Luke Skywalker (Star Wars): character history. Who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars? What happened to Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi? Explanation of Luke Skywalker Force Technique The Last Jedi Wookieepedia

On December 15, a new episode of Star Wars, Rogue One, will be released in Russia. Star Wars: Stories"..

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“Rogue One. Star Wars: A Story" precedes the fourth episode of the saga and tells the story of former criminal and experienced soldier Jyn Erso, who was entrusted with an important mission. The director's chair this time was taken by Gareth Edwards. He has few projects under his belt, but let’s not worry about the fate of the film, because among the screenwriters is George Lucas himself, and he knows his business. Let's see what comes out of the completely new history, which will be significantly different from the previous ones. Alas, we will not see Luke Skywalker, although he was not in episodes I and II either, and he only appeared in episode III. Be that as it may, we decided to understand the chronology of the plot, and at the same time trace the evolution of the main character of the saga with a laser sword at the ready.

"Star wars. Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)

Director: George Lucas

Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, David Prowse, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness, Peter Mayhew

On topic

The history of the Star Wars universe began with Episode IV, when Luke Skywalker was already 19 years old. All these years he lived quietly on a moisture-producing farm on Tatooine under the supervision of Uncle Owen Lars and his wife Bera. Obi-Wan Kenobi secretly looked after the guy, which greatly irritated Owen, who tried to prevent Luke from thinking about wars and not repeating the fate of his father. But hunt is worse than captivity: Skywalker dreams and sees how he will leave dull Tatooine and enter the Imperial Academy and become a pilot. Everything is ahead, but for now there is only uncertainty and a flurry of emotions in my soul with or without reason. Luke is a handsome blond, but by no means a weakling: his unrealized Power makes itself felt. At the same time, he did not start at all, so his friends even called him a worm. And so they all left their native Tatooine, and Luke has to put up with his uncle’s prohibitions... But there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. A meeting with the charismatic droid couple C-3PO and R2-D2 and Obi-Wan Kenobi changes Skywalker's life in an instant. He learns his father's story, receives his sword, and decides to go to Alderaan to help Princess Leia. From this moment begins the story of Luke Skywalker, a Jedi and hero of the Alliance.

Director: Irwin Kershner

Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse

Favorite characters appeared on screen again in in full force to fight back the dark side of the Force. Fans were worried that after Episode IV, Mark Hamill would become a star and play half-heartedly, but they were lucky. Luke did not lose his charm, charm and modesty, although he saved the entire Republic in the previous series, for which he was promoted to lieutenant commander of the Alliance forces. The Force has awakened in him, and he wants to control it, for which he goes in search of Master Yoda. The training was not easy, and as a result, the self-confident and impulsive Luke gave up everything and went to save his friends. The hero has noticeably evolved externally and internally: he has become more courageous, built up muscles, learned to control his emotions, understood what he wants from life - to remain on the bright side Strength. The epic battle with Darth Vader became his baptism of fire: he miraculously survived, but did not defeat the dark force. The decisive battle for the fate of the Galaxy was ahead.

"Star wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)

Director: Richard Marquand

Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew

Luke is unrecognizable: he has matured even more, he behaves confidently, like a leader. Now he is a real Jedi, even if he has not completed Master Yoda’s courses, who is entrusted with a huge responsibility: to restore the balance of the Force and save the Galaxy. In this episode, young Skywalker, along with Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca and the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, returns to his native Tatooine to save Han Solo from the tenacious clutches of the scoundrel Jabba the Hutt. Luke engages in battle with the monsters, discovering the extraordinary abilities of the Jedi. The battle is impressive, although almost all the “work” was done by Princess Leia. After the victory, the friends' paths temporarily diverge: Luke returns to Master Yoda to complete his training and learns that he will become a real Jedi only after defeating his father... And so our boy again confronts the Dark Forces and finally returns the lost Darth Vader to the light side. The family idyll did not last long: dad, aka Vader, aka Anakin Skywalker, dies...

Growing up on the remote planet Tatooine, Luke Skywalker was the adopted son of a farming couple. Fate takes him on a long journey and, having overcome unimaginable trials and experienced a deep personal tragedy, he eventually becomes a true Jedi Knight and a hero of the Rebel Union.

Luke spent his childhood on the farm of his aunt and uncle, Owen and Beru Lars. Luke had only a vague idea of ​​his origins - he only knew that his father was a hero who died in the Clone Wars - but behind this lay a dark secret that he had yet to learn about. While working on his uncle's farm, Luke dreamed of becoming a pilot and was desperate to enter the Academy, where his friend Biggs Darklighter was already studying. But Luke's uncle, Owen Lars, constantly held him back from the farm.

