Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of degree and manner of action. The wind blew with such force that it knocked down all the trees in our yard - this is a complex sentence with a subordinate image The wind blows with such force that

1. Questions: clauses of manner and degree answer questions How? how? to what extent? to what extent? How many? how much?

2. Main word: clauses of manner and degree are attached to the phrase significant word(verb, adverb, adjective, participle, adverb, noun) and index word ().

3. Communications: subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree are attached to the main sentence using: a) allied words (how, how much, how much); b) unions(what, to). The main sentence must have an indicative word - a circumstance of the manner of action, measure and degree ( so much, so much, so much, to such an extent, to that extent, so much).

4. Place in a sentence: if the means of communication is a conjunction, then the subordinate clause comes after the main clause; if a subordinate clause is attached to the main clause using a conjunctive word, the subordinate clause can appear before or after the main clause.

    The shooters caught so many fish [How many?], What couldn't get it out net(Arsenyev).

    [noun + decree next], ( What- union).

    Since then she tried everything do this [How?], to be praised(Panova).

    [Ch. + decree next], ( to- union).

    People were interesting Samghin so [how much?], how much he, looking closely at them, saw himself not like them(M. Gorky).

    [cr. adj. + decree next], ( how much- union. word).

Pay attention!

1) As noted, complex sentences with subordinate clauses of manner and degree in the main clause necessarily have an indicative word. If there is no demonstrative word with the meaning of manner of action, measure and degree, then this is a different type of subordinate clause. Demonstrative words are usually adverbs of manner, measure, and degree, but sometimes they can serve another syntactic function. However, in this case, demonstrative words emphasize the degree of manifestation of the characteristic, etc.

She so beautiful that just breathtaking(Goltsov).

2) Each of the conjunctions used in subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree brings its own shade of meaning to the meaning of a complex sentence: the conjunction that is the meaning of the consequence ( Glade so colorful that dazzles in the eyes); conjunction so that - target value, desirability value, possibility ( Money hide it so that not found). However, the meaning of the manner of action and degree is fundamental in them, which is emphasized by the indicative word in the main sentence with the same meaning.

2.2. Subordinate clauses that refer to one word in the main clause

  • 2.2.5. Clauses of manner and degree

2.3. Subordinate clauses that refer to the entire main clause


Subject. Complex sentences with adverbial clauses of manner of action

Goal: to deepen students’ knowledge about complex sentences; teach to determine the type of subordinate clause (subordinate clause of the manner of action), to distinguish between conjunctions and allied words; develop skills in syntactic parsing and sentence diagramming; develop creative abilities; cultivate a culture of speech.

Equipment: textbook, handouts.


A person is known by his language, like a bad nut by its lightness.



Reading the epigraph and working with it.


1. Checking homework.

(Students read miniature essays.)

1) What exist complex sentences?

2) What types are adverbial clauses divided into?

3) What questions do comparative clauses answer?

4) What conjunctions or allied words are used by comparative clauses?

Read complex sentences; pose questions to subordinate clauses, determine their type; make sentence outlines.

1) He did as much exercise as the coach required.

2) He trained so much that his victory at the Olympics is natural.

3) Olya studied so well French as much as was possible at her age.

4) Olya studied French so well that she spoke fluently.

1. Working with a textbook article.

(The teacher can invite students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical material of the textbook.)

The clause of manner and degree indicates how the action referred to in the main clause is performed. It usually refers to the combination of a verb with a demonstrative word, so it is associated with this combination using a conjunction, which answers the questions how? how? If the subordinate clause refers to a predicate expressed by a combination of an adjective, adverb, etc. (and not a verb) with demonstrative words so, before, so much, to such an extent, then it answers the questions how? to what extent?, i.e. it is a subordinate clause of degree.

It became so quiet (how? to what extent?) that the roots of the pine trees were sometimes shrouded in fog.

1. Working with the textbook.

(Students perform an exercise of the teacher’s choosing.)

