Field workers. Class hour Famous people of Kuban


Goal: 1) to continue acquaintance with the history of their small homeland, to introduce the activities of scientists V.S. Pustovoit and P.P. Lukyanenko;

2) cultivate a sense of pride in one’s people and respect for working people;

3) cultivate a caring attitude towards bread

Kuban is often called the BRANCH OF Russia. Have you heard this expression? How do you understand it?

Today we praise skillful hands,

We praise the heroes of the fields.

And we know, in the union of earth and science

The wealth of my Fatherland.

We know that the land of Krasnodar loves

Skill, affection and work.

And where a person acts like a boss,

Rich shoots will sprout.

How do you understand the lines:In the union of land and science?

Kuban scientists brought glory not only to Kuban, but to all of Russia.

What crops did they work with?

Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit

What do you know about sunflower?

Oh, how the sunflower field laughed!

Under the azure sky there are a thousand luminaries.

Sunflowers bloomed on the expanse of the steppe:

The steppe gilded their golden color...

Ivan Varabbas

Academician V.S. Pustovoit developed 42 varieties of sunflower. They are purchased and sown by many countries around the world. The All-Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds bears the name of this scientist.

FISMINUTKA (game wheat - sunflower based on the principle of the game dwarfs-giants)

The lark is hovering in the sky above the expanse,

The soul is at ease, quiet and light.

Each of the sunflowers is a fiery sun,

Generously gives people hot warmth

Ivan Varabbas

V.S. Pustovoit was engaged not only in sunflowers. He repeated more than once that the main plant in the Kuban is wheat.

Do you agree with the scientist? Why?

His student, Pavel Panteleimonovich Lukyanenko, achieved enormous success in developing new varieties of wheat. He became seriously involved in the science of selection.

* The word "selection"translated as “selection”. Breeders select the best plants, study their qualities, best conditions development. This is how new varieties appear.

What was Lukyanenko called in Kuban?

What famous variety of wheat did he develop?

Wheat costs in Kuban

Among the busy fields,

And melts into the bread ocean

Green sail of poplars.

The bread is making noise...

In hot suffering

They bow to the earth

For the warmth of the Cossack soul,

For valor, courage and work!

Ivan Varabbas

It is not an easy task to develop a new variety of wheat.

But it’s not easy to grow it later, protect it from diseases and pests, harvest it, thresh it, store it for elevator, finally bake the bread.

*Elevator – granary for receiving, cleaning, drying and shipping grain.

Remember the lines of the poem: In the union of earth and science

The wealth of my Fatherland.

Thousands of farmers work in the Kuban fields every year.

Read the poem by Viktor Podkopaev.

What does the poet compare the grain to?

Reading the text in the textbook from 112-113

How can we thank the grain growers?

What does it mean to take care of bread?

Photo of bread on the ground.

What secrets do your families have, what do you do so as not to throw away bread?

Indeed, bread is our wealth. The work of thousands of people was invested in it. Take care of him.

Lesson summary.

Homework to choose from:

Draw a poster for the dining room or a drawing about caring for bread.

Create a crossword puzzle on the topic.

Pick up riddles and proverbs about bread.

79 years ago, the USSR Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution on the division of the Azov-Black Sea region into the Krasnodar region and the Rostov region. Since then, neighboring regions have been constantly competing to see who is cooler, who is richer, where more famous people come from, and where it is better to go to live.

In the last 10-20 years, the Krasnodar region has been an undoubted leader. This can be seen from the statistical data: the population is growing exponentially (there are almost 250 thousand more Krasnodar residents according to the results of the last census). It is clear that climatic, economic and social conditions contribute to this. If the first is a natural gift, then the second is the merit of people.

Wheat from Kuban breeder

Thanks to scientific inventions, we eat, drink, heal, communicate, move faster than a horse can run, and much more. And in this area, the Krasnodar region has something to be proud of. For example, she was born, lives and works in Kuban Lyudmila Bespalova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, creator of more than a hundred varieties of wheat. Any bun, loaf or other baked goods contains a piece of the work of a famous breeder, since in our region, which breaks yield records every year, more than 90% of the area is sown with wheat selected by Bespalova.

“Now there are 7 billion of us on Earth,” the academician said in an interview with AiF-South. - By 2050, 9 billion are expected. About 40 years ago, the potential of our planet was estimated at 10 billion people. Now they say that the Earth can withstand 30 billion. But everyone needs to be fed. And wheat is the crop that provides humanity with the most calories."

