Pandemic: Legacy (blue). Board game "Legacy"

Board game Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy appeared with us quite a long time ago and immediately interested us - only the lack of localization stopped us. But even the rules in Russian that appeared after some time did not help - the cards also contain text in English, and we, unfortunately, are not strong enough in it. Yulia was constantly urging me on, reminding me and offering to master it. In the end, she took the initiative into her own hands and figured it out herself.

Family Euro, soulful and atmospheric

The essence of the game

You are the aristocracy of pre-revolutionary France and your task is to strengthen your family and increase its prestige and authority. Influential friends can help you with this, with whom you can marry or, if necessary, borrow money, which in turn can (and should!) be invested in purchasing titles, building estates, increasing income by organizing a business, and making donations.

Box Contents

The main (and, in our opinion, the most pleasant) goal is to give birth to as many children as possible, the limit of which is limited to 3 per couple (if the characters do not have special abilities), but by the 4th generation there are still enough of them , and the more children, the more VP at the end of the game.

Playing field


Nice multi-colored wooden chips, bright but unobtrusive art, special atmosphere, the spirit of the era. The character cards are quite peculiar - some “friends” have such faces that you involuntarily wonder whether it is worth marrying a person with such a repulsive appearance. :) Only after getting a little used to them, we began to pay more attention to the bonuses that the character brings than on his face.

The reverse side of the playing field. WOW!!!

We have already written about unsuccessful coins in the form of cards , their replacement was so successful that, frankly, they even forgot about it. The coins from Puerto Rico fit in so well that they already seem like family in “Legacy: The Testament of the Duke de Crecy.”

Money cards have been replaced with coins from Puerto Rico

Despite the small size of the tablets, the game takes up a lot of space. It requires a completely large table - and this is when playing for three; It’s scary to imagine how to place all this wealth - 4 family trees - in a four-player game.

Some wooden components, the rest are small cards

At the same time, the tablets are so small and the scales on them are so short that sometimes the scale ends and you have to start it over again, keeping in mind that you are already going around the second circle. At the same time, I personally did not have any complaints about the quality of the tablets and cards. Made to last.

Maps of the starting missions (left), patrons (right) and first player (bottom)


The fact that 12-year-old mastered the game on his own summer child and explained it to adults, says a lot. Even if this child is already a fairly experienced board player. The rules and mechanics are quite simple and, especially if you are fluent in English, understanding everything will not be difficult. There is no confusion here - what a move consists of, what is possible and how many times. There is a chip - there is an action, the chips are over - wait for the next round.

Friends cards (there are about 80 of them in total). Many people do not inspire confidence)

The only thing that it is advisable to remember constantly is that in each generation you need to have as many children as possible, because in the next it will only be possible to marry already grown-up descendants. Well, when planning a marriage, we can only receive/spend money, and all other bonuses will come into force only when the youngsters mature.

Cards of children (also about 80). The worst card on the right (death of a child or mother)

Replay value

At first the game seemed quite varied. But, after playing a dozen games, we realized that with only 4 founders of the clan and 6 starting mission cards, you can’t really go wild.

Double-sided player pad. Solo side

In addition, not everything is smooth with the balance here - both the founders of the clan and the mission cards are not equal in terms of the amount of VP that can ultimately be obtained. Therefore, we very soon began to actively “home rule” and introduce . For example, they added the 5th founder of the clan, who brings a green chip - a prestige chip. In addition, it was considered that 2 twins, for example, in such a large deck of offspring is too few, but there are too many complications. And Yulia also suggested introducing triplets into the game - why not? This happens in life, but not all complications lead (to choose) to the death of the mother or child. By the way, Yulia suggested a reduction in software as an option for the complications card, but how much of them would be fair to sacrifice - we have not yet agreed on this.

Attachment cards (top) and Title cards (bottom)

In short, I would like some additions. More different mission cards - both starting ones and others - and more founders of the clan, bringing not only all the possible chips, but also some other interesting bonuses. Then the replayability would increase and it would be more interesting to play.

Conflict and interaction between players

It's minimal. It’s quite difficult to “mischief” your opponent. Of course, there are cards with which you can “buy” a friend’s neighbor or spy on his mission cards, but there are few of them and we try to ignore them. You can cross your opponent's path by performing the action he was planning to take, but this action can always be carried over to the next round. But what a joy it is when someone is born with twins or a child with some kind of super powers!

Enterprise cards (top) and Prestige cards (bottom)

What didn't you like?

There is a certain element of luck/bad luck. It happens, for example, that only boys are born in a generation, but only male friends are included in the family. And since same-sex marriage is (thankfully) illegal, the problem becomes who to marry these boys. Or you come across such friends that they cause more losses than profits. Or, according to the terms of the mission, in the 3rd generation you need to marry the largest number of non-French people, and, as luck would have it, there are only French people on hand, and on the table too. In such cases, little can be changed - as a rule, there is no time, no money, no chips - and this is very disappointing.