Write down sentences using punctuation marks; find demonstrative words in the main sentences, and conjunctions in the subordinate clauses; put questions to the subordinate clause; make diagrams of 1, 3, 6 sentences.

1) The forest was cut down so that centuries-old oaks and spruces fell to the south.

2) The stranger did not look at us the way we looked at him.

3) The river shines and sparkles so much in the sun that it hurts your eyes.

4) The wind blew with such force that it was impossible to stand.

5) And it became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once.

6) The old lady wanted to repeat her story as much as I wanted to listen to it.

7) The cloud had already moved so close to the sun that it became dark as night.

3. Linguistic research.

Insert demonstrative words instead of dots, determine the meaning of the subordinate clauses; place commas, make sentence diagrams.

1) At the top, the branches of the trees... intertwined with each other and completely hid the sky.

2) After a quarter of an hour, I came... close to the fire so that I could see everyone around it.

3) Nejdanov began to express his opinion without hesitation and without hiding, in the end even... loudly and with... passion that clearly disturbed his neighbor.

4) In his books, V.K. Arsenyev tells... how he traveled in the wilds of the Ussuri region.

5) The air was warm and... quiet that it seemed not a single grass, not a single cloud was moving.

4. Working with text.

Read the text, indicate its type, justify your answer; add punctuation marks.

The shore of the bay where we stopped for the night consisted of small cobblestones, so that all night the sea beat with great force against the stone wall. The noise from the approaching and receding waves carrying and moving stones was so strong that it woke me up more than once during the night. Waking up and looking at the clock, I saw that it was already half past six. None of my men are up yet. In order not to be delayed and to hit the road faster, I decided to pick them all up at once and fired with a double-barreled shotgun. They quickly jumped up and then, shouting, began to assure me that they had gone completely deaf. I told them not to worry and asked them to quickly light the fire and cook breakfast. My shot attracted villagers who came running to inquire what it all meant. Having found out what was the matter, they returned peacefully, and after breakfast I went to explore the surroundings in order to choose a more convenient path to continue our journey.

(According to N. N. Miklouho-Maclay)

What types of subordinate clauses are found in the text?

5. Creative work in pairs.

Make up a dialogue with a friend so that the questions begin with the words how? how?, and the answers contained complex sentences with subordinate clauses of manner of action.


Conversation with students.

1) What types of adverbial clauses exist?

2) What questions does the modus operandi clause answer?

3) What conjunctions or allied words connect the subordinate clause with the main clause?

4) What does the modus operandi indicate?


