New Year in the company of Baba Yaga - New Year's scenarios for adults. Surprise scene for the New Year with the participation of Baba Yaga and Santa Claus Baba Yaga congratulations for the New Year

With the advent of 2018, the owner of 2017, the Rooster, will hand over the reins of power to the Dog, friendly, loyal, hardworking and simple. That is why the script for a corporate party should contain cheerful toasts and competitions for a strong collective spirit and friendly relations with each other. We offer you an excellent scenario for a corporate event at New Year.

New Year's scenario "The friendliest team"

We offer you both active and intellectual competitions for the Year of the Dog. Competitions and conversations by presenters should be interspersed with music so that guests of the evening have the opportunity to dance and chat.

It will also be good to dilute the script with performances by guest artists (singers, dance groups, showmen).

A great idea would be to hold a fire show or a performance with liquid nitrogen, a bartender show, or invite unusual dancers. See all ideas for shows for corporate events here.


  • Leading
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Grandfather Frost.

What will be required for the script?

To hold a New Year's corporate party, you should definitely prepare songs and melodies, examples of which will be demonstrated below. As well as any moving music for competitions, general background, screensavers and character appearances.

You should prepare the props for dressing up and playing in advance:

  • garland (paper chain or paper serpentine);
  • a piece of fabric;
  • pouch;
  • several things (tie, glasses, hat, skirt, beard, socks, stockings, high heels, bow, Panama hat, huge bodice);
  • small prizes for guests for winning competitions.

Host: Good evening, gentlemen! The most long-awaited and solemn moment has arrived: seeing off the Old Year and welcoming the New Year. Are you happy about this event? Were you looking forward to it? Have you prepared for the holiday? I can’t hear your answers well, perhaps we’ll try differently. I will ask questions, if you agree, you answer: “Of course, yes,” otherwise, when you disagree, I want to hear the answer: “This is nonsense!”

Q: Were you and I waiting for the New Year? Together with best friends(Answer: yes)

  • It takes place three times a year - this New Year holiday! (er-yes)
  • , do we dress up all the needles? (Yes)
  • We’re not expecting anyone to visit, and we’re not going ourselves (er-yes)
  • We cook, we set the table skillfully! (Yes)
  • We give flowers and cards, then we count the losses! (er-nda)
  • Do we summon the merman and invite the mermaid? (er-nda)
  • Santa Claus comes to us, to our children and friends! (Yes).
  • We celebrate New Year on the street without wearing boots and fur coats? (er-yes)
  • Are we expecting gifts from loved ones, in bright packaging? (Yes).
  • We can’t stand this holiday, we are waiting for Ivan Kupala in the summer! (er-yes)
  • We love to meet the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from the frosty forest (yes)

V-shchiy: Well, now I figure out who is happy and what. (The sound of the wind and music are heard, Baba Yaga comes out to the song “I Love Pasta”, walks and dances in front of the viewer).


I love parties
Where you can have a lot of drinks and snacks!
Dressing up like a picture
You can't kick me out, you can't defeat me!
I'll dance with you very well,
And then I’ll kiss you too!

Pour me some champagne
And pour some cognac,
I am a cheerful Yagusya,
You warm me up... (music plays quietly, B.Ya dances).

V-shchy: Hey, grandma (can’t hear) - hey, Granny-Yagusya, we’re having a corporate party (grandma looks surprised), an event in a narrow, limited circle!

B.Ya: - Oh, come on, Narrow? Why am I so wide? I won't come in? Limited... oh, really narrow-minded, or what? Oh, I'm already upset! And if I’m upset, oooh, I’ll definitely ruin your corporate party! Both the holiday and the year!

V-shchiy: - Well, why are they narrow-minded, I’ll ruin the holiday! Calm down, Grandma, everyone here is distant, don’t swear!

B.Ya: Oh, really? Come on, let me check people, and then I’ll think about whether to swear or not! Here is my first test for your “New Year’s corporate party,” or rather a riddle: “12 apostles are sitting, they don’t get along with each other, but they give way to each other”! (Answer, 12 years, 12 zodiac signs).

B.Ya: Well, okay, I just had a question, but now name them for me by coming years.

  • 2019, who's the boss? Pig.
  • 2020 – Rat
  • 2021- Bull
  • 2022 – Tiger
  • 2023 – Cat
  • 2024 – Dragon
  • 2025 – Snake
  • 2026 – Horse
  • 2027 – Goat
  • 2028 – Monkey
  • 2029 – Rooster

B.Ya.: - Well done, what year are we celebrating? 2018 is... Dog.

Ved.: - Why, Grandma, haven’t you checked us yet?

B.Ya.: - What are you, what are you. It was only for the sugrevu! And the main thing is just beginning; not a single scenario for a corporate event is complete without competitions. I need activists, I choose (spinning and on whom with eyes closed He points with his finger and he comes out, there are about 5-8 people in total, the last one is looking).

"Find the Mistress of the Year"

Baba Yaga holds a small toy dog ​​in her hands. She gathers people in a circle or semicircle, puts some on the floor, some on a chair, some on a chair, the level should be different. The person who will search is blindfolded. They hide the Mistress of the Year anywhere: in a bosom, under a skirt, in a sleeve, in a bodice. The seeker must find it with his eyes closed.

V-shchiy: What Bab-Yaga, have you calmed down? Can we start?

B.Ya: – Not at all! This is just the beginning for me! But you can raise a toast!

Fill your glasses,
And listen to a toast from me!
In the New Year, do not know sadness,
Not a bit, not a single day!
Well, for “not sadness”!

We continue our New Year's corporate party, not according to the script! (dances) So, I want to see how friendly you are, otherwise maybe you don’t need to work together next year? The Mistress of the Year, by the way, is a very friendly animal!

