What sounds to start working with - simple recommendations. Speech therapy exercises for vowel sounds Conditions for fixing sounds in speech

1)Articulation gymnastics

Extend the sound “A” for a long time, rocking the doll in your arms (mouth wide open).

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “A” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

3) Repeat onomatopoeia

Af – af (dog). Kwa – kwa (frog).

4) Ladushki

We play “Ladushki”, pronouncing the sound “A” loudly and clearly:

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “U”

1)Articulation gymnastics

Exercise Tube. We make the sound “U” for a long time, while stretching out our lips like a tube.

2) Onomatopoeia

Mu-mu (cow),
doo-doo (pipe),
wa-wa (baby is crying),
ku-ka-re-ku (the cockerel sings).

3) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “U” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

4) Train game

The locomotive is going, going - TU - TU - U - U!
He drove the trailers - TU - TU - U - U!

5)Game "Echo"

The game is as follows. First say “AU” loudly with your child, then repeat “AU” quietly.

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “I”

1)Articulation gymnastics

We hold out the sound “I” for a long time (while keeping our lips in a smile).

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “I” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.


and - and - and - go - go (horse), pi - pi (mouse).

4) Play the following game with your child. Give your child a steering wheel for this and teach him the following nursery rhyme:

Game "Chauffeur"

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “O”

1)Articulation gymnastics

Ask your child to round his mouth and extend his lips slightly forward. We hold out the sound “O” for a long time.


Play the following game with your child: “Oli’s doll has a toothache.”

In this game you need to put your palms to your cheeks, shake your head and chant: “Oh - Oh - Oh!” Try to have your child repeat all the tasks after you.

3) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “O” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.


ko - ko (chicken), but - but (ridden on a horse).

5)Cat's house

Learn and repeat the following nursery rhyme with your child:

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “E”

1)Articulation gymnastics

Ask your child to round his lips into an oval and extend his lips slightly forward. We hold out the sound “E” for a long time.

2) Game

Play the following game with your child. Together with him you need to first depict large bears. To do this, emit the sound “E – E – E!” in a low voice for a long time. Then repeat, also in a high voice, “uh-uh-uh!”, imitating little bears.

3) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “E” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

4)This is my family

Playing with fingers. Bend your fingers on the child’s palm, while repeating a funny nursery rhyme:

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “Y”

1)Articulation gymnastics

The wolf growls. Portray an angry wolf with your child. Clench your fists and frown. Ask your child to also clench his teeth in a grin. Extend the sound “Y” for a long time.

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “Y” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

3)Wash your hands

Play this simple game with your child. To do this, you just need to wash your hands while repeating a funny nursery rhyme:


The goal of the next game is to teach the child to distinguish the unvoiced sound “Y” from the voiced “I”. Place two pictures in front of the child: with a bear and a mouse. The child must show you where the mouse is and where the bear is.

One of the most important tasks of a speech therapist. The child must learn to correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language. IN lately There are more and more children who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonorous sounds, but also simpler sounds, such as vowels - A, O, U, Y, E.





Prepared by:

teacher - speech therapist

N. A. Knyazeva

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17"


Correction of sound pronunciation deficiencies- one of the most important tasks of a speech therapist. The child must learn to correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language. Recently, there are more and more children who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonorations, but also simpler sounds, such as vowels - A, O, U, Y, E and simple consonants D, T, N, F, B and others (i.e. sounds of early ontogenesis).

Mastering the sound side of speech(according to A.N. Gvozdev)

a) sounds of “early ontogenesis” (ontogenesis means the individual development of the child’s body): vowels [a], [o], [u], [i];

b) sounds of “middle ontogenesis”: vowel[s].

Technique for setting vowel sounds

The vowel group includes six sounds: U – O – A – E – I – Y. Vowel sounds are a kind of voiced exhalation that has received one or another color (timbre) in the extension tube, or resonator cavity, depending on the shape of the oropharyngeal cavity and the direction of the air stream.

Also in the Russian language there are so-called iotated vowels: E – Yo – Yu – Ya, each of which is a combination of a vowel and the sound j. Full-sounding pronunciation of vowels ensures expressiveness of speech, giving it beauty and melody. Each vowel sound requires a certain external and intrapharyngeal articulation.

The sound “U” is formed when the tongue is raised and moved back. The oral cavity narrows, and the pharyngeal cavity increases.

The sound “O” - the mouth is slightly open, the pharyngeal cavity is enlarged.

