Beautiful guitar sketch tattoo on hand. Guitar neck tattoo

Guitar tattoos have been popular since ancient times. This unique symbol of a musical instrument - and also the strings and the neck - was painted by merciful, hardworking, creative people.

Nowadays, a tattoo in the shape of a guitar remains relevant. It is “stuffed” mainly by women, but it is also present on the bodies of men.

Let's talk about the history of the symbol, determine its meaning in modern tattoo art and its correct design.

The history of the instrument and the symbol of the guitar in different cultures and times

The symbol of the guitar was formed from an instrument that appeared in ancient times.

People Ancient world They always had a positive attitude towards a musical instrument, they even tattooed themselves with its image, as well as in the form of strings or the neck of a guitar.

Let's tell you what it meant in different cultures of the ancient world:

  • In Egypt the first drawings of a guitar appeared. They were called nablas. This instrument was very similar to a guitar, but was not yet called that. Such an image was considered a symbol of goodness.
  • Thanks to the appearance of the guitar in Asian and European countries - Babylon, Assyria, Spain– the musical instrument has become very popular. Having a guitar in the house was considered a sign of honor and nobility. It became relevant to hold performances, meetings, and circles in which musicians playing guitars occupied a primary role.
  • Over time, until about the 16th century, literature for musicians began to appear. The names of composers appeared in all countries where this unique musical instrument was found.
  • IN American countries the guitar was introduced between the 16th and 18th centuries. At that time it had an elongated appearance and a smaller size.
  • In Russia this musical instrument has not received much recognition. It appeared in the houses of a noble family of the 19th century. It was considered a luxury to have a guitar in the house. There were no craftsmen who created guitars. People had to order them from abroad. And in the 20th century, amateurs began to become interested in the guitar. Those who could “afford” it played it, even without knowing musical notation or literature. Famous musicians They treated the instrument with disdain and did not even try to learn how to play it.

So, gradually, the symbol of the guitar began to be applied to the jewelry with which creative people adorned themselves.

And men became the founders of tattooing their bodies with this image.

All the meanings of a guitar tattoo - what can guitar tattoos mean and who are they suitable for?

A tattoo with a guitar is considered thematic and musical. It is difficult to imagine a person who has never heard the magical singing of a guitar, its shimmering sounds.

A guitar tattoo can have different meanings. When choosing a design for your future tattoo, you should pay attention, first of all, to interpretation of symbols.

Let us tell you what the main meanings of a guitar tattoo are in the modern world:

Also, a tattoo with a guitar is symbol of a rock fan. It can show off on the body of musicians, composers, fans or other people close to music and creativity.

A guitar or its strings in a tattoo can even serve as a talisman, bringing happiness and good luck.

Clients who have already gotten such a tattoo say that they felt inspired, a flow of creative energy, they began to create and new ideas appeared in their heads. Life began to go smoothly and harmoniously, as if on strings.

When contacting tattoo parlors in St. Petersburg, you can ask the artist to create a tattoo with a guitar that will would highlight your positive traits character. For example, kindness, romance, sensitivity, wisdom, inner simplicity and harmony.

Types of guitar tattoos - how can you complement the sketch?

The guitar is one of the most popular music instruments today. It is in so much demand that many are eager to put this particular symbol on their body, and no other.

On the body, a guitar can be depicted, first of all, as an independent symbol, which makes up the general sketch of the tattoo (St. Petersburg). It can be drawn completely, with the whole tool.

Also a tattoo can be created from the fragment.

You should decide in advance what you want to see on your body. When contacting tattoo parlors (St. Petersburg), you should tell about your preferences and desires - this is the only way the artist will help you choose the right tattoo design.

Let's tell you how you can depict a guitar, or a fragment of it, on the body:

  • Grif. An ordinary guitar neck personifies the harmony in which its owner lives.
  • Tool in the flames of fire. The meanings of confidence, courage, perseverance, and hidden aggression are added to such tattoos (Petersburg).
  • The guitar is with the musician, in his hands. This tattoo can once again show your creative nature and create a brutal image.
  • Sheet music. Any manifestation of creativity, talent and originality can be expressed in a tattoo of notes. This type of tattoo is usually done by people close to music. You can draw either the notes themselves, or a symbol with notes that will flow in a train to the sides, in the wind.
  • Guitar with . Such a tattoo will speak of frivolity, lightness, which either exists in your life, or you lack it. It is better to get such a tattoo on a girl - the symbol will emphasize that her life is like the wind, and her eternal helper is music.
  • Guitar with . The meaning of such a tattoo (St. Petersburg) can speak of creativity, success, luck, victory, hard work, and well-being.
  • Treble clef and guitar. This image will also tell about the creativity and musicality of the owner of the tattoo.
  • Guitar and skeletons symbol. This image appeared in Mexico. Usually it was made for themselves by members of some gang. They wanted to express their coolness, power, courage.
  • Guitar and . This tattoo is suitable for male rockers. She will represent masculinity.
  • Girl and guitar. You should be careful and attentive with the sketch of this tattoo. There is an opinion that girls are “stuffing” it in order to emphasize their unconventional orientation.
  • and guitar. Tattoos in the form of guitars can be supplemented with an inscription by choosing a phrase from your favorite song, or you can write the name of a group or artist that you like.
  • Guitar tattoo and . A tree and guitar tattoo indicates that its owner has completely connected his life with music and creativity. If the tree is a continuation of the guitar, then the tattoo will mean development, aspiration, life, fertility.
  • and guitar symbol. You will decide to once again show the world your romantic, creative, musical nature if you choose such a tattoo.
  • Birds and guitar. Such a tattoo will definitely exude lightness, vitality, and movement. Usually they depict either positive birds (for example, a hummingbird, which emphasizes tenderness, love, lightness, trepidation), or fearful birds (such as a crow, which means longevity, hope, loneliness, evil).
  • Cassette, headphones, microphone and other musical details will highlight your creativity and musicality.
  • Dice with guitar will show others that you are not afraid to take risks and want to bring luck into your life.

A tattoo with the image of a guitar can be supplemented with other elements and symbols that will not essentially change the meaning of the tattoo, but will serve as decoration. These can be ornaments, patterns.

But, please note, if, for example, you depict a guitar and a lonely woman standing next to it, then the meaning of such a tattoo will change. Since a rose means love, passion, romance, it will complement the tattoo with these meanings (Petersburg).

Features and different styles of guitar tattoos

When creating a tattoo, experts rely on certain features.

Taking them into account, you can formulate your image of a tattoo in your head, and then, when you come to the tattoo parlor, hand it over to the master. And he, in turn, will create a unique sketch, inimitable in beauty and idea.

Let's list the features of performing a tattoo with a guitar:

Guitar tattoo size

First of all, think about what size you want the tattoo.

The guitar can be depicted in small, medium and even large scale.

The size, of course, will be affected by the location of the tattoo (St. Petersburg) and your personal preferences.

Guitar tattoo locations

Many clients come to us and ask: “Where is the best place to get a guitar tattoo?”

Remember that there are no restrictions on application locations. You can get a tattoo anywhere on your body.

The most common locations for guitar tattoos in men:

  • Shoulder, forearm.
  • Spatula.

And women most often put a guitar tattoo on:

Girls produce particularly impressive drawings in the back area. They are big, colorful and incomparable!

It's rare to find those who want to create a guitar on their own feet. But, if you have such a desire, then you should not neglect the idea.

Guitar tattoo color scheme

When choosing the color that you will use in your tattoo sketch, pay attention to such classification and meanings of shades:

  • Yellow guitar associated with the sun, warmth, joy, happiness, hope.
  • White guitar personifies purity, holiness, spirituality, innocence.
  • Black guitar means mystery, magic, consolation, representation, luxury.
  • Red guitar is understood as perseverance, hard work, dynamism.
  • Pink guitar represents romance, tenderness, femininity, friendliness.
  • Green guitar indicates progress, development.
  • Blue guitar- means fortitude, organization, perseverance.

What kind of guitar you want is up to you. Definitely color tattoos (St. Petersburg) win over black, black and white. They look new, modern and cool! Even if you decide to emphasize your brutality, a colored tattoo will come in handy.

We tried to list only the positive meanings of the shades, but remember that they can also convey negative energy. For example, black can also mean loneliness and fear.

Stylistic design of guitar tattoo

Of course, it is worth thinking about the style of tattooing (Petersburg). Artists can create a picture in any style, but the main thing is that it suits you and suits you, because it will not be easy to remove a tattoo or “fill in” with any other image.

Most often, a guitar tattoo is performed in the style of:

So, we talked about the most important features that you should not forget about.