"Island of Friendship"

The maximum number of players is called. A piece of fabric approximately 2-3 m long is laid out in front of the guests, depending on the number of players. Cheerful music sounds, the players stand on the fabric and dance, the music stops for exactly 15 seconds, during this time the fabric should be folded by one third and again mark the guests, who must dance again, then the fabric is folded in half, the actions are repeated, etc. The presenter himself must determine how many times he can roll, the main thing is that the participants fit in and dance. The winner is the one who does not step on the floor, but remains dancing on the fabric.

V.: - Well, how’s Grandma, have you played enough? What else can you think of?

B.Ya.: – I’ll come up with an idea! Let's have some toast first, otherwise you're thirsty, do you have a toast in mind?

V.: Of course, there is.

I want to raise a simple toast,
Here's to the New Year's Eve party!
Let the Year of the Dog be simple,
And it doesn’t lead to despair!

Let your health increase
Adventures, happiness, laughter!
And the salary goes up
So that there is enough for fun!

Bab.Yaga: Ay. Well done! Let me kiss you! We continue our corporate event! I want to know if colleagues will be able to free each other? (6-8 players are invited and divided in half, preferably 4 girls and 4 guys).

V.: From where?

Bab.Ya.: Well, from where, from the chain, of course, as the patroness of the year!

"On a chain"

“Today there was an official meeting of two important people: the patron of the Old Year of the Rooster and the patroness of the New Year of the Dog. The transfer of the symbol of power and rights of government took place in a solemn atmosphere. The Rooster congratulated his successor and honorably handed over to her a package of large and small matters. The inauguration of the 2018 hostess will take place on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Hurray, my friends! (Explosion of firecrackers and lighting of sparklers).

– Well, friends, on behalf of the representative of the government number 2018 and, of course, on my own behalf, I congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year! I wish you good health, happiness, family comfort and warmth! May all your dreams come true!

Host: I propose to fill your glasses and raise them to our bright future!

B.Ya.: Grandfather, have you prepared any gifts?

D.M.: I have prepared it, but first you need to respect me, play with me, as I like!


Frost hosts the game. Invites you to stand in a round dance and hold hands. The game is played to fast music, last word is not pronounced, the players must guess for themselves what exactly Santa Claus will cover and hide, as in a children's game.

I walked through the forest and field,
Scattered a lot of snow,
The snow froze the Christmas trees, the river,
I'll freeze the little man!
Come on, don't be foolish,
Cover quickly... (ears).

(Repeat intro)

Just left the hut
I froze you... (top of your head).

I found a little man in the forest
I zam-zil him... (hangers)

There is no boredom in our forest,
I’ll freeze you... (hands).

Today at Larisa and Lenka's
I'll freeze... (knees)

Don't play hide and seek with me
I’ll freeze it or not... (heels)

Not even a fly will fly past me,
Take care of your neighbor on the right... (ear)

There are many bunnies in the forest
Close the person on the left... (fingers).

I will sweep paths in the forest,
I’ll freeze the neighbor on the right... (legs).

My wind pierces your skin
Total neighbor... (deputy)

D.M.: Well done, you have a friendly team!

B. Yaga: I realized it right away, it’s not for nothing that I stayed here!

Eh, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye,
New Year's time is coming!
I have a lot of work
I should congratulate everyone!

I wish you a happy year,
There is absolutely no adversity in it!
Everyone's wishes come true
And daily loud laughter!

And it’s time for me, my dears, to say goodbye,
I was glad to play with you!
May there be happiness in your home,
And no misfortune will come your way!

And on my own behalf I want to add,
To be able to correct mistakes,
to you in this new year,
Let his owner take the trouble away!

The presenters say goodbye, inviting everyone to go to the table, the New Year's corporate party and the meeting of the Year of the Dog continues.

Forest. Glade. Hut. Baba Yaga and her gang are preparing for the New Year.

Baba Yaga:

Well, what, my villains, murderers!? What will you please me with, honey? I love holiday concerts with passion.

Grandma, we tried!

Baba Yaga:

What kind of grandma am I to you? I also found another granddaughter! I'm only 200 years older than you.

Yes I... yes we...


Shut up! Let's start our concert. The first number of our program is “Forest Gems”. Leshy, Kikimora, Koschey sing:

Eh, lambs, sweets,
We are “Forest Gems”
Wild guitars!
We sing all day long
And we drum
And who will we find in the forest - 2 times
We won’t joke with that -
We'll tear it apart...

(There are screams and stomping).

Baba Yaga:

Enough! I've heard this before! Tired of it!

Yes, I'm tired of it! Kwak, can you sing this?


The second number of our program is the outstanding tenor of our forest - Vodyanoy!

The merman, embarrassed, comes forward and sings with feeling:

I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.
Nobody hangs out with me.
There is water inside me,
Well, what's the matter?

Eh, my life is a tin,
Yes, well, she's in the swamp.
I live like a toadstool
And I have to fly – 3 times
I am Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy.
Someone would talk to me.
After all, all my girlfriends
Leeches and frogs.

Kwak, what a horror!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, go away with your whining, don’t poison my soul. I need a holiday. Understand? Come on, play mine, Baba Yaginskaya!

Everyone sings the chorus:

Stretch your furs, accordion,
Yes, play - have fun!
Sing ditties Babka-Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!
Baba Yaga sings:
I was tipsy
And she flew on a broom.
Oh, I don’t believe it myself
These superstitions!

Everyone sings the chorus:

Baba Yaga sings:

Walked along the forest side
The devil is following me.
Thought a man
What the hell is this?

Everyone sings the chorus:

Baba Yaga sings:

Walked the other way
I see the devil behind me again.
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil.

Quack! Fine! Funny!

