed.

However, it is ordered to push the heart.

(Knocks on Molchalin’s door.)

Listen, sir. If you please, wake up.

The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.

Hurry up so they don't catch you.

Phenomenon 12

Chatsky behind the column, Liza, Molchalin (stretches and yawns), Sofia (sneaks from above).


You, sir, are stone, sir, ice.


Oh! Lizanka, are you on your own?


From the young lady, sir.


Who would have guessed

What's in these cheeks, in these veins

Love has not yet blushed!

Do you only want to be on the errands?


And to you, bride seekers,

Don't bask or yawn;

Handsome and cute, who doesn't finish eating

And he won’t sleep until the wedding.


What kind of wedding? with whom?


What about the young lady?


There is a lot of hope ahead,

We are wasting time without a wedding.


What are you talking about, sir! who are we?

Other things as your husband?


Don't know. And I'm shaking so much,

And at one thought I’m afraid,

What Pavel Afanasyich times

Someday he'll catch us

He will disperse, he will curse!.. So what? should I open my soul?

I don’t see anything in Sofya Pavlovna

Enviable. May God grant her a rich life,

I once loved Chatsky,

He will stop loving me like he did.

My little angel, I would like half

I feel the same for her as I feel for you;

No, no matter how much I tell myself,

I’m getting ready to be gentle, but if I’m dating, I’ll throw a sheet.

Sofia (to the side)

What baseness!

Chatsky (behind the column)


And you are not ashamed?


My father bequeathed to me:

First, please all people without exception -

The owner, where he will live,

The boss with whom I will serve,

To his servant who cleans dresses,

Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,

To the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate.


Let me tell you, sir, you have great care!


And now I take the form of a lover

To please the daughter of such a man...


Who feeds and gives water,

And sometimes he’ll give you a gift?

Let's go, we've talked enough.


Let's go share love with our deplorable theft.

Let me hug you from the heart of fullness.

Lisa doesn't give in.

Why isn't she you!

(He wants to go, Sofia won’t let him.)


Terrible man! I'm ashamed of myself, the walls.


How! Sofya Pavlovna...


Not a word, for God's sake,

Keep quiet, I’ll decide on anything.


(throws himself on his knees, Sofia pushes him away), except Molchalin.,

Made a lazy grouse into a doorman,

Doesn't know anything, doesn't smell anything.

Where were you? where did you go?

Why didn’t the seney lock it?

And how did you miss it? and how did you not hear?

To work you, to settle you:

They are ready to sell me for a penny.

You, quick-eyed, everything comes from your mischief;

Here it is, Kuznetsky Most, outfits and updates;

There you learned how to make lovers meet,

Wait, I'll correct you:

Go to the hut, march, and go after the birds;

Yes, and you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave,

Have patience for two more days;

You shouldn’t be in Moscow, you shouldn’t live with people;

To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,

There you will grieve,

Sit at the hoop, yawn at the calendar.

And you, sir, I really ask you

You don’t want to go there either directly or along a dirt road;

And this is your last feature,

What, tea, the door will be locked for everyone:

I will try, I will ring the alarm bell,

I'll cause trouble for everything around the city

And I will announce to all the people:

I will submit it to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.


(after some silence)

I won’t come to my senses... it’s my fault,

And I listen, I don’t understand

As if they still want to explain to me,

Confused by thoughts... waiting for something.

(With fervor.)

Blind! In whom I sought the reward of all my labors!

I was in a hurry!.. flying! trembled! this is happiness, I thought

Before whom I just now was so passionate and so low

He was a waster of tender words!

And you! oh my god! who did you choose?

When I think about who you preferred!

Why did they lure me with hope?

Why didn't they tell me directly?

Why did you turn everything that happened into laughter?!

That the memory even disgusts you

Those feelings, in both of us the movements of those hearts,

Which have never cooled in me,

No entertainment, no change of place.

I breathed and lived by them, was constantly busy!

They would say that my sudden arrival was to you,

My appearance, my words, actions - everything is disgusting,

I would immediately cut off relations with you,

And before we part forever,

I wouldn't bother to get there very much,

Who is this dear person to you?..


You will make peace with him, after mature reflection.

Destroy yourself, and why!

Think you can always

Protect, and swaddle, and send to work.

Husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages -

The high ideal of all Moscow men. -

Enough!.. with you I am proud of my breakup.

And you, sir father, you, passionate about ranks:

I wish you to sleep in happy ignorance,

I do not threaten you with my matchmaking.

There will be another well-behaved one,

A sycophant and a businessman,

Finally, the benefits

He is the equal of his future father-in-law.

So! I have completely sobered up

Dreaming out of sight - and the veil fell;

Now it wouldn't be a bad thing

For the daughter and the father,

And for a foolish lover,

And pour out all the bile and all the frustration to the whole world.

Who was it with? Where fate has taken me!

Everyone is driving! everyone curses! Crowd of tormentors

In the love of traitors, in the tireless enmity,

Indomitable storytellers,

Clumsy smart people, crafty simpletons,

Sinister old women, old men,

Decrepit over inventions, nonsense, -

You have glorified me as crazy by the whole choir.

You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,

Who will have time to spend a day with you,

Breathe the air alone

And his sanity will survive.

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore.

I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world,

Where is there a corner for an offended feeling!..

Carriage for me, carriage!


Phenomenon 15

Except Chatsky


Well? Don't you see that he's gone crazy?

Say it seriously:

Insane! What kind of nonsense is he talking about here!

The sycophant! father-in-law! and so menacing about Moscow!

Have you decided to kill me?

Isn't my fate still sad?

Oh! My God! what will he say

Princess Marya Aleksevna!

Comedy in four acts in verse

Natalya Dmitrievna, young lady, Platon Mikhailovich, her husband - Gorichi.

Prince Tugoukhovsky And princess, his wife, with six daughters.

Countess-grandmother, Countess-granddaughter- Khryumins.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.

Old woman Khlestova, sister-in-law Famusova.


Parsley and several talking servants.

Lots of guests of all sorts and their lackeys on their way out.

Famusov's waiters.

Action in Moscow in Famusov's house.

Woe from the mind. Maly Theater performance, 1977


Phenomenon 1

The living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia’s bedroom, from where you can hear the piano and flute, which then fall silent. Lizanka in the middle of the room he sleeps, hanging from an armchair.

(It’s morning, the day is just dawning.)


(suddenly wakes up, gets up from the chair, looks around)

It's getting light!.. Ah! how quickly the night has passed!

Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal.

"Waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,

Don't sleep until you roll out of your chair.

Now I just took a nap,

It’s already day!.. tell them...

(Knocks on Sofia's door.)

