Remote elements. Types: basic, additional and local


Proper natural nutrition for a cat is mostly a monotonous, species-specific diet that does not require heat treatment, mainly consisting of medium-fat fermented milk products, raw meat or raw offal (heart, tripe, kidneys, etc.) and plant foods ( vegetables and some unsweetened fruits) in raw form, as well as in the form of bran from cereals as an additive to the main diet.

Actually, cereals (porridge and other flour products) should not be present in the cat’s diet. Porridges and products made from or with the addition of flour contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which can cause disruption of the intestinal microflora, as well as a decrease in resistance, in all dogs and cats, which are known to be carnivores. The state of the animal’s health directly depends on the state of the intestine, which is a key organ not only in digestion, but also in providing the defense system (resistance and immunity of the body). Thus, the presence of dysbiosis in the intestines, which is facilitated by disturbances in the diet, can lead to the development of a host of pathological processes, including an increased tendency to allergies, disruption of the functioning of internal organs, the occurrence of a number of chronic inflammatory diseases and obesity, often associated with each other.

The health and resistance of animals depends very much on nutrition; the state of the gastrointestinal tract and healthy intestinal microflora play a very important role in this. If your cat's diet includes cereal or commercial dry food that contains from 40 to 55% grains, corn or sweet potatoes, then you cannot expect normal, healthy intestinal microflora. However, even with a natural diet, digestive disorders are possible, indicating a painful condition of the cat. When switching to a natural diet, stool passage becomes a little less frequent, and the consistency of the stool changes to darker and denser. This is typical, normal and does not indicate a problem. But if there is a significant decrease in stool passage (less than once every 2 days), it is recommended to consult a doctor and decide on the possibility of switching back to a dry diet or correcting natural ingredients. Most often, the problem of constipation occurs with an exclusively meat diet, without the addition of fermented milk foods and a source of fiber.

Meat in a cat's diet

The main meat in a cat’s diet is lean beef, maybe not the first grade. It is not necessary or even advisable to feed your cats tenderloin and other high-quality meats. It is allowed to feed lamb, horse meat, and rabbit meat to cats of all ages, given the high calorie content of lamb and rabbit meat, which is more affordable. It is not recommended to give pork.

Chicken, turkey and their offal can also be given, but individually, paying attention to the reaction from the digestive system and skin. It is not advisable to feed chicken skin to cats.

Meat, both beef and chicken, is always given raw, pre-frozen; there is no need to pour boiling water over it and heat treat the meat. Meat should not be ground into mince.

It should be noted right away that feeding a cat up to a year only one meat guarantees development, since the kitten will not be satisfied with the amount of calcium. To prevent this from happening, carefully read the recommendations for mineral supplements at the link below.

Meat by-products

Meat feeding for a cat can include not only meat, but also by-products (kidneys, heart, by-products of chickens, turkeys, etc.), which can completely replace meat. By-products must also be raw. It should be taken into account that offal is a less nutritious component of the meat diet compared to meat, but at the same time, for example, the udder is significantly higher in calories than meat due to fat.

It is not recommended to give liver and lung to cats often, since not everyone tolerates raw liver equally well, and there is no point in treating it thermally. However, many people successfully use these components in the diet of dogs and cats. However, not all cats tolerate a particular meat component equally well, so if an ingredient is intolerant, which is manifested by diarrhea or vomiting, it should be removed from the diet, as well as if other components of the cat’s natural diet are not tolerated. And in order to be able to determine which component the reaction occurs to, they need to be introduced into the cat’s diet separately.

Of course, one can become infected with one or another disease from one or another product, but rare cases of infection from raw, untested and not frozen meat do not allow one to be afraid of feeding a cat a raw product. It is unlikely that any veterinarian will be able to recall a case of infection from anything from meat. In addition, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach of carnivores is higher than in humans and is sufficient to perform its disinfecting functions in relation to raw meat and fish. We also do not recommend purchasing meat “from hand” or at the “Poultry Market”, where you can buy products obtained from a known sick animal, and even freezing it will not help, and heat treatment of meat reduces the nutritional value of the product for the cat.

