Toasts and wishes for the wedding: short and in verse. Beautiful wedding toasts: in prose and verse Short wedding toast wishes

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Wedding toast

None of the scientists can still
give an answer to the question: what is love?
Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
which remains unsolved to this day!
So let our newlyweds live their whole lives
with this secret in their hearts and will never be able to solve it!

Toast to the wedding

I want to drink to you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of barriers and obstacles. Someone has a wide road along which you can move freely and easily. Some people like to move quickly and swiftly, while others value caution and calm. Today you have connected two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you encounter, you will always move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect each other. Have a smooth road!!!

Wedding toast in your own words

Bride and groom!
I ask you to rise.
Guests bow.
From now on, your fate is decided,
You have been given the titles “husband” and “wife”!
We wish you great and heartfelt love,
May your union be the strongest and most eternal.
May everything become more beautiful day by day
And let your home be a full cup!

Wedding toast in prose

Dear young people! My toast is clear and short. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them, and God bless you in family life.

Cool wedding toast

As they said in ancient Babylon: if you grab your chest, say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “May two loving hearts never separate, may they grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” Congratulations on your legal marriage!

Wedding toast to the newlyweds

I propose to drink to the young people, let today begin the countdown of the most wonderful part of their lives. Let the clock hands freeze forever, recording the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only at happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young people and their family!

Beautiful wedding toast

Wedding toast in verse

The life of a modern person is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

Wedding toast in your own words

On this joyful day, I would like to wish you family happiness.
As you know, happiness cannot exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Let's imagine for a second what would happen if it were cloudy? Would this ruin your holiday? No. Do you know why? Because you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink to the young people and their family happiness. Bitterly!

Short toast for a wedding

I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

Cool toast for a wedding

Dear newlyweds!
With all my heart I wish you to celebrate in your life
at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
porcelain - in fifteen,
crystal - in twenty,
silver - in twenty-five,
gold - in fifty,
diamond - in seventy-five years.
I also wish that all today’s guests
were certainly present at all these weddings.
Let's drink to the fulfillment of this wish and the happiness of the young!

Cool short wedding toast

Marcus Aurelius believed that “people exist for each other.”
So let's drink to this
so that it will be so in this newly made family.
Young people, live for each other!

Funny wedding toast

I will say in the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you will not be ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

Wedding toast in prose

Newlyweds, please tell me how children are born? Don't know? I will remind you of three ways how and where you can find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go to the store. But I want to drink to the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven one! For the young and their future children!

Wedding toast in verse

Friends! Today at an early hour
Suddenly the muse visited me!
She came to ask about you
And she gave me a toast for good luck!
What tender words
She dictated to me, brothers!
And... my head started spinning!
I have to admit now...
Search for eternal words
Take a spoon full of tenderness!
And let it burn like firewood,
Love passion is inevitable!
And Muse’s toast was simple:
“We must love each other steadfastly!”
And I, a single boy,
Raising my glass, I’ll shout to you: “Bitter!”

Funny wedding toast

A slender poplar grew in the forest,
and a slender birch tree grew nearby.
And they fell in love and were drawn to each other,
until they finally connected their branches and wove themselves together.
Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
Let's wish them twigs
their loves were never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

The best toast for a wedding

There lived a variety of feelings on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided to move to another before it was too late. Only Love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam to her in his boat and transported her to the island. She tried for a long time to find out his name, and when they told her that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only Time can understand how important Love is in life.
Let's drink to this in your life bright feeling never faded and illuminated your long and happy path.

A short wedding toast in your own words

They say that marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish that your union is protected by heaven, and may all life’s difficulties and everyday problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

Wedding toast from friends

We want to wish that the road of life along which you will walk, holding hands, will run through a beautiful blooming garden with sweet-voiced birds of paradise. So that the bright sun of love and goodness warms and illuminates your path. May fate favor you in all your endeavors, may obstacles and sorrows not be able to break you, but only make you stronger and more resilient! Be happy!

Wedding toast from parents

Our dear children,
You are more valuable than anyone in the world,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
We bless your union.

You take care of each other
And always live together
And appreciate it every time
That fate suddenly brought you together.

