Restoration of the body after medical termination of pregnancy. How to recover after an abortion? Recovery after a vacuum abortion

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Recovery after medical abortion

After taking abortion pills, a woman is advised to avoid physical activity and stressful situations. It is necessary to monitor your health and actively prevent colds. During this period, it is better not to visit baths and saunas, and completely avoid swimming and bathing. Water treatments should be limited to a warm shower. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse or douching for two weeks.

Unanimity and speaking in a clear voice. The process of recovery after an abortion is individual for each woman. Successful recovery of the body after an abortion is necessary to prevent the development of complications. This is why you need an ultrasound after an abortion. This will allow time to see what complications occur and take all necessary medical measures. Restorative hormone Let's take a closer look at how to quickly recover after an abortion and return to the same rhythm of life. Prescribed low doses of hormones were used to restart the cycle after an abortion and balance hormonal imbalances.

At the same time, the woman does not need to remain in bed; she can return to her daily activities and go to work. Bleeding may persist for two weeks, this is considered normal. Delays in menstruation after an abortion are possible for 2-3 months, then the cycle returns to normal. If blood loss lasts longer or is more severe, you should consult a doctor. All along medication interruption During pregnancy, alcohol consumption is contraindicated. The effectiveness of mifepristone drugs is reduced by concurrent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, citramon, Nurafen, Voltaren, Fastum, Coficil, etc.).

Typically these oral contraceptives also prevent second pregnancy. We know that the uterus usually recovers within six months, so this period is especially important for the use of contraception. Recovery from a medical abortion is less painful than other abortions. The main problem is that after the introduction of high doses of hormones, it undergoes significant disturbances in the menstrual cycle. But usually the cycle is restored after 2-3 months.

Post-abortion recovery measures

After an abortion, he recovers faster than the advice of a qualified psychologist. Most problems after an abortion are associated with the development of depressive disorders. Help relieve stress, such as physical therapy. In addition to the basic recommendations, it is permissible to restore trauma abortions, but if there are no contraindications. In this case, infusions of boron herb are used, which helps normalize the cycle and is a preventative measure for inflammation.

Medical termination of pregnancy avoids most of the serious complications associated with the surgical abortion procedure. The main restoration measures are aimed at maintaining normal hormonal levels. If necessary, it is possible to correct the functioning of the female genital organs and mammary glands, since the hormonal system takes an active part in their functioning.

Modern gynecology and complications after abortion

Recovering from an abortion is a very serious and diligent process. You must strictly adhere to the degree of recovery prescribed by your doctor, which is to take antibiotics to avoid physical activity, spreading rest. Abortion is a stressful experience, both physically and emotionally. In most cases, the procedure is simple and safe, but there are some nuances that may appear later, and it is important to know which symptoms are considered dangerous and which are normal.

After a follow-up examination, it is recommended to undergo prevention of inflammatory gynecological diseases. Taking pills, worries, and stress contribute to changes in the microflora in the genitals. As a result, thrush, colpitis, endometritis, etc. may develop. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms of these diseases, you should use products that normalize the microbial flora and boost the immune system.

Recovering from an Abortion Major rehabilitation events have had an abortion: Take adequate rest; a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and fluids; take the necessary antibiotics prescribed by your doctor; Avoid physical activity.

Avoid sexual activity; Don't use tampons. Sex life usually recovers within two to four weeks. Ovulation can occur two weeks after an abortion. It is important to abstain from sexual activity if a woman is not physically or emotionally ready.

A good remedy for the rehabilitation of the uterus and ovaries is a course of physiotherapy. Termination of pregnancy is a severe stress for the mammary glands, which have undergone serious changes in preparation for lactation. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a mammologist for a preventive examination and to exclude possible pathological changes. Some women need a conversation with a psychologist to restore normal well-being.

In cases where the pregnancy was nine weeks or more before the in utero abortion may still be a product of conception. At this stage, pregnancy hormones have begun to produce milk, which should normally come out female body. Don't worry, this is a natural process. It is advisable to wear a bra to quit until all the milk comes in naturally.

What awaits you after medical termination of pregnancy?

After an abortion, you have two weeks of training for doctors. This is usually done at an abortion clinic. This procedure will serve to determine that the healing process is its own path. It is necessary to carefully evaluate the woman for infections and other complications, and the necessary antibiotics may need to be prescribed. During the examination, the doctor will determine whether the cervix is ​​closed for abortion. These conditions are mandatory for resuming normal activities, including sexual intercourse, bathing, pap smears, physical activity, etc. The doctor examines the woman in the presence of tissue remaining in the uterus.

