Stewardess. How and where to master the profession of a flight attendant Aeroflot flight attendant training center

Many young men and women dream of visiting many countries: boarding a plane, flying up and landing in another country. And the main thing is that you don’t have to pay for it. The ideal solution is to become a flight attendant. Many people believe that the job is “don’t hit someone when you’re down,” and you don’t need any special skills, something similar to working as a waiter. But most young people are confident that they can get a job solely through connections. Perhaps someone got a job like that, but everything is not so illusory.

So, the question of many is: how to become a steward or stewardess in one of the leading and not so leading companies? Below we will tell you in detail how to become a flight attendant, where they train to become a flight attendant in Russia, and what skills you need to acquire to make your dream come true.

In this section we will briefly talk about what types of training are available and where you can train to become a flight attendant or steward.

Types of training:

  1. Taking courses from the air carrier.
  2. Taking courses in specialized schools.

Airline courses. Such courses are provided after passing an interview, and the company invites you to work. This is an undeniable plus that you will undergo training at the expense of the company. In some cases, a stipend is even provided. After training, you and the company sign a contract for several years, which implies that dismissal before the designated period is excluded. If this does happen, you will be charged a fine and required to pay for the courses. The training courses announced by the school can last from 2 to 6 months.

The second option is to enroll in flight attendant school. In Russia, such schools exist on the basis of:

  • TUGA in Moscow;
  • ATU named after Novikov in St. Petersburg;
  • UGA in St. Petersburg;
  • Educational and training center;
  • Non-profit educational institution "School of Flight Attendants";
  • Jet Service.

Often, students can always find a job after completing the courses. The price of training varies between $1000, but the investment will quickly pay off. Moreover, in these schools you learn not only the basic course of working as a flight attendant/steward, but also learn additional skills in serving passengers.

You may ask, if I choose the profession of “stewardess,” what is needed to become a flight attendant? The answer is quite simple: your perseverance and desire, a document of education (CO or VO), a referral from an airline or a receipt for payment for courses.

Important! No airline charges a fee for training or for the purpose of posting a profile. Therefore, be vigilant and do not fall for scammers. It is better to initially study all the information about the school.

It is also worth noting that courses from all major airlines have a lot of competition.

To become a flight attendant, you need:

  1. It is advisable to receive higher education and learn English. You will need it to achieve level three on the ICAO scale.
  2. Pass the medical flight commission (VLEK) according to column 3. This implies the absence of various kinds of inconsistencies in health, height from 170 cm in order to freely reach the upper shelves, as well as resistance to overload and, as a result, dizziness.

Certificates of completion of courses are issued at air carrier training centers!

Well-known large air carriers include Aeroflot and Transaero, since their fleet consists of long-haul aircraft, like Boeing. You will have the opportunity to visit many countries and receive. Air carriers also offer career advancement from senior flight attendant to flight shift instructor. More details on how to become a flight attendant in the above companies are described below.

Company requirements for flight attendants

Very often, girls dream and see themselves in the role of a flight attendant on international airliners that cross the skies of many countries. But in addition to the desire “I want to become a flight attendant,” it is important, and the company’s requirements for candidates are very strict, and they may vary, but in many ways, in essence, they are similar:

  1. Age category from 18 to 26 years.
  2. Education (secondary or higher education).
  3. Excellent health (excellent vision, blood pressure).
  4. Height from 158 to 190 cm. This is necessary in order to freely reach the top shelf, located at a distance of 212 cm from the floor.
  5. Beautiful, presentable appearance (correspondence between height and weight). Girls must have clothing size 46, boys - 54.
  6. No piercings or tattoos.
  7. Ability to float and swim. The exam is conducted with a minimum distance of 25 meters.
  8. No criminal record.
  9. Having a foreign passport.
  10. Customer service experience preferred. Some companies require at least two years of experience.
  11. Good English, both spoken and written. Knowledge of additional languages ​​will be an advantage.
  12. Adequacy, stress resistance, communication skills.

What happens during the training process

Training consists of two parts: theory and practice. Most of it is theory. It tells about the types of famous aircraft, their characteristics, the use of rescue equipment, the provision of medical care, and also provides training on how to do it correctly.

