A funny scene for Teacher's Day. Funny skits and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and high school students - ideas and videos Classroom skits for Teacher's Day

Funny skits on Teacher's Day and beautiful, fiery dances performed by students will become a real decoration of the festive concert on the occasion of the professional holiday of all teachers. Funny, kind and harmlessly humorous productions with a slight dose of mockery will tell about the life of school groups and will allow guests and participants of the gala event to take a slightly different look at the relationship between teachers and students in the classroom.

On this beautiful day, teachers sit in the auditorium and serenely enjoy the performance, so all the roles are played by the schoolchildren themselves. To avoid misunderstandings, do not call stage characters real names of teachers and classmates. No one present should feel embarrassed that their shortcomings and missteps were pointed out publicly right from the stage. It is better to give the characters fictitious names that do not appear in the class. Then both adults and children will have equally fun, and potential insults and misunderstandings will not spoil the impressions of the festive event.

There are a lot of interesting ideas for costume scenes. The most popular in both elementary and high school include humorous performances on the topic of a test and a careless student trying to use a cheat sheet. No less often, children choose skits about being late for class, a forgotten diary, or something not learned. homework.

The plots of classical works, tailored to the school theme, are perceived more creatively, brightly and unusually. For example, the famous dialogue between Othello and Desdemona can be played out as a scene of communication between a teacher who came home late and her hungry, offended husband, and the Russian fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” can be portrayed as a conversation between the schoolboy Ivan and the magic horse who helps the boy with school problems.

Beautiful, fiery dances will pleasantly diversify the program and fill it with enthusiasm and optimism. With kids from primary classes It’s enough to learn a few simple movements or just dance in a circle to the music. Students in grades 5-10 should choose more sophisticated numbers with unusual and stylish musical accompaniment. They will make the event more spectacular and vibrant, and those present will probably film the guys’ performance so that they can watch it again at home with their relatives and post it on their pages on social networks.

Funny humorous skit for Teacher's Day - “Test”

The most popular and funniest skit on Teacher's Day is called “Control”. In a humorous way, it shows a class trying by any means to avoid a test that suddenly falls on their heads. To the beat of modern, stylish music, the guys ask the teacher all sorts of ridiculous questions and try very hard to distract her from the topic of the lesson. Girls raise their hands and ask permission to go out, boys are interested in the list of dishes served in the dining room, laugh and fool around. But, despite all the antics of the youth, the teacher firmly stands her ground.

The scene is very easy to stage and does not require special costumes or any specific scenery. The guys play their roles right in school uniform and sit at their usual desks. But, despite its unpretentiousness, the performance is always a huge success and causes real delight among teachers, students and guests present at the festive event.

Sketch for Teacher's Day for high school - “Othello and Desdemona”

On Teacher’s Day, high school students can act out a funny skit called “Othello and Desdemona,” which shows the humorous side family life teachers. The idea of ​​the issue is that the teacher pays much more attention to her students, and practically forgets about her husband. After checking notebooks and grading, she doesn't even have time to buy groceries and cook lunch. All these events are described in poetic form and pronounced with some pathos characteristic of ancient classical works. And if you prepare costumes typical for the Shakespearean era for the scene, it will become unusually spectacular and will remain in the memory of all viewers for a long time. Young teachers, an elderly head teacher, and a respectable headmistress will laugh kindly at the content of the text. In the charming Desdemona, each of them will recognize some of their own traits and will once again remember how often they sacrifice family happiness and well-being for the sake of their native and beloved class.

Sketch for Teacher's Day for primary school - “Ideal School”

For primary school students, it is appropriate to learn the “Ideal School” skit for Teacher’s Day. In it, kids, in a playful and slightly frivolous way, will tell teachers how they imagine one ideal day at school. It turns out that boys and girls don’t really want to do serious things. They dream of being on social networks, chatting on mobile phones, bragging to each other about their achievements in online games and receiving good grades and verbal encouragement from their mentors for this. However, at the end of the scene the guys still remember that without proper knowledge they will have a very difficult time in the future. adult life and decide not to exchange lessons for games and eating ice cream.

A student comes on stage and speaks:
Do you know that students have a completely different idea of ​​school and school life? Do you want to know how they imagine it? Look! School class. Students are sitting at their desks, on their desks they have toys: boys have cars and robots, girls have dolls and coloring books.
The teacher sits in his place.

The teacher dials the phone number and student Ivanov’s phone rings.

Yes, Marya Ivanovna!

Ivanov, tell Petrov to get in touch ( social network). I sent him the solution to his homework in a private message.

Okay, I'll pass it on.

The teacher dials the phone number again. Ira Kuznetsova’s phone is already ringing.

Yes, Marya Ivanovna!

