Eda tattoos and their meanings. Ed Sheeran: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen He gives names to all his guitars

Ed Sheeran is an English singer and songwriter, multiple Grammy winner, famous for the hits “Thinking Out Loud”, “Photograph”, “The A Team” , and later exploded with the songs “Shape of You” and “Perfect.”

His albums with exclusive titles in the form of symbols for the mathematical operations of addition, multiplication and division - “+”, “x” and “÷” - in different times topped the national UK Albums Chart. The last of the mentioned discs in 2017 also became the first in the authoritative Billboard 200 chart and the charts of Canada, Germany, Italy, and Sweden.

Ed Sheeran's childhood

The future singer was born on February 7, 1991 in the English city of Halifax, West Yorkshire. His parents John and Imogen Sheeran were art consultants, natives of London. Soon after his birth the family, including little Ed and his older brother Matthew, moved to Framlingham, Suffolk. Matthew, like Ed, subsequently devoted himself to music and became a composer of the classical instrumental genre.

The musician's father's grandparents were Irish, and it is possible that he inherited his red hair color from them.

The boy discovered his love for singing and music at a very early age. At the age of 4 he was already singing in the church choir. Then he learned to play the guitar, and while studying at Thomas Mills High School he began writing his own songs.

On weekends, parents often took their sons to concerts famous performers, visiting which was part of their official duties. The singer recalled that as a child he was especially impressed by the concert of rock legend Eric Clapton at the Royal Albert Hall, the Damien Rice show in Ireland, the fantastic performance of Paul McCartney in Birmingham, as well as concerts by Bob Dylan and Eminem.

Start of a career

As a teenager, Ed moved to London to pursue creativity. He improved his performing talent at the National Youth Theater, where he was accepted as a teenager, gave hundreds of concerts at small amateur venues, and was famous for his numerous online performances.

At the age of 14, the tireless musician began releasing several mini-albums, the so-called EPs. In particular, in 2005, his first mini-album “The Orange Room” was released.

In 2008, two significant events occurred in the life of the 17-year-old artist: he performed as a guitarist as an opening act for his idols, the alternative band Nizlopi, and became a student at the Academy modern music in Guildford.

Ed Sheeran – “All My Life” (acoustic cover of Nizlopi)

During his studies, he played more than three hundred concerts, performed with musician Just Jack, sang several songs with Ledra Chapman and rapper Example, and also released the mini-album “Loose Change.”

In 2010, he set out to conquer the United States without a contract or offers, simply buying a ticket to Los Angeles. He promoted his work by performing at various city venues. The capable and purposeful young man attracted the attention of Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx. The actor was so impressed by Ed's talent that he invited him first to his radio show “The Foxxhole” and then to his home recording studio.

Meanwhile, the singer's army of fans grew significantly, and he was offered a contract by Atlantic Records. After this, he began work on his first full-length disc "+", which was ready by September 2011.

Album "+"

Since its release, the debut disc has received platinum status in the UK seven times (awarded for sales of more than 300 thousand copies). His lead single “The A Team” became a worldwide hit and earned the singer the Ivor Novello Award in the form of a statuette for the muse of poetry Euterpe. He wrote this song - a lyrical ballad about a prostitute who became addicted to crack - inspired by a visit to a homeless shelter.

Ed Sheeran – The A Team

In 2012, the singer performed at the closing ceremony of the Olympics in the capital of the United Kingdom. As part of a group of performers, he sang a composition from the repertoire of the legendary Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here”.

In 2013, his "The A Team" received a Grammy nomination for Song of the Year, but lost to "We Are Young" by American indie band Fun. During the awards ceremony, the Briton performed his hit with Elton John, and the cult rock singer himself invited him to sing a duet.

While working on the next studio album, the artist collaborated with many famous musicians. Thus, he participated in Snow Patrol concerts as part of their North American tour, and also performed on the tours of Passenger, The Rolling Stones and country star Taylor Swift, for whom he wrote the track “Everything Has Changed.”

He then contributed to the composition “Little Things” by the boy band One Direction, recorded “I See Fire”, which became the soundtrack to Peter Jackson’s film “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug”, and also the composition “Sing” with Pharrell Williams. In addition, he gave 3 grand concerts at the Madison Square Garden sports complex in New York, tickets for which sold out instantly.

