Political life of Michael's circle. Son of Mikhail Krug: biography, family and interesting facts

Monday, early morning, July 1, 2002. Tver is moving away from the next City Day celebration. In his country house, crime boss Alexander Kostenko - “Crowbar”, “Ivanovich” - plays chess with the killer of the “Wolf” gang Alexander Osipov - “Wolf Cub”, “Younger Wolf”. Nearby is the father of the “Wolf Cub”, a bald, powerful man with a dangerous squinting of his eyes - Anatoly Osipov - “Skull”, “Shaman”, the leader of the combat wing of the killers of the “Wolves” gang, which was completely subordinate to “Crowbar”.

Phone call, Kostenko picks up.

Krug was killed! - sounds at the other end of the line.

I didn’t order that... - the authority bursts out in response...

So, ten years after these events, Alexander Osipov told the investigator “Cub.” Sentenced to life imprisonment, he decided to tell everything as it happened, to reveal the secret of the murder of Krug, he had nothing to lose.

Kostenko was very scared then,” “Little Wolf” explained to the investigator and continued without looking back.

Murder in detail

On the evening of June 30, 2002, Mikhail Krug, having performed a concert on City Day, decided not to stay for the fireworks display and returned home earlier than planned. In the house on the outskirts of Tver there were the chansonnier’s mother-in-law, his wife Irina and three children - two from their first marriages and a child together.

Around midnight, the mother-in-law climbed a steep two-flight staircase to the billiard room on the third floor. Before that, Krug was sitting there - playing the guitar a little, tinkering with the game console... Then Irina called him. It was time to go to bed, and the mother-in-law began to lay out the sofa for herself. At that moment, two people attacked the woman from behind. Hearing a noise upstairs, Irina Krug decided that her mother was feeling bad and ran to the billiard room. Opening the door slightly, she saw two big guys with weapons beating her mother.

Misha, they are killing mom! - Irina shouted, breaking through the horror and ran to her husband.

Mikhail was already in the bedroom. A couple of seconds later, he intercepted Irina on the stairs and, covering her with himself, began to lead her to the first floor. Following, from the flight of stairs, shots were heard. In the back. It was inconvenient for the bandits to shoot - the stairs were narrow. One bullet hit the tiled floor, but two still reached the recipient.

Krug was seriously injured, but was still alive for some time. He even managed to run to a neighbor, who took him by car to the hospital. The chansonnier died on the operating table on the morning of July 1. The bandits calmly left the house...

Eight months after the murder, in early March 2003, an emerald-colored Japanese SUV stopped on a country road near Kimry. Two people got out of the car - “Volkov” killers Alexander Osipov and Dmitry Veselov, “Vesel”. Osipov took Veselov to a deserted place under a far-fetched pretext, saying that his father “Shaman” was waiting for them in a village near Kimry.

In fact, Osipov, as he himself admitted to the investigation, wanted to receive incriminating evidence on Kostenko from Vesel (Veselov was part of Loma’s inner circle of trusted people). For what? He says that he wanted to collect information and hand him over to the FSB. This would give him and his father the opportunity to become the first, the main, the main ones in the Tver criminal world. It is clear that after such a conversation Osipov did not plan to leave Veselov alive. But that's not why he killed him.

This is what “Teen Wolf”, already in prison for life, told the operas on record:

“I took out my PM pistol, pointed it at him, at chest level, and said:

- Dima, calm down, I need information on Kostenko.

Why do you need it?

- I want to put him in prison.

Veselov said that the only thing Kostenko is afraid of is revenge.

- From whom, from the lads?

No, revenge for Krug.

- Dima, did you do this?

Yes, we are, by order of Kostenko.

- For what?

Veselov replied that in May 2002, Krug, my father (Anatoly Osipov. - Ed.) and Veselov himself. At that meeting, Kostenko offered to pay the Circle money from concerts. The circle refused. After that, Kostenko had a plan - while Krug was performing at a concert on City Day, his house had to be robbed and then the stolen goods returned, thereby Kostenko would benefit Krug, he would become obliged to him and begin to pay.”

Hearing this, Osipov shot Veselov in the chest and head and buried the corpse. The remains were found only in 2012 - the life-long killer himself indicated the location.

I have been friends with Krug since 1996, when he came to Kimry for a concert. I talked to him. I loved not only his work. I respected him as a person. By killing Veselov, I avenged Krug,” Osipov admitted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, we managed to meet the killer in the Tver pre-trial detention center.

