Palm Sunday history of the holiday presentation. Palm Sunday

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Palm Sunday

Presentation prepared by: teacher primary classes MAOU secondary school No. 8 Sharypovo Zagorovskaya Galina Leonidovna

On the last Sunday before Easter, according to Orthodox calendar, The Lord entered Jerusalem. In Rus' this holiday is called Palm Sunday. In Rus', willows are symbolized by palm branches.

The willow has become a symbol of one of the most important holidays of the Christian calendar - Palm Sunday, and in our case - Palm Sunday, which precedes Easter.

According to the Bible, ON THIS day, Jesus rode solemnly into the gates of Jerusalem on a young donkey - a symbol of meekness and love of peace. The assembled people hailed him as the Messiah. They waved palm branches, spread their clothes before Him and sang the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Russian icon.

In churches on this day, all-night vigils are held: parishioners pray, as if meeting the Lord, holding willow branches, flowers and burning candles in their hands.

On Palm Sunday, palm markets were held where one could buy sweets, toys, books, as well as bunches of willow with paper angels tied to them.

In some places in our country, flat cakes or bagels were baked on this day, which, after consecration in the church, were given to all family members and livestock so that no one would get sick during the year.

The consecrated willow was kept in the most important place - near the icons.

In the morning, bells are ringing everywhere, And grace flows like a spring fog, And people slowly make their way through the streets of ancient cities. And the branches of the willow are carefully squeezed As a symbol of the Christian eternal faith, Like candles in a church, on this spring day, On a bright holy Sunday And the soul nourished with this faith, Holy Rus' lives and prospers.

Class hour "Willow in the house - out of the house of trouble" for primary classes

Lyapina Victoria Olegovna student of the socio-pedagogical college of the Samara city district
Description: The event is dedicated to the calendar Orthodox holiday Palm Sunday. Children's age is 6-10 years. This material will be useful to primary school teachers, educators preschool institutions, as well as children and parents who are interested in and honor age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom.
Target Appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions and values ​​of one’s people.
-give children information about Orthodox holiday“Palm Sunday”: history and traditions;
-form cognitive needs and interests, activity;
-enrich the child’s experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment;
- to educate and develop age-old traditions, Christian values ​​and folk wisdom in children.

Progress of the event

The song "Verbochki" by A. Blok and A. Vertinsky is playing
Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.

The lights are warm,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.

Rain, little rain,
The breeze is distant,
Don't blow out the fire!

On Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up
For the holy day.

1 Presenter
Easter comes before
Palm Sunday -
On this day the willow brings
The action is magical!

Early in the morning you will pick
The longest twig
After all, the willow is our amulet
And the symbol is old.

Spring willow branches
Consecrate in church
And until next Easter
Save at home!
2 Presenter
There is always a place for a holiday in our lives, and not necessarily a calendar one. The holiday should be in our souls and hearts.
The holiday Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday has a full name and sounds like this: “The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.” The history of Palm Sunday began when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. He rode in on a donkey, which became a symbol of humility. Then the people recognized him as the Messiah, laid their clothes under his donkey’s feet and threw palm branches. His entry into Jerusalem became a prototype of the entrance to Paradise.
It's almost spring and the air is fresh -
Birds talk about this.
For our new hopes!
Where did this day come to us from?

I will stroke the willow with my hand,
And I’ll take her with me to the temple.
The Messiah came to Jerusalem
We will pray for him with you.
How light and pure my soul is,
...warm and very good!
Since God is very close today,
It means he has already come to the temple...

1 Presenter
Palm trees did not grow in Rus'; they were replaced by blossoming willow branches, which are a symbol of life and spring awakening. Palm Sunday or the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is one of the holidays that appeared in Rus' in the 10th century.
On this day in Rus', it was customary to consecrate willow in the temple. It is believed that after consecration, these branches have healing properties.

According to Orthodox custom, Christians keep blessed willows throughout the year and decorate icons in their homes with them.
Willow in the house - from the house of trouble.
Look, sadness, envy, fear!
There will be health victories
Yes, smiles on your lips.

Out of sight all evil spirits
They'll fly away from here,
Let them die of hunger
Greed, stupidity, anger and malice!
2 Presenter
Palm Week exists in folk calendar Slavs It ends on Palm Sunday, after which Holy Week begins. The main folk rituals of the week are associated with willow and are held on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday is named Lazarev. In Russian villages, Saturday was celebrated cheerfully and crowdedly. On this day, willows were broken.