Why put a black border on the cards?! Such marks are inevitable if you play without protectors.


In general, I would like to say that the game is unique in its own way. Soulful, family-friendly, atmospheric, bringing a lot of positive emotions. A very pleasant aftertaste, even if you didn’t win. The process itself is pleasing, the result does not really matter. At least if we managed to implement everything planned and had enough time and money for it, and the necessary card was in our hands.

Ah, this eighteenth century... The beginning of a great era! France has not yet experienced revolutionary upheavals, and its aristocracy has power, money and strength. As befits a wealthy and well-educated nobleman, you have traveled all over the world and had the rare fortune of living your life to the fullest... but life is changing, and you know for sure - in order to survive, your family must be well prepared for the times ahead . Create a powerful aristocratic family and leave your mark on history in the game "Legacy: The Testament of the Duke de Crecy"!

Legacy: The Testament of the Duc de Crécy is a dynasty building game that takes players back to eighteenth-century France and allows them to take on the role of a noble aristocrat trying to make his home a true center of social and social life. political life. In three generations, you, the powerful head of the family, will try to create a dynastic branch, forming alliances with eminent families throughout Europe - from Spain to Russia!

Blue blood

"Legacy. The Testament of the Duke de Crecy" is a card game with a low level of conflict and extremely wide possibilities. Every time a player creates in "Legacy. The Testament of the Duke de Crecy" noble family, he writes it unique story, concluding the most incredible marriages and monitoring the relationships between all relatives. Each new union of the game "Legacy. Testament of the Duke de Crecy", from a rich groom for his beloved daughter to an aristocrat from a distant country, will allow your family to grow in the eyes of society, gain new wealth, opportunities and skills.

Pandemic Legacy is a new standalone game in the popular Pandemic series.

The world is collapsing before our eyes. Four diseases pose a mortal threat to all of humanity, and your team is on the front line in the fight against this threat! But what’s even worse: one of the diseases seems to be incurable...

The hardest year. The events of the board game Pandemic: Legacy span twelve in-game months. For a whole year, brave and dedicated specialists will have to fight inexorably spreading diseases across the planet, while facing not only insidious and changeable viruses, but also the panic that grips the population of cities, as well as the devastation that follows mass unrest.

Everything is in your hands. During each game month, the team is given two attempts to take the world epidemiological situation under control. This means that if you fail, your team can play a second game, which will result in a win or loss - after which the next month will come with its own goals and objectives. The consequences of your decisions will be felt in the future, each attempt to defeat the pandemic changes the game itself, its rules and even the characters who acquire new skills and scars.

Top secret. While maintaining the core principles of the cooperative board game Pandemic, the new version of Pandemic: Legacy challenges players by offering them a completely unique experience full of surprises and surprises. Legacy Maps will unlock as your team progresses, adding new events and environments in which you must save humanity, and providing access to new game features. Warning signs on the cards will help you avoid "spoilers", each card must be opened at its own time. The same applies to stickers, which for the time being are stored in 5 dossiers, the gradual opening of which will add special effects to the game.

Red and blue. The Pandemic Legacy board game will be released in two box options - Pandemic: Legacy (blue) and Pandemic: Legacy (red). Their content is identical, and you can choose which design you like best. You will also have the opportunity to purchase two boxes of different colors to play in two different companies.

As part of the board game Pandemic: Legacy: 1 game board, 5 role cards, 4 counters, 48 ​​disease cards, 62 population cards, 61 player cards (48 city cards, 5 Epidemics cards, 8 event cards), 4 reminders, 4 civilian cards, 6 research stations, 5 dossiers and a sheet of stickers, 4 medicine markers, 1 disease spread marker, 1 reminder token, 1 disease outbreak marker, 96 disease cubes, 1 package with 8 sealed numbered component sets inside and game rules in Russian.

It's time to become the next head of the family. You are faced with a serious task: to increase the influence and wealth of your house. And the easiest way to do this is to acquire family ties with a successful family. Increase the fortune and power of your dynasty in the board game “Legacy. Testament of the Duke de Crecy" and go down in European history as the most influential family of France.

For whom?

For 1–4 players over 8 years old.

Brief rules

In the game you will increase fame, wealth and the size of your family throughout three generations. In the first, you have to lay the foundation for your descendants: organize businesses, buy estates, receive a title, have a profitable wedding and have children. Taking care of the second generation will fall on their shoulders. Children will expand their possessions, increase the wealth and influence of the dynasty under your strict guidance. In the last generation, the reins of power will pass from children to grandchildren. Your descendants will try to achieve maximum fame and wealth and perpetuate the name of the dynasty in the history of France.

Included in the package

  • playing field;
  • 4 personal tablets;
  • 23 wooden chips;
  • 13 wooden markers;
  • 260 playing cards;
  • manuscript of the Duke of Crécy;
  • rules.