Recovery after medical abortion. Women's Health: Recovery After Abortion

After medical abortion Various complications may arise, so you should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo diagnostic examinations.

Discharge and bleeding after medical abortion

After a medical abortion, a woman’s body is in a weakened state, immunity decreases, and the risk of infectious diseases increases. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to monitor the discharge after a medical abortion.

The first discharge usually appears 3-4 days after surgery. If the discharge after a medical abortion is yellow or green with an unpleasant odor, then it may be the result of a sexually transmitted infection.

Brown discharge after a medical abortion, which is not accompanied by itching and burning, can last 5-10 days. The color of this discharge is due to the small amount of blood that is released from the uterus. Brown discharge with a pungent odor and nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be a sign of endometriosis, which should be treated immediately to avoid pathologies and miscarriage in the next pregnancy.

Minor bleeding after a medical abortion is considered normal after surgery, as long as it does not cause pain and is not heavy. Heavy bleeding may indicate serious complications, endometriosis and the formation of polyps.

Bleeding after a medical abortion can last up to 30 days, which is the norm necessary to restore the functioning of the reproductive system and normalize the woman’s hormonal levels.

Discharge after medical abortion, which is yellow in color, can be caused by the accumulation of bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, etc.). Yellow vaginal discharge is often characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases. When the first symptoms occur, you should immediately take a smear test for genital infections.

Medical abortion is the safest method of ending a pregnancy according to World Health Organization standards. But after a medical abortion, as after surgery, certain consequences arise. They arise due to the action of the drug Mifepristone, which is aimed at eliminating the uterine response to progesterone and rejection of the fertilized egg. The uterus contracts intensively, and the fetus with the endometrium emerges from it. After 2-3 days, you can accurately determine whether the pregnancy has been terminated or not. Taking prostaglandins allows the abortion to be completed.

Minor discharge and pain after a medical abortion are a normal reaction of the body. If severe bleeding, headache and dizziness occur, severe weakness and nausea appear, then you must take a horizontal position and immediately call a doctor.

Restoring the body after medical abortion

After a medical abortion, long-term recovery of the body and elimination of the negative consequences of this intervention are necessary. If the termination of pregnancy is short, the body recovers faster and serious rehabilitation is not required.

For 3-4 weeks after a medical abortion, you must follow the basic rules:

  • exclude sex life for 30 days to avoid bleeding, mucosal rejection and infection;
  • exclude physical activity, sports training and warm-ups so that the muscles are at rest;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • adhere to proper nutrition without harmful foods, additives and preservatives;
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

After a medical abortion, the main recovery is aimed at the hormonal and immune systems, so a course is required hormonal drugs, vitamins and restoratives.

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Comments on the material (94):

I quote: Ulyana

Hello! One of these days I will have to go through MA, the period is 13 weeks, according to medical indications... Is it possible that at this time everything will go well and will not have to be cleaned up in other ways? It’s very difficult mentally, I’m holding out last bit of strength... we were confused at the consultation for a week, then for several days there were no places in the department... and the deadline is passing, my stomach is growing...

You shouldn’t take risks and waste a considerable amount of money on such an abortion; it won’t help you at this stage. Go for scraping if you have already decided to take this step.

I quote: Taisiya

Hello. I am 28 years old, Rh negative. Didn't give birth. At the age of 26, at the 7th week, a pharmaceutical abortion (Mirolut + Miropristol) was performed in the hospital, under supervision. There were no complications. Antibiotics were prescribed for prophylactic purposes.
2 years have passed, I want a child, but I’m afraid to sleep without barrier contraception. I was not given an injection against antibodies, although I took all the tests and warned that it was my first pregnancy with negative Rhesus. Please tell me what are the chances of getting pregnant and carrying it to term? What examinations should I undergo? If pregnancy does not occur naturally, is it possible to plan artificial insemination? Is there a risk ectopic pregnancy? Where should I start the examination?

Hello, Taisiya.
The chances of getting pregnant and carrying a child are high. When preparing for pregnancy, you need to undergo a standard medical examination; its results will show whether there is a need for a more in-depth and specialized examination. If pregnancy does not occur naturally within several years, artificial insemination can be planned. There is always a risk of ectopic pregnancy. The examination should begin with a visit to the therapist.