If you have been invited to a wedding celebration, then you should prepare not only gifts for the newlyweds, but also touching congratulations and toasts, because a beautiful and well-coordinated speech will definitely appeal to young people, in contrast to the banal phrase “Love and happiness!” Bitterly!".

The portal invites you to pay attention to wedding toasts in your own words, which are more sincere than “stamped” poetic ones, since they are often spoken from the heart! If it’s difficult for you to compose something on your own, then we have collected for you a couple of examples of such wedding congratulations, so that based on them, in your own words, you can compose your own original toast, which will amaze the newlyweds and all guests present at the wedding.

Short toasts

Nobody likes long, mournful speeches, so an excellent option for congratulating the newlyweds would be a short wedding toast, said in your own words, which will allow you to express in a concise form everything you want to wish the newlyweds.

Happy birthday to your family! Always be so happy and in love with each other, let time not touch your feelings, and let the love and tenderness in your hearts become more and more every day!

Happy wedding day! Let every minute of your life be filled with joy and happiness, your home with comfort and children's laughter, and your hearts with boundless love and tenderness for each other!

What can I wish you on this amazing day? We have already wished you love, happiness, and prosperity! So all that remains is to wish to carefully keep your love in your hearts, so that your union becomes even stronger and more beautiful over the years!

Happy wedding day! May your family life consist of many bright and joyful moments, enough for millions of pages of memoirs!

Cool toasts

If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor and love to joke, then you can prepare funny toasts for them that will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests present at the celebration.

Congratulations to your couple on their wedding day! Let them say that a good deed cannot be called a marriage, but I am sure that you will refute this phrase and become an exemplary family!

Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you such amazing love that the husband always understands women’s logic, and the wife knows how to forgive men’s pranks, and the husband’s salary is always equal to the wife’s demands. Then your family will be strong and happy for many, many years!

Congratulations on your wedding day! May your union only become stronger over the years. We promise that every year on exactly this day we will test it for strength! So live in harmony and harmony until your golden wedding and do not forget to acquire numerous offspring - the main indicator of the strength of the family!

Finally we can congratulate you on your wedding day! We have been chasing you down the aisle for a long time, even though everyone has long said that a love like yours can only be envied! Now we are giving you a new task - live happily and together and add new members to your family, so that your home will always be fun and joyful!

Wedding toasts from friends

At a wedding there should be not only toasts from the parents of the bride and groom, but also congratulations from friends, because they are also guests of honor at the wedding celebration!

We congratulate you on your marriage and wish you to carry your love through the years, becoming a friendly and strong family in which the house will be filled with joy, comfort and children's laughter! May luck literally follow all your family endeavors, and may your family and friends always be healthy and happy!

Happy birthday to your family! They have already wished you a lot, I can only say: always remain as in love with each other, so that you will be called newlyweds all your life! Protect your love, because it is what will make you a strong and happy family.

Congratulations on your marriage! Let you have an ocean of love and a sea of ​​happiness, let only a drop of grief and unhappiness, children's laughter and joy fill your house - then your family will be happy in it!

Toasts to the bride and groom

Many guests invited to the celebration wonder how to beautifully congratulate the newlyweds. You can wish them happiness, love and good luck as standard, or you can take a more responsible approach to composing a congratulatory speech and prepare several long and short toasts for the wedding, from which you can choose the option that suits you.

Our dears, we hasten to congratulate you on the loss of your “single” status, now for you, groom, there is only one woman in the world - your beautiful wife. And you, wife, should only admire your husband! So let your love continue to last, so that even after many, many years you will be as in love with each other as you are today.

Happy wedding day! Today your hearts are united by a wonderful feeling - love. And so that it only becomes stronger over the years, do not forget to nourish your feelings with tender hugs, passionate kisses, loving glances and sleepless nights! Bitterly!

Congratulations to your beautiful couple Happy wedding day! As you know, happiness is defined differently for each person, so I wish you to find your own formula of family happiness, so that your every day is filled with joy and pleasant moments, and comfort and harmony always reign in your home. And, of course, don’t forget about adding to the family, because children are what make a family stronger and happier!

The portal has provided you with several examples of a wide variety of wedding toasts: touching and funny, short and long. Choose what you like to create a beautiful and original wish in your own words that will touch the hearts of the newlyweds and make all the guests present at the wedding cry with happiness or laugh!

