Minced schnitzel - delicious, simple and original recipes for every day. Schnitzel cooking recipes with photos

What to cook with meat - recipes

pork schnitzel recipe

25 minutes

300 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Schnitzel came to us from Austrian cuisine. Its name comes from from German "schnitzen", which means “cut,” or “chips.” This accurately characterizes the dish itself, which is a thin layer of breaded meat fried in hot oil. It is thanks to this that it remains tender and juicy.

Despite its large size, the schnitzel is eaten completely. It rightfully occupies one of the first items on the restaurant menu, since just the sight of the golden crust and the emanating aroma make your mouth water. And yet, it is very easy to make in a regular home kitchen.

Traditional schnitzel is made from veal. But I always take pork for him, as it is more tender. I want to tell you how to cook pork schnitzel in a frying pan. And also how to make less calorie pork schnitzel in the oven.

Pork schnitzel

Kitchenware: frying pan, cling film, kitchen hammer, cutting board, three deep plates.


How to fry pork schnitzel in a frying pan

  1. Take the meat and cut it crosswise into portions approximately 1 cm thick. To make this easier, keep it in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes. The flesh will become denser and easier to hold and cut.
  2. We place each piece between two pieces of film or in a plastic bag. This is done so as not to lose juice and not to splash yourself and everything around with it when beating.
  3. One by one, beat the meat with a kitchen hammer as thinly as possible. It should almost double in size. You also don’t need to be too zealous so as not to break it. And there is no need to bring it to a transparent state.
  4. Season each piece with salt and pepper. If you are preparing meat for future use and do not plan to fry it right away, then it is better to salt it before starting cooking.
  5. We take three deep plates. Pour flour into one, crackers into another, and beat an egg into the third. If desired, mix flour with spices: curry, paprika, etc.
  6. Heat the frying pan well and pour oil into it. The hotter the oil is, the faster the crust will set on the meat. This will keep it juicy and soft inside. Just don’t let the oil get to the point where it starts smoking.
  7. Now, first roll each piece of meat in flour on both sides.
  8. Then dip it in the egg.
  9. After this, bread it in breadcrumbs.
  10. Fry on each side for no more than 3-4 minutes and transfer to a paper towel. It will absorb excess fat.
  11. Serve with vegetables, rice or mashed potatoes. And those who are not afraid of gastronomic experiments can try schnitzel with sweet and sour lingonberry jam.

It is prepared in the same way.

How to cook pork schnitzel in the oven

The same amount of time will be needed for preparation.

Video recipe for schnitzel in a frying pan

I suggest watching the video recipe for cooking pork schnitzel in a frying pan. From it you will learn how to make the dish tasty and tender, as well as how long to fry pork schnitzel.

No matter what they tell us about the dangers of pork, we ate it, we eat it and we will continue to eat it. And today we’ll pay attention to a very tasty meat dish; I’ll tell you how to cook pork schnitzel in a frying pan. A juicy, well-cut piece of meat often becomes a table decoration for a holiday lunch and is perfect for a family dinner. Sometimes you want to pamper yourself, so let's not refuse pleasure.

What is real schnitzel? This is a thin layer of meat, breaded and quickly fried in a frying pan or in the oven.

The history of schnitzel begins in Austria. Initially, schnitzel was made from veal. The classic schnitzel is a thin piece of tenderloin, breaded in raw egg and crumbs of white bread or buns, and fried in a hot frying pan. A high-calorie and filling dish, for which it received the nickname “Men’s Lunch”.

How to cook pork schnitzel in a frying pan

If this is your first time deciding to cook delicious dish, then I will tell you how to cook pork schnitzel and teach you some subtleties.

Today, schnitzel is prepared from various types of meat and poultry: chicken, turkey, beef, lamb and pork. Pork is most common in our country; in others the name has a broader concept.

A distinctive feature of the dish is that the piece of meat is large, about the size of a palm, but thanks to the fact that we beat it well, it will fry quickly, and due to the breading it will remain juicy.

Of course, special attention is paid to breading the meat, since schnitzel without breading is no longer schnitzel! Eggs and breadcrumbs are traditionally used as breading; more inventive housewives have come up with the idea of ​​using them in breading. various types spices, cheeses and even vegetables.

