Ancient practice of Tibetan lamas - secrets of rejuvenation. Where to get energy and vitality. Taoist practices: “Pressure on the Yin pantry”

Taoist practices came to us from ancient times, from Eastern culture, and they have been known for more than 9 thousand years... Of course, this is only a piece of the mosaic called “Taoist practices.” There are many interesting directions- For women's health, for intimate muscles, to increase sexual pleasure.

The 8 techniques presented here are aimed at facial rejuvenation. They help to simply and effectively rejuvenate the face and skin on the face, increase hair growth, remove wrinkles, improve the functioning of the nervous system, remove headaches, tone the facial muscles, and enhance the energy of the whole body.

1. Taoist practices: “To the three stars”

  1. Turn your palms down and slowly raise your arms forward and up until they are overhead. Raise your arms up and take a deep breath.
  2. Turn your palms up, fingers facing each other, as shown in the figure below, and lift your heels slightly.
  3. Turn your palms down and slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Repeat the practice 3 times. The first raising of hands is called “to the star of Happiness”, the second - “to the star of Prosperity”, and the third - “to the star of Longevity”.

Effect: increases vital energy and balances the energies of Yin and Yang, increases blood circulation. As a result, cell nutrition improves, which promotes rejuvenation of the skin of the face and the whole body.

2. Taoist practice: “Sharpening the eagle’s claw”

  1. Starting position: standing, legs together, arms freely at your sides.
    Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Stand calmly, relaxed, smiling slightly.
  2. Place your hands with your palms facing each other and place them between your knees, bending your knees slightly. Squeeze your palms tightly with your knees.
  3. Alternately raise and lower your left and right heels - your palms pressed between your knees should rub against each other.
  4. Raise and lower each heel 8 times (for a total of 16 palm rubbing motions).

Effect: improvement of condition and rejuvenation of the whole body, stimulation of the secretion of sex hormones and improvement of joint elasticity, activation of regenerative processes in the skin, as a result, the skin takes on a fresh and youthful appearance. This practice is especially useful for pain or cramps in the legs, for women with gynecological diseases, as well as for men suffering from prostatitis. In these cases, do this practice more often.

The practice is contraindicated for pregnant women.

3. Taoist practice: “Moving the Heavens”

  • Using the three middle fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow area 8 times - from the point between the eyebrows (the “third eye” area) to the temples.
  • Also massage your forehead 8 times.

Effect: eliminates age wrinkles, helps with headaches, dizziness, insomnia, hypertension, nervous eye tics.

4. Taoist practice: “Drawing the tail of a phoenix”

  • Draw the bumps on your palms from the outer corners of your eyes to your temples 8 times.

Effect: eliminates crow's feet around the eyes, tones the entire face, helps with migraines.

5. Taoist practice: “Cutting the cheeks”

  • Run your hands over your cheeks - from the cheekbones down 8 times.

Effect: moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles and age spots.

6. Taoist practices: “Pressure on the Yin pantry”

  • Bend and raise your left arm. Cover your mouth with the center of your left palm and close your left nostril with the pad of your thumb. The remaining 4 fingers should lie on right cheek. Press your right hand to your chin, cupping your palm.
  • Move your hands clockwise, pressing your thumb on the teeth to the left of your nose (breathe through your right nostril) 8 times. At the same time, make circular movements with your tongue in the same direction - 8 times.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Effect: against wrinkles around the lips, improves lip contour, lip fullness.

7. Taoist practices: “Dragon punches in the face”

  • Tap your fingertips all over your face for one minute.

Effect: revitalizes cells and stimulates blood circulation, improves complexion and makes the skin smoother, improves the functioning and rejuvenation of the entire body. REJUVENATION training

For those who want to get a more complete set of exercises based on Taoist practices, with the goal of longevity, rejuvenation of the entire body by activating all the energy channels of the body, watch this video.

