The worst accidents in the world. Transport accidents What major transport accidents occurred in the Russian Federation

IV. Lesson summary

V. Homework: § 9, pp. 46-49. Tasks: 1. Find in the media and on the Internet and give examples of man-made emergencies that took place in the region of your residence.

2. Make a list of the main measures that were taken to protect the population during a single man-made emergency in your region.


behavior in the face of various emergency situations

technogenic nature. Develop a belief in safe behavior in emergency situations

technogenic nature that may occur in the area of ​​residence. Disassemble

possible situations (if an emergency signal was received at school, on the street, at home).

Class: 2/4

Lesson 10

Time: 40 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational and visual complex: life safety textbook, grade 10, PC, projector

Lesson progress:

I. Introductory part

* Organizational moment

* Monitoring student knowledge:

What major transport disasters resulting in human casualties occurred in

territories Russian Federation V recent years?

What factors determine the danger of the technosphere for the population and the environment?

What consequences can accidents in the technosphere have for safety?

human life?

How, in your opinion, can we reduce the negative impact of the human factor on

ensuring safety in transport situations?

II. Main part

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Explanation of new material : § 10, pp. 50-55

Protecting the population from emergency situations is the most important task of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS). Main object

protection is the individual with his right to protection of life, health and property in the event of an emergency.

The organization of protection of the population from man-made emergencies includes a set of special measures, among which the following can be distinguished: warning

(warning) and informing the population about the threat and occurrence of an emergency; evacuation of people from dangerous zones and areas; engineering, medical, radiation and chemical protection, etc.; recommendations to the population on ensuring safety in man-made emergencies.

Warning and informing the population about the dangers that arise in the conditions of man-made emergencies provide for the timely delivery to the population of danger signals and the necessary information about the situation and behavior in the current conditions through the integrated use of radio wire and television broadcasting systems and other technical means of information transmission.

In case of threat and occurrence of a man-made accident or disaster emergency measure to protect the population from the damaging factors of an emergency situation is its evacuation from areas in which there is a danger to the life and health of people.


Evacuation of the population is a set of measures for the organized removal (withdrawal) of the population from areas of predicted or emerging emergencies and their temporary placement in pre-prepared safe areas.

The number of people to be moved to a safe zone is determined by local executive authorities, taking into account the recommendations of the civil defense authorities, which are based on the specific conditions of the situation, the nature and scale of the emergency situation.

In order to prepare for emergency situations, new and reconstruction (repair) of existing engineering structures are being created, designed to protect the population and territories from damaging factors caused by man-made accidents and natural disasters.

The main measures of engineering protection of the population in a man-made emergency are:

sheltering people in existing civil defense protective structures and in adapted structures: basements, ground floors, in underground spaces of commercial and social facilities; use of separate sealed rooms in residential buildings and public buildings in areas adjacent to radiation and chemically hazardous facilities; preventing spills of hazardous chemical substances by diking or deepening hazardous chemicals containers.

One of the most effective measures is to shelter the population in civil defense protective structures, which are designed to protect the population from emergency situations in peacetime and war.

To ensure the protection of the population from the consequences of man-made emergencies, recommendations developed by specialists of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the population of the country are intended to ensure safety in emergency situations. Let's list some of them.

How to act upon receiving a radiation emergency alert:

* If you are on the street, Immediately protect your respiratory system with a handkerchief or scarf and take shelter in the nearest building, preferably in your own apartment. When entering a room in the corridor, you should take off your outer clothing and shoes and place them in a plastic bag or film.

* If you are in your house (apartment), Immediately close windows, doors, ventilation openings, turn on the radio, or television, or speaker and be prepared to receive information about further actions.

* Be sure to seal the area and cover food items. Seal cracks on windows and doors using improvised means. Place opened products in plastic bags, bags or film. Place food and water in the refrigerator or in locked cabinets.

What to do in case of a chemical accident:

At the signal “Attention everyone!” Turn on the radio or television for reliable information about the accident and recommended actions.