I quote: Hakim

Hello. I am 18 years old. Not married. The first day of the last menstruation is 06/24/2017. But unfortunately a week ago when I took a pregnancy test, I got two lines. (This is my first time. I did an ultrasound on July 19, 2017. Everything was fine. On August 7, 2017 I did an ultrasound again and they said that I was pregnant). I was very afraid of my father and wanted to get rid of the child using a medical abortion at home. On August 9, I drank 6 tablets of Misoprostol and 36 hours later chewed 3 tablets of mifepristone. This morning after taking the pills I felt very sick. The pain lasted for hours. There was some bleeding. Now I feel better, but the fetus has not yet left the uterus. I am very afraid that I had an incomplete abortion. Do you think I might be jumping to conclusions? Maybe it all ends tomorrow? Help please. What do I need to do? Is it necessary to have a mini-abortion? I want to have a child in the future. But now I can't. Give your advice. Thanks in advance!

Hello Hakima.
Only a doctor can determine whether a complete or incomplete abortion has occurred; this cannot be done remotely or at home. You need to see a gynecologist, undergo an examination, and if the abortion is incomplete, complete it. It is no longer possible to maintain such a pregnancy.

I quote: Svetlana

Hello! I had a medical abortion on August 28, a month has passed, no menstruation, no pain in the abdomen, an ultrasound on the 14th day showed a narrowing of the uterus, hCG was 3.35 on the 16th day, after three weeks I had one sexual intercourse without protection, everything went smoothly, the guy finished not inside in advance, what can you expect? I'm worried about not having my period. Is a delay possible due to an emotional breakdown? This is the first pregnancy and the first abortion.

Hello, Svetlana.
There may be a delay due to an emotional breakdown, it may be due to a hormonal disorder after an abortion, or it may also be due to a new pregnancy, since interrupted sexual intercourse is a very unreliable method of contraception.

I quote: A189034

Hello. tell me what to do. This is the situation, I am a 23-year-old girl, on September 28, 2017 I took the first pill in front of the doctors, then, as they said, exactly 24 hours later I took the second pill, and 2 hours later I took another one. The pain began, etc., in principle it was tolerable. For two weeks there was discharge, the first week was like normal menstruation (the first 3 days heavy), then for another week it was smeared. Somewhere around October 10-12, it all ended.
There was nothing for 5 days. And now some brown discharge, they have been going on for 4-5 days, there is no special smell, they look like menstruation, only spotting, the stomach does not hurt, the breasts are swollen. Now there is no way to see a doctor, I will be able to only in mid-November.
What could it be? Is there any reason to panic? It’s very scary, but I can’t get to the doctor.
Third pregnancy... the first - childbirth, the second - a miscarriage, the third ended like this...

Hello. There is no reason to panic - this is indicated by the fact that the general condition is normal, the bleeding is insignificant, odorless. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out the exact cause without an examination, so you will still need to see a doctor, but there is no particular need for an emergency consultation.

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Interference with natural and physiological mechanisms is always fraught with consequences, this primarily concerns abortion. From the moment a new life is born, a woman’s body completely rebuilds the functioning of all internal organs and the immune system, and it is extremely important not to interfere with this delicate process. If for some reason the fetus was artificially removed from the uterus, then the body needs a certain period of time to restore the functioning of vital organs and systems. Any doctor will confirm that after an abortion, regardless of the reason for which it was done, you should wait a pause and under no circumstances try to get pregnant again. Recovery after an abortion largely depends on how the pregnancy was terminated and at what stage the procedure was performed.

Recovery after surgical abortion

Surgical abortion is regarded as an operation, the consequences of which can pose a threat not only to the health but also to the life of the patient if something goes wrong. First of all, scraping the contents of the uterus with a sharp curette is associated with the risk of perforating the walls of the organ, because all the doctor’s actions are carried out blindly. After this procedure, periods may be absent for 7-9 weeks, which is normal. During this period, a woman should adhere to the following doctor’s recommendations:

  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Do not take a bath, but give preference to a shower (the uterus is an open wound surface where pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate, provoking an inflammatory process);
  • Do not visit the beach, solarium, sauna; the effect of heat on the body provokes blood flow to the internal organs, which can cause increased bleeding from the vagina;
  • Do not have sex, so as not to injure damaged tissues and cause infection;
  • Change sanitary pads regularly; post-abortion discharge can be quite abundant, which serves as an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.

