Until what week is the dangerous period of pregnancy. Dangerous periods during pregnancy from A to Z

What periods of pregnancy are the most dangerous, what threats do they pose, and how to behave correctly in a given situation at a given time? By these periods, doctors understand the weeks of gestation, when the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth is highest. There are such weeks common to all expectant mothers and individual to each one.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy are 4, 8, 12 weeks, that is, part of the first trimester. These are the weeks when your period would have started if not for pregnancy. During these weeks, women most often experience detachment of the chorion or ovum. This pathology manifests itself as nagging pain in the lower abdomen and (or) bleeding from the genital tract. Treatment consists of taking antispasmodics and progesterone drugs - Duphaston orally or Utrozhestan vaginally. It is important that the detachment does not become larger, and that the embryo maintains a rhythmic heartbeat. Treatment of threatened miscarriage is carried out in a hospital. what to do in this case? Naturally, having sex in one way or another provokes uterine hypertonicity. When placental abruption with bleeding occurs, women are prescribed bed rest.

Dangerous periods may be longer. Thus, spotting is often observed during the second trimester of pregnancy if the chorion (placenta) covers the internal os (cervix) or is located very low.

There is no way to cure placenta previa or low positioned placenta. But there is hope that she and the uterus will rise higher. The likelihood of such a favorable outcome is especially high if the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. But while she is low, the woman is recommended to have sexual rest. You also need to be careful with physical activity. And in case of bleeding, immediately consult a doctor or immediately call an ambulance.

The most dangerous periods of pregnancy in terms of late miscarriage are 16-22 weeks. In some women, during this period the length of the cervix begins to sharply decrease and the internal os opens. This pathology is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency. It can be due to various reasons, both hormonal and mechanical, associated with damage to the cervix that was received before pregnancy, for example, as a result of dilatation of the cervix during an abortion.

And especially often, isthmic-cervical insufficiency is diagnosed in women carrying two or three fetuses. Apparently, due to the heavy load on the cervical area. During pregnancy with twins, dangerous periods are of particular importance for the doctor. Such expectant mothers usually often undergo an ultrasound to measure the length of the cervix. And if the cervix is ​​short and the gestational age is relatively short, stitches are placed on it. In other cases, a pessary ring is placed on the cervix.

The so-called, characterized not only by stone formation of the uterus, but also by painful sensations, can lead to dilatation of the cervix, and sometimes discharge amniotic fluid. Hypertonicity is diagnosed at different stages of pregnancy, but more often at 16-20 weeks. And many doctors consider this period to be critical, since in the event of birth, such a child cannot be saved. And women during this period often end up in the hospital. There they are given drips with magnesium and given injections of No-shpa and Papaverine. Although in fact, hypertonicity carries some risk only in the case of a short or softened cervix. And to relieve hypertension there are various non-drug methods.

After IVF, the dangerous periods of pregnancy are approximately the same. But expectant mothers should not wait until these weeks with caution. You need to try to enjoy your pregnancy, not look for non-existent problems in yourself and not try on other people’s situations. Then hypertension will bother you less often. After all, all diseases come from nerves, as they say. And in relation to pregnant women, this statement is especially relevant.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not a disease and should not imply any special restrictions for a woman, bearing a child in itself is considered a dangerous period and requires caution. But throughout the entire period, there are several critical moments when the danger of spontaneous abortion is very high. And, unfortunately, there are such crises in every trimester.

So, critical (or dangerous) periods of pregnancy are the most dangerous time when the pregnancy of a child easily becomes jeopardized and can be interrupted under the influence of various factors. The entire first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous. It is not for nothing that all medications are contraindicated or extremely undesirable at this time. But there are other critical periods throughout the entire period.

2-3 weeks of pregnancy. This is the so-called implantation period, when the fertilized egg tries to strengthen itself on the wall of the uterus for further growth, development, and transformation into a full-fledged child, ready to live its own life separate from the mother’s womb. But the implantation of the embryo into the mucous membrane may be hindered by certain circumstances:

  • abnormalities in the structure of the uterus (infantilism, or saddle-shaped uterus, the presence of a septum in the uterine cavity);
  • endometrial injuries as a result of induced abortions and inflammatory diseases (chronic endometritis);
  • uterine fibroids;
  • scars on the uterus after caesarean section and other operations;
  • chromosomal and genetic abnormalities of embryo development;
  • heavy emotional and physical stress on the mother’s body.