Disk "x"

In June 2014, the audience was presented new album"X". He again shocked the world of music, was on the first line in the Billboard 200 and many other charts, received a Brit Award and a new award from the BBC Music Corporation. After its release, a wax figure of Ed Sheeran appeared at the branch of Madame Tussauds in New York.

He made a tour in support of the disc, which started in Japan, continued in Europe, the USA, Asia and ended in 2015 in New Zealand. As part of the tour, the artist performed three large-scale performances at London's Wembley, which were sold out.

In 2016, the single from the second disc, “Thinking Out Loud,” brought Ed victory in two Grammy categories. In the first 24 hours after its release, his video received more than two and a half million views on YouTube, subsequently reaching over a billion viewers.

Ed Sheeran – Thinking out Loud

After the tour, Sheeran announced his decision to put his busy career on hold.

Since 2014, the fantastically successful artist has appeared in cameos in the television series Shortland Street, Home and Away, and Undateable. In addition, he played in the historical drama “The Bastard Executioner.” In 2016, the musician took 3rd position in the ranking of the richest English celebrities under 30 according to Heat magazine - that year Ed earned $59 million, second only to the brilliant Adele, who has $114 million in her bank account, and Daniel Radcliffe. star of the Harry Potter adaptations, with $92 million.

Personal life of Ed Sheeran

The musician, whose popularity is comparable only to Adele and Taylor Swift, is not married. While studying at school for four years, he dated a classmate, but an intense music career did not allow him to concentrate on his personal life.

As it turned out, the singer, who considers himself a clumsy fat man, never felt confident in his relationships with the fair sex. The press knows about three of his novels.

Early in his career, he dated Scottish model and singer Nina Nesbitt, who inspired the songs "Nina", "Photograph" and "Friends". It is assumed that he dedicated his first studio album “+” to her. In turn, Nina’s album “Peroxide” is largely dedicated to Ed.

From 2014 to 2015, Ed Sheeran dated Greek woman Athena Andrelos, who inspired him to create the hit “Thinking Out Loud.”

During a creative break, Ed had a lover, hockey player Cherry Seaborn. They had known her since school, but it was only in 2015 that their relationship moved to a higher level. He dedicated the song “Perfect”, included in the third album, to his beloved. In the winter of 2018, the couple announced their engagement.

The young man is distinguished by a combination of rare talent, exceptional hard work and extraordinary charm. Thanks to this, he has a lot of fans and many celebrity friends. Among them are Harry Styles, for whom he personally tattooed a padlock on his arm, and the famous Taylor Swift, in memory of her concerts with whom he got a “RED” tattoo (the name of one of her albums).

Among the singer’s friends are Irish musician Foy Vance, who accompanied him on tour and performed as an opening act, and actor Rupert Grint, known for his role as red Ron in the Harry Potter films and who starred in the video for the song “Lego House.”

The young talent's favorite dish is Portuguese chicken, and his favorite rapper is Kendrick Lamar.

All four of the artist's guitars have their own names: Kirill, Felix, Lloyd and Nigel.

Ed Sheeran now. "÷"

In 2016, Ed Sheeran “came out” of a creative break, and already in January 2017, the single “Shape of You”, included in the singer’s third disc “÷”, again had a stunning success - it became the leader of the American Billboard Hot 100 chart and took first place in terms of sales in the singer’s homeland and in the USA. Reviews of it noted that this composition differs significantly from the author’s previous works, that it is more impressive and moving. Sheeran originally created it for Rihanna, but later decided to perform the composition himself.

Ed Sheeran – Shape of You

During the same period, two of the singer's songs, "Shape of You" and "Castle on the Hill", reached number one and two, respectively, on the UK Singles Chart. Thus, for the first time in the history of the country, works by the same author simultaneously appeared on the first two lines of the UK hit parade.

