An argument on the topic of love based on the captain's daughter. Conversation on the topic "The theme of love in the story "The Captain's Daughter by A.S. Pushkin"

How is it It often happens that history makes its way through the destinies of simple, ordinary people. And these destinies become the bright “color of time.” Who is the main character in " The captain's daughter» Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? Representative popular thought and-people's affairs Pugachev? Independent, free in his relations with Pugachev? Honest Captain Mironov and his wife? Their daughter Masha? Or maybe the people themselves?

In "The Captain's Daughter" the innermost thought is much deeper and more significant. Yes, as if hidden behind the image of the narrator, a Russian officer, a contemporary of the Pugachev uprising, not only a witness, but also a participant historical events. But it seems to me that behind the historical outline we should in no way forget about human relationships, about the strength and depth of people’s feelings. Everything in the story is full of mercy. Pugachev had to pardon Grinev, because once Grinev saw a person in Pugachev and Pugachev could no longer forget this. Grinev loves and tearfully pities Marya Ivanovna, an orphan who has no one close to her in the whole world. Marya Ivanovna loves and saves her knight from the terrible fate of dishonor.

Great is the power of love! How accurately and briefly the author describes the state of Captain Grinev when he, worried about the fate of Marya Ivanovna, entered the commandant’s house. With a quick glance, Grinev took in the terrible picture of the defeat: “Everything was empty; chairs, tables, chests were broken; The dishes are broken, everything is taken away.” Everything in Marya Ivanovna’s room has been ransacked; Grinev imagined her in the hands of the Pugachevites: “My heart broke... I loudly pronounced the name of my beloved.” In a short scene, a small number of words convey the complex feelings that gripped young hero. We see fear for our beloved, and readiness to save Masha at all costs, and impatience to learn about the girl’s fate, and the transition from despair to sober calm.

We know that both Captain Grinev and Masha are fictitious persons, but without them we could not imagine, our knowledge of the life of the 18th century would be poor. And then we would not have those thoughts about honor, human dignity, love, self-sacrifice that appear when reading “The Captain's Daughter.” Grinev did not leave the girl in difficult times and went to the Belogorsk fortress, occupied by Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that she was not her husband. She said: “He is not my husband. I will never be his wife! I decided better to die, and I will die if they don’t deliver me.” After these words, Pugachev understood everything: “Come out, red maiden; I give you freedom." Masha saw in front of her a man who was the killer of her parents, but at the same time her savior. From an excess of conflicting feelings, she lost consciousness.

Pugachev released Grinev with Masha, saying:

  • “Take your beauty; take her wherever you want, and God give you love and advice!” Grinev’s parents received Masha well: “They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the opportunity to shelter and caress a poor orphan. Soon they became sincerely attached to her, because it was impossible to recognize her and not love her.”

Love Grineva to Masha no longer seemed like an “empty whim” to his parents; they only wanted their son to marry the captain’s daughter. Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of the Mironovs, turned out to be worthy of her parents. She took the best from them: honesty and nobility. It is impossible not to compare her with other Pushkin heroines: Masha Troekurova and. They have a lot in common: they all grew up in solitude in the lap of nature; once they fell in love, each of them remained forever true to their feelings. She just didn’t accept what fate had in store for her, but began to fight for her happiness. Innate selflessness and nobility forced the girl to overcome timidity and go to seek intercession from the empress herself. As we know, she achieved the acquittal and release of her loved one.

Truly, the power of love is enormous. So throughout the novel, the character of this girl gradually changed. From a timid, dumb “coward” she became a brave and determined heroine, capable of defending her right to happiness. That is why the novel is called "

Love is a multifaceted feeling that inspires and makes a person more talented. When falling in love, people take on different challenges, and each person copes with them differently.

In the novel by A.S. In Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter,” the love line was not introduced by chance, because it helps to reveal the images of the characters even more clearly and to better penetrate the meaning of the work.

First of all, the gaze falls on Maria Mironova, after whom the author names the novel.

Maria is a sincere, simple, but at the same time brave girl who has her own personal, “honest” principles. Masha is reasonable in relationships, so she refuses Grinev after receiving a letter from his father, who was against his son’s marriage. However, she is devoted in love, as evidenced by the phrase: “I had rather decided to die and will die if they don’t deliver me.” In this respect, Maria is similar to Pyotr Grinev, who is also faithful to his beloved.

Peter fell in love with Masha for her modesty and tenderness. In the captain's daughter he felt a wonderful person. Grinev treated the object of his love with care, tried to protect Maria’s feelings, and wished her all the best. The relationship between Grinev and Masha expresses the idea that love can change a person. Grinev entered the Belogorsk fortress as an uncouth Petrusha, and served there as a strong and smart person Peter Grinev.