A wedding is one of the brightest and most touching holidays. In Russia, it is celebrated in compliance with many customs and traditions, the main of which is the organization of a ceremonial banquet, traditionally held in the house of the bride and groom or in a restaurant. To celebrate the wedding and the beginning life together newlyweds invite many guests, among whom are usually their relatives, friends, and work colleagues.

Each of the invitees, again according to tradition, comes to the holiday with a gift and a prepared toast, which he will pronounce when the toastmaster or the host of the event gives him the floor. You should not hope that you will be able to sit on the sidelines and your turn will not come.

A speech for newlyweds must be prepared. Firstly, because you don’t know whether the opportunity for such a public speech will pass you by, and secondly, because with good wishes and loud words you will express your respect, respect, and simply good attitude towards the heroes of the occasion.

Surely they will be pleased to hear many warm words addressed to them.

What types of wedding toasts are there?

Today, there are several most common types of table wedding toasts. These include:

Compilation rules

If for some reason you do not want to use ready-made examples of wedding toasts, write your congratulatory speech. Here it is important to adhere to simple rules and recommendations.

What should you consider?

The most important - take into account the degree of relationship or closeness of communication with the newly made spouses. Remember that the wishes of relatives or close friends should differ from the toasts of guests who are in the status of good acquaintances. If you are invited to a wedding as a friend or work colleague, and you do not communicate too closely with the bride and groom, limit yourself to standard words.

How to compose correctly? Here you need to take into account the format of the event, the time of year, and, of course, your financial possibilities. Do you want to know what competitions you can hold at a Hipsters-themed party? you will read not only about them, but also about the basic rules for drawing up the script for this holiday.

More suitable for close friends or relatives warm regards. They can even be used in a mild comic form. Don't overdo it with humor. A wedding is still a serious event. Of course, you can and should dilute the solemn atmosphere with a good joke. However, it is important to remember here that with an unsuccessful ironic congratulation you can offend the newlyweds, their parents or other guests. Therefore, if you are not sure that everyone will like your sense of humor, do not use it when composing a toast in your own words.

Three components of the “correct” toast

Remember what is right the toast consists of three parts - background, conclusion and wishes. In the first part, you can tell some beautiful legend: “Two incredibly beautiful stars shone in the sky, blinding each other with their bright, magnificent light. And, despite the fact that they were nearby, their light was invisible to each other. One fine day, one star began to gradually fade away. And then the other one told her: “Don’t be sad, my light is enough for the two of us.” The conclusion is drawn from the background told in the first part: “So let’s drink to the fact that our young, like these two stars, always come to each other’s aid, share their light and never fade away!” Wishes are added to the wedding toast depending on your preferences. A congratulatory speech is complete even without them. But if you think that you should say a few more words to the young, continue your toast, for example, like this: “And I, in turn, want to wish you incredible and dizzying happiness, success in all your endeavors, mutual assistance and love that you will carry through many years !

How not to forget all the words from excitement

Do not forget that even if you have been composing a speech for a long time and, one might say, have memorized it, at the most exciting and crucial moment you may begin to worry about the fact that you have to speak in front of a large number of people. The consequence of this will be a completely forgotten toast. Therefore, you should write it down on a piece of paper, which will become a hint at the right time.

Do you think that with a piece of paper you will look like a careless schoolboy with a cheat sheet? Then purchase in advance from a specialized store or wedding salon. beautiful postcard and write a toast in your own words in it.

This way, you will immediately kill two birds with one stone: you will not look ridiculous with a piece of paper crumpled from excitement, and you will leave the newlyweds a long-lasting memory of your visit to the main event in their lives. If you have already made a toast in your own words, but are worried about whether the bride and groom and other guests will like it, show one of your friends or relatives the text. It is desirable that this be a person with correct and competent speech, possessing mastery of words and a sense of tact. Remember that in addition to you, a large number of guests will be present at the wedding, and each of them will make a toast. That's why your speech should be short, succinct and meaningful. We are, of course, not talking about the banal: congratulations on your wedding day, I wish you happiness in your personal life. But you shouldn’t delay congratulations for too long either.
Before you start making a toast, show respect to the other guests - for this you need to introduce yourself. Start your congratulations with these words: “Good and pleasant evening! My name is "name". I am a friend and work colleague of the groom. “I am very glad that our respected newlyweds have decided to take such an important and responsible step, and I want to say a few words about this.” You should only introduce yourself if you don't know some of the guests at the wedding. Agree that at a holiday celebrated in a close circle of friends and family, where everyone knows each other, this will look ridiculous and inappropriate.

