Dream interpretation kitchen utensils. Why do you dream about dishes according to the dream book?

Dreams with the presence of dishes in the dream books of various authors are interpreted ambiguously. However, all interpreters agree that the dishes warn of changes at the everyday level. What events to expect - pleasant or not - depends on the condition of the kitchen utensils.

Miller's Dream Book

Clean dishes are a symbol of future prosperity. You will be able to fully enjoy the favor of fortune. Holding a plate in your hands in a dream means, in reality, “catching luck by the tail.” Dropping a plate or breaking it means letting good luck slip from your hands (the period of prosperity will be short-lived).

Admiring clean dishes placed on the shelves means having wealth in the house and the absence of everyday problems. Young Not married woman a dream in which she admires beautiful dishes in a store promises a quick happy marriage with a worthy person.

Lack of order in a china shop foreshadows a breakdown and chaos in business. Empty dish shelves have a similar meaning.

Why do you dream about dirty dishes? It promises a joyless existence.

French dream book

Dishes are a good sign. Porcelain or clay portends a happy long life in peace and harmony. Silver and gold warns of meeting a good person who can positively influence your destiny.

Dream book of the 21st century

New dishes promise unpleasant events, old ones promise stability in business. Empty dishes indicate dissatisfaction with desires and a need for money or attention.

Accidentally broken dishes warn of an impending danger that can be avoided if you are careful in making responsible decisions. Breaking dishes on purpose is a happy coincidence. Seeing fragments of dishes means a change in affairs in better side.

Washing dishes in a dream means that in reality you will have a harmonious relationship with your loved one. Buying dishes means changes in your personal life. Someone else's dishes represent friends deceiving you.

Porcelain dishes promise success in business. Broken porcelain warns of misconceptions that can cause big trouble. Painting porcelain or decorating a home with it promises women comfort and good family relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Beautiful dishes promise prosperity in the family and harmonious relationships with your spouse. A married woman’s dream of white dishes indicates that her husband is expecting a promotion and an increase in salary. Dirty or broken dishes in a dream predict conflicts and family troubles.

Everyone knows that breaking dishes means luck, but this is in reality. In dreams, kitchen utensils are associated with family relationships and the warmth of the hearth. Therefore, broken dishes, as the dream book reports, are associated with the dreamer having problems in relationships. True, this does not apply to all nighttime incidents; it is important to clarify the nuances of the scenario played out in a dream.

The appearance of plates and cups, as a common household item, in pictures of nightlife is not considered a warning symbol. Therefore, often they do not attach much importance to the image, but when you see broken dishes in a dream, such an incident is already alarming.

Dreams with dishes

In general, visions with household items are interpreted as follows:

  • as a harbinger of surprises in reality, household chores, and sometimes a change of place of residence;
  • an abundance of dishes in night dreams indicates a lack of attention to one’s own home due to outside endeavors;
  • if you dreamed of not broken dishes in a dream, but new and clean ones, the image foreshadows order and harmony in the family, prosperity;
  • buying new items promises changes for the better; seeing old vessels with chips and cracks is a harbinger of poverty.

Important: as the dream book indicates, broken dishes are a warning about an upcoming serious conflict in the family, which will be accompanied by strong emotions. Moreover, both close and distant relatives, whose existence the dreamer did not even suspect, will be involved in the conflict.

When recalling details for the correct interpretation of night dreams, you should pay attention to the type of household utensils. For example, a broken glass foreshadows disagreements between lovers, a saucer - quarrels with household members, a broken vase warns of oblivion on the part of friends.

It is important to figure out what material the broken dishes in the dream were made of in order to understand the meaning of the dreamed picture.