And another day of travel passed in complete silence.
Days gave way to nights, nights to days, they walked from cave to cave, and soon the colonel lost track of time. Lama Ky was mostly silent. Occasionally the colonel began to ask him about something. The Lama answered willingly, but briefly and precisely.
Sir Henry remembered another conversation. One evening, shortly before they arrived at the monastery, the colonel asked:
- Hey, you said at the beginning of our journey that you were counting on me, having mastered the “Eye of Rebirth,” to be able to teach this to other people. Why are you interested in this? By the way, in all this time I have never asked who this is - “you”?
- I still won’t tell you anything about who “we” are. And we are counting on you because in a few decades people in “ big world" - let's call it this way - they will come face to face with the need to fight with themselves for their own survival. Their tendency to indulge themselves in all their weaknesses will take them too far. And then the “Eye of Rebirth” can provide them with invaluable assistance. You are the first person from there who will receive the treasure of this knowledge. No one will demand from you that, upon returning home, you immediately begin to gather crowds around you and present the “Eye of Revival” as some kind of revelation. But if someone asks you to teach him the art of staying young, you should not refuse.
Finally one day - it was almost midsummer - they came.
Two hours after they set off in the morning, the gorge along the bottom of which they walked along a small mountain river began to gradually widen, and around noon the mountains parted, and they emerged into a narrow valley. The river in this place widened, branched and made several loops. On one of its bends, the colonel saw a tiny village consisting of about one and a half to two dozen small houses with flat roofs, half dug into a gentle slope. A path led down from the village to the bridge across the river. On the other side, the path crossed the valley and climbed steeply, hiding in the dense forest that covered the high slope. Higher up, where the forest gave way to bare rocky cliffs, a kind of staircase could be seen that led to the walls of the monastery, which was located partly in buildings made of hewn stone blocks, partly in rooms carved directly into the rocks, the dark windows of which gaped above the sheer rocky cliffs.
“Well, that’s all, we have arrived,” Lama Ky said to the colonel. - You will go further alone. Do you see the path? You will climb it to the monastery. They will welcome you there.
- And you? Where do you live? Isn't it in the monastery? - Sir Henry was surprised.
“I live everywhere,” answered Lama Ky-Nyam, with a broad gesture of his hand, outlining the high blue mountains that surrounded the valley on all sides.
And before the eyes of the amazed colonel, he began to become transparent, eventually dissolving into the still, crystal clear air of the mountains.
To say that Sir Henry was shocked would be an understatement. It took him no less than a quarter of an hour to recover from the impression that Lama Ky-Nyam’s eccentric way of saying “goodbye” made on him.
The rest of the journey took the colonel all day until the evening. The trail climbed very steeply, and almost every hundred feet the old man had to stop to rest. Finally, when the lilac twilight began to thicken over the valley, the colonel walked up to the monastery wall and knocked on the low plank door.
“From that very day, I plunged headlong into the strange and in many ways incomprehensible to a European life of a Tibetan monastery lost in the inaccessible wild mountains,” the colonel continued his story. “Everything I saw there was more like a bizarre fantasy than the reality of this world.” Practices Tibetan lamas, their culture, way of life, their absolute indifference to everything that happened in the “big world”, the complete isolation of their tiny world, in which nothing has changed for centuries - all this is difficult to understand for a person with a Western mindset.
There were quite a few people living in the monastery, but the colonel did not notice any elderly men or women among them. From the first days of his stay in the monastery, the respectful nickname “Ancient Master” was firmly assigned to him. Many years have passed since the lamas last time have seen anyone in these parts who looked as old as Sir Henry.
“And for some of them, the fact that a person can turn into such a wreck, which I was then, was a real discovery,” said the colonel. “For the first two weeks I felt like a fish out of water. I was amazed at everything I saw, and often almost refused to believe my own eyes. It turned out that at night I could sleep peacefully in real deep sleep, and when I woke up in the morning, I felt cheerful and well rested. Every day my strength increased, and very soon I began to use my cane only when hiking in the mountains.
“And then one fine morning,” the colonel continued, “I experienced the second of the two greatest shocks in my life. The first was the shock caused by the supernatural disappearance of Lama Ky. And the second one is this.
That day, for the first time, I was allowed into the repository of ancient manuscripts. At the very end of the long hall I noticed a large mirror - probably the only one in those parts. But by that time I had not seen my reflection in the mirror for many months. Curious, I walked towards him. Imagine my surprise when I saw in the mirror something absolutely incredible, and from the point of view of a civilized person - simply impossible. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, but I saw not myself, but a man who was at least fifteen years younger than me! For so many years I had hoped against all odds that the fountain of youth really existed, but now I saw before me a completely physical confirmation of its reality!
The joy and inspiration that gripped me at that moment cannot be expressed in words. And in the months that followed that day, my condition underwent even more dramatic changes. I have completely lifted the weight of old age from my shoulders. Now no one called me “Ancient Master” anymore, and all the lamas treated me as an equal, which, frankly, flattered me very much.
At this point the colonel's story was interrupted. The doorbell rang. I opened the door with some annoyance. These were my friends - husband and wife. I always enjoyed the opportunity to communicate with them, but this time their visit almost irritated me. However, I tried not to betray my feelings in any way and very politely introduced them to Sir Henry. We talked a little, and then the colonel stood up and said:
