The onset of menstruation after childbirth symptoms. When does menstruation begin after childbirth: norm and pathology

Already before giving birth, a pregnant woman asks numerous questions regarding the menstrual cycle. What should the first menstruation be like after childbirth, when does it start, the duration of menstruation, sensations, etc.

Postpartum discharge and menstruation

Some women claim that their period begins immediately after the birth of a child. However, this statement is erroneous, since postpartum blood (lochia) and menstruation have nothing in common. Lochia lasts for 1 – 2 months. Their function is to cleanse female body from the remnants of the epithelium and placenta, which occurs during contraction of the uterus. Thus, the uterus is restored.

The blood released immediately after childbirth is not affected by the following factors:

  • breastfeeding or refusal of lactation;
  • natural birth or caesarean section.

But it is important to know that until the end of postpartum discharge, intimate intimacy is contraindicated, since the uterus has not yet adapted to its natural conditions and external influences. Sexual contact with lochia poses a threat to women's health because infection or injury cannot be ruled out.

The first menstruation after childbirth should not begin immediately after the end of lochia. There is a certain interval between them. The exact period of the “break” depends on numerous factors.

What affects the duration of the interval between menstruation and lochia:

  • age of the woman in labor;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • move labor activity: with or without complications;
  • maternal health status;
  • the way and conditions of a woman’s life;
  • breast-feeding.

In addition, the first periods after childbirth may differ in duration and sensations from those before pregnancy. But subsequently, the woman’s cycle will be restored if childbirth did not cause some irreversible processes.

Why no periods after childbirth?

Even doctors cannot say with absolute certainty when the critical days will begin. But their temporary absence is clear. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes, because a woman moves from one state to another. And it is important that her body adapts to new conditions.

In nursing mothers, for normal milk production, the level of prolactin increases, which is reflected by inhibitory processes on the work of the ovaries. Accordingly, the arrival of the red day of the calendar may be somewhat delayed. In the absence breast milk The girl quickly adapts to normal life.

Young mothers, as a rule, get their periods earlier after their first birth, since in a young body any recovery processes take place faster than in an older age.

The main question is: “when?”

As already mentioned, the exact date cannot be established. Although, it is possible to predict the estimated timing.
The onset of menstruation is directly related to the functioning of a woman’s hormones. When expectant mother While carrying a child, the hormonal levels change greatly and therefore pregnancy occurs without menstruation. After the birth of the baby, hormones begin to adjust back and the young mother begins to have discharge.

There is an opinion that while the baby is breastfed, the mother will not have periods at all. However, practice shows that lactation slows down the onset of menstrual periods, but does not prevent it. And if a girl is a nursing mother for 2-3 years, this does not mean that she will not have periods during the entire period of feeding.

If the newborn is mixed-fed, then the woman’s period, on average, should come 16 to 23 weeks after birth. For non-breastfeeding women, the period can narrow to 9 weeks.

No period - no pregnancy?

On women's forums you can see how inexperienced girls claim that they do not use contraception during lactation, because they are sure that there is no ovulation. But, according to statistics, pregnancy often comes as a surprise during breastfeeding.

In general, the human body has not been fully studied, and understanding all its features is quite problematic. But, in any case, with a normal sex life, a mother who is not planning a second child in the near future should think about contraception.

The first spotting after childbirth, what are they?

What should your first period be like after childbirth? Female “guests” may stay longer or shorter than usual. Their abundance can also either decrease or increase. But there are situations that warn of unpleasant postpartum consequences, which is a serious reason for a visit to the gynecologist, namely:

  1. painful sensations that were not present before pregnancy;
  2. periods after childbirth are excessively heavy, which may indicate endometriosis or other pathologies;
  3. the first menstruation after childbirth is very heavy with clots, general weakness;
  4. stench is often a sign of remaining epithelium inside the female body;
  5. if 10 weeks have passed since you stopped breastfeeding, and your period has not arrived, then it is possible that the hormonal levels have not returned to a normal state;
  6. unstable critical days “there is something, then there is no” also signal a hormonal imbalance.