Due to the fact that the patient’s reproductive function is restored almost immediately after completion of the medical abortion, the woman needs to think about contraception. Having sex after an abortion can be resumed after 2-4 weeks. Your doctor will help you choose the most appropriate and safe method for preventing unwanted pregnancy. The best solution would be oral hormonal contraceptive the latest generation, which will not only protect against pregnancy, but also normalize the hormonal levels of the female body.

If so, you will need to remove them. Symptoms and complications after an abortion Diagnosis after an abortion is a traditional, inevitable occurrence that can last up to five weeks. The amount of bleeding after an abortion should be the same as during menstruation. The color choice will be the same, maybe easier. This is expected to occur with minor cramping and pain.

General recommendations for recovery after medical abortion

These symptoms include: severe pain, heavy bleeding; vaginal or tissue discharge; bleeding during urination; dizziness; nausea and nausea; constipation. If you notice one or more symptoms in the list above, you should consult a doctor; you may be in hospital.

An abortion performed by any method is a severe trauma both for a woman’s physical health and, of course, for her psychological state. The recovery period after an abortion can vary from several days to a week. The full recovery period varies from person to person as it depends on a number of factors.

Features of the recovery period after abortion

Immediately after an abortion, the uterus contracts and gradually decreases in size. At this time, due to the fact that the cervix remains open for several days, it is possible to cleanse its cavity. Complete restoration of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) occurs gradually over several weeks.

When does the month after an abortion begin? In the first weeks, emotional outbursts, nausea, weakness, depression, lack of appetite and sleep problems may occur. Menstruation may not be as regular as before pregnancy, and bleeding may vary. In the post-labor period, the restoration of hormonal balance begins, this process gradually returns to previous levels, similar to pregnancy. The duration of hormonal recovery can take from 6 to 24 months.

Each woman's month after abortion is different, depending on her body. Some menstruation may begin immediately after an abortion, while others may begin later. The quality of abortions is important. If the uterus is the product of conception, the moon will be long and heavy. The estimated time for full activity is about 4-8 weeks. It is impossible to predict full recovery after an abortion because pregnancy and abortion affect menstrual cycle. A pregnancy hormone, hCG can remain in the blood and urine for up to 8 weeks.

The duration of the recovery period after an abortion is largely determined by the chosen method of termination of pregnancy. According to statistics, recovery occurs fastest and with the least complications after a mini-abortion performed on early stages. The procedure itself is quite quick and takes no more than 10 minutes, and if it is performed by an experienced doctor using ultrasound, complications occur in rare cases.

Therefore, do not use a pregnancy test. Doctrine can lead to unnecessary anxiety. Psychological state of women after abortion. Some women feel relief after an abortion. Some people feel strong negative emotions. Sometimes this happens within a few days, sometimes over many years. This reaction is known as psychological stress post-flight. There are several factors that influence post-abortion stress: the woman's age, the circumstances of the abortion, gestational age, and religious beliefs.

As a rule, the doctor gives recommendations regarding whether it is possible to take antibiotic medications after an abortion to prevent the development of infection against the background of a weakened immune system and other drugs for the symptomatic treatment of possible complications after the abortion.

Medical or medication abortion is considered safe by many estimates, although the medications used can cause a variety of side effects. It is after this method of abortion that the recovery period can be quite long, since hormonal levels change. These medications also affect many other systems of the body, which can affect the woman’s overall health.

Symptoms may include: feelings of guilt; anger; anxiety; depression; suicidal thoughts; Memories of abortion. Sexual dysfunction; relationship problems; eating disorders; alcohol or drug abuse. Such mental manifestations should be treated. This should influence the woman and send a positive direction. Explain to her that she is not alone and always has a way out. Try your best to make her feel uplifted. Remember that you do not need to start a conversation about abortion in front of women.

After the procedure, be sure to ask your doctor about the possible consequences. This is necessary in order to know why certain complications arise after an abortion and how dangerous they are.

Quite often, after a medical abortion, the pregnancy test is positive. This may be due to various reasons. Sometimes hormonal levels are restored gradually. This can be judged by the positive dynamics of tests for the content of the hormone produced during pregnancy (chorionic gonadotropin). You can find out more precisely why the pregnancy test is positive after an abortion only from a doctor after conducting additional research. Sometimes this is due to an incomplete or failed pregnancy, then another method of abortion will be required for termination. These factors influence how long the recovery period will take and what complications may arise.