Fish in a cat's diet

Cats can be given raw fillets of sea and ocean frozen fish, not bony, low-fat varieties, replacing meat with seafood in meat feeding 2-3 times a week. However, it is not recommended to constantly feed fish. Small fish can be fed whole raw, in which case the bone along with the soft tissues is completely chewed and does not pose a threat (even recommended), but when feeding boiled fish, which should not be done, the bone easily separates and can be swallowed whole, which is dangerous .

There are several questions that are often asked regarding feeding fish to cats:

The problem with thiaminase is relevant for animal farms, where there is mainly a mono-diet and if you feed only raw fish, there will be hypovitaminosis B1, and therefore this is not relevant for a home mixed diet.

Feeding fish does not have any effect on the development of urolithiasis. This assumption has long existed among veterinarians, based on the fact that fish contains a lot of phosphorus, which, when released, creates conditions for the development of sand in the bladder (struvite). But studies conducted with experience on adding additional amounts of phosphorus to the diet of cats did not lead to the development of this pathology.

Fermented milk products

Cats can be given fermented milk products with a fat content of up to 9%, but not everyone tolerates such fat content well. But low-fat dairy products should not be given either. In some cases, full-fat dairy products loosen stools. Also, loose stool may be associated with the brand of kefir, which must be selected individually for sensitive cats. Fermented baked milk, cream, sour cream should not be given to cats, as well as yoghurt with fruit or sugar, but milk is not forbidden, if tolerated normally.

The most optimal fermented milk products are cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5-9%, kefir with a fat content of 3.5%, and yogurt, with a short shelf life of up to 7 days.

Using Evitalia and Narine starter cultures based on pasteurized milk, you can make a healthy fermented milk product that is useful not only for cats, but also for humans, and feed it either separately or together with cottage cheese.

Dividing cat nutrition into fermented milk and meat

The main components of the diet are fermented milk products at one feeding and raw vegetables and raw meat with a small amount of butter at another. As mentioned above, vegetables can, if possible, be fed to the cat separately.

This means that fermented milk feeding can include either kefir alone, cottage cheese alone, or kefir with cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt, etc. It is advisable to give fermented milk products with a short shelf life, up to 7 days. Only bran and part of it can be added to dairy products raw egg no more than 2-3 times a week.

Meat feeding may include raw meat, offal or fish. You cannot mix the components of meat and fermented milk feeding with each other.

Vegetables and fiber in a cat's diet

Most vegetables can be fed to cats: carrots, cabbage, bell pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, cucumbers. It is useful to give greens: parsley, dill, lettuce. The choice is up to the cat. Some cats happily eat grass sprouted at home, this option is also suitable.

Vegetables may be present in the diet as a single option, or there may be several types of vegetables, but one type of vegetable is quite sufficient.

Greens and vegetables should always be given raw, finely chopped or grated on a fine grater.

Vegetables and greens should always be given only with meat feeding or separately. There is no need to mix raw plant foods with components of a fermented milk diet, with the exception of bran, which goes well with meat and dairy foods.

Bran (about bran, see below) in a cat’s diet can complement or even replace raw vegetables, especially in cases where the addition of vegetables leads to various types of indigestion (flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea) or if the cat refuses all types of vegetables completely , which happens more often.

Consistency of cat food

Cats should not be given food in the form of mince. The meat should be cut into pieces, hard vegetables grated on a fine grater, greens and lettuce finely chopped. Bran can be added to wet foods, both dairy and meat. Cats and dogs do not chew food, but swallow it if the piece corresponds to the size of the animal or bites off a piece accessible for swallowing - this is physiological for them and does not cause harm. In addition, ready-bought minced meat contains too much fat. Even if the cat has few or no teeth, food can be given in chunks.

Eggs in a cat's diet

Eggs can be given raw, both chicken and quail, by adding 14 whole eggs to milk feeding 2-3 times a week. Both kittens and adult cats can and should be given both the yolk and the white, without separating.


