How does medical abortion occur? Tests before medical abortion

Question from 09/30/2013, 10:37:

Hello, I recently found out that I am pregnant, but this pregnancy is completely unplanned and unwanted. Therefore, my boyfriend and I decided that while the term was short, we needed to have an abortion. We settled on medication. Now I’m reading the descriptions in different clinics, but everywhere they talk about different tests before medical abortion. Somewhere they say that only a few tests are needed, somewhere they require a whole bunch. Tell us which tests are mandatory before a medical abortion, and which are optional?

Good afternoon Apparently, you are somewhat confused about this issue, since many private clinics offer several examination programs before a medical abortion (tests and ultrasound). As a rule, there are three groups:

  • minimal,
  • expanded,
  • maximum.

The minimum includes several basic examinations and tests that must be done before. These include:

  • Gynecological examination, including speculum examination and bimanual examination. This is necessary so that the doctor can draw up an initial conclusion about the condition of the woman’s reproductive system.
  • At the same time, the doctor takes a smear from the vagina, which is necessary to determine the degree of cleanliness of the vagina, as well as the presence of inflammatory and some other diseases.
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. The blood type is determined in case of unforeseen complications that may require emergency transfusions. The Rh factor is even more important. If it is negative, this creates a risk of Rh conflict. This may not affect the course of the abortion, but subsequent pregnancies may be jeopardized. In this case, alternatives to abortion should be carefully considered.
  • The main tests before a medical abortion are to look for the most dangerous infections: HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis.
  • Blood test for hCG. It helps to establish the very fact of pregnancy, as well as the approximate date.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. It allows you to determine the place of attachment of the fertilized egg, as well as the gestational age. The first is necessary to eliminate the risk ectopic pregnancy, in which the use of mifepristone and similar drugs is strictly prohibited. An exact period is necessary to determine the required dose of the drug and its regimen.

But simultaneously with the standard minimum examination established at the state level, a more extensive one can be carried out, which will reduce the risk of side effects and the development of complications:

  • General blood test.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Tests for hidden urogenital infections.
  • Coagulogram.

Thus, depending on the individual situation, a minimal basic examination or a more thorough examination may be carried out.

Terminating a pregnancy is a responsible step that can have irreparable health consequences if done independently. To date drug interruption pregnancy is a fairly mild method and an alternative to surgery.

What is medical abortion and how does it happen?

Medical termination of pregnancy is a disruption of the natural course of pregnancy using special pharmaceuticals. The drugs contain the active ingredient mefipristone. These are drugs such as Mefigen, Nefiprex, Mefipristone, etc.

The main advantages of medical abortion:

  • no need to stay in hospital;
  • surgical intervention and the use of anesthesia are excluded;
  • low likelihood of complications;
  • suitable for nulliparous women.

How is the procedure for medical abortion performed?

The main mechanism of action of the drugs is the cessation of production of progesterone in the woman’s body within a few hours, which is responsible for preserving the fetus. Its lack leads to detachment of the fertilized egg and cleansing of the uterus from the fetus.

So, how is the procedure for medical abortion performed? Before you decide to have a pill abortion, you should definitely consult a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to correctly determine the required dose of the drug based on a thorough diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the patient. This will eliminate possible contraindications and fatal consequences for a woman’s body when taken independently.

At the first stage, the woman is provided with information about the method, as well as its possible consequences. All necessary documents are also prepared.

Then the woman takes the drug and is under the supervision of a doctor for several hours. Afterwards, if the process progresses normally, you can head home. But, you must first stock up with your doctor on all the necessary recommendations and medications for further use.

After taking the pills, bleeding and pain may occur.

At the next stage (after 36–48 hours), prostaglandins (Misoprostol, Mirolut, etc.) are prescribed. Most often, fetal rejection occurs within the next 12 to 48 hours.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by most women. Often, fetal rejection manifests itself as menstruation, but more intense and painful. But in some cases, diarrhea, nausea or headache may occur.

After 2–3 days, a control ultrasound is performed. If diagnostics show that separation has not occurred, new medications may be prescribed.

10 - 14 days after the first dose of medication, a repeat ultrasound examination is performed. Diagnostics will help reveal that there is no fertilized egg in the uterus. Otherwise, you will have to resort to vacuum aspiration.

Abortion is a big blow to the health of the body. Therefore, after a medical termination of pregnancy is performed, a woman should take care and recover as much as possible.

It is one of the most gentle methods and allows a healthy woman to quickly restore her strength, and in the future, give birth to a healthy child. But how a medical termination of pregnancy proceeds largely depends on, as well as on a competent and qualified doctor who will perform the abortion and monitor your condition afterwards.

Examination before medical termination of pregnancy is a mandatory stage of preliminary preparation. Although this procedure is considered gentle and occurs without complications in most patients, even it may have certain contraindications. Their identification is the main goal of research.

In addition, a comprehensive examination makes it possible to establish the exact timing of pregnancy. Also, in most situations, it can help minimize the risk of developing various complications. Therefore, a doctor can prescribe pharmacological drugs only after evaluating the research results.

