Wedding table competitions for guests. Choosing the best cool wedding competitions for guests at the table

With the help of wedding table competitions, all the guests who come to the wedding will be able to get acquainted and have fun. Thanks to the spirit of excitement and competition, the atmosphere at the wedding will be filled with positivity and fun. Our wedding portal is ready to offer you options for wedding competitions at the table, which your guests are sure to enjoy.

"KVN: come up with an ending to the joke"

Participants: guests.

Props: pre-prepared stories and questions.

The host invites the guests to participate in KVN: he will read out to them the beginning of a funny story, and the guests must come up with a continuation. Whose continuation turns out to be the funniest wins. The following stories and questions can be chosen:

  • At a bachelor party the day before the wedding, the groom got drunk and ended up in a sobering-up station. For the first time on the morning of the wedding day, the bride had to... (to ransom the groom).
  • Before marriage, I loved all women. And after the wedding... (one less).
  • At the wedding of the prosecutor's daughter, the guests who stole a shoe received... (eight years with confiscation of property).
  • The groom did not have enough money to buy the bride, so the wedding was postponed until... (pay).
  • How to make your husband go crazy in bed?... (take away the TV remote control).

"Glue the Heart"

Participants: guests.

Props: paper hearts.

The wedding toastmaster distributes hearts made of colored paper, cut into pieces, to the guests. Players will need to collect whole hearts from them. The winner will be the one who manages to complete the task first.

"Celebrity Couples"

Participants: guests.

Props: absent.

The host invites guests to remember the maximum number of historical couples known for their fidelity and love, for example, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Odysseus and Penelope, Orpheus and Eurydice. The game continues until someone names the last known pair.

"What is love?"

Participants: guests.

Props: pencils, sheets of paper.

This competition can last as long as guests want. The host’s task is to invite the invited guests to make a beautiful and extraordinary declaration of love in writing. In this case, the function of the jury can be performed by the newlyweds.

"Fun Alphabet"

Participants: guests.

Props: absent.

Guests in this competition must congratulate the newlyweds using the letters of the alphabet. Moreover, each new sentence must begin with a new letter in order: a, b, c... The person who comes up with the wittiest congratulation will receive a prize.

"Family life is a complicated thing"

Participants: guests.

Props: sheet of A4 paper, pen.

The host invites guests to fantasize about the future family life of the newlyweds. The first participant is given a sheet of A4 paper, on which he must begin a story about the future family life of the newlyweds. He writes just one sentence, then passes it on to the next person. Guest teams can be assigned tables.

"So let's have a drink"

Participants: guests.

Props: pencils, sheets of paper.

Guests must split into two teams. Let's say the guests sitting on the left side of the table will become the groom's team, and on the right - the bride's team. Each team receives a piece of paper, on each of which it must write a toast to the young people. Each guest must write one congratulatory word and pass the sheet on. Participants are not allowed to discuss what is written or talk to each other. When the wedding competition is over, the best team will be chosen.

"A beautiful outfit for every guest"

Participants: guests.

Props: box, items of clothing (children's caps, huge family panties, huge bras, colored scarves, bright aprons, glasses without glasses, clown wigs, etc.).

The funniest items of clothing are put into the box: from baby caps to huge bras. To the music, guests pass the box from hand to hand, and when the music stops, the one who has the box in his hands, without looking, takes out the item from there. He must put it on and make a toast or pay off with a banknote, a song, an anecdote, etc. At the end of the competition, you can take a group photo of the participants with the newlyweds.

"The Missing Ingredients"

Participants: ten people.

Props: ten standard recipes for famous dishes.

For this wedding table competition, you must have culinary knowledge. The toastmaster gives participants recipes with familiar dishes (for example, cutlets, borscht, chicken soup, etc.). The essence of this competition is that all recipes are missing one ingredient. Players need to guess which component is missing from the list. The prize will be given to the person who can quickly identify which product is missing from the recipe.

"Talking Hat"

Participants: guests.

Props: Recorded musical phrases.

The host must bring a “certain” headdress to the bride’s head that can supposedly “read thoughts.” At the same time, the toastmaster must ask what the bride is thinking about, and at this moment music should come from the speakers, broadcasting her thoughts. This can be done with all guests present.

"Brevity is the sister of talent"

Participants: guests.

Props: absent.

The essence of this wedding competition at the table is that you need to say the most short toast. The winner will be the person who quickly manages to come up with a funny, but at the same time meaningful toast.

"Guess the melody"

Participants: guests.

Props: melodies from retro hits.

In order to hold this wedding competition at the table, the toastmaster prepares several melodies. When the melody sounds, the one who guesses it must say "stop". After this phrase, the music stops and the person says the name of this track. The person who can guess the most tunes will win.