Irochka, be so kind as to tell the whole class what level you have reached in the Sims game.

Irochka stands up and says loudly:
Today I set a new record! I reached level 68 in the Sims game. Now I have new opportunities, new clothes and much more!

Well done, Ira! Have five ice creams! And the rest of you will definitely learn from Ira, and then you can also earn the highest score of five ice creams!

Sidorov shouts:
Marya Ivanovna! Yes, The Sims is a game for girls! When we are already new game Let's move on, something about shooting games and spells? Then I will show exactly what I am capable of, earn five ice creams, and my parents will buy me a new gaming joystick so that I can learn to play even better.

Take your time Sidorov! In a week we will move on to a new game. In the meantime, better remind the class how to behave at school.

Rules of behavior at school:
- don’t be late for recess!
- do not watch cartoons via the Internet, so as not to occupy the network and not interfere with playing in class.
- eat all the ice cream received in class.
— don’t forget your phone and tablet charger at home!

Well done! Do you remember everything? Here comes the bell, you can go!

The student comes onto the stage again and says:
- this is roughly how we imagine an ideal school: instead of lessons in games on a tablet and on a computer, instead of grades, ice cream.
But tell me, will we gain knowledge with such a school? Of course not! That's why we like our school better with our favorite teachers! Although...if you think about it...well, no, it’s much better this way!
Happy holiday to you. Our beloved and respected teachers!

Modern dance for Teacher's Day for 5th grade - video

On Teacher's Day, 5th grade students should learn a bright, spectacular and moving festive dance. Popular modern songs by domestic and foreign authors are suitable as musical accompaniment. The melody can be played on the available musical instruments(accordion, guitar, piano, etc.) or involve an instrumental ensemble in the performance of the number, if there is one at the school. Well, if problems arise with “live” music, there is a very simple way out - a tape recorder or a stereo system. Any equipment with powerful speakers will perfectly reproduce any soundtrack, making the performance successful and at the highest level.

Dance for Teacher's Day “Hey, Hey” performed by 5th grade students

In this video, 5th grade students perform a cheerful and catchy dance for their teachers to the famous song Girlfriend by the mega-popular Canadian singer Avril Lavigne. To the accompaniment of a clear, rhythmic melody, four young schoolgirls in comfortable sportswear for youth move quickly and actively around the improvised stage, jumping and waving their arms. The dance is somewhat reminiscent of exercise elements of the once very popular aerobics, so to perform it, girls need to have not only an impeccable ear for music, but also good sports training. After all, along with the most ordinary dance steps, you will have to do a cartwheel and do the splits. Children who do not have appropriate stretching and good gymnastics skills simply will not be able to repeat these movements. Well, without them, the number will lose its originality, effectiveness and unique, catchy style.

Dance for Teacher's Day for grades 10-11 - video ideas for a festive concert

When drawing up a plan for a gala event dedicated to the wonderful holiday of all teachers, you need to think through the program in such a way that funny staged scenes for Teacher's Day are necessarily interspersed with bright and spectacular dance numbers. This will avoid monotony and pleasantly dilute the humorous performances of students. It would be appropriate to start a concert, both in elementary and high school, with a beautiful and touching song about teachers, school, events in classes, lessons and tests. If possible, it would be nice to illustrate piece of music videos filmed even on a regular phone by students or class teacher. In a mini-film, it is appropriate to briefly talk about relationships at school and highlight some significant moments for students and teachers (ceremonial assembly, a joint trip to nature, a trip to the forest, a cleanup day, a lesson is opened, etc.). This will lift the spirits of everyone present and allow you to once again relive the pleasant moments of school everyday life.

At the next stage of the holiday, it makes sense to say sincere, kind and very warm words of congratulations to the teachers and wish them patience, endurance, success in their work and all the best. You can finish the official ceremonial part with a humorous sketch of “Othello and Desdemona”, and after it move on to fun, spectacular and catchy dance numbers.

For musical performances, you need to choose beautiful melodies and carefully think about what dances to perform to them. With students in grades 5-10, you can learn unusual movements or create a kind of dance medley, where melodies are used in one number different styles, from the usual classics to rock and roll, breakdancing or rap popular among youth. If the school is preparing a general concert on the occasion of Teacher's Day, it is worth staging several combined numbers in which students from different classes will take part. This will further unite the school community and allow younger children to feel the support, attention and good attitude of high school students and future graduates.

Dance for Teacher's Day from students of grades 10-11

Dance for Teacher's Day performed by 10th grade students

Dance for Teacher's Day - performed by students of grades 5 and 10

A skit for Teacher's Day - a battle of teachers. 5 people participate.
With a good game without pinching, the ability to show it funny, this scenario for Teacher's Day will be, if not the best (sometimes simply dressing in diapers looks funnier, but we have a different task), then the most interesting, unlike the others and thoughtful.