Fate knocks on the door of Luke Skywalker's home in the form of two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. Thus begins an adventure that more than once tests his courage and devotion to the light side of the Force, helping him to know himself.

Luke undergoes tests that would test the strength of any mortal: he takes responsibility for the destruction of the Empire's super-weapon, the Death Star, takes a lesson in patience and wisdom from Yoda, the mentor of the Jedi Knights; he must choose between completing his training or trying to rescue his captured friends; He is faced with the horrific truth about his father's fate, and at the same moment he has to decide which side to take. And finally, he takes an incredible risk, going straight into the hands of his enemies, hoping that there is still some kindness left in the dark soul of one of the most terrible villains in the Galaxy.

First main character famous space saga with which the audience gets acquainted - Luke Skywalker. All the epic battles and cosmic events taking place around Luke are, in a sense, just the backdrop against which internal struggle hero. He has many adventures, but no matter what fate sends, the question is always a choice between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Origin (Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, 2005)

Luke Skywalker was born along with his sister Leia in Polis Massa 19 BBY, in the family of senator and Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker. The birth of the children was kept secret because the Great Jedi Purge was taking place at this time. Emperor Palpatine, with the help of an army of clones, achieved absolute power. Most of the Jedi were killed, and those lucky enough to survive were forced into hiding. During childbirth, Padme dies, entrusting the fate of the children to Anakin's mentor and friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. In order to protect Luke and Leia, he decides to separate the children and hide them. Leia is sent to be raised by the family of Senator Bail Organa from Alderaan, and Luke is sent to his uncle and aunt on Tatooine, where his father grew up.

Early Years (Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977)

The viewer's first meeting with the main character takes place on Tatooine, where he lives with his aunt and uncle. Despite the kindness of Owen's adoptive father, the young man often does not get along with him because he dreams of being a pilot and spends a lot of time training instead of working on the farm. In addition, Luke loves listening to Obi-Wan Kenobi's stories about the exploits of the Jedi, who control the energy called the Force. It is no coincidence that Kenobi lives on Tatooine: he flew in to keep an eye on young Skywalker. Communicating with Luke, Kenobi became friends with him, leaving, however, secretly his affiliation with the Order of Knights.


Uncle Owen's purchase of two droids, R2-D2 and s-3PO, changes everything. In one of them, Luke discovered a message from Leia Organa to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke realizes that the old man appeared in his life for a reason, and goes in search of Ben along with the droids to convey a message and get answers to his questions. During the search, the young man is ambushed by sand people. Obi-Wan Kenobi comes to the rescue. It's time for answers.

Wang Kenobi tells the story of the clone army, the destruction of the Jedi Knights, the Rebels, the Death Star and Emperor Palpatine unleashing endless star wars. Luke Skywalker learns that his father Anakin was a Jedi Knight and fell from the sword of the Dark Lord Darth Vader. Obi-Wan Kenobi encourages the young man to join him and begin training in the use of the Force, but Luke does not want to upset his uncle and declines the offer.

Returning home, he finds his loved ones dead: they were killed by imperial stormtroopers. Nothing else holds Luke on Tatooine, and he accepts old man Kenobi’s offer.

"Millennium Falcon"

In the company of droids, they travel to Alderaan to deliver a message to the rebels with plans for an Imperial space station called the Death Star. Thus, Luke was drawn into the rebel fight. Star Wars is now becoming a part of his life. Tatooine is overrun with stormtroopers, making it difficult for the wanted Kenobi and Skywalker to leave. Captain Han Solo gets to work. Debt in the galactic underworld, he needs money, so despite the risk, Solo and Chewbacca, his assistant, agree to take passengers aboard their ship, the Millennium Falcon, and fly to Alderaan. During the journey, Obi-Wan began training Luke, giving him his father's lightsaber and a training droid.

"Death Star"

Upon arriving in the Alderaan system, they found the planet destroyed and were captured in the Death Star's gravity beam. The heroes were able to get out by hiding in the smuggling compartment on the ship. There was a chance to escape, but one of the droids discovered Princess Leia on the ship. Luke, Han and Chewbacca went to the cell block where she was being held. After freeing Leia, the entire group headed back to the Millennium Falcon, but were confronted by Darth Vader. Obi-Wan entered into a duel with him. Pierced by the dark lord's blade, Ben Kenobi merged with the Force and disappeared. Luke was saddened by the death of his teacher. Star Wars continued to take people close to him. After leaving the Death Star, the heroes headed to the Yavin IV rebel base.