Bran in a cat's diet, like vegetables, is a source of fiber and therefore it is recommended to add them to the cat's diet along with vegetables or, replacing them, as already mentioned, when refusing vegetables. Bran, unlike vegetables, easily sticks to meat and mixes with dairy foods, which deprives the animal of the opportunity to choose what it wants from a bowl.

The main advantage of bran is its high content of dietary fiber (fiber), which enhances peristalsis, regulates and improves the condition of intestinal microflora.

Bran can be purchased in bulk at health stores, pharmacies or grocery stores and added in this form to both fermented milk and meat feeding.

But fermented milk is preferable, since bran shows its maximum effect when it absorbs liquid and swells. Then, once in the stomach, the bran does not undergo any changes and, retaining water, enters the intestines, accelerating intestinal motility, which is especially recommended for cats with a tendency to constipation.

Oil in a cat's diet

Can be added to cats' vegetable diet different types olive oils, unrefined sunflower oils, pumpkin oils, flaxseed oils, etc., but exotic ones should be avoided. The main oils are unrefined sunflower and olive. Vegetable oils are added to the bowl where there are plant components of food (vegetables), regardless of the presence of meat, in a dose of 2-5 drops.

Bones in a cat's diet

Since in the diet of cats, which are classified as small felines, bones are present exclusively in the form of small rodents and birds, at home it is possible to feed cats whole small fish, chicken neck, but always in raw form and together with soft tissues, in which case the animal bites off the bone and meat in sections, but if you chop the bone, the cat can swallow them whole. If in doubt, you can not give the bone at all. It is not recommended to give boiled bones to cats; they are poorly digested and can cause intestinal obstruction.

Prebiotic and probiotic environment in the intestines. Carbohydrates in a cat's diet

Probiotics are preparations based on living “good” microorganisms: lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which remain viable when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, multiply in it and suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Prebiotics are completely indigestible food ingredients that act as a substrate, a nutrient medium for the growth and life of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine, and also stimulate its functioning.

In the absence of a prebiotic environment (indigestible fiber), the number of beneficial bacteria sharply decreases, since they lack the prebiotic environment they need for nutrition and their share in the intestinal microenvironment will be occupied by pathogenic strains of E. coli, yeast, etc., which, in essence, is a dysbacteriosis.

Cereals, bread, pasta are easily digestible carbohydrates (starch); cats need complex carbohydrates of another type, which are found in raw vegetables or bran and which cats cannot digest. Carnivores cannot extract energy from complex carbohydrates and crude fiber; ruminants and herbivores “specialize” in this. It is raw vegetables and bran, or rather the indigestible fiber they contain, that create a prebiotic environment in the cat’s intestines, which is the basis and substrate for creating a probiotic environment and the formation of healthy intestinal microflora.

Moreover, if the cat has proper natural nutrition, then the cat, even without the use of probiotics, will eventually develop the correct intestinal microflora, but only if the animal is healthy and free from congenital and acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that require treatment and are not dependent on correct diet. It is for this reason that introducing probiotics (lactobifadol, Vetom 1.1) into the diet of a cat that receives porridge or dry food does not bring the desired long-term result.

The role of the prebiotic environment in a cat’s diet is played by raw vegetables, which are best (but not necessarily) given to animals as a separate feeding, and also, when adding bran to a dairy or meat diet, these components are compatible.

It is better to give cats veterinary probiotics, only if they are not available, then try using human ones. It is possible to take probiotics prophylactically every 3-4 months. But prebiotics (vegetables and bran) must be constantly supplied to the digestive system, especially since this is not a medicine, but a regular component of the diet.

At the same time, you need to understand that if the cat has proper nutrition and the cat is healthy, then without the use of probiotics in the intestine, over time, a healthy intestinal microflora will form on its own.

Is it possible to mix dry food and wet natural or canned food?