- Please forgive me, gentlemen, but I have to take my leave, since I have a business meeting this evening.
At the very door he turned around and said:
- If you don't mind, Liter, I'd like to invite you to dine with me tomorrow. I promise that if you agree, I will tell you everything about the “Eye of Revival” that I did not have time to tell today.
We agreed on the place and time of the meeting, and the colonel departed. When I returned to the living room, my friend's wife asked:
- How old is your friend, Pete? He is charming, but so young that he can hardly be a retired officer. Especially as a colonel...
- How old do you think he is?
- Well, by the looks of it you can’t even give him forty. Although... from our conversation with him, I would conclude that he cannot be younger than forty.
“No less, that’s for sure,” I agreed evasively and turned the conversation to another topic.
I did not want to repeat the incredible story of the Eye of Rebirth, at least not until the colonel told me the whole story.
The next day, after having lunch at a restaurant, the colonel and I went to see him, and he told me in detail about the inexhaustible source of youth.
- When I settled in the monastery, the first thing they explained to me was that human body there are nineteen energy centers called “vortexes,” the colonel continued the interrupted story. - Seven of them are primary, and twelve are secondary. These vortices are powerful field formations, invisible to the eye, but no less quite real. The location of the secondary vortices corresponds to the position of the joints of the limbs: the six upper secondary vortices correspond to the shoulder joints, elbow joints and wrist joints and hands; the six lower secondary vortices correspond to the hip joints, knees and ankle joints with the feet. When a person’s legs are not spread too far apart, the knee vortices connect, forming one large vortex, approaching the main ones in terms of the amount of energy concentrated in it. And since an ordinary person extremely rarely finds himself in situations that require him to perform intense, wide-amplitude leg swings, perform “splits” and similar exercises, his knee vortices almost always represent one vortex, the spatial shape of which changes all the time in accordance with body movements . Therefore, sometimes the knee vortex is considered among the main ones as an additional, eighth, and they speak not of nineteen, but of eighteen vortices. The locations of the centers of the seven main vortices are as follows:
Rice. 1-1.1
The lowest one is located at the base of the body, the second one is at the level of the highest point of the genital organ, the third one is just below the navel. The fourth is in the middle of the chest, the fifth is at the level of the base of the neck, the sixth is in the middle of the head: as for the seventh vortex, it is shaped like a cone with an open base facing upward and is located in the head above the sixth vortex (Fig. 1-2.1) . In a healthy body, all the vortices rotate at high speed, providing "prana" or "etheric force" to all systems of the human being. When the functioning of one or more of these vortexes is disrupted, the flow of prana is weakened or blocked and... In general, disruption of the circulation of prana is precisely what we call “disease” and “old age”.
“In a normal healthy person,” the colonel continued, “the outer boundaries of the vortices extend quite far beyond the body.
Rice. 1-1.2 Fig. 1-1.3 Fig. 1-1.4 Fig. 1-1.5
In individuals who are particularly powerful and developed in all respects, all vortices merge into one dense rotating field formation, shaped like a giant energy egg (Fig. 1-1.3). An ordinary person also resembles an egg, but the field density in it is different - the core of the vortices is significantly different in energy density from the periphery (Fig. 1-1.4). But in an old, sick or weak individual, almost all the energy of the vortices is concentrated near their centers, while the outer boundaries of the vortices often do not extend beyond the body (Fig. 1-1.5). The fastest and most radical way to restore health and youth is to give the vortexes their normal energy characteristics. There are five for this simple exercises. More precisely, there are six of them in total, but the sixth is special, and someday I will talk about it separately. For now, let’s focus on five exercises, each of which has a beneficial effect, but the full effect is achievable only if all five are performed regularly. In fact, these are by no means just exercises; it is not for nothing that lamas call them “ritual actions.” These ritual actions constitute a simple system of etheric training, the name of which is “Eye of Rebirth.” And now I will tell you about all the ritual actions of the “Eye of Rebirth” in order.
Ritual action one
“The first ritual action,” Sir Henry continued his story, “is very simple. It is performed with the aim of imparting an additional moment of inertia to the rotation of the vortices. To put it simply, with the help of the first ritual action we seem to disperse the vortices, giving their rotation speed and stability.
- The starting position for the first ritual action is standing straight with your arms extended horizontally to the side at shoulder level. Having taken it, you need to start rotating around your axis until you feel a slight dizziness. In this case, the direction of rotation is very important - from left to right. In other words, if you were standing in the center of a large dial lying on the floor facing front side up, then it would be necessary to rotate clockwise (Fig. RD-1). Women rotate in the same direction.
- For the vast majority of adults, turning around half a dozen times is enough to start feeling dizzy. Therefore, lamas recommend that beginners limit themselves to three revolutions. If, after performing the first ritual action, you feel the need to sit down or lie down in order to get rid of dizziness, be sure to follow this natural requirement of your body. At first, this is exactly what I did all the time.
- During the initial period of mastering ritual actions, it is very important not to overdo it. Try never to cross the line beyond which mild dizziness becomes very noticeable and is accompanied by mild attacks of nausea, since the practice of subsequent ritual actions in this case can cause vomiting. As you practice all five ritual actions, you will gradually find over time that you can spin more and more in the first action without becoming noticeably dizzy.