    For a number of reasons, some newlyweds prefer to celebrate their wedding day in a narrow family circle and with a small number of friends. At the same time, many believe that it is not possible to organize a real celebration at home, but this is an unfounded myth that this article will easily dispel.

    Properly preparing entertainment program and competitions for weddings at home, you can have a lot of fun and feel the whole atmosphere of the festive holiday. Don’t get hung up on the venue; it’s better to put all your energy and imagination into the preparatory process.

    How to choose

    If you decide to organize a wedding day without a toastmaster, then do not refuse various types of entertainment. If space allows, set aside a place for dancing and competitions.

    To give everyone present a feeling of celebration, decorate the room decorative elements . At the very beginning of the celebration, some guests are not yet too relaxed, so with the help of competitions and competitions you can “stir them up”. But first of all, offer tasks that will help guests get to know each other and communicate with each other.

    Start off competitive program possible already in the process of bride price. The groom and his team will have to go through a series of tests to reach the desired goal. For example, at the first stage you can invite the groom and his friends to dress up in elegant suits and dance a catchy “gypsy” dance. If the test is passed with dignity, then everyone present can move forward to the next task.

    Invite your newly-made spouse to find the imprint of his beloved’s lips among the others that are posted on the poster.

    You can offer such a task - the groom accompanies every step he takes with a new declaration of love.

    Next, when the guests are already sitting at the table, competitions need to be held in between the feast. Start with the simplest ones, gradually creating intrigue. Every new competition should be more interesting than the previous one. To give your guests something to remember, use common sense mixed with humor.

    Laughter is the main companion of a wedding celebration. Alternatively, you can start the competition program with these simple games that will amuse all those invited. “What kind of dad are you?” Invite 3-4 men to participate. On the table in front of them are 4 baby dolls and the same number of diapers.

    “Stretch the rope.” It is necessary to form 2 teams, each of which will have 5 people.

    You need to prepare 2 long ropes in advance and tie spoons to their ends. Next, each participant must pull this spoon through his clothes and pass it to the other. The team that completes the task faster wins.

    “And your letter...” This competition is not only fun, but also useful for everyone present. You will need to show ingenuity and originality. The point is this: one by one, the guests begin to say a wish-toast to the letter dropped in order. For example, the first guest begins his congratulations with the letter A, the second with B, etc.

    Of course, when too many people are present, this competition is not very appropriate, since it will tire everyone.

    And if your company is no more than 15 people, then doing an alphabetical warm-up is just the right time. The most original and cheerful congratulation is considered the winning one.

    "Search for clothespins." This competition is known to many because it is often present at weddings. This can only be explained by the fact that he is actually funny and interesting. Invite 2-3 pairs of participants, men and women, to participate.

    The partner is blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to the woman’s clothes, different places. The number should be equal for all couples. As soon as the music starts playing, the contestants must feel the clothespins and remove them from their partner. Whoever completes the task faster gets a prize. The fact that the holiday will be celebrated at home does not mean that it is possible to do without bride kidnapping. When the guests and the groom himself relax and lose their vigilance, you need to act.

    At the most unexpected moment, the kidnappers steal a young girl, and one of her robber friends takes her place.

    The groom can be given a map, prepared in advance, using which he can get to his betrothed. But along the way you need to overcome a number of obstacles.

    Money can be a reason for tips. You can agree in advance with one of your neighbors and hide the bride in their apartment.

    "Competition with a chair." Everyone knows such entertainment, because it is carried out not only at weddings, but also at other holidays. The idea is that a certain number of chairs are placed in a circle and volunteers are called to participate. There should be one less of them than chairs. Next, catchy music is turned on, to which participants must move rhythmically around the arranged equipment. As soon as the music stops, everyone must sit down on a chair.

    Considering that there is one less chair than there are participants, someone will not get a seat, so the person is eliminated from the game, and another chair is removed.

    This continues until there is only one winner left. The competition is quite energetic and fun. Many people will like it.

    “My affectionate and gentle... hedgehog". This competition is held for the bride and groom. It is filled with romanticism and tenderness. To implement it you will need 2 apples and a box of matches. We stick a lot of matches into each fruit, thus forming a hedgehog figurine. Then each of the spouses must pull out one match, while uttering some kind word to their other half.

    This continues until the “hedgehog” becomes bald.

    Examples of funny games

    In addition to competitions, you can entertain guests with games that will be funny and interesting at the same time.

    Game "What will you do?" For this game, you need to prepare cards in advance on which a variety of responsibilities of the spouses will be written that they will have to perform in the course of family life.

    Also have a person hold the tray of cards. So, the bride and groom take turns taking upside down cards and begin to read out loud their duty.

    At the same time, starting with the following phrase: “I will...”.