Mixing different types of feeding does not have any advantages over the strict principles of feeding a cat, in fact, dry food is designed to be fed exclusively. If you add other components throughout the day, then an imbalance is guaranteed. In addition, combining diets does not make any sense: either convenience or a natural diet.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

An adult cat that receives proper natural nutrition with a certain, even small, dose of raw bone does not necessarily need to be supplemented with any vitamin-mineral supplements at all times. In the spring and early summer You can add dry yeast to your food, which is a natural complex of vitamins. However, if under some circumstances there are doubts about the possibility of using raw bone in the diet of adult cats due to various circumstances, you can use and even recommend the same mineral and vitamin supplement regimens as listed in the link below.

At the same time, kittens and adult cats absolutely need vitamins and minerals during pregnancy and lactation. You can read more details in further publications on the site.

The problem of obesity in cats

Obesity occurs when an animal consumes more energy than it expends. This leads to positive energy balance and obesity. However, the factors that cause positive energy balance are very complex, they include physiological and genetic predisposition, the influence environment. In other words, obesity is not simply the result of overeating. If this were so, then all individuals consuming high-calorie foods would develop obesity. The main factors causing obesity are:

1. Overeating;
2. Social environment (food competition);
3. Dietary factors;
4. Sterilization;
5. Reduced energy consumption.

The feeling of hunger is reduced by stimuli such as stomach distension, the presence of nutrients in the blood and liver, and the sight, taste and smell of food. All this creates negative feedback to the hypothalamus, which controls energy consumption. To stop eating, one factor is not enough; all are needed at the same time.

Social environment, i.e. competition between animals can increase the amount of food eaten. Additional snacks and begging are other important external factors. Some owners encourage their pets to do this, and the “snack” can be high in calories and often doubles overall energy intake.

Neutered individuals are more susceptible to obesity than their normal counterparts. This is partly due to lower energy expenditure due to their condition, as well as impaired estrogen and testosterone production, which influence the satiety effect of food.

60-70% of energy is spent on maintaining body functions (homeostasis), 10% on heat production (specific dynamic effect), and the remaining 20-30% on physical activity. As physical activity increases, appetite increases. If physical activity decreases, then appetite worsens. Thus, in the latter situation, the animal can easily develop a positive energy balance.

The total volume of food from all feedings per day is calculated using the formula: up to 9 months. 10% and older than 9 months. 5% of body weight (body weight is calculated without taking into account body fat, of course, approximately).

The resulting daily volume of food is divided in half between 50% fermented milk products, 50% raw meat and everything related to meat (beef by-products, poultry, fish), raw plant foods are given ad libitum, but approximately 5-10% on the volume of meat portion. For example, for an average cat weighing 4 kg, you can give 1-2 teaspoons of grated carrots or other vegetables and 12 teaspoons of bran per day. Please note that vegetables and bran are supplements to the protein diet and are not included in the calculated percentages (10% and 5%).

An example of calculating the volume of food for a cat weighing 4 kg, age 9 months. and older:

4kg x 0.05 * =0.2 kg. or 200 gr. Of these, 100 gr. this is cottage cheese and kefir, which will make up fermented milk feeding and meat feeding will consist of 100 grams. raw meat, to which about 10 grams are added. raw grated vegetables and 2-5 drops. unrefined vegetable oil.

An example of calculating the volume of food for a cat weighing 2.2 kg, less than 9 months old:

2.2kg x 0.10 * =0.22 kg. or 220 gr. Of these, 110 gr. This is cottage cheese and kefir, which will make up fermented milk feeding and meat feeding will consist of 110 grams. raw meat, to which about 10-15 grams are added. raw grated vegetables and 2-5 drops. unrefined vegetable oil.

* — Coefficient obtained by dividing 5 and 10% by 100

This formula is not absolute and mandatory, the cat’s feeding regimen, and the amount of food can also vary depending on the physiological state (pregnancy, breed tendency to be overweight, the presence of hormonal disorders, sterilization, etc.); age: for old and aging animals, the amount of food is reduced, as well as for other individual characteristics. Fasting days without meat at all, but also without increasing the dose of dairy foods, are also welcome. Cats in apartment conditions most often lead a sedentary lifestyle, so if they have food whims, pickiness, or loss of appetite, the diet can be reduced even without fear.

