Group decoration in kindergarten for Mother's Day. Decoration of kindergarten premises (locker rooms) for Mother's Day. Ideas for Mother's Day at a preschool educational institution: from hall decoration to script

Mother's Day in kindergarten.

The purpose of this wonderful holiday is to support the traditions of caring towards women, to especially note the importance of the most important person in our lives -mothers .

It is also a family holiday. Children must understand who their mother is to them and what respect she deserves. We owe our birth, life, and success to our dear mothers. There is nothing more beautiful and selfless mother's love. Just as the sun sends out its rays, warming all life on earth, so a mother’s love always warms a child.

There is no need to do complex procedures for this - the child just needs to dress the way we dress. In summer it also needs to be bathed in natural ponds. A child aged 2 years can already drink juice or aria from the refrigerator. He should study a regime that is closest to the regime in kindergarten. Don't worry if your child still doesn't use the potty. Typically, when he looks at other kids, he just gives up diapers and starts using the potty. This also applies to self-care.

Take your child away for hours. To judge how your child will cope with the fear of your separation, you can leave him with a relative or family member for a few hours. You can also leave it for your children to watch. This means he will know that someone else can care about him, and you will also know his reaction to this situation.

In Russia, the holiday was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 1998.N120 "About Mother's Day."He celebrated on the last Sunday of November. The initiative to establish Mother's Day belongs to the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

According to official data, today more than 50 million women are mothers in our country, of which more than 1 million 700 thousand have large families.

If you know which children will be in your group, try to contact them. Let them play together and get to know each other. Thus, when a child goes to kindergarten, on the first day they will see acquaintances - his new friends. The first days in kindergarten. Adaptation to kindergarten should be gradual. At first, leave the child for only 1-2 hours, giving him the opportunity to play with other children. Once he gets used to the new command, you can leave it longer. But tell him you are leaving and you will be back by a certain time.

The term "two o'clock" means nothing to your child, so explain to him that you will be back right after lunch and you must keep your promise. Adaptation can last 1-2 weeks depending on the child’s character. If your child is too closed and strongly attached to you, you can seek help from a specialist.

Mother's Day is a great opportunity to pay attention to your mothers and grandmothers, to warm them with the warmth in which they are so

need. And for a preschool institution, this day is another reason to arrange a good holiday for children and their mothers.

IN modern society The issue of connection between generations is acute, so in preschool institutions it has become necessary to “teach” mutual understanding between parents and children.

When to save a child in kindergarten. Opinions on when to give your baby nursery vary widely. different countries. There is also an opinion that a child should not be sent to kindergarten, especially if there is a grandmother who is ready to take care of it. But a child who lives in full-time care risks becoming completely unfit for care. adult life, working in a team. He may become addictive and bound rather than developing skills to interact with other people.

As for the stress that a child experiences in the first days of kindergarten, it is equal to the stress that a child experiences at school. In any case, do not let him perceive kindergarten as a form of punishment. In our country, the prevailing opinion is that a child should be sent to kindergarten after the second year, and even better if this happens after the third. This is due to the fact that children often get sick, and also because teachers and children's lashes cannot provide sufficient care for each of the children in the group if they still cannot hold a spoon or dress themselves.

IN preschool institution work on nurturing love for mother should be carried out with children of all age groups, but special attention must be paid to older preschool age - it is at this age that children begin to actively master moral norms and their moral foundations are formed.

Senior preschool age in a child’s life is the most crucial stage in the development of mechanisms of behavior and activity, in the formation of the preschooler’s personality as a whole. It is associated both with major changes in the mental and emotional-volitional development of preschool children, in the motivational sphere, communication with adults and peers, and with the achieved level of moral education. This is the age of children becoming aware of their feelings, their attitude towards people, and first of all towards their mother. It is considered the most sensitive period for the moral development and upbringing of a child. Formation of the child’s feelings, incl. empathy, compassion, joy, from the first years of life is an important pedagogical task. And what moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on those around him, on how they raise him, and what impressions they enrich him with.