Over the past forty years, wheat yields in the region, largely thanks to the work of Lyudmila Bespalova, have increased by 50 centners per hectare.

Vladimir Babeshko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is known throughout the world for his research in seismology. And although no one on the planet has yet learned to predict where and, most importantly, when tectonic plates will begin to move, Babeshko’s unique methods make it possible to count on this soon.

“Soon we will be able to predict the time, location and intensity of an earthquake,” says the academician. - Now we have come as close as possible to this. Do you know why we've advanced with seismic engineering? Because the country has been given a grandiose task - to host the Sochi Olympics. And the responsibility fell on us to ensure seismic safety. I went to Vancouver, met with seismologists, watched how they worked during the Olympics. And in the end, we made our own system 3-4 times more powerful - the Canadians themselves admit that no other country had such a level of seismic safety. Yes, the Olympics are not a nuclear project that greatly advanced Soviet science, but during the preparation for it we created breakthrough things that no one in the West can do.”

Young people are not lagging behind the old guard either: last year the development made a splash in the scientific world Igor Ryadchikov, head of the laboratory of robotics and mechatronics of KubSU. Together with his colleagues, the young scientist created a universal chassis for robots, thanks to which the mechanism can move in any environment, open doors, climb stairs, overcome thresholds and obstacles.

“We looked at similar developments of our colleagues, understood how we could improve and improve them, wrote a new mathematical model and created our own sample,” says Igor Ryadchikov. - The result is a breakthrough technology in the field of moving mobile devices. There has never been anything like this anywhere and no one has it yet.”

The development has attracted the interest of many companies, was included in the opening list of the international robotics exhibition Innorobo and should enter the market next year.

Our “golden” ones

There have always been plenty of talented athletes in the region: if you look deeper into history, the first thing you should remember is the world famous strongman Ivan Poddubny. And in order not to go far, it is enough to remember the winners of the recent Olympics: judoist Beslan Mudranov, tennis player Elena Vesnina, boxer Evgeniy Tishchenko, handball team coach Evgeniy Trefilov and his players.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to bring medals to the Kuban trampoline athletes from the current Games, but this sport was and remains business card Krasnodar region. This is largely due to Vitaly Dubko - honored coach, the world's best trampoline mentor of the 20th century. This year Vitaly Fedorovich turned 80 years old, but he continues to work, giving his all, just like at the very beginning of his journey.

In 1965, Dubko, a young school physical education teacher, was called to judge the country's first Trampoline Cup. And the former acrobat liked this sport so much that he returned to Krasnodar and began coaching. And in 1976, everyone learned about the Krasnodar trampoline: at the World Championships in Tulsa, America, Soviet trampolineists won all six gold medals, three of which were brought to Krasnodar by students of Vitaly Dubko Evgeniy Yanes And Evgeniy Yakovenko. It was then that the famous joke was born, saying that Pashkovka beat America.

In 2000, trampolining was included in the program for the first time Olympic Games, and Dubko's students Irina Karavaeva And Alexander Moskalenko then they became the first Olympians.

“To be fair, now the trampoline is different: the score is no longer in hundredths, but in thousandths of points,” says Irina Karavaeva. - Nobody knows if there had been such competition 15-20 years ago, we would have won so many medals. In general, both I and Alexander Moskalenko are, perhaps, a consequence of the Soviet training system. Our coach Vitaly Fedorovich Dubko spent days and nights in the gym. We were the last “products” of the Soviet system, and then a many-year gap arose. Yes, in lately something appears again, but failure is felt - time has been lost. A whole generation of coaches - my peers, who could lead to victories - has scattered around the world. One trains the US national team, the second trains Australia, the third has left the trampoline altogether. And we, as before, demand only gold medals from athletes. But we need to lower our ambitions a little, admit that we have lost a lot, and work, work, work.”

Alexander Moskalenko 16 years ago accomplished a real feat. Let us recall that in 1998 Moskalenko, the holder of the Guinness record for the number of victories at the world championships, left the sport and went into business. But when the trampoline was included in the Olympic program, he decided to return, because victory at the Olympics was not on Moskalenko’s huge list of achievements. The athlete lost 25 kg, got back into shape, went to Sydney and won.