Hey! Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.

Your conversation went on overnight.

Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych!

Madam!.. - And fear does not take them!

(Moves away from the door.)

Well, an uninvited guest,

Perhaps Father will come in!

I ask you to serve the young lady in love!

(Back to the door.)

Yes, disperse. Morning. - What, sir?

What time is it?


Everything in the house rose.


(from his room)

What time is it?


Seventh, eighth, ninth.


(from the same place)

Not true.


(away from the door)

Oh! Damn cupid!

And they hear, they don’t want to understand,

Well, why would they take away the shutters?

I'll change the clock, at least I know: there will be a race,

I'll make them play.

(Climbs onto a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)

Phenomenon 2

Lisa And Famusov.


Oh! master!


Master, yes.

(Stops hour-long music)

After all, what a naughty girl you are.

I couldn’t figure out what kind of trouble this was!

Sometimes you hear a flute, sometimes like a piano;

Would it be too early for Sophia?..


No, sir, I... just by chance...


Just by chance, take notice of you;

Yes, that's right, with intent.

(He presses closer to her and flirts.)

Oh! potion, spoiler.


You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!


Modest, but nothing else

Mischief and the wind are on your mind.


Let me in, you little windbags,

Come to your senses, you are old...



Well, who will come, where are we going?


Who should come here?

After all, Sophia is sleeping?


Now I'm taking a nap.


Now! And the night?


I spent the whole night reading.


Look, what whims have developed!


Everything is in French, aloud, read while locked.


Tell me that it’s not good to spoil her eyes,

And reading is of little use:

She can't sleep from French books,

And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep.


I'll report what happens,

If you please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.


What to wake up? You wind the watch yourself,

You're blasting a symphony throughout the entire block.


(as loud as possible)

Come on, sir!


(covers her mouth)

Have mercy, how you scream.

Are you going crazy?


I'm afraid it won't work out...



It's time, sir, for you to know that you are not a child;

Girls' morning sleep is so thin;

You creak the door a little, you whisper a little:

They hear everything...




(He sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)



Gone... Ah! away from the gentlemen;

They're in trouble s Prepare for yourself at any hour,

Pass us away more than all sorrows

And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Phenomenon 3

Lisa, Sofia with a candle behind it Molchalin.


What, Lisa, attacked you?


Of course, it’s hard for you to break up?

Having locked yourself until daylight, and it seems like everything is not enough?


Ah, it really is dawn!

(Puts out the candle.)

Both light and sadness. How fast the nights are!


Push, know that there is no urine from the outside,

Your father came here, I froze;

I spun around in front of him, I don’t remember that I was lying;

Well, what have you become? bow, sir, give it.

Come on, my heart is not in the right place;

Look at your watch, look out the window:

People have been pouring down the streets for a long time;

And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.


Happy hours are not observed.


Don't watch, your power;

And what in return for you, of course, I will get.



Go; We'll be bored all day long.


God be with you, sir; take your hand away.

(Separates them, Molchalin at the door collides with Famusov.)

Phenomenon 4

Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin, Famusov.


To teach our daughters everything, everything -

And dancing! and stump yu ! and tenderness! and sigh!

It’s as if we are preparing them as wives for buffoons.

What are you, visitor? Why are you here, sir?

He warmed up the rootless one and brought him into my family,

He gave the rank of assessor and took him on as secretary;

Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;

And if it weren’t for me, you would be smoking in Tver.


I can’t explain your anger in any way.

He lives in the house here, what a great misfortune!

I walked into the room and ended up in another.


Did you get in or did you want to get in?

Why are you together? It can't happen by accident.


Here's the whole case:

How long ago you and Lisa were here,

And I rushed here as fast as I could...


Perhaps all the fuss will fall on me.


In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs.

Tell you a dream: you will understand then.


What's the story?


Should I tell you?


(Sits down.)


Let me... see... first

Flowery meadow; and I was looking

Some, I don’t remember in reality.

Suddenly a nice person, one of those we

We'll see - it's like we've known each other forever,

He appeared here with me; and insinuating and smart,

But timid... You know, who is born in poverty...


Oh! Mother, don’t finish the blow!

Anyone who is poor is not a match for you.


Then everything disappeared: the meadows and the skies. -

We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle

The floor has opened - and you are out of there

Pale as death, and hair on end!

Then the doors opened with thunder

Some are not people or animals

We were separated - and they tortured the one sitting with me.

It’s like he’s dearer to me than all the treasures,

I want to go to him - you bring with you:

We are accompanied by groans, roars, laughter, and whistles of monsters!

He shouts after him!..

Woke up. - Someone says -

I run here and find you both.


Yes, it’s a bad dream; I'll see.

Everything is there, if there is no deception:

And devils, and love, and fears, and flowers.

Well, my sir, what about you?

He is heard by everyone, and he calls everyone until dawn!


With papers, sir.


Yes! they were missing.

Have mercy that this suddenly fell

Diligence in writing!

(Gets up.)

Well, Sonyushka, I will give you peace:

Some dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger;

You were looking for some herbs,

I came across a friend quickly;

Get rid of the nonsense from your head;

Where there are miracles, there is little stock. -

Go, lie down, go to sleep again.


Let's go sort out the papers.


I was just carrying them for the report,

What cannot be used without certificates, without others,

There are contradictions, and many things are inappropriate.


I'm afraid, sir, I'm the only one mortally afraid,

So that a multitude of them do not accumulate;

If you had given it free rein, it would have settled;

And for me, what matters and what doesn’t matter,

My custom is this:

Signed, off your shoulders.

(He leaves with Molchalin and lets him through at the door.)

Phenomenon 5

Sofia, Lisa.


Well, here's the holiday! Well, here's some fun for you!

However, no, it’s no laughing matter now;

The eyes are dark and the soul is frozen;

Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.


What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants to, judges it that way,

Yes, father will force you to think:

Grouchy, restless, quick,

This has always been the case, but from now on...

You can judge...


I’m not judging by stories;

He will ban you; - good is still with me;

Otherwise, God have mercy, at once

Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.


Just think how capricious happiness is!

It can be worse, you can get away with it;

When sad nothingness comes to mind,

We lost ourselves in music, and time passed so smoothly;

Fate seemed to be protecting us;

No worries, no doubts...

And grief awaits around the corner.


That's it, sir, my stupid judgment

You never regret:

But here's the problem.

What better prophet do you need?

I kept repeating: there will be no good in love

Not forever and ever.

Like all Moscow people, your father is like this:

He would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks,

And under the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;

Well, of course, then

And money to live on, so he could give balls;

Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:

And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.