Think again and you can even try to create on paper exactly the drawing you dream of. Based on your sketches, the tattoo artist will create a unique work and offer it to you - and then, of course, transfer the sketch to the body.

Who is it suitable for?
The guitar, like any other musical instrument, is a symbol of creative nature. This tattoo is suitable for a person close to the world of music or art.
A symbol suitable for a sympathetic and cheerful person.

Places and style of tattoo.
Such tattoos are popular both in color and in black and white.
A sketch of a guitar is equally suitable for both men and women.
The choice of location is unimportant and depends rather on your imagination and personal preferences. For example, the neck of a guitar can be placed on the forearm. Whereas the image of the entire instrument will require a larger area of ​​the body. For example, back, chest or shoulder.
What the sketch for your tattoo will be is up to you to decide. The most common options are:

  • Guitar neck;
  • Guitar and train of notes;
  • Guitar with wings;
  • Guitar in the hands of a musician;
  • The guitar is on fire.

Symbol meaning

Guitar - a state of harmony of soul and body, overcoming obstacles in creative path. Such a tattoo indicates a willingness to overcome difficulties in order to achieve a goal.
Tattoos depicting a guitar are sometimes complemented with strokes that indicate the owner’s commitment to heavy rock music. These can be performers, fans or lovers of such music. Similar touches could include inscriptions or an image of a musician playing a bass guitar.
The symbol is perceived as a talisman among those who write music and lyrics. It is believed that it will help you find inspiration and will not let the muse go too far.
Image guitars with wings indicates the wind that accompanies the owner. The wind is the eternal companion of people prone to changing places.
Guitar embraced tongues of flame or fire- aggression and ferocious temperament of the owner. Unshakable self-confidence.
The very shape of the guitar, being an image of the ideal female body, also matters. The image of a traditional pear-shaped guitar serves as the personification of female beauty.

For those readers who believe that the symbol should suit their energy, here is a list of qualities that you need to have to apply such a tattoo:

  • Serenity
  • Calm
  • Hard work
  • Smiling
  • Kindness
  • Courage

A little history

Guitar is a musical instrument with rich history. It was invented a long time ago and everyone knows it.
IN medieval Europe Guitar strings were made from the intestines of livestock. The esophagus of sheep was soaked in lye, twisted, stretched and dried.
The origin of the instrument is unknown; the word guitar itself came into Russian from Polish around the 18th century. The first mentions of this stringed instrument are found in Greek writing.


Until you have chosen your sketch for a guitar tattoo. Look how a girl gets a similar tattoo in the center of her back.

Tattoos are not only a decoration for the body, but also a symbol of one’s attitude towards life. Often, the image on the skin corresponds not only to the character of the wearer, but also to his hobbies. For example, tattoos depicting various musical instruments. Such images have both general and individual meanings. The latter depend directly on the type of musical instrument, its history, place in the history of countries and peoples. These tattoos have one thing in common – the tattoo owner’s passion for music.

Musical tattoos. Brief description

Music-related tattoos include the following types:

  • Musical instruments;
  • References to groups or individual artists.

Guitar tattoo in old school style on thigh

The treble clef is considered quite common not only among musicians. The very presence of such a sign in a person’s life defines him as a creative person. Also, such a tattoo can mean a wild, bohemian lifestyle, a wildly spent youth. It can be found both in pure form and in one sketch with other musical elements.

Musical instruments often reflect the type of activity a musician does. However, many of them have their secrets. For example, a violin depicted on a woman’s body denotes her vulnerability, sexuality, and if it is painted on a man’s skin, it reflects his penchant for homosexual relations. The guitar tattoo, a photo of which can be found almost everywhere, is just one of the controversial ones. Image tattoos musical groups can be classified as fan-made. They do not always indicate a specific attitude towards music, but emphasize love for something specific.

Guitar in the form of a blackwork tattoo

Guitar. History of development

The guitar is a string instrument. The first of these musical devices was mentioned in the Bible. The predecessors of the modern guitar had a rounded body that could be made from shell, dried gourd, or simply carved from wood. The classic version of this instrument was created by Torres, who improved the Spanish analogue. Strings for the classic version are made of nylon, carbon or steel. In the 20th century, a new variety appeared - the electric guitar. This instrument plays an important role in various musical styles, such as rock.

Guitar with roses on hand in color

Did you know? The guitar tattoo, the meaning of which depends on the owner, is quite popular. In most cases, this is a reference to the fact that the person who chose such an image himself plays this instrument. There are not many other options for interpreting such a sketch.