Close the windows, turn off electrical appliances and gas. Put on rubber boots, a raincoat, take documents, necessary things, a three-day supply of non-perishable food, notify your neighbors and quickly, without panic, leave the area of ​​possible infection perpendicular to the direction of the wind at a distance of at least 1.5 km from your place of stay.

To protect your respiratory organs, use a gas mask, and if you don’t have one, use a cotton-gauze bandage or improvised fabric items soaked in water, a 2-5% solution of baking soda (to protect against chlorine), a 2% solution of lemon or vinegar acids (to protect against ammonia).

If it is impossible to leave the affected area, tightly close doors, windows, ventilation openings and chimneys. Cover any gaps in them with paper. Do not take shelter on the first floors of buildings, in basements and semi-basements.

What to do after a chemical accident:

If you suspect that you are infected with hazardous chemicals, avoid any physical activity, drink plenty of fluids (milk, tea) and consult a doctor immediately.

If you are directly exposed to hazardous substances, take a shower as soon as possible. Remove contaminated clothing and throw it away at a designated disposal site. Carry out a thorough wet cleaning of the room. Refrain from drinking tap (well) water, fruits and vegetables from the garden, meat from livestock and poultry slaughtered after a chemical accident, until an official conclusion about their safety.

How to act if there is a threat of a hydrodynamic accident:

When receiving information about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately leave the danger zone in the prescribed manner to a designated safe area or to elevated areas.

Take with you documents, valuables, essentials and food supplies for 2-3 days. Property that needs to be protected from flooding, but cannot be taken with you, should be moved to the attic or upper floors of the building.

Before leaving home, turn off the electricity and gas, and tightly close windows, doors, ventilation and other openings.

Additional materials for § 10

Analysis of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

During the development of nuclear energy (since 1957), three major accidents occurred at nuclear power plants: in 1957 in the UK (Windscale), in 1979 in the USA (Three Mile Island) and in 1986 in the USSR (Chernobyl ).

On April 26, 1986, at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a reactor explosion occurred with the destruction of its core and intense release into environment radioactive substances for 10 days. As a result, the territories of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, as well as the territories of the Baltic countries and a number of other European countries, were exposed to radioactive contamination.

As a result of the explosion at the station, 2 people died, 145 people from the station workers, firefighters and other liquidators received radiation doses from 100 to 1600 rem. 27 of them died soon after. Radionuclides released from the reactor created near it and within 30<километровой зоны большие уровни радиации, жители из этих

areas were evacuated. Later, areas where the total radiation dose received by the population by the first year after the accident could exceed 10 rem were added to this evacuation zone.

It should be noted that the greatest threat to the health of the non-evacuated population was contamination of the air and soil with radioactive iodine. Once inside, it was actively captured from the thyroid blood

gland, leading to local exposure to doses of more than 300 rem.

Due to the indecisiveness and incompetence of local government leaders, the decision to carry out iodine prophylaxis was made very late - on May 6, 1986. As a result, thousands of people received large doses of radiation (more than 300 rem) to the thyroid gland.

§ 9. Emergency situations of man-made

nature, reasons for their occurrence and

possible consequences

A man-made emergency is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident or a dangerous man-made incident that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of living conditions.

An accident is an emergency event of a man-made nature, consisting of damage, failure, or destruction of a technical device or structure during its operation.

A disaster is an accident that results in human casualties.

Emergency situations of a man-made nature arise in the process of human production activity.

As a result of this activity in the technosphere, various dangerous phenomena of a man-made nature (accidents and disasters) arise, which are the cause of emergencies of a man-made nature.

Currently, the danger of the technosphere to the population and the environment is determined by the presence in industry and energy of a large number of radiation, chemical, fire and explosive industries and technologies.

There are a large number of economic facilities, industrial accidents at which can lead to man-made emergencies. Such objects include: radiation hazardous objects, chemically hazardous objects, explosion and fire hazardous objects, gas and oil pipelines, transport, hydraulic structures, public utilities.