Host: So we begin the program, “battle of teachers” - today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you that everything is fair with us and without any setups, tricks, tips or steps.

Primary school teacher Marya Ivanovna Ivanova is invited to complete the task. Marya Ivanovna you will have to enter the classroom today and force third grade student Vasya Sidorov to give him a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me the diary.
Student: I won’t.
Teacher: Sidorov, open your briefcase, take out your diary.
Student: My grandmother took it from me to read before bed.
Teacher: Vasya, give me the journal, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.
Vasya: And for what?

Host: Unfortunately, time is up.
We invite the second teacher - Petrov Petr Petrovich.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I’ll give you some candy.
Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.
Teacher: Vasily, I’ll put you in a corner!
Student: And what didn’t I see there?

Presenter: It’s unfortunate, but the second teacher didn’t have time to complete this task either. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don’t you give the diary to teachers?
Student: I forgot at home (slides down the desk)
Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASE.
Student: Nope. (uncertain)
Teacher: I’m calling my father (takes out his phone and pretends to select it from his contacts)
Student: (takes out the diary he was sitting on) Mom on the diary, just don’t call your father! those.

Host: As our program showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents yielded results this week - you will find out what the next battle will be tomorrow.


Vovka: Listen, I’ll tell you a funny story. Yesterday I took the folder by the mouse and went to Uncle Yura, my mother ordered.
Andrey: Ha ha ha! It's really funny.
Vovka (surprised): What’s so funny? I haven't even started to tell you yet.
Andrey (laughing): A folder... under your arm! Well thought out. Yes, your folder won’t fit under your arm, he’s not a cat!
Vovka: Why “my folder”? The folder is dad's. You've forgotten how to speak correctly because of laughter, or what?
Andrey: (winking and tapping his forehead): Ah, I guessed it! Grandfather - under the arm! He himself speaks incorrectly, but he also teaches. Now it’s clear: dad’s folder is your grandfather Kolya! In general, it’s great that you came up with this - funny and with a riddle!
Vova (offended): What does my grandfather Kolya have to do with it? I wanted to tell you something completely different. I didn’t listen to the end, but you laugh and get in the way of talking. And he dragged my grandfather under his arm, what a storyteller he was! I'd rather go home than talk to you.
Andrey (to himself, left alone): And why was he offended? Why tell funny stories if you can't laugh?

A scene from school life about a teacher and a student

Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down short story which I will dictate to you.
The student goes to the board and prepares to write.
Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for his bad behavior. Vova was guiltily silent, and then made a promise to improve.”
A student writes from dictation on the board.
Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.
The student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.
Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?
Student: Yes!
Teacher: Start!
Student: “Dad and mom.” Who? What? Parents. So, the case is genitive.
Scolded someone, what? Vova. “Vova” is a name. This means the case is nominative.
Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.
Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.
Well, the “promise”, of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it!
That's it!
Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest you set for yourself?
Student: Which one? Of course, an A!
Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?
Student: In the prepositional form!
Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?
Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

Teacher: Petrov, you have difficulty counting to ten. I can’t imagine what you can become?
Student Petrov: Boxing judge, Mary Ivanna!

Teacher: Trushkin goes to the board to solve the problem.
Student Trushkin goes to the blackboard.
Teacher: Listen carefully to the statement of the problem. Dad bought 1 kilogram of sweets, and mom bought another 2 kilograms. How many...
Student Trushkin heads to the door.
Teacher: Trushkin, where are you going?!
Student Trushkin: I ran home, I have candy!

Teacher: Petrov, bring the diary here. I'll put your deuce in it yesterday.
Disciple Petrov: I don’t have it.
Teacher: Where is he?
Student Petrov: And I gave it to Vitka - to scare his parents!

Teacher: Vasechkin, if you have ten rubles, and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?
Student Vasechkin: Ten rubles.
Teacher: You just don’t know math!
Student Vasechkin: No, you don’t know my brother!

Teacher: Sidorov, please answer, what is three times seven?
Student Sidorov: Marya Ivanovna, I will answer your question only in the presence of my lawyer!

Teacher: Why, Ivanov, does your father always do your homework for you?
Student Ivanov: Mom doesn’t have free time!

Teacher: Now solve problem number 125 yourself.
The students get to work.
Teacher: Smirnov! Why are you copying from Terentyev?
Student Smirnov: No, Mary Ivanna, he’s copying from me, and I’m just checking to see if he did it correctly!


A hilariously funny skit on what can come of combining two incompatible school subjects. And also about what will happen, if it happens, if His Majesty Chance intervenes in the pre-thought-out plan.

Neumnov (sings with joy).Well, Copperfields, you came up with a great idea. Telepathy! Thoughts at a distance! Come on, tell me something.