1. Learn theoretical material.

2. Compose five complex sentences with modus operandi clauses.

3. Complete an exercise from a textbook of the teacher’s choice.

The wind blew with such force that it seemed that it was about to knock us off our feet. My wife and I stood on the platform of a small southern town near the Black Sea, waiting for the train to arrive to Moscow. She was leaving, I just saw her off, staying with my daughter for another week.
The wind that had recently risen was growing stronger, and from the platform it was clearly visible how a storm was blowing up on the sea, how the white foam torn off by the wind from the waves was carried away in splashes far to the side. There were still a couple of minutes left before the train arrived, and I turned to my wife, “What are the instructions, mommy?” I ask you, do not go to the shore today and do not get into the water today! – she asked, touching my hand and turning slightly, as if showing how the sea was raging. May it be for you - don’t worry, dear! – I tried to brush it off. No, I ask you, not for your own sake, but for the sake of the child - don’t go! – she repeated stubbornly.
The signature train appeared and, worried about the strong wind, I held my wife by the elbow. There was no more time for talking, the stop was only two minutes, and soon the train slowly set off. Don't go to the sea today! – the wife shouted again from the departing train.
Why don't I always listen to my wife's advice? After all, I have already been convinced more than once that I am wrong if I disobey her, but she, a wise woman, is right. But no - every time you have to make sure of this again!
The child was left to play in the yard, and in order to pass the time, despite the ban received, I went, as usual, to the sea. On the way to the shore, I remembered my wife’s recent words - don’t go! I was a little surprised by her excitement, because she knew that I was a good swimmer, and yet she expressed obvious concern! It’s okay, I’ll have time to take a quick dip before the sea gets too full! - I calmed myself, listening to the wind - I just need to hurry up! The wind did not even think about subduing, but on the contrary, it was getting stronger. As it will later become known, these were echoes of the hurricane that hit Novorossiysk that day.
Going out to the embankment, I saw the raging sea up close, and although I immediately began to have great doubts about whether it was worth getting into the water today, I still headed to the usual beach. The sun, meanwhile, hid behind the rolling clouds that densely covered the sky, and everything around immediately began to seem cloudy and gray. The howling of the wind also did not add joy.
On a familiar beach, located between two piers, I saw that people, fearing the waves, moved up from the shore, to the very edge of the beach, under the awnings adjacent to the embankment, and from there they watched the storm. But the water had already reached there, remaining in the depressions, among the stones, and covering the legs up to the ankles. There was nowhere to sit, and people, mesmerized by the spectacle, stood motionless along the shore. The raging sea attracted your eyes and did not let go, forcing you to admire its power. With each wave hitting the pier, a fountain of water rose upward, as if from the explosion of a heavy artillery shell. There were no people willing to go out to the pier and admire the storm from there; the daredevil would probably have been immediately washed away by the water.
Why I decided then, despite my wife’s strictest prohibition, to enter the raging sea - now I find it difficult to say. Overconfidence in your abilities? He probably felt the need to test himself, his strength, his bloodless fighting spirit. What makes a person climb mountains, dive without scuba gear to depths of one hundred meters, race along a race track at top speed, cross oceans on fragile boats and rafts? It is not always the desire to make money. And it’s difficult to give a definite answer to this. Maybe you wanted to feel like a kind of free wind, easily playing with the waves.
It seemed that there was no great danger for me - I had already entered the raging sea several times before. Until that day, out of naivety, I had no doubt that I felt confident in the water, and maybe even too confident. Without much effort, I swam far from the shore, a kilometer, and further, even with a small wave, sometimes I met dolphins there, and it also seemed possible for me to dive to a depth of ten meters.
Yes, I went into the raging sea, but unfortunately, I realized the difference between this day and previous times, too late, when I already found myself in the water. The fact is that before the waves seemed, how should I say, of the correct shape, and they walked to the shore in even rows, and my actions were calibrated and predictable. Now the picture turned out to be completely different. A strong side wind did the unimaginable! The crests of the wave rose here and there, the foam blown by the wind was carried away in splashes to the side, and this entire mass of water periodically crashed onto the shore with enormous force.
Having made the difficult decision to disobey my wife, I quickly took off my light clothes and carefully folded them on a large stone, then took a deep breath and watched as another wave crashed onto the shore with a roar. It seems that she has become smaller! – I cheered myself up. Having waited for this wave to subside, I ran along the wet stones after the receding water, and it grabbed me and dragged me along with it into the sea. Without looking back at the shore, I made several careful strokes into the depths and froze, trying to understand my feelings. They were not pleasant, the water was seething around, splashing me and being carried along by the will of the waves.
