Moscow ways of jazz. Moscow ways of jazz Church holiday according to the folk calendar

April 30 marks International Jazz Day, a celebration created by UNESCO in 2012 to raise international awareness of jazz “as a force that promotes peace, unity, dialogue and increased contact between people.” The celebration takes place in dozens of countries and cities around the world, and world-famous stars take part in concerts. In Russia, the largest events dedicated to Jazz Day are held in St. Petersburg. About how this amazing musical style, and what books are really worth reading to understand its essence, the librarian of the youth department Alina Barishovets will tell you.

Jazz originated in America in the 1910s at the intersection of musical cultures of different nations, combining European harmonic structure, complex African rhythms and African-American folklore. Already in the 20s XX century it became a symbol of popular music. However, transforming and developing, jazz, as a style of music in the modern sense, took shape only in the 1950s and gradually approached the sphere of high art.

IN Soviet Union jazz came in the 1920s and was perceived as the music of the oppressed black population of the United States, but just ten years later it began to be associated with a manifestation of bourgeois culture, and then foreign jazz was banned, and domestic jazz performers were criticized by the authorities. The real rise of Russian jazz music began only during the Thaw, and it retains its popularity today.

Our library invites you to expand your knowledge of jazz and read excellent books dedicated to this style of music, which is now fashionable to listen to all over the world.

You can start getting acquainted with jazz with a book Valentina Konen “The Birth of Jazz”, which is not just a detailed history of its origins, but also an analysis of the processes of its development and the forces that influenced the formation of the modern appearance of jazz. The author examines the prerequisites for the emergence of a new musical style in the United States, which differs sharply from traditional European music, and attempts to answer the question: how did music that arose in a provincial black environment manage to become such an iconic phenomenon of world culture?

An ardent fan and active promoter of jazz, French music critic South Panassier in the book “The History of Genuine Jazz” emphasizes: to understand jazz you need to study it as foreign language, and this is only possible through close communication with its indigenous creators, and one should not confuse real jazz with its many fakes. The author of the book is very strict in his assessment of genuine jazz music. This book examines the development of jazz from its origins to the 50s. XX century. A separate chapter is devoted to life and creativity greatest jazzman Louis Armstrong, whose influence on jazz the author Panasier considers predominant.

If you want to know more about life and creative path this great man, you can read the monograph of the American researcher and historian of jazz James Lincoln Collier "Louis Armstrong". This book covers not only Armstrong's biography, but also talks about wide circle musicians with whom he was friends and worked, which allows the reader to see a multifaceted panorama of American musical life XX century.

The book may be of particular interest to jazz lovers Winthrop Sargent "Jazz", recognized as one of the first theoretical studies devoted to this musical style, its musical language and expressive means. Despite some shortcomings, critics emphasize the value of the book, which consists primarily in the fact that the author managed to capture the very essence of the phenomenon, despite all its versatility.

In the book "Jazz: origins and development" art critic, teacher of jazz history and artistic director of the jazz orchestra Yuri Kinus examines in detail the musical genres that served as the basis for the emergence of jazz, as well as the main styles of jazz. This book can rightly be called teaching aid in the history of jazz, and it is indeed used in this capacity in conservatories, music schools and art colleges. Nevertheless, it will be of interest to everyone who is passionate about this musical direction.

Special events will be held in St. Petersburg and New Orleans, which celebrates its 300th anniversary in 2018

Today General manager UNESCO Audrey Azoulay and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Herbie Hancock announced a program of events to mark the celebration International Day Jazz 2018, which will take place in the host city of St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) and in more than 190 countries around the world.

In addition, a number of educational and outreach programs will be organized in the host city. The day will end with a grand concert at the historic Mariinsky Theater with the participation of world-famous stars. The concert will be broadcast on live all over the world. Partners in celebrating International Jazz Day, celebrated every year on April 30, will showcase jazz music as the universal language of the world across seven continents.