As a rule, a woman at this time does not yet know about the pregnancy and, in this case, does not even suspect what happened - the next period just comes. Such early spontaneous abortions protect women from psychological trauma. Another thing is the following weeks of pregnancy, when the couple learned the wonderful news and are awaiting further developments of the event.

4-6 weeks of pregnancy. Research shows that the fetus is especially vulnerable at this time. Although the very first critical period is considered to be the 5-6th day after conception. At 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, under unfavorable conditions, they may occur. Moreover, scientists have even established which anomalies develop in a certain week of pregnancy. For example, a cleft lip can appear in the 5-6th week of pregnancy, a congenital heart defect - in the 3-7th week, and malformations of the brain and limbs - already in the second week.

8-12 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the fetal placenta is actively developing, so there may be risks of some anomalies in its development and location. The main causes of spontaneous abortion are hormonal disorders: dysfunction of the ovaries, increased production of male sex hormones in a woman’s body, dysfunction. Often observed during pregnancy, which also causes involuntary abortions in the early stages. An increase in androgen levels leads to a decrease in estrogen levels and often causes miscarriage or leads to a “missed” pregnancy.

18-22 weeks of pregnancy. It is during this period that miscarriage is most often provoked by sexually transmitted diseases: toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, and others. The risks are associated with the possible pathological location of the placenta, which is influenced by the active growth of the uterus during this period.

Pathology of the cervix (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) also poses a danger when it is unable to hold the growing fetus in the uterine cavity and a miscarriage occurs. To maintain pregnancy, it is necessary to place a suture on the cervix before this critical period. During the procedure, an anesthetic is used, so there is no need to be afraid.

28-32 weeks of pregnancy. The danger during this period is late, placental insufficiency and placental abruption. As a result of any of these phenomena, a miscarriage may occur. It is considered especially risky at this time multiple pregnancy Therefore, when gestosis develops, the mother needs to monitor her normal weight.

Undoubtedly, you need to take care throughout the entire pregnancy. But during especially dangerous periods, it would not be superfluous to exercise increased caution, especially for women predisposed to miscarriage. The risk group includes women with recurrent miscarriage, that is, those who have repeatedly experienced spontaneous abortion. During critical periods, as well as on the days of expected menstruation and during periods when previous pregnancy terminations occurred, you should be especially careful. It is advisable to exclude physical activity, including, and also try to avoid stressful situations and nervous tension. You should not plan trips during this time either. If there is a clear threat of miscarriage, it is better to undergo inpatient treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

The presence of critical periods during pregnancy does not mean that any pregnant woman is necessarily at risk. Usually, everything is individual, and even critical deadlines can be special (for example, psychological factor- when previous pregnancies were terminated at the same time). Under no circumstances should we expect these crises and complications with fear. But if you are at risk, then exercise caution. And don’t forget that adequate sleep and nutrition play a very important role in a woman’s ability to safely bear a healthy baby.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

All expectant mothers, without exception, should know that directly during pregnancy there are strictly defined time periods during which the risks of terminating the current pregnancy may increase. These are the ones that in modern medicine are usually called the most dangerous weeks, since they can significantly increase the risk of miscarriage for those pregnant women who are initially in any of the risk groups. And that is why it is really extremely important to immediately and therefore timely contact your doctor for pregnancy management right at the very beginning. early pregnancy. Next, we will take a closer look at those incredibly dangerous periods and all their characteristic signs when the current pregnancy can actually be terminated.

First trimester of pregnancy

One of the first dangerous periods is considered to be the period that occurs approximately from 14 to 21 days of pregnancy. Moreover, very many women during this period of time may not even suspect the onset of their “interesting situation”, since in the first weeks, usually only the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the mucous membrane of the uterus occurs. In the event that a woman initially had some inflammatory process endometrium, or perhaps there are other pathological changes in the uterus - the implantation of the fertilized egg simply does not occur. In addition, the real cause of such an early miscarriage may well be such existing diseases as: ordinary or large postoperative scars directly on the walls of the uterus. And also all chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in the development of the embryo itself can also actively prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus.