How cute! and it's fun for me to fear

Listen about the frunt and rows;

He never uttered a smart word, -

I don’t care what goes into the water.


Yes, sir, so to speak, he is talkative, but not very cunning;

But be a military man, be a civilian,

Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp,

Like Alexander Andreich Chatsky!

Not to confuse you;

It's been a long time, can't turn it back

And I remember...


What do you remember? He's nice

He knows how to make everyone laugh;

He chats, jokes, it’s funny to me;

You can share laughter with everyone.


And that's all? as if? - Shed tears,

I remember, poor thing, how he parted with you. -

“Why, sir, are you crying? live laughing..."

And he responded: “No wonder, Lisa, I’m crying:

Who knows what I will find when I return?

And how much I might lose!”

The poor thing seemed to know that in three years...


Listen, don’t take unnecessary liberties.

I was very windy, perhaps I acted

And I know, and I’m guilty; but where did it change?

To whom? so that they could reproach with infidelity.

Yes, it’s true that we were brought up and grew up with Chatsky;

The habit of being together every day inseparably

She bound us together with childhood friendship; but then

He moved out, he seemed bored with us,

And he rarely visited our house;

Then he pretended to be in love again,

Demanding and distressed!!.

Sharp, smart, eloquent,

I'm especially happy with friends,

He thought highly of himself...

The desire to wander attacked him,

Oh! if someone loves someone,

Why search for the mind and travel so far?


Where is it running? in what areas?

They say he was treated in sour waters,

Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.


And, of course, he’s happy where the people are funnier.

The one I love is not like this:

Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,

The enemy of insolence is always shy, timid,

Someone you can spend the whole night with like that!

We are sitting, and the yard has long since turned white,

What do you think? what are you doing?


God knows

Madam, is this my business?


He will take your hand and press it to your heart,

He will sigh from the depths of his soul,

Not a free word, and so the whole night passes,

Hand in hand, and doesn’t take his eyes off me. -

Laugh! is it possible! what reason did you give

Do I make you laugh like this?


Me, sir?.. your aunt has now come to mind,

How a young Frenchman ran away from her house,

Darling! wanted to bury

Out of frustration, I couldn’t:

I forgot to dye my hair

And three days later she turned gray.

(Continues to laugh.)


(with sadness)

That's how they'll talk about me later.


Forgive me, truly, as God is holy,

I wanted this stupid laugh

Helped to cheer you up a bit.

(They leave.)

Phenomenon 6

Sofia, Lisa, Servant, behind him Chatsky.


Alexander Andreich Chatsky is here to see you.


Phenomenon 7

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky.


It's barely light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

(Kisses your hand passionately.)

Well, kiss me, weren’t you waiting? speak!

Well, for the sake of it? No? Look at my face.

Surprised? and that's all? Here's the welcome!

It was as if no week had passed;

It feels like yesterday together

We're tired of each other;

Not a hair of love! how good they are!

And meanwhile, I won’t remember, without a soul,

I'm forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes,

More than seven hundred versts flew by - wind, storm;

And I was completely confused, and fell how many times -

And here is the reward for your exploits!


Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.


Are you for it? good morning.

However, who sincerely rejoices like that?

I think this is the last thing

Chilling people and horses,

I was just amusing myself.


Here, sir, if you were outside the doors,

By God, there are not five minutes,

How we remembered you here.

Madam, tell me yourself. -


Always, not just now. -

You cannot reproach me.

Whoever flashes by will open the door,

While passing through, by chance, from a stranger, from far away -

I have a question, even if I’m a sailor:

Did I meet you somewhere in the mail carriage?


Let's say so.

Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! -

Oh! My God! Am I really here again?

In Moscow! at your place! how can we recognize you!

Where is the time? where is that innocent age,

When it used to be a long evening

You and I will appear, disappear here and there,

We play and make noise on chairs and tables.

We are in a dark corner, and it seems like this!

Do you remember? we'll be startled by the creaking of a table or a door...




Yes, sir, and now,

At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,

Inimitable, and you know it,

And therefore modest, do not look at the light.

Aren't you in love? please give me an answer

Without thought, complete embarrassment.


At least someone will be embarrassed

Quick questions and a curious look...


For mercy's sake, it's not you, why be surprised?

What new will Moscow show me?

Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

He made a match - he succeeded, but he missed.

All the same sense, and the same poems in the albums.


Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!

Where is better?


Where we are not.

Well, what about your father? all English club

An ancient, faithful member to the grave?

Has your uncle jumped back his eyelid?

And this one, what’s his name, is he Turkish or Greek?

That little black one, on crane legs,

I don't know what his name is,

Wherever you go: here, like here,

In dining rooms and living rooms.

And three of the tabloid faces,

Who have been looking young for half a century?

They have millions of relatives, and with the help of their sisters

They will become related to all of Europe.

What about our sun? our treasure?

On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade;

The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove,

He himself is fat, his artists are skinny.

At the ball, remember, we opened it together

Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,

There was a man hidden and clicking the nightingale,

Singer winter weather summer.

And that consumptive one, your relatives, the enemy of books,

To the scientific committee that settled

And with a cry he demanded oaths,

So that no one knows or learns to read and write?

I am destined to see them again!

Will you get tired of living with them, and in whom you won’t find any stains?

When you wander, you return home,


I wish I could bring you and my aunt together,

To count everyone you know.


And auntie? all girl, Minerva?

All the maid of honor of Catherine the First?

Is the house full of pupils and mosquitoes?

Oh! Let's move on to education.

That now, just as in ancient times,

The regiments are busy recruiting teachers,

More in number, cheaper in price?

It’s not that they are far off in science;

In Russia, under a great fine,

We are told to recognize everyone

Historian and geographer!

Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,

Index finger, all signs of learning

How our timid minds were disturbed,

As we have been accustomed to believe since early times,

That without the Germans we have no salvation! -

And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown by the wind?

Is he not married yet?



At least on some princess,

Pulcheria Andrevna, for example?


Dancemaster! is it possible!


Well? he is a gentleman.

We will be required to be with property and in rank,

And Guillaume!.. - What is the tone here today?

At conventions, at big ones, on parish holidays?

A confusion of languages ​​still prevails:

French with Nizhny Novgorod?


Mix of languages?


Yes, two, you can’t live without it.


But it’s tricky to tailor one of them like yours.


At least not inflated.

Here's the news! - I'm taking advantage of the moment,

Enlivened by meeting you,

And talkative; isn't there a time,

That I am more stupid than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?

Haven't you broken the silence of the press yet?

There used to be songs where there were new notebooks

He sees and pesters: please write it off.

However, he will reach the known degrees,

After all, nowadays they love dumb.


(to the side)

Not a man, a snake!