Tattoo on the arm in the form of guitar strings under the skin

Guitar tattoo meaning

There are several main meanings for this type of tattoo:

  • Ability to play this instrument. This the very first meaning that immediately catches your eye;
  • Romance. This tattoo is chosen by individuals who tend to idealize others. They love melodramas and good romance literature. Even if a person is outwardly callous, perhaps he is hiding his true face;
  • Tendency to make grand gestures. A guitar tattoo, a sketch of which can be found on the Internet, often identifies a person who can give everything for his neighbor and often plays in public. They say about such people that he “shows off”;
  • Harmony. People who choose a guitar as the basis for their tattoo like everything to be harmonious. For them, the correspondence between internal and external states is important;
  • Symbol of happiness. It is believed that such an image brings good luck in all creative endeavors. And according to some peoples, a guitar is a harbinger of happiness. It is in the beautiful melody that this phenomenon is worth meeting on the threshold of your home.

Guitar tattoo on shoulder in color

Places for tattooing

This type of tattoo can be applied to almost any area. For example, the back is popular. A woman's tattoo in which this zone imitates a guitar looks quite erotic. In this case, the outlines of the instrument are not tattooed. Only the neck and strings are shown. Small images look good on the thigh and forearm. Men often choose the shin as a place for a tattoo.

A tattoo of my favorite musical instrument is on my forearm. My guitar is classical, depicted in light colors. The tattoo itself is small but noticeable. For me, this is a reflection of my interests. I'm in a band and play this particular instrument. With all this, it seems to me that this is exactly mine. This is the deepest and most gentle instrument. At least for me for sure. In the future I want to get a couple more tattoos related to music.

Angelina, Zvenigovo.

Guitar tattoo with blue roses on shoulder

Methods of depicting a musical instrument

The guitar can be depicted either completely or partially. For example, the following tattoo options are popular:

  • Guitar neck. Using only part of the tool, a person may indicate insufficient talent or partial success. Although, most likely the owner of the image simply did not want to get a big tattoo;
  • Guitar with notes. These symbols can often be seen surrounded by a musical instrument. Often they do not change the meaning of the tattoo;
  • The guitar is on fire. Selected by rock music performers.

Did you know? Rock and roll fans often choose a tattoo with this particular musical instrument. At the same time, the sketch itself can be supported by an inscription indicating a line from the song. Slogans calling for people to love this particular musical direction are also popular.

A tattoo depicting guitars with wings is also popular among girls. This denotes an easy-going attitude towards life, happiness and carefreeness.

Black and white guitar tattoo

I had no intention of getting a tattoo with a musical instrument at all. But when I became attracted to one of the bands, I realized that it was the guitar that would help me express what I felt. That's how my tattoo came about. Later, touches were added to it: small notes and a phrase from the song. By the way, using these notes you can play the melody of the same artist. I like my tattoo. I didn’t ask the others’ opinions.

Maxim, Volgograd.

Video selection of tattoos with guitars

If you judge a person by the presence of a thematic tattoo, then those that are musical speak about the creative nature of its owner. His whole life is connected with music, which he confirms with a drawing on his body in the form of, for example, a guitar. A guitar tattoo sketch can be made in either color or black and white. The image is applied to the forearm, shoulder, back and other parts of the body.

The guitar has female image unlike other musical instruments. The sounds of the guitar penetrate deeply into the soul, subtly touching its strings, awakening feelings and tearing apart the chest. Therefore, it is considered to be the “heart of the gypsies.”

The meaning of a guitar tattoo is the achievement of heights in a person’s creativity, as well as a peaceful state of mind, thoughts, his harmonious development in the field of occupation, and throughout his life. It is believed that the owner of such a tattoo will always be accompanied by happiness and victory in all endeavors; he will not be forced to wait for achievements in his career. In a word, life will flow to the enchanting sounds of its strings, and emerging difficulties will be overcome calmly and confidently.

A person with a tattoo of a guitar is usually friendly, smiling and kind.

In modern interpretation, a guitar means a symbol of rock fans; very often the image of this instrument can be seen on the body of people closely associated with this culture - musicians, fans, composers, or those close to it and respecting it. For those who write music, a guitar in the form of a talisman on the body is designed to attract inspiration and the rise of creative thought.