Do you know that they are considered one of the most popular. Plus, compiling them is as easy as shelling pears! Are you getting ready to celebrate a housewarming in your apartment, but are stuck on the script? Find out the basic principles of its composition. By clicking on the following link, you can read the script for the folk festivities to see off winter.

Ready-made examples

When composing a wedding toast in your own words, do not forget that its content should depend primarily on who you are as a newlywed. Here are some simple and most common options for wedding congratulatory speeches:

From parents

Our dear children! How difficult it is to come to terms with the fact that you have already grown up and are preparing to leave your “parental nest”! A little sad... But how nice it is to look at such a happy, loving, young married couple. We wish that the hearth of love and tenderness never fades away, that you leave work and feel happy because you are going to your beloved family, home! Where there is warmth and care! Please accept congratulations, our dear newlyweds!
*** Our beloved children! Today you have tied each other in sacred bonds of marriage. This happy event is always the first in family life. And how many more there will be! The birth of a child, his first A in the diary, happy children's laughter at home - all this will happen in the near future! Begins new life, filled with common joys, worries and difficulties. We would like to wish you to forever preserve the center of love and tenderness and take care of each other. We will always be with you!
*** Our dears! We sincerely congratulate you on forming a wonderful family! We wish that tender love accompanies you throughout your life! Be with each other in sorrow and in happiness. May this bright marriage be filled with the same joy that this wedding is filled with. Let's drink to the fulfillment of the wishes of our dear newlyweds!
*** My dears! The desired hour has come: today you take the serious step of marriage, sealing your love, affection and tenderness with strong bonds. Now you are a family, so you are responsible to each other, to society. Your duty is to be together in sorrow and in joy, to maintain marital fidelity, and not to forget about your parents. And we hope to babysit little princes and princesses soon! Let's raise our glasses to ensure that at least three children are born into a new happy family, and that the newlyweds' love becomes stronger and stronger every year!

From mom

I think everyone knows how you both have been planning continuously for the past few months for this important event. You (names of the newlyweds) wanted to be together on this day, you both dreamed of a beautiful wedding! As a mother, I am honored to be invited to this celebration and enjoy watching your marriage blossom in the years to come. When you told me about your wedding date, I have to say that I couldn't be more happy for you two. You two have found what we all look for in a marriage: Your ideal person. You will serve as an inspiration to everyone because you have shown that dreams really do come true. So, congratulations again! I hope you don't regret wanting to spend the rest of your lives together!
*** You know, dear guests, when my son, as a small child, once returned home covered in dirt, I told him: “So that this is in last time! Then he went to school. And one day he returned home with a big two in his diary. And then I told him again: “Let this be the last time!” Today he is no longer a boy. Today he started his family. And in this regard, I declare again: May this be the last time!
*** Today you married the woman of your dreams. She is your best friend and now, fortunately, she is your wife. When you first met, you knew she was something special. Her smile could light up a room and her laugh was contagious. But you moved on. You wanted to make sure that she was caring, compassionate, a loyal friend, and also had a great sense of humor! You feel very happy because (name of the bride) has become your wife. Of course, your life will be filled not only with joyful moments, but also with sad ones. But I am sure that you will overcome everything if you cherish love for each other in your hearts.