    Options for inscriptions on cards:

    • give birth to children;
    • take care of the dacha;
    • repair a car;
    • make money;
    • iron;
    • watch football;
    • take out the trash;
    • manage money;
    • talk on the phone for hours;
    • drink beer and lie on the couch;
    • sit back;
    • bring coffee in bed;
    • wash the dishes;
    • walking the dog;
    • do homework with children;
    • visit guests, etc.

    This version of the game will be fun and funny, since the groom may receive a completely unmasculine obligation, just as the bride may not receive a feminine one. This is what entertainment is designed for.

    Two teams are formed from volunteers. At the same time, they must become so that there is an alternation of men and women. Participants turn to face each other, and a small ball is placed between their foreheads.

    The goal is to pass this ball to the next player in the same way, without touching your hands. The team that is the first to cope with such a difficult but fun task wins.

    Game "Find a place for a kiss." This slightly erotic game will require several pairs of participants. Accordingly, the couple must be a man and a woman. The idea is that the guy from the first couple names the place where he will kiss his partner, for example, the cheek.

    After the kiss, the next participant names another place to kiss their partner.

    Thus, the places for kissing are gradually reduced, and interest, on the contrary, increases. The loser in this game is the one who does not find a place where he can kiss his partner.

    To avoid resentment or conflicts, it is better to choose unmarried participants to participate; after all, reactions can be different, this is worth taking into account.

    Fun game "Ryaba Chicken". Several couples, men and women, come out to participate in this game. Each pair should stand with their backs to each other. A hard-boiled chicken egg is placed between them (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades). A plastic bowl is placed on the floor. The idea is for a couple of participants to put an egg in a bowl, and at the same time it remains intact. Those who complete the task receive a prize.

    Funny game "Guess the fairy tale." To make this game scene as funny as possible, prepare the necessary paraphernalia in advance. Namely, outfits and small decorations.

    To participate, select the required number of people and the presenter. Next, you distribute roles between the participants.

    The plot is based on any well-known fairy tale, for example, “Kolobok” or “Turnip”. Participants are given their text. The presenter reads out the progress of the tale, and the participants perform story missions and at the right moment they pronounce their words.

    At the same time, take part in those who will play the role of wind, trees, birds, etc. Be sure that such a playful variation of the fairy tale will make everyone laugh to tears.. Tipsy guests will change the plot themselves, making it unique and incredibly funny.

    Competition “Like it or not?” This incredibly funny and truly awesome competition will delight everyone. Absolutely everyone can take part in it. All players need to be lined up. At the same time, everyone must say out loud in a chain what he likes and does not like about the neighbor standing to his right.

    After this, the presenter offers to bite the place that you didn’t like, or kiss the part that you liked.

    Just imagine the reaction of the participants and the infectious laughter that will be heard from the process of completing the task.

    Dance competition “Do as I do, do better than me.” To warm up your guests even more, invite them to dance, but in a different way. Make a circle of everyone, the leader stands in the center and begins to do certain dance moves to cheerful music.

    Everyone starts repeating after him, then he chooses a replacement and changes places with her. Thus, all the dancers show different movements that everyone will repeat. Question and answer competition for guests. For this game, cards with answers and questions separately are prepared in advance. A team is recruited from those who will ask questions and from those who will answer them.

    You can distribute cards in random order to all guests, if there are not too many of them.

    Question options for cards:

    • Do you like to gossip?
    • Do you dream of dancing on a table?
    • Do you often have to lie?
    • Is it true that you have a lover?
    • Tell me honestly, do you want to start a fight?
    • Do you drink often?
    • Do you have a stash from your wife (husband)?
    • Do you like to walk around the house naked?
    • Do you like to sing in your heart?
    • Do you dream of a tattoo on an intimate place?

    Answer options for cards:

    • Of course, especially when without clothes.
    • Well, that's a better question to ask the person sitting to my left.
    • If I tell the truth, they won’t let me go home anymore.
    • Today you will see everything for yourself and see for yourself in everything.
    • Only at night.
    • Yes, but I'm embarrassed to say it in front of everyone.
    • Well, yes, I'm crazy about this.
    • Do you still doubt this?
    • Pour me another, then I’ll tell you everything.
    • Well, actually, everyone has known this for a long time, I don’t hide it.

    Game "Guess the melody". 2-3 participants are invited to participate.

    Cuttings from popular and not so popular songs are included, the one who understands what kind of song it is must raise his hand and shout “stop”. The participant who guessed the most songs wins.

    Competition "Complete the task." To participate, you need to create two teams of five people. Each participant must put their hand into the bag and take out a piece of paper with the task. After all participants have completed their tasks, the guests will determine the winners with the help of applause. Possible task options:

    • sing a song;
    • dance an erotic dance;
    • kiss all the women present in the hall on the hand;
    • kiss all men present on the cheek;
    • collect money in a hat;
    • crawl under the table;
    • confess your love to your neighbor on the right;
    • quarrel with the neighbor on the left;
    • drink a glass of alcohol for brotherhood with the neighbor on the right;
    • invite the person opposite you to a slow dance.