Emergency situations of a man-made nature (the most typical) according to the place of their occurrence can be divided into:

radiation arising as a result of an accident at a radiation hazardous facility (a radiation hazardous facility is an object where radioactive substances are stored, processed or transported, in the event of an accident at which people may be exposed to ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination of the environment);

chemical arising as a result of an accident at a chemically hazardous facility (a chemically hazardous facility is an enterprise or organization where hazardous chemicals are stored, processed, used or transported and, in the event of an accident, loss of life or chemical pollution of the environment may occur);

fires and explosions at an explosive and fire hazardous facility(explosive and fire hazardous object- this is an enterprise in the course of whose activities flammable flammable liquids, solid combustible substances and materials capable of burning when interacting with water, air oxygen and with each other are produced, stored, transported, and disposed of in quantities sufficient to create a threat to life and health when ignited people, as well as a threat to environmental safety in the area adjacent to the facility).

Accidents at such enterprises lead to serious consequences.

hydrodynamic arising from an accident on hydrodynamically hazardous objects*. Hydraulic structures are usually located within or above large populated areas. Since many hydraulic structures are in disrepair (they have been in operation without reconstruction for more than 50 years), they are objects of increased risk;

transport arising from transport accidents. Depending on the type of transport in which the accident occurred, a distinction is made between railway, road, aviation and sea accidents). Transport is a source of danger not only for its passengers, but also for the population living in the areas of transport highways, since large quantities of flammable, chemical, radioactive, explosive and other substances are transported along them.

Unstable operation of facilities poses a certain threat to the population housing and communal services (housing and communal services). More than 120 major accidents occur annually at these facilities, the material damage from them amounts to tens of billions of rubles. In recent years, every second accident occurred in heating networks and facilities, every fifth - in water supply and sewerage networks.

* Hydrodynamically dangerous object < это гидротехническое сооружение, при

the destruction of which may lead to the formation of a hydrodynamic accident with waves

breakthrough and flooding of large areas. Serious danger to the population,

technosphere and natural environment are represented by accidents of such hydraulic structures,

such as: dams, hydropower buildings, spillways, water outlets and outlets

structures, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, shipping locks, ship lifts, etc.)


1) With the development of the technosphere, man-made disasters have invaded human life - emergency situations of a man-made nature (accidents and catastrophes at economic facilities).

2) Analysis of man-made hazards and their causes allows us to conclude that main causes of man-made accidents and disasters due to: the increasing complexity of production using both new technologies that require high energy concentrations and substances hazardous to human life that have a significant impact on the environment; imperfection and obsolescence of production technologies; human factor, expressed in violations of production technologies and labor discipline.


1. What major transport disasters resulting in human casualties have occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation in recent years?

2. What factors determine the danger of the technosphere for the population and the environment?

3. What consequences can accidents in the technosphere have for the safety of human life?

4. How, in your opinion, can we reduce the negative impact of the human factor on ensuring safety in transport situations?


1. Find in the media and on the Internet and give examples of man-made emergencies that took place in the region where you live.

2. Make a list of the main measures that were taken to protect the population under what conditions?<то одной техногенной чрезвычайной ситуации в вашем регионе.

transport safety extreme harmful

Accident - this is damage to a machine, machine, equipment, building, structure. An industrial accident is a sudden stop of work or disruption of the established production process at industrial enterprises, transport, etc., which leads to damage or destruction of material assets, injury or death of people.

Catastrophe - this is a major accident with large casualties, i.e. an event with very tragic consequences.

The main criterion for distinguishing between accidents and disasters is the severity of the consequences and the presence of human casualties. As a rule, major accidents and disasters result in fires and explosions, which result in the destruction of industrial and residential buildings and damage to machinery and equipment. In some cases, they cause atmospheric pollution, spills of oil products, as well as aggressive liquids and hazardous chemicals. The causes of industrial accidents and disasters can be natural disasters, defects made during the design or construction of structures and installation of technical systems, violations of production technology, rules of operation of transport, equipment, machines, mechanisms. The most common causes of accidents and disasters at facilities are violations of the production process and safety regulations.

