How to draw an autumn tree. Drawing autumn in watercolors: Golden Birch

We offer detailed instructions for writing autumn landscape gouache. The finished painting will be a wonderful interior decoration, especially if framed in a baguette.

This creative master class will help you improve your skills in working with gouache, learn how to draw the reflection of trees in water, develop a sense of composition and the ability to reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

You will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes.

Execution steps:

1. Draw the horizon line with light blue.

2. Cover the upper part of the sky with dark blue.

3. Add white gouache and paint over the rest of the sky up to the horizon line.

4. Draw the water, painting the background light blue, turning into dark blue.

5. Draw clouds with white gouache.

6. Draw the earth with small strokes of brown, light brown and yellow.

7. Draw a tree in the background

8. Against the background of water, draw a mirror image of this tree

9. Draw a few more trees in the same way

10. We paint the crown of the tree with bright autumn colors using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, and in the reflection of the water we use less saturated shades.

11. Using the same principle, we draw the remaining trees.

12. We can finish drawing the Christmas tree and bushes.

13. In the foreground we draw a pine tree trunk and branches.

14. Draw the crown of the pine tree with green paint using horizontal strokes.

15. Draw horizontal stripes against the background of water with a semi-dry thin brush using white gouache. We draw a couple more trees next to the pine tree.

16. Using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, we paint the crowns of trees, fallen leaves with small strokes of the same colors and grass.

Your work is ready! Now you can decorate it with a baguette and decorate the interior, or you can give it as a gift.

Of course, it is not necessary to draw exactly as shown in the master class, because this is a creative process.We wish you inspiration and success!

From a very early age, first mothers, then kindergarten teachers, and teachers in art classes at school instill a love of nature into the child’s soul. One way to appreciate the beauty around us is through fine art.

Children love it very much and wildlife is the best topic for this. Let's draw trees with pencil and paints.

Master class for beginners: how to draw a beautiful tree with a pencil

How to draw a winter tree?

Inexperienced in fine arts It is quite difficult for a person to show changes in nature, especially winter. But if you don’t be too strict and critical of children's drawing, then you may be surprised to find that kids take this much more simply. The smallest ones are good at creating white snowflakes made from gouache dots that cover bare branches.

The older the baby gets, the more complex the technique for creating a winter landscape. There is no need to strictly indicate exactly how to paint winter, developing the artist’s talent.

How to draw a tree in autumn?

With the autumn theme, things are much simpler. Bright red and yellow shades take fantasy to an unprecedented level. And various drawing techniques allow you to create beautiful autumn landscapes.

Some people love watercolors, others like working with gouache - mixing paints to create the desired shade the business is very exciting and exciting. Draw autumn tree You can even use a toothbrush, using the bristles to spray alternately different shades of paint onto a sheet of paper with an already drawn trunk.

Autumn tree. Master class with step by step photos.

Kadinskaya Ekaterina Nikolaevna, physical education instructor at MDOU "CRR-Kindergarten No. 101 "Firebird"
Description: Hello dear guests. Autumn - what could be more beautiful than nature in autumn time year?! You look at the crowns of the trees and you can’t take your eyes off... Numerous shades of autumn fall on the foliage, creating landscapes of indescribable beauty. Autumn paints the nature around us in bright colors, and today we will decorate autumn. A master class in drawing on the theme of autumn is presented, with step-by-step photos. The material can be useful for educators, teachers, children and their parents, and anyone who loves to draw.
Target: Learn to draw an autumn landscape.
-foster a caring attitude towards nature;
-development of creative and cognitive activity, imagination and artistic taste of children;
-learn to use a non-standard approach to drawing.
Materials: a sheet of A3 paper, a painting brush, gouache of different colors, a glass of water, a toothbrush.

Work progress.

1. Take the necessary equipment.

2. On a white piece of paper we draw the background of the tree crown and pieces of the sky.

3. At the bottom of the sheet we draw the ground covered with grass.

4. Using brown paint, draw a tree trunk with spreading branches (you can make more or fewer branches, it depends on your imagination and desire).