He will simply raise sadness and forgive forgetfulness. Save the woman to consult a psychologist, he will give her the opportunity to express her longing and feelings, and also talk about women who are similar. To better understand what happens to a woman after an abortion, we must go back to the beginning. This is how a woman nowadays finds out that she is pregnant.

Most women are surprised about pregnancy, and even, usually, those women who want to have a child. While this may seem confusing, it is a natural reaction to big changes in my life. In addition, at that time he was working in a woman's body undergoing a violent hormonal transformation, which also signed a contract with the psyche. At that moment, the woman feels stunned, surprised, uncertain. If a child is not planned, but she feels desperately alone in this situation. Without over-estimating the circumstances, thinking quickly how to get out of the “problems”: that is, get rid of the child.

Surgical abortion is considered the most dangerous of all types. Accordingly, recovery after it can be the longest, and the consequences for a woman’s health will be more severe.

Regardless of which method was used to terminate the pregnancy, doctors advise adhering to certain rules that will help reduce the duration of the recovery period.

The decision needs advice, support, evaluation from someone you trust. Doctors reported that general abortion is safe and legal. A woman with an unplanned pregnancy situation speaks to the father of the child. The event is also in shock. Despite forgetting one important fact: a person like her needs time to cope with a crisis. As in other crisis situations, this is an attempt to resolve the situation as quickly as possible, at least necessary.

How to think for a long time about getting married or a partner, which school we are going to, if other crises need to be resolved or at least at a distance after a long thought. The woman subconsciously or even explicitly feels that her partner is refusing to support and ensure that the child is essentially a partner more. Many women choose abortion in order to “save” the relationship and keep their partner. Often when faced with a decision: partner or child. But no relationship can be built on such a condition: a woman, as a rule, occurs after an abortion.

It is recommended to stop sex life for at least 2-3 weeks after the abortion. When asked whether it is possible to have protected sex during this time after an abortion, doctors usually answer in the negative. This is due to weakened immunity after an abortion. At this time, there is a high probability that the infection can penetrate into the uterine cavity, the inner layer of which is quite vulnerable in the first time after the interruption. This warning especially applies to women who have had a surgical abortion.

At the moment, the woman is desperately looking for incentives against abortion. Wary of trusting anyone, he responds to the exchange. Decision - if a woman decides to have an abortion, the stage of making a final decision begins and with it the rational reasons why it is for the couple, the family and for the “best” decisions of the child. After this, the couple does not want to run into anyone or. However, doubts still gnaw, right up to the moment of anesthesia on the operating table. - submission - occurs from women to sad submission and passivity, in the hope that after the operation everything will be the same as before conception.

Whatever method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy a woman chooses, after an abortion she needs to rest more and try not to succumb to irritation. Doctors also do not advise engaging in heavy physical labor for several weeks after an abortion. This can strain your abdominal muscles and cause bleeding.

The day of surgery, many women experience sleep. Although the procedure itself takes only a few tens of minutes, for some it subjectively lasts forever. Relief: "It's finally over." Then comes the shock - a woman who, under the influence of the environment and the understandable self-defense of a conceptually child, is “inhumanly” faced with reality. Long-term relief fails for many women. - comes a painful attempt to restore the original state - chose as defense mechanisms: denial of what happened; convince yourself that what happened was the best; justification; Suppress background events.

You should also ask your doctor why you need to carefully monitor your health after an abortion, especially your body temperature and blood pressure. This will help distinguish life-threatening symptoms from minor ailments that will gradually go away on their own. Whether it is possible to take medications after an abortion to reduce the severity of these symptoms should also be found out from the observing gynecologist.

When asked whether it is possible to take baths and swim in the pool after an abortion, doctors also usually answer in the negative. For hygiene, they recommend taking only a warm shower, which will reduce the risk of infection of damaged internal genital organs.

In general, the recovery period after an abortion is characterized by the risk of various inflammatory processes, localized in the pelvis, so you need to monitor the timely emptying of the intestines and bladder. It is also important to carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene, especially in the first days after the interruption, using boiled warm water with potassium permanganate. Underwear must be changed at least twice a day, preferably made from natural materials.

At this time, you need to take care of a nutritious diet rich in essential vitamins. To find out whether you can eat certain foods after an abortion, you need to talk to your doctor. You also need to find out from your doctor whether you can take painkillers after an abortion if you experience severe pain and which ones.

Despite the fact that recovery for each woman occurs individually and depends on age, health, the method of termination and the number of previous births and abortions, following these recommendations will restore hormonal levels in the shortest possible time and help avoid unwanted consequences.

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