In addition, to “push back the limit of dizziness,” you can use a technique that is widely used in their practice by dancers and figure skaters. Before you start spinning, fix your gaze on some stationary point directly in front of you. As you begin to turn, do not take your eyes off your chosen point as long as possible. When, due to the turn of your head, the point of fixation of your gaze leaves your field of vision, quickly turn your head, ahead of the rotation of your body, and as quickly as possible again “capture” your landmark with your gaze. This method of working using a reference point allows you to quite noticeably push back the limit of dizziness.
- When I served in India, I was more than once amazed by the sight of the so-called “dancing dervishes,” who for hours without stopping rotated around their axis in a strange religious dance. Having become acquainted with the first ritual action, I remembered two important points: firstly, the dancing dervishes always rotate in the same direction - from left to right, that is, clockwise, and, secondly, they all look very strong and youthful - no comparison with ordinary people of the same age.
- I asked one of the teacher lamas at the monastery whether the practice of dancing dervishes is connected with ritual actions. He replied that the dervishes use the same principle in their practice, but they take it to the point of absurdity. As a result of hyperstimulation in the interaction of the body and the vortexes, at some point a serious imbalance occurs. Something like an “internal rupture” occurs, which has very destructive consequences for the body. The dervishes interpret this explosion as a “psychic epiphany” - a kind of flash of religious enlightenment. However, in most cases this is a mistake, since the resulting state has very little to do with “true enlightenment.”
- Unlike dervishes, lamas in their practice never spin to the point of complete exhaustion, spinning not several hundred times, but only ten to twelve times - exactly as much as is necessary in each specific case to stimulate the vortexes. The maximum number of revolutions at a time in most cases does not exceed twenty-one.
Ritual act two
“Immediately following the first ritual action,” continued Sir Henry Bradford, “the second ritual action is performed, which fills the vortexes with ethereal force, increasing the speed of their rotation and giving it stability. It's even easier to do than the first one. The starting position for the second ritual action is lying on your back. It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some other fairly soft and warm bedding. Llamas use a special mat for contemplation as bedding. This is a thick mat woven from some kind of coarse plant fibers and yak wool. The main purpose of the mat is to insulate the body from the cold floor, although lamas also use their mats as a comfortable seat while practicing contemplative techniques. Hence the name “mat for contemplation”. After all, the lamas assign the main role to contemplative practices, using the “Eye of Rebirth” only as a means of maintaining the body in order and providing it with the enormous energy that is necessary for effective practice contemplation.
- The second ritual action is performed as follows. Stretching your arms along your body and pressing your palms with your fingers tightly connected to the floor, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin firmly to your sternum. After this, raise your straight legs vertically up, while trying not to lift your pelvis from the floor. The main thing is not to bend your knees. Then slowly lower your head and legs to the floor. Relax all your muscles and then repeat the action again.
- In this ritual action, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding your lungs of air. While raising your head and legs, you should take a smooth and full breath, and while lowering, exhale the same way. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe at the same rhythm as during the movements. The deeper the breathing, the higher the effectiveness of the practice.
- One of the lamas told me that he came to the monastery as a very sick and weak old man and could not even slightly raise his straight legs above the floor. So he started by raising his legs, bending them at the knees, and barely lifting his head off the floor. Gradually he achieved the point that he could lift his hips up with his knees, but his shins were hanging down. Then, as his training increased, he learned to straighten his bent legs and press his chin to his chest, and finally, after some time, he began to lift his perfectly straight legs vertically upward (Fig. RD-2).
- And in general, this lama simply delighted me.