The norm is considered to be a cyclical course: 21 – 34 days. And the duration of menstruation is 4 – 6 days. But again, it all depends on the characteristics of the woman. It is possible that the mother’s period before conception lasted no more than 3 days. Therefore, it is considered natural if the duration of menstruation remains unchanged after childbirth.

After giving birth, a girl should protect herself from excessive physical exertion and stressful situations, since, despite the fact that childbirth has already occurred, her body is still vulnerable. During this period, mommy adheres to proper nutrition and leads a healthy lifestyle. In addition, after childbirth (especially with lochia and menstruation), she should pay attention to personal hygiene.

After the birth of a child, the uterus needs a certain period of time to contract and recover. During the first week after childbirth, and sometimes up to 10 days, fresh blood or blood clots are released from the woman’s vagina. This happens because after the placenta is delivered, the blood vessels in the uterine wall that connect to it are open. And only contractions of the uterus close them, stopping the bleeding. For several days, the uterus contracts, decreasing in size, and the blood from its cavity, flowing out after childbirth, is pushed out.

After about a week, blood and clots stop coming out, and yellowish discharge (lochia) appears instead. Their number gradually decreases, after a month the discharge becomes insignificant and mucous, and after 1.5 months the inner surface of the uterus is completely restored after childbirth.

During the entire period after childbirth, any bleeding that has similar symptoms to menstruation cannot be considered as such. And only after restoration of the uterine mucosa is ovulation possible, and as a result, the onset of menstruation 2 weeks after it. Therefore, periods after childbirth do not occur a month later, but only after 2 months or more.

Start of menstruation after childbirth

The first ones are often scanty and not at all like usual: they last a couple of days, the discharge is spotty. The second period after childbirth rarely occurs at the same time as it did before pregnancy: it takes 3 months or more to completely restore a woman’s hormonal levels.

Another reason why the first few cycles of menstruation after childbirth are scanty and irregular is the hormone prolactin. In nursing mothers, it slows down or stops the onset of ovulation (depending on how often the woman breastfeeds). If this happens every 3 hours with a night break of less than 6 hours, then usually after childbirth there are no periods for a very long time, sometimes up to 12-14 months.

This is designed by nature to protect the mother’s body from exhaustion: when carrying a child and feeding it, many useful substances are washed out of the mother’s body, including iron, and during menstruation this amount is even greater. In addition, the mother needs 2-3 years to recover before a subsequent pregnancy, and pregnancy itself will stop lactation, and breastfeeding in the first months after birth is very important for the child.

When do you get your first period after childbirth?

Each woman’s body has its own characteristics, and it is very difficult to predict when the first period will come after childbirth and what it will be like. But there are certain rules by which the onset of menstruation is determined:

Early periods are those that occur a few weeks after birth. The menstrual cycle does not always remain the same after the baby is born. The appearance of the first menstruation depends on lactation.

Features of the first menstruation after childbirth and their impact on the female body

Every pregnant woman is concerned about her health. The first period after childbirth is the most important aspect of her anxiety. When they begin is difficult to answer - each organism is unique. The first periods after childbirth, what will they be like? Their arrival is subject to many factors. Factors such as lactation, difficult childbirth, illness, surgery, and individual characteristics of the body are important.

The onset of menstruation after childbirth is the body’s readiness for the next pregnancy. from 21 to 35 days is normal. The resumption of all processes begins after the release of lochia, which occurs on average 7-10 weeks. At this time, the functions of the mammary glands, genitourinary system, endocrine, and nervous systems are improved. All processes should return to normal.

Determined by such factors.

During pregnancy, menstruation naturally stops because the woman's body temporarily does not produce the hormone that stimulates the maturation of new eggs. During the first two months after the birth of the baby, hormonal levels gradually return to normal. But it often takes longer for all the physiological changes necessary to restore your menstrual cycle to occur. The first period after childbirth is a kind of signal that the hormonal balance has completely normalized and your body has returned to its normal state.