(Loud and forced.)

I want to ask you:

Has it ever happened that you laughed? or sad?

A mistake? did they say good things about anyone?

At least not now, but in childhood, maybe.


When is everything so soft? both tender and immature?

Why so long ago? Here's a good deed for you:

The calls are just ringing

And day and night across the snowy desert,

I’m rushing to you at breakneck speed.

And how do I find you? in some strict rank!

I can endure the cold for half an hour!

The face of the most holy praying mantis!..

And yet I love you without memory. -

(A minute's silence.)

Listen, are my words really all caustic words?

And tend to harm someone?

But if so: the mind and heart are not in harmony.

I'm eccentric to another miracle

Once I laugh, then I forget:

Tell me to go into the fire: I’ll go as if for dinner.


Yes, okay - will you burn, if not?

Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Famusov.


Here's another one!


Ah, father, sleep in hand.


Damn dream.

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky(looks at the door through which Sofia went out).


Well, you threw it away!

I haven’t written two words for three years!

And it suddenly burst out, as if from the clouds.

(They hug.)

Great, friend, great, brother, great.

Tell me, tea, you're ready

A meeting of important news?

Sit down, announce it quickly.

(Sit down)



How Sofya Pavlovna has become prettier for you!


You young people have nothing else to do,

How to notice girlish beauty:

She said something casually, and you,

I am filled with hopes, bewitched.


Oh! no, I’m not spoiled enough by hopes.


“A dream in my hand,” she deigned to whisper to me.

So you thought...


I? - Not at all.


Who was she dreaming about? what's happened?


I'm not a dream teller.


Don't believe her, everything is empty.


I believe my own eyes;

I haven’t met you in ages, I’ll give you a subscription.

So that it would be at least a little like her!


He's all his own. Yes, tell me in detail,

Where were you? wandered for so many years!

Where from now?


Now who cares?

I wanted to travel around the whole world,

And he didn’t travel a hundredth part.

(Gets up hastily.)

Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you soon,

Didn't go home. Farewell! In one hour

When I show up, I won’t forget the slightest detail;

You first, then you tell it everywhere.

(At the door.)

How good!


Phenomenon 10



Which of the two?

"Oh! Father, sleep in hand!

And he says it out loud to me!

Well, my fault! What a blessing I gave to the hook!

Molchalin made me doubtful.

Now... and halfway out of the fire:

That beggar, that dandy friend;

He is a notorious spendthrift, a tomboy;

What kind of commission, creator,

To be a father to an adult daughter!


And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!- inaccurate quote from a poem by G.R. Derzhavin “Harp” (1789):

Good news about our side is dear to us:
Fatherland and smoke is sweet and pleasant to us...

Current page: 1 (book has 5 pages in total)

Alexander Griboyedov
Comedy in four acts in verse


Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in a government place.

Sofya Pavlovna, his daughter.

Lizanka, maid.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov’s secretary, living in his house.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.

Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.

Natalya Dmitrievna, young lady, Platon Mikhailovich, her husband - Gorichi.

Prince Tugoukhovsky And princess, his wife, with six daughters.

Countess-grandmother, Countess-granddaughter- Khryumins.

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.

Old woman Khlestova, sister-in-law Famusova.


Parsley and several talking servants.

Lots of guests of all sorts and their lackeys on their way out.

Famusov's waiters.

Action in Moscow in Famusov's house.


Phenomenon 1

The living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia’s bedroom, from where you can hear the piano and flute, which then fall silent. Lizanka in the middle of the room he sleeps, hanging from an armchair.

(It’s morning, the day is just dawning.)

(suddenly wakes up, gets up from the chair, looks around)

It's getting light!.. Ah! how quickly the night has passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal.
"Waiting for a friend." - You need an eye and an eye,
Don't sleep until you roll out of your chair.
Now I just took a nap,
It’s already day!.. tell them...

(Knocks on Sofia's door.)

Hey! Sofya Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation went on overnight.
Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych!
Madam!.. - And fear does not take them!

(Moves away from the door.)

Well, an uninvited guest,
Perhaps Father will come in!
I ask you to serve the young lady in love!
(Back to the door.)
Yes, disperse. Morning. - What, sir?

Sofia's voice
What time is it?
Everything in the house rose.
(from his room)

What time is it?

Seventh, eighth, ninth.
(from the same place)

Not true.

(away from the door)

Oh! Damn cupid!
And they hear, they don’t want to understand,
Well, why would they take away the shutters?
I'll change the clock, at least I know: there will be a race,
I'll make them play.

(Climbs onto a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.)

Phenomenon 2

Lisa And Famusov.

Oh! master!
Master, yes.

(Stops hour-long music)

After all, what a naughty girl you are.
I couldn’t figure out what kind of trouble this was!
Now you hear a flute, now it’s like a piano;
Would it be too early for Sophia?..

No, sir, I... just by chance...
Just by chance, take notice of you;
Yes, that's right, with intent.

(He presses closer to her and flirts.)

Oh! potion, spoiler.

You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!
Modest, but nothing but
Mischief and the wind are on your mind.
Let me in, you little windbags,
Come to your senses, you are old...
Well, who will come, where are we going?
Who should come here?
After all, Sophia is sleeping?
Now I'm taking a nap.
Now! And the night?
I spent the whole night reading.
Look, what whims have developed!
Everything is in French, aloud, read while locked.
Tell me that it’s not good to spoil her eyes,
And reading is of little use:
She can't sleep from French books,
And the Russians make it hard for me to sleep.
I'll report what happens,
If you please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.
What to wake up? You wind the watch yourself,
You're blasting a symphony throughout the entire block.
(as loud as possible)

Come on, sir!

(covers her mouth)

Have mercy, how you scream.
Are you going crazy?

I'm afraid it won't work out...
It's time, sir, for you to know that you are not a child;
Girls' morning sleep is so thin;
You creak the door a little, you whisper a little:
They hear everything...
You're all lying.
Sofia's voice
Hey Lisa!

(He sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)


Gone... Ah! away from the gentlemen;
They prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,
Pass us away more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Phenomenon 3

Lisa, Sofia with a candle behind it Molchalin.

What, Lisa, attacked you?
You're making noise...
Of course, it’s hard for you to break up?
Having locked yourself until daylight, and it seems like everything is not enough?
Ah, it really is dawn!

(Puts out the candle.)

Both light and sadness. How fast the nights are!

Push, know that there is no urine from the outside,
Your father came here, I froze;
I spun around in front of him, I don’t remember that I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, give it.
Come on, my heart is not in the right place;
Look at your watch, look out the window:
People have been pouring down the streets for a long time;
And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.
Happy hours are not observed.
Don't watch, your power;
And what in return for you, of course, I will get.

