Emigration and emigrants. Famous Ukrainian writers and poets

Lesson #3

Topic: Our famous fellow countrymen.

Goal: -Introduce children to famous fellow countrymen. Teach children to follow the example of such people;

Instill patriotic feelings, strengthen feelings of pride and dignity

To foster a sense of pride for our Motherland and its outstanding sons.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment
Invented by someone, simply and wisely,
When meeting, greet: “Good morning!”
- Good morning to the sun and birds!
- Good morning to smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting,
AND Good morning lasts until evening.

Teacher: I wish you all that a good and sunny mood will accompany you throughout the lesson.

Learning new material.

Donbass is written about in geography,

That Donbass is a land of coal and metal.

Right. But for full biography

It's very dry, very little.

It seems there is a song about Donbass,

Waste heaps and copra are sung.

That's right, there are some. I agree.

These are just external signs.

Well, where are the people? They are not visible...

That's why I'm sad and offended...

Donbass is famous people who glorified our region beyond its borders.

Be a patriot of the country,
The glorious path is paved with legend!
Don't forget history
The victories are glorious, big.
And be able to understand for yourself -
Who should we take as an example for life?

Teacher. In our region, in the Donetsk region, many people were born who later became famous throughout the world. They have made a huge contribution to the development of many industries. They were awarded high awards for their high achievements in various fields. Let's name some of them.

Microphone method Tell us about your fellow countryman.

Sergey Shemuk

In August 1935, in one shift at the mine, Alexey Stakhanov managed to extract 102 tons of coal, with a norm of 7 tons. 75 years later, in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk region, his record was broken by almost double the margin. The author of the record is the famous miner of the Novodzerzhinsk mine Sergei Shemuk, who produced 170 tons of coal in one shift. In one working day, he exceeded the plan for the entire site, which usually employs about 20 people, and at the same time exceeded the production plan by 2023%. Sergey Shemuk is the youngest honored miner of Ukraine, as well as a Hero of Ukraine, a full holder of the “Miner’s Glory” and “Miner’s Valor” badges.

Most strong man

Dmitry Khaladzhi

Donetsk hero Dmitry Khaladzhi is one of the most strong people planet and the only person in Ukraine capable of setting five records in one hour. Khalaji can lift five pounds with one hand, performs a “cross” with weights on his little fingers and presses two weights in one hand. Khalaji's signature trick is to tie several 20-centimeter nails in a knot in a minute. One of Dmitry’s famous feats is breaking the record of the ancient Greek athlete Bibon, who lifted a projectile weighing almost 144 kg with one hand. The shell has survived to this day, but perhaps only Dmitry can lift it. Khalaji made his own projectile weighing 152 kg and lifted it with one hand, twice - the second time for those who did not have time to take a photo.

Bird Man

Sergey Bubka

One of the most famous track and field athletes in the world, Sergei Bubka, was born in Voroshilovgrad (now Lugansk), but made his sports career in Donetsk and thereby adorned the constellation of the Donetsk sports galaxy. The harmonious development of strength, speed and technique turned Sergei into a champion who set record after record throughout his entire sports career. Sergei set 35 world records, and his achievements were in high jump (6 m 14 cm in an open stadium and 6 m 15 cm in a hall).

Solovyanenko Anatoly Borisovich (09.25.1932) - singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1975), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1980). Since 1965 Worked at the Ukrainian Opera and Ballet Theater.

Kobzon Joseph Davidovich (09/11/1937) was born in the city of Chasov Yar, Donetsk region, People's Artist of the USSR (1987), People's Artist of Ukraine (1991).

The list of our famous fellow countrymen can be continued endlessly. I hope that your names will one day glorify our Donetsk region. There are many, many more names that can be listed of people who brought glory to the Donetsk region and glorified it throughout the centuries. These are the ones you already know:

Beregovoy Georgy – pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR

Solovyanenko Anatoly - singer, People's Artist of the USSR

Ponomarev Ruslan – World Chess Champion

Kobzon Joseph - singer, People's Artist of the USSR

Prokofiev Sergei – composer

Bykov Leonid – actor, director

Pisarev Vadim – People's Artist of Ukraine

Martynov Evgeniy – composer, singer

Sosyura Vladimir - poet

Stus Vasily - poet, dissident

Quiet Oleksa – human rights activist, dissident, public figure

Filaret – Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate

We must also name those who brought glory not only to Donbass; metallurgist Makar Mazai; tractor driver Pasha Angelina and many others.