Released in March, the disc “÷” again became No. 1 on the lists of the most popular musical groups in the USA, Canada, Italy, Germany and other countries. In Britain, about 670 thousand copies were sold in the first week of sales. Previously, only Adele with the album “25” (800 thousand) and the group Oasis with “Be Here Now” (700 thousand) showed the best result. It went double platinum in Australia and the United Kingdom.

As it became known, the singer was invited to star in the next season of the fantasy series “Game of Thrones.” The performer was patronized by a big fan of the musician Maisie Williams, who embodies the image of Arya Stark in the film.

Ed Sheeran in Game of Thrones: plays and sings

A funny incident occurred at the Grammy Awards in early 2018. Ed Sheeran, who was nominated in several categories and ultimately won awards for Best Pop Album of the Year and Best Pop Performance (Shape of You), beating out rivals like Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson and Pink... just didn't came to the ceremony! Later, the singer explained this by saying that he slept through such a solemn event and learned about his awards only the next day from the news.

On 17-2-1991 Ed Sheeran was born in Halifax, England, UK. He made his 16 million dollar fortune with The A Team. The musician is dating Nicole Scherzinger, his starsign is Aquarius and he is now 28 years of age.

Twenty-nine-year-old Ed Sheeran is an English singer. The average-build redhead did not feel confident about his body when he was younger. He had a personal trainer and lost 19 kilos for a shoot with Elton John. He just came back from a year-long hiatus to overcome substance abuse. He was last reported to have dated Nicole Scherzinger in 2015.

Ed Sheeran Facts & Wiki

Where does Ed Sheeran live? And how much money does Ed Sheeran earn?
Birth Date17-2-1991
Religion - believes in God?Christian
ResidenceHe lives in an unknown fashion in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Ed Sheeran Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth16 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2020!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsMartin Guitars
ColleaguesChristina Aguilera, One Direction & Hilary Duff



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Ed Sheeran: Girlfriend, Dating, Family & Friends

Ed Sheeran with beautiful, Girlfriend Ellie Goulding
Who is Ed Sheeran dating in 2020?
Relationship statusDating (Since 2013)
Current Girlfriend of Ed SheeranEllie Goulding
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives
Has any kids?No
Will the relationship of British musician Ed Sheeran and current Girlfriend, Ellie Goulding survive 2020?

Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This friendly musician originating from Halifax, England, UK has a athletic body & round face type. Ed Sheeran makes commercials for unknown, but actually uses: unknown.

Hair colorRed
Hair typeWavy Swavy
Hair Lengthshort hair (ear length)
Distinct featurehair
Skin Tone/ComplexionType II: Fair skin
Skin TypeNormal
Beard or MustacheBeard
Eye colorBlue
Does Ed Sheeran smoke?No, never
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Weight65 kiloClothing stylesporty
Favorite colorsred
Feet sizeN/A
Waist size91
Buste size104
Butt size98
Does Ed Sheeran have a tattoo?Yes
Tattoo on left arm
OMG! 50 Celebrity Tattoos Gone Horribly Wrong!
Photo of tattoo
The Aquarius with shirtless athletic body on the beach

Official websites/fansites: www.edsheeran.com

Does Ed Sheeran have official Social Media profiles?

Ed Sheeran is a capricious creature, he is a private person, and the reasons why he gets tattoos are sometimes not clear, so these descriptions may not be accurate. We don't know what he was thinking or what these tattoos might mean to him. We only know what he said himself when fans asked him.

But, now a little about the tattoos themselves. Tattoos may have different meanings. Most often they are multi-valued, so he can tell 2 stories to 2 different people about one tattoo and this does not mean that he lied or said something wrong, it only means that he chose one thing this time.

So let's start with the sleeve on his left arm. We will list only the largest and most significant.

So, the first tattoo is leaves. We don't know what they mean, but thanks to my fascination with Ed, I think he operated according to the following scheme. He saw (the leaves), he liked it, and he did it.

Moving up the sleeve we can see cool red/orange shading. To fill the spaces between small tattoos.
Next comes a snowflake with angel wings. They can have many meanings. The snowflake can represent time spent in Snow Patrol. Spring 2012 or this is dedicated to the cold weather that he often sings about in his songs.

The angel wings are most likely from an A-Team video, but he once said that he associates them with San Francisco.

