New Year's drawings on cells. In collections of black and white pictures there are

Not everyone managed to graduate art school to learn drawing techniques. If you want to make a creative postcard with your own hands or fill a diary with original drawings, master drawing by cells. Small pictures by cells Even beginners can do it. The main thing is to buy a math notebook with light-colored paper.

How to draw by cells

Many people like to solve Japanese crosswords, which are based on drawing in cells. If you have ready-made crossword puzzles or answers to them, you can simply redraw large figures in your notebook.

The best way is to use ready-made diagrams that were specially designed for those who do not know how to draw. You can paint over the cells in your own notebook according to the pattern, and then surprise your loved ones with beautiful images.

Among the templates you will find

Look original fruits by cells. If you paint over the drawing well with bright felt-tip pens, then you can cut it out and use it for interior decoration or applique decoration.

If you want to make a postcard or write a romantic story in your diary, then draw a heart in the cells.

Sweets, bouquets, flowers - all this can be drawn in cells.

If you master the principle, then you will be able to depict anything in your own notebook.

Want to come up with your own drawing? Then make a light sketch, and then start turning it into a drawing by cells. It's best to start with the outline. Then you can highlight small details. Don’t forget to note what color, what detail should be highlighted so that the drawing turns out bright and beautiful.

3D drawings by cells- This is a good way to spend interesting leisure time and realize your creative abilities.

Have you ever drawn by cells before? Then be sure to try it. This activity will appeal to both young children and adults. Experts noted that this hobby develops creative thinking, coordination of movements when writing, concentration and logic. Spend your leisure time usefully by inventing new 3D diagrams, simple and complex, for drawing in cells.

Complex pattern by cells

We offer photos of several popular schemes for beginners


Drawings of a pig by cells in a notebook great way pass the time and develop drawing skills. This article contains funny pictures, sketching is fun and useful.

Drawing can keep you entertained when you're bored. Drawing by cells is not only exciting, but also useful. Those who do not have artistic experience can gain it through this type of drawing.

If adults can simply pass the time with this interesting activity, then children benefit greatly from it. By doing box drawing, children develop imagination, mathematical thinking and strategy. This provides some experience that can help children learn to draw larger, more complex designs.

Such drawing also has a positive effect on the nervous system. This helps calm nerves, relieve psychological stress and suppress hyperactivity. Drawing in boxes while listening to calm music is a great way to relax.

What to draw with?

To create a drawing by cells, you will need the simplest set: a simple school notebook, a set of colored pencils/markers or a regular pen. Choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

How to draw?

To draw by cells, you need to stock up on a simple school notebook (or a larger one, A4 format) and writing utensils. To color the cells, you can use simple pens and pencils, as well as multi-colored markers, crayons and pens. Thanks to such a simple set of objects, you can create truly beautiful and unusual drawings. Get started now.





Pigs with Angry Birds

We are all artists at heart. And we all want to decorate our world. Therefore, drawings on the cells in a notebook can help us with this. With them you can easily perform complex and simple drawings. Understand how to draw a heart by cells, or food, flowers, a playful mother cat and her bully kitten. Would you like to be able to make portraits as well? For example, there are such drawings by cells, the photos of which also resemble images of people: a boy and a girl, all these different drawings are not difficult to master.

To understand how to draw colored cells beautiful pictures, it is worth getting acquainted with the technique of applying a pattern by numbers. See that there are different schemes and they are all very easy, accessible even to beginners. They can be mastered quickly. After all, for each of us, in small parts, it will not be difficult to reproduce drawn animals, smiley faces and hearts.

And yet, what small and large, color and black and white drawings there are, made in such a way that they can be easily repeated; and what are the prospects for mastering this technique:

  • What are the significant advantages of square drawings for beginners?
  • Thematic pencil drawings in cells;
  • The scope of application of such original drawings;
  • What opportunities do beautiful drawings in small parts provide?

The most important thing in getting to know each other is to see that the collection prepared for you on our website is very beautiful. And interesting and easy drawings are collected here. Among them there are those that are highly appreciated by our guests and have been familiar to them for a long time, and there are also new, interesting drawings in cells for a personal diary.

Everyone can be an artist! This statement absolutely guarantees that all our guests, as soon as they learn how to learn to draw by cells and can download a couple of options on the website, will repeat and decorate everything beautifully. Whatever the purpose of our tips, for example, if they are pictures of squares for girls 12 years old or drawings of delicious food, they can all be used to hone their artistic abilities.