To prepare a pork dish, you need to choose the right meat - the main ingredient, and the rules of preparation and frying also require some clarification, so a little more detail:

  • Culinary professionals recommend choosing pieces from the back of the animal’s leg or its upper part. To prepare, cut a suitable piece of meat against the grain (note), if possible into rectangular pieces.
  • If you can’t make rectangles from the tenderloin, that’s okay, you’ll get your own, original take on schnitzel.
  • The pieces of meat should not be too thick, no thicker than one and a half centimeters, so that the cooking time does not increase and our schnitzel is well fried.
  • You can cut off a piece of meat. Housewives act differently. Some people recommend beating the schnitzel, others don’t. You can try both options and choose the one you prefer. We decided not to beat it - so that it does not shrink during the frying process, we need to make notches along the entire surface of the piece with a knife.
  • The thickness of the piece after beating should not exceed 4 - 6 mm. - this is aerobatics, this is how the famous Wiener schnitzel is fried. But in any case, try not to make the workpiece too thick. Cut the cut piece of meat a little around the edges and add salt.
  • While frying, lift the pan from time to time and shake it so that the oil constantly covers the surface of the meat and the schnitzel does not dry out - the piece will turn out juicy.
  • There are options for preparing schnitzel from minced meat and minced meat. In order to prepare minced schnitzel, the meat is ground into minced meat and formed into balls. If you cut the tenderloin into small pieces with a knife, you get chopped schnitzel. The main thing is that you get a flat piece of meat, oblong in shape and large in size.

How many minutes does it take to fry a schnitzel?

In well-heated oil, the schnitzel is fried for 2 - 3 minutes on each side (no longer than 5 minutes).

Classic pork schnitzel

Well, I’ve armed you with tips, now let’s fry a delicious and juicy schnitzel in a frying pan. I offer three recipes, and each is good in its own way. The first recipe is a classic one, made from a whole piece of breaded meat.

We will need:

  • Pork loin - 650 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Breadcrumbs - 12 gr.
  • Ground black pepper, ground paprika, salt - everything to taste
  • Wheat flour - 80 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 140 gr.
  • Lemon

Preparation of schnitzel:

  1. At the first stage, we first prepare the meat: cut it into layers of about one and a half centimeters and beat it with a culinary hammer. To avoid staining the surrounding area during the beating process, wrap the beating schnitzel in cling film.
  2. Then mix the flour with salt, pepper and paprika - in a separate plate. Beat the eggs - another small bowl. To make the schnitzel more tender, beat the eggs with a little milk. Pour into a flat plate breadcrumbs- third plate.
  3. Next, we proceed as follows: roll the schnitzel in a mixture of flour, pepper and salt, then dip it in beaten eggs and immediately bread it with breadcrumbs.
  4. We send the securely breaded meat to fry in a frying pan, having first warmed up the oil in it well.
  5. The schnitzel is fried in boiling oil for 2 - 3 minutes until nicely browned on each side.
  6. Served schnitzel with a slice of lemon. You can serve a vegetable salad or sliced ​​fresh vegetables as a side dish.

Schnitzel in a frying pan with cheese - recipe

To prepare schnitzel with cheese breading, we will take:

  • Pork tenderloin - 600 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 120 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Pepper mixture, ground - to taste
  • Salt.
  • Butter and vegetable oil - take 50 grams each. everyone.
  • Breadcrumbs.

Fry pork schnitzel according to this recipe:

  1. Prepare the meat: cut across the grain into 1.5 centimeter slices and lightly beat. Rub the chopped pieces with a mixture of peppers and salt, and set aside for 10-15 minutes.
  2. While the schnitzels are marinating, prepare the ingredients for breading: pour flour and breadcrumbs onto different plates, grate the cheese on a fine grater, and beat the eggs.
  3. After 10 - 15 minutes, heat a mixture of vegetable and butter in a frying pan with a thick bottom. First roll the schnitzels in flour, then in beaten eggs, then in cheese and finally in breadcrumbs. Then place it on a mixture of oils heated to a boil.
  4. Now fry the pieces of meat over medium heat until browned. We cover a flat plate with paper towels and place the finished schnitzel on it to get rid of excess oil; it will drain onto the napkin in just a couple of minutes, and the schnitzel will not have time to cool down.