  • Porcelain - you should value friendship, do not offend your best friends. If the dreamer manages to break clean plates or cups, an unintentional offense awaits him. Damaging unwashed dishes foreshadows an unflattering review from a friend.
  • Glass objects. It is considered a bad sign to see broken crystal dishes, real life such a picture predicts a serious conflict with loved ones. Moreover, a misunderstanding with bad consequences will occur through the fault of the dreamer.
  • Wood, metal. Why do you dream of broken wooden dishes? This is a warning about the need to listen to the opinions of more experienced colleagues in order to earn more money. A broken aluminum pan foreshadows waste due to unexpectedly arriving guests.

In general, the dream book warns, broken dishes are a sign of the onset of a difficult period of failure. The dreamer's lack of confidence in his abilities will result in a deterioration in material wealth and lack of career growth. Accidental damage to household items foreshadows the viewer of night illusions of failure due to his own carelessness.

Options for popular interpretations of the image

Against the background of negative interpretations, the symbol of broken dishes in a dream is considered a good omen of a speedy recovery for a sick dreamer. However, a crack on a fallen vessel predicts deterioration in health for someone who is sick. Despite the fact that night vision warns of various losses, the process of causing damage to kitchen items may go unnoticed by the dreamer.

Why do you dream of broken dishes according to some dream books?

  • According to Miller's Dream Book, picking up a plate with your hands in a dream is considered an omen of good luck. However, the falling of plates promises a short-lived successful period, especially when the plates break. Dirty dinner items warn of a bleak future, clean dishes - a period of prosperity will come.
  • Freud's dream book reports that seeing broken dishes means serious problems sexual sphere, possible diseases genitals. Women should especially think about it, because the psychoanalyst associates a set of lunch containers with the feminine principle. Therefore, contemplation of sparkling objects symbolizes sexual health dreamers.
  • Why do you dream about broken dishes? Dream Interpretation XXI? If the utensils were porcelain, then the dreamer cannot avoid fatal actions due to his own delusions. Dream Interpretation XXI considers the image of dishes from night dreams to be good signs, especially when they are old and not empty. The dream book associates empty dishes with the need for something, and contemplation of the service with the support of influential people.

In a dream, seeing broken dishes with small fragments predicts tears and disappointments for a woman, and such a dream plot warns men about problems in the service. To a girl, chipped utensils in a dream hint that she should wait until pregnancy, and broken utensils from night picture portend the severity of pregnancy and childbirth.

Dreams with dishes according to author's dream books

  • According to Hasse's Dream Book, broken dishes in a dream will result in separation from a friend for the dreamer.
  • Grishin's dream book suggests taking into account the reasons for the damage caused to the dishes. If in a dream a plate is broken due to negligence, in reality you should not forget about caution.
  • According to the Dream Book of the Chinese Prince Zhou Gong, seeing broken dishes means trouble. If damage is caused to a cast iron boiler, they will come hard times. The streak of failures will last a long time, even mourning is possible.

It’s interesting that not every dream book interprets broken dishes in the same way. This is especially true for the process of breaking dishes, which the dreamer observes during the broadcast of night scenes.

For example, according to the Wanderer's Dream Book, breaking cups or plates can be considered a happy omen. However, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, broken utensils in a dream will result in ruin (family, wealth, work) in reality.

Why do you dream of broken dishes, depending on the psychological type of the person contemplating the night illusion? The direction of interpretation of the image by an optimist will be unambiguously positive - the dishes beat for happiness, promise relief from life’s problems, material and moral grace.

For a pessimist, broken dishes in a dream will be a warning about the negativity of future everyday problems. However, despite psychological type the dreamer's personality, dreams of dishes constantly falling to the floor can be considered an omen of the need to start life over a new page. The time of change is coming, the direction of which will be revealed by the smallest details of night vision and actions with household items.

Find out from the online dream book what Utensils are dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see dishes in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Dishes and what does it mean:

Dreams about dishes - Seeing dishes in a dream, if they are old or with something on them, is a good sign. New dishes mean trouble. Empty dishes are a sign that you need something. Breaking dishes on purpose - fortunately, accidentally - is a sign that by being careful, you can avoid misfortune. Seeing shards of dishes means a favorable turn of fate. Washing and drying dishes is a sign that harmony in love and marriage awaits you. Buying it means change.