We have not only samples of ready-made postcards, but also drawings by cells: diagrams. Such a hint as a ready-made instruction will help you move clearly according to plan, and maybe even complete work of any complexity in your own, familiar, favorite manner. For example, make a drawing of ice cream by cells, or animals, the same cat, or entire compositional illustrations for a personal diary.

This opportunity is provided not only for long-time friends of our entertainment resource, but also new guests will also have a chance to learn this art, they have the opportunity to take a kind of master class, a lesson on depicting all kinds of pictures, for every taste and of varying complexity.

Pictures on various topics

The most attractive thing is that the site has illustrations that are interesting for both girls and boys. And there are neutral themes, for example, drawings on the squares of food, as well as illustrations on the squares of animals: pets or forest animals, there are also fairy-tale ones, such as a unicorn.

Especially for all the kids who love cartoons about cute ponies and their friendship, we have prepared a surprise! We have pictures of pony cells. Bright, colorful, they are very attractive to children. That’s why we offer a diagram of how to draw a pony in cells. This and similar “instructions” are quite clear and easy even for a child. And most importantly, they are interesting for kids.

A separate category is drawings based on smiley face cells. They are always interesting and always relevant. They convey the mood and are easy to repeat. For adults and children, this topic is exactly what can bring joy from fruitful work.

It's amazing how often pictures like this help us out. Thanks to them, you can have a great time with your child, no matter how old he is, 5.7 or just a year old. We can use a notepad to jot down sketches during boring meetings or to keep ourselves occupied on the go. And pictures in cells for a personal diary are generally an irreplaceable thing. Therefore, everywhere and on any occasion, download or draw cute illustrations yourself.

Loud children's laughter, decorated Christmas trees in shop windows, rushing townspeople with full bags of gifts - all these pictures involuntarily hint that the most important day of the year is just around the corner. It's time to hurry: thoroughly clean the house, decorate the holiday decor, hang shiny balls on spruce branches, decorate the window panes and draw another magical picture for the New Year of the Rooster 2017. For an adult, this is a great opportunity to plunge into childhood and break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This is a good chance for a child to take part in the creative process and create something beautiful with their own hands, so that they can ultimately show off their talent at a competition in kindergarten or school. Bright and colorful step-by-step drawings of the Rooster, Santa Claus, Snowman, Christmas tree, winter landscapes will not only strengthen home comfort for the New Year 2017, but will also remain a memorable item for beloved parents about their little children.

Step-by-step pencil drawing of a Rooster for New Year 2017

Sometimes a pencil drawing turns out to be more expressive and elegant than one painted with paints. Especially if it is dedicated to a joyful event or an important character. In our case - the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster. Such a drawing is associated with deep childhood, when with unimaginable pleasure we depicted our festive emotions and magical fantasies on white sheets of paper. Now it’s time to involve your own children in the creative process and teach them how to draw a Rooster with a pencil step by step. New Year 2017. Your favorite New Year's story, framed in an elegant frame or glued to the window glass, will imbue the whole house with the atmosphere of the main winter holiday.

Required materials

  • sheet of white A4 paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser

Step by step instructions

Children's drawing for kindergarten for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Burning with the desire to draw a children's drawing for kindergarten for the New Year, kids often cannot decide on a theme. The choice is simply incredible! You can depict a kind Santa Claus, a long-eared bunny, a lush green spruce, a scarlet bag with shiny gift boxes. Or you can draw everyone’s favorite and adored snowman. This amazing character symbolizes the snowy winter, magical holiday, funny children's games.

Required materials

  • thick paper or white cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • set of painting brushes
  • water and container for it

Step by step instructions

Drawing “Santa Claus” with pencil and paints with your own hands for the New Year 2017

In anticipation new year holidays We see images of Santa Claus everywhere: on bright postcards, on concert posters, on sweet gift sets and everywhere you look. Once you look at such beauty, you’ll want to draw it yourself. But first, it’s worth thinking about what a real Grandfather Frost should be like.