From friends

For brother

A long time ago there lived triplets brothers. And a dispute constantly arose between them: who is in charge? Since they were twins, each of them believed that he was born first, that he was smarter and more resourceful. And that means he is more important. And then one day they were working in the field when a strong wind blew up. The brothers hid in a small cave. And when the hurricane subsided, they went out and discovered that their crops, house, garden - everything had been swept away by the wind from the face of the earth. The elder brother said: “I am an excellent mason. I will build the walls of the house, and our new home It will be stronger and more reliable than before!” “And I’m a carpenter, and I can do all the woodwork!” - said the second brother. The third brother said: “And I will build a fireplace and furnish the house!” So together they began building a new home, which turned out to be many times better than their old home. With every brick of the house being built, the brothers learned the truth, which was that it does not matter who was born first, who is more beautiful and smarter. It was important to everyone that they were together. So the moral of the parable is this: you need to live together with love in your heart! Be happy Brother!
*** Every year as a child, you and I decorated the Christmas tree. It glowed with lights and shimmered in the glass of the toys. And now, on this important day for you, brother, remember that Christmas tree. After all, family life is a long garland of many light bulbs. But what color the lights will be and how brightly the garland will shine depends on you, dear newlyweds. Let humility and harmony, respect and love reign in your family! And the festive string of colorful lanterns will shine in your hearts!
*** My beloved brother! Family life is a fast train! I wish you and your wife that the stations along the route of your “family” express will be called: Station of Happiness and Love, Platform of Joy, City of Success, Village of Kids and Depot of Well-Being! Be happy! Bitterly!!!

To sister from sister

My dear sister! The magical day of your wedding has arrived! You and your husband turned the first page of a new book today. And this book is your family life. I want to raise a glass to ensure that all the following pages are filled with the same bright, unforgettable events as today, and that your faces are always illuminated by a happy smile! Love is a special gift that can awaken all that is purest and brightest in the soul. Take care of this feeling and each other! For the young!
*** Little sister! Today fate presented you and your husband with a special gift - the key to family happiness. And now it is your duty to take care of this key. It contains all the tenderness and love that you feel for each other. Keep this gift, because once you lose it, you will no longer be able to make a duplicate. I want to wish that your life together will be bright and happy, and that jealousy will not spoil it with its presence! Bitterly!
*** My dear sister! I want to tell you some folk wisdom. They say that in the first year of marriage, the husband speaks, and the wife listens to his words. In the second year, everything is the other way around - the wife speaks, and the husband listens to her. In the third year, both spouses speak, and their neighbors listen. Therefore, let's drink to a long and happy family life, and that you always listen to your friend, and that love and mutual understanding reign in the house!
*** One wise man said that a person is born only half happy. He grows up, moves through life, but cannot become absolutely happy until he meets a loved one. A special day has come in my sister’s life - she has found her soul mate, which means she has now become truly happy! Let us raise our glasses so that the happiness of our newlyweds will always be complete, and no disappointments or adversities can destroy it!

From a friend

Dear friend, what can I wish you on such a day? Now you will always have a reliable shoulder next to you to lean on, a vest to cry into. And so I remembered an old legend, how a young couple was looking for the most happy person, because as the sign says, you need to ask for a piece of his shirt and keep it for the rest of your life in order to be happy yourself. They passed young mountains and rivers, looking for the lucky one. They met rich and fat people, with big houses and bags of money. Someone had many children, another sat on the porch of the palace and looked at the people passing by with sad eyes. Finally, high in the mountains, they met a shepherd who was singing and enjoying life. They rushed to the shepherd and began to ask for a piece of his shirt, he seemed so happy to them. But the shepherd laughed cheerfully and said: “I don’t have a shirt, the sun warms me, but the rain washes me away!” Then the young people simply rubbed themselves against the cheek of this happy man and took with them a piece of his true, real happiness. I ask you, now that you are so happy, rub your cheeks so that your happiness and love never leave you! Bitterly!
*** My dear friend, I want to remind you of an old parable. Once upon a time there lived a very rich and noble man. And he had absolutely everything: chests full of gold, a rich house, many servants. But he was sad all the time. When a friend asked him: “Why aren’t you cheerful, you have everything?” This rich man invited him to visit and fed him only cakes for two days in a row. At the end of the second day, a friend begged: “Give me a piece of black bread, I ask you, I can’t eat only cakes!” Then the man laughed and replied, “That’s why I’m sad. Yes, I have a lot of money. But there is no other half with whom you could sometimes argue!” So, dear friend, may you have a lot of everything: money, wealth. And don’t worry, if there are disputes, it’s impossible to live without them. Bitterly!

When going to a wedding with a toast prepared in advance, set yourself in the right mood. Only in this case will you be able to charge the newlyweds and guests with positive emotions.