Writer Vladimir Runov:

- We have a lot of people who should be proud, but modern media create their own “heroes” - news feeds contain notes about thieves in law. From all sides they trumpet the lives of pop artists, a stream of negativity, like sandpaper, erasing our memory. And the people who created, built, defended - they are here, they walk next to us. Scientist Ivan Trubilin, who built a huge university, breeder Pavel Lukyanenko, in whose honor the research institute is named, foreman Mikhail Klepikov, two-time Hero of Socialist Labor, builder Mikhail Lantodub, cosmonaut Anatoly Berezovoy. And this is only a small part - those whose names immediately came to mind. Hero Soviet Union Anatoly Berezovoy set a record in space, met with Andropov and died on the same day as Zhanna Friske. Three years have passed: the division of Friske’s inheritance is still being discussed on all channels, but no one is talking about Berezov. People simply don’t have a sense of real values ​​in their heads - it’s as if they are deliberately erasing it.

“I thought for a long time whether to return or not, because I had to turn my life upside down,” recalls Moskalenko. - At first I just wanted to try. When it became possible to fight the weight, recover, pump up, feel the body - only then did the understanding emerge that, in principle, it was possible to fight. The father’s words were decisive: “If you had a chance, but you didn’t even try, you will reproach yourself all your life. If you tried and lost, neither you nor anyone else can make a claim against you.”

"The Last of the Mohicans" rustic prose

Viktor Likhonosov It’s not for nothing that he is called a living classic of Russian literature: the author of “Our Little Paris” is indeed “the last of the Mohicans” of Russian village prose.

“Everything he wrote was written freshly, musically, very accurately,” said the famous Yuri Kazakov. “And everything is imbued with a sharp, even some kind of enthusiastic and sad love for a person.”

Now Likhonosov is finishing his next book, “Lonely Evenings in Peresyp,” which he defines as “prose memories.” And her lines are filled with quiet sadness, regret for the Russia that we have lost. So what did the country lose in the bloody twentieth century?

“We have lost the continuity of historical life,” says Viktor Likhonosov. - There are states in the world in which history, way of life, and traditions are continuously passed on from forefathers, grandfathers, fathers to children. For us, all this was interrupted in the seventeenth year. Then a terrible breakdown occurred, when what we had professed for centuries new government ordered to destroy."


“On September 13, the anniversary year begins. Our region has been developing for 80 years - both the economy and the socio-political spheres. Now it’s hard to believe that Kuban was once a marginal region that relied exclusively on agriculture, says Valery Kasyanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Russian History of KubSU. - The region suffered many hardships and adversities: repression of the Cossacks, collectivization, famine. After 1937, the Cossacks practically ceased to exist, and those who remained could not express themselves out loud. That was the time. All this led to the fact that before the Great Patriotic War the composition of the population changed significantly. Kuban also had a hard time during the war years: it was here that the most severe air battles took place, the battle for Novorossiysk.

After the war, the region began to recover. And it happened quite quickly. Do you know why? IN Soviet times The basis for the development of the state was industry and the working class. No offense to them, but it should be noted that in the Kuban there lived mainly peasants who worked from dawn to dusk. Hardworking people truly devoted to their land. It is clear that the agricultural sector was developing. But then the formation of the resort industry began.

Gradually, the Krasnodar region turned into a desired region, a dream region. People wanted not just to come and relax, but to move and live. Today, almost 6 million people live in the region, and in terms of this indicator we are not far behind Moscow and the Moscow region.

We have always competed with the Rostov region. Although once upon a time both we and they were part of the united Azov-Black Sea region. So Rostov-on-Don has always been considered the capital, the gateway to the south. It was a city of over a million people with a well-developed industry, with higher salaries and jobs. For a very long time, many Kuban residents sought to go there to study, work and live. But in the last 25 years everything has changed dramatically. They leave from there and come to us to work and study. In 3-4 years, Krasnodar will officially become a million-plus city. And I'm not even talking about other neighboring regions, they are not even on par with our region.

Of course, a qualitative breakthrough occurred during the preparation for the Olympics. Investments poured into the region, and everyone wanted to become involved in this event. The construction of the Kerch Bridge gave a second wind to the development of the region.

The prospect for the Krasnodar Territory is clear: for several more years there will not be a region equal to Kuban in the Southern Federal District. But it is not enough to be satisfied with the results achieved. We need to preserve them and, of course, look for new unique projects that will help the region continue to bloom and develop.”