Go; We'll be bored all day long.

God be with you, sir; take your hand away.

(Separates them, Molchalin at the door collides with Famusov.)

Phenomenon 4

Sofia, Lisa, Molchalin, Famusov.

What an opportunity! 1
Okazia- incident, incident.
Molchalin, are you brother?
I'm with.
He just came in now.
Now back from a walk.
Friend, is it possible for a walk?
Should I choose a nook further away?
And you, madam, almost jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young one! - Something to do for a girl!
He reads tall tales all night,
And here are the fruits of these books!
And that’s all Kuznetsky Bridge, 2
Kuznetsky Bridge- a street in the center of Moscow, where fashionable French shops were concentrated.
and the eternal French,
From there fashion comes to us, both authors and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the Creator will deliver us
From their hats! caps! and stilettos! and pins!
And bookstores and biscuit shops!..
Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I can barely catch my breath from fear;
You deigned to run in so quickly,
I'm confused...
Thank you humbly,
I soon ran to them!
I'm in the way! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset all day long
There is no rest, I'm rushing around like crazy.
According to the position, the service is a hassle,
One pesters, another, everyone cares about me!
But was I expecting new troubles? to be deceived...
(through tears)

By whom, father?

They will reproach me
That it’s no use I always scold.
Don't cry, I mean it:
Didn't they care about you?
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to hire
Madame Rosier is a second mother.
I put the old gold woman under your supervision:
She was smart, had a quiet disposition, and rarely had rules.
One thing does not serve her well:
For an extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be lured by others.
Yes, the power is not in madame.
No other sample is needed
When your father's example is in your eyes.
Look at me: I don’t boast about my build,
However, he was vigorous and fresh, and lived to see his gray hairs;
Free, widows, I am my own master...
Known for his monastic behavior!..

I dare, sir...
Be silent!
Terrible century! Don't know what to start!
Everyone was smart beyond their years.
And most of all, daughters, and good-natured people themselves,
These languages ​​were given to us!
We take tramps, both into the house and with tickets, 3
We take tramps, both into the house and with tickets...– In addition to home teachers, rich noble families also had visiting teachers, mainly French. After each lesson, they were given “tickets” for which they subsequently received a reward.

To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and singing! and tenderness! and sigh!
It’s as if we are preparing them as wives for buffoons.
What are you, visitor? Why are you here, sir?
He warmed up the rootless one and brought him into my family,
He gave the rank of assessor and took him on as secretary;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if it weren’t for me, you would be smoking in Tver.
Did you get in or did you want to get in?
Why are you together? It can't happen by accident.
Perhaps all the fuss will fall on me.
At the wrong time my voice alarmed them!
In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs.
Tell you a dream: you will understand then.
What's the story?
Should I tell you?
Well, yes.

(Sits down.)

Let me... see... first
Flowery meadow; and I was looking
Some, I don’t remember in reality.
Suddenly a nice person, one of those we
We'll see - it's like we've known each other forever,
He appeared here with me; and insinuating and smart,
But timid... You know, who is born in poverty...
Oh! Mother, don’t finish the blow!
Anyone who is poor is not a match for you.
Then everything disappeared: the meadows and the skies. -
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opens up - and you are out of there
Pale as death, and hair on end!
Then the doors opened with thunder
Some are not people or animals
We were separated - and they tortured the one sitting with me.
It’s like he’s dearer to me than all the treasures,
I want to go to him - you bring with you:
We are accompanied by groans, roars, laughter, and whistles of monsters!
He shouts after him!..
Woke up. - Someone says -
Your voice was; What, I think, is it so early?
I run here and find you both.
I heard your voice.
It's funny.
They were given my voice, and how well
He is heard by everyone, and he calls everyone until dawn!
He was in a hurry to hear my voice, why? - speak.
With papers, sir.
Yes! they were missing.
Have mercy that this suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!

(Gets up.)

Well, Sonyushka, I will give you peace:
Some dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger;
You were looking for some herbs,
I came across a friend quickly;
Get rid of the nonsense from your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little stock. -
Go, lie down, go to sleep again.


Let's go sort out the papers.

I was just carrying them for the report,
What cannot be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and many things are inappropriate.
I'm afraid, sir, I'm mortally afraid of one,
So that a multitude of them do not accumulate;
If you had given it free rein, it would have settled;
And for me, what matters and what doesn’t matter,
My custom is this:
Signed, off your shoulders.

(He leaves with Molchalin and lets him through at the door.)

Phenomenon 5

Sofia, Lisa.

Well, here's the holiday! Well, here's some fun for you!
However, no, it’s no laughing matter now;
The eyes are dark and the soul is frozen;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
What is the rumor to me? Whoever wants to, judges it that way,
Yes, father will force you to think:
Grouchy, restless, quick,
This has always been the case, but from now on...
You can judge...
I’m not judging by stories;
He will ban you; - good is still with me;
Otherwise, God have mercy, at once
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.
Just think how capricious happiness is!
It can be worse, you can get away with it;
When sad nothingness comes to mind,
We lost ourselves in music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to be protecting us;
No worries, no doubts...
And grief awaits around the corner.
That's it, sir, my stupid judgment
You never regret:
But here's the problem.
What better prophet do you need?
I kept repeating: there will be no good in love
Not forever and ever.
Like all Moscow people, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks,
And under the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, then
And money to live on, so he could give balls;
Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:
And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.
How cute! and it's fun for me to fear
Listen about the frunt and rows;
He never uttered a smart word, -
I don’t care what goes into the water.
Yes, sir, so to speak, he is talkative, but not very cunning;
But be a military man, be a civilian,
Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreich Chatsky!
Not to confuse you;
It's been a long time, can't turn it back
And I remember...
What do you remember? He's nice
He knows how to make everyone laugh;
He chats, jokes, it’s funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.
And that's all? as if? - Shedding tears,
I remember, poor thing, how he parted with you. -
“Why, sir, are you crying? live laughing..."
And he responded: “No wonder, Lisa, I’m crying:
Who knows what I will find when I return?
And how much I might lose!”
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years...
Listen, don’t take unnecessary liberties.
I was very windy, perhaps I acted
And I know, and I’m guilty; but where did it change?
To whom? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, it’s true that we were brought up and grew up with Chatsky;
The habit of being together every day inseparably
She bound us together with childhood friendship; but then
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And he rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again,
Demanding and distressed!!.
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
I'm especially happy with friends,
He thought highly of himself...
The desire to wander attacked him,
Oh! if someone loves someone,
Why search for the mind and travel so far?
Where is it running? in what areas?
They say he was treated in sour waters,
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - more freely.
And, of course, he’s happy where the people are funnier.
The one I love is not like this:
Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,
The enemy of insolence is always shy, timid,
Someone you can spend the whole night with like that!
We are sitting, and the yard has long since turned white,
What do you think? what are you doing?
God knows
Madam, is this my business?
He will take your hand and press it to your heart,
He will sigh from the depths of his soul,
Not a free word, and so the whole night passes,
Hand in hand, and doesn’t take his eyes off me. -
Laugh! is it possible! what reason did you give
Do I make you laugh like this?
Me, sir?.. your aunt has now come to mind,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her house,
Darling! wanted to bury
Out of frustration, I couldn’t:
I forgot to dye my hair
And three days later she turned gray.