Sound “A” - the root of the tongue moves back, the mouth is wide open, the lips take an oval shape, the pharyngeal cavity is small.

The sound “E” is a wide oral cavity, the pharyngeal cavity narrows, the tongue at the bottom rests on the lower incisors of the teeth.

The sound “I” is pronounced when the tongue moves forward and upward, creating a small cavity between the wall of the tongue and the front of the palate.

The sound “Y” - when pronounced, the tongue moves forward and upward, while the mouth opens slightly, and the pharyngeal cavity expands, the sound turns out to be covered.

When pronouncing each vowel, the cavity of the oropharynx is divided into two interconnected resonators: the posterior one - the pharyngeal cavity and the anterior one - the oral cavity.

The front part of the resonator is called "high tone resonator"(I, E), back - "low tone resonator"(O, U, Y). The sound "A" contains resonance of both high and low tones.

Disadvantages of pronunciation of vowel sounds.

Vowel sounds, being simpler in articulation, are acquired by children relatively early and easily. Disadvantages in their pronunciation are rare.

Sound I sometimes pronounced almost like e or e (egla - needle, sang - saw); the sound ы is likened to the sound i. Children by ear distinguish the vowels and and e (e) on the following speech material: sing - drink, white - beat, drank - sang, sat - strength, child - children, shadows - mud.

For auditory differentiation s - and: was - beat, drank - dust, Dima - smoke, howled - pitched, skis - licked, soap - sweet, mouse - bowl, saw - dust.

There is an inaccurate pronunciation of the labial vowel O. With correct articulation of sound O lips take an oval shape. In case of inaccurate pronunciation O the lips are somewhat stretched and the shape of the mouth is close to the shape characteristic of articulation A . To correct the indicated deficiency in the pronunciation of a vowel O , say the sound combination ao out loud several times and carefully monitor (using a mirror) the articulation of your lips. Some will find it useful to “stretch” the sound o: ooh , keeping the mouth in an oval position to ensure proper lip articulation.

Inaccurate pronunciation of the sound U.To correct the indicated deficiency in the pronunciation of a vowel U , ask the child to extend his lips forward, pronounce the sound U, then close and open his lips with his fingers. Or do the “balalaika” exercise with your fingers on your lips at a faster pace. The sound can be immediately entered into words: duck, Umka, paper, Pinocchio, etc.

Correction of vowel sounds.When making vowel sounds, you need to start working with the sound –A–. Then we move on to the sounds –E–O–U–I. They are easy to pronounce by imitation. The main task in their placement is to eliminate the nasal tint and move the tongue towards the lower teeth.

Initially, all sounds are practiced in abrupt, isolated pronunciation with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions on one exhalation, for example:


Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “I”

1) Articulation gymnastics

We hold out the sound “I” for a long time (while keeping our lips in a smile).

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “I” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

3) Onomatopoeia

and - and - and - go - go (horse), pi - pi (mouse).

4) Play the following game with your child. Give your child a steering wheel for this and teach him the following nursery rhyme:

Game "Chauffeur"

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “Y”

1) Articulation gymnastics

The wolf growls. Portray an angry wolf with your child. Clench your fists and frown. Ask your child to also clench his teeth in a grin. Extend the sound “Y” for a long time.

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “Y” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

3) Wash your hands

Play this simple game with your child. To do this, you just need to wash your hands while repeating a funny nursery rhyme:

4) Game

The goal of the next game is to teach the child to distinguish the unvoiced sound “Y” from the voiced “I”. Place two pictures in front of the child: with a bear and a mouse. The child must show you where the mouse is and where the bear is.

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “A”

1) Articulation gymnastics

Extend the sound “A” for a long time, rocking the doll in your arms (mouth wide open).

2) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “A” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

3) Repeat onomatopoeia

Af – af (dog). Kwa – kwa (frog).

4) Ladushki

We play “Ladushki”, pronouncing the sound “A” loudly and clearly:

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “E”

1) Articulation gymnastics

Ask your child to round his lips into an oval and extend his lips slightly forward. We hold out the sound “E” for a long time.

2) Game

Play the following game with your child. Together with him you need to first depict large bears. To do this, emit the sound “E – E – E!” in a low voice for a long time. Then repeat, also in a high voice, “uh-uh-uh!”, imitating little bears.

3) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “E” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

4) Here is my family

Playing with fingers. Bend your fingers on the child’s palm, while repeating a funny nursery rhyme:

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “O”

1) Articulation gymnastics

Ask your child to round his mouth and extend his lips slightly forward. We hold out the sound “O” for a long time.

