Planning a pregnancy
Explanation of payment order fields
Here you will find a payment order form (sample) and a detailed description of the fields for error-free filling, on which...
St. Catherine's Day (Day of the Great Martyr Catherine)
One of the most revered images of virgin martyrs in Christianity is Catherine of Alexandria. She is considered the patroness of brides...
Why do you dream about beating the devil?
It’s not so easy to explain why a little devil is dreaming, because the frightening dream hero himself can carry different meanings, including...
What is a nurse?
Have you ever wondered why women in this profession are called sisters? And this word took root for the reason that the first...
Generals, counts and captain kamozin
Kamozin Pavel Mikhailovich Pavel Kamozin was born in the city of Bezhitsa, which today is part of Bryansk. After graduating from 6 classes, he entered the college, and...
Potato casserole: three delicious recipes
In almost any kitchen in the world you can find your own recipe for potato casserole. They prepare it differently everywhere, but the idea is the same everywhere: a layer...
Talisman amulet for a virgin woman
In this article: People born under the sign of Virgo are valued by all the bosses of the world as the most devoted, honest and valuable workers. Nature...
Archpriest Nikolai Barinov Metropolitan Stefan (Yavorsky) and the book “Stone of Faith Preface to the modern edition
Stefan Yavorsky, metropolitan (1658-27.11.1722), church and statesman, the largest representative of Western Russian...
Alchevsk Construction Institute
Donbass State Technical University is a higher educational institution of IV level of accreditation. Today the university...
Romeo and Juliet.  Sonnets.  Translated by Yuri Lifshits Text.  W. Shakespeare
Son of Montague. Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo. Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo. Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet....
Fry potatoes interpretation of the dream book
Fried potatoes in a dream are interpreted in different ways. Very often, dreams about her mean that a person gets his daily bread through hard work and stubbornness...
Hermitage of Blessed Paraskeva in Diveevo Paraskeva Diveyevo for Christ's sake the holy fool
In the world she was a serf peasant, modest, hardworking, widowed early. Blessed Pasha of Sarov (in the world - Irina) was born in...
Funny skits and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and high school students - ideas and videos Classroom skits for Teacher's Day
Funny scenes for Teacher's Day and beautiful, fiery dances performed by students will become a real decoration of the festive concert...