(Continues to laugh.)

(with sadness)

That's how they'll talk about me later.

Forgive me, truly, as God is holy,
I wanted this stupid laugh
Helped to cheer you up a bit.

(They leave.)

Phenomenon 6

Sofia, Lisa, Servant, behind him Chatsky.

Alexander Andreich Chatsky is here to see you.


Phenomenon 7

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky.

It's barely light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

(Kisses your hand passionately.)

Well, kiss me, weren’t you waiting? speak!
Well, for the sake of it? No? Look at my face.
Surprised? and that's all? Here's the welcome!
It was as if no week had passed;
It feels like yesterday together
We're tired of each other;
Not a hair of love! how good they are!
And meanwhile, I won’t remember, without a soul,
I'm forty-five hours, without squinting my eyes,
More than seven hundred versts flew by - wind, storm;
And I was completely confused, and fell how many times -
And here is the reward for your exploits!

Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.
Are you for it? good morning.
However, who sincerely rejoices like that?
I think this is the last thing
Chilling people and horses,
I was just amusing myself.
Here, sir, if you were outside the doors,
By God, there are not five minutes,
How we remembered you here.
Madam, tell me yourself. -
Always, not just now. -
You cannot reproach me.
Whoever flashes by will open the door,
While passing through, by chance, from a stranger, from far away -
I have a question, even if I’m a sailor:
Did I meet you somewhere in the mail carriage?
Let's say so.
Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! -
Oh! My God! Am I really here again?
In Moscow! at your place! how can we recognize you!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age,
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father and madam, behind the picket; 4
Picket- card game.

We are in a dark corner, and it seems like this!
Do you remember? we'll be startled by the creaking of a table or a door...
Yes, sir, and now,
At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,
Inimitable, and you know it,
And therefore modest, do not look at the light.
Aren't you in love? please give me an answer
Without thought, complete embarrassment.
At least someone will be embarrassed
Quick questions and a curious look...
For mercy's sake, it's not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He made a match - he succeeded, but he missed.
All the same sense, and the same poems in the albums.
Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?
Where we are not.
Well, what about your father? all English club 5
English club(club) – a privileged noble club.

An ancient, faithful member to the grave?
Has your uncle jumped back his eyelid?
And this one, what’s his name, is he Turkish or Greek?
That little black one, on crane legs,
I don't know what his name is,
Wherever you go: here, like here,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the tabloid faces,
Who have been looking young for half a century?
They have millions of relatives, and with the help of their sisters
They will become related to all of Europe.
What about our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade;
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove, 6
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove...– In Griboyedov’s time, it was fashionable to paint the walls of rooms with flowers and trees.

He himself is fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we opened it together
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
There was a man hidden and clicking the nightingale,
Singer winter weather summer.
And that consumptive one, your relatives, the enemy of books,
To the scientific committee that settled 7
And that consumptive, your relatives, the enemy of books, who settled in the scientific committee...– The Scientific Committee was established in 1817. He supervised the publication educational literature, pursued a reactionary policy in matters of education.

And with a cry he demanded oaths,
So that no one knows or learns to read and write?
I am destined to see them again!
Will you get tired of living with them, and in whom you won’t find any stains?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!– inaccurate quote from a poem by G.R. Derzhavin “Harp” (1789):
The good news about our side is dear to us: the Fatherland and the smoke is sweet and pleasant to us...
I wish I could bring you and my aunt together,
To count everyone you know.
And auntie? all girl, Minerva? 9
Minerva- in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom.

All the maid of honor of Catherine the First?
Is the house full of pupils and mosquitoes?
Oh! Let's move on to education.
That now, just as in ancient times,
The regiments are busy recruiting teachers,
More in number, cheaper in price?
It’s not that they are far off in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize everyone
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, remember his cap, robe,
Index finger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds were disturbed,
As we have been accustomed to believe since early times,
That without the Germans we have no salvation! -
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, blown by the wind?
Is he not married yet?
On whom?
At least on some princess,
Pulcheria Andrevna, for example?
Dancemaster! is it possible!
Mix of languages?
Yes, two, you can’t live without it.
But it’s tricky to tailor one of them like yours.
At least not inflated.
Here's the news! - I'm taking advantage of the moment,
Enlivened by meeting you,
And talkative; isn't there a time,
That I am more stupid than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?
Haven't you broken the silence of the press yet?
There used to be songs where there were new notebooks
He sees and pesters: please write it off.
However, he will reach the known degrees,
After all, nowadays they love dumb.
(to the side)

Not a man, a snake!

(Loud and forced.)

I want to ask you:
Has it ever happened that you laughed? or sad?
A mistake? did they say good things about anyone?
At least not now, but in childhood, maybe.

When is everything so soft? both tender and immature?
Why so long ago? Here's a good deed for you:
The calls are just ringing
And day and night across the snowy desert,
I’m rushing to you at breakneck speed.
And how do I find you? in some strict rank!
I can endure the cold for half an hour!
The face of the most holy praying mantis!..
And yet I love you without memory. -

(A minute's silence.)

Listen, are my words really all caustic words?
And tend to harm someone?
But if so: the mind and heart are not in harmony.
I'm eccentric to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me to go into the fire: I’ll go as if for dinner.

Yes, good - you will burn, if not?
Phenomenon 8

Sofia, Lisa, Chatsky, Famusov.

Here's another one!
Ah, father, sleep in hand.


(following her in a low voice)

Damn dream.

Phenomenon 9

Famusov, Chatsky(looks at the door through which Sofia went out).

Well, you threw it away!
I haven’t written two words for three years!
And it suddenly burst out, as if from the clouds.

(They hug.)

Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, tea, you're ready
A meeting of important news?
Sit down, announce it quickly.

(Sit down)


How Sofya Pavlovna has become prettier for you!