2) Game

Play the following game with your child:“Oli’s doll has a toothache.”

In this game you need to put your palms to your cheeks, shake your head and chant: “Oh - Oh - Oh!” Try to have your child repeat all the tasks after you.

3) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “O” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

4) Onomatopoeia

ko - ko (chicken), but - but (ridden on a horse).

5) Cat's house

Speech therapy exercise for pronouncing the sound “U”

1) Articulation gymnastics

Exercise Tube. We make the sound “U” for a long time, while stretching out our lips like a tube.

2) Onomatopoeia

Mu-mu (cow),
doo-doo (pipe),
wa-wa (baby is crying),
ku-ka-re-ku (the cockerel sings).

3) Fingers say hello

Each finger of the right hand, starting with the index, touches the thumb of the same hand in turn. At this time, we pronounce the sound “U” with each contact. An adult can help the baby if he himself cannot connect his fingers correctly.

4) Game "train"

Learn and repeat the following nursery rhyme with your child:

The locomotive is going, going - TU - TU - U - U!
He drove the trailers - TU - TU - U - U!

5) Game "Echo"

The game is as follows. First say “AU” loudly with your child, then repeat “AU” quietly.

In the presence of a functional pharyngeal obturator, complete normalization of the phonetic aspect of speech is possible even before surgery.

It remains to be noted that by the time the production of consonant sounds begins, physical therapy classes on establishing diaphragmatic-costal breathing must be completed. Otherwise, children confuse forced exhalation with the supply of a directed air stream, which greatly interferes with their exercise.

Postoperative stage. Setting vowel sounds. Elimination of excess nasal resonance

The postoperative stage lasts very short, only two to three weeks, but its importance is great. It is at stage II, after plastic surgery, the anatomical and physiological basis of normal speech is provided. The main goal of speech therapy classes is the development of full velopharyngeal closure. Only in the first weeks after plastic surgery can the velum palatine be stretched and its maximum mobility developed. The inclusion of the newly formed palate in phonation greatly facilitates and speeds up the introduction of the skill of oral vowel resonance into spontaneous speech. It is as if the child “recognizes” the function of the velum palatine, and the new organ acquires its intended purpose.

Corrective pedagogical work at this stage begins after the application of a functional pharyngeal obturator or on the 15-20th day after surgery. During this period, due to a long period of silence and protective inhibition, the speech of patients deteriorates. The soft palate is swollen, practically motionless, there is no sensitivity, and some movements cause pain. Children avoid articulation. The nasal tone of speech intensifies, so the main task is to disinhibit the formed velum and develop its mobility or stimulate close contact of the pharyngeal walls with the obturator.

Six months after plastic surgery, the scarring process ends, which irreversibly reduces the effectiveness of exercises for activating the soft palate. Therefore, in the first months after palate surgery speech therapy classes should be carried out regularly - 3 times a week, and parents should work with the child daily at home.

Normal articulation of vowels
The lips are freely parted. The distance between the upper and lower incisors is approximately the size of a child's thumb, placed edge-on. The wide tongue lies flat on the bottom of the mouth, the tip almost touching the lower teeth.
Articulation of sound O. The teeth are slightly rounded forward. The distance between the incisors is less than with A(the width of the child’s index finger). The tongue is wide, somewhat pulled back, its back part is slightly raised.
Articulation of sound at . The lips are significantly pushed forward, forming a small oval opening. The distance between the teeth is small. Language even more than when O, pulled back, its tip is far away from the lower incisors, and the back of the tongue is significantly raised.
Articulation of sound uh . The lips are slightly open and stretched to the sides. The vertical distance between the teeth is slightly less than with A. The tongue is wide, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, and the middle part is noticeably curved upward.
Articulation of sound And . The lips are opened in the form of a slight smile and pressed to the teeth. The distance between the incisors is small. The wide tongue is sharply curved towards the middle of the palate, forming a gap with it; the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors.
Articulation of sound s . The lips are freely opened in accordance with the opening of the mouth. The distance between the incisors is almost the same as with And. The tip of the tongue is pulled back significantly, and the entire tongue, especially its back, is raised towards the palate (but does not touch it). The soft palate is raised when pronouncing all vowels.