Motor transport accidents (RTA). The causes of road accidents can be very different. This is, first of all, violation of traffic rules, technical malfunction of vehicles, excessive speed, insufficient training of persons driving transport, their poor reaction, etc. Often the cause of accidents and catastrophes is the driving of vehicles by persons in a state of intoxication. Serious road accidents are caused by failure to comply with the rules for transporting dangerous goods and failure to comply with the necessary safety requirements.

Everyone remembers the incident that occurred in 1994 in Moscow on Dmitrovskoye Highway, when a fuel tanker crashed into a standing trolleybus. Gasoline spilled onto the pavement and a fire broke out. Horror gripped the people. Many jumped out of the trolleybus and ran like burning torches. Others burned in this place on the spot. Passengers, innocent people, died. And it’s all due to negligence and neglect of basic rules.

Another cause of road accidents is the poor condition of roads. Sometimes on the roadway you can see open hatches, unfenced and unlit areas of repair work, and the absence of danger signs. All this together leads to huge losses.

In Moscow alone, up to 80 children die on the roads every year, that’s three full classes. 1000 people are injured - an entire educational institution. In Russia, up to 40 thousand people die every year under the wheels of cars and in road accidents. This is almost three times more than during the nine years of war in Afghanistan.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 100 thousand people die and more than 200 thousand are seriously injured every year as a result of road traffic accidents in Western Europe.

In case of a car accident, the main thing is to provide first aid to the victims in a timely manner. And this should be done no later than 20-30 minutes. Otherwise it will be too late.

What to do? Every driver of a passing car, every pedestrian is obliged to immediately take all possible measures to save people and provide them with the very first medical aid, especially to stop bleeding. Traffic police (GAI) and emergency medical technical assistance are called to the scene of the incident. The crash site is fenced off with warning signs.

After providing first aid, the victims are taken to the nearest medical institutions.

To eliminate the consequences of accidents with vehicles transporting chemically hazardous, explosive, poisonous, radioactive substances, specialized non-military civil defense units and fire service forces are involved.

Railway accidents. The main causes of accidents and disasters are malfunctions of rolling stock tracks, signaling and blocking equipment, dispatcher errors, inattention and negligence of drivers.

Most often, rolling stock derails, collisions, collisions with obstacles at crossings, fires and explosions directly in the cars. Erosion of railway tracks, landslides, and floods cannot be ruled out. When transporting dangerous goods, such as gases, flammable, explosive, caustic, toxic and radioactive substances, explosions and fires of tanks and other cars occur.

Eliminating such accidents is quite difficult.

Let's remember Arzamas. In June 1988, three carriages containing industrial explosives exploded 300 meters from the station. Destroyed: locomotive, 11 cars, 250 m railway. tracks, the station and 185 nearby buildings were destroyed. After the explosion, a crater 26 m deep and 53 m in diameter was formed.

Exactly a year later, in June, a terrible train accident occurred in Bashkortostan. 350 m of the track was destroyed. The blast wave threw 11 cars off the track, 7 of which were completely burned.

In October 1988, at the Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochnaya station, during shunting operations, an explosion occurred in two cars with dangerous goods. The explosion killed 4 people, 87 were hospitalized, and more than 600 families were left homeless.

Unfortunately, the number of accidents in railway transport is not decreasing. Every year up to 3 thousand people die, property is destroyed, and the country suffers enormous damage.

Air transport accidents. In aviation accidents, the aircraft is destroyed to varying degrees; in disasters, there are casualties. And quite a lot of them happen. Thus, in 1994, approximately 400 people died as a result of almost 20 plane crashes in Russia.

Serious consequences result from the destruction of individual aircraft structures, engine failure, disruption of management systems, power supply, communications, piloting, lack of fuel, and interruptions in life support for the crew and passengers. Today, perhaps the most dangerous and common tragedy on board an aircraft is fire and explosion.

Rescue and emergency operations can be divided into two types: the first - carried out by crew members, the second - organized by ground services. The crew usually does not have enough time to take action. Everything happens extremely quickly. The crew issues a distress signal and lands at the nearest airport. Just before boarding, all entrance doors and hatches are opened, and passages to them are cleared. As soon as the plane stops, an immediate evacuation of people to a safe distance is organized.