The second most dangerous period of the first trimester is the period from 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is during this period that growth and further growth usually occur, but the main reason for miscarriages at this time is sudden hormonal disturbances that simply interfere with its normal growth and, accordingly, development.

Second trimester of pregnancy

Further, in the second trimester of the current pregnancy, the most dangerous of all periods is considered to be the period from 18 to 22 weeks of the current pregnancy, because it is at this time that the uterus grows quite actively and, most importantly, rapidly in size.

During this period, there is a really high risk of developing such dangerous conditions as:

  • incorrect location of the placenta itself.
  • Risks of new infectious diseases.
  • Sharply weakened position of the cervix itself.

And, of course, all of these diseases may well lead to spontaneous miscarriage. And that is why, a timely visit to doctors for the purpose of diagnosis at the slightest ailment in a pregnant woman is truly extremely important, and precisely during this dangerous period of pregnancy.

Third trimester of pregnancy

Typically, it is in the third trimester of the current pregnancy that the most dangerous weeks of all weeks are the days from 28 to 32 weeks of pregnancy. The main and sometimes death of the fetus are such dangerous conditions as:

  • The strongest.
  • Premature aging and even placental abruption.
  • Acute placental insufficiency.

It is extremely important to take into account that children born during this period are usually considered premature and in the future will require especially scrupulous and careful care from doctors and parents.

Based on all of the above, we can make a simple conclusion that timely registration of pregnancy and at the same time strict adherence to all the most important recommendations of doctors can definitely help you avoid all these extremely dangerous periods of pregnancy and become the happiest mother of the healthiest and strongest baby in the future!

And let them say that pregnancy is a natural condition for a woman that does not require special restrictions and measures, but for a long time they have tried to protect women in this position and protect them in every possible way from potential risks. This is what many folk signs and beliefs about what pregnant women can and cannot do.

Today, medicine knows for sure: the body of a woman carrying a fetus is subjected to great stress. But the embryo has to endure no less difficulties. Nature has taken care of the expectant mother and baby, providing multiple mechanisms to protect them from exposure to hazardous factors. But this is not always enough. That's why it's a good idea to take extra care during times when the fetus is particularly vulnerable and the pregnancy is at risk. This is especially true for women with recurrent miscarriage or those who have had miscarriages or fetal loss in the past. But in general, it will not hurt anyone to know that obstetricians identify several periods throughout the entire period when, under the influence of a wide variety of factors, the risk of miscarriage or the formation of pathologies in the fetus increases.

Critical periods of pregnancy by week: in the first, second and third trimester

A fertilized egg has to go through a difficult path of transformation into a full-fledged person. And she faces the first difficulties immediately after conception. Only a strong, genetically healthy fertilized egg is able to reach the uterus and implant into its wall for further development. But a lot depends on the health of the mother, as well as on external influences. The combination of all these factors is of greatest importance during periods when the risk of miscarriage for one reason or another increases.

The following are considered the most critical periods in the development of pregnancy.

2-3 weeks

During this period, the formed fertilized egg travels its way to the uterus. Adhesions in the fallopian tubes and their weak peristalsis can hinder its successful progress. In this case, the egg is unable to reach its destination and is forced to land earlier, as a result of which it develops ectopic pregnancy .

But the opposite situation also happens when it reaches the uterus too quickly, which is also not good, since the egg is not yet ready for implantation and may die. If the path to the uterus was completed safely, then implantation begins a day or two after that. For its implementation, all conditions are necessary, the most important of which is a healthy uterine epithelium, ready for planting the fertilized egg.

But the embryo itself must have sufficient strength to penetrate the uterine wall and begin further development. If it has any pathologies or defects, it will most likely be rejected by the mother’s body - thus, natural selection occurs, as a result of which only high-quality “genetic material” survives.

Termination of pregnancy at such an early stage occurs mainly as a result of various kinds of gynecological diseases and pathologies - on the part of the mother's body and defects - on the part of the fetus.