Then the leaves come again (see 1 description)

Then comes the puzzle pieces. They represent people who are close to Ed and of whom he would like to keep memories.

The loan is part of the painting Starry Night painted by Van Gogh. This tattoo represents his father and the song “Vincent” – Don McLean.

There's also a globe tattoo he got on the day the album "+" was released in Britain and later around the world.

There is also a tattoo of the Cat from Shrek. I don't know why he made it, but they say the cat reminds him of his home in Suffolk

It also has an orange leaf that represents the Canadian flag.

He has “Ed Sheeran” on his body and another “Damien Rice” which is his musical inspiration.

There is also an inscription “your name” words from the song “Wake Me Up”.

In the second bunch of leaves there is a yellow star, the meaning of which is unknown.
Ed's favorite tattoo is the paw print. It stands for LA and he just likes it.

Next to it is the inscription “festina lente”, which translates as “hurry slowly”. Elton John told him this phrase.

There is another tattoo meaning that is not known - this is the heart.

On the other side of the forearm are designs that represent Small Bump and Kansas.

There is also a Lego head on his body simply because he likes Lego. The 2nd meaning of this tattoo is the designation of Texas.

Number 5. May represent his album EP No. 5 Collections, and in addition Las Vegas.

Higher up the arm are the “standard player buttons” and everyone understands that they indicate his love for music. If you look at the Globe tattoo again, you can see the Goat tattoo, he explained this by saying that it reminds him of one of his favorite public places where they make cool milkshakes. (The sign of this establishment shows a goat)

There is a 3-piece tiger print on the half sleeve. The meaning of this tattoo can be explained by the fact that he has red hair or he simply likes tigers.

Because this picture allows us to see red stars with a yellow outline. The meaning is unknown.

Now we move up the arm. The sleeve is “braided” with rope on both sides.
After her comes the koala, a traditional symbol of Australia.

A Chinese character that means "yes" or "correct" in Japanese.

The kiwi, the symbol of New Zealand, also flaunts.

Finally, a package of ketchup. He did it simply because he loves him.

Under the ketchup is a quote from the song “Everything Is Borrowed” by The Streets, written in Mark Skinner’s handwriting. The quote consists of the following lines: “I came to this world with nothing And I leave with nothing but love Everything else is just borrowed.” (I came into this world with nothing, and I leave it with nothing, but I have love. Everything else was borrowed.)

On the inside of the bicep there is a line from the Bon Iver song “Re: Stacks”. It is written in the handwriting of the author, i.e. Bon Iver, and consists of the following words: “Everything that happens is from now on” (Everything that happens begins now.)

He has a tattoo on the back of his bicep that represents the cover of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” Which was the theme song of his favorite show, which he often mentions in interviews. It’s also a friendly tattoo with Rizzle Kicks, who is close to him. friend who says “fresh” and “on the playground is where I spent most of my days.” This tattoo also represents Philadelphia.

On his elbow is the symbol of his buddy Random Impulse.

A little higher up is a penguin that amused Ed, as well as this friendly tattoo of Harry Siles, who has the inscription “Pingu” (penguin) next to his armpit on his left arm.

He also has a "Meow" tattoo done by Phoebe during an interview in Canada.

He also has a star on his elbow which represents Alonestar, Ed's cousin.

I translated everything that was written, there are not all the descriptions of tattoos here. Ed has many more tattoos than what is written here. The translation may not be accurate. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave comments.

It's probably quite hard to imagine modern musicians all directions without tattoos. But even the most fashionable and famous have annoying misunderstandings. I present to your attention a selection of scary, strange or simply poorly done tattoos of musicians.

Tyson Ritter of All-American Rejects
“We in the group all got the group logo - “AAR” - but everyone else thought we belonged to some kind of fraternity. And I decided to add a rosette to my shoulder. And I also wanted to impress my girlfriend: the artist painted everything very surreal.”

Hayley Williams from Paramore
“I used to get ‘Shave Me’ written on my leg on tour. And I decided that I needed to get such a tattoo so as not to forget anymore,” the singer explains the appearance of a pink razor on her leg. It’s so simple!