For example, the calculations of the amount of food given above are valid for active cats, which allow themselves active games, etc., even in an apartment. But for a cat leading a sedentary lifestyle, which prefers to sleep most of the day, the calculated amount will be exceeded, and the diet of such an animal requires a reduction in the amount of food eaten by 20-30% (see section The problem of obesity).

Are there breed specific features of a cat’s diet?

There are no fundamental features for a healthy cat of any breed. A sick animal may need correction, but this requires individual work with the pet.

The cat is accustomed to dry food and refuses natural food.

Solving this problem with cats is much more difficult than with dogs. Cats are more picky, capricious and capricious. Prolonged feeding of dry or wet food to a cat, or other food ingredients not typical for cats, leads to a change in the food instinct, that is, it disorients the animal in choosing the possible food provided by nature. In such cases, fasting for 1-2 days, which would solve all the problems with the dog, may not help. It is recommended to feed the same food, but reduce it significantly so that the cat does not gorge on it for a long time (2-4 weeks or even more). During this period, the cat will lose some weight, its appetite will increase, and its feeding instincts will begin to return. And it is then that you can offer one or another component of natural food, gradually stopping the previous diet. However, the transfer may not be possible, and you will have to feed more familiar food.


As you can see, among the indicated food components there are no dry and wet commercial foods, cereals in the form of porridges, breads and other carbohydrate foods; they are not recommended for cats, just as feeding sweet sugary fruits and everything else is not recommended. It is necessary to take into account that in relation to feeding dogs and cats, the concepts of “likes to eat this” or “does not like to eat that”, a strict diet, regardless of whether it is dry food or natural food, do not apply.

The main mistake that owners make in feeding cats is overfeeding. Even if the recommended components are kept, but their volume is greater than the norm, then this is as harmful as feeding the cat unacceptable products.

Should be adhered to simple rule, which works in most cases - if after eating food, the cat left any amount of it in the bowl, then this means that the animal is already overfed. The bowl should not be constantly filled, as is often the case. Only an animal with a moderate feeding instinct will not overeat in conditions of unlimited access to food. By the time of feeding, the cat should show a keen interest in food and eat the entire calculated amount, otherwise if some of the food remains in the bowl, then perhaps the animal is overeating, someone other than you is feeding the pet, or there is a disease leading to decreased appetite. This situation requires a reduction in food volume.

An animal that experiences health problems (diarrhea, regular vomiting) while eating natural food is sick and requires treatment. Switching to dry food will only adapt the animal to the disease, and will not relieve it. This is like a diet that makes life easier, which has the right to be used in the practice of a veterinarian, especially in cases where the animal’s health condition is irreparable or the doctor is not able to cope with the pathology with a natural diet. Owners need to understand this.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “What to feed a cat?” can be answered - natural food, which contains everything necessary for the body of a carnivorous animal. It is also necessary to know that the recommendations of breeders or felinologists, as well as the popular literature written by them on keeping and feeding cats, have nothing to do with objectively correct methods of feeding, because the reason for such recommendations is partly due to ignorance and lack of understanding of the biological nature of the cat, and, partly, to reduce the cost or simplify the maintenance of an animal.

If you follow all the above feeding rules, your pet will live a long and healthy life.

Many of the questions that you still have after reading this article have already been asked in. However, if something remains unclear, ask there.

Also, questions and answers on most issues related to feeding dogs and cats can be read in.

to whom. PUT IN VIEW to whom. Make a note. - You don't conduct drills, gentlemen officers! - Langovoy spoke in a creaky voice. - I put it in front of the battalion commanders(A. Fadeev. The last of Udege).

Phrasebook Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Put on view” is in other dictionaries:

    put on display- make a warning, warn, make a remark Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms

    Put/put in sight- to whom what. Official Do someone l. verbal reprimand, make a remark. BMS 1998, 82; BTS, 129...