After a surgical abortion, a woman should be especially attentive to her health; she should monitor the amount and nature of the discharge and, if any changes occur, inform the gynecologist about this.

Recovery after medical abortion

During a medical abortion, a miscarriage situation is artificially created in the body. The fruit, along with the membranes, is torn off and brought out naturally through heavy menstrual bleeding.

Normally, after pharmaabortion, the patient’s menstruation occurs in the next cycle and passes without any special changes. Deviation from the specified norm is allowed for up to 5-6 weeks, which is due to changes in hormonal levels. Sometimes a doctor may recommend that a woman take hormonal contraceptives, which will help avoid a new unplanned pregnancy and normalize the level of hormones in the body.

Recovery after a vacuum abortion

A mini-abortion is usually tolerated normally by women and you can expect a full menstruation in the next cycle. This applies to those patients whose abortion procedure was completed without post-abortion complications such as inflammation, bleeding, or incomplete removal of the membranes.

In order for a woman’s rehabilitation period after vacuum abortion passed easier, she should follow all the doctor’s instructions: Do not be sexually active for 3 weeks after the interruption; Observe the rules of personal intimate hygiene; Change gaskets frequently; Do not visit the pool, beach, sauna, bathhouse, or solarium; this may cause bleeding.

To correct hormonal levels, the doctor may prescribe an appointment for the patient oral contraceptives The tablets will protect against the onset of a new pregnancy, normalize hormonal levels, and establish a normal menstrual cycle.

In essence, a medical abortion is similar to a spontaneous miscarriage, since general anesthesia is not used, there is no surgical intervention, and negative consequences are minimized. But, despite this, you should not think that medical termination of pregnancy is absolutely harmless. After pregnancy, a woman’s body immediately begins to prepare for bearing a child. The restructuring of hormonal levels and the organs that are responsible for this begins. Regardless of the type of abortion (surgical or medical), the procedure is stressful for the body, which can subsequently affect the reproductive function of the female body.

Which group of women most often experiences complications after the procedure? medication interruption pregnancy? Pregnant women who:

  • have two or more abortions;
  • previously had surgery on the ovaries or uterus;
  • have blood diseases, inflammatory processes in the genital organs, and disrupted menstrual cycle.

In order to avoid serious complications after a non-surgical (medical) abortion, a woman needs to adhere to certain recommendations. It is recommended to stop sexual activity for 1 month. This avoids the risk of infections entering the uterus. Sexual activity can begin after the first menstruation, which will occur after the abortion procedure. It is necessary to carefully monitor your health. For 7 days after an abortion, it is necessary to measure body temperature every day and avoid significant physical activity and hypothermia. For the first 2 weeks, you cannot swim in open reservoirs and pools, and you must also carefully observe genital hygiene. To ensure uterine contractions, you need to regularly empty your bowels and bladder.

If after an abortion for several days you experience a high temperature, spotting, or feel pain in the lower abdomen, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. The timing of menstruation before and after termination of pregnancy is almost the same. But if menstruation does not come at the expected time or starts earlier, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

After undergoing a medical abortion, you should definitely consult with your doctor. He will prescribe a rehabilitation program after an abortion and select individual means of protection against unwanted pregnancy for you.

Thus, it is necessary to remember that there is no such thing as a safe abortion. In any case, termination of pregnancy is a serious blow to women’s health and the price to pay for not taking protection from unwanted pregnancy seriously. Even though medical abortion is subjectively well tolerated, it can even have long-term consequences.

Recovery after medical abortion

The post-abortion recovery program will be useful for women who have had a surgical or medical termination of pregnancy. Thanks to it, you can help the female body restore and normalize the functions of the internal genital organs.

The program for restoring the body after medical termination of an unwanted pregnancy is a set of measures whose purpose is to prevent complications and isolated consequences of abortion. Reducing the risk of complications is ensured by planned step-by-step preventive and therapeutic actions that are aimed at the woman’s systems and organs.

Our clinic offers a post-abortion recovery program, which includes a consultation with a gynecologist, a consultation with a mammologist-oncologist, gynecological massage, mud therapy, physiotherapy, ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.