Schnitzel chopped pork in a frying pan

The following recipe for juicy pork schnitzel may be your favorite.

To prepare chopped schnitzel you need to take:

  • Pork pulp - 700 gr.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Spices for meat - take to taste.
  • Salt.
  • Breadcrumbs - 160 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 100 gr.

How to cook schnitzel according to this recipe:

  1. Wash the pork fillet and dry it with paper towels. Then remove the films and remove the wires. Then cut the meat into small pieces and place in a deep bowl.
  2. Add 1 egg, spices and salt to the chopped meat. Mix and form schnitzels into oblong shapes. If you are not a fan of spices, add just ground black pepper and nothing else (my version, I don’t like it).
  3. Beat the remaining 2 eggs and pour the crackers into a separate plate. The preparatory work is completed.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and, dip in flour and roll in breadcrumbs, place in the pan. Chopped schnitzels need to be fried a little longer, the time depends on the thickness of the schnitzel. Approximately 3 - 7 minutes on both sides.

I hope my recipes are enough to cook pork schnitzel in a frying pan. But if you are interested, then watch the video - another frying option. Be healthy! With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Schnitzel– an exquisite meat dish, tasty and beautifully served, simply cannot but evoke pleasant culinary emotions. A schnitzel recipe can have different components, but its basis is a thin slice of breaded meat, fried in a large amount of fat.

The meat can be pre-pounded so that its area almost doubles. Although this process is completely optional for schnitzel!

If you are a convinced vegetarian, or simply adhere to Lent, then you too can treat yourself to schnitzel. Only in this case, vegetables are used instead of meat - white or savoy cabbage, sweet peppers or asparagus, mushrooms, green peas, potatoes, etc. For a richer taste, add hard cheese or cheese like feta cheese to the vegetables.

How to cook schnitzel. Wiener schnitzel recipe

To understand the basic principles of preparing this dish, let's try to make Wiener schnitzel. To prepare Wiener schnitzel, veal (veal meat up to 5 months old) or young beef (animal age from 5 to 12 months) is traditionally used.

Cooks consider chilled or even slightly frozen fillet or tenderloin meat to be the most “correct” meat for preparing schnitzel. In this state, the meat is cut across the grain into thin pieces - about 0.5 cm. In this case, there is no need to beat it; it will be enough to make small cuts with a knife. This is necessary so that during the frying process the meat does not try to curl up into a tube, but remains smooth.


  • veal – 1 kg;
  • 3-5 chicken eggs (depending on their size);
  • flour and breadcrumbs;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • fat for frying schnitzels.

Cooking recipe:

  1. Wash veal tenderloin or fillet in cold water and dry using paper or linen towels. Cut the meat across the grain into even pieces. Their thickness should be at least 1.5 - 2 cm. The size is approximately the size of a man's palm. If you do not have a thick enough piece of veal, you can increase the area of ​​the future schnitzel by using a butterfly cut. To do this, the already cut piece of meat is cut lengthwise again, without cutting the very edge, and unfolded. A schnitzel recipe with a photo will make the process described above visual and understandable.
  2. Tip: Never cut meat for schnitzel (or other meat dishes) along the grain! This will make it almost chewable. No need to spoil the product!
  3. We continue the process of preparing the schnitzel: to do this, beat the chopped pieces of veal using a kitchen hammer. It doesn't matter what material it's made of. The main thing is to beat the meat without much effort, using the flat side of the hammer (or small teeth). If the meat you have chosen for schnitzel seems a little old to you, then it is better to use the side of the hammer for beating the meat, where the larger cloves are. They will certainly “break” all the parts of the future schnitzel, which are usually difficult to chew.
  4. Tip: To keep your kitchen clean, kitchen utensils and your clothes, when beating meat, use a plastic bag or cling film. Moreover, even if you peel the meat “frantically”, its pieces will not scatter throughout the kitchen. You can rest assured! Even a package that is not particularly strong does not break during this process. But it is not advisable to use garbage bags, because they are not made from cling film!
  5. A piece of meat that has approximately doubled in size from its original size is considered sufficiently chopped.
  6. Lightly add salt to the chopped meat and pepper it to your taste. While the preparations are being salted, we have a few minutes to prepare the breading for the schnitzel.
  7. For this you will need: sifted wheat flour, chicken eggs with salt and pepper, beaten until smooth (the so-called “lezon”), breadcrumbs. Each of these products, for your further convenience, must be placed in a container whose volume is practically no different from the size of the meat prepared for preparing schnitzel (except perhaps slightly larger in size).
  8. We place the containers on the table in this order - flour, beaten eggs, crackers and continue the process. Dip the beaten meat into flour, then add beaten eggs and the final touch is to thoroughly coat the schnitzel in breadcrumbs. Feel free to press them directly into the meat with your hands. The denser the schnitzel is rolled in breadcrumbs, the tastier and more tender the meat will be! And the 3-layer breading itself in boiling fat will turn into an amazingly tasty, golden-crispy crust, which will eliminate the possibility of evaporation of juice from the meat.
  9. Tip: When you beat the eggs, add a couple of tablespoons of milk. Leison with milk makes the Wiener schnitzel more tender.
  10. The process of frying the schnitzel also plays an important role in the final result. Usually the schnitzel is fried in a frying pan about the same size as itself. That is, usually one schnitzel is fried in a frying pan. To fry it, you need to use quite a lot of fat, otherwise the schnitzel in the frying pan will not acquire its amazing color, appearance and will not be fried everywhere at the same time.
  11. The fat used for frying can be vegetable oil, lard or even butter. But the last option is not so reliable: the butter starts to “burn” very quickly in the pan and the meat can end up in overcooked brown flakes. Do you need this? Pure vegetable oil does not produce the desired golden crust: it will take a long time to fry the schnitzel until it forms, and the meat may become overdried. The most ideal deep fat for frying schnitzel can be considered a mixture of vegetable and animal fat, approximately in a proportion of 50 x 50.
  12. The schnitzel photo will tell you that this dish is usually served with a slice of lemon and a sprig of herbs, without a side dish in our usual presentation. But if you want, serve the schnitzel with a side dish of mashed potatoes, rice, pickled vegetables or vegetable salad.

How to cook pork schnitzel

The pork schnitzel recipe differs little from other schnitzel recipes, but from the name it is already clear that this dish is prepared from pork.

Pork schnitzel in a frying pan is prepared similarly to Viennese: the meat is cut across the grain, beaten, salted and peppered to taste. Next, the meat needs to be breaded in flour, bathed in beaten eggs and tightly breaded in breadcrumbs. Fry in a large amount of fat for about 4-6 minutes on each side until an appetizing crust forms.

Pork schnitzel also turns out very tasty. To do this, grease the baking sheet, place the breaded schnitzels and place them in a preheated oven. Temperature – 180-200 degrees, schnitzel in the oven will be ready in 35-40 minutes.

Minced schnitzel

Schnitzel recipe made from minced meat has another name - chopped schnitzel. That is, minced meat is used to prepare it. Experts advise using assorted minced meat, approximately equal parts of pork and beef.


  • minced pork and beef – 0.6 kg;
  • onion 1 pc. (about 150 gr.);
  • white bread or unsweetened roll (preferably without crusts) – 2 slices (100-120 g);
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper;
  • breadcrumbs for breading.

From this amount of products you should get 6 excellent schnitzels.