The artistic directors of the concert with the participation of world-famous stars will be Herbie Hancock(United States of America) and famous saxophonist Igor Butman(Russian Federation), and as music director will perform in the evening John Beasley(United States of America). Artists from around the world will perform at the concert, including Cyril Amy(France), Oleg Akkuratov(Russian Federation), Till Brenner(Germany), Igor Butman(Russian Federation), Oleg Butman(Russian Federation), Fatoumata Diawara(Cote d'Ivoire), Joey DeFrancesco Vadim Eilenkrig(Russia), Kurt Elling(United States of America), Antonio Farao(Italy), James Rose(United States of America), Robert Glasper(United States of America), David Goloshchekin(Russian Federation), Hasan Hakmoun(Morocco), Gilad Hekselman(United States of America), Horacio Hernandez(Cuba), Taku Hirano(Japan), Anatoly Kroll(Russian Federation), Gaoyang Li(China), Rudresh Mahanthappa(USA), vocal jazz group The Manhattan Transfer(United States of America), Branford Marsalis(United States of America), Marcus Miller(United States of America), James Morrison(Australia), Moscow Jazz Orchestra(Russia), Makoto Ozone(Japan), Danilo Perez(Panama), Diana Reeves(United States of America), Lee Ritenour(United States of America), Luciana Souza(Brazil), Ben Williams(United States of America) and others.

Igor Butman supported the candidacy of St. Petersburg to host International Jazz Day in 2018. On April 29 and 30, the city will present to the public a rich program of free concerts, lectures, seminars and discussions with famous musicians.

Jazz has been performed in St. Petersburg since 1927, when the State academic chapel The first jazz orchestra of Russia was created in St. Petersburg, and in 1929 the first jazz group was created. St. Petersburg is the only city in Russia that is home to the Philharmonic of Jazz Music, founded in 1989.

Holiday Events on the occasion of the Day established by UNESCO in collaboration with the Institute. Thelonious Monica in 2011, will also be held in other cities Russian Federation and in more than 190 countries around the world. This Day promotes recognition of the role of jazz in promoting the values ​​of freedom, creativity and intercultural dialogue, as well as in uniting people from all corners of the globe.

New Orleans (Louisiana, USA)

April 22 at historical square Congo will host a special concert to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the founding of New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz music. This event will mark the official start of the countdown to International Jazz Day. It will start a series educational programs in New Orleans public schools and around the world. The New Orleans concert will be broadcast on April 30, International Jazz Day, ahead of the live broadcast of the St. Petersburg concert.

Jazz Institute named after. Thelonious Monk is once again collaborating with UNESCO and its field offices, National Commissions, members of the Associated Schools Network, universities and institutes, as well as non-governmental organizations, public radio stations and television channels in an effort to involve them in the celebration of International Jazz Day. In addition, libraries, schools, universities, performing arts institutions, community centers, artists and arts institutions of various types will mark the day on different countries world with performances, concerts and other events dedicated to jazz.

Today, 04/30/2019, the world celebrates Jazz Day and Walpurgis Night, today all Slavs celebrate Rodonitsa, and in Russia they celebrate Fire Protection Day.

Holidays April 30, 2019

Jazz Day

Jazz as a synthesis of African and European cultures s originated in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is still a unique form today. musical art, which erases all boundaries between people and unites races and nationalities.
Jazz, whose roots lie in slavery, has always stood against all forms of oppression. Jazz is the language of freedom for all cultures, which has always been and remains today a factor of positive change.
The word “jazz” was first mentioned in print on April 2, 1912. In Leningrad, on March 8, 1929, the first performance of L. Utesov’s jazz orchestra took place - the premiere of the “Theajaz” performance.
The first International Jazz Day was held in 2012. The main goal of this holiday is to inform the entire international community about jazz as a force that helps expand contacts between people, preserve peace and unity.