Firstly, the country's most important grandfather has a luxurious white beard, lush sideburns, fluffy eyebrows and a head of hair slightly longer than shoulder level. Secondly, Santa Claus always has the following magical attributes with him: a long shiny staff and a red bag with gifts. Thirdly, Moroz Ivanovich is most often dressed in a velvet fur coat with frosty patterns, a hat and mittens with fur cuffs, as well as warm, warm felt boots. And finally, the character's face. It deserves special attention. Santa Claus always has kind, cheerful eyes, a sincere smile, a potato nose, funny wrinkles and rosy cheeks. Remember all these subtleties, and your drawing of “Santa Claus” with pencil and paints with your own hands for the New Year 2017 will turn out just perfect.

Required materials

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • sharp pencil
  • eraser
  • set of brushes of different thicknesses
  • watercolor or gouache paints

Step by step instructions

  1. Place a white sheet of paper vertically. At the top, draw the circumference of the head. Below, mark with dashes 5 more segments of the same size.

  2. Draw a hat for grandfather on the circle. And then draw the top line of the mustache.

  3. Sketch the smile of Santa Claus. Carefully draw a wavy beard. You can draw it short or long (below the waist). Also draw a line for the eyes and a transverse auxiliary line for the face.

  4. Draw the eyes, marking the inner corners slightly higher than the outer ones. Make Moroz Ivanovich’s nose a “hook” and draw the mustache more clearly. Start outlining the hands.

  5. Add details to your face. Draw the nose with nostrils in more detail. Add wide eyebrows - and Santa Claus will immediately become prettier. Draw lines along the direction of the beard hair growth. Draw the hem of the fur coat just below the arms. Clothes should reach almost to the very bottom.

  6. Following the illustration, draw gloves for the character. Please note that your palms should be slightly bent. One will contain a staff, the other a bag. Start drawing one hand.

  7. Draw the second hand. Draw the staff in the form of an ordinary straight stick, and carefully throw the bag over your shoulder.

  8. It's time to draw Santa Claus with a belt tied in a thick knot and a fur frill on his fur coat. The hem of the fur coat can be made thicker and more massive.

  9. Decorate the staff in any suitable way: detail it with a snow pattern, sharpen the tip, add a sun, star, etc. at the end. Don’t forget to decorate your fur coat, gloves and felt boots with a beautiful ornament.

  10. Start drawing the character. For the face, spread a flesh color on the palette. To highlight the cheeks, add a little red. For wrinkles under the eyes and shadows on the forehead, use a little brown.

  11. Use whitewash to cover the mustache, beard, eyebrows and hair of Santa Claus that comes out from under the hat.

  12. To make the character's eyes look alive, first draw a gray iris, then a black pupil and small white highlights. Use gray color to draw the ridges, eyebrow and beard growth lines. For the latter, mix white with light gray paint. Make the ends of your beard a little darker.

  13. Start coloring the fur coat. Use blue to paint one half. Then lighten the paint a little and paint the other half. The one on the side of which the imaginary light source will be located.

  14. Mix a darker blue color and use it to draw all the folds on Santa Claus' fur coat. Then make the paint even darker and paint the most shaded areas.

  15. Similarly, color the hat according to the “light-dark-shadow” principle. You can paint the gloves in a different color so that they don’t blend in with the fur coat.

  16. Start painting the bag. Use a lighter red-burgundy mixture first, then a darker one in areas where shadow is obvious. Don't forget to leave a light reflection from the bag on the fur coat, and blue reflections from the fur coat on the bag.

  17. Paint the staff in walnut color and add burgundy ribbons to match the bag. Remember the reflection of the staff on the fur coat and beard.

  18. At the last stage, use white paint to paint boots, fur on a fur coat, blue patterns on clothes and small, small fur fibers wherever they should be. The most delightful drawing of “Santa Claus” in pencil and paint for the New Year 2017 is finished. You can frame it and hang it in a place of honor.

Step-by-step drawing “Snowman” for school for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Winter is the most magical period of the year, shrouded in an atmosphere of goodness, fairy tales, New Year's miracles and magic. A positive holiday mood can be conveyed not only through images of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree and gifts, but also through delightful drawings of a mysterious winter landscape. Such artistic experiments are possible even for beginning painters, regardless of gender, age and experience. A step-by-step drawing of a “Snowman” for school for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 will be an excellent classroom decoration or addition to a holiday exhibition.