Baba Yaga:

This is how to sing and dance! But can I perform alone at the whole festival? And who will entertain me, little golden one? Why are you silent Koschey? Did you put water in your mouth? All you can do is rattle your bones! Get out of my sight!

What are you doing, Yaga? Why, you and I have been together for so many years! You've seen everyone, and now you're chasing me? I'll be lost alone!

Baba Yaga:

So get lost, I won’t regret it!

What if you regret it, call me, but I won’t come back. No way!

Leshy sings:

Koschey and Yaga were friends all his life,
Deep devoted friendship.
He has all her desires
I tried to do it as needed.
He forgot that he was Koschey,
I forgot my former power,
He flew from the depths of the forest
Hoping to play football with her


Koschey and Yaga - the plot of this song
My guitar suggested it.
Koschey and Yaga - to be honest, they
Not a couple, not a couple, not a couple.

Baba Yaga sings:

Yagusya listened laughing
His boring suffering.
The flame of anger in her went out,
What remains is disappointment.

Koschey sings :

He understood everything - and only said:
“You will still cry in regret,
When will you remember
About the lonely Koshchei.”

It’s in vain, grandma, to treat Uncle Koshchei like this, I feel sorry for him!

Baba Yaga:

You’d better feel sorry for yourself, but if I cast a spell on the uncouth stump, no one will help you. Get out of here while you're still alive.

Leshy sings:

I read you poems
He brought expensive cookies,
I walked yours
Your stupid frog
And once I fixed it
Your smoking hut!


But you, you threw, you
You, you threw, you
You ditched me!

All efforts went down the drain
And I was left with suffering.
And I cry, and I cry, and I cry.
And I don't know, I don't know
How will I live?


Baba Yaga, why did you disperse all the men? Vodyanoy doesn’t count! After all, you and I are fragile girls, it’s scary to be alone in the forest, and there will be no one to protect us.

Baba Yaga:

Who are we? You are no match for me! I’m smart, I can protect my beauty, but you get lost in your swamp, you green toad.

Correctly said! Quack!

Kikimora (crying):

I'm not a toad! And you, Granny, ungrateful! How much good have I done to you?

How many stupid people did she lure into the swamp for you? Or don't you remember?

Baba Yaga:

And whoever remembers the old - look out! Why should I, my dear, risk my little eyes? Go away, go away.

Yes, yes! Quack! Wise!

Baba Yaga (to Vodyanoy):

Why are you standing here? Do you need to say anything in particular? Don’t force me, my beloved, to strain my nervous system. Disappear!

But I just wanted...

Baba Yaga:

Get rid of the evil spirits!

You broke my heart! Ahah!

Baba Yaga (one):

I don't need anyone. I'll throw a party for myself. I'll get myself a real Snow Maiden.

Act 2

Another forest clearing is bright and quiet. Santa Claus is preparing a sleigh with gifts. The Snow Maiden runs through the forest, admiring the trees. Baba Yaga is hiding behind a tree.

Snow Maiden:

Oh, what a great fellow you are, grandpa! How beautifully you dressed the trees! That birch tree over there is definitely a queen! And the pine trees nearby are the ladies of the court! And the maple on the contrary is the spitting image of a knight! And everyone seems to be dozing in an enchanted dream!

Father Frost:

Ha ha ha! You are my inventor! Come on, look, have all the birds and animals that are supposed to sleep in winter hid? And then help me sort out the gifts. It’s time for us to get ready for the road - New Year is coming!

Snow Maiden:

I'm running, grandpa! I'll be back quickly.

Santa Claus (following her):

Why do I have a beautiful granddaughter! And what an assistant! I can’t even imagine how I would live without her.

(Packs gifts and sings quietly):

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest...

Snow Maiden (runs in excitedly):

Grandpa, grandpa! Someone has caused trouble in the forest! The snow has been knocked off the fir trees, the crossbill's nest has been destroyed - at least there were no chicks in it yet. Come and take a look, put things in order, and I’ll take care of the gifts.

Father Frost:

Okay, I'll go. What is this going on? I don't like all this. You, granddaughter, keep an eye on the gifts. (Leaves)

(The Snow Maiden is busy with gifts and does not see Baba Yaga sneaking up on her)

Baba Yaga:

Yeah, gotcha, berry! You will only give me gifts for the New Year!

(Grabs your hand and starts walking)

Snow Maiden:

What are you doing? Who are you? Let me go! Grandpa, help!

Baba Yaga:

If your grandfather won't hear you, don't shout.

And you didn’t recognize me, diamond one? You offend me, girl, you offend me!

I am Baba Yaga!

Oh, Baba Yaga! Grandfather - ah! Grandfather!

(Baba Yaga takes her away. A minute later, Santa Claus runs and looks back)

Father Frost:

I heard it as if my granddaughter was calling me. Where is she? Guys, have you seen the Snow Maiden? What? Baba Yaga? Ay-ay-ay! Oh, I'm an old fool, with a hole in my head! I didn’t save my beautiful granddaughter! How can I live in the world now? What will I tell the guys now? After all, the New Year will never come without the Snow Maiden! (Crying)

The Page comes out.

Santa Claus, don't cry, I heard everything! Of course, there was a big problem, but I will help you. I have a godmother, she is a real Fairy. I’m also learning to work miracles, but I’m still small. Now I will tell my godmother everything, and she will free the Snow Maiden. New Year will definitely come! Goodbye.

Father Frost:

Goodbye, Page. May your words come true! (Curtain)

Act 3

The Page goes to the Fairy and sings a song.

We will find the Snow Maiden
In the thirtieth kingdom.
To appear in every home
New Year to the guys.


Let the road be hard
We know without a hint
That good is stronger than evil
In reality and in a fairy tale.

We will defeat the enemy
He is on horseback or on foot.
Get out of the way of Yaga!
Get out of the way Leshy!