  • the toast should not be too long, otherwise no one will listen to the end;
  • when addressing newlyweds, it is better to avoid topics that are unpleasant for them (for example, previous relationships); you should also not touch upon sex, money, infidelity, etc.;
  • Jokes or anecdotes are the easiest to perceive; they lighten the atmosphere;
  • It is better to prepare and rehearse the toast at home: parents, relatives and witnesses are usually very worried, so the speech turns out to be confusing.

Well, now we offer the best wedding toasts for parents, witnesses, friends and relatives.

Touching toasts for a wedding

Wedding toasts from parents

The mother of the bride is usually the most worried person at a wedding. During the toast, she can express all her love and tenderness, wish her daughter female happiness and give parting words. The following lines will do:

Today is a special day for you.
So be happy always.
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.

Be sensitive, tender, affectionate,
The thrill of first meetings.
And the rings that you picked up,
Be able to save until the end.

Let never in your life
Days like this won't happen again
You should always love
And only get married once!

The groom's mother welcomes her daughter-in-law into her family. During the toast, she should show her affection for her new daughter.

This is how God rewards you:
Giving you family warmth and happiness.
I send him my gratitude,
Although I am a little jealous of your wife.

Don't attach importance to it
Now the most important thing is completely different.
What are you creating, son, your family,
What will save you from grief.

May your happiness be great
Let love not fade away in vain.
And it will be so easy for you with each other,
Let no storm arise from quarrels.

And if you need my hand
I’ll give it to her and warm her with my warmth.
Your family is more important to me today,
I root for her with all my heart.

Now not only do I have a son,
Now my daughter is rightfully given to me.
May God give you, children, only good things,
To make life look like fun.

Remember this moment forever,
Let it be sacred.
Now you are not just the bride and groom,
From now on, you are husband and wife.

And may any adversity pass you by,
Let the flame not go out in the blood.
We wish you good health. We wish you happiness.
We wish you strong love!

Fathers are serious people. Usually during toasts they give their parting words to the children. There is no need to hide your feelings, show how much you worry about them, how much you want your family life to be successful.

We would like to wish our daughter-in-law:
So that you are always beautiful,
So that you are always happy,
To give birth to many children,
So that she gives birth to only sons.

So that the figure is chiseled
So that the palm is gilded.
So that the daughter-in-law can do everything,
And so that she doesn’t sit without work,

So that it’s no worse than tomorrow at first light,
She seemed old to her husband.
To be fulfilled and justified
Everything I wanted from my heart today.

The groom is good - a match for the beautiful bride!
You couldn't find a more beautiful couple in this world!
I am a father, and, of course, a father-in-law
I want to wish you great love, children!

I wish you to love each other so much,
Like no one has ever loved before!
So that you preserve your feelings forever,
Remaining faithful to each other forever!

Wedding toasts from friends

Witness and Witness - best friends young. Their task is to defuse the atmosphere and amuse the guests, so we suggest making funny and cool toasts. These could be jokes.

Two old friends meet on the wedding anniversary of one of them.
- So, how do you like your married life?
- Well, you can’t drink, you can’t smoke...
- You probably regret it?
- You can’t feel sorry either...
I say - no tyranny in the family! And I raise a glass to that!

As a friend of the bride, I would like to tell you, our dear groom. Keep and appreciate this gentle, fragile creature. Don't let us down! We, of course, do not give her completely to you, but while she is with you, do everything possible so that she does not want to come to us. Happiness and love! Bitterly!

The witness should propose a toast to the parents:

Today, you young people have many relatives, both on one side and on the other.

But at this solemn moment I would like to address the mothers of our young people. It's no secret what a mother means to each of us. We turn to her in both joy and sorrow. Our pain is their pain, our joy is their joy. And how many gray hairs they had while they raised such beautiful children. They say that small children are small worries, big children are big worries. Dear and wonderful mothers! Even now, when your children are entering independent life, your hearts are still beating anxiously. Dear, good, beautiful mothers! I raise a glass to your good deeds, to your tender hearts, for raising such wonderful children. Low bow to you!

Glory, praise and honor to the parents.
I think the people will agree
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
We wish you health and happiness!