Required materials

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils
  • eraser

Step by step instructions

Children's drawing competition for the New Year 2017 at school and kindergarten

The main task of New Year's drawings is to create a festive mood, engage children and adults with exciting creativity, and decorate bright exhibitions and competitions in schools and kindergartens. Invite your child to draw Santa Claus, Rooster, Snowman or another picture in the cells using a pencil or paints with your own hands. And our step-by-step master classes will help you cope with the difficult creative process and direct your imagination in the right direction. Children's drawing for New Year 2017 - the best craft, filled with the soul of the author and the warmth of his small palms.

Drawings in a notebook are a great way to pass the time. This kind of drawing does not require special skills. All you have to do is open the sample drawing you like on our website and follow the geometry of the notebook - small squares. The standard size of cells in a notebook is 5x5 mm. The simplest school notebooks are suitable for drawing in cells.

Drawings on the cells in a notebook are a great way to relax

Drawing can keep you entertained when you're bored. Drawing by cells is not only exciting, but also useful. Those who do not have artistic experience can gain it through this type of drawing.

Drawings by type:

Drawing on the cells in a notebook develops creative thinking, coordination and has an excellent calming effect.

Drawings by cells

Drawings by difficulty level

Our website provides examples of drawings of varying complexity. Here you can find drawings for beginners (suitable for children and those who want to quickly and effortlessly create beautiful drawing), as well as more complex options. To begin with, you can try to create the simplest drawings, and then move on to a more serious level.

It doesn't matter what complexity you choose to draw. The main thing is that you can have a good time and relax well. Both adults and children who have never been creative can handle such drawings.

Benefits for children

If adults can simply pass the time with this interesting activity, then children benefit greatly from it. By doing box drawing, children develop imagination, mathematical thinking and strategy. This provides some experience that can help children learn to draw larger, more complex designs.

Such drawing also has a positive effect on the nervous system. This helps calm nerves, relieve psychological stress and suppress hyperactivity. Drawing in boxes while listening to calm music is a great way to relax.

What can you draw?

You can draw anything using the cells: animals, plants, landscapes, beautiful inscriptions, emoticons, cartoon characters, etc. Our website presents different options for drawings: both for girls and boys. You can choose any of them and start drawing right now.

How to draw?

To draw by cells, you need to stock up on a simple school notebook (or a larger one, A4 format) and writing utensils. To color the cells, you can use simple pens and pencils, as well as multi-colored markers, crayons and pens. Thanks to such a simple set of objects, you can create truly beautiful and unusual drawings. Get started now.

Easy square drawings for beginners

Today, square drawings are popular among both children and adults. To create such drawings, people do not need any skills or abilities. Even if this is your first time holding a felt-tip pen, you can easily create a beautiful drawing. All you need for this drawing is a simple school notebook, a few markers (or a simple ballpoint pen) and some free time.

The benefits of drawing by cells

Drawing by cells is useful for both adults and children. Thanks to drawing in boxes, adults can pass the time with an interesting activity and also relieve emotional stress. Such drawing is very calming, which is very important for people living in the modern urban rhythm. Also, drawing by cells will be useful for those who want to gain a little experience in the creative field. Thanks to this type of drawing, you can master the basics of creativity, which will have a positive effect on your general skills.

Thanks to drawing, children develop imagination, attention and even mathematical thinking. Drawing can relieve emotional stress and suppress hyperactivity in restless children. If you want your child to benefit from his free time, make him draw. This is much more useful and educational than sitting on the Internet all day long.

Drawings by cells according to difficulty level

Our website presents drawings for both beginners and experienced artists. In fact, no matter how complex the drawing, anyone can handle it. It’s just that you need to spend less time on some drawings, and much more on others. To create some drawings, one simple pencil is enough, for others you need colored felt-tip pens.

If this is your first time visiting our website, you should choose . Such drawings are as simple as possible and take a minimum of time. In just 10-15 minutes you will have a finished drawing, in the process of drawing which you will get a lot of pleasure.

What can you draw?

If you have chosen easy drawings by cells for beginners, you can draw a variety of emoticons, beautiful inscriptions, flowers, figures, animals and much more. Our website presents different design options, so you can easily find the one that suits you.

What to draw with?

To create a drawing by cells, you will need the simplest set: a simple school notebook, a set of colored pencils/markers or a regular pen. Choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

Photos of drawings by cells

Here is a catalog of photographs of examples and sketches for drawing by cells in notebooks.

Photos of cats

Small drawings by cells

Small drawings by cells- a great way to pass the time. This type of drawing is popular among adults and children. This allows you to relax and enjoy the process.