Hello my lady!

Hello my little friend! I see you are worried about something. Tell me what happened this time?

Oh lady! Something terrible happened! New Year is in jeopardy! Baba Yaga kidnapped the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is desperate! What to do? Oh, lady, you are wise and strong, you will definitely come up with something!

Yes, the task is not easy. But we have to try. I'll tell you a secret that Baba Yaga is not as scary as it seems at first glance. She has her weaknesses. Let's go to her and try to come to an agreement.

I am sure, lady, that your wisdom and kindness will cope with any spell.

Well, then, let's go!

(The Page and the Fairy hold hands, the Fairy waves her magic wand and they are transported to a forest clearing to a hut on chicken legs).

It seems that we have arrived at the place, and here is the famous hut. Come on, little hut, stand with your back to the forest and your front to me!

(The hut slowly turns and Baba Yaga is sitting in it, she jumps out).

Baba Yaga:

Hello, colleague! Hello, Fairy!

Hello, Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Baba Yaga:

I am waiting! I knew you would come. After all, you, who are always kind, so if I catch one, others will immediately reach out to the rescue. Because you always take care of others, and I’m a smart girl, a swallow, a killer whale – only about myself. That's why it's strong! That's what I am!

Do you apparently love yourself, Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga:

It’s not enough to say “I love you”! I have no soul for myself, my dear. (Looks in the mirror). My little gold! What do you want? Seagull or water? Voditsa. From a well or from a swamp? From the swamp, it smells like mud. Come on, Fairy, run to the swamps and bring water! Or send your boy!

Kwa, kwa to the swamp, kwa to the boy!

I am not your servant, and neither is my page.

Baba Yaga:

Serve me, serve me. You came for the Snow Maiden, didn’t you? Am I really a villain and will I give her away for this? You don't know me well.

Kwak, you don't know well!

No, Baba Yaga, not bad. But I’m not so easy to deceive, and I won’t get caught in your net. Let's better try to come to an agreement. Tell me what you would like?

Baba Yaga:

So that I, the most villainous of all villainesses, will come to an agreement with you good-natured people. Let this never happen!

Listen, Baba Yaga! Well, why do you need Snow Maiden alone? After all, so many boys and girls are waiting and can’t wait for the New Year, and without the Snow Maiden it will never come. You have no conscience!

Baba Yaga:

Thank you for your kind words! No, it never was and never will be!

Kwak, kwak - it won't happen.

Okay, okay! Maybe you also want to have fun at the holiday with us?

Baba Yaga:

I am with you - no way! But I love holidays. If you manage to cheer me up, I’ll give the Snow Maiden!

How can you lift it?

Baba Yaga:

We need to think about it. Oh, I’m tired, poor orphan, I’ll sit down and rest.

Croak, tired, croak, tired.

Why are you tired? You've been living on other people's labor all your life.

Baba Yaga:

Do you think it’s easy to live by someone else’s labor? I was still a girl - I was Yaga, I ran to school, but I didn’t know peace for even an hour. Your brother, honest, will memorize all his lessons - and even sleep. And I, poor little Yaga, am tossing and turning from side to side, I keep thinking how I wish my darling, tomorrow, without knowing anything, they will twist and turn. And it’s like this all my life! Well, what condition should I set for you?

Think Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:

I've decided! I want a song and a round dance!

Kwa-kwa, song and round dance!

I need to consult with my Page.

Baba Yaga:

So get some advice. In the meantime, I’ll admire myself!

(The Fairy and the Page step aside and talk quietly. Baba Yaga looks in the mirror and sings)

To the beauty - Yaga
I can’t look enough.
Who is my beloved?
Me, Me, Me!

Wow, you are my only minx! Bye-bye-bye! Oh, what was going through her head? I wanted a round dance! Bye-bye-bye! Oh, you are my precious!

Well, Baba Yaga, there will be a round dance for you! Take it quickly, the children are already waiting for you.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, make sure the song is funny.

Will try!

(Children sing a New Year's song with Baba Yaga.)

Baba Yaga:

Let's all sing and dance together in front of Baba Yaga so much that all her anger will fly out of her and never return!

Well, whoever is first - come out!

(Everyone performs, Baba Yaga laughs and becomes kinder. She leaves and returns with the Snow Maiden. Everyone is happy.)

Snow Maiden: (singing)

I returned to you friends
Now Yaga is my friend,
And it’s so important to me that you tell me about this.
Fire will make friends with rain,
We will sing for you two,
Without remembering problems and conflicts.


New Year will come
It will take you into a fairy tale.
And a friendly round dance spins,
It's so good for us to dream about it now.
In a fairyland
We soar like birds above the ground.
And such avalanches of joy,
We will be covered with happiness and a warm wind.
It was hard for me to take a step
And overcome your childhood fear
But you, my friends, are always by my side
I'll push away from boring words,
I will free myself from heavy shackles,
I want the holiday to be a reward for you and me.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden:

Dear friends! We wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you to remain as kind, beautiful, cheerful, help each other, and most importantly, healthy! Happy New Year!

or colleagues can be arranged anywhere (even at home), the main thing is that there are four who want to be presenters, and the rest have a great desire to have fun together. To organize a New Year's party according to this scenario, you will need: costumes (or elements of costumes) for Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga, prizes for all guests, props for competitions, lottery tickets, toast cards, friendly feast and good music.

Scenario for a New Year's party with friends designed for close company, and therefore assumes that each guest ( alone or teaming up with someone) will prepare some number or surprise for friends (song “live” or with a soundtrack, a funny story, dramatization of an anecdote, showing magic tricks, etc.).

New Year's party scenario for friends.