You young people have nothing else to do,
How to notice girlish beauty:
She said something casually, and you,
I am filled with hopes, bewitched.
Oh! no, I’m not spoiled enough by hopes.
“A dream in my hand,” she deigned to whisper to me.
So you thought...
I? - Not at all.
Who was she dreaming about? what's happened?
I'm not a dream teller.
Don't believe her, everything is empty.
I believe my own eyes;
I haven’t met you in ages, I’ll give you a subscription.
So that it would be at least a little like her!
He's all his own. Yes, tell me in detail,
Where were you? wandered for so many years!
Where from now?
Now who cares?
I wanted to travel around the whole world,
And he didn’t travel a hundredth part.

(Gets up hastily.)

Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you soon,
Didn't go home. Farewell! In one hour
When I show up, I won’t forget the slightest detail;
You first, then you tell it everywhere.

(At the door.)

How good!


Phenomenon 10

Which of the two?
"Oh! Father, sleep in hand!
And he says it out loud to me!
Well, my fault! What a blessing I gave to the hook!
Molchalin made me doubtful.
Now... and halfway out of the fire:
That beggar, that dandy friend;
He is a notorious spendthrift, a tomboy;
What kind of commission, creator,
To be a father to an adult daughter!


End of Act I


Phenomenon 1

Famusov, Servant.

Parsley, you are always with new clothes,
With a torn elbow. Get out the calendar;
Don't read like a sexton
And with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.
Just wait. - On a sheet of paper, scribble on a note,
Against next week:
To Praskovya Fedorovna's house
On Tuesday I'm invited to go trout fishing.
How wonderful the light has been created!
Philosophize, your mind will spin;
Either you take care, then it’s lunch:
Eat for three hours, but in three days it won’t cook!
Mark that same day... No, no.
On Thursday I am invited to the funeral.
Oh, the human race! has fallen into oblivion
That everyone should climb there themselves,
In that little box where you can neither stand nor sit.
But whoever intends to leave a memory
Living a commendable life, here is an example:
The deceased was a venerable chamberlain,
With the key, he knew how to deliver the key to his son; 10
The deceased was a respectable chamberlain, with a key, and he knew how to deliver the key to his son...– Chamberlains (a court rank) wore a golden key on their ceremonial uniforms.

Rich, and married to a rich woman;
Married children, grandchildren;
Died; everyone remembers him sadly.
Kuzma Petrovich! Peace be upon him! -
What kind of aces live and die in Moscow! -
Write: on Thursday, one to one,
Or maybe on Friday, or maybe on Saturday,
I have to baptize a widow, a doctor's wife.
She didn't give birth, but according to calculation
In my opinion: she should give birth...
Phenomenon 2

Famusov, Servant, Chatsky.

A! Alexander Andreich, please,
Sit down.
Are you busy?

(The servant leaves.)

Yes, we put various things in the book as a keepsake,
It will be forgotten, just look. -At least from time immemorial
No wonder they called him Father.

Let me woo you, what would you tell me?
I would say, firstly: don’t be a whim,
Brother, don’t mismanage your property,
And, most importantly, go ahead and serve.
I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.
That's it, you are all proud!
Would you ask what the fathers did?
We would learn by looking at our elders:
We, for example, or the deceased uncle,
Maxim Petrovich: he’s not on silver,
Ate on gold; one hundred people at your service;
All in orders; drove forever in a train:
A century at court, and at what court!
Then it was not the same as now,
He served under the Empress Catherine.
And in those days everyone is important! forty pounds...
Take a bow - they won’t nod at stupid people. 11
...they won’t nod when they’re stupid– Toupey is an ancient hairstyle: a bun of hair gathered at the back of the head.

Nobleman in case 12
A nobleman in case...- that is, in favor, favorite.
– even more so;
Not like anyone else, and he drank and ate differently.
And uncle! what is your prince? what's the count?
Serious look, arrogant disposition.
When do you need to help yourself?
And he bent over:
On the kurtag 13
Kurtag– reception day at the palace.
he happened to step on his feet;
He fell so hard that he almost hit the back of his head;
The old man groaned, his voice hoarse;
He was granted the highest smile;
They deigned to laugh; what about him?
He stood up, straightened up, wanted to bow,
It suddenly fell in a row - on purpose,
And the laughter is worse, and the third time it’s the same.
A? what do you think? in our opinion, he is smart.
He fell painfully, but got up well.
But it happened in whist 14
Whist- card game.
who is invited more often?
Who hears a friendly word at court?
Maxim Petrovich! Who knew honor before everyone?
Maxim Petrovich! Joke!
Who promotes you to ranks and gives you pensions?
Maxim Petrovich. Yes! You, the current ones, come on! -
And sure enough, the world began to grow stupid,
You can say with a sigh;
How to compare and see
The present century and the past:
The legend is fresh, but hard to believe;
As he was famous for, whose neck bent more often;
How not in war, but in peace they took it head on;
They hit the floor without regret!
Who needs it: those are arrogant, they lie in the dust,
And for those who are higher, flattery is like weaving lace.
It was an age of obedience and fear,
All under the guise of zeal for the king.
I'm not talking about your uncle;
We will not disturb his ashes:
But meanwhile, who will the hunt take,
Even in the most ardent servility,
Now, to make people laugh,
Bravely sacrifice the back of your head?
And a peer, and an old man
Another, looking at that leap,
And crumbling into old skin,
Tea, he said: “Ah!” I wish I could too!
Although there are hunters everywhere to be mean,
Yes, nowadays laughter frightens and keeps shame in check;
I stopped...
Perhaps have mercy.

Fragment of an illustration by D. N. Kardovsky “A carriage for me, a carriage!”

Early in the morning, the maid Lisa knocks on the young lady’s bedroom. Sophia does not respond immediately: she spent the whole night talking with her lover, her father’s secretary Molchalin, who lives in the same house.

Sophia's father, Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, appears silently and flirts with Lisa, who barely manages to fight off the master. Frightened that he might be heard, Famusov disappears.

Leaving Sophia, Molchalin runs into Famusov at the door, who asks what the secretary is doing here at such an early hour? Famusov, who uses his own “monastic behavior” as an example, is somehow calmed down.

Left alone with Liza, Sophia dreamily recalls the night that flashed by so quickly, when she and Molchalin “lost themselves in the music, and time passed so smoothly,” and the maid could barely restrain her laughter.

Lisa reminds the lady of her former heartfelt inclination, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, who has been wandering in foreign lands for three years. Sophia says that her relationship with Chatsky did not go beyond the boundaries of childhood friendship. She compares Chatsky with Molchalin and finds in the latter virtues (sensitivity, timidity, altruism) that Chatsky does not have.