Consultation with a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor assesses the level of hormonal levels and the state of the endocrine system as a whole. Tests are taken for hidden infections that can cause the development or exacerbation of inflammation of the uterus and appendages. The doctor individually selects low dosage oral contraceptives. These drugs are prescribed not only for the purpose of further contraception, but also to restore the menstrual cycle after an abortion and normalize ovarian function. The gynecologist supervises the course of rehabilitation therapy, sums up its results and makes recommendations.

Consultation with a mammologist-oncologist. Abortion is harmful to women's breasts. Immediately after the egg is fertilized, hormonal changes in the body begin. The purpose of this restructuring is to prepare the female body as a whole for childbirth, the breasts are prepared for feeding. After the abortion procedure is carried out, the mammary glands need to return to their original state in a short time. Not every body can cope with this. In some cases, the body cannot cope after a hormonal imbalance and small and large nodules of a benign tumor may appear.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs . This stage of the body recovery program after an abortion allows us to identify existing structural changes in the uterus, mammary glands and ovaries. Timely diagnosis allows you to take measures to prevent diseases.

Gynecological massage, mud therapy, physiotherapy. These measures make it possible to prevent many different gynecological diseases, eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs and restore female body after an abortion.

Having completed a full course of measures, a woman significantly reduces the risk of complications and helps her body recover to its previous state. That is, it is possible to maintain reproductive health and menstrual function after a medical abortion procedure. To do this, it is necessary to carry out restorative procedures in a clinic under the guidance of qualified doctors. According to statistics, almost all women who have undergone rehabilitation after an abortion subsequently do not have any negative consequences associated with such intervention in the body.

Our medical center developed own program rehabilitation. The doctor individually determines the list of necessary procedures for each woman, taking into account the characteristics of her body. That is, the cost of recovery and the duration of rehabilitation can only be determined after consulting a doctor.

Pregnancy after medical abortion

All women who decide to undergo a medical abortion procedure are concerned with the question of whether such termination of pregnancy will subsequently affect reproductive function. Most studies conclude that this procedure does not in any way affect a woman's continued ability to become pregnant. There have even been cases where pregnancy occurred immediately during the first ovulation after an abortion.

Pregnancy after a non-surgical abortion can occur in the same menstrual cycle. That is why, if your plans do not include having a child in the near future, then you need to resolve the issue of contraception in advance. It is better to do this with a doctor who will select the most convenient method of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

When can you start planning a pregnancy after an abortion? As a rule, if there were no significant complications after a medical abortion, then after 3-4 months after termination of pregnancy, you can plan the next pregnancy.

Despite the fact that medical abortion is more gentle than surgical abortion, it is still an termination of pregnancy. For this reason, this issue should also be taken seriously. After termination of pregnancy, hormonal levels change, changes occur in the mammary glands, and the uterus is in an irritated state. It takes several weeks for health to return to normal. At this time, doctors strongly recommend that you undergo examination by such specialists as a mammologist and gynecologist, and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

A set of rehabilitation procedures after a medical abortion allows you to avoid negative consequences and complications. Our medical center has several recovery programs. For each individual woman, the doctor prescribes an individual course depending on her health condition.

Menstruation after medical abortion

Many women are concerned about the question of how many days after a medical abortion the first menstruation should begin. It is worth saying that there is no clear time frame on this issue. As a rule, in more than half of the cases, menstruation comes after the number of days that is the standard cycle. In other cases, the range can be from 20 to 50 days.

You also need to remember that within several months after a medical abortion, the duration may change. menstrual cycle and its slight delays. That is why, in order to avoid a second unwanted pregnancy, you need to carefully approach the issue of contraception after an abortion.

If you have any doubts and you think your period is too late, you can take a pregnancy test. If the test shows a negative result, then you need to wait 7-10 days, and then if menstruation does not begin, contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Delay after medical abortion

Is there a delay in menstruation after a medical abortion? Remember that there are no clear dates for the start of your first period. In most cases, menstruation begins after the time that was the normal menstrual cycle before pregnancy.

For several months after an abortion, deviations in the onset of menstruation are possible. This is due to hormonal imbalance. Maybe, monthly cycle will be longer or menstruation will be slightly delayed. Therefore, after a medical abortion, you need to choose a suitable method of contraception. It is better if a doctor selects a remedy for preventing unwanted pregnancy. He will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of your body.