    In this video there is another funny competition for your wedding:

    No matter how cheerful and friendly the team invited for the wedding party is, you can’t do without competitions and games. They allow you to have a blast and have fun. After such entertainment, it will probably be pleasant to remember all the moments from the past holiday. The brighter your family life begins, the more beautiful it will be in the future. What fun wedding competitions do you know?

    Wedding competitions are needed to relieve tension that may arise between unfamiliar guests and to create a relaxed atmosphere. After all, guests come to a wedding not only to enjoy the delicious dishes of the wedding table, but also to have a lot of fun and share with the newlyweds the most joyful day of their married life together.

    The bride and groom are rightfully considered the main persons of the wedding celebration, and that is why the competition for the bride and groom at the wedding can be called the most interesting points of the festive scenario.

    Preparing wedding competitions is considered a difficult and responsible task.

    The purpose of a fun competitive competition is not only the desire to surprise and delight wedding guests with funny practical jokes, but also to introduce all relatives and guests of the wedding event to each other. Therefore, the newlyweds and the host diligently think through interesting and diverse fun competitions in advance.

    Almost all wedding ceremonies are not complete without traditional comic wedding games and competitions.

    These include:

    • bride price. For this fun competition you will need special “tasty” props - champagne, sweets, boxes of chocolate or their monetary equivalent. One team of “sellers from the bride’s camp” meets another team of “buyers” - supporters of the groom and comes up with various comic tests for the future spouse that he must pass for the sake of his chosen one;
    • wedding fortune-telling to determine the gender of the first-born in a young family. For this competition you need cabbage and a silver coin. Whoever finds the coin first among the newlyweds determines the gender of the unborn child. For another version of this fun competition, you will need different props: baby hats in blue and pink. Guests are invited to choose the future gender of the child, and to do this, put a small amount of money in the corresponding headdress. The competition ends by counting the banknotes in each cap. Whichever hat contains the most money, the same gender will be the first-born of the young couple;
    • the touching custom of lighting a candle at the family hearth, in which the parents of the newlyweds and the bride and groom are directly involved. The meaning of this ritual is the symbolic transfer of the warmth and comfort of the parental home to the newlyweds.

    Of particular interest at a wedding is the fun competition for the bride and groom.

    The couple will have to go through humorous and funny tests, a kind of test of readiness for married life together.

    Newlyweds need to show their abilities and skills in everyday life, decide who is the head of the family, show their caring and demonstrate their mutual love.

    Competition tasks are conducted in a fun and playful manner. The most interesting competition is a fun verbal competition of questions and answers. Questions about the responsibilities of the bride and groom are written in advance on pieces of paper. Questions for the bride and groom can be of different content. For example, it is appropriate to ask the bride the following questions:

    1. How many dishes will you cook for your beloved husband?
    2. How many glasses of champagne can you drink?
    3. How long can you talk to your friend on the phone?
    4. How many fur coats would you like to have?
    5. How many times will you forgive your beloved husband?
    6. Do you agree to have three or more children?
    7. Do you like the Kama Sutra?
    8. Will you look at other people's men?

    Options for humorous answers are prepared in advance on paper cards, which are placed on a special beautiful tray.

    To answer, the toastmaster invites the bride and groom to choose any card and read it aloud.

    Funny answers cause laughter and cheerful exclamations from wedding guests. The bride's answers may be as follows:

    • That's all I think about.
    • On payday.
    • I can, but only in another room.
    • Interesting to try.
    • No more than once.
    • You can try it.

    You can ask the groom the following questions:

    1. What's your wife's favorite dish?
    2. How much alcohol can you drink without getting drunk?
    3. Would you like to spend your entire honeymoon in your marital bedroom?
    4. How many times a day will you say kind words to your wife?
    5. Will you be vacationing with your wife in the Bahamas?
    6. Do you agree to have three children?
    7. Will you serve your wife coffee in bed?
    8. Who will earn money in the family?

    Sample humorous answers from the groom:

    • I'm always ready.
    • Don't dream.
    • Just for you.
    • Don't rub salt in my wound.
    • Only for you, my love.
    • Only me and no one else.
    • Next time.

    The last question to the newlyweds will definitely be the toastmaster’s address to the bride and groom: “How many times, in your opinion, will the guests shout “Bitter!” to you? Having heard the newlyweds’ answer, the guests begin to shout “Bitter!”, after which the bride and groom kiss each other.

    Questions should be extremely tactful and funny enough to maintain the festive mood of the wedding and not confuse the newlyweds.

    Distribution of responsibilities

    Find out in a comic form the degree of preparedness of the newlyweds for life together You can use a fun competition to distribute responsibilities in the family.