Accepting all the toasts and toasts,
I want everyone to sound more solemn
This is the toast we raise
We are for parents - the beginning of all beginnings,

Because we can't live without them
You wouldn't see the young ones
We can neither sit nor stand without them
And don't walk at the wedding!

Wedding toasts

Each of the guests will want to drink to the health of the bride and groom and make a toast, we offer the most unusual options:

If it were necessary to write an instructive story of human life, it would be a story from the life of a man and a woman together.
If it were necessary to tell an instructive story of human stupidity, it would be a story from the life of a man and a woman together.
Here's to marriage, an inexhaustible source of wisdom!

Well, what can you wish for the bride and groom?
May they always be together in everything.
We slept, ate, drank together,
We would take the children to kindergarten.

So that there is not even a reason for the quarrel!
Always let the man give in first.
Guard your love trustingly and vigilantly.
And only at the wedding may you feel “Bitter!”

Our dear groom! We would like to raise this glass to regularity! Regularity is now your master in life, namely: regular meals, water treatments, regular holidays with your family! Enviable regularity! In general, we wish you good luck in all your family endeavors and happiness in your personal life. Bitterly!

For many, an example of an ideal toast is the story about the bird from “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” You will learn more about Caucasian and not only toasts from the article “”. We will give some examples:

The sage was asked:
- What is the wisdom of life?
“Live in joy yourself and make your loved ones happy,” he answered.
I wish young spouses to follow this advice, and then their lives will become happy and joyful!

The Arabic poet Khalil Ghibran said that a partnership is a roof supported by two pillars. When these columns are too far apart, the roof can fall. I would like to wish the young people patience and mutual understanding, respect for each other, since these qualities will never lead to the separation of two columns to a dangerous distance and will not allow the family roof to collapse!

Many men dream of having a harem. They believe that the more women around them, the more varied and interesting their family life, the more love and affection they will receive. So let's wish that our young man would never want to have a harem, because his wife alone could replace him! For the young!

In the article you will find only the most interesting ideas for writing beautiful and touching wedding toasts.

A wedding is an important event in the life of a couple in love. This is proof of love, loyalty and devotion. This is a sign that they love their friend very sincerely and are ready to spend their whole lives together. As a rule, a wedding is a holiday that is celebrated magnificently, on a grand scale, with a large number of guests, relatives, gifts and pleasant words.

An important tradition at a wedding is to say congratulatory toasts. It can be poetry or prose, just spontaneously expressed thoughts. The main thing is to sincerely wish the newlyweds strong love and bless their union.

To avoid an unpleasant and uncomfortable situation while making a toast (and everyone, including the bride and groom, will listen to you very carefully), it is important to prepare your speech in advance. It is not at all necessary to have handwritten cheat sheets or learn poetry by heart; it is enough to familiarize yourself with already prepared clichés and templates in order to “start” from them and form an idea.

In this article you will find a lot of ideas for composing your “wedding” toast in such a way as to 100% express exactly what is in your heart and congratulate the people close to you.

The most beautiful wedding toasts to the newlyweds in your own words: words, text


  • Dear newlyweds! Today you have stepped on the right path. To you accompanied by love and happiness, because, having fallen in love deeply, you decided to start a family - and this is joy! I wish you never encounter problems, disappointments and resentments along this path. You are so beautiful and good today that I admire you and bless you for a hundred happy years!
  • Dear newlyweds! Let me praise you for daring to connect their lives, inspired by one feeling and one dream. May your home be happy, may it be a full cup. I wish you that all your wishes become reality! Look into each other's eyes and remember this magical wedding day!
  • Our beloved ones! I want to admire you forever! How confidently did you go to your goal and how joyful you are now, having achieved it! Thank you for the most wonderful example of human love and loyalty. May love fill you from head to toe, permeate every hair on your body, and may your every thought be filled with love for each other throughout your life!
  • Newlyweds! Let me raise a glass of this delicious, sparkling wine for your health! May health fill you and allow you to live in good health for many years, so that you can delight each other for decades together. Thank you for such a wonderful, colorful and beautiful holiday! You are well-deserved and everyone in this room certainly looks up to you and your love! Don't lose her! Keep it and take care of each other until old age!