If you notice a delay in menstruation after an abortion, you need to donate blood to check your hCG level or do a pregnancy test. If the result is negative, you need to wait a week, and if your period does not start, then you should go to an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Bleeding after medical abortion

There are no clear data on the duration of bleeding after medical abortion in women. This is individual for each person, since each body tolerates this procedure differently. As a rule, most of the bleeding after a medical abortion is menstrual in nature. In some cases there are too scanty or very heavy bleeding lasting for several days in a row.

In any case, remember that the duration and nature of bleeding is not an indicator of the effectiveness of the abortion. Whether the abortion procedure was successful can only be determined by ultrasound. This study must be carried out after a medical abortion.

Bleeding after an abortion for 2-3 days is considered normal. After this period, bleeding usually becomes less and stops by 10-15 days. If bleeding stops during the first days after the abortion procedure, then most likely a spasm of the cervical canal has occurred. This circumstance requires treatment by a gynecologist, as otherwise it can lead to complications.

Heavy bleeding after a medical abortion procedure can lead to significant blood loss.

Discharge after medical abortion

After completing the medical abortion procedure, discharge usually begins within 1-6 hours after taking maintenance medications. If you have taken Mifegin, then after 36-48 hours you need to take a supporting medicinal product, after which discharge begins within a few hours. The volume of discharge is not constant. Their duration and character are individual for each woman. As a rule, they depend on how long the interruption took place.

Heavy discharge usually lasts 1-3 days, after which it becomes increasingly scarce and the color becomes darker. The duration of discharge is 10-15 days. Discharge that stops in the first days indicates that a spasm of the cervical canal has occurred. In this situation, you need to consult a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences for the body.

In some cases, spotting continues until the first period begins.

Pain after medical abortion

Every woman experiences pain after an abortion to varying degrees. As a rule, they occur after the second stage, when prostaglandin is taken - a support drug.

The pain indicates that the uterus has begun to contract more rhythmically before releasing the fertilized egg. The use of analgesics for pain after medical abortion is required only in 20-30% of cases. Women can usually tolerate these pains without the use of additional remedies.

Severe pain may occur during the first few hours after the support drug, after which it becomes less intense. Many women note that these pains are in many ways similar to the pain they experience during their periods.

After a medical abortion and the appearance of pain, you should avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as fastup, aspirin, indomethacin, voltaren, citramon, Celebrex, Brufen, diclofenac, etc. This is due to the fact that such drugs reduce the effectiveness of the drug method.

Breasts after medical abortion

Medical statistics show that in women, after two or more abortions, the risk of developing mastopathy increases by more than 7 times. At the same time, the appearance of this disease is not affected at all by what method of termination of pregnancy was used, and how professionally the abortion was performed, because in any case there is a disruption in the normal functioning of the mammary glands.

After fertilization of the egg, hormonal changes in the body immediately occur, as it begins to prepare for childbirth. The breasts begin to prepare for feeding the unborn baby. After termination of pregnancy, the cells of the mammary glands need to quickly return to their original state, but not every female body can cope with this. A weak body can fail, which leads to the appearance of tumor nodes.

Thus, we must remember that there is no such thing as a safe abortion! And if an abortion was still inevitable, then we must not forget about restoring the body after it to prevent negative consequences. A visit to a mammologist and a breast check after a medical abortion procedure will not be superfluous.

Sex after medical abortion

After the procedure for medicinal termination of an unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 weeks. Physical activity of any kind, including sports and sex, during the first weeks after an abortion can cause inflammatory processes and bleeding. The reason for this is the non-epithelialized wound surface of the uterus during such a period.

In addition, abstaining from sex during the post-abortion period is advisable not only for hygienic reasons, but also because of the danger of a second unwanted pregnancy. One of the features of the body's behavior after an abortion is menstrual irregularity, which entails a shift in the ovulation period. If you are sexually active, the egg can mature and be fertilized 10-12 days after the abortion. Repeated abortion, especially after a short period of time, can lead to serious complications.

If you have had sexual intercourse within 4 weeks after medical termination of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan must be performed to rule out a repeat pregnancy. If pregnancy is not confirmed, then contraception must be individually selected. Properly selected contraceptives not only protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but also protect her from endomitriosis, ovarian cysts, and fibroids.