The benefits of drawing by cells

This type of drawing is not only fun, but also very useful. Those who want to learn how to draw beautifully can start with cell drawings, since they are as simple as possible and do not require much time. Schoolchildren can create a whole drawing during recess, and adults can create it during free time at work, which will allow them to calm down and relieve emotional stress.

What can you draw?

To draw small drawing by cells, it is enough to have a simple set of supplies: a regular school notebook and a set of markers (or a simple pen). You can draw a beautiful inscription, emoticons, small animals, various symbols and much more. The drawing process will take only 10-15 minutes.

From the list presented, you can choose any drawing you like and start drawing right now.

Drawings based on squares are in demand among both adults and children.

Drawings on squares are in demand among both adults and children. When you have nothing to do and want to relax, you should try this type of drawing. Checkered drawings are a great way to relax and give yourself pleasure.

To create such a drawing, you will need the simplest set of supplies: a school notebook, a simple pen or a set of felt-tip pens/pencils. It will take no more than 20 minutes to create one drawing.

Types of drawings

On a simple checkered sheet of paper you can depict almost anything: animals, flowers, smiley faces, cartoon or video game characters, various symbols and much more. On our website there is a separate list of “square drawings for girls”. The list contains both complex drawings and the simplest ones. You can do this kind of drawing at home or during breaks at school. The simplest drawing can be created in just 10 minutes.

Checkered drawings for girls will help you relax and improve your creative skills. Such drawing is not only educational, but also very useful.

Drawings for girls

Photos of the pattern by cells - Heart

Photos of drawings based on squares – Pony

Today, checkered drawings are very popular among teenagers.

Today, checkered drawings are very popular among teenagers. Very popular drawings for a personal diary. Such drawings can depict almost anything: from animals to emoticons and various symbols.

The benefits of drawings by cells

Thanks to such drawings, children and teenagers can spend their free time usefully. Even if you don’t have creative skills, you can easily draw a picture using cells of any complexity. If you need drawings for a personal diary, check out our list and choose the most suitable options for yourself.

By doing this kind of drawing, children develop creative skills, imagination, attention and even mathematical abilities. Thanks to this drawing, you can perfectly relax and relieve emotional stress.

What do you need for drawing?

If you are keeping a colorful and vibrant diary, you will need a set of colored markers or pencils. If the colorfulness of the diary is not important to you, you can use a simple pen or pencil. You can draw 1 drawing in just 10-15 minutes.

Drawings for boys using squares are very popular

Drawings for boys using squares are very popular. First of all, they are relevant for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully. Such drawings can be created in just 15-30 minutes, and also significantly improve creative skills, so children can quickly learn to draw.

Drawings for boys

This section includes drawings different types: animals, cars, characters from various universes (for example, Minecraft or Marvel), unusual emoticons and various symbols. It is noteworthy that drawings for boys are most often created in one color, so you can use a simple pencil or pen to draw. If colorfulness is important to you, you can use multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Drawings of Ninja Turtles by cells

The benefits of drawings by cells

This type of drawing can improve drawing skills and abilities, as well as develop imagination and attention. In addition, drawing can be a great way to relax. By spending just 15 minutes, you can create a beautiful and attractive drawing.

Drawings by cells are an excellent solution for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully

Drawings by cells are an excellent solution for those who want to learn how to draw beautifully. Such drawings do not require special skills and abilities. All you need is a school notebook and a set of markers. You can also create a drawing by cells using a simple pencil. It takes 30-40 minutes to create a pattern using cells of average complexity.

How to draw?

There are no uniform rules for this kind of drawing. But it is much more convenient to draw from top to bottom, filling the picture from left to right. For general development you can try drawing from the center to the edges of the image.

Can be used for drawing simple pencils or pens, and multi-colored sets. You can depict anything: animals, flowers, characters from famous cartoons or games, emoticons, beautiful inscriptions, etc.

Photos of drawings by cells

Our website presents high-quality photos of drawings different directions. Thanks to them, you can quickly create a beautiful drawing. The process of drawing will bring pleasure and help you relax well. You can get started right now.

Om yum on the cells

Cactus by cells

Ice cream - draw by squares

Word love in cells

Drawing of a dog by cells

Drawing a hamster by cells

If you liked the drawings, write in the comments!