Disadvantages of pronunciation of vowel sounds.Vowels sounds, being simpler in articulation, are acquired by children relatively early and easily. Disadvantages in their pronunciation are rare. Sound And sometimes pronounced almost like uh or e(egla - needle, sang - saw); sound s likened to sound And. Children distinguish vowels by ear And And e (e) on approximately the following speech material: sing - drink, white - beat, drank - sang, sat - strength, child - children, shadows - mud.
For auditory differentiation s - and: was - beat, drank - dust, Dima - smoke, howled - pitched, skis - licked, soap - sweet, mouse - bowl, saw - dust.
There is an inaccurate pronunciation of the labial vowel O . With correct articulation of sound O lips take an oval shape. In case of inaccurate pronunciation O the lips are somewhat stretched and the shape of the mouth is close to the shape characteristic of articulation A .To correct the indicated deficiency in the pronunciation of a vowel O , say the sound combination ao out loud several times and carefully monitor (using a mirror) the articulation of your lips. Some will find it useful to “stretch” the sound o: ooh, holding the mouth in an oval position to fix the correct articulation of the lips.

Correction of vowel sounds. When creating vowel sounds, you need to start working with the sound –A–. Then we move on to the sounds –E–O–U–I. They are easy to pronounce by imitation. The main task in their placement is to eliminate the nasal tint and move the tongue towards the lower teeth. Initially, all sounds are practiced in abrupt, isolated pronunciation with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions on one exhalation, for example.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined view No. 32 “Forest Tale”

Proletarsk, Proletarsky district, Rostov region


at the Pedagogical Council

1 from 08/26/2017

I affirm:

Head of MBDOU No. 32 “Forest Fairy Tale”_A. V. Kodenko

Order dated August 26, 2017 No.

A long-term plan for individual lessons on production and automation, differentiation of sounds /Sh/, /Zh/.

Speech therapist teacher: Polyanina E.I.

Child's full name ________________________________________________________________________________________________



    Breathing exercise “Warm your palms” (generating a warm air stream)

    Articulation gymnastics:



The tongue is looking for a crack in the fence



    Development of phonemic awareness “Raise the flag if you hear the sound “Ш””

    Game to develop memory and attention


Probe no.

LESSON No. 2. The preparatory stage of setting the sound “Ш”.


Develop spatial perception. Develop finger motor skills. Develop correct diaphragmatic breathing, mouth exhalation. Prepare the articulatory organs for sound production.

    Breathing exercises “Put out the candle”, “Football” (with cotton wool)

    Articulation gymnastics:

Wide tube

Delicious jam

The tongue goes to visit the nose

Hide the tongue

3. Development of phonemic awareness “Catch the sound “Ш” in words”


    A set of photographs of articulatory controls;.

    Subject pictures with sound [w].

Probe no.

LESSON No. 3. The preparatory stage of setting the sound “Ш”.


Develop spatial perception. Develop finger motor skills. Develop correct diaphragmatic breathing, mouth exhalation. Prepare the articulatory organs for sound production.

    Breathing exercise "Focus"

“The plane is buzzing O-U-U” (with changes in pitch and strength of voice)

    Articulation gymnastics:




Glue some candy

3. Analysis and synthesis. “Determine the place of the sound “Ш” in words


    Game "Guess what's missing?"

    D/I “What did the artist mix up?”


    A set of photographs of articulatory controls;.

    Subject pictures with sound [w].

Probe no.

LESSON No. 4 The preparatory stage of setting the sound “Ш”.


Develop spatial perception. Develop finger motor skills. Develop correct diaphragmatic breathing, mouth exhalation. Prepare the articulatory organs for sound production.

    Breathing exercises “Focus”, “Let’s warm our hands”

    Articulation gymnastics:

Wide tube



Hot tea

3. D/I “Arrange the pictures according to the position of the sound “Ш” in the words




    A set of photographs of articulatory controls;.

    Subject pictures with sound [w].

Probe no.

LESSON No. 5 Setting the sound "SH".


Strengthen the clear pronunciation of the sound “Ш”. Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing.

    Breathing exercise “A strong wind blows leaves”

    Articulation gymnastics:





Hot tea

3. Setting the sound “Ш”

4. Analysis and synthesis “Determine the place of the sound “Ш” in the word”




    A set of photographs of articulatory controls;.

    Subject pictures with sound [w].

Probe no.

LESSON No. 6. Automation of the sound “Ш” in open syllables.


Develop the ability to correctly pronounce the sound “Ш” in open syllables, intervocalic position, syllables with a consonant cluster.