The first thing to do after a vacuum abortion is to rest. You should avoid even the lightest exercise for two or three days. It is best to spend them in bed. At the same time, you can do what you love, which will help take your mind off the thoughts of the operation. You can read, knit, sew, collect puzzles, listen to your favorite music. Now it is very important to restore the psycho-emotional state, which greatly affects hormonal levels. It’s hard to remember what happened, but nothing can be changed. So try to think about the future, not the past. If necessary, you can take mild sedatives - valerian, motherwort, etc.

After an abortion, it is advisable to visit a mammologist. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, the formation of milk ducts begins. If it is interrupted, they may become blocked and a tumor may form.

During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size. The mucous layer grows. For its proper contraction after an abortion, it is very important to monitor the functioning of the pelvic organs - the bladder and intestines. How quickly the body recovers will depend on their uninterrupted operation. There should be a bowel movement every day. To do this, you can take a safe laxative - Duphalac. It is also worth introducing fermented milk products into your diet - they help digestion without causing bloating.
Any abortion is a serious operation. And even just one can lead to infertility. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you need to protect yourself with birth control pills and condoms.

The bladder also needs to be emptied promptly. No need to endure. During pregnancy, a woman’s immunity weakens; after an abortion, complications such as cystitis or pyelonephritis may occur. The risk of their occurrence will decrease if the bladder is not full.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the external genitalia. This will help avoid infection of the uterus.

After an abortion, hormonal changes occur in the body. It is usually accompanied by bloody discharge from the uterus. Here you need to be very careful. The discharge should not be strong and should not last more than ten days. If you are losing a lot of blood, feel weak and dizzy, you need to consult a doctor. It may have begun uterine bleeding, which poses a serious threat to life.

You should not begin sexual activity earlier than three to four weeks after the abortion. Uterine contractions may cause recurrent bleeding.

In a month you should definitely visit a gynecologist. The examination will help find out whether there is an infection in the uterus, how well its contraction went, and whether it has recovered after the operation. It is equally important to do a hormonal blood test. If hormonal levels have not recovered, the doctor will prescribe therapy.

In some cases, for more quick recovery Doctors prescribe physiotherapy, mud therapy, and special massage. All these procedures help the uterus return to its previous state, and also improve hormonal levels.

If a woman has had an abortion, her body can recover in different ways after this, and this depends on the chosen method of terminating the pregnancy. The experience of the doctor performing this procedure is also important. After a medical interruption, the body returns to its normal state much faster, but surgical intervention usually requires quite serious rehabilitation measures. Since how long does it take for recovery to take place? Let's try to answer this question.

In order for recovery after an abortion to be successful and without complications, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for 3 weeks. Sexual incontinence after surgery is very dangerous, as there is a high probability of various complications, such as rejection of the uterine lining or bleeding. This is caused by an infection that enters the body during sexual intercourse.

Physical health usually takes 2 weeks to recover after an abortion, and during this period exercise is contraindicated. This is necessary to ensure that the abdominal muscles are at rest. Lifting heavy objects is also prohibited. Successful physical recovery reduces the risk of complications.

In order to protect against infection or bacteria entering the body, it is necessary to refrain from swimming in a bathtub, pool or open water for a while.

An important factor after the procedure is proper nutrition. Abortion is a great stress for the body, so you should saturate it with microelements and vitamins, as well as fiber and proteins. It is also necessary to periodically measure body temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. Any deviation of the body from the normal state indicates the beginning of complications, so you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Quite often, recovery of the body after an abortion requires taking antibiotics. In this case, you should not drink alcohol.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

Abortion is a serious stress for the body, so after it it is almost always disrupted. Normally, in a young and healthy woman, the restoration of menstruation after an abortion occurs in about a month. But it often happens that the duration of the cycle lengthens or shortens, and the nature of the discharge also changes. A scant smudge may appear, and this is explained by incomplete restoration of the endometrium after surgery.