The hall where the New Year's ball will be held is decorated with garlands, snowflakes, posters: “Today the law here is: sing and dance, dance and sing,” “Whoever likes to have fun and gets bored without friendly company, hurry to where there are songs, dances, jokes - to the New Year's ball!", "Citizens! Don’t get drunk individually - let’s get drunk collectively!” etc. The hall is decorated with a decorated Christmas tree. On the table, text down, there are toasts marked *, which the guests read out at the sign of the host. All the props needed are also prepared in advance.

Characters (festival hosts):

- Presenter (presenter)

- Father Frost;

- Snow Maiden;

- Baba Yaga.

Leading: Good evening, my friends! Today we have all gathered at this festive table to, as is our custom, celebrate the New Year together and say goodbye to the old. Let's fill our glasses and plates and listen carefully...

"Rules of behavior for a normal person in New Year's Eve»:

1. Today, anything you do with a smile is not considered a mistake.

2. Be cheerful, attentive, joyful, so that boredom is afraid to look into the hall!

3. Laugh quickly - the law is this: don’t wait for someone else to do it for you.

4. Also pay attention: you can litter here, but only with streamers and confetti.

5. This is considered a bad omen, and therefore silence is prohibited during the evening!

6. You need to pour clearly and accurately - don’t make your neighbor get bored.

(banquet break and toast from the host)

Leading: Also, friends, at a holiday, as at any mass event, I am obliged to introduce you to another important document, or rather, instructions.

“Safety rules for the New Year’s holiday”:

1. Do not call the Snow Maiden by name in the presence of your wife!

2. If you made a wish on New Year’s Eve, but it didn’t come true, don’t be upset - make the same wish next year!

3. Don’t hug Santa Claus too much and squeeze him in the corner - he might get burned at work!

4. You can’t be late, you should note, the New Year should be celebrated exactly at midnight.

5. Remember: alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.

6. It’s very dangerous to be bored today; you can drive away your luck.

The presenter takes out the lottery tickets prepared in advance, i.e. leaflets with numbers (according to the number of guests). They can be decorated in the form of a vase with napkins.

Leading: Now I will conduct a short interview in our large company. Let each of you answer the question: “Why do I love the New Year holiday?” Now I'll pass the microphone around (the presenter takes out a microphone or its imitation). After each person answers the question, he can choose any lottery ticket. I'll tell you a secret: the winnings are especially valuable.

(Win-win option New Year's lottery look )

Guest speeches (interviews) are interrupted by the following toasts, which are also written on beautiful cards and read out one by one throughout the feast.

- *I wish that life for everyone present throughout the next year will also be seething, as mysterious and light as this champagne that fills our glasses!

- *Without preamble and categorically, I declare my requirements for the New Year: to drink and sing, to laugh and dream, to live happily!

- *So that the stars brightly illuminate the heights with their rays. Let us all say together: “Our Christmas tree, light up!”

- *What can we say about the old year?... What’s past is past, let’s forget about it. We will neither grumble nor regret about him. He worked hard, sang, skipped, caroused, was a dandy and drank a lot... Let us remember, friends, kind words his! Let the next one be no worse!

After everyone has spoken and sorted out all the lottery tickets, the Presenter continues.

Leading: And now, as is customary, you need to invite Santa Claus. Let's call everyone together. Remember how in childhood - three, four... Santa Claus! (all in chorus). Snow Maiden!... Just a minute, a little hitch.

Game moment "Baba Yaga at the New Year's party."

The presenter leaves the room. At this time, a picturesquely dressed Baba Yaga runs into the room. She jumps joyfully, examines her surroundings with interest, and sniffs drinks and snacks. The presenter returns.

Leading: Who else is this?

Baba Yaga: It's me - Snow Maiden!

Leading: Well, get out of here, forest evil spirits!

Baba Yaga: Well, well! No culture! They immediately start calling names!

I am no evil spirit, and I have had a first name and patronymic for a long time.

Madame Yadviga Kostyantinovna ! (bows).

Leading: Well, okay, tell me why you came? What can you do?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my dear, I can do anything!

Leading: Then tell us what is expected at the holiday today?

Baba Yaga: I think... uh... there will be dancing.

Leading(sarcastically): Fabulous!

Baba Yaga(perking up): still be there!

Leading: Perfect!

Baba Yaga: Well, this one will come again, with a beard. The girl with him is blonde.

Leading: Father Frost and Snow Maiden, or what?

Baba Yaga: Yeah! They are the best!

Leading: Well, this is just a brilliant prediction! (kisses her hand, turns away and spits).

Baba Yaga: What did you think! Not a bunch of crap... Well, there are also different games, fun, riddles, jokes... In general, let's get started right now! I will ask riddles. Let them guess for prizes. (Takes 2 tangerines out of his pocket, carefully wipes them on the hem, smells them, wipes them again). So, listen: Who brought us gifts? Good grandfather... (all in chorus: Frost). The same grandfather froze the children's noses... (all in chorus: Frost).

Baba Yaga: What a high intelligence our people have! They answer in unison! And yet, this lady and this guy answered most correctly, give them prizes! (tags one of the guests)

Leading: You should go, Yadviga better prepared for the holiday!

Baba Yaga: I'll go, but I'll be back! (leaves)

Leading: Let's call Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden again, everyone!

Everyone calls in unison: Father Frost!

Father Frost comes out, rubbing his eyes, with Snow Maiden leading him by the arm.

(Watch another game moment with Baba Yaga at the New Year's party

Games with guests of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Oh, I dozed off here, in the warmth. Forgive me, I'm old, I dozed off. I’m getting old, it’s time to retire, but I can’t get enough experience... Oh! Does something need to be said? I forgot...

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what are you doing! How many years have you been celebrating this holiday? You need to say hello, greetings!