    This interesting wedding tournament of newlyweds is held in the form of interesting and sometimes unexpected questions and funny comic answers.

    The format of the competition on the knowledge and distribution of responsibilities of the bride and groom can be different. Most often, this interesting competition is carried out in the following variants:

    Notes. The toastmaster brings out pre-prepared notes with the household duties of the newlyweds. Each piece of paper is folded in such a way that the phrases written on them are not visible to anyone. The notes are either in a wide, beautiful box or on a tray.

    The bride and groom take turns choosing notes for themselves and reading out their upcoming duties.

    The note begins with the words: “I will...” and reads out what duty they will perform. For example:

    1. Wash dirty dishes.
    2. Take out the trash can.
    3. Earn money for the family.
    4. Play “tank” for days.
    5. Give birth to children.
    6. Do laundry.
    7. Prepare and bring breakfast in bed.
    8. Talk for hours on the phone.
    9. Breastfeed your baby.
    10. Go fishing with friends.
    11. Knit hats and socks for children.
    12. Watch TV for hours.
    13. Play football with friends.

    You can come up with a large number of interesting questions, but the answers of the newlyweds will be even more interesting.

    Definitely, cheerful laughter will cause the bride’s answer about the obligation: “I will fight for days in the online game “Tanks.”

    Numbers. Another option for holding a competition about the distribution of household responsibilities is to replace the leaves with prepared answers with cards with numbers. The bride and groom, in response to the presenter’s proposed questions, take a card with numbers, which lie numbers down, and show it instead of answering.

    Random digital answers to humorous questions cause cheerful laughter and applause from guests. For example, the toastmaster asks the groom a question about continuing the honeymoon, and the groom pulls out a card with the number 100.

    This means that the young spouse agrees not to leave the marital bedroom for one hundred days.

    You can prepare questions for the bride:

    1. How many times will you kiss your husband when you meet?
    2. How many times will you forgive your spouse?
    3. How much champagne can you drink without getting drunk?
    4. How many dishes will you prepare?
    5. How much time will it take you to prepare for a trip to the cinema or theater?

    Suggested questions for the groom:

    1. How many times will you say kind words to your wife?
    2. How many times a day will you carry your wife in your arms?
    3. How much cognac can you drink?
    4. How many children do you want to have?
    5. How much time will you spend fishing with your friends?

    The wedding host accompanies any date with funny jokes and funny comments that make the wedding guests laugh.

    Chamomile. The third option for holding a competition for the distribution of responsibilities will be a kind of lottery - tearing off the petals on a large daisy. A beautiful large white chamomile is prepared, on the petals of which all sorts of symbols are written on the reverse side:

    1. Frying pan for cooking.
    2. A glass of beer with friends on vacation.
    3. Cosmetic bag for creating makeup.
    4. Iron for ironing clothes.
    5. Thread and needle for sewing and repairing clothes.
    6. A pack of washing and detergent powder for washing.
    7. Skewers for kebabs.

    The toastmaster invites the newlyweds to pick the petals one by one and, according to the symbol that appears, read out the duties that the newlyweds undertake to fulfill. The random answer option, when the groom comes across a petal with an image of an iron, and the young wife a glass of beer, usually causes cheerful laughter.

    Of course, such a non-standard and unusual distribution of responsibilities in the family is regarded as a funny joke.

    A comic competition on the distribution of responsibilities in the family ends with the words of the host: “Now all the guests are convinced that the young people have distributed all household responsibilities among themselves. At the same time, we understand that true love will help newlyweds in overcoming life’s difficulties and obstacles.”

    Guests' interest in competitions related to family life newlyweds, in general, is understandable. Guests often perceive such a family test as a kind of comic prophecy and listen with pleasure to the newlyweds’ funny answers.

    Fun competitions young people to distribute household duties in an entertaining way will delight all guests of the wedding party.

    To know each other

    A happy family union is created loving people who know each other well. At the wedding, as a humorous test, the newlyweds are asked to undergo several funny tests. The script may contain several types of funny and original competitions for the newlywed. For example:

    • "Love Letter" For this competition you need small props: a hat and small plates made of thick paper with the names of individual parts of the body: arm, leg, shoulder, eyes, nose, ears. The presenter sets the groom the task of reading to his bride a pre-prepared love letter with an address to his beloved with spaces in the text. The groom begins to read the address and takes a sign out of his hat to insert the missing word. The phrase “Darling, I really want to look into your beautiful ones (and pulls out a note with the word “ears”) causes loud and cheerful laughter from the audience.
    • Competition for the bride “Sew the groom’s outfit out of nothing.” The toastmaster offers the bride a roll of toilet paper and offers to make a tie out of it for the young spouse with one condition - to use the entire roll of paper for this. Wedding guests are encouraged to count paper turns to create a tie around the groom's neck. How many turns - how many kisses a bride should give to her betrothed.