Walpurgis Night

- international holiday
On the night from April 30 to May 1, in honor of the beginning of the blossoming spring, pagan peoples celebrate the most significant among all pagan holidays, the traditional spring festival, which is dedicated to fertility. Walpurgis Night is celebrated throughout much of Northern and Central Europe. This holiday was created in honor of Saint Walpurga, a nun of Wimburn, who came to Germany from England in 748 to found her monastery here. Walpurga was extremely popular among the people, so after her death they began to venerate her as a saint.

Fire Protection Day in Russia

Today, April 30, Russia celebrates Firefighter Day - a professional holiday of the vitally important rapid response service - the fire department. The very first professional fire brigade was created under Peter I.
Fire Protection Day was established by President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin on April 30, 1999. Today, those who are closer to the fire always join the fight against fire for people’s lives: federal, regional or municipal fire departments.

Holiday Rodonitsa

April 30 - Rodonitsa is the most famous Slavic holiday. On this day, the spring cold usually ends, they begin to open the beginning with sunset, go to the graves and commemorate their dead ancestors, urging them to visit the land: “Fly, dear grandfathers...”. On this day, all kinds of funeral gifts are brought to the graves: painted eggs-pysanka, pancakes, oatmeal jelly and millet porridge. After the beginning, the warriors begin the funeral feast: they show their martial art. On this day, children and teenagers compete by rolling colored eggs from a high mountain. The winner in this game is the one whose egg rolls further without breaking. At midnight, firewood is laid out on a high mountain and a large fire is lit.

Unusual and funny holidays

On this day, April 30, you can celebrate a funny holiday - the Day of Freckled Constellations and an unusual holiday - the Stone Wall Festival

Freckle Constellation Day

On this day, April 30, everyone who has been “kissed” by the sun knows what holiday it is today. This is a holiday for those who know what “freckled constellations” are. These constellations are surrounded only by especially gifted individuals. Do you know that these constellations can cause the sun to light up in the morning? The stars at night draw their light from these constellations and it is they who illuminate spring dreams with their red torches!

Stone Wall Festival

How many “stone walls” do you have in your life behind which you feel completely safe? Or maybe you yourself are the “stone wall” behind which everyone who seeks help and peace in life hides? Then this is a holiday for you, you deserve it, because being a “stone wall” is very difficult.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Zosima Pchelnik

On this day, Christians honor the memory of the venerated Zosimus of Solovetsky, a saint of the Russian Church, who was born in the Novgorod diocese, and then moved to Pomorie, where he met the monks Savvaty and German, with whom he built a cell on Solovetsky Island in 1436. Students soon began to flock to Zosima, who founded the famous Solovetsky Monastery here.
Zosima and Savvaty are popularly considered protectors of beekeepers and patrons of bees. On this day, April 30, Zosima Pchelnik and Pudov Day, beekeepers tried to remove garbage from the hives to the apiaries. On the same day, they set up a table in the apiary, covered it with a clean tablecloth, put Epiphany water on it and laid out bread and salt, and the candle left over from Easter Matins. On the holiday of Zosima the Beekeeper, the peasants prayed to Zosima and Savvatiya; they walked around the apiary with a lit candle, sprinkling the entire territory with blessed water, saying: “The swarm is swarming - Zosima is having fun.”
Tasting honey on this day was a good thing.
Name day April 30 with Adrian, Alexander, Zosima, Ephraim, Ivan, Mikhail, Semyon, Fedor

April 30 in history

1967 - The Ostankino TV tower in Moscow was put into operation.
1967 - Philip Kirkorov, pop singer, was born in the family of the Bulgarian singer Bedros Kirkorov, ex-husband Alla Pugacheva.
1971 - In Moscow at Lenin Mountains The world's largest circus opened.
1975 - The Vietnam War ended with the capture of Saigon by North Vietnamese troops.
1980 - The current reigning Queen Beatrix ascended to the Dutch throne.
1980 - Terrorists seize the Iranian embassy in London.
1991 - Beginning of mass deportation of the population of Armenian villages of Karabakh (Operation “Ring”).
2002 - In the city of Obninsk, the reactor of the world's first nuclear power plant was permanently shut down.
2009 - Massacre at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. The total number of deaths is 12 people, a significant part of whom died from gunshot wounds in Baku hospitals. Of the 12 dead, 10 received fatal wounds to the head, one to the chest, and one died by jumping out of a window. The victims of the shooting include students, teachers and employees of the academy.