5. Take red, orange, yellow green and in turn apply each color to the crown of the tree with a point touch of the brush.

6. Fill in the gaps in the tree crown with blue paint.

7. Take the same colors: red, orange, green, yellow and, using a toothbrush, apply splashes of different colors on the crown of the tree and on the grass.

The saturation and brightness of colors depends on your imagination and your desire.
Thank you very much for your attention!

Even small children can draw a tree using the “poke” method. The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, reader of “Native Path”, technology teacher, leader of an art club for children preschool age, participant of our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!”

To draw a tree using the poking method you will need:

- gouache paints,

- brushes No. 2, No. 4,

- white watercolor paper A 4.

We will paint this tree immediately with paints without first drawing the outline. The crown of the tree will consist of 3 tiers different sizes. We will draw it as follows.

Step by step description of drawing a tree

Step 1:

In the center of the upper part of the sheet of paper, using a brush No. 4 with yellow paint, draw a dotted contour in the form of a cloud on the upper tier of the tree crown. The brush must be held vertically. You need to draw with the tip of the brush, making “pokes”. Then, using the “poke” method, we will paint this tier inside the contour.

Step 2: Stepping back from the first tier down approximately 1 - 1.5 centimeters, as in the first point, we point-draw the second tier of the crown a little larger than the first. I say approximate because the size of each tier will be completely different for everyone. Therefore, every little artist will orient himself in size relative to the sheet. The contour should not be perfectly smooth and symmetrical along the edges relative to the center.

Step 3: Similar to the previous points, inside the contour using the “poke” method, paint over the second tier and draw the third tier. Let's fill it inside the contour. Make sure that the brush is always directed vertically.

Step 4: Apply dotted orange paint to all three tiers of the autumn tree. We apply orange paint mostly on the left side in the lower part of the crown, creating darker spots, because Let's conditionally choose the lighting on the right. Therefore, the right side should be lighter than the left.

Step 5: Using the “poke” method, we’ll paint the grass under the tree first with yellow paint, then with orange.

Step 6: To source No. 2, use brown paint to draw a trunk between the tiers. Moreover, it is better to draw it from the bottom up, since the tree grows, gradually narrowing the trunk to the upper small tier. It is advisable to take paint in two shades: dark and lighter. Then the texture of the bark will stand out on the trunk. Let's draw the branches.

Step 7: Since we conventionally assumed that the light falls on the tree from the right, we will add thin lines along the trunk on the right side with yellow paint.

I would like to add that children of different ages completed the task. Some completed the drawing of an autumn tree entirely on their own. For others, I helped them first draw on the outline and trunk with a pencil.

Examples of children's drawings of autumn trees

How to draw a tree: creative tasks for children

— What two groups are tree species divided into? (deciduous and coniferous)

- Name the species of deciduous trees (Rowan, aspen, poplar, linden, elm, autumn, maple, birch and others).

-What tree did you depict? Think about whether it is possible to depict coniferous trees using this technique?

— Try to draw a pine tree using this technique? How can this be done? ().

- Consider the shape of the tree. Are the crown and trunk dimensions the same at the top and bottom? How are they different? How can you get this result when drawing a tree?

— Why is autumn called golden?

— Read to children or learn poems about autumn:

If in the trees
the leaves have turned yellow,
If the land is far away
the birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
if it rains,
It's that time of year
It's called autumn. (M. Khodyakova “Autumn”)

Following the summer
Autumn is coming.
Yellow songs
The wind sings to her
Red under your feet
Spreads leaves
White snowflake
Flying into the blue. (V. Stepanov “Autumn is Coming”)

An autumn tree can be drawn not only using the “poke” method, but also using other techniques. How to do this - in step-by-step master classes below.

Master class 2. How to paint an autumn tree with watercolors using a straw

From this step by step video channel Art School You will learn how to draw a tree very quickly and easily using a straw, a brush and watercolors.