Yes, I consider myself an experienced swimmer, and over many years I have developed my own special swimming style, in my opinion, just for the sea, where there are big waves. In appearance, this is an ordinary breaststroke, but the peculiarity is that, having made strokes back with my hands, I immediately, under water, return them forward, and repeat the wave-like movements in the horizontal plane, which makes it possible to rise above the water a little higher and linger above her for a split second longer than usual. This allows you to take a deep breath without fear of taking a sip of water. Then, under my own weight, I lower myself into the water, and the work of my legs remains the same as during normal swimming. I repeat that I felt confident in the water and was not afraid of the waves. Up to a certain point, of course, when they are not very large.
And now, as usual, rising above the water and pausing for a moment, I looked around. Sharp gusts of wind still threw splashes in the face, and when immersed in water, even here, at depth, the noise of stones being shifted by the waves could be heard. It immediately became clear that this time I had greatly overestimated my capabilities. The melancholy came at once. For a moment I was overcome by fear and, I would even say, panic, but I quickly managed to pull myself together. Calm down - you are an experienced swimmer, and this is not your first time swimming among the waves! – I just reminded myself. With several sharp strokes I tried to swim closer to the shore, but the shore, despite my efforts, did not come any closer. After making several such attempts, I became convinced that I could not cope with the waves. Now it was truly scary.
Turning around, I looked with hope at the big red ball - a buoy, which was just being lifted by a large wave. A defeatist thought flashed through - what if we cling to him tighter and hang on to him until the storm subsides? But, “I can sit in the water until the morning, but my strength is not enough for this, and I’ll freeze soon,” I reasoned sensibly and turned back to the shore. The figures of people were now poorly distinguishable and seemed somehow distant behind the crests of the waves. The next wave rose and fell and dragged me, against my will, to the side and, as I felt with sadness, a little back, into the sea.
Until that day, struggling either with a strong river current or with sea waves, I always, albeit at the cost of great effort, moved in the direction I chose. But now, it turned out to be beyond my power to fight with the entire mass of water seething around.
No, I won’t be able to get out of the water today! – with aching melancholy, after several fruitless attempts to get closer to the shore, I clearly realized my unenviable position. And why did you even climb into the raging sea? – belated regret immediately came. Is this really my last day on Earth? But I’m still so young! Then I wanted to move on to reasoning about the fact that I am responsible for my wife, for my daughter, that I still have so much to do, but there was no time to feel sorry or scold myself. It became clear that I had to fight the elements with all seriousness, and the result of this fight was now unpredictable. At that moment, I clearly felt that my life was in the hands of some higher powers, and that the sea was now deciding whether to release me onto land or not. It seems like big sins for lately I’m not counted,” an encouraging thought flashed, and with all the strength I was capable of, I rowed to the shore. But it was almost no closer to land, but the concrete stones of the pier became noticeably closer.
Afraid of going under the water, where I would probably be spun around, twirled by vortex currents of water, and besides, I might be hit by a stone raised from the bottom by the excitement, I spent last strength to stay on the very crest of the wave. It felt like my strength was leaving.
Maybe it’s time to start shouting, waving to the people standing on the shore - help, they say, save! The thought that I was a trained and seemingly hardened man, like Carlson, in the prime of my life, and would have to seek help, stopped me. At the same time, I felt that I would not be enough for a long time, that gusts of wind and waves would inevitably blow me towards the pier, and I could already clearly distinguish the rough concrete blocks, which, against my will, I was approaching every minute. As the wave subsided, it exposed their underwater part, gnawed by previous storms, as if showing what force, naively, I was trying to resist.
Having risen to the crest of the next wave, I tried again to get away from the pier, swimming against the wind, along the shore, but all I managed to do was stay in place for some time. But my strength was melting away, and I felt that my hands were going numb from tension, that I was gasping for air in fits and starts, and not breathing deeply, as before.
I did not call for help only because in a moment I clearly realized that the people standing on the shore would not help me now. Even if we assume the possibility that among the two to three dozen men now looking at the storm, there will be an experienced swimmer as I considered myself, then it became clear that he would not be able to do anything, even if he managed to swim among the raging waves to me. He would like to stay on the water himself!
Only a lifebuoy on a rope, thrown from the pier, could help, and even then, if they then pulled me to the shore by the rope, and of course I would have clung to it with a death grip! But until the rescuers run up, until they find a circle and a rope, and even throw it to me, we need it! Rising and falling on the waves, I quickly scrolled through this dull scenario in my head, and wisely decided that it was easier to rely on my own, albeit last, strength.
All by myself - yes by myself! – I still managed to feel sorry for myself, my beloved. I wish I could just touch the stones with my feet! I also managed to note that it was quite unusual to look at a familiar beach from a five-meter wave height - from here it seemed so small! There, nearby, is my favorite place on the rocks, where I used to sunbathe! It only seems that it’s nearby, but it’s there, on land, and I’m still in the water! Yes, the elbow is close, but you won’t bite!
Rising above the water once again and turning around, I saw a huge wave approaching, bending its crest and gathering strength to hit the shore. Only now! – a thought flashed. The next such wave will already throw me onto the concrete blocks of the pier, and holding on to them is out of the question!