The question remains - who was second in the Circle's house. Osipov does not know about this, he only assumes that it was someone Sergei, a friend of Veselov, who helped him control prostitutes on the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway in the Tver region.

It is not surprising that after Osipov’s testimony, the investigation into the murder of Mikhail Krug was resumed in December last year. So far, detectives are not revealing the details of the case, as they have not done for 12 years. But, as you know, everything is secret...

Of all characters In the story of the murder of the chansonnier, only Alexander Osipov remained alive. Now he, like other members of the Wolves gang, is facing a life sentence. Anatoly Osipov, "Shaman", killed in 2005. Alexander Kostenko, “Lom”, killed in 2006. These crimes have never been solved.

Special look

I haven't heard a more reliable version


The morning of July 1, 2002 surprised me with the speed at which rumors spread. As soon as it became known that Krug was killed, allegations were already flying around Tver about who did it and why. Although at that moment the operatives at Krug’s house did not even make any assumptions in a whisper.

And then the pages of criminal case volumes and years of ignorance began to rustle. What versions did I not manage to hear during this time? And the thieves sentenced him because he “behaved inappropriately” - he did not sit, but he sings about the life of a thief. And he answered for the vodka business - he allegedly intended to start producing Krugovka vodka, and in order not to get involved in the alcohol business, he was punished (by the way, Krug himself told me that he really plans to produce such vodka). For a long time there was a version about an attempt to steal the matrix of a new disc from Krug in order to demand a ransom from it or sell it to pirates, but they got carried away and killed the singer. And that these were simple burglars, having confused the cottage, they accidentally shot the singer...

Perhaps in 12 years a multi-volume volume could be printed from versions alone. But what Osipov told, in my opinion, is the most harmonious of all the stories I have heard. It feels like he is saying something he knows for sure. And although the investigators - and there will be a platoon of them during this time - are skeptical about the killer’s confessions, they say, he wants to drag out the case longer so as not to move from the pre-trial detention center to the special regime zone, I see Osipov’s version as the most harmonious and complete of all that has been circulating all these years - from popular rumor to confidential stories of people in uniform.

Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug (Vorobyev) was born on April 7, 1962, in the old district of the city of Tver, which was called Morozovsky town, now called “Proletarka’s Courtyard” about which the song “My Dear City” was written.

Mikhail wrote his first poems at the age of 14, which he dedicated to his classmate. At that time, Mikhail’s idol was V.S. Vysotsky. After the army, Mikhail, impressed by his songs, began to play the guitar and sing in his style.

Mikhail graduated from the Sominka School No. 39 in the city of Tver as an auto repairman by profession. Coming from the army, Mikhail got married, his wife’s parents insisted that he go to college, because their daughter graduated with honors from the Institute of Light Industry, and his education did not correspond to their principles. In 1987, Mikhail successfully entered the institute, where he learned about an art song competition, took part in it and took first place. After that, he seriously engaged in songwriting, but E.I. played a significant role in this. Klyachkin, who was the chairman of the jury at the 8th art song festival, where he saw the hidden talent in Mikhail and said: “Misha, you need to work...”

Mikhail recorded his first album “Tver Streets” at the “Tver” studio, then the second album “Katya” was recorded, and the third album without a title, all of them had no release, but were stolen and distributed pirated. Almost all the songs from these albums were rewritten and sung in the albums: “Green Prosecutor” “Madame” “Rose” “Mouse”. In 1994, the first official album “Zhigan-Lemon” was released.

The first performance of the Circle took place in Moscow, at the Variety Theater at the Russian Chanson festival in November 1996. In the same year, the first video “It Was Yesterday” was shown.

On the cover of the “Zhigan-Lemon” disc, Mikhail is depicted with his musicians. On the left is Vladimir Ovcharov (left for Israel) on the right is Vlad Savosin, accordion player.

For the release of audio cassettes with the album “Zhigan-Limon” from the Soyuz studio, Mikhail did not receive a penny, but for the release of laser discs with the same album he received three thousand dollars ($3,000), although he spent much more on the recording.

Mikhail gave his first big interview, answering questions in an hour-long program in the A.L.S. cable television studio. March 9, 1998 (Moscow, Goncharova St. 17)

In the summer of 2000, filming of the film “April” was completed, in which Mikhail Krug played a crime boss.

There was prohibition in his group for three years.

Mikhail gave money for a new video, but they returned it to him because... his songs were banned from television.