Mandatory studies

When a patient contacts a specialist, first of all, he conducts a gynecological examination and discusses with the woman the advisability of an abortion. Information is also collected regarding the presence of various diseases of the internal organs. It is necessary to talk about allergic reactions. Especially if any medications are allergens.

Next, the doctor determines the range of studies that the patient needs to undergo. First and obligatory examination before medical termination of pregnancy – this and her appendages. The need to conduct it is due to the fact that this study makes it possible to:

  • confirm pregnancy;
  • identify pathologies of the maca and its appendages;
  • establish the timing of pregnancy, which is very important, since medical abortion carried out only in its early stages - up to 6-7 weeks;
  • determine the location of the embryo (if it is located outside the uterine cavity, pharmabortion is prohibited).

In many clinics, the list of examinations that every patient must undergo is not limited to examination and ultrasound. It may also include:

  • tests to determine blood type and Rh factor if the woman is pregnant for the first time;
  • flora smear to determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • laboratory tests to detect hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV infection in the body.

Additional examination before medical termination of pregnancy

According to the doctor’s recommendations, the list of procedures that the patient must undergo can be expanded with additional methods. For example, a blood test for beta-hCG levels is often prescribed. Also, although pharmabort eliminates the possibility of mechanical damage to the mucous membranes of the uterus, before it is carried out it is worth undergoing testing for the presence of urogenital infections.

Examinations should be extremely carefully selected for those women who have termination of pregnancy may be associated with certain risks. Especially if there is a suspicion of problems related to the functioning of the kidneys or liver, or cardiovascular risks. In such cases, patients should undergo appropriate studies. For example, if there is a possibility of problems with blood clotting, a coagulogram is prescribed.

Advantages of examination in a paid clinic

Modern private medical clinics offer their patients a full range of all necessary studies necessary for the effectiveness of abortion and minimizing the risks associated with its implementation. Paid clinics have other advantages, for example, friendly, highly qualified staff, the ability to make an appointment in advance, an individual approach to each client and a comfortable atmosphere.

Do you want to find an experienced gynecologist near your place of residence and make an appointment with him? Contact our help desk for private clinics in Moscow “Your Doctor”.

Skorokhod Boris Gennadievich
at the clinic of Professor Gorbakov

The specific cost of abortion, conditions and terms can be found on the website of Professor Gorbakov’s clinic (Department of Gynecology).

Or contact a gynecologist for a consultation at the phone number listed on the website.

Of course, no woman plans to have an abortion. She often makes such a decision under the weight of circumstances that force her to terminate the pregnancy. The topic of abortion is practically taboo in society, where to this day a woman who terminates a pregnancy is treated with undisguised censure. Therefore, there are extremely few publicly available sources of information that would help to properly prepare for the procedure and successfully undergo rehabilitation after it.

When and what kind of abortion can you have?

Classic termination of pregnancy, which is performed surgically, can be done up to 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. At longer periods, abortion can be prescribed only for medical reasons if delivery at term would cause more harm to the woman than the potential negative effects of terminating the pregnancy at such a late stage. Pregnancy can also be terminated after 22 weeks if pathologies incompatible with life are detected in the fetus.

Pharmaboration and vacuum aspiration are considered the most gentle today. These manipulations make it possible to terminate an unwanted pregnancy no later than 7 weeks of fetal development. Accordingly, it will be better for a woman if she contacts medical center family planning about a week before this date or earlier.

What should you not do before an abortion?

Immediately before the abortion procedure, it is not recommended to take alcoholic beverages and drugs that affect the central nervous system. This is due to the fact that such drugs can distort the effect of general anesthesia, which is used during surgery.

You should also stop taking anti-inflammatory medications, which can increase bleeding and reduce the effectiveness of abortion pills, if any are used.

If you are taking blood thinning medications, be sure to tell your gynecologist about this, as they can also cause heavy bleeding.

The operation is performed on an empty stomach. You can only drink unsweetened tea.

What should you do before an abortion?

If you choose a medical abortion, then the number of tests is reduced to a minimum, but if you plan to terminate the pregnancy in another way, you will have to undergo some tests that the doctor will prescribe. Ultrasound examination is mandatory.

If you are concerned about itching and burning in the vagina or symptoms of other infections not related to the reproductive organs, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases, then most likely you will be denied immediate termination of pregnancy. You will have to undergo a quick course of drug therapy that will relieve the symptoms of the acute phase.

What to take with you to the clinic?

Unless your doctor advises otherwise, for a vacuum or surgical abortion procedure you will need:

  • Cotton nightgown;
  • House robe;
  • Slippers;
  • Socks;
  • Towel;
  • Sanitary pads “night”;
  • Money.

To the cost of an abortion, be sure to add funds to purchase medications for rehabilitation therapy, which must be taken immediately on the day of termination of pregnancy. You may have to pay the cost of a taxi.