Project for Mother's Day. Topic: "It's good to be next to mom!"

The goal of the project: to develop respect, careful and caring attitude towards the mother; improving behavioral culture skills; development of creative abilities.

Project participants: children of the preparatory school group.

Project implementation period: 1 week.

Contents of practical activities to implement the project

1 stage. Organizational

    A conversation about mothers and the fact that by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998. The holiday "Mother's Day" was established Russian Federation", which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

    Thinking together with the children about holding a holiday for mothers.Solution: celebrate on the last Friday of November.

Stage 2. Practical

To celebrate the holiday you need:

    Learn to set the table for a festive tea party, using the results of your productive activities.

    Improve communication skills at the table.

    Prepare the literary part: poems, proverbs, dramatizations of literary works.

    Learn outdoor round dance games to play together with mothers.

    Make your own gifts for moms.

    Design a poster.

3 stage. Implementation of plans

In arts and crafts classes:

    Making gifts: clay modeling of Filimonov toys “Mother and Baby” followed by painting.

    Painting paper and fabric napkins for serving a festive table.

    Making vases from waste material (polyethylene bottles, multi-colored film), flowers from natural materials (maple wings, twigs, plasticine)

    Making a poster “Who said there are no Angels?...It’s just that sometimes they don’t have wings, and then we call them Moms!”

In the afternoon:

    Didactic and role-playing games to consolidate the ability to set a table and improve communication skills at the table.

    Individual learning of poems, proverbs, practicing diction and expressiveness of speech.


Game "Interview with Mom"

Children "become journalists" and interview their mothers. The entire interview can be recorded on a voice recorder, which will additionally attract the children’s interest and give them the opportunity to listen again and again to recordings of the child’s conversation with his mother.

Conversation “There is no sweeter friend than your own mother”

Its goals are to createthe image of the mother - the keeper of the family hearth, creating a warm atmosphere, comfort, a feeling of home, as well as the formation of the idea that the mother performs many social roles: at home she is a loving mother, at work she is a skilled worker (doctor, teacher, hairdresser), in her free time she is an athlete, reader, florist.

Mom's portrait

Invite the children to make a portrait of their mother or the whole family using different materials and techniques (drawing, sculpting, appliqué). The children will take up this work with great joy and desire and will try to convey all their love for their mother in the portrait.

Excursions to work with mothers

Together with some parents, during the year you can organize excursions to their mothers’ work: to school and library, to the store.

Children will enrich their knowledge and understanding of the work of a teacher and librarian, and will also experience a sense of pride that their mothers are busy doing work that is necessary for other people. They will see the significance of mother’s work and the respect of this work by others. Excursions will help bring children to a conversation about hard work, the need to help their mother and loved ones.

Photo exhibition “Mom works”

Together with your children, you can organize an exhibition of photographs with children’s stories about their mother’s profession.

Conversation about hard work

Can be discussed withFor children, the question is what can be considered helping their mother - this is any work that the children can do: wash the dishes, sweep or vacuum the floor, serve themselves, be neat and clean, help their younger brothers and sisters get dressed, play with them. All this will be a great help to the mother, who will be able to do something else or relax in the free time.

Analysis of everyday situations

You can use everyday situations and any opportunity to discuss topics: “Why does mom get upset, upset,” “How to tell mom about a bad deed,” “What did I do to please mom?”

Game "Tender forfeits"

To replenish children's vocabulary with gentle, affectionate words about mother, in addition to reading fairy tales, conversations, getting to know proverbs and sayings about her, you can play a modified game "Tender forfeits."

All players sit in a circle. The driver begins a chain of affectionate words: mommy, the next continues - dear, the third - swan, the fourth - tender, the fifth - affectionate, etc. When the chain ends, the one on whom it was interrupted puts the forfeit in the basket and the game resumes again. An important condition is not to repeat yourself! At the end of the game, forfeits are played.