“Privolye” is a seed-growing enterprise, so technology issues are treated with special attention here

According to the Russian magazine " General manager“Sergey Lagoshin, head of Agrofirma Privolye LLC in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, ranks first in the ranking of general directors in the crop production industry in the Krasnodar Territory.

Employees of Priazovskoe JSC distinguished themselves during the 2019 harvest, for which they were awarded awards at the harvest festival held in Krasnodar on October 26. From left to right: E. Entaltsev, harvest winner 2019, combine operator; V. Orlovsky, chief agronomist; S. Pipko, the best waterer for rice crops; A. Pozdeev, harvest champion 2019, combine operator.

CJSC "Priazovskoye" in the village of Petrovskaya - one of the most dynamically developing enterprises in the Slavyansky district - this year again demonstrates high production indicators. For more than 20 years, it has been headed by Ivan Alekseevich Sirota, an honored worker of agriculture in Kuban, who has worked his way up from a tractor driver to the director of an enterprise.

On June 10, 2019, a ceremony was held at the Expocentre Central Exhibition Complex to award the laureates of the National Prize in Entrepreneurship competition "Golden Mercury" based on the results of 2018.

In the nomination “Best small enterprises in the agro-industrial complex” the jury of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry recognized the winner Biotekhagro LLC.

The editors of the Agro-Industrial Newspaper of the South of Russia wholeheartedly congratulate their long-time and reliable partner, the Biotekhagro company, on their victory and receipt of a prestigious award in the Russian business community. Keep it up!

Back in 1935, at the Krasnodar Oil and Fat Plant (MZhK), boiler-forging, foundry and thermal sections were organized. Then they were transformed into an enterprise as part of the MZhK, which successfully existed for 56 years. But in the turning point year of 1991, this former experimental mechanical plant of the Soviet Ministry of Food Industry had every chance of sinking into oblivion, like hundreds of others like it in a collapsed country.

Druzhinov Fedot Ivanovich, private soldier of the 694th rifle regiment, 383rd rifle division

Feat of the people

On April 11 and May 9 of this year, residents of the hero city of Kerch celebrated two significant events: the 75th anniversary of liberation and Victory Day. This seaside city entered the history of the Great Patriotic War as a settlement for which bloody battles took place in 1941, 1942, 1943 and 1944. These tragic events were marked by the massive heroism of the Red Army soldiers and the civilian population.

In Kuban, the green light has long been given to the development of viticulture and winemaking, and this topic is constantly in the spotlight of scientists and producers. Recently, emphasis has been placed on the most important issue - preparing your own planting material. Scientists strive to achieve high phytosanitary stability of grapes in order to ensure the environmental friendliness of the final product, and are achieving serious success in this direction.

Vladimir Nikolaevich Gukalov (in the center) can often be seen in the fields of the region, in the working environment

June. Heat. The sun is so hot that after walking a few steps across the field, you are already all wet: sweat is pouring out like hail. "Field Day" at the North Kuban Experimental Station in the village of Leningradskaya. About 100 - 120 people walk through the plots from variety to variety: agronomists, heads of peasant farms, engineers, managers of agricultural holdings. Everyone listens attentively to the head of the department, Anna Mikhailovna Vasilyeva. The discussion becomes lively next to the planting of new varieties: Graf, Steppe, Timiryazevka 150 and Gerda. Everyone is interested in the peculiarities of cultivation: seeding rates, predecessors, resistance of the variety to fusarium, doses of fertilizers... One of the most inquisitive in this group, with a notebook and pen in hand, - the head Leningradsky district Vladimir Nikolaevich Gukalov.

Theme of the event: “FAMOUS PEOPLE OF KUBAN.

Purpose: 1) acquaintance with the history of their small homeland, acquainting with the activities of scientists V.S. Pustovoit and P.P.Lukyanenko;
2) cultivate a sense of pride for one’s people, respect for working people;
3) cultivate a caring attitude towards bread

Progress of the class hour:
1.Creating psychological comfort in the classroom.
- I wish you success, and it depends only on you. Show all your knowledge, ability to work, listen, think. I wish you good luck.
. Let's remember
In the last lesson you talked about our fellow countrymen during the Second World War.
3. New topic.
During the Second World War, people showed heroism.
- Is it possible to talk about heroism in peacetime? Give examples.
- Who are called heroes now? (PHOTOS OF LUKYANENKO AND PUSTOVOIT)

We will talk to you today about such people.