Unlike Grinev, Shvabrin loved Masha “selfishly”, was not able to understand that she had her own feelings and her own idea of ​​​​happiness, the captain’s daughter was just a beautiful thing for him. Shvabrin did not win Masha’s favor because he was mean. The author does not immediately tell the whole truth about him, but with each disgusting act of Shvabrin, readers begin to realize his essence. “The sight of an officer lying at the feet of a runaway Cossack,” this quote proves that Shvabrin’s sense of fear dulls his sense of pride and nobility.

Grinev and Shvabrin are common nouns. After all, at present there are both Shvabrins, who do not value the feelings of other people, and Grinevs, whose presence in the world gives us hope for the best.

In the image of Vasilisa Egorovna, the author presented a simple Russian woman, selfless, able to make an important decision. Quote: “An old woman in a padded jacket and with a scarf on her head was sitting by the window,” confirms that Vasilisa Egorovna was one of the common people. Her speech patterns also convey her simplicity: “I ask you to love and favor,” she often expressed herself in sayings.

Ivan Kuzmich is also a very interesting image of the work. He did not rise to high ranks, perhaps because he did not know how to lie and flatter his superiors, but remained a patriot of his homeland and accepted a noble death from Pugachev.

The author considers the relationship between Vasilisa Egorovna and Ivan Kuzmich to be exemplary, because together they managed to overcome many life difficulties; honor and loyalty to duty were a priority for them until the end of their days. The author sometimes treats the married couple with condescending irony, because in Vasilisa Egorovna’s love for her husband there is a lot of maternalism, their relationship is imbued with tenderness, which does not prevent them from making fun of each other. Vasilisa Egorovna and Ivan Kuzmich can serve as an example of an ideal family.

Topics covered by Pushkin through the introduction love line relevant. The story says that all difficulties can be overcome, the main thing is to be true to your principles, avoid “selfishness”, and treat people with understanding.

Updated: 2016-09-09

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Story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" reveals many themes. One of the most important is the theme of love. At the center of the story are the mutual feelings of the young nobleman Pyotr Grinev and the captain's daughter Masha Mironova.

The first meeting of Peter and Masha

Masha Mironova represents the ideal of A.S. Pushkin, expressing fortitude, honor and dignity, the ability to defend one’s love, to sacrifice much for the sake of feelings. It is thanks to her that Peter gains true courage, his character is tempered, and the qualities of a real man are cultivated.

At the first meeting in the Belogorsk fortress, the girl did not make much of an impression on Grinev; she seemed to the young man a simpleton, especially since his friend Shvabrin spoke very unflatteringly about her.

The inner world of the captain's daughter

But very soon Peter realizes that Masha is a deep, well-read, sensitive girl. A feeling is born between young people, which imperceptibly develops into true, all-conquering love, capable of overcoming all the difficulties encountered along its way.

Trials on the path of heroes

For the first time, Masha shows her steadfastness and reasonableness of character when she does not agree to marry Petya without the blessing of her lover’s parents, because without this, simple human happiness will be impossible. For the sake of Grinev’s happiness, she is even ready to give up the wedding.

The girl’s second ordeal falls during the capture of the fortress by Pugachev’s rebels. She loses both parents and is left alone surrounded by enemies. Alone, she withstands Shvabrin’s blackmail and pressure, preferring to remain faithful to her lover. Nothing - neither hunger, nor threats, nor serious illness - can force her to marry another person, whom she despises.

Happy ending

Pyotr Grinev finds an opportunity to save the girl. It becomes obvious that they will be together forever, that they are destined for each other. Then the young man’s parents accept her as their own, recognizing the depths of her soul and inner dignity. After all, it is she who saves him from slander and reprisals before the court.

This is how they save each other. In my opinion, they act as a guardian angel for each other. I think that for Pushkin, the relationship between Masha and Grinev is the ideal of a relationship between a man and a woman, headed by love, mutual respect and absolute devotion.

Courage manifests itself in all areas of human activity, in all situations. But is courage needed in love? It seems to me that the answer to this question is obvious.

A person in love will never take the first step towards his soul mate without courage. When people are about to get married, it seems like there’s nothing wrong with it, because it’s just a wedding and nothing special. But in fact, this is a huge act that requires courage from a person.

After all, you will spend the rest of your life with this person. But I want to say more: love is the reason for courage.

In the work "The Captain's Daughter" Petrusha risks herself to save her beloved Masha from Pugachev's gang. All that moved him at that moment was love. When a person loves, he is capable of enormous feats.