Father Frost: Wait a minute! I remembered! Hello, dear guys! Happy New Year! I’ve been to all over the world, seen a lot of Christmas trees, and came here to you. You are glad to see me, children, right?!

Leading: Father Frost! Not here kindergarten! All adults are here, they came to the holiday. Eh! Pour it for grandpa... Let's go and rehearse. And you, Snow Maiden, come up with some fun so that the guests don’t get bored.

Game "Get the Prize"

A 1.5 - 2 m stick is suspended from the ceiling or in a doorway parallel to the floor, on which small prizes - pencils, notepads, hair clips, candies, crackers - are tied at different heights on strings or threads from the rain (this must be prepared in advance). (for greater mystery, they can be packed in multi-colored bags). The Snow Maiden blindfolds the participant, gives them scissors, and everyone “cuts off” the prize for themselves.

After some time, the Presenter and Santa Claus reappear.

Father Frost:(swaying slightly and slurring his tongue): What is significant about the past year for me? Numerals! I was beaten twice, thrashed three times, heated four times, burned 5 times, cheated 6 times, cheated 7 times, I was stunned 50 times and stunned 100 times. For wonderful memories and interesting year! (raises his glass).

Leading: All. No more pouring for Grandpa! (shakes him by the shoulders): Well, give a speech!

Father Frost:(cheering up):

May misfortunes pass you by.

May trouble pass you by.

Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!

Happy New Year, gentlemen!

Leading: That's better. And now it's time to choose the prom queen.

New Year's party competition program

"Prom Queen"

Baba Yaga runs in

Baba Yaga: I! I! I am the queen! Where is the crown?

Leading: What a queen you are, God forgive me! You are Baba, how are you...

Baba Yaga: Be gentle, please, actually, I'm not married.

Father Frost: Yes, it’s difficult to find a groom for such a beauty!

Baba Yaga: And, by the way, Koschey and the Serpent Gorynych fought a duel because of me!

Snow Maiden: Yes?! And who won?

Baba Yaga(proudly): I!

Father Frost: How so?

Baba Yaga: It’s very simple, they fought in magic. Koschey turned into a mouse, and the Serpent turned into a sparrow. I sent the cat Vaska, but he couldn’t resist... And here I am again, a girl of marriageable age, a bride... ( embarrassedly fiddling with his apron).

Father Frost: Why is it so cruel?

Baba Yaga: Fi! They are not modern! They cannot distinguish Kirkorov from Ukupnik. And they don't have jeans. I like men here better! Especially this one (heads towards one man, notices another, a third, rushes about). Maestro, white dance!

Everyone is dancing.

Leading: Baba Yaga! I'm not happy with you! Where is your organizational work? How much time has passed! If you decide that you have become the main decoration of the holiday, then excuse me - the external data is not the same!

Baba Yaga(turning up his nose): I have an original and piquant appearance. Look around - not a single lady is like me!

Leading: Yes, I don’t care about your appearance! Where are your tricks?

Baba Yaga: What kind of tricks? I don't understand you... (flirts with a man).

Leading: (shaking Baba Yaga decisively): Come on, fantasize, you’re Baba Yaga!

Prank game at the holiday.

Santa Claus warming up

Father Frost: And now I want to check if everyone knows the multiplication table. I will ask you examples, and you will answer me in unison. Five five? (at the same time he waves his hands 2 times for both words). Five six? (also waves his hands 2 times. Usually they answer 36). Well, why don’t you guys know the multiplication table? Let's first. Five five ? (waves hands 2 times) Five six? ( swings 1 time). Right! Five seven ? (waves 2 times) Five eight? (waves 2 times, usually answer 48). No, five eight is forty! Let's start over! (repeats everything from the beginning, no longer confusing the guests).

Snow Maiden: Well done, grandpa, you made the guests happy. If only Baba Yaga would say a toast!

Baba Yaga: I want fun, joyful singing, wild conversations, laughter and witticisms! Fauna and flora, youthful enthusiasm, vodka and sausages and a tennis court. For my humble wishes for the New Year!

Game "On the count of three - take the prize"

Father Frost: Well, guys, you got me going. Come out if you want, I'll play a game with you. It's called "Number 3".

The game involves 4-6 people. They stand around the chair on which the prize lies.

Father Frost: I'll tell you a story now. But if you hear a separate number 3 in it, then immediately grab the prize. Whoever takes it first will get it. So... This morning I woke up very early, my lower back hurt terribly, and I tossed and turned until 1 o'clock in the morning, until two o'clock, until... the morning I tossed and turned. And then I went to the hospital. There the doctor prescribed me drops and said: “Rub your back until it turns red.” I went home and did just that. I rubbed my back, and naturally I felt better. And I fell asleep. I slept for an hour, I slept for two, I slept... for 4 hours, and then I went shopping. We have a lot of shops in our city: a department store - one, perfumery - two, three... there is a clothing store, but I went to the bookstore, I needed to buy textbooks, and I bought: physics - one, botany - two, I bought trigonometry and ran to hockey. Today there were 2 teams playing: “Cooperator” and “Transformer”. And then the transformer scores one goal, two,... three... the booms are noisy! And in the second half, “Koperator” is unrecognizable, he scores one goal, two... Thirty-five thousand fans watched this wonderful match! But why spend so much time talking about this number... when you can simply say: 1, 2, you need to clarify - do you want to earn a prize? Three!!!

Baba Yaga(addressing the losers): Well, have you hung your heads, falcons? Or did you want to drink, alcoholics?

The presenter tries to catch Baba Yaga, she runs away, then returns.

Baba Yaga: Eh! You didn't understand me! I'm new game came up with it.

Relay race with alcohol from Baba Yaga

This fun, original and fabulous New Year's script for adults on the theme of fairy tales - "Koshchey and the Wife", which is especially for New Year's holiday written by modern author Galina Gvozdeva, I really liked it. We hope you like it too. Thanks to the author!