In the course of such work, children will more clearly understand the connection between their behavior and the mood of their mother and loved ones, there will be a desire to show strong-willed effort and restrain their whims, a desire to help their mother and loved ones, to do something nice for their mother. Some pupils may try to compose poems and fairy tales, the main character of which will be children protecting their mother. Children will become more patient and attentive to their mother, to each other and to all the people around them.

Proverbs about mother

Dear Mama - unquenchable candle.

Without mother, my dear and the flowers do not grow in color.

Every mother loves her child.

Kalacha cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is sweeter.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

Mother's hand on caress that fluff, soft.

Maternal careat the bottom will save the seas.

Uthe child's finger will hurt, Aat mother's heart.

Who is not a mother listens, he will get into trouble.

Take care of your father and mother - you won't find others.

No sweeter buddy, howdear mother.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

You will buy everything, but not your father and mother buy it.

Questionnaire for parents

1. Would you like special work to be done with your child to instill love for his mother?

2. Do you think that such work should be carried out in kindergarten?

Z. Are you ready to cooperate with teachers on this issue? kindergarten? How do you see this cooperation?

Theme day “My beloved mommy”

Main tasks:

raise caring attentive attitude to mom; clarify and expand knowledge about the concept of “family”; to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children, families, and society.


photo composition “Our mothers and us”, exhibition of joint works of children and mothers, exhibition of children’s drawings “Portrait of my mother”, collage“What children say about their mothers”, a multi-colored flower with wishes to mothers on separate petals, festive decoration for the group.


Conversation with children

Goals: attract children's attention, tune in further activities; do everything possible to please mothers and cheer them up.

Equipment: recording of the song “Mom’s Holiday” (musicTilicheeva).

The teacher reminds the children that they have been preparing for a whole week for a special day dedicated to mothers, whom children love more than anyone in the world. Invites children to decorate the group with flowers, balloons, and their own works. Draws attention to the aesthetics of the design, emphasizing that children should please and surprise their mothers.

Reading poetry

(E. Blaginina. “Let’s Sit in Silence”, G. Vieru. “Mother’s Day”, Y. Akim. “Mother”, E. Blaginina. “That’s What a Mother”, etc.)

Goals: consolidate knowledge of the content of poems; activate memory; create responsibility for the assigned work; develop facial and speech expressiveness.


Complex lesson

“My mother is the most beloved and beautiful”

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge about the distinctive characteristics of their mothers, their profession, hobbies; develop an interest in the mother’s personality traits; cultivate respect and a caring attitude towards mother; develop dialogical speech.

The teacher invites the children to introduce each other to their mothers before they arrive and talk about them so that everyone immediately knows whose mother came to visit.

1. Conversation with children about features appearance, name, interests, profession of each mother with consideration of photographs and photo compositions.

2. Completing the drawing of the mother’s portrait (the drawing was completed within 1-2 weeks), designing the composition.

H. Making cookies from ready-made dough using molds, followed by baking in the kitchen, or making cakes from ready-made cookies, decorated with cream, sweets, etc.

4. Filling the reverse sides of the multi-colored flower with wishes for every mother.

Work in nature (on a walk)

Goals: teach children to do things in order to dosomething nice for mom, please her; to form the will through obtaining a delayed result; develop an active vocabulary.

Children plant flowers for mothers (in winter - green seeds, tulip bulbs, etc.).

The teacher tells the children that all women like flowers.

And their children can raise them with their own hands. But in order for them to grow, flowers need to be looked after for a long time. “The more pleasant the gift will be for mom.”

Role-playing game "Family"

Goals: as an equal playing partner, clarify the functions of the mother in the family, her role, significance; develop a gaming monologue, role-playing interaction, the ability to lead a plot using personal experience and the experience of comrades.

A foreign girl has arrived in Russia, she needs to be accepted into the family, introduced to everyone, leisure time organized, etc.

Reciting the poem “Mom’s Helpers” with movements

(If the poem is new for children, then they repeat the movements and finish off the memorized words and phrases; if it is familiar, they read the poem synchronously and accompany the words with movements.)

We decided to help mom

And they poured water into the basin,

Depict fingers open reading crane .


Make small movements with a pinch of fingers.