When to expect your first period after childbirth

It is necessary to distinguish between postpartum bleeding (lochia) and the first menstruation after childbirth. Lochia continues on average for 7-14 days after the birth of your baby, but it has a completely different origin than menstrual flow. Lochia is caused by the fact that during childbirth the placenta separates, and at the site of its attachment to the uterine mucosa a wound remains, which takes 1-2 weeks to heal.

The time of the onset of menstruation and the restoration of the menstrual cycle depend on the course of labor and the general hormonal levels in the woman’s body. There are also a number of external and internal factors that can affect how quickly your body returns to its normal state after childbirth and your period begins. The recovery of critical days is influenced by the quality of rest, the general health of the woman after childbirth, the presence or absence of psychological problems, diet, etc.

The timing of the onset of menstruation in women who have given birth depends on the chosen method of feeding the child.

  • If a woman does not breastfeed. Typically, women who do not breastfeed begin menstruation 2 months after giving birth. Please note that this period may vary, and deviations of several weeks are not pathological.
  • If a woman is breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, the body produces prolactin. This special hormone prevents the maturation of new eggs, so the period does not begin. Sometimes menstruation is absent for a year or more after childbirth. If the child is breastfed, then this is a normal option.

What changes can a woman notice?

Change in the duration of menstruation. You may notice a change in cycle length after giving birth. Normally, it ranges from 21 to 35 days, with the duration of discharge being no less than 3 days and no more than a week. Any deviations are a signal that something is wrong in the body, and you should contact a gynecologist. For example, too long periods may be a sign of uterine fibroids.

Change in intensity of discharge. As a rule, the first menstruation after childbirth is accompanied by heavy discharge. This is normal if your period lasts less than a week. However, if on such days you feel dizzy, weak or have a rapid heartbeat, consult your doctor.

When the menstrual cycle is fully restored

Usually the cycle returns to normal after the first 2-3 menstruation and becomes regular. If this does not happen, you should consult a gynecologist. Causes of irregular periods after childbirth may include endometriosis, tumors of the ovaries and uterus, inflammation of the reproductive system and other pathologies that require urgent treatment. Menstruation may also not start on time due to repeated pregnancy. Conception is possible even if your first period has not yet begun and you continue to breastfeed.

In what cases is it necessary to contact a gynecologist?

Do not delay a visit to your gynecologist if you are concerned about one or more of the listed symptoms.

  • Menstruation does not return 2 months after breastfeeding ends.
  • You notice that the discharge has become too abundant (blood loss more than 150 ml per day).
  • The duration of the first menstruation after childbirth is more than 7 days.
  • There are clots in menstrual flow.
  • The discharge has a bright scarlet color and/or an unpleasant odor.
  • You felt severe pain in the uterine area.
  • Your health during menstruation has deteriorated significantly.

Can I use tampons after giving birth?

When your periods return after childbirth, you can confidently return to using convenient hygiene products, including tampons. If the intensity of your discharge changes, simply choose products with a suitable degree of absorption. Some women may need to find a comfortable way to insert a tampon again. You can always read detailed information about their use in the instructions. For heavy discharge, you can try o.b.®ProComfort™ NIGHT tampons. They will help provide you with optimal protection during your period after childbirth. Please note that before using tampons for the first time during the postpartum period, you should consult your doctor.

In this article:

A joyful event has occurred in your family - a baby has appeared, and only this little man occupies the attention of all loved ones. But the heroine of the happy moment, mommy, soon begins to be bothered by certain things that create moral and psychological discomfort.

One of the main questions is: when will you get your period after childbirth? And it is not surprising that this topic haunts the young woman in labor. To understand in more detail and calm down, you need to know the reasons why menstruation may not occur according to the cycle. There may be several options. And depending on how long you haven’t had your period, you should think about going to the doctor.

Impact of breastfeeding

The pregnancy of every woman occurs with hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which menstruation stops “visiting” women every month, until childbirth. The process of restoring the cycle and the first menstruation after childbirth occurs depending on various reasons. When breastfeeding, the mother's body produces a hormone - prolactin, which actively functions and is a “suppressor” of the menstrual cycle. Normally, until a woman stops breastfeeding her baby, her period may not appear.