    VIEW Dictionary Ushakova

    VIEW- VIEW1, species, male. 1. units only Appearance, appearance. The house looks neat. The area looked bleak. || External outlines, shapes. Ball-shaped appearance. || trans. External resemblance. Give the reproach the appearance of a joke. || Appearance as an expression... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    view- 1. VIEW, a (y), sentence. about the form, in the form, in mind, in sight; m. 1. only units. Appearance of someone; appearance, appearance (usually as a manifestation of health, character, mood, etc.). Sick, healthy, blooming look who has l. Requirements … Encyclopedic Dictionary

    view- VIEW, a (y), about the form, in the form, in mind, in sight, husband. 1. (prev. about the form, in the form). Appearance, visible appearance; state. External c. person. Healthy in. With the air of an expert. On the or he looks young. In corrected form. 2. (prev. about the form, in the form).... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    VIEW- Pale appearance and quiet gait. Volg. 1. About a sick, weak person. 2. About a person punished and brought into submission. Glukhov 1988, 4. In view. Sib. Not far, in close proximity to someone. FSS, 27. Take the view. Zabayk. Choose a convenient place... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    view- I mean the transfer. in mind, in anticipation, in the future (not to be confused with the preposition in mind!). I don't have anything in mind. In what form (to be, to find, etc.) what n., in what n. condition. Books in in good shape. Show up drunk. I saw him... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    put- 1. PUT, I love you, you see; delivered; flax, a, o; St. (unsw. put). 1. who what. Give to whom, what l. standing vertical or some kind a certain position; position, strengthen in this position. P. log standing up. P. log on the butt. P.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PUT ON THE POINT. PUT ON THE POINT. Outdated Simple 1. whom. Force someone to act or behave appropriately; to rein in A shaggy-haired lawyer, a sweet and understanding guy who promised to put everyone on point. This one is from everyone... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

The technical drawing of an item must give a complete picture of its shape and size, as well as contain other data for the accurate manufacture of this item. Therefore, in drawing it is used rectangular parallel projection, which makes it possible to convey the sizes and shapes of objects without distortion. Depending on the content, images of an object are divided into species, cuts And sections.

View - image of the visible part of the surface of an object turned towards the observer. There are types basic, additional And local.

Main are views obtained by projecting onto 6 main projection planes, which, in fact, are 6 internal faces of a hollow cube, inside of which the projected object is located, and after projecting the object onto these 6 planes, they are unfolded into one drawing plane (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 Layout of the main views.

All six main types are in a rigid projection connection with each other. Having two given projections of an object onto non-parallel projection planes (3 coordinates, respectively: X,Y,Z), it is easy to construct the remaining four projections along the projection connection lines, as can be seen in the example of point A (Figure 2.2)

Figure 2.2 Construction of views of point A.

G nice view(front view) – image on the frontal plane of projections P 2 . The projected object is positioned so that the most informative view is taken as the main view - the product is depicted in its working position, or the view with the largest number of elements.

To build a drawing of an object the minimum required is used- my number of views, cuts, sections. As a rule, no more than 3 main types are used.

If the main views are located in a projection relationship, as in the diagram (Figures 2.1, 2.2), then they are not designated or signed. If the order of arrangement of the main types is different, an “alphabetical” designation is required (Figure 2.3).

Figure 2.3 Main views outside the projection connection

Additionalcalled views obtained by projection onto planes not parallel to the main planes of projections. They are used when the part of the object required for the image is inclined to the main projection planes.

D An additional view is obtained by projecting an object or part of it onto an additional projection plane (Figure 2.4), not parallel to any of the main projection planes. Such an image must be performed in the case when any part of the object cannot be depicted without distorting the shape or size on the main projection planes. In this case, the additional projection plane can be located perpendicular to one of the main projection planes.

The direction of view should be indicated by an arrow, indicated by the same capital letter of the Ukrainian alphabet as in the inscription above the view. The ratio of the sizes of the arrows indicating the direction of view must correspond to those shown in Figure 2.4.

When an additional view is located in direct projection connection with the corresponding main view, it does not need to be designated (Figure 2.4, A). In other cases, the additional view should be marked on the drawing with an inscription of type “A” (Figure 2.4, b), and the image associated with the additional view must have an arrow indicating the direction of view, with the corresponding letter designation.