Master class 3. How to paint an autumn tree with watercolors using the monotype technique

Master class 4. How to paint an autumn tree with gouache paints

If you want to draw a more realistic tree, then there is a very, very detailed master class for you - a lesson on drawing a tree.

Click on or on the course cover below to free subscription

Drawing on the theme is a mandatory part educational program, as it allows you to better study the main signs of autumn, master the palette of autumn shades, and consolidate the ability to work with different art materials.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten can be made in a variety of techniques, using an unconventional approach, but taking into account the age characteristics of the children.

Finger painting “Autumn tree”

For example, children 3-4 years old will be quite capable of depicting an autumn tree by applying droplets of rich colors to the main trunk with their finger.

For such work, you will need to prepare in advance a palette and templates for drawings of tree trunks and branches. We invite the kids to cover the tree with leaves, choosing the most autumn colors from the palette.

Children 4-5 years old can be offered more complex drawing techniques:

Drawing with a white wax candle

For work we prepare thin paper, real autumn leaves (which we collect during our walk), a candle, a brush and paints.

We place a leaf with thick veins under a sheet of paper and run a candle along it.

Cover the entire sheet with paint.

Where the candle comes into contact with the veins of the leaf, its outline will appear.

Drawing vegetables and fruits:

Vegetables and fruits are another popular theme for drawing in the fall.

Drawing with wax crayons

We again use the leaves that we collected during a walk in dry weather. They do not need to be dried because they will become brittle during the drying process. You will also need thin white paper and wax crayons.

Place the piece of paper under the sheet of paper and carefully color the entire space above it with chalk.

Where the chalk touches the veins, the clear contours of the leaf appear.

To make the drawings look more impressive, we fix them on a bright background - for example, sheets of colored cardboard.

Drawing in kindergarten (video):

Look at the video of beautiful and bright ways of drawing on the theme “autumn”:

Autumn drawing with prints

Again we use freshly picked autumn leaves. We cover each of them with a layer of colors from the autumn palette and carefully turn them over onto a sheet of white paper. We carefully lift the sheet - a multi-colored imprint remains in its place.

From such drawings you can organize a real autumn exhibition

Coloring leaves

Children 5-6 years old can already cope with more jewelry work. We use well-dried ones, which need to be handled carefully, as they break easily in your hands. We cover the leaves with different shades of paint.

It is better to use gouache or acrylic paint; watercolors often roll off the surface of the sheet.

Having painted one side, dry it and paint the second.

In this case, the leaf itself is an autumn picture.

The result is bright autumn leaves that can be used to create various decorative compositions.

You can use painted leaves to make an original autumn pendant on a branch.

Coloring paper leaves

This work also requires concentration and perseverance, but less caution - paper sheets cannot be broken and are difficult to wrinkle.

We color each leaf on both sides.

We dry them and use them to decorate a group or hall.

Autumn drawing with crayons

We cut out templates of autumn leaves from thick paper in advance.

Place the template on a landscape sheet.

Carefully paint over the entire space around it with wax chalk, directing the strokes from the center to the periphery. Coloring a birch leaf.

Coloring the maple leaf.

We lift the sheet - only its outlines remain, around which we see a real explosion of bright color.

Such non-standard drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten will help develop a child’s interest in creativity and awaken in him the desire to create new ones. interesting compositions and paintings.

Drawing and application “Autumn fly agaric”

Using real leaves we draw a colored background. We are waiting for it to dry. Cut out the fly agaric cap from red paper, and cut out the stem from white paper. From a napkin we cut out a fringe for the fly agaric leg. We combine all the elements of the craft on a colored background and complement it with a dried maple leaf. All that remains is to paint the fly agaric’s cap with white dots. Our autumn fly agaric is ready!

Drawing autumn with watercolors and crayons

Parents or educators can draw the outlines of the leaves; the children will just have to color them with watercolors. After the watercolor has dried, outline the contours, veins and patterns with a black marker.

In this drawing, the contours are also highlighted with a colored felt-tip pen.

How to draw a colored leaf step by step