Rice. RD-2

When he told me about his misadventures at the beginning of his practice, he looked like a perfect example of courageous youth and strength, although I knew that he was many, many years older than me in age. True, I must admit that my admiration for this man did not contain the same amount of indescribable surprise that was present in my attitude towards Lama Ky. After Ky, surprising me with the youth and strength of an ancient old man, both human and superhuman, was no longer easy. The same lama I am talking about amused himself from time to time by carrying fruit from the monastery garden down to the village to exchange for yak milk. There were goats in the monastery, but this man loved yak milk more. And other lamas did not refuse him. Apparently, the height above sea level at which our valley was located was not so high, because in a small garden grown by lamas on the lower terrace of the monastery, covered with a thick layer of fertile soil brought from the floodplain, there grew low fruit trees that managed to produce good harvest. Usually the lama loaded a huge basket with fruit - no less than a hundred pounds of small apples and pears could fit into it - and set off with measured steps down the path. In the village, he gave away fruit and put several heavy jugs of milk in a basket, and then, in the same measured manner, without stopping once, he climbed back to the monastery. When, after several months in the monastery, I first decided to accompany him on such a walk, I had to stop at least a dozen times to catch my breath. True, a little later I acquired the ability to take walks up and down with the same ease as he, but that’s a completely different story.
Ritual act three
- The third ritual action should be performed immediately after the first two. And just like the first and second, it is very simple. The starting position for him is kneeling. The knees should be placed at a distance of the width of the pelvis from one another so that the hips are positioned strictly vertically. The hands rest with the palms on the back of the thigh muscles just under the buttocks.
- Then you should tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum. Throwing our head back and up, we protrude our chest and bend our spine back, leaning our hands slightly on our hips, after which we return to the starting position with our chin pressed to our sternum. After resting a little, if necessary, we repeat everything from the beginning. These are the movements of the third ritual action of the “Eye of Rebirth” (Fig. RD-3).
- Like the second ritual action, the third requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. At the very beginning, you should exhale as deeply and completely as in the first. When bending backwards, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position – exhale. The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as the connecting link between movements physical body and control of etheric force. Therefore, it is necessary to breathe as fully and deeply as possible when performing the ritual actions of the “Eye of Rebirth”. The key to full and deep breathing is always the completeness of exhalation. If the exhalation is completed fully, the naturally following inhalation will inevitably be equally complete.
- I have seen almost fifty lamas simultaneously practicing the “Eye of Revival.” To prevent attention from being distracted from the internal processes occurring in the etheric body, they performed all ritual actions, except the first, with their eyes closed.
- Thousands of years ago, lamas discovered that within themselves a person can find the answers to all the most incomprehensible mysteries of existence. Moreover, the only true way is practice, because, starting from a certain level of complexity in the organization of the matter of the world, the intellect becomes powerless - its means are not enough to comprehend all the complexity and at the same time all the simplicity of even the astral world, not to mention many worlds of higher orders.
Rice. RD-3.