Another example is Gogol’s work “Taras Bulba”. The main character Taras responded to the cry of his son, who was executed. Yes, Taras risked himself, but he couldn’t even help his son, at first glance. But in reality this is not the case. Ostap needed his father's support. And Taras Bulba showed it to his son, showing his boundless love for his son.

Courage isn't just needed to do great things. But also to love.

Updated: 2017-10-23

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Alexander Pushkin himself knew firsthand numerous examples of courage and cowardice, because he lived in an era when it was almost impossible to hide manifestations of character. Duels, military service, hunting, cards - all the entertainment of the nobility required a demonstration of courage and defense of honor. Maybe that is why the writer invested his energy in creating a historical mirror of a bygone era, where the moral virtues and imperfections of man were even more obvious. On the pages of the work, he tried to give a lesson to his generation and those who would come to replace him, to teach people the true virtue of the soul. In particular, in “The Captain's Daughter” you can find convincing arguments on the topic “Courage and Cowardice”, which will help graduates in writing the final essay in this area.

  1. An example of a brave person is main character Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". He shows his courage in defending the fortress when it is attacked by rebels. Peter was eager to fight and did not disgrace the honor of the nobleman. But what is much more shocking is his refusal to swear allegiance to Pugachev, which promises martyrdom. However, Grinev is not one of the timid, and he does not consider himself a traitor. Even his enemy respects this trait in him. Therefore, the next heroic act falls to his lot after his release from the fortress. The young man helps Masha out, and at the same time disobeys the command. As a result, they want to condemn him for formal “treason.” But even in this situation, Grinev does not justify himself and does not regret his action, because courage in a person often coexists with conscientiousness, honor and dignity.
  2. Pushkin portrays phenomenal cowardice in his story “The Captain's Daughter.” Shvabrin becomes a traitor to the core due to his all-consuming fear. Alexey is ready to do anything to avoid danger. For example, he loses his dignity by using dishonest tactics in a duel with Peter. To avoid competition from him, he also acts meanly: he denigrates Masha in the eyes of his gentleman. But his lowest act was the oath to the rebel Pugachev, for which he had prepared in advance, anticipating defeat. Thus, cowardice became the cause of moral decay of the individual.
  3. It's not just men who demonstrate courage. The heroine of Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” became brave thanks to tragic circumstances: her family was killed by rebels during the capture of the fortress. She was left alone in the enemy camp, and even alone with a vile traitor who was forcibly forcing her to marry him. In such a situation, not every girl could cope with her feelings. But Marya patiently endured the trials until decisive action was required from her. When Peter was arrested for going to her rescue, she went to the empress and risked asking for the “traitor.” The young heroine, without connections or help at court, went to seek the salvation of her beloved. The queen was touched by her story and pardoned Grinev. This is how the city takes courage.
  4. Savelich, minor character The story “The Captain's Daughter” is also an example of courage in the work. Although he is a slave, he does not fear his master, but respects him. When Grinev loses at cards, his servant scolds him in a fatherly manner and gets angry. The young master is insolent and answers passionately, but the peasant is famous for his grip: he still convinces the young man that he is right, without fear of punishment, which any nobleman could apply. But the hero’s most courageous act is saving Peter from Pugachev’s wrath. It is Savelich who seeks Grinev’s pardon by reminding Pugachev of the service rendered to him by the master. The serf is not afraid of death and opposes the stern rebel, overshadowing the owner. But he could betray him by defecting to those who defended his interests in the political arena. This way he would gain freedom. But courage elevates a person, making him also honest towards others.
  5. Shvabrin demonstrates cowardice in love, trying to win Marya's heart through cunning and dishonest behavior. He is afraid to appear before her as he is, without falsehood and endless meanness. The hero is also incapable of frank confession. He only hurts the girl in every possible way, instead of showing attention and care. His feelings are also saturated with fear, like himself, and the heroine feels this, so she gives preference to another person. It is not surprising, because people quite rightly do not like a person’s fearfulness and uncertainty in actions, words and feelings. Therefore, lack of courage can harm not only on the battlefield, but also in your personal life.
  6. Cowardice is to some extent manifested in the behavior of Grinev’s father, who denies his son a blessing. His fear can be understood: his son could have been deceived for selfish reasons. Still, Marya’s condition was incomparable to Peter’s wealth. The girl hardly had any reason to claim such an unequal marriage. The hero was afraid that she was just a selfish and hypocritical person who wanted to get out “from rags to riches.” But he feared for the fate of the heir - this feeling can be understood and justified, so it cannot be said that this or that cowardly act is always dictated by the baseness of a person. Sometimes such behavior is quite forgivable, because we are talking about the people dearest to our hearts.
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