Place your hands in front of you, hands down, and pretend to put the laundry into a basin.

Washedfor a long timeWehis,

Rubbing fist Ofist .


Rubbing fist Opalm .

Nottorn apartNothing,

Make a negative movement with your index finger.

And how much they rinsed!

Back and forth, back and forth,

They bend over, lower their arms, relax, swing them from side to side.


Place your palms in front of you, sharply squeeze and unclench your fingers.

But, brothers, here’s the problem:

They press their hands to their cheeks, shaking their head.


They lower their arms down and shake their hands lightly.

Let's collect it

And squeeze it into a bucket.

Squat down, imitating collecting foam with both hands

To become like our mother,

Worknecessaryso many!

Show index finger up .


Artistic activity « DressFormoms»

Target: develop creativity and visual skills. Using templates, children color a dress for their mother.

Handmade “Napkins for the festive table”

Goals: develop aesthetic taste, the ability to do something with your hands; make you want to do something nice for your mother.

The teacher asks a subgroup of children to cut out beautiful napkins for mothers’ tables, decorating the edges in different ways.

Scenario of a holiday with parents for Mother's Day

“It’s good to be next to mom!”


Who warms with love,

Everything in the world succeeds,

Even play a little?

Who will always console you,

And he washes and combs his hair,

Kisses on the cheek - smack?

Children:My dear mother!

Educator:Mom... What a dear and close word!

Children's poems

My momathe best!

1. If it hurts me,

Mom with a kind hand

Soothes pain

And brings with it peace.

2. And when the toy is new

I rejoice loudly

Smiles with me

My dear mother.

3. Let the wind carry with it

What I will reveal to everyone:

In the whole world, in the whole world

My mother is the best.

4. Our mother is no better

There is no one kinder, more gentle,

Let us become obedient forever,

And congratulations to the mothers!

5. We wish them only happiness,

For peace of mind,

So that bad weather leaves the soul,

Get younger and prettier

Dance– invite mothers to dance “Together with us” class

Questions for moms: - What do you know about your children?

1. What is your child's favorite food? (You found out the answers backstage before the start of the evening).

2. What is her hobby?

3. What does her name mean?

4. Favorite cartoon or movie.

What do children know about their mothers?

Questions for children:

1. What does mom like to do most?

2. Whichdarlingclothmoms?

    WhichdarlingTV show?

2. Heading « Readingfamily»

Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


1. She is the most important mystery of all,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents. (mouse)

2. We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children? (seven kids)

3. Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”)

4. Thistableclothfamous

The one that feeds everyone until they are full,

That she is herself

Full of delicious food. (tablecloth - self-assembled)

5.Sweet apple flavor

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s light all around, like during the day. (Firebird)

6. The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where does Koshchei death lurk?

What is this item?

Give me a quick answer my friend. (Needle)

7. Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


Which? (mortar)

8. Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And she sheds tears on the way. (Fedora)

9. And the little hare and the she-wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

10. I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

Gray Wolf I was watching her

Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

11. Cinderella's feet

Fell by accident.

She was not simple,

And crystal. (Slipper)

Balloon games:

Game "Funny Slalom" - a large scarf or curtain is stretched between the players, one edge rises, depicting a slide. To the music, players roll the ball down, preventing it from falling to the floor. Then the opposite edge rises, the game continues...

Volleyball game - throw the ball to each other.


Game "Funny Penguins" - walk holding the ball between your legs.

Game "The Funniest Family" or game "Smiling emoticon" - eyes, eyelashes, and a smile appear on the balloon from pieces of sticky tape.

Game “Guess by touch”

- Mothers love to cook something tasty for their children. And even with eyes closed can distinguish between products: buckwheat, beans, peas, rice, flour, starch.

Poem (read by mother):

Take care of your children

Don't scold them for their pranks.

Evil their unsuccessful days

Never take it out on them.

Don't be seriously angry with them

Even if they did something wrong,

There is nothing more expensive than tears

That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

If you feel tired

I can’t cope with her,

Well, my son will come to you

Or your daughter will extend her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This happiness is a short moment,

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in spring,

Flash by days gold these

And they will leave their native hearth

Your children have grown up.