Copperfields. He spreads his hands like a psychic.

Neumnov. The storm covers the sky with darkness... Why are you telling me literature - we have biology now. Here, take the textbook - paragraph 36. Look, inspire more strongly.

Copperfield sits on the edge of the stage, puts a textbook on his knees, looking at it, sending thoughts.

Call. Start of the lesson. The literature teacher enters.

Teacher. Hello guys, Irina Ivanovna got sick, so instead of biology there will be literature. So, the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Who wants to answer? As always, a forest of hands. Neumnov, to the board.

Neumnov (clears throat).The image of Evgeny Onegin. Onegin is a socialite from St. Petersburg, a metropolitan aristocrat. Drawing the image of the hero, Pushkin says in detail...(telepathy begins)that its body, the thallus, consists of a mushroom and algae, which are in close relationship. He is very unpretentious. Lives in deserts, rocks, tundras. When it dies, it forms humus. This is his main role... in the novel.

Teacher. Neumnov, what's wrong with you?

Neumnov. Can I tell you better about Lensky? Lensky has many excellent inclinations; the author points to his inherent “noble aspiration of the feelings and thoughts of the young.” It blooms in mid-summer. Insects visit its flowers poorly - they have neither nectar nor an abundance of pollen.(Shakes his head.)Lensky is an educated, cultured person. It is planted in the spring; before planting, the tubers are germinated in a bright room.Well, Olga is Olga.

Neumnov. The complete opposite of Tatyana is her sister Olga. Olga has a lot of cheerfulness, energy, and playfulness. Her body is covered with scales. When shedding, the skin comes off in one piece. She moves by twisting her body along the ground. Its toxicity is well known.

Teacher. Enough! Sit down. Col!


Neumnov (runs up to Copperfield).Well, Copperfields, well, he made friends. Thoughts at a distance. So much for telepathy.(Hits him on the head with a textbook.)Here you go - an A is guaranteed!(Hits.) Here's to you - you'll become an excellent student!

Interesting and funny skits for schoolchildren. Sketch about school and teachers.

Sketch for schoolchildren.


(Play from school life)





Part 1

Leading(from students): Dear participants! I propose to declare our extremely important ceremonial meeting open! Today there is one problem on the agenda: to decide what we should do next with the school.

Students(from the seat): Correct! How long can you endure!

Leading: Because we do not comply with the main law of school life - “Learning should be fun!” The floor for the report is given to the main truant of the class, Zaitsev.

Zaitsev: Why am I skipping? Because my body requires sleep. And in comfortable conditions. I don't get enough sleep at my desk. And then, there are such insensitive teachers who wake you up at the most inopportune moment. I personally think this is disgraceful!

Lisitsyn(from the seat): If I don’t wake you up, you’ll fall on your neighbors! I believe that, on the contrary, main problem because the lesson is too boring! There must be loud music, a disco there, something like that!

Leading: Please follow the rules! And you, Lisitsyn, don’t stick your head out until you’ve been given the floor. Carry on, Zaitsev. What constructive suggestions do you have?

Zaitsev: I have such constructive suggestions. Since we are forced to go to this school, humane conditions must be created. At least put some folding beds in! And please, protect from any Lisitsyns. Let them study in the other wing, since they need music and noise! Personally, I don't need them.

Leading: So you are for separate education? There is a rational grain in this. Secretary, write down: cots and separate education. Who wants to add something substantive? Morkovkin!

Morkovkin: I personally don’t like the fact that our health suffers at school. Do you know the statistics? Complete scoliosis and gastritis. Lisitsyn is right - if not dancing, then they should have built a swimming pool in the assembly hall, or something. And we need a normal human restaurant with normal healthy food, so as not to ruin the stomachs here. There are kebabs and ice cream. Chebureks. The list can be compiled later.

Leading: I think no one has any objections. (Addresses the secretary.) Write down: a restaurant instead of a canteen, a swimming pool instead of an assembly hall. I would add a tennis table to each classroom. Who's next?

Enotov: That's not what we're talking about. After all, it's all peripheral. We come to school and spend the best 11 years of our lives there, and for what? What are we being taught? Dear brothers! I look sadly at the current education system. She is terribly far from the people. Therefore: attention! The school urgently needs to open additional courses in extremely important disciplines. They will study things that are truly necessary for the survival of the student. For example: the best way to cheat, the best way to distract a teacher in class, how to get parents to spend money, how to reduce the school load to a minimum, how to spend school time pleasant and useful.

Leading: Personally, I respect Enotov because he knows how to think not only constructively, but also within the framework of reality. Since we will be forced to serve this term anyway, we must carry it out with minimal losses. Secretary, please record Enotov’s speech almost verbatim! I invite everyone present to think at their leisure what disciplines we really need. So. Next question. What should we do with teachers? Goshkin will make a report.