Gucci Mane, rapper.
“Back then I thought I would look like the coolest MC on the planet,” the rapper recalls. When he was young, he got an ice cream cone stuffed on his face.

Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran painted his hands with a rather strange set of pictures: a portrait of Puss in Boots, a bottle of Heinz ketchup, and much more. Probably his favorite things.

Kickball Katie from Vivian Girls
“Casey Ramone and I went to school together in New Jersey. And they often ran away from home to have dinner at a diner. And they decided to get a common tattoo: hers is a cheeseburger, mine is a milkshake.”

Riff Raff
On the arm of Riff Raff, a participant in the MTV reality show "From Gs to Gents" and yes, a popular hip-hop artist in narrow circles, there is an image of an alien, the inscription "We are all the same" and two answer options - "Yes" and "No" (Raff circled "No").

Chris Brown
Brown has a skull tattoo on his neck. It seems nothing surprising, but some argue that initially this tattoo was supposed to depict Rihanna’s beaten face.

Lil Wayne, American rapper.
Wayne has over 100 tattoos on his body and this is quite common for rappers. Except, perhaps, for the crucifix between his eyebrows and the skateboard logos on his forehead.

Rick Ross, American rapper.
Another rapper, Rick Ross, has portraits of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington imprinted on his chest. Apparently, as a sign of respect for banknotes with their images: he is on the list of the 20 richest rappers.

Ed Sheeran has now become extremely popular singer. His new album was released in March, and residents of the most different countries. Nevertheless, he is known to many as a musician, but what do you know about him besides the names of his songs? If his biography intrigues you, check out this information. Some facts will definitely surprise and interest you!

In 2009 he staged three hundred concerts

This amazing fact says a lot about the singer’s hard work. When he was just trying to become famous, he played in different establishments almost every day. His father once gave him a newspaper clipping about James Morrison, in which it was written that he played two hundred concerts in a year. He advised Ed not to copy the music, but to be inspired by the way he worked and try twice as hard himself. Ed followed his father's advice and made every effort to be noticed. As we know, it really worked: now everyone who follows popular music even a little knows about the singer.

He names all his guitars

Ed Sheeran admits that he names his guitars after his colleagues. For example, his guitars included Chris, Trev, James I and James II. What a cute take on musical instruments!

He sees his songs in color

He is a true artist - his texts seem to him to be more than just rhyming words. Each song has its own color! For example, sad melodies about breakups seem purple to him. This is a very original approach!

He is the author of the Harry Styles tattoo

Ed himself made a tattoo on the singer’s wrist. Harry later admitted that he regretted it. Yes, some of his tattoos were done by his friends, and this makes them memorable, however, some of them look just terrible. Well, nothing surprising, because Ed is far from a professional.

Sheeran himself has almost a hundred tattoos

He doesn't even know exactly how many there are. He has many tattoos, including an image of boxing gloves, a clover leaf in the colors of the Irish flag, a family tree and many others. The musician doesn't take them too seriously, which is why he even has a tattoo with the logo of the popular ketchup. It is likely that the collection will continue to grow continuously.

One of the tattoos is dedicated to the series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”

Ed has the word "Prince" tattooed in green letters on his arm. This is a reminder of the concert tour in Philadelphia, when the musician and his friends got themed tattoos.

He loves to eat

Ed admits that he has never had a six-pack and is unlikely to ever get one. It's better to just eat for fun! He is quite understandable, and fans probably still consider the musician extremely attractive. Not everyone has to be perfectly lean and muscular!

Taylor Swift herself offered him cooperation

Everyone knows that Ed and Taylor are close friends. It turns out that the singer made the first step herself. After one of her managers saw him perform, Taylor contacted the singer because she really liked his work. Thus began the story of their friendship, which gave fans many collaborations.

Ed often shares information about his usual happy childhood. It seems that he is still simple-minded English child. He insists that he wants to be known as a nice and hard-working guy, so he acts like it. This is quite unusual, because most people who suddenly find themselves famous perceive their popularity completely differently.

He can speak German and Greek

He does not know these languages ​​perfectly, but he speaks a few words. Well, German may surprise few people, but Greek is quite original.