    The most common competitions are comic competitions involving guessing the bride and groom among other wedding guests.

    Guess the bride by her leg, arm, kiss

    In the fun competition “Guess Your Betrothed by Her Legs,” a blindfolded groom will have to recognize the bride by the contestants’ bare legs just above the knee. When the groom is blindfolded, the participants change places, and several men sit down with them to laugh.

    The bride is replaced by another girl. Accompanied by cheerful music, the groom touches the legs of the participants with his hands, thus identifying his bride. A competition to determine the bride's hand is held in a similar way. Women of different ages can participate in this competition: from grandmothers to girls.

    For the “Recognize the Bride by a Kiss” competition, several representatives of the fair sex are invited, including the bride. The Groom is seated on a chair, blindfolded and asked to recognize the bride by a kiss. The bride always kisses. There is another variation of this fun competition. The newlywed leaves the wedding hall for a while.

    The toastmaster invites the bride and other participants in the competition to leave an imprint of their lips on the paper. The groom must find his beloved's kiss on paper.

    Recognize the groom by his voice, ear

    To conduct the “Recognize Me, Darling” competition, the toastmaster suggests that the bride turn away or blindfold her.

    Several helium-filled balloons are used as props. Male participants, among whom will be a young spouse, are invited to say the phrase: “Darling, I love you so much!” through a helium balloon.

    The bride must recognize her groom among the changed votes of the competition participants. Another recognition option is to guess the newlywed by his earlobe. The blindfolded bride must guess her young husband among several competitors. Participants sit on chairs and expose their ears to the newlywed for inspection.

    During this funny competition, the toastmaster comments on the funny search with funny and witty remarks.

    A very funny and interesting wedding competition for newlyweds:

    At a wedding celebration, comic tournaments of the newlyweds in a humorous and amusing form allow guests to relax and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere. Cool, funny competitions create a unique atmosphere of a festive celebration. Do you agree with this statement?

    In most cases gala event, dedicated to the newlyweds, guests will remember not for the variety of goodies on the table, but for the fun competitions and games from the wedding host.

    But if there is no special toastmaster at the wedding, and the celebration is going to be hosted by an acquaintance, friend or relative, then the question arises about selecting such entertainment for the guests. Below you can find the most fun competitions and games for a wedding celebration. Even if the event is hosted by a professional toastmaster, he can also be offered these competitions.


    It is worth noting that these games and dance competitions can also be used to celebrate a silver or other wedding.

    Cool wedding competitions for newlyweds

    These competitions are mainly devoted to the topic of the future children of the newly-made couple, housekeeping and the ability to distribute their family budget.

    When the guests have had their fill of dancing to cheerful music and sit down to relax with another toast, you can start holding wedding competitions at the table. The host can ask the newlyweds to also take part in culinary games.

    "Tasty competition"

    The essence of the competition is to name the dishes they know in turn. The main prize will go to the one who names the most dishes. At the same time, the mother-in-law will be able to test her daughter-in-law’s knowledge of cooking. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law can also take part in the competition.

    But this is only one of the ingenuity for “warming up”. Below you can see the competitions for the male half, because no one should get bored at such a grandiose event. So, let’s take a closer look at cool wedding competitions for guests and newlyweds.

    "Bald Hedgehog"

    To play you need Prepare one apple and a box of matches in advance. Before the game, you need to stick as many matches into the apple as possible. Two people can take part in the competition. This could be the newlyweds, a witness with a witness, or the parents of the newlyweds. In turns, participants must remove matches from the apple, calling each other affectionate names. The main prize is a bald hedgehog. It will go to the one who still has an apple in his hands without matches.

    "Happy Road"

    This competition will require many participants. They must all be divided into two equal teams. The essence of the game is to make a “path of happiness” out of your things. Participants must remove their clothing by tying it into a long rope. The winner is the team whose “happy road” is longer.

    Fun competition “Distribution of responsibilities”

    For this game you need to make up a series of questions. This game will show guests how newlyweds in a family will divide their responsibilities around the house. First, the bride and groom will have to take off their shoes. Each of them must be given one of his shoes and one of his half's shoes. The young people should be seated with their backs to each other so that they cannot spy on each other’s answers. According to the list, the presenter begins to list the responsibilities around the house, and the bride and groom lift the shoe of the one who will be responsible for this responsibility.

    Sample questions for the competition:

    • Who will do the house cleaning?
    • Who will take the children to kindergarten?
    • Who will spend the family budget?
    • Who will wash the dishes?
    • Who will walk the dog?