4-6 weeks

According to medical research, intrauterine defects in the development of the fetus, when all its organs are formed, most often occur during this period. Among such anomalies, in particular, are defects in the development of the limbs, heart, brain, cleft lip and others. The embryo is now very vulnerable to any negative influences.

8-12 weeks

The onset of pregnancy is made possible by increasing the level of progesterone in the female body. It is this hormone that mainly creates all the conditions necessary for the development of the fetus.

From the moment of fertilization and throughout the first trimester, progesterone intensively produces the corpus luteum, formed after ovulation at the site of the burst follicle. But towards the end of the first trimester, the corpus luteum gradually degrades, transferring its functions of producing hormones to the placenta that is forming during this period. At this transition stage, a situation may arise when the level of progesterone is insufficient to maintain the pregnancy - and it is in danger of failure. But if the situation is kept under control (for this, the registered woman is prescribed appropriate tests), then the quantitative level of progesterone can be maintained with the help of medications.

Another danger is the influence of external factors in the form of smoking, poor environment, medicines, deficiency of vitamin substances, etc., which can negatively affect the condition of the placenta and its ability to properly perform its duties.

18-22 weeks

Once the placenta is fully formed, the fetus will receive additional reliable protection, and many risks will recede into the background. But the threat may be hidden in improper attachment of the organ or in its damage by pathogenic viruses (ureaplasma, chlamydia, herpes, toxoplasmosis). Placenta previa or passage of the placenta in the second (and then third) trimester can occur as a result of gynecological diseases of the expectant mother, including not only sexually transmitted infections, but also pathologies in the structure of the reproductive organs.

A separate danger is posed by isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the cervix is ​​highly distensible and is unable to hold the growing fetus inside.

In addition, from the second trimester the uterus rapidly increases in size, which also affects the “unhealthy” placenta.

28-32 weeks

There is still a lot of time left until the end of pregnancy, during which the child will fully mature for life outside the mother’s body. The last weeks of pregnancy are very important in this regard. But even if it is interrupted at this time, then we will no longer be talking about a miscarriage, but about premature birth, since with proper treatment of such premature baby it will be possible to save and go out.

Placental abruption, fetoplacental and the same isthmic-cervical insufficiency can lead to this outcome. But other risks are also added, in particular, late gestosis. This is the most critical period for twin pregnancy or triplets, that is, carrying a multiple pregnancy.

In addition, if a woman has already had miscarriages or miscarriages in the past, then the period when this happened is considered critical in this particular case. There is a hypothesis that female body has the ability to “remember” periods of such serious hormonal changes. In addition, psychologists are confident that on a subconscious level a woman awaits this moment with fear. Therefore, it is recommended to exclude any physical and emotional stress for this period. And in case of recurrent miscarriage, even be hospitalized for several days in a hospital in order to feel completely safe under close medical supervision.

Critical periods of pregnancy with hyperandrogenism

Do you know that throughout menstrual cycle The level of sex hormones in a woman’s body is constantly changing, making ovulation, conception, implantation, and the development of pregnancy possible. For the same reason, any of these processes may not occur. It is the imbalance of hormones that can be one of the most common reasons infertility and difficulties in bearing a child.

In particular, if the level of male hormones in a woman’s body is increased (which is called hyperandrogenism), the risks of miscarriage increase many times over. Women with this diagnosis must certainly be under medical supervision: the level of sex hormones is constantly determined and corrected.

During such a pregnancy, a separate danger comes from periods when, in addition to the mother’s body, male hormones also begin to be produced by the fetus. In particular, these are the following pregnancy periods:

  • 13 weeks - testosterone begins to be synthesized in the body of the unborn child;
  • 20-24 weeks - male sex hormones and cortisol are produced by the fetal adrenal cortex;
  • 28 weeks - the production of male hormones increases under the influence of adrenocorticotropic hormone produced during this period by the pituitary gland of the unborn child.

A pregnant woman with hyperandrogenism must check her hormone levels within the specified time frame to prevent undesirable consequences.

Critical periods in the development of pregnancy: what you need to know

Regardless of whether a woman has encountered difficulties with pregnancy in the past or not, a lot depends on her. It is, first of all, about maintaining your health in order. Even if pregnancy was not planned, a huge number of problems can be avoided if a woman has the habit of regularly undergoing gynecological examinations and keeping the condition of her reproductive system and genitals under control.