    Articulation gymnastics:

Wide tube



Hot tea

2. Exercise “Fingers walk on the table”

Sha-sha-sha….. shi-shi-shi…… shu-shu-shu……

    Exercise “Conversation between a mouse and a mouse” (with different intonations)

Sho-sho-sho? Sha-sha-sha.

Shi-shi-shi? She-she-she.

Shu-shu-shu! Shi-shi-shi (scold)

Sha-sha-sha (affirming)

    Game “Come up with names for the dolls” Masha, Dasha, etc.

    Analysis and synthesis “The sound “U” came to visit “Sh””, what happened? What's the first sound?

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 1

Komarova L.A.


3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 7. Automation of the sound “Ш” in reverse syllables.


Develop the ability to correctly pronounce the sound “Ш” in reverse syllables.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis. Practice the ability to divide words into syllables.

1. Articulation gymnastics:

Wide tube



Hot tea

2. Exercise “Masha and the Bear” (intonation)

Ish, ash, osh, ush. Etc.

    D/I “4 extra”

Ash, osh, ush, shi

    Analysis and synthesis “Name the 1st and last sound in a syllable”


Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 2

Komarova L.A.

“Automation of Ш in game exercises”


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 8. Automation of “Ш” in syllables with a consonant cluster.


Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis. Practice the ability to divide words into syllables.

    Exercise “Little mice whispering” (intonation)

Usha-usha, oshi-oshi

Ashi-ashi ashu-ashu

    Exercises “Repeat after me”


ShMA, ShMO, ShMU, Shmy

Tire, mouse, bucket

    Development of phonemic awareness “Find pictures whose names contain the sound “Ш””

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 3

Komarova L.A.


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 9. Automation of “Ш” in syllables and words with a combination of consonants.


Develop the ability to correctly pronounce the sound “Ш” in syllables with a combination of consonants.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis. Practice the ability to divide words into syllables.


“Monkeys peel bananas” (With hand movements)


    Exercise “Repeat after me”

Seamstress, school, thing, pants, sniff, etc.

    Analysis and synthesis “Determine the place of sound in a word”


Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 4

Komarova L.A.

"Automation of Ш in game exercises."


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 10. Automation of “Ш” in words and phrases. Production "F".


Learn to pronounce the sound “Zh” correctlywords and phrases.

Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis.

practice the ability to divide words into syllables.

    D/I “Choose the right word”

With a needle they sew problems and solve them

Nose-….. music-……..

    Exercise “Repeat correctly” (based on pictures)

    Pure sayings and poems with the sound “SH”

    Making the sound “Zh”

    D/I “Pick a Pair”

Woolen…., fluffy…, big…, fragrant…., wide…, good…. .

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 5


3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 19. Automation of “Ш” in sentences and coherent speech.


Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sound “Ш” in sentences and coherent speech.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing.

Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis.

    D/I “Who does what?” (based on pictures)

Sews, embroiders, sews, coughs, crumbles, walks, etc.

    Exercise “Complete the sentence”

The bunny has long...

The frog scratches...

Misha has blue ones...

The baby is lucky...

    Making the sound “Zh”

    Exercise “Repeat after me correctly”

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 6, No. 7.


2. Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 20. Automation of the sound “Zh” in forward and backward syllables.


Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sounds “Zh” in forward and backward syllables.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing.

Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis.

Practice the ability to divide words into syllables

    Development of phonemic awareness “Clap your hands when you hear the sound “Zh””

    Exercise “Repeat correctly” (using the split alphabet)


    D/I “Finish the word”

JI: this..., gara..., mor...


Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 8

Komarova L.A.


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 21. Automation of “F” in words and phrases.


Strengthen the clear pronunciation of the sound “Zh” inwords and phrases.

Teach the formation of possessive adjectives.

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing.

Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis.

Practice the ability to divide words into syllables

    D/I “Big - small”

Flag-flag, friend-…, pie-…., shore-…., horn-…., circle-…

    Guess the riddles and determine the 1st sound in a word, find the longest word.

(riddles on beetles and acorns)

    D/I “Replace the 1st sound in the word with the sound “F””

Onion- beetle, woman-….., world-…, little-…., ticket-…., bunch-…., Venya-

    Pure sayings with the sound “Zh”

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 9

Komarova L.A.

"Automation of F in game exercises."


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 22.


Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound analysis. Practice the ability to divide words into syllables.

Zhenya is chewing. Zhenya is chewing gum. The girl Zhenya chews gum.

    Production "Ch"

    Exercise “Make a sentence out of two words”

Yellow jacket, bug buzzing, etc.