    In this competition the witness and witness must take part, as well as several other willing couples. Two or four will be enough. All participants must be blindfolded and placed opposite each other. The facilitator should also attach clothespins to each participant's clothing. Six pieces will be enough. Next, the presenter turns on the music, and the players begin their work. Each participant must find his partner and remove all the clothespins from him. It is worth noting that the music in the background should play no more than three minutes. As soon as the music stops playing, the competition must end. The winner is the one who collected the most clothespins.

    If someone removes all the clothespins before the music stops playing, then the competition can be ended and the winner can be announced. The losers will face a fine - a glass of vodka.

    Funny competition “Draw the word”

    Several participants are selected from the crowd of guests. One of them is blindfolded, given a marker and seated in front of a piece of Whatman paper. The rest of the participants just sit nearby. The host and the guests come up with one word and say it to the blindfolded participant, who must depict this word on whatman paper, without using letters and numbers. The rest of the participants must guess what he is trying to portray. Whoever guesses the word first wins a prize.


    Participate in this game several guests can. Each participant is given two sheets of blank paper. Each participant must imagine that there is a fire in their house, and they must decide what item they would pull out of the burning house if they could choose only one. Participants must depict this thing on one blank sheet of paper. On the second sheet they must draw the reason why they chose this particular item.

    Finished drawings are placed in two separate boxes. One of them is for drawings with depicted objects, and the other is for drawings with depicted causes. After this, the presenter must pull out one drawing from both boxes, thereby getting an interesting story: “I will save the passport, since you can talk on it.”

    Wedding competitions “Make your guests laugh”


    Like any wedding competition, “Locomotive” requires preparation. For this competition you will need two bottles of champagne and two glasses. Two tables or two chairs are placed, and on them you need to put a bottle of sparkling wine and a glass.

    Adult guests are welcome to attend. All participants are divided into two teams. Each team should have five to ten people. The participants of each team line up like a train. The first person on the train must be a man. On command, the first of the “engines” runs to his bottle, loudly shouts “choo” and opens it. After this, he must run back and stand at the “tail” of his team. The second participant runs up to the bottle and, with a loud word “choo,” pours champagne into a glass and also runs to the “tail” of his team. The next participant should already run up and drink champagne from the glass. The team that empties the bottle the fastest is the winner. There will be a lot of laughter!

    "Bride's Leg"

    This competition is designed for the groom. Like most wedding games, this competition is aimed at emotional release. The host must blindfold the groom. About ten ladies sit on chairs in front of him, and the bride must be seated in the middle. For more laughter, you can place one man in trousers among the girls. The essence of the competition is for the groom to identify his wife's leg by touch. The funniest moment occurs when the groom touches the man's leg.

    "In the maternity hospital"

    Two couples are required to participate in the competition. Participants should be taken to the center of the room and asked to introduce themselves. After this, the presenter tells the rules of the competition: “You have to imagine that your beloved wife gave birth to a baby yesterday, and you came to visit her in the maternity hospital, but you are not allowed into the ward, so you have to communicate through the window. We have to communicate using gestures.” Next, the presenter names questions that the husband must depict using gestures:

    "Candy Trap"

    Ideal for Christian celebrations silver wedding. To play the game you only need candy. The presenter puts all the candies in one bag. It must be given to the guests. Each guest can take one candy. When the bag is empty, the leader gives the floor. He must inform everyone that each guest must pay for these sweets. You can pay, for example, some interesting story about the newlyweds.

    "Thread the needle"

    To play you will need threads and needles. All interested couples can take part. Guys and girls line up opposite each other. Next, each girl is given a needle, and the guy is given a thread. At the signal from the toastmaster, the guys must run up to their girls and insert a thread into the eye of the needle, while the needle should be in the girls’ hands. The winner of the competition is the one who completes the task first.

    "Newton's Law"

    To play you will need 20 small balls. Balls can be replaced with peas. You also need to prepare two bottles. Two people can take part in the competition. Peas or balls must be divided in half between two participants. You also need to give them one bottle each. The essence of the game is to fill the bottle with balls or peas at the presenter's signal. In this case, the participants’ hands should be at chest level. The first person to put all the peas into the bottle is the winner.

    A significant event for every married couple is wedding anniversary, to the celebration of which close and dear people are usually invited: relatives, friends, colleagues. And it is important not only to prepare a lot for the holiday delicious dishes and drinks, but also come up with an entertainment program for your wedding anniversary so that your guests have the most vivid impression of your holiday. This can be played by cheerful and cool competitions, which the portal will tell you about.

    Games and competitions for wedding anniversary guests

    To ensure that your family and friends don’t get bored during the holiday, you should definitely prepare several cool wedding anniversary competitions for them. These can be active games, which are often used as funny competitions for weddings, or entertainment at the table, which will be especially appropriate when celebrating a holiday at home.

    Original congratulations

    • Participants: 2-3 guests.
    • Props: leaves and pens.