Figure 2.4 Additional Views

The additional view can be rotated until it is aligned with the main one. In this case, it is necessary to add a sign of a rotated image to the inscription type “A” (Figure 2.4, V).

Local view– the image of a certain limited area of ​​the surface of an object (a small part of the main or additional view), as a rule, is limited by a wavy line. Often depicted on an enlarged scale. If a local view is located in direct projection connection with the corresponding images, then it is not designated (similarly: main and additional views).

In other cases, local species are designated similarly to additional species; the local species may be limited by a cliff line: view “B” in Figure 2.5. Views “A” and “B” in Figure 2.5 depict a limited part of the species, which is why they are local.


Figure 2.5 Local species

Local species can be executed differently, and sometimes it is difficult to clearly distinguish them from additional ones. So in Figure 2.6 A is specified in the main view by an arrow and the letter view “A”, and in Figure 2.6 b View “A” is made on an enlarged scale. In Figure 2.6 V View “A” is made in the same way, but rotated to be aligned with the main one. In Figures 2.6 G and 2.6. d View “A” is optional, only in Figure 2.6. d Additional view “A” is rotated.

Figure 2.6 Local ( b, c) and additional ( g, d) species

Detail elements. When making drawings, in some cases it becomes necessary to construct an additional separate image of any part of the object that requires explanation regarding the shape, size or other data. This image is called remote element. It is usually performed enlarged. The extension element can be laid out as a view (Figure 2.7) or as a section.

Figure 2.7 Detail

When constructing a callout element, the corresponding place on the main image is marked with a closed solid thin line, usually an oval or a circle, and is designated by a capital letter of the Ukrainian alphabet on the shelf of the leader line. The extension element has an inscription like “A (5: 1)”, which indicates the scale. Figure 2.7 shows an example of the implementation of a remote element. It is located as close as possible to the place where it is marked.

In practice, as a rule, no more than three main types are used. Therefore, in order to successfully complete and read drawings, you must learn to construct a third image (usually the left view) of an object based on its two given images - the main view and the top view. In Figure 2.8, the main view shows a cylinder with two through cuts: polygonal (ABCDE...) and cylindrical (MLK...). First, knowing the shape (contours) of the cylinder, we construct a top view (projection connection lines are not displayed), draw visible and invisible contours of the cylinder and cutouts. Then, using the projection connection lines or the coordinate method, we construct a view on the left (the projection connection lines are not displayed).

Put it on view that someone should make a warning note about some omission. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (1992), N. Yu. Shvedova, “View”)

Put it on view to whom what (official) - to make a reproachful remark for something. (Explanatory Dictionary (1935 - 1940), "View")

From the remark - "you should keep this in mind."

IN Soviet era there was such a type of punishment - “put on sight”. Thus, clause 12 of the “Charter of Trade Unions of the USSR”, approved. The Resolution of the XVIII Congress of Trade Unions of the USSR dated January 1, 1987 provided for:

"12. For failure to fulfill statutory duties, penalties may be applied to a trade union member: posing, reprimand, severe reprimand and, as a last resort, expulsion from the trade union.”


(1564 - 1616)

"Othello", translation (1945) - Iago says about Othello:

“He will be forgiven for his nightly adventure.
Slightly they'll make it look like, that's all.
The Senate can't resign him
Especially now when there's a thunderstorm
Cyprus has embraced and no one is visible,
Who could replace him in trouble?

(1895 - 1958)

"Much Ado About Nothing" (1936):

“He gave one girl a severe reprimand with a warning. And two more - put it on display."

(1883 - 1923)

"Adventures good soldier Shveyka" (1923, translation by P.G. Bogatyrev (1893 - 1971)), part 1, chapter 14:

“Lieutenant Lukash was at that time explaining to a certain second lieutenant one of the plans for the trenches and confronted him that he doesn’t know how to draw and doesn’t have the slightest idea about geometry.”