Let your children make you happy with your successes,

grandchildren give kindness and attention.


May your every day be filled with men's care and support. Warmth of the family hearth, health, love and understanding! There is only one thing left to say: don’t forget your parents, take care of your mothers...

IN conclusion holiday tea party.

Bottom line.

Presentation of the project: (on each slide there are photographs of teachers, parents and children at the holiday)

Slide 1. “Mother's Day”

Goal: optimizing communication between children and their mothers

Slide2. The dough needs to be kneaded - we want to surprise moms.

(Skills training session manual labor)

Slide 3. Roll out the cookie dough with a rolling pin,

Using a mold, we cut out the figures beautifully.

Slide4. We put our hands on the side, the heel stamps loudly,

We smile at mom, we dance, we all try!

(Execution pair dance by show)

Slide 5. Surprise - a balloon, obedient to our hands.

(Games with balloon– rolling, tossing, slide)

Slide6 . Cheerful "penguins" - mothers and children.

Slide7. Together with mom we will decorate the ball,

Let's turn the ball into a smiley face together

We work, we try - the smiley smiles!

(Applique on a ball of adhesive tape - joint work of mom and


Slide8. Buns, pies, cheesecakes

Mommy's baked goods are very tasty.

We drink some tea and relax together!

(Tea party in group)

Mother's Day is one of the most important holidays for a child. This holiday is definitely included in the schedule of kindergarten events. This is caused by the desire to instill in children's hearts love and respect for their mothers. Naturally, a child should have such feelings anyway. But there is a need to emphasize the importance of the “Mom” status in a solemn atmosphere, then the child learns to declare love and respect for his mother in front of everyone.

This holiday is carefully kept in memory. Therefore, you need to approach the creation of this event with all responsibility.

How do they celebrate Mother's Day in kindergarten?

The Mother's Day holiday is traditionally held in the form of a matinee. Educators try to prepare an exciting program that would be interesting not only to mothers, but also to the children themselves. Therefore, in such holidays, theatrical characters often appear, and the action most often resembles a game.

Both the eldest and preparatory group spend this holiday together. Mostly the action takes place on the stage of the assembly hall. Although until recently, there were cases in kindergartens when mothers watched the matinee from behind special screens, no matter what the children were distracted by them. Nowadays, children are so relaxed and artistic that they confidently perform on stage in front of large audiences.

Ideas for Mother's Day Celebrations


The holiday can be held in the form of a simple mini-concert with performances by children. However, most often a more complex form is used - a theatrical performance, during which costumes and makeup are used, and characters from cartoons and fairy tales appear on stage.

There are also mini-performances with the participation of children. This is guaranteed to captivate both children and their mothers.

A more complex form is puppet theater or shadow theater. They contribute to the active development of creative and creative thinking in children. Preparing for such productions will captivate and interest the child, and will help introduce the child to creativity.


From the simplest - just congratulations to the dramatic basis.

For example, children can go in search of gifts for their mothers, and on their way they will meet characters who will prevent the children from getting what they want by asking them tasks (tell a poem, dance, sing, etc.). Or children can perform a whole performance with variations on the theme: “Is it hard to be a mother.”


The hall where the holiday will be held needs to be festively decorated. You can use balloons, fabric, garlands and paper flowers, posters and even children's drawings as decorations.

In the era of selfies, it is simply necessary to create a colorful photo area that would correspond to the main idea of ​​the holiday.


Any children's music about mother, happiness, family and love can be played at the holiday. She should play in the background without creating discomfort for the children.


After gala event You can have a party or disco. Children are also guaranteed to enjoy drinking tea together with a “sweet table”. The main thing is to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Gift options for moms

  • postcards;
  • drawings;
  • compositions from natural materials;
  • painted balls;
  • plasticine crafts;
  • applications.

In addition, the holiday includes a whole range of creative gifts:

  • songs;
  • dancing;
  • poems.

Useful video