Suddenly Chatsky himself appears. He bombards Sophia with questions: what's new in Moscow? How are their mutual acquaintances, who seem funny and absurd to Chatsky, doing? Without any ulterior motive, he speaks unflatteringly about Molchalin, who has probably made a career (“after all, nowadays they love the dumb”).

Sophia is so offended by this that she whispers to herself: “Not a person, a snake!”

Famusov enters, also not too happy about Chatsky’s visit, and asks where Chatsky has been and what he’s been doing. Chatsky promises to tell him everything in the evening, since he hasn’t even managed to go home yet.

In the afternoon, Chatsky again appears at Famusov’s house and asks Pavel Afanasyevich about his daughter. Famusov is wary, is Chatsky aiming for a suitor? How would Famusov react to this? - in turn, the young man inquires. Famusov avoids a direct answer, advising the guest to first put things in order and achieve success in his career.

“I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served,” declares Chatsky. Famusov reproaches him for being too “prideful” and uses his late uncle as an example, who achieved rank and wealth by servilely serving the empress.

Chatsky is not at all happy with this example. He finds that the “age of obedience and fear” is becoming a thing of the past, and Famusov is outraged by these “free-thinking speeches”; he does not even want to listen to such attacks on the “golden age.”

The servant reports the arrival of a new guest, Colonel Skalozub, whom Famusov courtes in every possible way, considering him a profitable suitor. Skalozub innocently boasts of his career successes, which were by no means achieved through military exploits.

Famusov delivers a lengthy panegyric to the Moscow nobility with its hospitality, conservative old men, nobles, power-hungry matrons and girls who know how to present themselves. He recommends Chatsky to Skalozub, and Famusov’s praise for Chatsky almost sounds like an insult. Unable to bear it, Chatsky bursts into a monologue in which he attacks those flatterers and serf-owners who admire the owner of the house, denouncing their “weakness, poverty of reason.”

Skalozub, who understood little from Chatsky’s speeches, agrees with him in his assessment of the pompous guardsmen. The army, in the opinion of the brave servant, is no worse than the “Guardians”.

Sophia runs in and rushes to the window shouting: “Oh, my God, I fell, I killed myself!” It turns out that it was Molchalin who “cracked” from his horse (Skalozub’s expression).

Chatsky wonders: why is Sophia so scared? Soon Molchalin arrives and reassures those present - nothing terrible has happened.

Sophia tries to justify her careless impulse, but only strengthens Chatsky’s suspicions.

Left alone with Molchalin, Sophia worries about his health, and he is concerned about her incontinence (“Evil tongues are worse than a pistol”).

After a conversation with Sophia, Chatsky comes to the conclusion that she cannot love such an insignificant person, but nevertheless struggles with the riddle: who is her lover?

Chatsky starts a conversation with Molchalin and becomes even stronger in his opinion: it is impossible to love someone whose virtues boil down to “moderation and accuracy,” someone who does not dare to have his own opinion and bows down to nobility and power.

Guests continue to come to Famusov for the evening. The first to arrive are the Gorichevs, old acquaintances of Chatsky, with whom he talks in a friendly manner, warmly remembering the past.

Other persons also appear (the princess with six daughters, Prince Tugoukhovsky, etc.) and carry on the most empty conversations. The countess-granddaughter tries to prick Chatsky, but he easily and wittily parries her attack.

Gorich introduces Zagoretsky to Chatsky, characterizing the latter straight to his face as a “swindler” and a “rogue,” but he pretends that he is not at all offended.

Khlestova arrives, a powerful old woman who does not tolerate any objections. Chatsky, Skalozub and Molchalin pass in front of her. Khlestova expresses her favor only to Famusov’s secretary, as he praises her dog. Addressing Sophia, Chatsky is ironic about this. Sophia is infuriated by Chatsky’s sarcastic speech, and she decides to take revenge for Molchalin. Moving from one group of guests to another, she gradually hints that Chatsky seems to be out of his mind.

This rumor immediately spreads throughout the living room, and Zagoretsky adds new details: “They grabbed me, took me to the yellow house, and put me on a chain.” Final verdict the countess-grandmother, deaf and almost out of her mind, makes it out: Chatsky is an infidel and a Voltairian. In the general chorus of indignant voices, all other freethinkers also get their share - professors, chemists, fabulists...

Chatsky, wandering lost in a crowd of people alien to him in spirit, encounters Sophia and indignantly attacks the Moscow nobility, which bows before nonentity only because it had the good fortune to be born in France. Chatsky himself is convinced that the “smart” and “cheerful” Russian people and their customs are in many ways higher and better than foreign ones, but no one wants to listen to him. Everyone is waltzing with the greatest zeal.

The guests are already beginning to leave when another old acquaintance of Chatsky, Repetilov, rushes in headlong. He rushes to Chatsky with open arms, right off the bat begins to repent of various sins and invites Chatsky to visit the “most secret union” consisting of “decisive people” who fearlessly talk about “important mothers.” However, Chatsky, who knows the value of Repetilov, briefly characterizes the activities of Repetilov and his friends: “You make noise and that’s all!”

Repetilov switches to Skalozub, telling him the sad story of his marriage, but even here he does not find mutual understanding. Repetilov manages to enter into a conversation with only one Zagoretsky, and even then the subject of their discussion becomes Chatsky’s madness. Repetilov does not believe the rumor at first, but the others persistently convince him that Chatsky is a real madman.

Chatsky, who lingered in the doorman's room, hears all this and is indignant at the slanderers. He is worried about only one thing - does Sophia know about his “madness”? It can’t even occur to him that it was she who started this rumor.

Lisa appears in the lobby, followed by a sleepy Molchalin. The maid reminds Molchalin that the young lady is waiting for him. Molchalin admits to her that he is courting Sophia so as not to lose her affection and thereby strengthen his position, but he really only likes Lisa.

This is heard by Sophia quietly approaching and Chatsky hiding behind a column. An angry Sophia steps forward: “Terrible man! I’m ashamed of myself, the walls.” Molchalin tries to deny what was said, but Sophia is deaf to his words and demands that he leave his benefactor’s house today.

Chatsky also gives vent to his feelings and exposes Sophia’s treachery. A crowd of servants, led by Famusov, comes running to the noise. He threatens to send his daughter to her aunt, into the Saratov wilderness, and to assign Liza to a poultry house.

Chatsky laughs bitterly at his own blindness, and at Sophia, and at all of Famusov’s like-minded people, in whose company it is truly difficult to maintain sanity. Exclaiming: “I’ll go search around the world, / Where there is a corner for the offended feeling!” - he leaves forever the house that was once so dear to him.

Famusov himself is most concerned about “what / Princess Marya Aleksevna will say!”