Rock and roll fans also use a guitar tattoo as an emblem of their hobby. Drawing a picture with her silhouette, they add some inscriptions on a musical theme, thereby emphasizing and highlighting the picture.

Design and filling options additional elements Guitar tattoos abound. Very young fans of this instrument and the music it gives birth to can depict a guitar with wings, showing that their lives are accompanied by the wind. If the guitar appears in the picture surrounded by fiery tongues, this person can suspect some kind of aggression, or perseverance and self-confidence.

Favorite places to get a guitar tattoo are on the top of the arm and on the back in the center. You can depict it anywhere, providing in advance for the possibility of its deformation. Often girls prefer to depict a guitar on their stomach, and some men do the same.

The color of the chosen tattoo option is of no small importance. The most popular are shades of brown, yellow, as well as white and black.

The number of strings depicted is of significant importance for a given tattoo, and how many there will be is the decision of the tattoo customer. All that remains is to decide what meaning this drawing will carry.

Guitar tattoo video

Below are photos of guitar tattoos from different artists.

We associate the guitar with enchanting music, soulful songs around the fire or explosive concerts, and frantic energy. The ringing of its strings is able to penetrate deep into the soul, climb into its hiding places and find hidden feelings in them. In the hands of a talented musician, it becomes a magical instrument that captivates listeners.

It is not surprising that many fans of guitar music decide to display this passion on their bodies. The meaning of a guitar tattoo seems quite clear, but there may be some nuances here too.

Tattoo subjects

Most often you can see realistic guitar tattoos on the arm. They are depicted in both black and white and color. Typically, professional musicians or people who are passionate about music choose this tattoo.

As you know, there are no rules for artistic tattoos, so you don’t have to limit yourself to a traditional image; you can show your imagination and come up with your own plot, reflecting personal preferences and character traits.

For example, there is a tattoo of a guitar on the forearm with a neck engulfed in flames. Such a choice may indicate a hot nature, a tendency to aggression, hot temper, activity, and self-confidence. Such a person is full of internal energy. It can be creative, like a fire that gives warmth, or destructive, like a raging fire that destroys everything in its path.

A popular tattoo is in the form of a guitar growing into. This image speaks of the desire for inner harmony. A tree is a symbol of life in many cultures, let’s remember the Scandinavian Yggdrasil. Therefore, such a tattoo can speak of a life devoted to art, that music is eternal, like life itself in the Universe.

They often depict their favorite musicians with their instruments, adding notes or lines from songs to them. There is a guitar neck tattoo that fits well on the forearm due to its shape.

A tattoo of the devil on the moon with a guitar is quite rare. This image is one of the attributes of prisoners sentenced to death. In prison jargon, “going to the moon” means being shot. That is why such an image can be seen very rarely.

What is the meaning behind a guitar tattoo?

In fact, the guitar is an unambiguous symbol. This tattoo says:

  • Love of music. Music is an important part of the life of a person who decides to depict a guitar on his body. He can't imagine how he could live without his hobby.
  • Professional music lessons. When a person chooses the right profession for himself, he no longer has to work, because work becomes the meaning of his existence and brings joy.
  • Desire to achieve success in creativity. The owner of such a tattoo constantly works to improve his talent; achieving creative heights is the main goal of his life.

In any case, the guitar depicted on the body speaks of creativity.

Styles and place on the body

If we talk about styles, good choice there will be realism. You can choose a tattoo of a guitar on your arm, for example, which will look just like your real favorite instrument. This style is perfect for images with your favorite musicians holding a guitar. Realism allows you to convey so accurately appearance tool so that even the reflections of light on a varnished surface will look real. most often chosen by men.

Girls can opt for watercolor guitars. Works in this style can look gentle and peaceful, reflecting peace of mind and balance. But expression is not alien to this style. Bright spots, sharp, careless strokes will indicate emotionality and a tendency to strong feelings. Watercolor tattoos, in principle, speak of an emotional nature, openness to strong feelings and new sensations.

When choosing a place for a tattoo, you should take into account not only personal preferences, but also the shape of the sketch and the degree of detail of the design elements. For example, a large-scale piece depicting a guitar with wood would look best on the back. In this case, there will be enough space to depict lush flowering and spreading branches. A large sketch with an oblong shape will look good on its side. Works that do not involve a lot of detail look great on the shoulder, forearm, hips, and calves. Small guitar tattoos on the wrist are common. These are mostly symbolic images, because making a realistic tattoo of this size is quite difficult.