Our theme: Field workers.
- Who works in the fields of Kuban?
- You have a picture of a slide on your sheets. Draw a box where you are in relation to today's topic, what do you know about field workers.

Kuban is often called the BRANCH OF Russia. Have you heard this expression? How do you understand it?
Working with a dictionary.

Today we praise skillful hands,
We praise the heroes of the fields.
And we know, in the union of earth and science
The wealth of my Fatherland.
We know that the land of Krasnodar loves
Skill, affection and work.
And where a person acts like a boss,
Rich shoots will sprout.

How do you understand the lines: In the union of earth and science?
Kuban scientists brought glory not only to Kuban, but to all of Russia.
What crops did they work with?

A) Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit
- What do you know about sunflower? Oh, how the sunflower field laughed!
Under the azure sky there are a thousand luminaries.
Sunflowers bloomed on the expanse of the steppe:
Their golden color has gilded the steppe
Ivan Varabbas

A teacher's story about Academician Pustovoit.
Academician V.S. Pustovoit developed 42 varieties of sunflower. They are purchased and sown by many countries around the world. The All-Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds bears the name of this scientist.

The lark is hovering in the sky above the expanse,
The soul is at ease, quiet and light.
Each of the sunflowers is a fiery sun,
Generously gives people hot warmth
Ivan Varabbas

V.S. Pustovoit was engaged not only in sunflowers. He repeated more than once that the main plant in the Kuban is wheat.
- Do you agree with the scientist? Why?

His student, Pavel Panteleimonovich Lukyanenko, achieved enormous success in developing new varieties of wheat. He became seriously involved in the science of selection.
*The word “selection” is translated as “selection”. Breeders select the best plants, study their qualities, and the best development conditions. This is how new varieties appear.
- What was Lukyanenko called in Kuban?
- What famous variety of wheat did he develop?

Wheat costs in Kuban
Among the busy fields,
And melts into the bread ocean
Green sail of poplars.
The bread is making noise
In hot suffering
They bow to the earth
For the warmth of the Cossack soul,
For valor, courage and work!
Ivan Varabbas

It is not an easy task to develop a new variety of wheat.
But it’s not easy to grow it later, protect it from diseases and pests, harvest it, thresh it, store it in the elevator, and finally bake bread.
*Elevator is a granary for receiving, cleaning, drying and shipping grain.

Remember the lines of the poem: In the union of earth and science
The wealth of my Fatherland.
Thousands of farmers work in the Kuban fields every year.
Read the poem by Viktor Podkopaev.
- What does the poet compare the grain with?
-How can we thank the grain growers?

What does it mean to take care of bread?
Photo of bread on the ground.
-What secrets do your families have, what do you do so as not to throw away bread?
Indeed, bread is our wealth. The work of thousands of people was invested in it. Take care of him.

4.Result of the event.
- Let's evaluate our work. Now mark on your slide where you are now in your study of the topic? Who drew the flag above?
Let's check how attentive you were in class. Crossword.

Krasnodar region, Seversky district, urban-type settlement Afipsky,
municipal budgetary educational institution
Secondary school No. 6
urban-type settlement Afipskoye
municipality Seversky district

Theme of the class hour: “FAMOUS PEOPLE OF KUBAN.

Completed by: teachers of grades 1 “A” and “B”
Konovalova O. P., Amzoyan I. V.

How can you get an impression of a certain people? According to its best representatives, workers. And sometimes they live and work not in the capital or huge famous cities, but in small remote villages, where they shine like stars. The memory of them lives on for a long time among grateful villagers who carefully preserve it. This is exactly what Anatoly Mikhailovich Kolomiets was like, who gave his life to the residents of the village of Smolenskaya.

Anatoly Mikhailovich was born on April 21, 1903 in the village of Seversky District into a Cossack family. At the age of three he was left without a father and moved to Petrograd, where he lived until 1920. And then he returned to the village, where he went to work as a school teacher, becoming the first head of the school. In the 30s he moved to Krasnodar, where until August 1942 he worked at a school and studied local history.

In August 1942, when the Nazis occupied Krasnodar, Anatoly Mikhailovich returned to his homeland. Together with his son Joseph, he became a fighter in the Gadfly partisan detachment.