The ring with three diamonds that he always wears was given to him by thief in law Khobot.

Mikhail takes the criminal expressions for his songs from a 1924 dictionary for internal use of the NKVD, which he acquired by accident.

The second clip “Day is like a day” was filmed by his friends. It can be seen on the videotape “Songs of Mikhail Krug”.

The song “Kolshchik” took three years to write, and had three different versions. The last option on the album “Zhigan-lemon”.

Mikhail dedicated all his songs in his first four albums to his first love, Marina. The song “Pie Girl” was written in 1987 and dedicated to her.

The first time Mikhail Krug performed abroad was in 1997 at the Russian Chanson in Germany festival, where he sang four songs, one of which “Madame” was sung in a guitar version. It can be heard on the disc “Russian Chanson in Germany” released by the German company “Solo-Florentin”.

Since February 1997, a new soloist, Svetlana Ternova, has been working with Mikhail, whom he heard at the Zavolzhye song festival and took her into the group. In parallel with his work, he is writing an album for her in a pop style.

The songs “Green Field” and “My Queen” sung by Sveta. Mikhail wrote it at the age of 16 and also dedicated it to Marina. He remade them to be performed from a female perspective.

On March 27, 1998, at the Cosmos Hotel, Mikhail took part in the presentation of the Ovation Award and received it in the Russian Chanson category.

In 1994, the film “Bard Mikhail Krug” was filmed and shown on the “Culture” channel only in 1999.

He was buried in Tver at the Dmitrovo-Cherkaskoe cemetery.

One of the most popular bards in the style of Russian chanson, singer and author of the famous song “Vladimir Central”, Mikhail Krug is known to most Russians. For many he was an idol and a favorite performer, he successfully toured the country, released several magnetic albums and collections of his songs, and shot several videos. Krug had to collaborate in films more than once: he starred in the role of Leonid Petrovich in the crime drama “April”, was the composer of the film and took part in the filming of the series “My Truth”. The cause of death of Mikhail Krug was murder.

He was born in 1962 in Kalinin and, together with the secondary school, attended music school, taking the accordion class. Mikhail was a lively boy, he studied reluctantly, often ran away from classes and preferred playing hockey. After graduating from school, he served in the army and worked as a driver for 10 years. Having “risen” to the head of a motorcade, Krug was sent to study at the Polytechnic Institute in 1987. But this work became boring for him and he got behind the wheel again, quitting his studies.

However, upon entering the Polytechnic, Mikhail took part in an art song competition and took first place with his song “About Afghanistan”: his long-time love for Vysotsky and the bard’s song affected him. The famous bard Evgeny Klyachkin, who was present at the competition, advised Mikhail to continue working in this direction and he believed in himself. It was then that the usual surname Vorobyov was replaced by the pseudonym Krug. Already in 1989, Mikhail Krug recorded his first album, “Tver Streets,” at a studio in Tver.

Krug’s second album, “Katya,” and another, untitled one, were never officially released: they were stolen and distributed illegally. Mikhail Krug's first official album, Zhigan-Limon, was released in 1994. He is considered decisive in the formation of a new famous Russian bard. In addition to songs with criminal themes, it contained lyrical and comic works. This album was later reissued several times. In 1995, the singer became the subject of the documentary film “Bard Mikhail Krug” and shot his first video “It Was Yesterday”.

Having become famous, Mikhail performed a lot, went on tours abroad and enjoyed special love from fans, often with a criminal record. On the night of July 1, 2002, Krug’s house in the village of Mamulino near Tver was attacked. In addition to the singer, there were 5 more people in the house: his wife, mother-in-law and three children. Two unknown men opened fire with pistols and the wounded Krug died in the morning in the hospital, on the operating table. The rest of the family were not seriously injured. There were many versions of this murder.

In 2012, a message was received from criminal sources that Mikhail’s killer had been found dead and he turned out to be bandit Dmitry Veselov. He was identified by the singer’s wife, and his guilt was confirmed by the killer of the Tver Wolves gang, Alexander Osipov. The press wrote about how and why Mikhail Krug died: the robbers did not expect to meet him in the house and shot the 40-year-old bard, whom their crime boss wanted to force to pay “tribute” from concerts. The second killer of the Circle has not yet been found.


Mikhail Krug- famous Russian singer, famous for his voice and ability to present music to the listener. Everyone knew his songs: adults and children. Everyone heard about the Circle. As soon as a line from a song was uttered in some crowded place, a continuation immediately followed. Every year he became more and more popular: constant tours and concerts simply did not leave any free time. But his life is suddenly interrupted - he was killed. But who needs it and why? Let's figure it out.