Flight attendant training for international flights requires knowledge of English with subsequent courses on international simulators

The training program consists of:

  1. Emergency rescue complex of works (evacuation of passengers).
  2. Water preparation. Evacuation of passengers when the board falls into the water.
  3. Makeup. You need to have basic skills on how to properly create an attractive business image.
  4. Express training of the English language. With a fairly good base, certain phrases are memorized, disputes and various situational options are considered (about 90 hours of classes).
  5. Medical assistance. The main emphasis is placed on it. Helping a person in various situations (high blood pressure, heart pain, bleeding, etc.)
  6. Service. Passenger service is at a high level, regardless of how tourists behave. Preparedness for any stressful situations (you need to put drunk people to bed, calm down those who are afraid to fly, calm down arrogant passengers, answer hundreds of thousands of questions).

Practice is carried out on simulators. This is an imitation of real aircraft, replaying various situations, as close to reality as possible. Upon completion of the courses and successful passing of exams, practice is implied - about 30 hours of flights on airliners. After which an entry is made in the work book, and you become a full-fledged flight attendant and you can safely start working.

Aeroflot requirements

To become a flight attendant at Aeroflot you need to complete the following steps:

  • go to the company’s electronic page;
  • fill out the form;
  • study the company’s requirements for applicants;
  • pay attention to age, both with and without experience (18-35 years);
  • Russian citizenship, registration in Moscow or Moscow Region.

After this, you will have a chance to become a flight attendant on international flights.

If you are interested in how to become an Aeroflot flight attendant on international flights, you must first obtain an international certificate. To obtain such a certificate, you must take courses on foreign simulators. Upon completion of such courses, you will be able to work on international flights. If the airline does not have this form of training, get ready for courses abroad.

How to become a business aviation flight attendant

So, your choice is the profession of a flight attendant. What to take if your aspiration is business aviation?

Get ready for the most stringent requirements for applicants for the position of flight attendant.

In addition to the mass of requirements that companies put forward to applicants, the necessary criteria are:

  • age category from 23 to 40 years;
  • presence of VO;
  • possession English at a highly professional level.

Today there are many agencies that provide training for business aviation stewards. You can select one suitable for training by going to the website of ONADA of Russia.

Availability of education

It is no secret that air carriers involved in training followed by employment, such as Aeroflot or Russia, have strict requirements for knowledge of the English language. Priority is given to those candidates who have a VO. This testifies not only to education, but also to the culture of a person as a whole.

In addition, it is useful to know the interior diagrams of popular models, for example,.

Part 6. Education.

At Aeroflot this process is ongoing. I liked it. You need to gain knowledge. Useful.

Initial training of Aeroflot personnel takes place at Sheremetyevo-1 at the Aviation Personnel Training Center. I would like to note that “loader” is not included in the list of aviation personnel positions (more on this below).
Basically, flight attendants are trained here. There are a lot of pretty girls:) On the morning bus 851 you can immediately see who is coming here.

The CPAP is located behind a multi-level parking lot, which, in turn, is located opposite Terminal C of Sheremetyevo-1.

1. Login to the CPAP. I immediately noticed the misspelling of the word CENTER on the sign on the right. They have it written as CENTER

2. IL-62 on a pedestal in the hall. The stairs down lead to the locker room and cafe

3. At that time, stands were set up about the history of Aeroflot. The Aeroflot Museum is located in building 6.

4. What struck me were the poor posters from the times of the USSR. Old technology. And they teach using these posters. I was very surprised then.

5. Where is the emergency ax located?

6. Visual signals "Ground-Air" can be useful in life. What if...?

7. Announcement in the lobby of the Central Administrative Center about the “Aeroflot School”. This is 2014, let me remind you.

8. Cafe in the basement of the CPAP. You can have a quick snack. I took water and Snickers with me.

9. Such leaflets are placed on a stand at the workplace in the baggage department of Terminal D.
The very first lesson. It's been two weeks of work at Aeroflot.