If the restoration of the menstrual cycle after an abortion is accompanied by scanty discharge for quite a long time, it is necessary to be examined. This pathological condition can be caused by the following factors:

  • Functional failure in the production of hormones by the pituitary gland, ovaries and hypothalamus. This usually occurs after a medical abortion and is associated with taking a large amount of antiprogestin, and therefore hormonal therapy is necessary.
  • Mechanical damage to the endometrium or cervix. Trauma to the endometrium in the uterine cavity leads to the formation of adhesions in the pelvis, which are rejected during menstruation.

You should also be wary if the restoration of the cycle after an abortion is accompanied by heavy discharge. They may indicate that endometrial hyperplasia or adenomyosis is developing.

Restoration of the uterus

After an abortion, the uterus suffers the most, and it receives quite serious damage when a pregnancy is terminated at a long term. Particularly severe injuries are caused by scraping with instruments.

After termination of pregnancy, the uterus begins to contract and returns to its normal size. But in the place where the fertilized egg was attached, a large wound appears, which takes time to heal.

If everything proceeds without complications, then restoration of the uterus after an abortion lasts about a month and by the beginning of menstruation it usually has its previous size. But if after 2 weeks, during a mandatory examination, the doctor sees that the uterus has enlarged, softened or become painful and all this is accompanied by a very unpleasant odor, then it can be assumed that it is inflamed.

This condition occurs for the following reasons:

  • a poorly performed abortion, resulting in part of the fertilized egg remaining in the uterus;
  • introduction of infection;
  • activation of latent infection;
  • hematometra formation.

Recovery after medical abortion

In another way, such an abortion is called hormonal and is carried out on early stages(up to 6 weeks) using medications that cause spontaneous miscarriage. Such drugs belong to different pharmacological groups and affect the contractile activity of the uterus and the production of hormones that support the course of pregnancy. Under the influence of these medications, the uterus begins to contract intensively, the production of hormones decreases, as a result of which the fertilized egg dies and a miscarriage occurs.

To ensure recovery after a hormonal abortion without complications, there are certain rules:

  • you need to try to avoid stress, eat right and rest well;
  • to reduce pain after an abortion, women take medications, but only after agreeing with their doctor, as they can weaken the immune system;
  • a special diet will help saturate the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for a certain time in order to avoid infection and re-pregnancy;
  • it is necessary to observe the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge, and if after 2 months it does not recover, correction will be required

What complications may arise?

After an abortion, negative consequences can be expected. For example, part of the fertilized egg remains in the uterus, so the doctor cleanses it, which leads to additional damage to the lining of the uterus and its cervix. This provokes bleeding, which requires urgent hospitalization. In addition, the presence of remnants of fetal parts in the uterine cavity creates a favorable environment for the development of infection. In case of mucosal injuries without treatment, salpingitis, endometritis or purulent inflammation occurs.

What symptoms require you to see a doctor?

If the following signs appear, do not hesitate, but consult a doctor:

  • severe bleeding with clots;
  • discharge with a strong odor;
  • high temperature that does not go down even with medications;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • nausea, fainting, dizziness.

Recovery after an abortion proceeds in different ways, but the main thing is that the woman devotes as much time as possible to her health. Two weeks after the procedure, minor physical activity is recommended.

Further pregnancy

Many women are concerned about whether they will be able to have children after an abortion. This is quite likely even before the menstrual cycle returns. After this procedure, the body is able to quickly readjust, returning to its normal rhythm. In preparation for a new menstruation, the ovaries begin to produce, promoting ovulation.

You should plan a further pregnancy no earlier than after 6 months, or even after a year. This time will be quite enough for the body to recover, and the likelihood of complications will be significantly reduced.

Use of contraception

To avoid unwanted pregnancy after an abortion, it is necessary to choose the right means of contraception. The best option is the use of tablets, which, among other things, eliminate the consequences of hormonal imbalance and protect against endocrine disorders. Thanks to birth control pills the risk of inflammatory processes is sharply reduced. In addition, these contraceptives help:

  • reducing the amount of blood released, which can become a source of development of pathogenic microflora;
  • reducing the activity of uterine contractions, so that pathogens cannot penetrate from the uterine cavity into the tubes;
  • thickening of cervical mucus, which serves as an obstacle to infection.

The most effective are considered to be tablets containing a small amount of hormones, since the estrogens included in the drug help increase blood clotting.


Thus, if a woman was forced, she should remember that recovery after an abortion can last quite a long time and be accompanied by various complications. Therefore, to avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should use contraception.