    Reading a short story.

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 10

Komarova L.A.

"Automation of F in game exercises."


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 23 Automation of “F” in sentences and coherent speech.

Target: Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sound “F” in speech.

Teach the formation of plural forms of the genitive case of nouns, past tense forms of verbs

Develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical side of speech, develop sound

    Exercise “Repeat correctly; What word doesn’t have the “F” sound?”

    Exercise “Count”, “One is many”.

    Reading a short story.

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 11

Komarova L.A.

"Automation of F in game exercises."


    Cards with sound combinations and syllables;

3.Didactic material.

LESSON No. 23, No. 24


Develop a sense of language.

    Development of phonemic perception “Clap for the sound “S”, and sit down for the “Sh” sound.”

    Analysis and synthesis “Identify the 1st and last sound in a word”, “Come up with words with the sounds “S” and “W””.


    D/I “Repeat, don’t make a mistake”

Awl - power, sapper - driver, bowl - bear, helmet - porridge.

    D/I “Correct the mistake”

Mom put down the semolina box. We bought a new bike. Etc.

    D/I “Who is this?”

Chess player plays chess

Drives the train - ......, lifts the barbell - ......

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 12,13


Didactic material.

LESSON No. 25, No. 26 Differentiation of sounds “S” - “Sh”.


Learn to distinguish between the sounds [w] and [s] in isolation in syllables, words, sentences, phrases, poems, stories and in independent speech.

Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

Develop a sense of language.

Azova E.A., Chernova O.O., We teach sounds S-Sh, Z-J. Home speech therapy notebook for 5-7 years old.

Card index (N-W)

Didactic material.

LESSON No. 27, No. 28 Differentiation of sounds “S” - “Sh”.


Learn to distinguish between the sounds [w] and [s] in isolation in syllables, words, sentences, phrases, poems, stories and in independent speech.

Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

Develop a sense of language.

Azova E.A., Chernova O.O., Learning the sounds S-Sh, Z-Zh. Home speech therapy notebook for 5-7 years old.

Card index (N-W)

Didactic material.

LESSON No. 29, No. 30


Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

Develop a sense of language.

    D/I “4th extra”


    Exercise “Say the opposite”


ZO-…… ZHU-…….

    D/I “Complete the word with the correct syllable”

Neva…, take…., past…., ly…., kra…..

    D/I “Arrange the pictures in houses “F” and “Z”.”

    Tongue twisters

Zina has a lot to worry about; the bunny's stomach hurts.

Little Zina has a teddy bear in her basket.

The iron lock is rusty.

Konovalenko V.V.

Lesson No. 14,15,16

Didactic material.

LESSON No. 31, No. 32 Differentiation of sounds “Z” - “Zh”.


Learn to distinguish between the sounds [z] and [zh] in isolation in syllables, words, sentences, phrases, poems, stories and in independent speech.

Develop memory, thinking, imagination.

Develop a sense of language.

Azova E.A., Chernova O.O., Learning the sounds S-Sh, Z-Zh. Home speech therapy notebook for 5-7 years old.

Card index (Z-Z)

Didactic material.



Retelling stories:

"Granny's Donuts"

"Gifts for Alyosha"

"Fluff naughty"


Story pictures;

LESSON No. 34 Automation of “Sh” “F” in speech.


Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sound “L” in sentences and stories.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical aspect of speech.

Retelling stories:

"Fluff naughty"

"Wedding Ring"

"The Beetle and the Centipede"

Tkachenko T.A. “Phonopedic stories with pictures.”


Story pictures;

LESSON No. 35 Automation of “Sh” “F” in speech.


Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sound “L” in sentences and stories.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical aspect of speech.

Retelling stories:



"It's crazy"

Tkachenko T.A. “Phonopedic stories with pictures.”


Story pictures;

LESSON No. 36 Automation of “Sh” “F” in speech.


Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sound “L” in sentences and stories.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical aspect of speech.

Retelling stories:

"Bad Joke"

" Hedgehog"


Tkachenko T.A. “Phonopedic stories with pictures.”


Story pictures;

LESSON No. 37 Automation of “Sh” “F” in speech.


Strengthen clear pronunciation of the sound “L” in sentences and stories.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, perseverance, focus, self-control, phonemic hearing. Correct the grammatical aspect of speech.

Retelling stories:

"Live Hat"

"Antoshka's Dream"

"Parrot Parsley"

Tkachenko T.A. “Phonopedic stories with pictures.”


Story pictures;