Everything that created the world in which we live has its source in the inner essence of ourselves, and therefore our life is always the creation of our own hands. Only our choice determines how its circumstances develop; only our desires and decisions made or not made by us shape the situations in which we find ourselves. For most Westerners, who are inclined to believe that everything depends on forces in the external world beyond our personal will, this concept seems incomprehensible and unacceptable. However, lamas believe that, on the contrary, a person’s personal will is truly omnipotent. It all depends on the degree of “practical knowledge” a person possesses. And practical knowledge is not just information, but exact knowledge of how to consciously control personal will in its manifestations not only in this world, but also in other, more “subtle” worlds. Nowadays there is a very widespread misconception in humanity according to which it is customary to confuse knowledge with information or awareness. You can possess enormous amounts of intellectual information and at the same time know nothing, that is, not be able to. You can know without accumulating mountains of information, that is, be able to practically manipulate personal will at all levels of manifested existence.

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We all want to be beautiful, young, healthy, cheerful, successful, to please ourselves and others. And the most interesting thing is that any woman who knows the secret code of female youth and beauty. We give it to you, use it with pleasure, be young and beautiful.
However, you must understand that it is not enough just to possess this sacred knowledge; you will need to work on yourself. Start without hesitation, every day you will become a little younger, more beautiful, healthier.

After some time, the accumulated result will manifest itself in you in a new, youthful way and those around you will begin to admire you. You will feel these wonderful changes yourself! And then all that remains is to maintain your IMAGE OF YOUTH.

Each of us is truly beautiful by nature, unique, unlike anyone else. Rejuvenation practices only allow you to fully reveal this impeccable beauty.

What is needed for this:

Energy, vitality
Your image of youth and beauty
Love for yourself and others

Let us reveal in more detail these five integral components of youth, beauty, and active longevity.

Energy, vitality

Important support your vitality at a high level. Then illnesses, aging, stress, and other negative factors will not destroy our health and natural beauty.

All you have to do is raise your vitality, a person immediately blossoms outwardly, begins to glow from the inside, feels the desire to live and enjoy life. And then, miraculously, personal reality in all its aspects changes for the better.

Where to get energy and vitality

A special one will help increase vitality practice of rejuvenation, healing, raising vitality Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

The image of youth and beauty

Image of youth– this is perhaps the most important component of the code of youth. You must clearly imagine the specific external image that you want to have and why you need to look like that.

The image should not be some amorphous, unrealistic image and not some non-specific task, for example, “become more beautiful”, “become slimmer”, “become younger”.

Imagine, in detail, exactly how you want to see your reflection in the mirror, what facial features and figure you should have.

Create a youthful aura and consolidate your youthful image in your subconscious Practice of face and body rejuvenation through the Image of Youth will help

Love for yourself and others

Most likely, intuitively you have long understood that you need to love yourself, love those around you, enjoy life, be in good mood, learn not to get upset over little things.

It is in this state of joy, through the subconscious, that a person connects to a source of pure energy, in the presence of which it is impossible to get sick or grow old.
It is in this state that everything works out for you, problems are solved by themselves, and wonderful changes for the better occur. Therefore, it is important to learn how to connect to this energy.

Try to accept and love yourself, then life will miraculously change for the better.

Attention and care for your face and body

Don't be lazy to take care of your skin. Simple cosmetic skin care, such as cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing with the help of cosmetics and cosmetic procedures, provides not only direct material assistance and nourishment for the skin, but attention to the skin itself brings invaluable benefits to the entire body, activating productive updating processes.

Do not be surprised by this phenomenon of renewal and healing. Let's not dive deep into theoretical aspects, just take for granted the presence of such a phenomenon and use it for your benefit.

How to properly care for yourself, what you can do on your own

Regularity and systematicity

Don't forget about yourself even for a single day, “don’t let go” of your image of youth, enjoy every day, take care of yourself regularly, take time for rejuvenating and energy-giving practices. Soon it will become a habit and will be present in life by itself, unnoticeably and naturally.

Now you have CODE OF YOUTH! Without hesitation, start working on yourself. The results will not keep you waiting long, they will confirm the effectiveness of the code of youth, inspire, bring joy and the desire to live further in accordance with the code of youth.

Weighed ***kg! The fat was gone 3 kg per day! I just drank a glass before bed...