Lesson summary. Teacher: Yes, Donbass is our homeland. We love her, we are proud of her. Maybe, poetic word more able to sing and glorify Donbass. The poetry of Vladimir Sosyura, our fellow countryman, who was born here, reflects the feelings of each of us, and we say with an exciting heart: “Donetsk region, you are the land of my ancestors, and my land. I feel your warmth, your care. I am your child, I am combined with you."

Teacher: Outstanding people surround us everywhere. These are the workers of our city

Yes! Our land is truly rich in talents. Each of you carries within you a grain of talent from your native Donbass land. You have a great bright future ahead of you. And what it will be like depends only on you. Go for it! Be brave and persistent, conquer the peaks and create glorious stories in our region. You guys are the heirs of our city: its history, its culture, all those riches that were created by the hands of older generations. You must multiply its traditions, work in its fields, write poems and songs about it.

People should not forget their history, their roots. The memory should be kept in everyone's heart.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The legendary Merciless Author of the famous lines “No one brought the Donbass to its knees and no one has the power to bring it to its knees” Pavel Ivanov (Merciless - a pseudonym that later became a surname - he very harshly branded the bourgeoisie in his poems) was born in the Smolensk province. Then the family moved to our region. He published the collections “Stone Book”, “Mountain Flame”, “Cranes Are Flying Over the Mine”, “Miner Poems”, “Donetsk Expanses”... He helped a lot - both with advice and deeds - to aspiring writers. In May it will be 45 years since the death of this bright man, after whom streets in Gorlovka and Donetsk are named.

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Song Plyatskovsky Enakievets Mikhail Plyatskovsky at one time worked in the local factory circulation “For Metal”. He described the beauty of his native land, romanticized the work of the metallurgical plant. And even then, according to the former chairman of the Donetsk regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine Stanislav Zhukovsky, who was friends with the author of the future hits “Lada”, “The Roof of Your House”, “Mother’s Eyes”, “After Two Winters”, tried to hum his poems. Then he left to conquer Moscow. And he conquered the entire Union.

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The fabulous Kostyrya Ivan Sergeevich was born in the Dnepropetrovsk region, and began writing in Kyiv while studying at a medical institute. But he created his main works on Donetsk soil. For eight years he worked as a doctor in Gorlovka - first as a pediatrician, then as a child psychiatrist. Finally, I plunged headlong into creativity. He gave us “The Tale of the Solar Brothers”, “How the animals gained intelligence.” And, of course, “Thoughts about Donbass,” where legends, miners’ tales, and real facts were intricately intertwined. It was Kostyrya who initiated the letter to scientists, the result of which was the assignment of the name Donbass to the small planet No. 19916, discovered in 1976.

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Medical Grossman Few people know, but the creator of the great novel “Life and Fate”, born in the Zhitomir region, also came into contact with the mining region. From 1929 to 1932, Vasily Semyonovich lived in Donetsk. He worked as an assistant chemist at the regional Institute of Pathology and Occupational Health, and was also an assistant at the Department of General Chemistry at the Medical Institute. Two years after leaving for Moscow, Grossman published a story about the life of miners and factory intelligentsia - “Gluckauf”. It was published in the newspaper Literary Donbass with the support of Maxim Gorky.

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Historical Le Classic Ukrainian historical novel(“Nalivaiko”, “Bogdan Khmelnitsky”) Ivan Le (in fact, his last name is Moysya - from his native village of Moisentsy, in the Cherkassy region) came to Artyomovsk in 1929 already as a venerable writer. He was 35 at that time, collections of stories had been published, and “The Intermountain Novel” was being written. But even in our region, where Le edited the magazine “Slaughter” for two years, he found room for creativity. About the Donbass, his “Rhythms of a Miner”, “Integral” (in this story he gives, as it were, his own version of the ending of “Moloch”, transferring the action, and with it some of Kuprin’s heroes, to the years of the first five-year plan), “Two days in Novokramatorsk”. ..

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Just Shutov Poet and prose writer, defender of Leningrad from the occupiers, and our heroes from oblivion, honorary citizen of Donetsk. All this is Viktor Shutov. He left us a rich legacy: collections of poetry, novels, books for children, stories, essays about Donetsk. And, of course, songs about our region - “Miner’s Lyrical”, “City of Blue Waste Heaps”, “Beloved Donbass”, “Saur-Mogila”. Thanks to his tenacity, fighting spirit, and thirst for justice, the books “Looking Death in the Face”, “Ordinary Underground” and others appeared, revealing the truth about the activities of the Donetsk underground fighters during the years of occupation. A street in the regional center, as well as a literary prize, are named after Shutov.