Goshkin: I actually observed it here, but they, in fact, have gone completely crazy. They give me all sorts of rubbish, my dad ate half a pack of analgin yesterday after he tried to solve my math problems. His mother then lowered his blood pressure. And they're yelling! Why yell? Well, I blurted out yesterday that Vilnius is a breed of kangaroo, so what, who feels bad about it? I suggest that everyone who yells and harasses the house should be kicked out of school.

Koshkin: And who will be left? You, Goshkin, are fundamentally wrong. You need to work with the material that you have. Not to expel, but to re-educate!

Senkina: And I feel sorry for them! We must be patient too! You, Koshkin, especially! Who threw a cockroach into my compote yesterday in the dining room? You still have to re-educate and re-educate yourself!

Goshkin: Ha! It's a pity! Feel sorry for yourself! They are generally our class enemies, one might say!

Leading: Let's avoid class segregation, please. Carry on, Senkina.

Senkina: No, really, just think about it. By 8am every day. You won’t be able to skip much, because adults have even more serious problems in this regard. We tolerate them one at a time, they tolerate us at a rate of thirty at a time. Imagine, Goshkin, that you would have to communicate with thirty teachers for 45 minutes! Horror! Here only from Redkin and Fedkin you can go crazy - you will not only scream, but also start biting! This is any of us, just hit them on the head with a briefcase - and for fifteen minutes you can relax. But such methods are prohibited for teachers.

Koshkin: And my father says that everyone chooses their own destiny. Nobody forced them into school. Unlike us, by the way. Since they have already come, let them be patient.

Senkina: It's good for you to reason! And she, maybe, was a snotty girl when her parents persuaded her to go to ped. Do you know what kind of ancestors there are?! Can't really argue with that. And now she’s old enough to learn a new way, but doesn’t know how to do anything else. Your mother works as a cleaner, has she dreamed of this all her life?

Koshkin: Where will she go with three children? She might even go to school, but who will support her?

Senkina: So are teachers. They got into trouble once, but now they are suffering from last bit of strength. And we, in turn, must show humanity and not become embittered, like you, Goshkin, but find ways to improve relationships and influence gently, delicately.

Leading: Okay, Senkina, everyone understands. You are smart, in short, your task is to organize classes to study teachers and correct their behavioral stereotypes.

Lastochkina: Or maybe we should even give them a vacation? Let them rest a little, and at the same time become better.

Leading: They would be happy, but who will allow them? They have the same attendance and program.

Lastochkina: Why can’t we teach the lesson ourselves? Let them slowly make their way to school, sit in the back desk, and we’ll all tell them what’s supposed to happen there. Let them relax for at least a week or two. And some of them are really painful to look at—they’re so twitchy, they’re crying like a madhouse.

Leading: Personally, I don't mind. Who's in favor? Let's write it down. How do we present this to them?

Senkina: Let's come up with something!

Leading: OK. I believe that we had a useful meeting today. We'll work.

Everyone leaves.

Part 2

There are two people on stage - the Presenter and Senkina.

Leading: Dear teachers! We are extremely happy to congratulate you on the upcoming Teacher's Day! On this solemn day, we want to tell you how much we love you and how grateful we are to you for everything you do for us.

Senkina: Dear teachers! We know how tired you are from your hard work. That's why we have prepared a surprise for you. We are in a hurry to please you! You don't have to prepare for lessons for the next two weeks! Because we will lead them for you... we! And you will rest quietly and calmly in the back desks. Like your laziest students.

Leading: And we promise not to shame you, not to call your parents to school.

Senkina: Don't clutter your head with overwhelming tasks.

Leading: Don't pick on your appearance.

Senkina: You might even be late!

Leading: And skip classes!

Senkina: No, of course, we will try to make your classes interesting. But we won’t force you!

Leading: We also wish you all:

All(one by one):

- Happiness!

- Health!

- Energy!

- Courage!

- Have a good mood!

- Capable students!

- Responsible parents!

— Loyal administration!

- Optimism!

- And a big salary!

All(in chorus): Happy holiday!

Boys in fluffy skirts come out, dance the cancan and sing a comic song to the melody of an operetta.

It’s impossible to live in the world without school, no.

It contains the happiness of life,

In it the dawn of fate.

Teachers teach us here

Me, you, you, me.

They and I are connected by the same fate.

You and I have been coming here since childhood,

School has replaced our home,

We come here every day.

We congratulate you on this holiday,

With all my heart and soul now

We will play and sing

About how fun we live.

We will play and sing

About how fun, how happily we live.