Sitting on someone else's dishes means lying friends. Their porcelain dishes in a dream means that success will be favorable to your affairs. If you dream of broken porcelain dishes, it means that your misconceptions will cause serious offenses. Any service seen in a dream means that you can count on the support of influential people in all your endeavors. If a woman in a dream paints porcelain dishes or simply arranges porcelain items, the dream foretells that comfort and kindness will settle in her home for a long time.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about dishes in a dream?

Dishes - If in a dream you pick up a plate, then in reality good luck will certainly visit you; if the plates fall and break, then the time of successful events will be short. If you admire sparkling dishes in a dream, the dream foreshadows a successful marriage. A dream about dishes always promises success and profit; you will be able to appreciate the favor of fate towards you.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future. An untidy crockery store with empty shelves promises confusion in business and loss of spirit. Pewter utensils foretell difficult circumstances.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about a set of dishes?

Dreams about dishes - Beautiful dishes create coziness in the home, and when you dream about dishes, this can be regarded as a symbol of happiness, favorable changes, and improving relationships. Antique plates and filled cups predict prosperity, but a brand new pair of tea promises a precarious position in society and in financial matters.

  • If you dreamed of shards or how do you specifically break dishes? This is a sign that you will be happy.
  • If you accidentally broke dishes in a dream, you will soon avoid serious trouble if you behave carefully.
  • Scenes with washing dishes - for family comfort.
  • Buying new dishes means change.
  • Someone else's utensils symbolize betrayal and hypocrisy on the part of the real owner of the utensils.
  • For influential people to assist, it is enough to see any set or beautiful dishes.
  • Mountains of unwashed dishes mean poor health, which will result in a lack of inspiration in work and creativity, as well as health problems.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book, items of dishes

Dishes, like everyday life in general, are a symbol of manifestations inner world person, and familiar images from everyday life naturally become one of the reflections of the spiritual world.

  • Dishes (especially beautiful plates and cups) are a favorable sign, symbolizing mental wealth, depth and sincerity of emotions.
  • I dreamed of sparkling dishes without a stain - the interpretation speaks of complete peace: the dreamer is not bothered by bad thoughts and empty experiences, every day passes easily and carefree.
  • The more dirt appears on snow-white porcelain dishes, the worse the forebodings of the future.

Idiomatic dream book

What do you dream about about dishes?

Utensils - "Where's my big spoon?" (need for satiety; satiety); “knock with spoons” - hunger, lack; “a fork (or forks) in the side” - unexpected and painful attacks, aggression; “breaking dishes” - scandal, quarrel; “on a silver platter” - it’s easy to get what you want; “the pot is boiling” - a good mind; “a teaspoon per hour” - very slowly, little. See Add. A knife, a plate, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dishes - Clean dishes in a dream foretell the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: you will finally be able to truly appreciate the favor of your destiny. Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future. If in a dream you pick up a plate, good luck will certainly return to you. If plates fall and break, this wonderful period will be short. If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes, prosperity and a well-established life in the house await you.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about dishes?

Dreams about dishes - Surprise; golden, drinking from a vessel - promotion; silver – power // misfortune; pottery - sadness, loss; old dishes - good; cleaning the dishes - change, guests.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Dishes according to Chinese ancient books:

Dishes - The contents of the cauldron overflow - Portends great wealth. Utensils and dishes made from semi-precious stones - Speaks of outside help. Copper frying pan - portends a verbal quarrel, altercation. An iron cauldron breaks, breaks - portends mourning. A frying pan or bowl breaks, breaks - portends trouble. Porcelain cups - Portend drinks and snacks. Porcelain plates - portend an altercation. Spoon - portends the appearance of a son or grandson. Veins, strings - portends the appearance of a servant, worker in a village house. Basin, large bowl - portends an increase in reserves, great happiness. You lift a basin, a bucket, and the bottom falls off - portends ruin. Frying pan, ceramic dishes - Portends wealth and nobility. Basin for washing the face, sink - Heralds the appearance of a beautiful concubine. Basins and bowls different sizes- Presages the joy of communicating with family, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Dishes from your dream