At midnight, young people went around the houses singing. At the gate they shouted: “Open it, open it, young one, beat it with a camel, give it more health than before!” Entering the hut, they lightly beat the sleeping people with willow branches with the words: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears!”, “Get up early, beat the ram!”, “We beat them to be healthy.” On Saturday they prepare mash, buckwheat pancakes, porridge, and fish chicken.

1 Presenter
Palm Sunday is the favorite holiday of the Russian people. In Rus', as soon as the snow melts, the willow is the first to bloom among the melted waters. A legend was born. It says that a long time ago the willow was a woman, and she had a lot of children, that the woman argued with the Mother herself -Earth, that it is more fertile than the Earth. Then Mother Earth got angry and turned the woman into a willow.

2 Presenter
The Slavs revered the blessed willow and believed that it had cleansing powers. They believed that with the help of willow they could save livestock from damage and disease. They baked bagels for Palm Sunday, blessed them in the church and fed them to livestock.
They ate willow catkins as a cure for diseases. They bathed sick children in water in which they put willow branches for cleansing and healing.
Early in the morning, after the lighting in the church, parents whipped their children with willow branches, “so that they would grow and be healthy.” For the same purpose, cattle were whipped everywhere.

1 Presenter
Come on, let me touch you with a willow so that you are healthy.
Touches the children with willow, saying
The willow whips you to tears.
The blue willow does not hit hard,
The red willow beats in vain,
Bela willow hits the ground running
The willow whips you to tears.
Willow from beyond the sea,
Give me health, willow.
2 Presenter
Before the revolution, palm bazaars and palm festivities were popular in Russia.

Children especially loved them because they could buy toys, books and sweets there.

And a paper angel was tied to the willow bunches bought there. It was called the “willow cherub.”

1 Presenter
There are signs associated with this holiday.

On Palm Sunday,
The willow has come to life,
From the spring ray
Woke up and bloomed.

Illuminated willow
Bring it to your house,
From adversity, misfortune
Protect your loved ones.

And this Sunday
To the sound of bells,
Spring, bright holiday
Meet without further ado.
2 Presenter
The dolls have already disintegrated,
Their butterflies burned through.
Fluffy dolls
They blossomed on the willows.
Before Palm Sunday,
All those who are young,
With grins and singing,
Sprayed with water.
They were doused with water:
Let your breasts be fresh.
And they hit them with a willow:
Be gentle like a willow.
They stuck a small willow
Behind the image, in the corners,
So that by mortal scarlet force
There were no fires in the houses.
Shine on us, this joy,
Flowers, earth, water.
Let the spring willow blossom for us,
Always bloom with spring!
All children are given willow branches and congratulated on the holiday.

Oksana Ivchenko
Presentation for children aged 10 to 17 on the theme “Palm Sunday”

Palm Sunday in 2019

date and traditions of the holiday

The holiday has no fixed date and is celebrated a week before Easter.

Palm Sunday(church name – Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem)- the great twelfth Orthodox holiday. It is dedicated to the solemn appearance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on the eve of His martyrdom and death. On this day it is customary to attend services and consecrate in churches palmaceae or willow branches and decorate icons with them in the house.

Palm Sunday in 2019 it is celebrated on April 21. The date changes every year depending on the day of Easter. The holiday is celebrated a week before Easter, on the 6th Sunday of Lent.

Name of the holiday Palm Sunday comes from the custom of consecrating branches in church on this day willows. They symbolize the palm branches with which the Jews greeted Jesus in Jerusalem. Palm trees don't grow in Russia, so they were replaced willow branches. Willow - the first plant which blooms in spring. She personifies the awakening of nature after winter sleep and rebirth of new life.

History of the holiday

The Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem was established by the Christian Church in Jerusalem in the 4th century. In Rus' it arose in the 10th century and was called Palm Sunday.

The holiday is dedicated to the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem before Easter in 33. After Christ raised Lazarus from Bethany, rumors about Him spread to many cities. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, accompanied by the apostles. (Continued in presentations)

Publications on the topic:

Easter is the most joyful and big holiday Christian. Children know this holiday well; few people know the holiday preceding Easter - Palm.

Story. The history of Palm Sunday marks the day of Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem for the Christian world. Rumor of resurrection.

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Consultation for young parents “Palm Sunday” Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kansky District, Filimonovo village, MBDOU “Filimonovsky Kindergarten” Consultation for young parents “Verbnoe.