After briefing the rebels on Yavin on how to destroy the Death Star, Luke decides to join them in the fight. Having made friends with Han Solo, young Skywalker invites him to take part in the battle, but he refuses. The day of battle arrives, and Luke, who has the skills of a pilot, along with other rebels prepares to strike weak points"Death Stars". Many rebels die in battle, Luke understands: Star Wars will not be easy to win.

The initial plan doesn't work out, but Han Solo eventually comes to Skywalker's aid. Luke manages to concentrate the Force to direct a proton torpedo into the station’s narrow fuel channel and destroy the Death Star, which was the Empire’s main superweapon. Upon the return of Luke, Han Solo and even Chewbacca, the Rebels and Princess Leia are celebrated as heroes. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader sense a huge disturbance in the Force field and a real threat posed by young Skywalker.

Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back, 1980 Star Wars)

The second time the viewer meets the matured hero three years later in a new episode of the Star Wars saga. Luke Skywalker had already participated in many battles by this time and was promoted to lieutenant commander of the Alliance forces. At the rebel base on the snowy planet Hoth, Luke could have died during a reconnaissance operation, but his friend, Han Solo, came to his aid.

While Skywalker was unconscious, the spirit of Obi-Wan appeared to him and insisted on continuing his training in the Jedi arts. Luke had to find Master Yoda on the planet Dagab and become his Padawan.

Meanwhile, the Alliance is defeated in battles with Imperial troops for Hoth. Luke realizes that he needs to change tactics and decides to fly to Dagab. Despite his age, Yoda senses great potential in the young man and becomes his mentor. Luke trains hard. The time finally comes to meet with Yoda and sends Luke to a cave where her influence is great. There, Skywalker has a vision in which he sees himself as Darth Vader. Yoda explains to Luke that the dark side will always tempt him, so to become a true Jedi, Luke still has much to learn.

The first battle with Darth Vader and the terrible truth

Anxiety for his friends and constant visions in which Luke sees Leia and Han captured prevent him from completing his training. He goes to help his comrades. By the time Luke reached Cloud City, it was already too late: his friends had become prisoners of the Empire.

Trying to save Han or Leia, he gets involved in a lightsaber battle with Vader, in which he is defeated and loses his right hand from the dark knight's sword. Darth Vader encourages Luke to turn to the dark side and become an ally of the Empire, revealing the secret of his father. Luke chose death rather than going over to the dark side, and rushed into the mine of the space city, where he survived thanks to the antenna he grabbed onto.

He was saved by Princess Leia, who managed to escape with Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon. Since Han was captured and handed over to Boba Fett, Lando Calrissian became the ship's new pilot. The friends had to develop a plan to save Solo, but first Luke had to replace his severed hand with a cybernetic prosthesis and comprehend the truth he had heard.

Episode VI (Return of the Jedi, 1983, Star Wars): The Force

Another three years pass, and the viewer meets his favorite hero again. Now Skywalker Luke is busy rescuing Han Solo's friend. Meanwhile, Star Wars continues as the Empire builds a second Death Star. Having set off after Leia, Chewbacca and the droids, who hastened to the rescue of Han Solo, who is languishing in Jabba's captivity on Tatooine, Luke discovers them captured. To free his friends, Skywalker must fight monsters, discovering the extraordinary abilities of a Jedi.

Sister and father

With his friends rescued, Luke decides to continue his training with Master Yoda. Returning to Dagab, he finds his teacher dying. Before his death, Yoda gives Luke final instructions and tells one more secret. It turns out that Princess Leia Organa is Luke Skywalker's sister.

After Dagab, Luke goes with his friends to Endor: the rebels have discovered that the Empire is building a new Death Star in orbit of the planet. To disable a station, it is necessary to disable its protective field generator. Luke senses Vader's presence in the Force field and decides to meet him, surrendering to the Imperial troops. Leia tries to dissuade Skywalker, then he tells her that they are brother and sister, and meeting their father is fate.

Having given up, Luke meets with Emperor Palpatine, who tries to tempt him with the power of the dark Force. Luke does not give in, and a battle with Vader begins, during which everyone wants to win the enemy over to their side. After the dark lord threatens to turn Leia to the dark side, Luke fights fiercely and cuts off Vader's cybernetic arm.