Any pregnant woman who wants to safely bear a healthy child must approach her daily routine with full responsibility. No matter how busy you are, you need to find an opportunity for a good night's sleep and at least a short daytime rest. You should delegate your affairs and responsibilities as much as possible to other people, so as not to expose yourself to unnecessary danger. If you are at risk for miscarriage, then during these critical periods it is better to observe bed rest and sexual rest.

It’s probably not worth talking about bad habits again. Of course, the diet of the expectant mother should not only be balanced, but simply must consist of useful healthy foods: all sorts of harmful things are allowed only as an exception in a minimal amount, just to, as they say, “set the teeth on edge.”

It is also important to avoid overheating and hypothermia, lifting heavy objects, and protect yourself from contact with sick people.

Particular care and attention to your health should be shown in the first trimester, since this entire period is considered critical for the fetus, mainly because there is no additional protection in the form of a placenta yet - the organ is just being formed. Due to the impact of pathogenic factors on the fetus, it may develop severe defects and developmental anomalies. In some cases (if a woman gets rubella in the early stages or undergoes chemotherapy, for example), doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy.

The greatest danger comes from maternal diseases, treatment with medications, exposure to toxic substances on the body of the woman and fetus (in the form of nicotine, alcohol, chemical compounds, viruses and bacteria), etc.

In addition to the periods described, the days on which the woman had her period before conception are also considered critical during pregnancy.

And finally, if you notice any signs of miscarriage, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Among these symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, in the sacrum, lower back, tailbone, rectum;
  • bloody (brown, spotting, red) and yellow-green vaginal discharge;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • sudden disappearance of signs of pregnancy in the early stages;
  • disappearance or change in the nature and activity of fetal movements in the later stages;
  • the appearance of cramping pains that become more frequent and intensified;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

How to survive critical periods during pregnancy

We sincerely hope that you have read the article up to this point. Because now we want to focus on the main thing.

Despite the fact that there are relatively more dangerous periods in the development of pregnancy, we are talking only about an increased risk, and not about patterns in the development of pathologies and the appearance of problems. Any pregnancy should proceed its own way, without excessive anxiety, fear, suspiciousness and reinsurance. There is really no reason to wait for critical periods and stop any activity, falling into despondency and fear.

If you eat well, lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of intimate hygiene, sleep enough hours, go for walks and regularly visit the gynecologist for prescribed examinations, then pregnancy proceeds as usual, as it should be.

You shouldn't attach undue importance to this. A woman in this position can and should work, have fun, take care of herself, have sex and generally enjoy life.

But medical supervision is just as important in this list! Coordinate your rhythm and lifestyle with your doctor - and live this unique period fully and joyfully! This pregnancy will never happen again.

Be happy and healthy!

Especially for -Larisa Nezabudkina

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy Expectant mothers should be aware that there are certain time periods during pregnancy that increase the risk of miscarriage. These, which are commonly called dangerous weeks, increase the risk of miscarriage for those women who are in any risk groups. That is why timely consultation with a doctor for pregnancy management is very important at the earliest possible stage. Next, we will consider in more detail the most dangerous periods and their characteristic signs of miscarriage.

First trimester

The very first dangerous period occurs on days 14-21 of pregnancy. Moreover, many women during this period of time are not even aware of their “interesting situation,” since in the first weeks the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine mucosa. If a woman has an inflammatory process of the endometrium, and also has it, implantation of the fertilized egg does not occur. In addition, the cause may be diseases such as: postoperative scars on the uterus. Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in the development of the embryo also prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg.

The second dangerous period of the first trimester is 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, growth and development occur, and the main cause of miscarriages is hormonal disorders that interfere with its growth and development.

Second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the most dangerous period is 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, during which active growth of the uterus occurs. During this period there is a high risk of developing:

  • incorrect location of the placenta;
  • infectious diseases;
  • weakened position of the cervix.

All of these diseases can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, timely diagnosis of the slightest ailment of a pregnant woman is very important during this period.

Third trimester

In the third trimester, the most dangerous weeks are 28-32 weeks of pregnancy. The causes, as well as fetal death, are.