Sketch for schoolchildren


There are two teams on stage. In front of one is a sign that says “Parents” in big letters, and in front of the other is “Teachers.”

Leading: Attention, attention! Our microphone is installed on the parent Nth meeting schools. Team of teachers versus team of parents. Who wins? So, dear fans, who are we rooting for? Yes, my parents, but I also feel sorry for the teachers... So, let's start!

1st teacher: Dear comrade parents! We invited you today to report on new outrages committed by your children.

1st parent: Dear fellow teachers! Our houses are located next to your school, and we see with our own eyes what your students afford.

2nd teacher: Your children.

2nd parent: Your students.

3rd teacher: I wonder who brings frogs from home and makes them croak in class?

3rd parent: And who forces children to saw the legs of chairs at home, supposedly doing their homework?

4th teacher: What if you do all your homework for your children?

4th parent: You assign stupid tasks and want the children to become smarter!

5th teacher: Yeah, but how wise you are! Who gives children prizes for good grades? I just wonder how many of our fives your salary is enough for?

5th parent: And our settlements with children do not concern you.

6th teacher: Have you seen what your children did to the walls of the school?

6th parent: Who taught them to write?

7th teacher: And the sloppy ones!

7th parent: Look at your school! In general, it’s high time to organize parking. Otherwise, when you come to pick up your child, there is nowhere to park the car.

8th teacher: It would have been a good idea to help the school improve the grounds a long time ago.

8th parent: Your students...

9th teacher: Your children!

Leading: Stop, it's a draw, the question remains open.

Every year, teachers in more than 100 countries around the world celebrate Teacher's Day. Thus, in Russia, since 1994, this professional holiday received state status and was moved to October 5, a date designated by the international community. Traditionally, on Teachers' Day, schools hold special events, cool watch, and within the “unofficial” part - festive buffets or banquets. In addition to bouquets of autumn flowers and cute souvenirs, schoolchildren prepare concerts with songs and dances for their beloved teachers for such a significant date. We propose to introduce several original and “fresh” ideas into the Teacher’s Day scenario - primary and high school students can act out funny humorous scenes about teachers and school, and also learn beautiful dances. With appropriate preparation, such numbers are quite capable of being performed by all students - from 5th to 10th grade. And our videos will help young “artists” better prepare for their performances and amaze the audience with their outstanding theatrical and dancing abilities.

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day for primary school students - ideas and videos

School humor is anecdotes, gags, riddles, jokes, jokes and a truly inexhaustible source of fun and good mood. Therefore, you can add funny humorous scenes on a school theme to the Teacher’s Day script. As a rule, such productions are based on stories from the everyday school life of students and teachers, slightly embellished and “seasoned” with notes of light humor. Thus, primary school students can prepare a funny skit for their favorite teacher on Teacher’s Day, the main characters of which are a strict teacher and a “lazy” student. As a plot, you can choose any, the most common case - “I forgot my diary at home,” “I was late for class,” “I put a button on my friend’s chair.” Such funny scenes on Teacher's Day are always relevant and evoke a lot of positive emotions in the audience. Of course, students need to properly rehearse their routine, learn their lines, and most importantly, feel like real actors, albeit on a school “scale.” Inspiration and creative ideas to you!

A funny skit for Teacher's Day for primary school - about a physical education teacher and Vovochkin's dad

Anecdotes about Vovochka and his parents have long become “classics” of modern humor. After all, teachers and parents of students are often two “opposing” camps, between which funny situations arise every now and then. So a similar scene for Teacher’s Day with the participation of these funny characters will undoubtedly appeal to both students and parents, and the “heroes” of the occasion.

So, at the beginning of the story, Vovochkin’s dad comes to the school principal - on crutches and with his head bandaged. In response to the director’s surprised look, a demand follows: the school physical education teacher must pay monetary compensation for the injury, because the hospital refused to issue a bulletin. As an “argument,” Vovochkin’s dad cites his own appearance, obtained as a result of performing exercises assigned by the physical instructor for children. At this time, Vovochka’s dad stood behind the closed door and tried to repeat the teacher’s assignment. “Children, raise your right leg!” - and dad raised his right leg. Then came the command to raise his left leg, which Vovochkin’s parent tried to lift, while holding the window sill with his hands - his right leg was already raised! Having lost his “fulcrum,” Vovochka’s dad falls and hits his head on the floor. It turns out his feet are stuck in the battery! So trust the teacher after such classes - more children will get hurt! Needless to say, very “topical” and interesting topic for a humorous skit for Teacher's Day.

Funny humorous skit for Teacher's Day for primary school - “Check”, video

This funny school skit on Teacher's Day does not require any special decorations or costumes. According to the plot, the teacher presents the class with a “surprise” - test work. It is clear that students use all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid an unexpected “test”. So, the boys begin to distract the teacher’s attention with various funny antics and ask questions on “abstract” topics. However, the teacher does not even think of following the lead of the cunning students.