The Emperor no longer needs Darth, and he orders Luke to kill his father, but is refused. Then Palpatine decides to destroy the young Jedi himself, using the full power of the dark Force, but Vader, turning to the light, prevents him from doing this. Now he is Anakin Skywalker, who, saving his son, throws himself under the deadly blows of the Force flows and destroys the emperor in the reactor of the space station. Before his death, Anakin asks Luke to remove his mask so that he can last time look at your son through human eyes. After this, Anakin merged with the Force. The Empire is defeated and Luke returns to his friends.

Episode VII (The Force Awakens, 2015, Star Wars): Rey is the daughter of Luke Skywalker

More than three decades passed before the viewer again met his favorite characters. After the victory of the Alliance, it seemed that the darkness had been defeated, but evil did not sleep, and the Universe was again in danger. Dark forces controlled by the leader of the First Order, Snoke, formed new Empire, which captures and subjugates planets. Snoke's goal is the entire Universe, and the Dark Lord Kylo Ren helps him. The Republicans once again organize a resistance led by Princess Leia. It is almost impossible to fight an enemy who has the dark Force and the powerful “Planet of Death” weapon in his arsenal. The help of the Jedi is required: without mastery of the Force, star wars cannot be won.

Luke Skywalker is the only Jedi left in the universe. He lives as a hermit, and no one knows where. After defeating the Empire, Master Luke restored the Jedi Order and began training the Padawans. One student, who was very dear to his mentor, went over to the dark side of the Force and killed all his students. Luke blamed himself for everything and went into exile. The rebels find an information carrier with the coordinates of Skywalker's location, Kylo Ren finds out about this and begins the hunt for the map.

By chance, the droid in which the information is hidden falls into the hands of a girl named Rey. While helping the droid deliver information to Resistance leadership, she becomes embroiled in the rebel struggle. On her way, Rey meets former stormtrooper Finn, who becomes her loyal friend, and Han Solo with Chewbacca. Together they go to Princess Leia.

Kylo Ren learns that Rey has seen the map and, at the first opportunity, captures the girl to extract information from her. Han Solo, Finn and Chewbacca are sent to rescue Rey on the Empire's planet, and they also have the task of destroying the enemy's superweapon.

Using the energy of the Force, Kylo tries to subjugate Rey’s will to himself and feels strong resistance: the girl possesses energy much more powerful than Ren. It turns out that Kylo’s ability to control the Force field and wage star wars is not enough. Rey is Luke Skywalker's daughter and her capabilities are great, she just didn't know it yet. Now the girl felt in herself the full power of this energy, which Ren himself awakened in her.

Taking advantage of her newly discovered abilities, Rey escapes from captivity. By this time, her friends manage to disable the protective shield of the Planet of Death, but final victory is still far away. In the midst of Star Wars, Luke's daughter goes to her father. He must again help the Universe get rid of evil.

Who played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

The role of the brave Jedi in all three episodes was played by actor Mark Hamill. Before participating in the Star Wars film, he did not have any significant film roles; the actor mainly worked in the theater. Interestingly, George Lucas immediately approved Mark for this role. Hamill's open face and demeanor in the frame impressed the director: this is exactly how he imagined the young Skywalker. Luke, played by Mark Hamill, was so liked by the audience that the actor instantly became popular. After the first film, the question no longer arose about who played Luke Skywalker in " Star Wars».

But, unfortunately, the role of the young Jedi became the only significant one in Hamill’s career. Unlike Harrison Ford, who, thanks to the role of Han Solo, became constantly popular with directors. After finishing work on the episodes of the saga, where the main character was Luke Skywalker, Hamill practically disappeared from the screens. Trying to get rid of the cliche of the image of a space hero, he played in musicals on Broadway. He starred in TV series and did voice-over work for cartoons, and tried his hand at TV shows.

Thirty years have passed, and the public is having a hard time remembering who played Luke in Star Wars. And now, finally, a new film has been released - The Force Awakens. For viewers, the plot of the film remained a mystery for a long time. The studio kept it in the strictest confidence. In magazines and social networks discussed various options further development events of the saga. Shortly before the show, information appeared that the hero, having become disillusioned with the Force, decided to go into exile forever. Therefore, the biggest intrigue was the very presence of the character Luke Skywalker in the frame.

Star Wars 7 was kept a secret until the last moment. Who plays Luke? When the film was released, fans devoted to the hero finally breathed a sigh of relief. Luke is back, now a powerful Jedi, as before, played by Mark Hamill. Let's hope that the hero has many more adventures ahead, and Hamill has more acting work. Moreover, the Universe is in danger again, which means that the history of the Jedi continues. After all, when the plot of the film revealed that Rey from Star Wars is related to Luke, the audience realized that they would meet their favorite heroes more than once.