Anatoly Mikhailovich devoted his entire life to studying the nature of Kuban. Being a wonderful teacher, he was able to organize groups of schoolchildren, young men and former army men, with whom he made trips along the river valleys of the Kuban tributaries with access to the Black Sea. An excellent organizer and charming person, Anatoly Mikhailovich, created a regional section of tourists and climbers at the physical culture and sports department of the regional trade union in 1956. The section included a small group of enthusiasts together with the Kraigidroproekt survey group and several of its students. Later, in October 1958, this association received official status in the form of the Krasnodar regional club of tourists and climbers, which has its own charter, plan and bank account. Since January 1959, the Club received funding, intensified its work, and in three years more than twenty regional city tourist clubs were created in different areas of the region. Unfortunately, in the system of the Tourism Council, the club, as an amateur tourist association, has lost its independence: there is no premises, the archive is lost, teaching materials and the reports were destroyed.

With the energetic participation of A. M. Kolomiyets, in 1960 the construction of the Lago-Naki tourist center began using the Komsomol construction method. Amateur tourists and young people built the first wooden buildings with their own hands from scrap materials, and his students laid the first ski tracks on the plateau. Subsequently, the tourist center came under the jurisdiction of the regional tourism council, the buildings were not preserved, the skiers grew old, but the plateau is also covered with snow, the Azish-Tau ridge sparkles with cliffs and the memory lives on. Now in this place there is a tourist center of the same name in the Republic of Adygea.

In November 1961, an amazing thing happened: Anatoly Mikhailovich introduced a tourist column with all the required attributes into the festive demonstration: an emblem, a car with an improvised tourist bivouac, greetings, banners and participants in a special tourist uniform with a backpack and alpenstocks.

A wonderful publicist, he was passionate about himself and captivated the children with his creativity. A. M. Kolomiets was a passionate book lover; his personal library contained hundreds of volumes of Russian classics. Huge life experience, knowledge gave him the idea to tell his contemporaries about the people living nearby, about his native land, about its past and present. Continuing to work as a history teacher, still selflessly engaged in local history, he becomes a writer and regular correspondent for the newspaper “Soviet Kuban”. His books are familiar to all local historians of Kuban.

The book “Tourist routes of Kuban” was published in 1960 by the Krasnodar book publishing house. This book is for those who, not afraid of the difficulties of camping life, will take a backpack, a tent and go on a short or long journey. The proposed guide allows the novice tourist to choose the most suitable route for his trip to the region.

The book “Along the Belaya River” was published by the Krasnodar book publishing house in 1952. Local historian, author of the book - Anatoly Mikhailovich Kolomiets, went on a hike with schoolchildren in his native land. They learned a lot of new things on the hike and went on excursions to stone-cutting workshops. We saw reservoirs and timber rafting. We visited the Caucasus Nature Reserve. The further the guys walked, the more they understood the kindness of people and the beauty of their native land.

The book “Teacher” was published by the Krasnodar book publishing house in 1955. This essay is about a teacher, a physics teacher at secondary school No. 21 in the city of Krasnodar, Evgenia Ivanovna Bratchikova. The book traces the life and work path of an experienced, honest, sensitive person, teacher, and educator. Evgenia Ivanovna experienced a lot in her life: the war years, the death of her husband, but she managed to remain strong, kind, and sensitive towards her colleagues and students.

The book “Tourist Paths” was published in 1957 by the Krasnodar book publishing house. The proposed guide will help the young traveler not only choose a suitable route for himself, but will also place invisible milestones for him, using which he will not go astray and will know in advance what to meet on his way. In addition, the book introduces the riches and historical places of our region.

The book “How the Magpie Became White-sided” was published in 1957 by the Krasnodar book publishing house. This is a fairy tale for children, written in a good Russian folk style, about why the magpie became friends with the entire forest population and how it became a “magpie.”

The book “Odnoklassniki” was published in 1951 by the Regional State Publishing House and was dedicated to young local historians from secondary school No. 39 in Krasnodar. The main characters are young local historians 7 "B" class, which together with class teacher, they planted a botanical garden: there were many rare plants in it, the guys watched how they grew and took root in the Kuban.

The book "Who to be?" published in 1963 by the Krasnodar book publishing house. On the pages of this book there are people of different professions. Each of them loves their work and talks about it with pride. These stories can help you choose the right path to benefit your native Fatherland.