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The warm-hearted Rybalko, a front-line soldier who received three Orders of the Red Star and lost his sight after being wounded in February 1945 at the Oder bridgehead, glorified Kramatorsk, of which he became an honorary resident. Since the 50s, he published 25 collections of poetry, becoming in 1968 the laureate of the Republican Komsomol Prize named after. Nikolai Ostrovsky (for “The Road to Heights”), and in 1985 - laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after. Shevchenko (for the book “The Never-Settling Star”). The title of one of the collections - “Through the Eyes of the Heart” - explains why Nikolai Alexandrovich’s poetry was so popular (letters came to him from all over the USSR). Alexander Bilash’s song based on Rybalko’s verses “I lived in such times” became a laureate of the all-Union television competition “Song-75”.

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Unbending Stus The famous dissident, who became posthumously a Hero of Ukraine, spent his school and student years in our region. He taught for some time in Gorlovka, and in 1963 he worked for our newspaper as a literary editor for seven months. In the mining region, Vasily Semyonovich began to write. So much so that the famous modern writer Oksana Zabuzhko, reading his poem “Bald Mountain” during a visit to Donetsk, called it “a lyrical map of Donbass, given by Stus, where in the very phonetics you can hear the howls of the Donetsk winds.” It was the Donetsk region, according to Oksana Stefanovna, that shaped his personality. Recently at the regional scientific library named after. Krupskaya was discovered literary museum Vasily Stus, the main part of which migrated from Gorlovka.

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Exciting Sosyura A native of Debaltsevo began as an agronomist. Drank miner's labor, civil war(and fought first on the side of the UPR, then for the Red Army), during the Great Patriotic War he was a war correspondent, in 1951 he became the object of persecution after an article in the newspaper Pravda, which accused him of “bourgeois nationalism” for the famous poem "Love Ukraine." The authorities either favored the poet (the revolutionary-romantic poem “Chervona Winter”, written in 1922, brought him fame), then lowered him to the very top... Exciting, like his life, Sosyura, who created a huge amount of intimate love lyrics, became a laureate of the Stalin Prize, was awarded two Orders of Lenin.

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Artyomovsky Gorbatov Co-author of scripts for the television films “It Was in the Donbass”, “The Unconquered” and “Donetsk Miners”, one of the founders of the association of proletarian writers of Donbass “Zaboi”, father of the famous novel “Donbass” - originally from the Lugansk region. He spent most of his life in Moscow, where he was buried Novodevichy Cemetery. But he also spent a lot of time in our region, namely in Artyomovsk (then Bakhmut). Here Boris Leontievich graduated from school, found his calling, and began to publish. At the age of 14, he was already a workers' correspondent for the provincial "Stoker". For some time he worked as a metal planer at the Kramatorsk plant, and then plunged headlong into journalism. Gorbatov created his first stories and novel (“Nashgorod”) on Donetsk soil.

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Filmed by Rozdobudko This Donetsk woman is now one of the top 10 most published Ukrainian writers. Winner of three national competitions“Coronation of the Word”, winner of the international literary prize named after. Prince Yuri Dolgorukov. Based on the works of our countrywoman, full-length films and TV series “Button”, “Autumn Flowers”, “Mysterious Island”, “Trap” were shot. As she admitted to Donbass, her childhood memories associated with life in the Kalininsky district of Donetsk were reflected in the novels “Yakbi” (“If ...”), “The Sixth Door”.

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Fantastic Berezin We also have creators parallel realities and other worlds. Donetsk resident Fyodor Berezin, who served as a missile officer in Kazakhstan and then in the Far East, retired to the reserve with the rank of captain and returned to his hometown. He was an entrepreneur, a miner. And 15 years ago I took up writing. No joke - in 2001 he founded the club of fantasy lovers “Strannik” in the capital of the region, and also took first place in international festival science fiction "Star Bridge" in the category "Best Debut" (for the novel "Ashes"). Berezin defines his genre as “fantasy-philosophical techno-thriller.” His books are published by Moscow publishing houses.