The victims are immediately provided with first aid. All work is supervised by the ship's commander. His orders are binding on both the crew and all passengers.

Water transport accidents. Most major accidents and disasters on ships occur under the influence of hurricanes, storms, fog, ice, as well as through the fault of people: captains, pilots and crew members. Many accidents occur due to mistakes and errors in the design and construction of ships. Half of them are the result of inept operation. For example, there are frequent collisions and capsizes of ships, groundings, explosions and fires on board, improper placement of cargo and poor securing of cargo.

All crew members are involved in the work of eliminating the consequences of accidents, disasters and rescuing drowning people; if necessary, the captain can contact other persons on the ship. The general management of all work is carried out by the captain, as the head of the civil defense. Main tasks: rescuing people in distress, fighting for the survivability of the ship, eliminating fires and holes.

The crash of a Boeing 737 in Perm was the first major plane crash in the Russian Federation over the past year and a half; 2006 was a “black” year for the country.

Moscow. September 14. website - The Boeing 737 crash in Perm was the first major disaster in the Russian Federation over the past year and a half. The last such serious incident was the crash of a Tu-134A of UTair airlines on March 17, 2007, flying on the Surgut-Samara-Belgorod route. The airliner made a hard landing, caught the runway with its wing and broke into two parts. There were 50 passengers and 7 crew members on board. As a result of the disaster, 6 passengers died at the scene and 29 people were injured.

A year earlier - in 2006, with an interval of just a month, two accidents occurred - with the A310 aircraft of the Siberia Airlines and the Tu-154 Pulkovo (currently State Transport Company Rossiya). In particular, on July 9, 2006, while landing at the Irkutsk airport, the A-310 "Sibir" crashed on flight 778 on the Moscow-Irkutsk route. Of the 203 people, including 8 crew members, 79 people were saved, 124 people died.

A month later, a Tu-154 plane of Pulkovo Airlines, flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg, crashed on August 22, 2006, 45 km north of Donetsk. There were 160 passengers and 10 crew members on board the plane. They all died.

The previous Boeing crash occurred on August 24 in Kyrgyzstan. It led to the death of 65 people, 25 passengers and crew members managed to survive.

In total, 139 Boeing aircraft were lost as a result of air crashes. A total of 3,745 people died. The largest Boeing 737 disaster in terms of the number of victims was the crash of the airliner on September 29, 2006 in Brazil, which claimed the lives of 154 people.

In its annual report, the IAC reported that in 2007 Russia became the absolute leader in the number of aviation accidents among the CIS countries.

Last year, 45 air accidents occurred in civil aviation in the countries participating in the civil aviation agreement (CIS states), in which 103 people died. About half of them occurred in the Russian Federation, where more than half of them were registered in 2007 (23 incidents), including 13 disasters.

92 people died in plane crashes last year - 41 of them died in Russian crashes. However, compared to the previous year, when 465 people died in the CIS countries (of which Russia accounted for 317 people), the number of victims has decreased significantly.

The cause of the largest number of incidents was the so-called “human factor” - errors and violations of the flight crew and personnel of services providing flights.

Meanwhile, the IAC noted that of the total number of air accidents, about 44% are accidents involving light and ultra-light aircraft, airplanes and helicopters.

Illustration copyright RIA Novosti Image caption The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station claimed the lives of 75 people

Among the largest man-made disasters in the modern history of Russia are accidents in mines and power plants, the loss of aircraft and ships, fires and collapses of building roofs.

December 2, 1997 - methane explosion at the Zyryanovskaya mine

A methane explosion at the Zyryanovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region killed 67 people. It was reported that the accident occurred during a shift change at the mining face. The main reason was identified as the human factor: the combine operator crushed the miner's self-rescuer (personal protective equipment against toxic combustion products), which provoked an explosion of methane gas that suddenly appeared in the face, followed by an explosion of coal dust.

A week before the explosion, a gas outbreak occurred at the mine, resulting in burns to five workers. However, the operation of the mine was not stopped. Experts note that none of the mine’s management was punished as a result of the investigation. Over the next ten years, the accident in Novokuznetsk remained the largest disaster in Kuzbass.