10. Training starts at 09:30 and until 14:00-15:00. The longest session was until 15:30

11. Tuition is paid. That's a plus.

12. I took a thick diary with me and wrote everything down. Many didn't write anything down. Or dozed.

13. There were also those who came to study after the night shift. Strange people. For some reason I managed without leaving after the night. The study and work schedule was balanced. If it’s tonight, then you don’t have to go to school. Nobody needs heroism.

14. Whip. They frighten, but in reality they rarely punish anyone.

15. Computer for testing in the “restroom” of the management office. It was possible to look through the intranet - the internal network of Aeroflot. Some took tests here or prepared for them. Often the computer was the same as it is now - with a password.

16. Answer from the Federal Air Transport Agency that the baggage handler is not aviation personnel.

After all this training, certificates are issued. Real ones. They are somewhere with the chief engineer. If I had an interest in continuing aviation activities in another port, then the certificates would be handed over to me. Could be useful.

At the beginning of the flight school course there were two stages. At the first stage, training took place at the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School in the specialty “Flight Operation of Aircraft.” We studied there for 1.5 years. In the second stage, training took place at the Aeroflot school itself on a contract basis for 6 months. If studying at the school was supposed to be free, then at school you had to pay for training, for this the company issued a targeted loan in the amount of the cost of studying. The contract with the student stipulated that after graduating from flight school he would work for Aeroflot for 5 years, and money would be deducted from his salary to repay the loan. But this program is not possible, since the airline failed to resolve the issue of budget funding from the state to pay for training at the first stage.

The average salary of a co-pilot at Aeroflot is 250,000 rubles. Therefore, paying off a targeted loan allocated for studying at a flight school will not be difficult.
In 2013, flight training at Aeroflot consisted of two parts. Initial training took place at an accredited flight center in Florida, USA and took approximately 4.5 months. The course cost $55 thousand, and this does not include the cost of flights, visas and meals. After training, students passed two exams - in flight training and in the theoretical program. After successfully passing the exams, the student received an American standard pilot's license. Training in the second part took place directly on the basis of the Aeroflot flight school. Here they taught the basics of piloting a specific A320 aircraft. The training took 6-7 months and cost about $30 thousand.

Admission to Aeroflot flight school

It’s easy to guess which profession is the most romantic for girls - of course, it’s a flight attendant or, more correctly, a flight attendant. Smiling beauties in strict uniforms evoke adoration among men and envy among girls.

Many young girls are thinking about becoming an aerial conductor. But this profession is not taught at a university or institute. Therefore, a logical question arises: “The specialty “flight attendant” - what is needed for admission, and most importantly, where should one apply? What do girls learn during courses for flight attendants, how much can they earn? What does it take to become a flight attendant in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan? We will discuss this topic in this article.

Girl in the sky

Before moving directly to training opportunities, it should be noted that not everyone can become a flight attendant. There are quite strict requirements for the selection of young ladies to work in the skies. Meanwhile, if you really want to be a flight attendant, and after reading the post, you soberly assess your capabilities as small, don’t be upset. If you have ever traveled by air, then you might have noticed that chiseled girls do not always work on board - among the flight attendants there are both beefy ones and ladies over 30 years old.

In any case, you need to look online to see if there are airline openings and submit your resume. So, the job of “flight attendant” - what is needed to apply and where? Let's start with the appearance.

Don't drink water from your face

What does it take to become a flight attendant? There is no 100% correct answer, and yet appearance is, although not decisive, very important. Most often, airlines select girls aged from eighteen to twenty-five years old with such a height that it is convenient to reach the luggage compartment (that is, not lower than 165 centimeters). In addition, the girl’s appearance should be pretty. You will not be hired as a flight attendant if you have visible tattoos, facial piercings, even large moles, or a short boyish haircut or very bright unnatural hair color may prevent you from becoming a flight attendant. Tattooing is not allowed. Separately, it is necessary to say about weight. Thus, preference is given to fragile girls up to 60 kilograms. Airlines simply don't make plus-size uniforms, and besides, a plus-size flight attendant will be cramped between the rows in economy class.

And another logical explanation for why the airline is likely to refuse a girl weighing more than 64 kilograms - such weight is associated with health problems. But again, exceptions happen.