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Talents are endless! Among those who glorified our region was the author of the trilogy “The Tale of a Harsh Friend”, “The Fate of Ilyusha Barabanov” and “Red Sabers”, as well as many short stories, tales and essays dedicated to our region (“Lights of Donbass”, “Miners’ Tales” ", "Battle on the Kalmius River") Leonid Zharikov; Pavel Baidebura, who raised the local writers' organization after the liberation of Donbass; the magnificent lyricist Natalya Khatkina (since 2010, a literary competition has been held in Donetsk in memory of her); laureates of the USSR State Prize Sergei Borzenkov and Vladimir Popov; laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine - Leonid Talalay and Ivan Dzyuba. The poetic work of Anatoly Kravchenko was awarded the All-Ukrainian Prize named after. Ushakov and international named after. Vinnichenko. The latter was also received by the poet Vladimir Kalinichenko and the prose writer, long-term “helmsman” of the literary magazine “Donbass” Viktor Logachev. The head of the region's writers' organization, the author of humorous prose Pavel Kushch, is our only fellow countryman awarded the prize. Ostap Cherry. Donetsk resident Oleg Zavyazkin with the collection “Malyava. Poems about death and love" won the 2007 international competition"Russian Prize"

N. Izotov A. Stakhanov P. Angelina

Izotov Nikita Alekseevich(January 27 (February 9), 1902 - January 14, 1951) - miner worker, initiator of the Isotov movement for the mass training of young workers by cadre workers, one of the founders of the Stakhanov movement.

Nikita Alekseevich Izotov was born on January 27 (February 9), 1902 in the family of a peasant in the Oryol province. Since 1914, he worked as an auxiliary worker at a briquette factory in Gorlovka, then as a fireman at the Korsun Mine No. 1 - the future Kochegarka mine, and took part in the restoration of the mine after the Civil War.

Working as a miner at mine No. 1 "Kochegarka" (Gorlovka), he achieved high labor productivity, invariably fulfilling 3-4 standards. In 1932, the miner of mine No. 1 “Kochegarka” (Gorlovka) Nikita Alekseevich Izotov achieved unprecedented production, fulfilling the coal production plan in January by 562%, in May by 558%, and in June by 2000% (607 tons in 6 hours). Simple in its essence, Izotov’s method is based on a thorough study of the coal seam, the ability to quickly secure mine workings, clear organization of work, and keeping tools in order.

Alexey Grigorievich Stakhanov - innovator of the coal industry, founder of the Stakhanov movement, Hero of Socialist Labor.

Stakhanov Alexey Grigorievich born on December 21, 1905 in the village of Lugovaya, Oryol region. His working career began at the age of 12. Grandfather and father went south to earn money. When Alexey turned 21, he came to Donbass, with whom he linked his destiny as a miner. He worked as a horse driver and then as a miner at the Tsentralnoye-Irmino mine in the Lugansk region (Kadievka).

Since 1933 Stakhanov Alexey Grigorievich worked as a jackhammer operator.

In 1935 Stakhanov Alexey Grigorievich He completed a miner's course at the mine. On the night of August 30-31, 1935, during a shift (5 hours 45 minutes) he produced 102 tons of coal at a rate of 7 tons, exceeding the rate 14 times and setting a record. According to the official version, the reason for the unprecedented achievement Stakhanov consisted of skillful use of a jackhammer, which in itself was a miracle of modern technology in those years.

Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna (Pasha Angelina) is one of the founders of socialist competition in agriculture, the organizer and foreman of the first women's tractor brigade. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Author of the book about collective farm activists “People of Collective Farm Fields”

Born Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna December 30, 1912 (January 12, 1913) in the village (now an urban settlement) Starobeshevo, Stalin, now Donetsk region.

Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna one of the first women tractor drivers. Her name is included in the list of the most outstanding people of all countries.

In 1929 Angelina Praskovya Nikitichna She graduated from tractor driving courses and began working as a tractor driver at the Staro-Beshevsky Machine and Tractor Station (MTS).

In 1933, she organized a women's tractor brigade in this MTS and headed it.

In 1933-34, the women's tractor brigade took first place in MTS, fulfilling the plan by 129 percent. After that Pasha Angelina becomes the central figure of the campaign campaign for technical education women.