Such a simple, but touching and funny scene for Teacher's Day will bring a kind smile to the audience and give good mood and will add a relaxed atmosphere of humor to the holiday atmosphere. And many “recognize” themselves and their classmates in the participants in the skit!

A funny humorous skit on Teacher's Day for primary classes - “Battle of the Teachers”, video

Main character in this funny scene - a student whom three teachers, under the “guidance” of the leader, are alternately trying to force to give up his diary. So, which teacher manages to take the diary from a careless student in one minute will be the winner of the “battle.” After the leader announces the beginning, a primary school teacher is invited to the “field”. However, the “resourceful” student begins to come up with excuses on the fly: “The diary got lost,” “Grandma took the diary,” and others. The teacher never manages to take possession of the diary, and she leaves the “battlefield.” The next participant tries to “bribe” the cunning student with sweets - however, without success. And only the third teacher-participant manages to take away the treasured diary by “threatening” to call the parents of the little sly one. At the sight of the teacher who got mobile phone, the resolve of the main “hero” evaporates, and the diary is handed over to the winner. The moral of the scene is that in some cases teachers simply cannot do without the support of parents.

Funny humorous skits for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas and videos

High school students show limitless imagination in staging funny humorous skits for Teacher's Day. For example, you can use popular TV shows as a “template” and come up with a skit in this format, adding musical accompaniment from famous hits. So, to begin with, a presenter is selected who will announce and “direct” the performance of other “artists”. And the skit itself will be “constructed” in the form of small funny numbers “from the lives of teachers and students.” Win-win!

Funny skit for Teacher's Day for high school - “Expectation and reality”, video

This funny skit on Teacher's Day shows the discrepancy between expectations and reality from certain phenomena or events. Since it’s Teacher’s Day, we use incidents and events from school life for the skit. How does a teacher imagine a student being late for class? Certainly not at all like a student. And the teacher’s idea of ​​how active students are in the lesson also differs from reality. Such a funny scene from the students will definitely cause cheerful laughter from the audience sitting in the hall.

Funny skit for Teacher's Day for high school - "Othello and Desdemona", video

It will be interesting for high school students to act out a funny skit, the plot of which is based on a parody of immortal work Shakespeare. Main character scenes - a teacher who devotes too much time to her work, while her husband and household chores remain unattended. Then the plot unfolds along a well-known line. Of course, the ending with the “strangulation” of Desdemona by the jealous Othello will also be humorous. For such a scene on Teacher’s Day, you can come up with poems in the “Shakespearean” spirit - it will turn out spectacular and will be remembered by teachers and parents for a long time.

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for 5th grade, video

Dancing best conveys feelings and emotions. Therefore, for Teacher’s Day, you can learn a beautiful dance with 4th or 5th grade students, and choose famous rhythmic hits as the musical accompaniment. For a performance, the easiest way is to take a tape recorder or a music center with powerful speakers. The main thing is to be fiery and fun! For you, dear teachers!

Dance for Teacher's Day - “Teacher, control your dreams!”, video

Dance for Teacher's Day in hip-hop style - “Stop teaching - let's dance!”, video

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for 10th grade, video

For students in grades 10 and 11, you can choose more “adult” dances than for restless fifth graders. Thus, catchy rock and roll performed by beautiful high school girls in dresses from the 60s will cause a storm of emotions among the audience. Simple movements and the unique charm of the girls - and a good mood on Teacher's Day will not keep you waiting. For greater effect, you can also prepare a dance number with an “assortment” of different styles - classical, breakdancing, rap.

Amazing dance from high school girls on Teacher's Day, video

Dance for Teacher's Day - from 10th grade students, video

Skits on Teacher's Day are a great opportunity not only to surprise and please your favorite teachers, but also to unite the class and make it more friendly. We shared with you best ideas funny humorous skits about school and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and high schools - from 5 to 10. And with the help of our videos, students will be able to prepare the most fun and touching dance numbers for Teacher's Day.


Offered to your attention humorous skits they will not require their performers to memorize large texts (playing the role of a teacher can even use a cheat sheet included in the class magazine), and they will not need complex costumes. Rehearsals will take a minimum of time. At the same time, the themes of all the skits are very close to the children. It will be useful for them to look at themselves from the outside, to laugh at their mistakes.

Scene "Teacher"


Teacher Olga Alekseevna



The teacher enters the classroom, and all the desks in it are empty.

TEACHER (screams joyfully):

- Hooray! The students are sick, there will be no lessons! That's lucky!

They begin to overturn chairs. He draws devils on the blackboard, and sticks chewing gum on teacher Ushinsky’s nose in the portrait.