Cooking recipe:

  1. Soak the bread in water or milk for 10-15 minutes, squeeze and grind through a colander. If you prepare the minced meat yourself rather than purchase it already prepared, grind it when you grind the meat. Grind the onion in a meat grinder or cut into small cubes, add the egg, salt and pepper, mix the minced meat thoroughly.
  2. Tip: to make the minced meat more uniform, it is advisable to mince all the ingredients for the future chopped schnitzel twice.
  3. Divide the finished minced meat into 6 approximately equal parts and beat each of them thoroughly on the table. Chopped schnitzel video demonstrates this process in detail, so I think there will be no problems.
  4. Place a layer of breadcrumbs on a cutting table (or board). Place a portion of beaten minced meat on top. Using a wide knife, form the schnitzel into a round or oval shape and turn it over. The breadcrumbs should be an even layer on both sides of the schnitzel. The process can be repeated twice, while simultaneously shaping the edges of the future dish.
  5. We will cook chopped pork schnitzel in the oven. We heat it up, grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, but its layer should be more generous than in baking.
  6. Using a spatula or wide knife, place the schnitzels on a baking sheet. At a temperature of 180-200 degrees, bake the chopped schnitzel for 10-12 minutes, turn over and continue baking for another 5-7 minutes. You don’t need any longer; the schnitzels will not only decrease in volume, but will also have time to dry. Serve chopped schnitzel with a side dish of mashed potatoes, sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill.

Cabbage schnitzel

Cabbage schnitzel is a very tasty, juicy and appetizing dish, which is not a shame to serve even on a holiday table, and even for an ordinary Lenten dinner - just a godsend.

In addition, cabbage schnitzel is a very budget-friendly dish, quite simple to prepare.

Take a head of cabbage for 1.5 - 2 kg. Remove spoiled and/or dirty leaves. Using a sharp knife, cut out the stalk. Next, the leaves are prepared as for cabbage rolls: water is poured into a fairly large pan and salted. Carefully place a forkful of cabbage into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove the cabbage, remove the boiled leaves into a plate, put them back into the water and repeat the process.

Cut off the thick parts (veins) from the cooled leaves or break them with a hammer to beat the meat.

We fold each prepared sheet into an envelope, dip it in flour, then in eggs beaten with salt, and breaded in breadcrumbs. Fry in a frying pan in a large amount of preheated fat until a beautiful crust appears on both sides.

It is better to remove the schnitzel from the cabbage on paper towels to remove excess fat. When serving, cabbage schnitzel can be decorated with tomato slices or herbs to your taste. Don't forget sour cream or sauce!

If you put a fairly thick (about 1 cm) piece of cheese like feta cheese inside the cabbage envelope, it will be a different, no less tasty and satisfying dish.

Schnitzel, as you have seen, is a dish that can be very different, but always tasty and beautiful. Are you salivating too? Then run to the kitchen, and you already know how to cook schnitzel!

Wiener schnitzel


  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • melted lard (can be with vegetable oil, or just vegetable oil) - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt.


  1. To obtain a high-quality schnitzel, cut the meat across the grain into pieces up to 1 cm thick. We beat it to half the thickness in a plastic bag so that nothing flies to the sides.
  2. Whisk the egg. Dip the meat in flour and salt, then in the egg and breadcrumbs. And fry it.
  3. Serve on a platter with a side dish of: potatoes, rice, lemon, herbs, peas, beans, beets. You can make a side dish and top it with some sauce to taste.
  4. But, if you want to eat just a fried piece of meat without frills, fry the meat on both sides until a beautiful blush appears in a frying pan with lard and vegetable oil in half.

Schnitzel in Russian


  • meat (veal, beef) - 750 g,
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • melted lard or vegetable oil - for frying, and the latter for deboning.

For the sauce:

  • tomatoes - 500 gr,
  • butter, flour, sugar - 1 teaspoon each,
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves or bay leaf - to taste,
  • salt.


  1. Cut the meat into finger-thick slices. We cut off the tendons and film, if any. We beat each piece almost until the fibers break. We make cuts along the edges of each piece so that the meat does not shrink when frying.
  2. Salt the pieces, grease them with vegetable oil, roll them in flour and fry them in a large amount of oil or lard.
  3. Place the fried schnitzels in a saucepan or cauldron in several layers.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into pieces, cook a little, rub through a sieve, add all the remaining ingredients and cook until thickened.
  5. Pour sauces prepared at home over the schnitzels shortly (half an hour) before serving so as not to become too soaked. Heat in the oven or on the stove, covering the pan with a lid. Read more:

Vegetable schnitzel


  • potatoes - 4 pcs,
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • parsley, root - 1 piece,
  • white cabbage - 1/4 fork without stalk,
  • a handful of green beans,
  • egg - 2 pcs,
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • grated cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • breadcrumbs,
  • vegetable oil (or melted lard) for frying.