Makar Mazai Petr Krivonos

Makar Nikitovich Mazai(1910, village Olginskaya, Krasnodar Territory - 1941, Mariupol) - steelmaker at the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant named after Ilyich, an innovative worker, initiator of the competition for high volumes of steel production. In 1930 he became a laborer at the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant. In 1935 – steelmaker of the open-hearth shop. In 1936, he was one of the founders of the high-speed steelmaking movement. The country was developing, and more and more steel was needed. Makar Mazai proposed a risky solution: to deepen the open-hearth furnace bath and at the same time raise the height of the open-hearth furnace roof. After this, it was possible to pour much more charge into the furnace than before. In October 1936, Makar Mazai set one after another records for removing steel from a square meter of furnace bottom with a maximum result of 15 tons in 6 hours 30 minutes. After this, his experience and methods of work spread throughout the country.

During the great years Patriotic War Makar Mazai did not have time to evacuate and remained in occupied Mariupol. He was captured and shot after prolonged torture for refusing to cooperate with the Germans.

Petr Fedorovich Krivonos born on June 29 (July 12), 1910 in the city of Feodosia in the family of a railway worker. In 1913 the family moved to the city of Slavyansk. After graduating from seven-year school, he worked as a mechanic in a locomotive depot. In 1926-1929. studied at the FZU school in the city of Slavyansk. In 1929, after graduating from college, he began working at the locomotive depot of Slavyansk, Donetsk railway. In 1935, as a locomotive driver, he was the first in transport when driving freight trains to increase the boost of the steam locomotive's boiler, due to which the technical speed was doubled, to 46-47 km/h. The name of Peter Krivonos is associated with the opening of the Children's Railway in Kyiv, in Syretsky Park. On August 2, 1953, on Railwayman's Day, children rode in blue and dark red carriages, and the first train was driven by the legendary Pyotr Krivonos. It was also on his initiative that the IS steam locomotive was placed on a pedestal at the city’s central station, which is currently the only complete representative of the series preserved.

Questions and tasks:

1. Why is the world’s first monument to a working man dedicated to miner N. Izotov?
2. Why is the achievement of miner Alexei Stakhanov called an “eternal record”?
3. How did the appearance of the tractor affect the fate of Pasha Angelina?
4. Why is steelmaker Makar Mazai called “the one who lights up the light”?
5. How did the driver Pyotr Krivonos “fly” on the rails instead of the sky?

On the eve of World Writers Day, which is celebrated on March 3, we propose to remember the most famous names of these creators who were born in our region or lived here for some time and created famous works.

Legendary Merciless

The author of the famous lines “No one brought Donbass to its knees and no one has the power to bring it to its knees,” Pavel Ivanov (Besposhchadny - a pseudonym that later became a surname - very harshly branded the bourgeoisie in his poems) was born in the Smolensk province. Then the family moved to our region. He published the collections “Stone Book”, “Mountain Flame”, “Cranes Are Flying Over the Mine”, “Miner Poems”, “Donetsk Expanses”... He helped a lot - both with advice and deeds - to aspiring writers. In May it will be 45 years since the death of this bright man, after whom streets in Gorlovka and Donetsk are named.

Song Plyatskovsky

Yenakievite Mikhail Plyatskovsky at one time worked in the local factory circulation “For Metal”. He described the beauty of his native land, romanticized the work of the metallurgical plant. And even then, according to the former chairman of the Donetsk regional organization of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine Stanislav Zhukovsky, who was friends with the author of the future hits “Lada”, “The Roof of Your House”, “Mother’s Eyes”, “After Two Winters”, tried to hum his poems. Then he left to conquer Moscow. And he conquered the entire Union.

Fabulous Kostyrya

Ivan Sergeevich was born in the Dnepropetrovsk region, and began writing in Kyiv while studying at a medical institute. But he created his main works on Donetsk soil. For eight years he worked as a doctor in Gorlovka - first as a pediatrician, then as a child psychiatrist. Finally, I plunged headlong into creativity. He gave us “The Tale of the Solar Brothers”, “How the animals gained intelligence.” And, of course, “Thoughts about Donbass,” where legends, miners’ tales, and real facts were intricately intertwined. It was Kostyrya who initiated the letter to scientists, the result of which was the assignment of the name Donbass to the small planet No. 19916, discovered in 1976.

Medical Grossman

Few people know, but the creator of the great novel “Life and Fate,” who was born in the Zhytomyr region, also came into contact with the mining region. From 1929 to 1932, Vasily Semyonovich lived in Donetsk. He worked as an assistant chemist at the regional Institute of Pathology and Occupational Health, and was also an assistant at the Department of General Chemistry at the Medical Institute. Two years after leaving for Moscow, Grossman published a story about the life of miners and factory intelligentsia - “Gluckauf”. It was published in the newspaper Literary Donbass with the support of Maxim Gorky.