Dishes in general reflect the home atmosphere, the financial situation in the family and the state of relationships. Old dishes are a favorable sign; new or dirty - quarrels; breaking dishes - fortunately; washing the dishes - to friendship and harmony; empty - need for something, lack; other people's dishes are deceitful helpers; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

What do you dream about about dishes, interpretation:

Dishes - Seeing dishes in a dream is a good sign. Pottery and porcelain - portends a long, peaceful and happy life. Gold or silver dishes promise a significant meeting for you with a kind person.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Empty dishes - shortcomings, grief; see - domestic dispute; metal - good conditions, or a rich marriage; broken - to lose a friend; night dishes - happiness in the house.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Seeing dishes means petty squabbles with friends and relatives. Pay attention to the state of your nerves. Wash, if you do not calm your nerves, you will bring yourself and others to illness and unequal breakdown. Everything will go to waste, your family, your wealth, your work, if you don’t pull yourself together.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about the dishes

Dishes - Seeing different dishes, if old or with something, is good. The new one is a nuisance. A flock is a need for something. Breaking dishes on purpose is fortunate. By accident - through caution you can avoid misfortune. Seeing shards is a favorable turn of fate. Washing and drying dishes means harmony in love and marriage. Buy - change. Seeing someone else in a dream means living friends.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about dishes according to gypsy traditions?

To see tableware, somehow: plates, dishes, etc., means the course of our life, which, judging by the dignity of the tableware seen, can be happy or unhappy; Seeing glassware, such as glasses, glasses, etc., means the state of our affairs.

Ceramic dishes - For little money.

Interpreter of dreams by Maria Fedorovskaya

See Utensils

Utensils for kneading dough, especially wooden ones - to wealth.

Symbolic dream book

Dishes - how to solve the vision?

Dishes - Symbolizes home life, guests, reception, housework (for a woman), a festive feast (if expensive dishes and beautiful table settings). Dishes represent well-being and family relationships. “breaking dishes”, as you know, is fortunate. Dishes (clean or dirty) are related to the state of the female soul (later in reality).

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Empty dishes - lack and grief - see - domestic dispute - metal - good conditions or rich marriage - broken - lose a friend; lose money given on credit - nightware - happiness in the home

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Dishes - Nickel-plated dishes - For a meeting with brilliant high-ranking persons, for their visit to you, or vice versa.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Dishes - Seeing a lot of ceramic dishes in a dream means the collapse of your financial career.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Dishes - Seeing a large number of ceramic dishes, half of which are broken, means discord between spouses.

Successful events will be brief.

If you dream that you are admiring your shelves with sparkling dishes- the dream foretells you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The dishes are empty- shortcomings, grief; see- domestic dispute; metal- good conditions, or a rich marriage; broken- lose a friend; overnight dishes- happiness in the home.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Eating from ordinary dishes in a dream- portends disagreements in the family, made of wood- you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, made of silver- improve your material conditions, from the service - you are in danger of being deceived.

Glassware- portends happiness in the house, porcelain- loss of a friend, metal- good relationship with superiors, enameled- you will find success in an almost hopeless business.

Empty dishes- you will have to urgently repay the debt, filled with something- get big money.

Dirty dishes piled up in the sink- means that you will not be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Wash the dishes- means that you are being misled by wishful thinking.

Clean dishes- represents order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken- a sign of short-term happiness.