The holiday was approved by UNESCO in 2011

Louis Armstrong. Photo:

Every year, several dozen cities around the world compete for the title of jazz capital. In 2018, the celebration takes place for the first time in St. Petersburg, where from April 28 to 30, jazz music lovers organized exhibitions, lectures, film screenings, master classes and music concerts featuring jazz players from all over the world.

Jazz is more than music

On November 2011, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), by decision of the 36th session of the General Conference, declared April 30 as World Jazz Day.

Jazz is truly international, and therefore the UN highlights its unusual diplomatic role in uniting men and women around the world. The organizers believe that it can unite all people on Earth, because it promotes the development of intercultural dialogue and improves communication.

Even the great civil rights activist Martin Luther King spoke about the importance of this music. “It is not surprising that the search for the origins of jazz leads to African Americans who championed their music. Long before modern publicists and scholars began to write about racial animosity as a major problem in a multiracial world, musicians returned to their roots to confirm what ruled in their souls,” the speaker noted.

Emerging as a synthesis of African and European cultures, jazz became a symbol of the struggle to destroy established cultural traditions, discrimination and inequality. This music was more than just a means of expressing individuality. Jazz represented cultural freedom, the ability to be and express oneself.

Previously, the capitals of International Jazz Day celebrations were Paris, Washington, Istanbul, Havana and Osaka, where music was played in small venues and at large festivals.

And this year St. Petersburg welcomes all lovers of jazz music. Festive events take place at the central venues of the city - the grand opening took place in the General Staff of the Hermitage, educational and discussion programs - in the Philharmonic of Jazz Music and in the small halls of Mariinsky-2. The crown of the holiday will be the “All-Star Global Concert” - a Gala concert of world jazz stars.

18 countries competed for the title of jazz capital of 2018, but the international jury gave preference to St. Petersburg. The choice of the city on the Neva is symbolic, because it was there in 1927 that one of the first jazz concerts in the Soviet Union. Since that time, Leningrad has become the cradle of Soviet professional jazz. The jazz bands of Boris Krupyshev performed there, and in 1929 the Leningrad Jazz Capella was born, which created the first Soviet jazz repertoire. Already in the thirties, the ensemble became a full-time team of Leningrad radio.

One of the most famous artists of the USSR, Leonid Utesov, began his jazz career in pre-war Leningrad. He created the Tea Jazz orchestra in 1927, and then, with the help of the brilliant trumpet virtuoso Yakov Skomorovsky, was able to attract leading performers from several Leningrad theaters.

It is interesting that Utesov’s orchestra took part in the filming of Joseph Stalin’s favorite film “Jolly Fellows”. This picture became popular not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The famous American actor and comedian Charlie Chaplin later said that before “Merry Fellows,” only the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky was known in the United States. "Now the Americans have seen big changes in human psychology. People laugh. This is a big victory. This agitates more than proof by shooting and speeches,” he wrote.


Jazz is music that incorporates the lively rhythm of Africa and the ritual chants of Baptist Protestant churches. This is the direction in music in early XIX centuries created peoples who were oppressed and disenfranchised for centuries in many parts of the world. The origins of jazz lie on the American continent, where slaves were brought from all over Africa. These people might not understand each other, but it was the need for interaction on a foreign land that contributed to the emergence of a unified culture of the African-American people and jazz as the anthem of this culture. This is why the history of jazz is inseparable from the history of the struggle for civil rights.