I would like to become a flight attendant, let them teach me!

You meticulously assessed your external characteristics and concluded that you would make a first-class flight attendant. What is needed for admission?

So, the second important factor, due to which more than half of those who want to become a flight attendant are eliminated, is health. The flight attendant needs to withstand significant overloads, and external beauty here no longer plays a predominant role. After all, a flight attendant has to change time zones and climate zones almost several times a day and endure pressure changes. If you have problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular or nervous systems, then doctors will weed you out without a twinge of conscience.

Once you have passed all the fairly traditional tests and examinations, you will also need to pass the turbulence test.

A little about nerves

A healthy nervous system is also what you need to become a flight attendant. After you pass the medical examination, you will also need to undergo special psychological testing. After all, it is the flight attendant who is responsible for the health and emotional state of passengers. We all want everything to be fine, and that is why a flight attendant must know from “A to Z” what to do in an emergency situation.

During a psychological examination, it is revealed how stable the girl is in her behavior, stress resistance thresholds, and general emotional state.

What does it take to become a flight attendant in terms of psychological state?

So, you have every chance of becoming a flight attendant if you are a disciplined person with good organizational skills. You must be responsible, easily and quickly navigate in an unusual and non-standard environment, and be fairly balanced. Don't think that a flight attendant is just serving drinks and smiling at passengers flying south. In unforeseen situations (or more precisely, just the opposite, all situations are foreseen in advance and played out during training), the life of one or several passengers may depend on the actions of the flight attendant.

Education and language skills

The flight attendant's speech must be well delivered, with excellent diction. However, if you don’t have experience in public speaking, it’s okay - you’ll get better at it.

And, of course, the flight attendant must speak English at a sufficient level (however, the level will be sufficient). Your word of honor that you know the language will not be enough - future flight attendants must pass a test where they need to translate the text and show knowledge of grammar.

What education should a future flight attendant receive? What is needed for admission is either secondary or higher education. Preference is given to girls with medical or management education. True, your diploma will not play a decisive role. Don't forget about your passport - international flights will require it.

What does a future flight attendant learn?

We have already figured out what is needed for admission. What do they teach a flight attendant to make her feel at ease and confident in the skies?

Of course, first of all, ensuring the safety of passengers falls on the shoulders of flight attendants. What to do in case of an emergency landing on land or water? What should you do if a tipsy passenger starts acting up if someone reports that there is a bomb on board? Girls must quickly and correctly navigate in any situation.

In addition, it should be noted that the work of flight attendants is in many ways similar. If you have ever flown with meals, then you may have noticed that for about an hour, flight attendants move in a narrow aisle with a trolley, serving passengers. Therefore, flight attendants are trained in the basics of serving and serving food.

Flight attendants must also have an idea of ​​the places they visit, so flight attendants also take a short course in regional studies, where they become familiar with the political and cultural characteristics of states.

What does the training course consist of?

We figured out what it takes to become a flight attendant. In Ukraine and Russia, the rules are, in principle, standard. How is an education plan constructed?

The courses last three months. The first part is of practical importance; girls, in conditions as close as possible to real ones, learn how to provide first aid and how to behave in the event of an aircraft crash. In addition, future flight attendants learn the duties that will need to be performed on board the aircraft.

The second part of the courses is theoretical in nature. Girls study types of aircraft (flights are carried out on various types aircraft), learn to establish contact with passengers.

At the end of the course, girls must pass an exam on special simulators, receiving a grade of at least “four”. In addition, at least thirty hours of flight experience with an instructor is also required.

How much do courses for future flight attendants cost?

So, you already know what it takes to become a flight attendant. In Minsk, Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Moscow or another major city, contact your local airline office to inquire about job openings. By and large, there is always a demand for flight attendants, so if you have suitable external characteristics, they will be interested in your candidacy.

The training costs about 30-40 thousand rubles, but the girls will pay for the training by working directly for the airline.

How much do flight attendants earn?

Of course, it all depends on the airline where the flight attendant works. Luxury airlines pay girls 2000 - 3000 dollars, but we are talking about global carriers. With us, if you work for a Russian or Ukrainian company, you can earn 500-1000 dollars a month. However, most will agree that this is still quite a lot, considering the average salary of a manager or accountant.