Cooking food in dishes- wait for the guests to visit, wash in it- there is a general cleaning ahead. Salt or marinate in a bowl- to sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream- to change for the better. Use old dishes of different sizes, with chips, cracks, or chipped handles- a sign of poverty and vegetation without permanent work and on a bird's license. Donate dishes- good prospects for improving wealth in the family, receive as a gift- you will not refuse a request to help out your friends.

Women's dream book

Clean dishes in a dream- portends the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: finally you will be able to appreciate the favor of your fate.

Dirty dishes- a harbinger of a disappointing future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate- luck will certainly return to you.

If plates fall and break- this wonderful period will be short.

If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes- prosperity and a well-established life in the house await you.

Dream book of the 21st century

To see dishes in a dream if they are old or with something- a good sign.

New- dreams of trouble.

Empty dishes- a sign that you feel a need for something.

Break the dishes on purpose- fortunately, accidentally- a sign that by being careful you can avoid misfortune.

See shards- to a favorable turn of fate.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A dream about household utensils always reminds you that you should pay attention to the state of affairs in your home and not get carried away with empty ideas. Sometimes such a dream predicts quarrels in the house.

Clean dishes neatly laid out on shelves is a sign that everything is going well with you and you should not try to disrupt the family idyll. Scattered, bent, broken, dirty dishes in a dream foreshadow quarrels and confusion in the house.

New dishes in your home in a dream foreshadow the addition of a family, marriage, or new acquisitions. But if you see that some vessel has fallen apart, bent, or generally deteriorated, then your hopes for marriage with some person will not come true. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you are wasting your time.

Shiny dishes made of expensive metal or with an expensive coating in a dream foreshadow prosperity, happiness, new acquisitions, and sometimes winning.

Seeing dishes on store shelves in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life. Silver dishes in a dream mean prosperity and family happiness.

Receiving silver dishes as a gift in a dream is a sign of gratitude to you from the person you helped in difficult times. Buying silverware in a dream means big and happy changes in life.

To be present at a sale (auction) of silverware in a dream foreshadows troubles that will lead to large material losses and a change in your social status because of the betrayal of people you trusted as yourself. See interpretation: porcelain, drinks.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing dishes in a dream

"Where's my big spoon?" (need for saturation.


“knock with spoons” hunger, lack.

“a fork (or pitchforks) in the side” unexpected and painful attacks, aggression.

"breaking dishes" scandal, quarrel.

“on a silver platter” it’s easy to get what you want.

"The pot cooks" a good mind.

“a teaspoon per hour” very slowly, little. See add. knife, plate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does the dream Utensils mean?

Eating in a dream from ordinary dishes foreshadows disagreements in the family, from wooden ones - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, from silver ones - improve your financial conditions, from a service - you are in danger of being deceived. Glassware foretells happiness in the home, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - good relations with your superiors, enamel - you will find success in an almost hopeless business. Empty dishes - you will have to urgently repay the debt; filled with something - you will receive a lot of money. Dirty dishes piled high in the sink mean that you will not be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing the dishes means that you are being misled into wishful thinking.

Clean dishes represent order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken dishes are a sign of short-term happiness. Cooking food in dishes means waiting for guests to visit; washing in them means general cleaning is ahead. Salting or pickling in a container means sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream means changes for the better. Using old dishes of different sizes, with chips, cracks, and broken handles is a sign of poverty and vegetation without permanent work and on a bird's license. Donate dishes - good views to improve wealth in the family, receive as a gift - you will not refuse a request to help out your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Seeing dishes in a dream

Clean, beautiful, shiny dishes are a symbol of family happiness, prosperity, and a calm flow of life.

Dirty, shabby - to failure.

To arrange is to be the master of your destiny.

Washing the dishes means reconciliation.

To beat is to agree.

Decorative dishes mean an improvement in your financial situation.

Entering a store and admiring the dishes - receiving a package in a dream - enjoying the reward for your hard work and diligence in reality. Getting married.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Dishes

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream about dishes

In general, it reflects the home atmosphere, the financial situation in the family and the state of relationships. Old auspicious sign; new or dirty quarrel; beat luckily; wash for friendship and harmony; empty need for something, lack; someone else's lying helpers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does Dishes mean in a dream?