Having emerged in the American South, where rigid traditions were incredibly strong and where strong social inequality flourished, African Americans were able to make music that all of America loved from marginal folklore. Jazz became a symbol and way of expressing protest against discrimination. African-American musicians began to talk to society about the problems of part of the country's population through their songs. For example, the great jazz player Louis Armstrong in his song “(WhatDidIDoToBeSo)BlackAndBlue” describes the life of poverty for most African Americans in North America.

Jazz is as popular as ever.
If anyone plays jazz,
They lie about him in vain,
That he will sell his homeland.

Better than any theater
Jazz is better than any kind of cinema,
And to the envy of all the Sinatras
Let's hit b-ball or swing.

And it won’t be bad manners,
If, dispelling sadness
We're on an old saxophone
Let's play spring blues.

You can like jazz or not,
But you cannot be indifferent to him.
After all, jazz knows how to conquer hearts
Cheerful, sad, windy, serious...

I send you my warmest regards
And congratulations on the wonderful Jazz Day.
Among the styles there is no one like it.
He's crying. He laughs. He's playing.

Congratulations on International Day jazz and I wish that there would be not only girls in jazz, that this wonderful music, this unique style would appeal to Europeans, Africans, Asians, Americans, and even that someone in Antarctica would listen to this wonderful rhythm and motif . Let jazz save you in moments of sadness, let this music give strength and inspiration in times of despair, let jazz make it easier and more fun to move through life towards your goals and dreams!

How can you live your life without jazz?
He himself is energy, he is life!
He is the essence of ecstasy
He is the note of crazy turns.

Serenely to these sounds
He will joyfully spin us around!
And we - calmly and casually -
Let's play the best jazz in the world.

The sun creeps in slowly,
Holding greetings in the rays of spring.
A rain-blurred soul
The parapet sat on the edge.

But the beam, drifting, caught
Longing-stricken strings.
And the wind opened the double bass,
A powerful gust blew into your back.

April picked up the saxophone.
And the wings fluttered in rhythm.
May the trombone took out its thunderstorms.
They played spring jazz for the soul.

She perked up and stood up.
I flew over the city with a dream.
Improvisation of all of you
Now I congratulate you on Jazz Day!

Congratulations to jazz fans,
Let the orchestra play more cheerfully -
For the ears, the path will be a delight for everyone,
Hear music, think about it.

Thank you to those who give us miracles,
Who knows how to reach the heart -
The sounds of music, people feel,
And they know how to perform it!

How often does the sound of music, my friend,
We are inspired to achieve achievements in life,
Cheerful rhythm, wind song
And rocking at an energetic pace!

I wish that you always continue
Creating wonderful melodies!
So that it works out for us every time
Light a beautiful star in the sky!

So let your good old jazz sound
More and more often, warming our souls!
Happy music freedom day at this hour
My heartfelt congratulations to you, my friend!

For everyone who loves jazz,
Congratulations today,
Music of the soul
Let it not be silent in your heart.

Sad and happy
Jazz knows no boundaries
Fans from all
He gathers countries.

On Jazz for the Planet Day
Let the saxophone sound
A response in every heart
Let him find it.

If you love music and adore jazz,
You can safely celebrate International Day,
When your feet want to start dancing again,
And the jazz motif erases the shadow from the heart!

I will never tire of congratulating all music lovers,
Who lives and breathes music alone.
Let him wait life path only success
And misfortunes and sadness are bypassed!

Today the great jazz celebrates
Your own holiday and your own celebration.
You and I just love jazz,
He gives us energy and warmth.

Please accept this congratulation!
Let music surround you
Let it fill with inspiration
May there be more goodness in the area.

To the sounds of the saxophone
It's nice to relax
So gentle and calm
The motive is to enjoy.

Who loves jazz madly?
May he live forever
And gives inspiration!