Historic Le

A classic of the Ukrainian historical novel (“Nalivaiko”, “Bogdan Khmelnytsky”) Ivan Le (in fact, his last name is Moysya - from his native village of Moisentsy, in the Cherkassy region) came to Artyomovsk in 1929 already as a venerable writer. He was 35 at that time, collections of stories had been published, and “The Intermountain Novel” was being written. But even in our region, where Le edited the magazine “Slaughter” for two years, he found room for creativity. About the Donbass, his “Rhythms of a Miner”, “Integral” (in this story he gives, as it were, his own version of the ending of “Moloch”, transferring the action, and with it some of Kuprin’s heroes, to the years of the first five-year plan), “Two days in Novokramatorsk”. ..

Fair Jester

Poet and prose writer, defender of Leningrad from the occupiers, and our heroes from oblivion, honorary citizen of Donetsk. All this is Viktor Shutov. He left us a rich legacy: collections of poetry, novels, books for children, stories, essays about Donetsk. And, of course, songs about our region - “Miner’s Lyrical”, “City of Blue Waste Heaps”, “Beloved Donbass”, “Saur-Mogila”. Thanks to his tenacity, fighting spirit, and thirst for justice, the books “Looking Death in the Face”, “Ordinary Underground” and others appeared, revealing the truth about the activities of the Donetsk underground fighters during the years of occupation. A street in the regional center, as well as a literary prize, are named after Shutov.

Heart Rybalko

The front-line soldier, who received three Orders of the Red Star and lost his sight after being wounded in February 1945 at the Oder bridgehead, glorified Kramatorsk, of which he became an honorary resident. Since the 50s, he published 25 collections of poetry, becoming in 1968 the laureate of the Republican Komsomol Prize named after. Nikolai Ostrovsky (for “The Road to Heights”), and in 1985 - laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after. Shevchenko (for the book “The Never-Settling Star”). The title of one of the collections - “Through the Eyes of the Heart” - explains why Nikolai Alexandrovich’s poetry was so popular (letters came to him from all over the USSR). Alexander Bilash’s song based on Rybalko’s verses “I lived in such times” became a laureate of the all-Union television competition “Song-75”.

Unbending Stus

The famous dissident, who posthumously became a Hero of Ukraine, spent his school and student years in our region. He taught for some time in Gorlovka, and in 1963 he worked for our newspaper as a literary editor for seven months. In the mining region, Vasily Semyonovich began to write. So much so that the famous modern writer Oksana Zabuzhko, reading his poem “Bald Mountain” during a visit to Donetsk, called it “a lyrical map of Donbass, given by Stus, where in the very phonetics you can hear the howls of the Donetsk winds.” It was the Donetsk region, according to Oksana Stefanovna, that shaped his personality. Recently at the regional scientific library named after. Krupskaya opened the literary museum of Vasily Stus, the main part of which migrated from Gorlovka.

Exciting Sosyura

A native of Debaltsevo began as an agronomist. He experienced mining work, the civil war (and fought first on the side of the UPR, then for the Red Army), during the Great Patriotic War he was a war correspondent, in 1951 he became the target of persecution after an article in the newspaper Pravda, which accused him of “ bourgeois nationalism" for the famous poem "Love Ukraine". The authorities either favored the poet (the revolutionary-romantic poem “Chervona Winter”, written in 1922, brought him fame), then lowered him to the very top... Exciting, like his life, Sosyura, who created a huge amount of intimate love lyrics, became a laureate of the Stalin Prize, was awarded two Orders of Lenin.

Artyomovsky Gorbatov

Co-author of scripts for the television films “It Was in Donbass”, “The Unconquered” and “Donetsk Miners”, one of the founders of the association of proletarian writers of Donbass “Slaughter”, father of the famous novel “Donbass” - originally from the Lugansk region. He spent most of his life in Moscow, where he was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. But he also spent a lot of time in our region, namely in Artyomovsk (then Bakhmut). Here Boris Leontievich graduated from school, found his calling, and began to publish. At the age of 14, he was already a workers' correspondent for the provincial "Stoker". For some time he worked as a metal planer at the Kramatorsk plant, and then plunged headlong into journalism. Gorbatov created his first stories and novel (“Our City”) on Donetsk soil.