Gathering all my will into a fist and waiting for her to approach, I climbed with her onto the foamy ridge and, using my last strength, made several sharp strokes forward, trying to stay at the height so that I would be carried as close to the shore as possible. From the height I again managed to see the large stones at the bottom, and the nearby blocks of the pier, and the shore itself, which seemed to still be somewhere below. The water smoothly lowered me to the shore and, after making a few more convulsive movements forward, I finally felt the stones under my feet.
But that was not all - I was still in the water, and I still had to get out onto land - to where people were still standing motionless. I could clearly see how they froze, looking at me with tension. At least someone would help! – I thought, but for the sake of order, now there was no need for help.
The wave that carried me out subsided, but then another one approached, carrying a huge impact force and already, noisily, moving large stones, from which I had to have time to get away. God forbid you get hit by it, as it will immediately spin around, hit the rocks, and be carried back into the sea! And I may not have enough strength to make a second attempt to get out of the sea. Realizing this, on wooden legs, working with my arms like a 100-meter runner, waist-deep in the sea, I rushed forward, overcoming the resistance of the water.
Right at the pier, under our feet, there was a drift of large stones, and therefore we had to run forward and upward, which turned out to be extremely difficult. But the knowledge that I couldn’t make it through the second attempt gave me strength, and I honestly worked with my hands as hard as I could, helping myself.
After a dozen steps I felt that I was leaving the water, but the next wave, of course, caught up with me. With a terrible roar, it collapsed somewhere behind me, the water immediately knocked me off my feet, swirled, and dragged me back into the sea, but it had already lost its destructive power and, clinging to large stones, with great difficulty, I stayed on the shore.
Rising to my feet again and now no longer feeling them under me, but only giving myself the command - forward! – in the last push I finally reached a dry place. A short laugh was heard from the crowd, which immediately died down. Not paying attention to anyone, I walked behind the people and immediately sank onto a large boulder. My heart was pounding so wildly that it seemed to me that I could see my chest pulsating. It took time to regain my breathing. At first it was sharp, frequent and shallow - I gasped for air like a fish thrown ashore, and only after a couple of minutes I began to breathe deeply. How did I get so overtired? – I was still surprised then.
Rising from the stone, from behind the backs of the people standing in front, I looked at the sea. I still felt weak in my legs, my hands were shaking, but I took control of myself, and to be sure, I even moved my shoulders a little, checking myself - yes, everything is fine now! Two girls, whispering, looked back at me, but I didn’t care, yes, I didn’t care.
Sitting down on the stone again, I went deep into my thoughts, watching indifferently as two strong men went into the sea and played with the wave, but only went knee-deep, fearing to go further. So, Petrovna, shouldn’t we go for a swim? – a voice was heard nearby, and I looked in surprise at the people who had just approached. An elderly couple stopped at a distance, and with them a young companion. The man, it seemed to me, was a little tipsy. No, they, of course, did not intend to swim, and did not even take off their clothes, but simply talked.
Yes, Petrovna and I, once upon a time, swam in such a storm, and then we couldn’t get out of the water for a long time, so we swayed on the waves - neither here nor there! – the man cheerfully explained to his young companion. But, Stepan, the wave was smaller then! – Petrovna decisively intervened in the conversation. Yes, perhaps less! – the man agreed peacefully. I couldn’t help but smile a little while listening to these speeches.
By evening, the strong wind died down as suddenly as it had blown, but the raging sea did not think of calming down so quickly, still crashing waves onto the shore, but they became noticeably smaller, and were now of the correct shape, and rolled at regular intervals. Yes, the wind died down, but for some reason I didn’t want to get closer to the water than fifteen meters that evening.
The next morning the sea completely calmed down, and only the muddy water reminded of yesterday's excitement. Having reached the buoy calmly swinging on the water, on which I was going to hang yesterday, I turned over on my back and looked at the bottomless blue sky. The bright sun was shining calmly from above, and now the water seemed calm and gentle.
The sound of an engine was heard in the distance, and a small plane passed over the shore and above me at low altitude. I remembered such planes - after big storms they always flew around the coastal strip.
Now I tried not to think about the purpose of their flight - and, most likely, they were looking for bodies on the water, raised by the waves. For a moment I imagined that my body could also float lifelessly, lifted from the bottom by another storm. For a moment, he just imagined it, and then again looked at the bright sun, at the calm water around and ran his palm over the surface of the water. Your calm is deceptive, but thank you for yesterday’s lesson! – I thanked the sea.
A little time has passed since then, but now, from time to time, especially when the free wind howls, a raging sea appears before my eyes, flying splashes around, and such a close and desirable shore, which I so want to set foot on and is so difficult to reach. .
If it happens that my dear wife is nearby at this time, then I definitely turn to her. What are the instructions, mommy? - I ask her, and I have almost no doubt that this time I won’t even think of disobeying, and I will carry out all her valuable instructions exactly, on time and strictly.