New Year's performance - Koschey and his wives

In the mansion by the window, 2 wives of Koshchei are sitting and slandering the third wife, who is sleeping.

Marfa: (Fat wife)

It's been a year since the three of us

We live behind the skinny

And I still can’t understand

How did she lure him in?

Thekla: (Long, skinny, intelligent)

Yes! She doesn’t cook cabbage soup, she doesn’t bake it,

And look at her honor.

Brought the decorations,

This is a museum, not a corner.

And he brings me only sheep,

What I want, he won’t ask,

And I love these kebabs

You can't even see your socks.

I would like to fly to the Bahamas,

Yes, I brought bananas from here,

Fruit is a great food

They will make me young!

And like a chicken, so to her,

Apparently she is the cutest of all,

She just doesn’t have enough food for future use.

Look, then! He will die.

Why should she die?

She can't clean the palace,

Don't cook, don't wash the floor,

Don't go for water.

Yes! Sings and dances all day long,

He gets tired and goes to sleep,

Everyone plays the guitar

And Koshchei is waiting.

The road to a man's heart

Not that short at all!

And a different approach is needed here

Longer and narrower.

Remember! Flew from Murmansk

He came to my side.

lay down on one tit

True, I immediately got baked.

(They laugh and wave their hands)

I'll go put some pancakes

We must eat too.

Someone's stomach let down

And you sit, look out the window.

How Kashchei will appear,

Come running to me quickly

The two of us will meet him,

Let Shark sleep all evening.

(Marfa leaves, Fekla looks out the window, Akulina enters, stretching and yawning)

Well, Little Shark, are you awake?

Why did you sleep so little?

What did you dream about?

Was the bed hard?

I can’t sleep - my head hurts,

Yes, this stupid fat girl

Everything doesn't sit still

And it rattles, makes noise, buzzes.

That's right, Akulina!

Marfa is foolish

Got fat like a machine

And everyone eats baked goods.

A woman from the village, what can I say?

No high feelings -

She cooks and washes everything,

But now I want to sing.

Sing, Shark, sing, friend!

Your only job here

Your songs, laughter,

They'll drive anyone crazy.

I'll bring you something to eat -

Marfa baked a pancake.

(Fekla leaves, Akulina sings a song, Fekla approaches Marfa, whispers something in her ear, pointing to Akulina)

Am I a log with eyes? Ah, clothespin,

I'll ask you now

You will remember me firmly

I'll kick you in the teeth.

(Marfa starts a fight with Akulina, Fekla gets involved, they run away after each other. After a while Baba Yaga and Koschey enter)

Baba Yaga:

How are you doing, Koscheyushka?

I haven't seen you for a long time.

You chavoy are out of your mind

There's a pimple on my lip.

Oh, you'll waste your health

On the family path.

Try hare droppings

He is vigorous, he will get through,

He is much more powerful than honey,

Although it doesn't taste like honey.

Although it tastes cool,

And sometimes they die from him,

But which ones survive -

They live to old age.

Oh, Yaga, don't say

Women killed - three

I've heard enough of sodom

That sometimes you run away from home.

Baba Yaga:

She said, you devil with the big nose,

Why don't you rob three of them?

I am your only wife,

I've needed bread for a long time now.

I was seduced by knowing about airplanes,

What was given in dowry,

And why do you need them?

Walrus horseradish, without a pilot.

So I dreamed about this forever,

And I flew to the Bahamas,

And I was on the Black Sea,

The plane almost sank.

I want it and I’ll move it right away

On the Severo-Dvina River,

Have you ever been anywhere

On your bad broom?

Baba Yaga:

And, really, I don’t have time,

What to get - the ghouls are carrying,

I’ll wash my finger like this,

The birds immediately arrive.

They'll tell you everything. Where, how much,

Who fought with a brick in the Duma,

I know everything about everyone, like nada

I am the second Khakamada.

And this is what I want to say

I'm sticking out from you, Koschey,

By God, really, I’m not joking,

Marry me and I'll make you rich.

But you're old, little yagusa!

I'm marrying the Snow Maiden

A year ago I was gathering dust there,

Yes, the merman talked me out of it.

Okay grandma, goodbye

Don't open your mouth too much,

My blood has become thick,

And the basket is not empty.

(Leaves dancing away)

Baba Yaga:

To steal the Snow Maiden

You must have ardor and passion,

And your task now

You can't get to the cemetery.

(He leaves and sits behind the tree)

(Koshchey and Snow Maiden enter, he leads her by the hand)

Kashchei: (Terribly, addressing his three wives)

Here's what, women, I'll tell you,

I'm no longer friends with you,

I took the Snow Maiden as my wife,

I look at her alone.

And why do you need it

At this age, the wife

After all, you, as a man,

Sorry, it's worthless.

I want just one

Get yourself a wife.

I love you all in an intimate sense,

I can’t handle it like a man.

Necha, no need to blow your lips

Get ready to go quickly

And you Akul, your perks

You'll leave it here forever.

Well, fearful girls

And how could I marry you?

My wife, the beautiful Snow Maiden,

Let's go - let's go to bed.

Oh, Koschey, vile infection,

Loved, loved and immediately left

Bad times have come for us

I have to sleep again without my husband.

Well, that's enough! What did she lament?

After all, he is well over sixty,

And his male belongings,

Like washed slippers hanging.

I'll tell you without deception

We are not these infidels,

So that five wives for one,

I want to have my own.

Akulina, Marfa, Thekla (whispering among themselves)

Let's poison him

It's easier for us to leave him

Why should we take sin on our souls?

Let's leave quickly, why yawn.