A little biography

Krug's real name is Vorobiev. Born in the city of Kalinin in April 1962. The father of the future celebrity was an engineer, and his mother was an accountant. In addition to Mikhail, there was another child in the family - daughter Olga. The family spent most of their childhood in the Proletarsky district, which after some time became the main character of the song “ Morozovsky town" Young Misha did not really like studying, as evidenced by his grades at school, which rarely exceeded three.

IN early childhood The circle liked Vysotsky, who hooked him with his heartbreaking, as he put it, songs. At eleven years old Misha mastered the guitar. Of course, the first song was dedicated to my first love – my classmate. After finishing school, Vorobiev joined the army, after which he tried to reflect the style of Vladimir Vysotsky in his songs.

Sudden murder

At the beginning of July 2002, Mikhail and his family (his wife, three children and mother-in-law) were in their three-story house. Suddenly two people climbed through the window, saw the mother-in-law and inflicted serious bodily injuries on her. The wife and Mikhail himself came running to the scream. The wife managed to escape, but Krug was wounded, after which he lost consciousness. The intruders fled. When Mikhail came to his senses, he managed to get to the neighbor’s house on his own, where his wife was. They took him to the hospital. But, unfortunately, the doctors were powerless, and on the morning of the first of July Mikhail Krug passed away. The question “Why was Mikhail Krug killed” was often covered in the media, which tried (or pretended) to understand the real details of the murder. But, as they say, everyone has their own truth, so there are several versions. The wife herself said that Michael He owed no one and always paid off his debts. Neighbors also said that Krug was a decent citizen. Or is this all not true?

Version one - robbery

One Russian TV channel conducted an investigation, during which it turned out that the reason for the murder was a banal robbery. This version is considered official. It is fair because literally a few days before his death, Mikhail Krug finished work on a new album, which was soon to be released. Consequently, the fee for such work is decent. Apparently, this is what attracted the killers to the three-story mansion. Most likely the killer was close Circle, because he knew about the approaching fee, which forced him to take such a bloody action.

This “someone” hired bandits to simply rob the home without using force. But everything didn't go according to plan. According to the agreement, the robbery was to take place at the moment when Mikhail Krug and his family were leaving home. Nobody expected any sacrifices at all. It so happened that the family Vorobyovykh returned ahead of schedule.

How the thieves could not have noticed that there was someone in the house is unclear. After all, at the time of the murder (at eleven o’clock in the evening) it was getting dark outside, which in any case would have forced the owners to turn on the light. As a result, two bullets were found in Krug’s body, which became fatal.

Words about what exactly the robbery became main reason the murders are supported not only by the media, but also by many crime bosses, who said that they have no claims against the singer and treat him with soul and understanding. They believe that Mikhail Krug was the victim of an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

Chansonnier has been ordered!

Some people and close relatives of Krug believe that the murder was ordered. This conclusion can be reached by the fact that Mikhail had close ties with the criminal authorities of Tver. There is one point that can most likely confirm the fact that famous musician just ordered.

Mikhail’s friends often came to the Vorobyov family’s house, whom his wife Irina always greeted with joy. She didn’t even know that these were not friends, but “residents” of the criminal world. Soon after her husband died, she was able to recognize one of the people who happened to be in their house at night. He was a man surname Ageev, who, oddly enough, was a member of an organized criminal group that had spread its hands in Tver, called “Tver Wolves”. The notoriety of such a gang spread throughout the city, as people knew that the main income of the members of the criminal union was contract killings. Much suggests that it was members of this gang who shot at Mikhail Krug. But, unfortunately, now we will not be able to find out. Most likely, the details are simply hidden due to the fact that it is not profitable for “someone”.

Shocking details a decade later

Only members of criminal gangs knew who killed Mikhail Krug and why. One of these murderers, who was sentenced to life in prison, told the press that there was no robbery, since Krug was simply ordered. It turns out that the next year after the death of the famous singer, members of an organized crime group staged a “showdown” among themselves. A killer nicknamed “Volkov” shot the bandit “Vesel” in the forest. The first managed to obtain from the second incriminating evidence on a well-known person in the criminal world who had crossed the gang’s path. But the killer also pursued another goal - revenge for Mikhail Krug. It turns out that it was ordered by someone named Kostenko, whom, oddly enough, Vesel knew.