Artificial feeding

If there is no breastfeeding, in about a month or a month and a half the young mother should recover all the functions of the female body and begin menstruation. If there is no cycle after the specified time, you should consult a doctor. Women should not confuse the usual first menstruation after childbirth with lochia - bloody discharge from the uterus due to damage during childbirth, which can be released 6-8 weeks after birth. There are frequent cases when breastfeeding, the mother also experiences irregular periods after childbirth. You shouldn’t be afraid of this fact either. You need to worry if your health worsens and heavy periods appear. But after the first cycle, the uterus acquires a more physiological location in the woman’s body, and menstruation occurs less painfully and regularly.

When should you worry?

Hypomenorrhea - what is it?

Scanty periods after childbirth - hypomenorrhea - are associated with hormonal changes in the entire female body. The reason may be refusal to breastfeed the child or rare feedings using artificial complementary foods. The reason is the low secretion of the hormone prolactin, which is unable to completely suppress the activity of the ovaries. In cases where scanty periods are painful and last a long time, you should visit a female doctor. Complications and exacerbations of the gynecological system, disruption of the activity of other organs are possible.

Also, one of the reasons may be the difficult course of labor and intrauterine intervention - curettage, surgical intervention in the birth process, etc. Young mothers should pay special attention if scanty periods are accompanied by a very unpleasant odor and fever. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist needs to be informed about the nature of the discharge, how long it lasts, and how heavy it is. One of common reasons scanty discharge may indicate dysfunction of the ovaries or problems with the pituitary gland.

Causes and treatment

In the treatment of such pathologies, hormone replacement therapy is used, that is, hormones are used that can replace the lack of those necessary for the body in the glands and pituitary gland. Specialists prescribe thyroid-stimulating and glucocorticoid medications. A complex of therapy is followed, in which gynecologists and endocrinologists take part. Violation of ovarian function can be a consequence of external factors - ecology, unhealthy diet, excess weight, violation of the regime, physical activity, overwork, intake medicines, climate change. Internal factors include disruptions in the hormonal system, inflammation of the female genital organs, diabetes mellitus, problems with the endocrine system, adrenal glands, etc.

Ovarian function can be impaired by long-term use of oral contraceptive drugs, chosen incorrectly by yourself or by a doctor. With climate change, not only postpartum periods, but also the regular cycle may change. At the same time, the volume of discharge also changes.

Factors influencing the mother's body

In the process of restoring menstruation after childbirth, in addition to medical care, a woman must also monitor her physical and moral condition. It is necessary to do therapeutic exercises, choose the right healthy products nutrition. A balanced intake of all necessary microelements and vitamins restores the female body, tired after childbirth. Walking in the fresh air is beneficial not only for the baby, but also for the young mother. The emotional state of the mother is directly related to the calmness of the child. With the right approach to everything around you, positive emotions, clean air and healthy nutrition will help you forget about health problems. And in a couple of years, perhaps another new family member will appear.

Breastfeeding is not a hindrance to pregnancy!

Many young mothers are confident that as long as the baby is breastfed and there are no regular periods after childbirth, there is no chance of getting pregnant. However, around the 10th week, ovulation begins, which means conception can occur. Therefore, some women, if they do not have periods after childbirth, should think about whether this is perhaps a new pregnancy. The main thing is not to panic. Since this happened and the spouses were careless, it means that the health of the mother and the unborn child should be preserved. A set of measures is needed to strengthen the mother’s body and prepare for a new birth with special care. A woman needs not only physical, but also emotional support. This situation has great advantages. Firstly, where there is one, there is another. With the help of loved ones, a mother, endowed with experience after the birth of her first child, can easily cope with the second. Secondly, there is no need to buy clothes for the second baby, since all the necessary children’s items have already been purchased as an “inheritance”.

Useful video about a woman's menstrual cycle