The holiday “Palm Sunday” is known and loved by all Orthodox Christians; it cannot be confused with any other holidays. In a week.

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Palm Resurrection Willow whip, beat me to tears. There's a red egg nearby. Russian sentence.

In Rus', as the snow melts, there is silence in nature. The willow is the first to come to life, artless and tender. Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a willow, and after the blessing of water they take it to sprinkle it. And with songs of praise, with a shrine in their hands, they pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

On the last Sunday before Easter, according to the Orthodox calendar, the Lord entered Jerusalem. In Rus' this holiday is called Palm Sunday.

According to the Bible, ON THIS day, Jesus rode solemnly into the gates of Jerusalem on a young donkey - a symbol of meekness and love of peace. The assembled people hailed him as the Messiah. They waved palm branches, spread their clothes before Him and sang. Giotto. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Russian icon.

V. G. Schwartz “Procession on the donkey of Alexei Mikhailovich” 1865. In Rus', on the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the so-called “procession on the donkey” took place. After the festive service, a special procession took place from Red Square to Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, depicting the very event of the holiday being celebrated. The Patriarch followed in it, sitting astride a horse (dressed up as a donkey), which was led by the bridle by the king walking on foot. In 1697 the ritual was abolished.

In churches on this day, all-night vigils are held: parishioners pray, as if meeting the Lord, holding willow branches, flowers and burning candles in their hands.

At the end of the service, the willow is blessed with holy water. It is believed that willow has enormous healing powers and helps get rid of all the bad things that have accumulated in the house over the year. It is customary to keep blessed willows in the house all year round next to icons.

Willow whip, Beat me to tears. I don’t hit, Verba hits. Be healthy like a willow. The most important custom of this holiday is the eldest of the family whipping their children with willow with certain words: This was done so that the children were healthy and obedient. Willow whip, beat me to tears. There's a red egg nearby. Russian sentence.

The presentation tells about the Orthodox holiday of Palm Sunday, which precedes Easter. This day has many interesting traditions, its own customs, signs, which will be interesting for schoolchildren to learn about. class hour or OPK lesson. You can download the manual from the link for free and for music or art lessons. There is no abstract in the archive.

From the development slides, schoolchildren will learn the history of Palm Sunday. This date is celebrated on the day when the Lord entered Jerusalem a week before Easter. When he entered the city, people greeted him joyfully. They expressed their joy with cheers. Each one held palm branches with which the people greeted their hero. Palm trees don’t grow here, so on this day everyone gathers in church and blesses the branches of the willow tree, which usually blooms for this holiday. That's how it got its name - Palm Sunday.

Presentation on the theme “Palm Sunday” made for children kindergarten or students primary school. In this class or lesson (lesson), schoolchildren will be able to get acquainted with the history of the holiday and get to know its traditions better. You can download the development made by the teacher on 17 slides for free.

Many children are familiar with the holiday when everyone goes to the temple to bless willow branches. But do preschool pupils know the history of this unusual tradition? Most likely, not all, so this work will help correct the situation. Let every preschooler learn about how Jesus Christ was once greeted on this day in Jerusalem as he entered the city.

The presentation will introduce schoolchildren to the history of Palm Sunday and help them decide what kind of postcard they can give to their relatives on this holiday, since part of the work on the topic “Drawing a willow tree” is devoted to a description of this particular process.

The willow is one of the symbols of the coming spring. It is her delicate silver seals that bloom on modest trees. Nature is instantly transformed. This tree has long been noticed for its unusual meeting of spring and was awarded special respect. It is the willow branches that are blessed in the church on the day of the holiday. Invite schoolchildren in grades 1 - 4 to draw a postcard during an art or technology lesson, the main place on which will be occupied by these festive branches. The work shows a step-by-step image of the composition.

The presentation tells about the great holiday of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which is better known among the people, and even our children, as Palm Sunday. You can download this wonderful electronic work for cool hours in primary and secondary schools, for ORKSE lessons in 4th grade or for classes with children in Sunday school.

The manual was prepared on 12 slides. The story about the holiday begins with a description of the events of Lazarus Saturday, when the resurrection of Saint Lazarus took place. After this event, the people began to treat Jesus even more favorably and believe him, and the Pharisees plotted his murder. After this, Jesus went with his disciples to Jerusalem, where he was greeted as a great teacher, waving palm branches. In our country, this tradition of celebrating the holiday is replaced by blossoming willow branches, which is why they call the day of the Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem Palm Sunday.