What does it take to become a flight attendant in Kazakhstan? There are no special rules different from those listed above, but the salary there is even less - 300-400 dollars.

Disadvantages in the work of flight attendants

Many girls want to become flight attendants because they want not only to earn money, but also to see other countries. In reality, everything is not so rosy. Most often, apart from a short walk in a foreign place, they get nothing from their travels. In addition, frequent flights do not in any way contribute to the arrangement of personal life, because a young man or spouse is unlikely to tolerate the constant absence of his chosen one.

We must not forget about the constant stress on health. Pressure changes and frequent changes in climate and time zones are imperceptible at first, but after a few months they disrupt the girl’s rhythm of life, problems with sleep begin, and nervousness appears. It is believed that migraines and some nervous disorders are a professional “attribute” of flight attendants.

And the passengers who travel through the sky are far from angels. Flight attendants complain about quite frequent harassment from men, rudeness and, of course, a matter of chance, but who will protect a young girl on board the plane? No one, only she herself must cope with the restless passenger, because this is her immediate task.

For this reason, flight attendants rarely stay in flight attendant positions for more than a year or two, and vacancies are often open. If you want to try your luck - try it!

One of the most romantic and sensual professions is the profession of a flight attendant. Many young women wonder: how to become a flight attendant? I want to visit different countries, see the world, get to know interesting people, even meet your love on the plane. In addition, the work seems dust-free. But few people know what this profession actually is, what hard work is hidden behind beautiful picture and what you have to pay for the opportunity to fly.

History of the flight attendant profession

The profession of a flight attendant dates back to the 30s of the last century. Someone had to take care of the passengers on board, and for advertising purposes they decided that they should be young and attractive women, although the primary task was to relieve the co-pilot for safety reasons. There was no place to study to become a flight attendant at that time; a nurse's education was enough.

Flight attendants greeted passengers, checked tickets, weighed luggage, and cleaned the aircraft cabin. During the flight, they served food and drinks, cleaned passengers' shoes, and carried buckets of fuel during stopovers. The first flight attendants are young women no older than 25 years old with nursing degrees, and must be slim and short - no more than 160 cm and 52 kg. The term “flight attendant” appeared as recently as 1998.

What does it take to become a flight attendant?

The requirements of different airlines for applicants for the position of flight attendant are not very different. As a rule, they are as follows:

  • The average height is from 165 cm, but not too tall so that you don’t have to bend your head.
  • Excellent health. It is mandatory for flight attendants to undergo a medical examination. Good vision, absence of cardiovascular diseases, psychological health - all these are mandatory requirements for flight attendants.
  • No excess weight, tattoos, scars, piercings, or noticeable flaws in appearance.
  • Good knowledge of at least English, and preferably German or French.
  • Higher education, competent speech, good diction.

Requirements for flight attendants

So how to become a flight attendant? Flight attendant school is the next step after passing the interview and medical examination. The training course is designed for a month or two. This is followed by a thirty-hour internship on board the aircraft.

It is generally accepted that flight attendants are required to have a model appearance. The requirements for a flight attendant’s figure are not dictated by aesthetics at all; simply too short a height may interfere with helping passengers get things from the top shelves, but heavy weight undesirable so as not to overload the aircraft.

If you want to acquire this profession and are interested in how to become a flight attendant, you will definitely have to improve your English. This job pays well and gives the opportunity to travel around the world. In addition, a flight attendant's paid vacation is more than 70 days. But it is hard work both physically and psychologically.

What is taught in the courses

Future flight attendants are trained in first aid, rules of conduct in emergency situations, passenger service. Flight attendants can even deliver a baby or calm a violent passenger. Girls are also taught to wear discreet makeup and hairstyles, as well as wear a uniform. Training takes place using simulator aircraft. At the end of the course, an exam is taken, part of which is a simulation of an airplane crash with the crew descending into a pool of cold water. How long to study to become a flight attendant depends on the airline, but typically four to seven weeks.