The director appears at the door.


- Olga Alekseevna! Now workers will come here to seal the windows. I sent the children to the next office.

The teacher sighs and heads to another office.

Enters another class - every single student is safe and sound.
And the teacher was happy again. Even stronger than last time!

TEACHER (in a voice excited with joy):

- Hello, my dear beloved children!

Scene "At recess in the staff room"

(A lexey E Roshin)



History teacher

Chemistry teacher

Physics teacher

Math teacher

Astronomy teacher

Teacher of Russian language and literature



The bell rings. Teachers enter the “teacher’s room” with magazines and notebooks.

- There is only the fourth lesson left to stand...

- And the fifth hold out...

Everyone exhales together and takes validol.

- I'm out of validol!!!
- Take it from the first aid kit.

The last one to enter shouts:

- It's coming! It's coming! (and everyone lines up at attention)

The director enters.

DIRECTOR (takes validol) :

- Hello, colleagues.
ALL (in chorus):

- Hello!


- Well, is everything assembled? Then let's start the meeting. Let's start with the emergency. The whole school says it's like something was missing in history class.


- I just asked in 7th b who took Ishmael. And do you know what they answered me? "We didn't take it!"

- Or maybe it rolled under the table?

- Should you worry, these are children. They will play and return.


- 7th "b"? I sympathize with you, these will never be returned.


- But Ishmael...


- What fell was lost. We need to take better care of our things. Speaking of things, (addresses the chemistry teacher), what's wrong with your suit?


- It was Sidorov who again invented gunpowder in the second lesson.

DIRECTOR (clearing ear):

- Yes, I heard that. Well, what did you do?


- As usual, the parents collected the fragments and went to school.


- Advise Sidorov to invent lime, putty and paint before his parents arrive. By the way, about paint. Inscriptions in Latin periodically appear on the walls: x, y, and so on. (Addresses the math teacher) A algebra - an important subject, but you assign too many problems, the children do not have enough space in their notebooks. But the Astronomer pleased us.


- Yesterday a unique discovery in the field of astronomy was made at our school. Fifth grade student Seryozha Bykov recorded the appearance of eighteen new stars. Stars appeared around Seryozha Bykov’s head at the moment of its contact with the door frame of the astronomy office.


- Yes, the native school can produce its own Platos and quick-witted Newtons. And also, in fact, the Dostoevskys. By the way, what are the results of the essay?


- Overall, not bad. For example, Sidorov writes (reads excerpts from school essays like: “a boy in a boat quickly rowed with the rockers”)


- It's good to hear. What, there was already mail today?

- Yes, I was.


- Was there any suspicious correspondence there?

- There was nothing suspicious, only twelve envelopes with white powder.


- So much?

- So today is a test in physics.


- Strange, there were only nine before the chemistry test.

- What to do with the powder?


- Give it to the trade union committee, let them distribute it to teachers with many children: they have enough of it for almost thirty washes. So, we're done with the powder. Have they already called about the bomb?

- Not yet, we'll wait any minute.

The phone rings. The duty officer runs in with the phone.


- They just reported that there was a bomb in the staff room!


- Quiet!

Everyone freezes, and the ticking of a clockwork becomes audible. A bomb is found in a cake box and carefully placed on a table (chair).

TEACHERS (asking each other):
- Does anyone know how to call 911?
- We need to call the sappers!
- We won't make it in time, only thirty seconds left!
- We'll have to cancel the test!..

FIZRUK (whistles a whistle):

- Calm down, don't panic! Give me the pliers! (opens the box) There are four wires: red, yellow, green and blue. One of them needs a snack. But which one?

- Green!

The physical education teacher bites the green wire. The ticking of the clock stops. Everyone exhales together and takes validol.


- How did you guess that it was green?

- This color suits me so much...


- So, the worst is over, and the test will take place. There is little time until the end of the break. Are there any other substantive questions?

ALL (in unison):
- Did they deliver validol?


- There are forty-two kilograms of Validol left, which should be enough until the end of the week, and then RONO will supply more.

They all breathe a sigh of relief again and take validol.


- By the way, has everyone heard that the government adopted a law on self-defense?

Everyone takes out and begins to blow out and wipe with handkerchiefs slingshots, water pistols and spitting tubes.


- There is one minute left until the bell rings. Everyone get ready! Be equal! Attention! Aiming for high performance! For public education... for a feat of labor... step... march!

Everyone marches and sings:

WITH youth everyone knows:
Life is boring without problems.
Eight years like in our school
Every day - then KVN.

And the battle continues again!
And my heart feels anxious in my chest.
Take validol with you,
After all, the fifth lesson is ahead!

The bell rings. Marching, the teachers leave the stage.