The book “In the Native Aul” was published in 1962 by the Krasnodar book publishing house. The story tells about the fate of the Russian boy Misha, who during the war with Nazi Germany lost two brothers, and soon after the war, his father and mother. Misha was taken by grandfather Mohammed and grandmother Bib to an Azerbaijani village. Here he made friends with Majid, sharing all his sorrows and secrets with him. After the death of grandfather Mohammed and grandmother Bib, Misha finds a home in the Afomgot family.

The book “White Deer” was published in 1958 by the Krasnodar book publishing house. This is an adventure story. Main character– Sobolev Andrey Pavlovich, slandered for treason by fellow villager Suprun Fedka, decides to restore justice. He goes with his friends, the boys Styopka, Vasya and Valerka, to the battlefields of the “Storm” partisan detachment. Having overcome all the obstacles posed by Fyodor Suprun, who was hiding from them and knew about the purpose of the campaign, they find a mysterious warehouse under the sign of the White Deer and return to the village. Sobolev's good name was restored, Fyodor Suprun was convicted.

The prototype of the main character of the book “White Deer” Sobolev A.P. is a resident of the village of Smolenskaya Gudok Mikhail Fokich, a volunteer of the Great Patriotic War(was in the 4th Cossack Corps).

But among the written works, there are also works that have not seen the light of day. Manuscripts are kept in school museums in the villages of Elizavetinskaya and Smolenskaya. How nice it would be if at least something of what he wrote, but which did not see the light of day, was published: he did not have time, although he was in a hurry. These are the stories: “The Camp Leaves the Village”, “Morning”, the essay “Warm Heart”, the story “The Old Owl”.

Anatoly Mikhailovich’s greatest merit is the creation of two local history museums: in 1965, the school museum named after. Misha Poluyan in st. Elizavetinskaya and in 1969 school in the village of Smolenskaya. Russian language teacher at the Smolensk school Vostrova M.V. recalled: “In the early spring of 1969. School director Petrenko A.F. introduced me to Anatoly Mikhailovich Kolomiets. He invited me to take part in the design of the exhibitions of the school museum. I immediately agreed, because I realized that it would be an interesting and necessary job. And so it was. After all, he was in charge of everything: the collection of materials and the design of exhibitions, a great enthusiast, a devotee of museum work, an erudite and patriot of Kuban and his native village, and most importantly, a wonderful, broad-minded person. I would say: “A man with a capital M.”

It was very easy to work with Anatoly Mikhailovich, because he knew how to captivate people and infect them with energy. All of us, from the first and chief assistant Anatoly Mikhailovich, Matvey Kuzmich Suldin to us, ordinary designers, worked for several hours almost every day, and it was not burdensome.

Anatoly Mikhailovich was a very intelligent person. It was easy to communicate with him because he knew how to listen and understand others, agree with them or argue, but he never pressed with his authority: he simply knew how to convince, they believed him from the first minute of communication.

This happened with everyone: with artists, graduates of the Krasnodar Art School, who unselfishly painted at the request of Anatoly Mikhailovich, and with guides, students of the school, and with those who wrote texts for exhibition materials, and with school teachers preparing stands for the museum, and in general with everyone who communicated with him. We all felt like we were doing the right thing. We felt satisfaction and joy from communicating with each other and from communicating with such a wonderful person.

When the opening day of the museum, our museum, arrived (it was June 28, 1969), we all felt joy, pride and gratitude to the man who made us all involved in such a holy cause.

After the opening of the Museum, Anatoly Mikhailovich Kolomiets did not forget us, he often visited the museum at school, and on March 7, 1970, members of the Museum Council went to the five-year anniversary of the museum. Misha Poluyan at secondary school No. 33 in the village. Elizavetinskaya, where Anatoly Mikhailovich invited us. Of course, they had something to be proud of: thanks to the efforts of the same Anatoly Mikhailovich, a new building was built for the museum...”

Anatoly Mikhailovich devoted a lot of effort to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers who died during the liberation of our region from the fascist invaders. He became one of the initiators of the construction of the monument on Mount Lambina.

Each of his creations: be it a club or a museum, can be confidently named after Anatoly Mikhailovich. Many of his students chose tourism and local history not only as a hobby, but also as a profession and the meaning of life. From the experience of his teaching work, he developed a program of actions for a teacher in a children's group, which can still be used now; a wonderful essayist, he involved children in the publication of wall newspapers and the creation of descriptions of tourist sites.


8th grade student of MBOU Secondary School No. 49

scientific supervisor: Irina Mikhailovna EREMENKO,

Director No. 49 Art. Smolensk