August 12, 2000 - the death of the nuclear submarine "Kursk"

During naval exercises of the Russian fleet in the Barents Sea, the K-141 Kursk nuclear submarine with cruise missiles sank. According to the official version, a torpedo explosion occurred on the submarine, which was launched in May 1994, due to leakage of fuel components. The fire that broke out two minutes after the first explosion resulted in the detonation of the torpedoes located in the first compartment of the boat.

The second explosion led to even more significant destruction. As a result, all 118 crew members were killed. As a result of the submarine recovery operation, completed a year later, 115 bodies of dead sailors were found and buried. "Kursk" was considered the best submarine of the Northern Fleet. Among other versions of the death of the Kursk, it was argued that it could have been torpedoed by an American submarine.

July 4, 2001 - Tu-154 plane crash in Irkutsk

The Vladivostok Air plane, flying on the Yekaterinburg-Irkutsk route, crashed during landing. As a result of the tragedy, 144 people died. In the conclusion of the state commission, the cause of the disaster was identified as the erroneous actions of the crew. During the landing maneuver, speed was lost, after which the commander lost the ability to control the aircraft

Five years later, on July 9, 2006, while landing at the same Irkutsk airport, a Siberia Airlines plane failed to stop on the runway, rolled off the runway and crashed into a garage complex. The investigation determined that the aircraft had engine problems due to crew error. Of the 203 people on board, 124 died.

November 24, 2003 - fire in the RUDN University dormitory

A fire broke out in one of the dormitory buildings of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia at night, when most of the students were sleeping. The fire started in a room that was empty at the time of the fire. The fire spread to four floors. Students and university employees jumped out of windows on these floors and were seriously injured, some falling to their deaths. The fire claimed the lives of 44 people, mostly foreign students, and about 180 people were hospitalized with burns and injuries. The court found six people guilty of the fire, including the vice-rector for administrative and economic activities of the university and the chief engineer of the university, as well as the inspector of the State Fire Inspectorate of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, who received the most severe punishment - two years of imprisonment in a penal colony.

February 14, 2004 - roof collapse of the Transvaal water park

As a result of the collapse of the roof of a sports and entertainment complex in the south-west of Moscow, 28 people were killed, including eight children, and about 200 more people suffered injuries of varying severity. At the time of the accident, in the water park, which opened in June 2002, there were, according to various sources, from 400 to a thousand people, many of whom were celebrating Valentine's Day.

Among the main versions of the collapse that were considered by the investigation were violations in the design and construction of the building, as well as its improper operation. The capital's prosecutor's office concluded that the chief designer of the water park project, Nodar Kancheli, was guilty, but then dropped the criminal case due to an amnesty.

February 23, 2006 - roof collapse of the Basmanny market

Illustration copyright AFP Image caption The collapse of the market roof, according to the commission, was the result of improper operation

Early in the morning in Moscow, the roof of the Basmanny Market, covering an area of ​​approximately 2,000 square meters, collapsed. meters. A total of 66 people were killed, and dozens of people were pulled out of the wreckage alive. Two months after the disaster, a Moscow government commission made a decision that what happened was a consequence of systematic improper operation of the building throughout its entire service life.

The designer of the market's floors was Nodar Kancheli, the designer of Transvaal Park, whose roof collapsed two years earlier. The commission established that the market roof collapsed due to the break of one of the cable cables on which it was supported. And the break itself was the result of several reasons, including corrosion of the cable and unscheduled reconstruction of the building.

March 19, 2007 - methane explosion at the Ulyanovskaya mine

The accident at the Ulyanovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region claimed the lives of 110 people. It was possible to save 93 miners. The Russian Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision announced that there were “gross violations of safety rules” at the Ulyanovskaya mine.

The regional governor, Aman Tuleyev, said that on the day of the accident, equipment was being installed at the mine to detect and localize gas leaks. Almost the entire mine management went underground to check the operation of the system and died in the explosion. Three years later, the investigative committee at the prosecutor's office, after conducting an additional investigation, opened another criminal case into the accident at Ulyanovskaya. Accidents with so many victims had never happened before in the mines of the USSR and Russia.