Akulina: (Looking at those sitting from under the arm)

I see, I see, I see, I see

Tolya, Sasha, Mischa, Grisha

Only he is the cutest

Who has a fuller wallet?

(Invites the seated director to dance)

Fekla (Grabbing another man)

I also looked

But that's only half the battle

Let's go dancing, my dear

You and I will get along together

(All three dance with men)

The script is intended for an adult audience and can be performed among friends, colleagues, and classmates. You should prepare a Baba Yaga costume in advance and choose a performer for this role, as well as print out the lyrics that will be distributed to everyone present during the holiday.

Both a woman and a man can lead the holiday.

Shooter can't stop running
And it's time for us to celebrate
New Year is knocking on the door
And it sparkles with garlands!
Come visit us now
An old lady will come running,
It will be a nice evening...
Just shh..! Secret! In your ear...

Baba Yaga appears on the stage, hobbling out and carrying a bag of gifts with her.

Baba Yaga:
I'm a funny old lady
I've been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing you ditties
I love listening to them too.

Baba Yaga calls five ladies onto the stage, hands them the words of ditties and scarves on their heads. To the music of the song “Ditties Babok Ezhek” from the Soviet cartoon “The Flying Ship”, women perform written lyrics. Baba Yaga begins.

Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We'll sing ditties for you,
We know you'll like it!

New Year we all over the country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink to the holiday!

Hey, beautiful girls,
Come on, let's not get bored!
Better ditties with grandma
Let's sing loudly!

Last holiday New Year
I celebrated with the goblin,
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

I remember with the devil last year
We kissed deliciously
In the morning the forest people
We were bullied!

Sing, sing fun!
Dance, drink.
Here we sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga gives them gifts, which she takes out of the bag.

So that you don't get bored now,
At the table, so as not to yawn,
Yaga and I solve riddles at once
Let's make a wish for you now!

The presenter and Baba Yaga take turns reading riddles. The best expert is given a gift from Baba Yaga's bag.

Who's that knocking on the door?
Who pinches their cheeks and nose like that?
You don't want to believe it, but believe it,
After all, this is for sure... (Father Frost)

Tickles the nose forcibly
And my finger hurts,
Who smells strongly of the forest?
Did you find out? This… (Christmas tree)

Who is almost the owner of the forest?
Who is always like here?
Who is cunning and sexy?
That's for sure… (Leshy)

I ate all the jam instantly,
Sent from the roof by the wind,
It’s not boring with him, without a doubt, -
This is a good... (Carlson)

Who is this with that braid?
And a slender figure?
Who is this young man?
This is... (Snow Maiden)

Who's having fun today
and is a little naughty?
Who's got a glass?
This is Grandma... (Ezhka)

What a holiday in Rus'
Celebrate without songs?
Come on, grandma, start it up,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from far away
And you haven’t even met
So that no tears fall,
I want them to sound
Lines to my glory and honor!
Sing, don't be shy!
I have texts too!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes leaflets with the lyrics of the song to everyone present. The song is performed to the tune of “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Song about Yaga:
A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
What was this grandmother's name?
Our light, Baba Yaga!

The snowstorm sang a song to her,
The bear sang ditties,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma blooms, -
For our grandmother's Christmas tree
I called the honest people!

Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday,
And a lot of joy
I brought it to all the guests!

We raise all our glasses,
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who can't eat salads?
Call me - I’ll help!

Baba Yaga:
I give everyone gifts
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Celebrate the New Year brightly
Live in luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
To the feast of Yaga
Invite us to visit!

Baba Yaga gives each person present a gift and the text of the final song. The text is sung to the tune of the song “Five Minutes” from the movie “Carnival Night”

Baba Yaga begins, and everyone present picks up the melody.

New Year is coming
New Year is coming
We raise our glasses!
Let's have a drink, people.
So that everyone can catch happiness!

New Year is coming!
Happy New Year!
This year you will be lucky -
We all know this for sure!

New Year is coming
We give gifts to everyone,
Let's have fun people
Let's refill our glasses!
Chorus: 2 times.

After the final song, presentation of gifts. The evening is over.

A couple of phrases from us:

This script is quite short, so it is good for holding a New Year's event during lunch break or after working day(glasses can be without alcohol). It can also be included as part of the overall scenario for a large New Year's party.

If you are planning a longer party based on the above scenario, then add several games and competitions to the program. In addition, you can ask the party participants to prepare individually small concert numbers in advance - songs, dances, poems, etc. During the holiday, everyone can perform and receive a “branded” souvenir as a gift from Baba Yaga.

Since in this case the only character of the holiday is Baba Yaga, to emphasize the New Year's theme, add elements of the Snow Maiden's costume to Yaga's costume - for example, a Kokoshnik and a braid - (you can directly on top of the scarf to make it look funnier). But you can sew several large snowflakes onto your clothes, and decorate your broom (what is Yaga without a broom?) with tinsel or attach several Christmas balls to it. By the way, a broom can be made from spruce branches - natural or artificial. Yes, and the bag - if you use a regular Santa Claus bag, it will look as if Yaga stole it from New Year's grandfather. Therefore, sew a couple of patches onto the bag, and you can choose a simpler fabric itself.

To make the holiday with Yaga more organic, try to ensure that everything used bears the imprint of both the New Year and the main character of the party. For example, on gift packaging and leaflets with song lyrics there may be not only an image of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, but also a cobweb or a broom. Also match the prizes handed out by Baba Yaga to the theme. Try to imagine what Santa Claus would choose for prizes and what Baba Yaga would choose. The same goes for competitions, games, and music used (in addition to New Year’s music, songs about Baba Yaga can also be included in the program).

Try to tune your imagination in this way and you will see many new and interesting possibilities that will make your party special and unforgettable.

New Year's scenarios, chants, congratulations

  1. adults