Work at Aeroflot

Aeroflot is one of the most desirable employer companies for flight attendants. Firstly, the salaries of flight attendants here are higher than in other airlines. Secondly, working for Aeroflot is prestigious, as it is a very respected organization. Thirdly, I am impressed by the huge number of international flights. What is needed to become a flight attendant in this company:

  • secondary education;
  • for those who have no experience, the upper age limit is 26 years old; experienced flight attendants can try their luck at Aeroflot even at an older age;
  • height from 160 to 175 cm;
  • clothing size up to 48;
  • good level of English;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;

You can learn more about how to become an Aeroflot flight attendant on the airline’s website. If you meet all their requirements, then you can safely fill out the questionnaire posted here, which must be accompanied by a good photo with neat daytime makeup and hairstyle.

Applicants will be interviewed by a special commission. If after the interview and testing a decision is made in favor of the candidate, the applicant is sent to undergo a medical and flight expert commission. Based on the results of this commission and the results of the interview, the applicant is accepted into the position of a trainee flight attendant and sent to the Aeroflot Aviation School for training and further internship.

How much do flight attendants earn?

At Aeroflot, a flight attendant can earn from 40 to 90 thousand. The salary is not fixed, but depends on many factors:

  • the presence or absence of complaints and thanks;
  • grades at the next English language exam;
  • number of flight hours.

Flight attendants who perform well are transferred to long-haul flights. In this case, very decent travel allowances are also paid. You can also eventually become a senior flight attendant or instructor. To work on international charter flights, it is advisable to speak not only English, but also French and German. In addition, Aeroflot trains flight attendants in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

The social package at Aeroflot is also good: insurance, pension contributions, discounted air tickets, sanatoriums, kindergartens, 74 days of vacation.

Where are Aeroflot flight attendants trained?

Where to study to become a flight attendant depends on which airline you interviewed with. Before becoming a flight attendant at Aeroflot, you need to graduate from the company's flight attendant training school - the Aeroflot Aviation School. The cost of training there is 45,000 rubles. For those who passed the interview and were hired, Aeroflot partially pays for the training, the rest can be deducted from the salary. You will have to study for 1.5 months. The course includes both theoretical training and practical training on an aircraft. The training uses a land-water simulator and a mock-up of the passenger cabin. During their studies, students master first aid skills, undergo emergency rescue training, and a course in organizing air transportation. Flight attendants are taught to properly serve food and even open champagne, serve passengers, guess their wishes and smooth out conflict situations.

The price of the issue is motherhood

Changes in pressure, exposure to ozone and radiation, loud noise, vibration, change of time zones - all this cannot but affect health. For example, it is difficult for flight attendants to bear a pregnancy; it is often terminated at the most early stages. In the third or fourth week of pregnancy, rough formation of organs, the nervous system, and the brain occurs. Under the influence of harmful factors, the natural development of the embryo may be disrupted, and a miscarriage occurs or the fetus freezes. This happens at a time when a woman may not even be aware of her situation. Occupational gynecological diseases among flight attendants, as well as dysbacteriosis, are also observed. In order to conceive and carry a healthy child, a flight attendant needs to give up flying at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Other disadvantages of the profession

Due to being on their feet for a long time, flight attendants often suffer from varicose veins, and they also often have problems with the spine. Living in constant stress leads to another occupational disease - insomnia.

Flight attendants work with people. Situations can be very different, conflicting, complex. A flight attendant must always remain calm, friendly and have a smile on her face. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many passengers' character deteriorates in the air. Fear and panic, multiplied by alcohol, lead to quarrels, whims, nagging, and sometimes fights. Thus, stress is the eternal companion of a flight attendant. That’s why flight attendants retire at the age of thirty.

Often flight attendants do not have a good personal life. It just so happens that they fall in love with a beautiful stewardess, enchanted by the romance of the profession, but when the wife is away from home for weeks, this is a completely different matter. A flight attendant simply physically cannot take care of the house, everyday life, or fulfill all the duties of a good wife and mother. If she's even lucky enough to become a mother.

Nevertheless, this work is interesting, complex, responsible and well paid. If the sky and distant lands beckon you, then go ahead! Getting your dream job is quite possible.