Seeing clean dishes in a dream means the onset of a period of true prosperity: the time will finally come when you will be able to appreciate the favor of fate towards you.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future. If in a dream you pick up a plate, then in reality good luck will certainly visit you; if the plates fall and break, then the time of successful events will be short.

If you dream that you are admiring your shelves with sparkling dishes, the dream foretells you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

If a young woman enters a beautiful tableware store and admires the goods, a happy marriage with a decent man awaits her.

An untidy dishware store with empty shelves promises confusion in business and loss of spirit.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Utensils

A dream in which a girl dreams that she enters a china shop and admires the goods foretells her a happy marriage with a good man.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does Dishes mean in a dream?

utensils made of brass, aluminum, glass symbolize servants and slaves. And dishes made of gold symbolize the bankruptcy or anger of the ruler. Eating from earthenware and earthenware in a dream means trading. Eating from wooden utensils will bring you profit while traveling. Using silver and gold utensils in a dream means committing sins in life. However, if a deceased person you know uses them in a dream, it means that he is destined for a heavenly abode. The Koran says: “And they (in Paradise) will be surrounded with golden dishes and cups of gold.” (Sura Az-Zukhruf, 71).

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Meaning of sleep Utensils

Surprise; golden, drinking from it means promotion; silver – power // misfortune; clay - sadness, loss; old - good; cleaning the dishes - change, guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of the dream Dishes

Buying new porcelain dishes means profit. If the dishes were painted, bright, and beautiful, unexpected wealth will fall on you. Clean dishes placed in the sideboard - a period of true prosperity begins in your home. Dirty dishes - you have unfinished business, and because of this you may fail.

Imagine that you wash all the dishes until they shine and put them in the sideboard.

Placing porcelain plates on the table while expecting guests - such a dream portends prosperity in the house. If the plates were metal or plastic, you will find yourself in difficult circumstances. If you dream that you are treating your friends from plastic or metal plates, this means that your friends will help you out.

A dream in which you see broken or cracked dishes is unfavorable. It portends losses and confusion in business. Eating from such dishes means illness and depression.

Imagine that all your dishes are intact and new. You have a lot of it. You immediately throw away broken or cracked dishes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does dishes predict in a dream?

Empty - shortcomings, grief; see - domestic dispute; metal - good conditions, or a rich marriage; broken - to lose a friend; night dishes - happiness in the home

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see dishes in a dream

Dishes - Seeing - to petty squabbles with friends and relatives. Pay attention to the state of your nerves. Wash - if you do not calm your nerves, you will bring yourself and others to illness and unequal breakdown. Beat - everything will go to pieces, family, wealth, and work, if you don’t pull yourself together.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Dishes

Symbolizes everyday affairs and worries.

The better she looks in your dream, the better condition your daily affairs.

Dirty dishes: signifies unresolved problems in your home, which can lead to a deterioration in your relationship.

Various kitchen utensils: symbolize various tasks and problems.

Yes, pots.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does a dream predict? Utensils

Old dishes are a good sign.

New dishes - dreams of trouble.

Empty dishes are a sign that you need something.

Breaking dishes on purpose is fortunate.

Accidentally breaking dishes is a sign that by being careful you can avoid misfortune.

Seeing shards means a favorable turn of fate.

Washing and choosing dishes is a sign that harmony in love and marriage awaits you.

Buying dishes means change.

Seeing someone else's dishes means lying friends.

Porcelain dishes in a dream - your business will be favored by success.

Broken porcelain dishes - your misconceptions will cause serious offenses.

Service - you can count on the support of influential people in all your endeavors.

A woman in a dream is painting porcelain or simply arranging porcelain items - the dream foretells that comfort and kindness will settle in her home for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from