Filmed by Rozdobudko

This Donetsk woman is now among the top 10 most published Ukrainian writers. Winner of three national competitions “Coronation of the Word”, winner of the international literary prize named after. Prince Yuri Dolgorukov. Based on the works of our countrywoman, full-length films and TV series “Button”, “Autumn Flowers”, “Mysterious Island”, “Trap” were shot. As she admitted to Donbass, her childhood memories associated with life in the Kalininsky district of Donetsk were reflected in the novels “Yakbi” (“If ...”), “The Sixth Door”.

Fantastic Berezin

We also have creators of parallel realities and other worlds. Donetsk resident Fyodor Berezin, who served as a missile officer in Kazakhstan and then in the Far East, retired to the reserve with the rank of captain and returned to his hometown. He was an entrepreneur, a miner. And 15 years ago I took up writing. Yes, no joke - in 2001, he founded the “Wanderer” club of fantasy lovers in the capital of the region, and also took first place at the international science fiction festival “Star Bridge” in the category “Best Debut” (for the novel “Ashes”). Berezin defines his genre as “fantasy-philosophical techno-thriller.” His books are published by Moscow publishing houses.

Talents are endless!

Among those who glorified our region was the author of the trilogy “The Tale of a Harsh Friend”, “The Fate of Ilyusha Barabanov” and “Red Sabers”, as well as many short stories, tales and essays dedicated to our region (“Lights of Donbass”, “Miners’ Tales” ", "Battle on the Kalmius River") Leonid Zharikov; Pavel Baidebura, who raised the local writers' organization after the liberation of Donbass; the magnificent lyricist Natalya Khatkina (since 2010, a literary competition has been held in Donetsk in memory of her); laureates of the USSR State Prize Sergei Borzenkov and Vladimir Popov; laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine - Leonid Talalay and Ivan Dzyuba. The poetic work of Anatoly Kravchenko was awarded the All-Ukrainian Prize named after. Ushakov and international named after. Vinnichenko. The latter was also received by the poet Vladimir Kalinichenko and the prose writer, long-term “helmsman” of the literary magazine “Donbass” Viktor Logachev. The head of the region's writers' organization, the author of humorous prose Pavel Kushch, is our only fellow countryman awarded the prize. Ostap Cherry. Donetsk resident Oleg Zavyazkin with the collection “Malyava. Poems about death and love” won the international competition “Russian Prize” in 2007.

Prepared by Andrey Krivtsun.

Historically, the Ukrainian people have always been creative, loved to sing and dance, invent poems and songs, myths and legends. Therefore, for many centuries, truly great and talented people have worked in all corners of Ukraine.

Ukrainian literature is phenomenal and unusual in its essence. Famous Ukrainian writers described each historical stage metaphorically and topically. That's why they look at us through the lines of yellowed sheets of paper. real characters. And as we delve deeper into the narrative, we begin to understand what worries the author, inspires, frightens and encourages. It is quite possible to learn history from the masterpieces of Ukrainian literature - events are described so truthfully and sometimes painfully.

Who are all these geniuses of the pen who penetrate the soul with words and make us laugh and cry with them? What are their names and what did they do? How did they achieve success and did they find it at all? Or maybe they never learned that their creations brought them eternal fame and veneration, forever inscribing their name in the classics of Ukrainian literature?

Unfortunately, not all Ukrainian writers were able to enter the world literary arena. Many masterpieces have never been in the hands of the Germans, Americans, or British. Hundreds of wonderful books did not receive their well-deserved awards in literary competitions France or Germany. But they are really worth reading and understanding.

And although hundreds of talented people have written on the “nightingale language,” perhaps it’s worth starting with a unique and phenomenal woman. This brilliant poetess, whose lines express a storm of emotions, and whose poems remain deep in the heart. And her name is Lesya Ukrainka.

Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka

Lesya, being a weak and small woman, showed incredible fortitude and courage, becoming an example to be followed by millions of people. The poetess was born in 1871 into the noble family of the famous writer O. Pchilka. At birth, the girl was given the name Larisa, and her real name there was Kosach-Kvitka.

Since childhood, suffering from a terrible disease - bone tuberculosis - Lesya Ukrainka was bedridden almost all the time. Lived in the South. The beneficial influence of the mother and passion for books (especially the master of Ukrainian literature - Taras Shevchenko) bore fruit.

From a young age, the girl began to create and publish in various newspapers. Like many famous Ukrainian writers, in her works Larisa adhered to the sentiments and traditions of T. G. Shevchenko, creating several cycles of lyrical and philosophical poems.