As time passed, Luke Skywalker's capabilities in the Force grew, and the number of exploits increased. Luke heard a rumor that Boba Fett, who took Han Solo's body in carbonite from Bespin, was not far from Gall. Dash Rendar helped the rebels find Fett's ship for a reward, who subsequently abandoned the Falcon, Rogue Squadron and Luke during a shootout with the Imperials. And Fett, hiding in the Imperial base on Galle, was able to escape. On the way back to the base, Ves Janson's astromech droid malfunctioned and mistook Skywalker's X-wing for an enemy target. Luke was able to disarm Jenson's out-of-control car without harming the pilot. After returning to base, it turned out that the droid had been reprogrammed by a mechanic. When Luke returned to Tatooine, he spent a lot of time in Obi-Wan Kenobi's home, constructing himself a new lightsaber with a green blade: for this, he used the diary left by Obi-Wan. The hilt of Luke's new sword was very similar to the hilt of Obi-Wan's old sword. Having successfully repelled an attack by a gang of swoop bikers thanks to the help of Dash Rendar, who had been tracking Luke, Skywalker was confronted by a messenger droid who conveyed to Luke an invitation from the Black Sun crime syndicate intended for Leia Organa. However, the droid contained another message, protected by a password. Luke guessed the secret word and discovered a message sent by Cott Milan, a Bothan spy. Luke and Dash decided to meet Milan. Bothan enlisted Skywalker's help in an attack on the freighter Suprosa, which was carrying classified Imperial files. Luke trained the Bothan pilots of the Y-wing squadron and led their team during the attack. Although the Bothans suffered heavy losses, information was obtained. And Dash Rendar, who was very upset that he could not save the lives of several Bothan pilots, left Luke again. However, upon returning to the Bothan base, Luke and the others were attacked. No secret files were damaged, but Skywalker was captured by Barabelle bounty hunters. Luke was able to escape and contacted Chewbacca, who informed him of a new misfortune: Leia was languishing in captivity of the leader of the Black Sun, Prince Xizor, who was behind terrorist attacks designed to undermine Darth Vader's reputation and take away his power. Luke teamed up with Lando and Chewbacca to travel to Coruscant, the Heartland of the Empire. Some time later, Dash Rendar again sided with Luke. Skywalker and his friends entered Xizor's palace through the sewers. They rescued Leia, but were intercepted by guards on their way back. Xizor fired at Luke, but the determined Jedi easily deflected the shots with his blade. At that moment, Lando activated the thermal detonator timer and blew up the lower levels of the building. Xizor and his guards left the dying building, and Luke and the others waited for the arrival of the Millennium Falcon, piloted by C-3PO and R2-D2. But before leaving, Luke fought with Guri, a replicant droid of Xizor, endowed with enormous power. Luke outwitted and defeated the droid in hand-to-hand combat, but did not destroy it. Together with Leia, Lando and Chewie, they flew away from the palace on the Falcon. But Xizor didn’t just give up. His personal fleet pursued the Millennium Falcon, but it was able to escape thanks to the intervention of Rogue Squadron and the Imperial fleet.

As the credits rolled on the latest Star Wars saga, a distant galaxy was undergoing big changes.

While fans may have had their hopes for what would happen to the Resistance's most significant fighters, writer-director Rian Johnson defied those expectations by placing his characters in unpredictable circumstances.

The film's final battle faces Kylo Ren, and it appears he is trying to buy time for the Resistance to avoid complete destruction at the hands of the First Order. But in truth, it does ignite a spark of hope in the galaxy as the tale of confrontation spreads far and wide.

But at that moment, Luke disappears and unites with the Force, like Yoda in Return of the Jedi. Johnson and actor Mark Hamill spoke with Anthony Breznick of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences about Luke's demise in the new film and how they came to that decision.


“I had a huge sense of uncertainty,” Johnson said. - “I was scared. And the fear grew as we realized that such an ending would make sense in this chapter.”

Johnson said he discussed his decision with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of the creative team before bringing his idea to the screen.

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“It wasn’t like I wrote the script and put it on the table. It was very important to me that I collaborated with the people at Lucasfilm from the very beginning,” Johnson said. “I went to San Francisco for several months to keep them in the know, exposing them to my ideas, especially the big ones.”

Hamill, who previously said he argued with Johnson about the fate of his character, was very emotional about Luke's death.

"Well, I'm still in denial about this death," Hamill joked, "I just think my character has moved on to some other place."

But since Luke's journey ended in Return of the Jedi, Johnson wanted the new film to focus on new characters moving the narrative forward. But Hamill still had a chance to stay.