“The wind blew with such force that it knocked down all the trees in our yard.” This is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of measure and degree (to be more precise, taking into account all the subtleties of the Russian language and the possibility of a “trap” in the task).

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of measure and degree.

Subordinate measures and degrees denote the measure or degree of something that can be measured in terms of quantity, quality, intensity. They answer the question “to what extent?” and are attached to the main part with the conjunctions “what”, “so that”, “as”, “as if”, “as if”, etc. or the conjunction words “how much”, “how much”.

Subordinate measures and degrees are subordinate clauses with the conjunctions “that”, “that”, and they relate to the words “so”, “such”, “so much”, “so much” and phrases “to such an extent”, “to such an extent” and have additional corollary significance:

He stood at such a height that people below had to look at him with their heads thrown back (D. Merezhkovsky).

Here horror took hold of Berlioz so much that he closed his eyes (M. Bulgakov).

Subordinate measures and degrees can have an additional connotation of comparison; in this case they are joined by comparative conjunctions:

There was such a ringing and singing on the main street, as if a driver in fisherman’s canvas overalls was carrying not a rail, but a deafening musical note (I. Ilf and E. Petrov).

You are right that complex sentences of MODE OF ACTION, as well as MEASURES AND DEGREES are often combined into one group. They are VERY similar in type. Wed. :

Subordinate clauses of manner and degree.

1. Questions: subordinate clauses of manner of action and degree answer the questions how? how? to what extent? to what extent? How many? how much?

2. Main word: clauses of manner of action and degree are attached to the phrase of a significant word (verb, adverb, adjective, participle, adverb, noun) and a demonstrative word (so much, so much, so, to such an extent, to that, such).

3. Means of communication: subordinate clauses of action and degree are attached to the main sentence using: a) allied words (how, how much, how much); b) conjunctions (what, in order). The main sentence must have an indicative word - a circumstance of the manner of action, measure and degree (so much, so much, so, to such an extent, to that, such).

4. Place in a sentence: if the means of communication is a conjunction, then the subordinate clause comes after the main clause; if a subordinate clause is attached to the main clause using a conjunctive word, the subordinate clause can appear before or after the main clause.

I believe that if you define this sentence as a complex sentence with a subordinate manner of action, there will be no error.