  1. Boil peeled carrots, parsley, potatoes and bean pods in salted water until tender. We cut the cabbage into leaves and blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then in a sieve. Let the water drain.
  2. We chop all this not too finely. Mix separately a spoonful of flour with eggs, add vegetables, grated cheese and, if necessary, salt.
  3. Taking the mixture with a spoon, cut it with floured hands and make balls. Pour crackers onto a board (you can do without crackers), place balls on it and shape it into a schnitzel. Fry and serve with red fish salad, and maybe chicken.

Many people mistakenly believe that schnitzel is a large flat cutlet made from minced meat minced or twisted in a meat grinder.

Let's try to figure out what real schnitzel is and how to fry pork schnitzel in a frying pan correctly, so that it turns out soft and juicy. There are many recipes for chop meat: beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, but today we will cook a classic, and beloved by many - pork schnitzel.

This dish originates from Austria and means “thinly sliced” in German. Essentially, it is a type of chop that is coated in egg, breadcrumbs and deep-fried until crispy.

Pork schnitzel: recipe in a frying pan


  • — 500-600 g + -
  • — 150 g + -
  • — 2 pcs + -
  • — 50 g + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • Breadcrumbs— 100 g + -
  • - to taste + -

How to make pork schnitzel in a frying pan

  1. Wash and dry the pork meat. It is best to use tenderloin for schnitzel, but you can also use ham, loin or lean neck.
  2. We cut the pulp across the fibers into thin wide layers (1-1.5 cm) - approximately the size of a man’s palm.
  3. Place the pieces of pork on a damp board, cover with cling film and beat thoroughly. To prevent the chops from sticking to the board, lightly moisten it with water.
  4. Salt and pepper the meat to taste.
  5. Prepare the lezon for schnitzel: break the eggs into a small container, add cream, a pinch of salt and beat well.
  6. We take two large flat plates - pour flour on one, crackers on the other. Dip the meat in flour, then dip it into the lezon and bread it in breadcrumbs.
  7. Pour enough vegetable oil into a heated frying pan, since bread crumbs absorb fat.
  8. Place schnitzels in boiling oil and fry on both sides until cooked. Place the finished meat on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

In the process of preparing fried meat, a logical question arises: how long to fry pork schnitzel in a frying pan? This depends, first of all, on the thickness of the chopped meat, as well as the strength of the fire (stove temperature).

Well-beaten meat half a centimeter thick will fry over medium heat in 5-7 minutes on both sides. If you fry longer, the schnitzel may burn and become dry and tough.

A triple layer of breading creates a dense shell that preserves the juiciness and unique taste of the meat. The result is a delicious, juicy schnitzel on the inside with a golden brown, crispy crust on the outside. If you add a teaspoon of curry to the breadcrumbs, it will be even tastier!

When finished, the schnitzel should be the size of the entire plate. Schnitzel looks very noble with a slice of lemon and sliced ​​fresh vegetables.

How to cook garlic and onion schnitzel

This variation classic recipe It differs in that before breading we brush the pork chops with a mixture of garlic and onion.

To prepare the garlic and onion mass we will need:


  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to fry pork schnitzel with garlic

  1. Peel the onion and garlic, chop, add salt and mix well.
  2. Rub the resulting fragrant mass into the pork pulp.
  3. Further steps follow the already known algorithm.

Pork schnitzel in a frying pan with cheese

This recipe will be appreciated by real gourmets. To do this, at the breading stage, dip our broken pieces in grated cheese. The breading process will consist of four stages:

  • Dip the meat in flour.
  • Dip the pieces into a leison made from eggs and cream.
  • Dip chops in grated cheese.
  • Breaded in breadcrumbs.

Pork schnitzel is a completely self-sufficient dish. Therefore, it can be served separately - without a side dish, or in a harmonious ensemble with vegetables, potatoes or buckwheat.