About Lesya's work

Intrigued by magical mythology and world history, Lesya devoted many books to this topic. Most of all she liked novels about Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, about humanism and human qualities, about the fight against despotism and evil, as well as mystical stories about the undead and nature of Western Ukraine.

It should be noted that Lesya Ukrainka was a polyglot and knew more than ten languages. This gave her the opportunity to make high-quality literary translations of the works of Hugo, Shakespeare, Byron, Homer, Heine and Mickiewicz.

The most famous works that everyone is recommended to read are “The Forest Song”, “Possessed”, “Cassandra”, “The Stone Lord” and “Songs about Freedom”.

Marko Vovchok

Among the famous writers of Ukraine there was another extraordinary woman. Many called her the Ukrainian George Sand - just as her patron Panteleimon Kulish dreamed. It was he who became her first assistant and editor, giving her the first impetus to develop her potential.

Woman with a fiery heart

Marko Vovchok was a fatal woman. As a child, her mother sent her to a private boarding school, away from her father’s bad influence, then to Orel to live with a rich aunt. There the endless love cycles began. Marko Vovchok - Maria Vilinskaya - was very beautiful girl, so it’s not surprising that crowds of gentlemen revolved around her all her life.

Among these gentlemen were famous writers, whose names are familiar to us. Even though she tied the knot (as she later admitted, not for love) with Opanas Markovich, her husband could not do anything with the attractive energy of this young lady. Turgenev, Kostomarov and Taras Shevchenko fell at her feet. And everyone wanted to become her teacher and patron.


The most famous work Marco Vovchok presents the story “Marusya” about a girl who gave her life to help the Cossacks. The creation impressed readers and critics so much that Maria was awarded an honorary award from the French Academy.

Men in Ukrainian literature

The creativity of Ukrainian writers was also under the auspices of talented men. One of them was Pavel Gubenko. Readers know him under the pseudonym Ostap Cherry. His satirical works made readers laugh more than once. Unfortunately, this man, who smiles at us from newspaper pages and literature textbooks, had few reasons for joy in his life.

Pavel Gubenko

Being a political prisoner, Pavel Gubenko honestly served his required 10 years in a forced labor camp. He did not abandon creativity, and when his stern superiors instructed him to write a series of stories from the lives of prisoners, even there he could not resist irony!

The writer's life path

But life put everything in its place. The one who previously accused Ostap Vishnya himself ended up in the dock and became an “enemy of the people.” And the Ukrainian author returned home ten years later and continued doing what he loved.

But these long years in correctional camps left a terrible imprint on Pavel Gubenko’s condition. Even after the war, returning to the already free Kyiv, he still could not forget the terrible episodes. Most likely, the endless inner struggles of a man who always smiled and never cried led to his tragic death from a heart attack at the age of 66.

Ivan Drach

A short excursion into the work of Ukrainian writers ends with Ivan Drach. Many modern authors still turn to this master of (self-)irony, witty words and humor for advice.

Life story of a genius

Mine creative path Ivan Fedorovich Drach began, while still a seventh grader, with a poem eagerly published in a local newspaper. As soon as the writer graduated from high school, he began teaching Russian language and literature in a rural school. After the army, Ivan entered the philological department of Kyiv University, which he never graduated from. And all because a talented student will be offered a job in a newspaper, and then, after the course, the writer will receive the specialty of film playwright in Moscow. Returning to Kyiv, Ivan Fedorovich Drach begins working at the famous film studio named after A. Dovzhenko.

Over more than 30 years of creative activity, a huge number of collections of poems, translations, articles and even film stories have been published from the pen of Ivan Drach. His works have been translated and published in dozens of countries and appreciated throughout the world.

An eventful life tempered the writer’s character, fostering in him an active civic position and a unique temperament. The works of Ivan Fedorovich express the sentiments of the sixties and children of war, thirsting for change and praising the achievements of human thought.

What's better to read?

It is better to start getting acquainted with the work of Ivan Drach with the poem “Pero”. It is this that is the credo of life and conveys the leitmotifs that permeate the entire work of the brilliant poet and writer.

These famous Ukrainian writers made an invaluable contribution to the domestic and world literature. Decades later, their works convey to us current thoughts, teach and help in various life situations. The work of Ukrainian writers has enormous literary and moral value, is perfect for teenagers and adults and will bring pleasure from reading.

Each of the Ukrainian authors is unique in their own way, and their unusual individual style will help you recognize your favorite writer from the first lines. Such a writer’s “flower garden” makes Ukrainian literature truly extraordinary, rich and interesting.