    Players are asked to write down 10 adjectives on a piece of paper. After this, the presenter gives them a sheet of congratulations, in the empty spaces of which they must insert the adjectives they wrote.

    The congratulation could be like this: “Dear and….. anniversaries! I congratulate you on this ….. and ….. holiday and wish you ….. happiness, …. health and….. love! A few years ago you created ...... and ..... a family, which is a standard for us, because in your home there is always reigning ..... and .... an atmosphere that makes you want to come visit you again and again! Happiness and love to you!”

    Find the thing

    • Participants: guests.
    • Props: cards with images and names of things.

    As fun game, which can be held on a wedding anniversary, you can use the following competition. Participants are divided into men's and women's teams. The men's team is given cards: on some of them purely female items are drawn (sponge, snood, clips, highlighter, clutch, stole), and on others - their names. For the women's team - purely men's items (jigsaw, chisel, multimeter, sinker, starter, rapier). Participants must find the correct names of the objects offered to them. Whoever is faster wins!

    Famous couples

    • Participants: guests.
    • Props: No.

    This competition will be a great entertainment option for your wedding anniversary if you decide to hold it at home. Guests sitting at the tables are asked to name the most famous couples of the past, whose fidelity and love can be envied: Romeo and Juliet, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila, etc. The most active player can be given a memorable gift.

    Marriage is...

    • Participants: guests.
    • Props: papers, pens.

    Guests at the table are given pieces of paper and pens, and everyone’s task is to write the definition of marriage on them. Then all the cards are given to the spouses, they read out loud what the guests wrote and determine the winner!


    • Participants: guests in pairs.
    • Props: cards with the names of events (first date, going to the cinema, birth of a child, renovation, etc.).

    Couples “m + f” are invited to participate. They draw cards with events written on them, which the couples must act out without words, and the other guests can guess what they are talking about. The winner is the couple that shows a scene from life more realistically than others.

    At the wedding anniversary celebration, you can hold competitions not only for guests, but also for spouses, who will be happy to show how strong and harmonious their union is!

    Memorable Moments

    • Participants: spouses.
    • Props: 2 pieces of paper and pens.

    The facilitator asks the spouses questions to which they must write answers secretly from each other. Their themes can be different, depending on how many couples are together. If the wedding was recently and the memories of it are fresh, then you can find out from the spouses about their first date:

    • When did you go on your first date (date, month, year or at least time of year)?
    • Where did you go on your first date?
    • What time of day did the meeting take place?
    • What were you wearing?
    • What interesting happened on this day?

    For a competition for a wedding anniversary of 30, 40 or 50 years, you can prepare questions about the celebration itself. For example, in a pearl wedding scenario you can include the following quiz for husband and wife:

    • What day of the week did you get married?
    • What was the weather like?
    • Where did you celebrate your wedding?
    • How many guests were present at the wedding?

    Items of clothing

    • Participants: spouses.
    • Props: gloves, socks.

    The spouses are blindfolded and the husband is given his wife's gloves, and the wife is given her husband's socks. Everyone’s task: quickly put a wardrobe item on a spouse blindfolded. For a competitive effect, other married couples present at the holiday can be involved in the game.

    Find your salary

    • Participants: spouses.
    • Props: banknote.

    The husband is given a banknote, which he must hide in his clothes secretly from his wife. The wife's task: quickly find a banknote, showing how deftly she copes with the distribution of the family budget.

    The mystery of the name

    • Participants: spouses.
    • Props: No.

    The following could be an interesting version of the competition for a wedding anniversary. The presenter invites the spouses to decipher each other's names, asking them to come up with adjectives in the form of compliments for each letter of their other half's name. For example:

    • Ivan is sincere, attentive, ambitious, reliable.
    • Larisa is affectionate, neat, romantic, sincere, seductive, active.

    My affectionate beast

    • Participants: spouses.
    • Props: pieces of paper with pens.

    Secretly from each other, the spouses write on a piece of paper 10 names of representatives of the animal world: animals, insects, birds, etc. Then the presenter gives the husband and wife cards with templates in which they must insert the names of the animals they have written. For example, a husband may:

    • Tender as...
    • Talkative like...
    • Cheerful as...
    • Caring like...
    • Neat as...
    • Brave as...

    Or you can come up with this version of the phrase “The husband behaves...”:

    • In a supermarket, like...
    • In bed, like...
    • On vacation, like...
    • At work, like...
    • With my mother-in-law, like...

    The portal told you what fun competitions you can hold for your wedding anniversary, regardless of whether the celebration will be organized in a restaurant or at home. Some of them are suitable for young couples celebrating a chintz or wooden wedding, others - for time-tested unions lasting 30, 40 or even 50 years. If you didn’t find anything suitable for your holiday here, then in our other article there are also wedding anniversary competitions, among which you can find the idea you need!