September 14, 2008 - Boeing 737 plane crash in Perm

An Aeroflot-Nord plane, flying on the Moscow-Perm route, crashed during landing. As a result of the collision with the ground, all people on board died - 88 people, including 7 children. Among the dead was the presidential adviser, hero of Russia, Colonel General Gennady Troshev.

This accident was the first for a Boeing 737 aircraft in Russia. The systemic cause of the incident was called “the insufficient level of organization of flight and technical operation of Boeing 737 aircraft at the airline.” In addition, according to the results of a forensic examination, it was established that there was ethyl alcohol in the ship’s commander’s body before his death.

August 17, 2009 - accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station

The largest hydroelectric power station in Russia and the sixth in the world, Sayano-Shushenskaya, was stopped on August 17 when water rushed into the turbine hall. Three of the ten hydroelectric generating units were completely destroyed, and all the others were damaged.

Rehabilitation work on the hydroelectric power station on the Yenisei River is expected to take several years and, in the best case, will be completed in 2014. The largest accident in the history of Russian and Soviet hydropower engineering led to the death of 75 people. The Russian State Duma commission, which investigated the causes of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, named the names of about 20 station workers who, in its opinion, were involved in the tragedy.

The deputies recommended dismissing, among others, the general director of the hydroelectric power station, Nikolai Nevolko, and the chief engineer, Andrei Mitrofanov. In December 2010, the former director of the hydroelectric power station, Nevolko, was charged with “violation of safety regulations and other labor protection rules, resulting in the death of two or more persons.”

December 5, 2009 - fire at the Lame Horse club

Illustration copyright AP Image caption Most of the visitors to the Perm nightclub were unable to get outside

The largest fire in terms of the number of victims in the history of post-Soviet Russia occurred in the Perm nightclub "Lame Horse". According to investigators, it began during a pyrotechnics show, when sparks hit the ceiling, made of dry wooden rods, and caused a fire. A crush immediately began in the club, due to which not everyone managed to get out of the cramped room.

The fire at Lame Horse resulted in the death of 156 people, and several dozen people received varying degrees of burns. In connection with the incident, a number of officials and fire officials were fired, and the government of the Perm region resigned in its entirety. In June 2011, Spanish law enforcement agencies extradited Konstantin Mrykhin, whom investigators call the co-founder of the club, to their Russian colleagues. Besides him, eight other people are involved in the case.

May 9, 2010 - accident at the Raspadskaya mine

At one of the largest coal mines in the world, located in the Kemerovo region, two methane explosions occurred within a few hours of each other, resulting in the death of 91 people. In total, about 360 miners were trapped underground; most of the miners were rescued.

In December 2010, 15 people who were in the mine at the time of the accident and were listed as missing were declared dead by a court decision. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that Rostekhnadzor authorities have repeatedly made complaints about the condition of equipment at Raspadskaya, but the mine management did not respond to them in any way.

Mine director Igor Volkov, who was charged with violating safety rules, resigned. The management of Raspadskaya estimated its damage at 8.6 billion rubles.

July 10, 2011 - the death of the motor ship "Bulgaria" on the Volga

The double-deck diesel-electric ship "Bulgaria", which was sailing from the city of Bolgar to Kazan, sank three kilometers from the coast. One of the factors that allegedly led to the disaster is the ship's overload. According to some information, after the alteration, the ship was designed to carry 140 passengers. However, many more tickets for the river cruise on July 10 were sold. A quarter of those on board were children.

By the morning of July 14, the bodies of 105 people killed in the crash had been discovered, the fate of another 24 remains unknown. 79 passengers and crew members were saved. In connection with the death of the "Bulgaria", the Vasilyevsky Court of Kazan has already arrested two people who are suspected of "providing services that do not meet safety requirements" - Svetlana Inyakina, general director of the company "ArgoRechTour", which was a subtenant of the motor ship "Bulgaria", and Yakov Ivashov, senior expert of the Kama branch of the Russian River Register.