Pork chops in the oven “Schnitzel-drizel”, video recipe

In the video you will see how to cook tender and juicy pork chops in the oven. All the secrets of juiciness and roasting have been revealed!

Schnitzel is a thin slice of meat fried in batter or breading. If cooked correctly, it will be juicy on the inside and have a crispy golden crust on the outside. We will share with you recipes for delicious pork schnitzel.

Pork schnitzel with soft cheese and smoked brisket

Boneless pork loin is ideal for pork schnitzel. It is easy to slice and contains no unnecessary fat. Here are the products we need for this recipe:

  • pork loin – 300 g;
  • suluguni cheese – 50 g;
  • smoked brisket or ham – 50 g;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • turmeric – a pinch;
  • curry – 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

Pork schnitzel with soft cheese and brisket is prepared in this way:

  • Cut suluguni cheese and smoked brisket into very thin slices.
  • We also cut the pork loin into slices, but thicker, about 2-3 cm thick. We cut each of the pieces again, but not all the way, making something like a pop-up book.
  • Rub the meat with salt and black pepper.
  • Place cheese and brisket on half of each loin slice and close the “little book.”
  • Pour the flour into a plate, beat the egg, add a little salt, mix the crackers with salt, curry and turmeric.
  • Heat the vegetable oil. We bread the schnitzels one by one in flour, then dip them in the egg and then dip them in breadcrumbs.
  • Fry the schnitzels over high heat until the breading becomes crispy.

Pork schnitzels with minced meat

According to this recipe, we will not fry the schnitzels, but bake them in the oven, adding a sauce of wine and cream. Here are the products we need for the dish:

  • pork loin slices – 6 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • cream – 150 ml;
  • minced meat – 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • white wine – 130 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

Pork schnitzels under a fur coat of minced meat are made like this:

  • We beat the meat slices a little, but not too much. Rub some salt and pepper into them. Grease the pan in which we will bake with oil and place the schnitzels in it.
  • Finely chop the onion, chop the parsley, mix with the minced meat. We also add chicken eggs and crackers, salt and pepper to the minced meat.
  • We spread the minced meat into a fur coat onto each of the schnitzels.
  • Pour the dish with a mixture of cream and wine.
  • Bake pork schnitzels in the oven at 200 °C for 45 minutes.

Pork schnitzels with wasabi, garlic and adjika

The spicy taste suits the meat very well, and lovers of just such dishes will love the recipe for pork schnitzels with wasabi and adjika. You will need the following for the recipe:

  • pork loin – 0.5 kg;
  • soy sauce – 4 tbsp;
  • dry adjika – 1 tsp;
  • fermented baked milk – 1 glass;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • wasabi – 1 tsp. powder;
  • salt - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil.

We prepare pork schnitzels with wasabi and adjika using the following technology:

  • Divide the boneless loin into 1.5-2 cm slices.
  • Combine wasabi, dry adjika, soy sauce, fermented baked milk, salt, and season with aromatic garlic.
  • Immerse the schnitzels in the resulting marinade for half an hour, or better yet, for an hour.
  • Remove the meat from the marinade, bread it and fry in oil. Fry over high heat, achieving a beautiful crust. You can’t overcook schnitzels in a frying pan, otherwise you might dry them out.

Pork schnitzels in nut breading with mushrooms and apples

Many side dishes go well with schnitzels. We will add a side dish of apples and mushrooms, and fry the meat breaded with crackers and nuts. Here is our list of ingredients:

  • pork slices – 4 pcs.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • apples – 2 pcs.;
  • champignons – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • crushed walnuts – 2 tbsp;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • sunflower oil.

Let's prepare the schnitzels according to the instructions:

  • Rub the pork slices with seasonings. Beat the egg with a fork. Mix crackers with crushed nuts into fine crumbs.
  • Dip the pork in the egg, bread it and fry in oil over high heat until golden brown.
  • Fry onion half rings in oil. Add champignon slices, add salt, and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Cut the peeled apples into cubes, add to the side dish and simmer for another 3 minutes. Serve the side dish along with the schnitzels.