The best wedding toasts to the newlyweds with meaning: words, text


  • Our dears! Today many will say beautiful words to you, wishes and compliments. Accept them all like gifts, keep them in your memory and be sure to carry them throughout your life. Know that love is a great feeling, it pleases and fills the heart. But at the same time, it looks like balloon and if it is not stored carefully, it can “burst” or fly into the wrong hands. So, be attentive to each other, attentive and never deliberately hurt with caustic words.
  • Our beloved children! Today I would like to compare you to angels. Also you are beautiful, bright, joyful and, looking at you, you begin to believe in a miracle. I wish you to remain the same all your life and not lose this thread of fidelity and sincerity in your relationship, which once appeared. Remember that it can turn into a powerful rope, helping you cope with complex life problems, or into a barbed metal wire that can hurt and cause pain. Everything is in your hands! Love it!
  • Newlyweds, love each other very much! Love each other beautifully! Give each other smiles, flowers, sweets and gifts! You will have no one closer than the husband to the wife and the wife to the husband. Support and help each other, this is the only way you will overcome the most difficult life situations and you can feel happy!
  • Newlyweds! Now you are young, beautiful, even rich. Now you perfect! But I wish you to love each other not now, but in old age, in “dark days” and illness. I wish you to love each other when others turn away, when there is nothing and no one around... that’s when you are tested true feelings. I wish you to withstand any test if one comes your way!

The most beautiful wedding toasts to the newlyweds about love: words, text


  • Bride and groom! You have a wonderful opportunity to love a friend friend! This is magic that does not fall into every heart. You are very lucky to have found the true, true, true love! I am incredibly happy (happy) for you! I wish God to protect your love! So that every day you do not lose it, but multiply it, increase it, increase it! I wish that when there is too much love in your home and it fills every corner, you begin to give it away and give it... to your children!
  • I want to wish you discoveries! I want time not to catch up with you boredom, but only gave the opportunity to suddenly make discoveries for each other every day! This is necessary so that you don’t get bored with life and love, so that every day and year is interesting and gives you positive emotions and memories. I want you to remain so inspired and unpredictable at 30, 40, 50, 80 years old. Live for your family! Value family! Give this world children! Collect memories!
  • Beloved children! You have found love and today you have connected your lives with each other. friend forever before us, your loved ones, before society and God. Your union is blessed and I wish with all my heart that it be happy. Remember that finding love in this world is not enough! It is important to preserve it, not lose it and carry it through good and bad years. It is important to spread it to children and grandchildren, to teach them to love and appreciate those they love. Dear ones, you have a lot of time ahead to understand all this, so cherish each other and do not lose in any case!

The funniest wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text

Sometimes with your toast you can add a “drop of humor” and positivity to the holiday to cheer yourself and your guests up.


  • Newlyweds! I look at you and I want to cry. But not from grief! And from joy! You look so good that I'm even jealous! Well done! Wow, how I wish I could be in your place again! May you reach the peak of your happiness in marriage! And to you, groom, I want to say, remember that marriage is a fire and you need to constantly monitor it! Therefore, do not forget to periodically add sticks to the fire so that it burns well! And for you, bride, I wish you not to forget that you are the very spark that ignites the flame. Therefore, do not fade, warm and bewitch!
  • Beauty and handsome! I can’t call you anything else, because you are so breathtakingly beautiful today! I wish you not to lose your attractiveness even after decades! Attract each other, excite, excite! Smile at each other, give compliments and praise! This is the only way you can enjoy your marriage. Let the young husband always run home from work, and let his wife wait for him, full of feelings, in front of the parade and with a hot dinner!
  • Young! Today you are completely different, not the same as you knew you earlier, much more seriously, much closer to each other, more dear. Today you have set foot on the path of family and on this interesting path I wish you happiness. Don’t divide your marriage, keep your marriage, warm it in your palms like a treasure! May success accompany you in any business and may no one dare interfere with your idyll!
  • Dear ones! You smile and in the heart of every guest present It's getting warm. You laugh and we are happy. You kiss and we are pleased. Continue in the same spirit, walking through life hand in hand, together and next to each other. I wish that your “family ship” sails on a warm and calm ocean, that bad weather avoids your course and that you always reach your set route! Be overly happy and in love!

The wisest wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text


  • Dear ones! Only over the years will you understand and comprehend the value of your marriage. I wish you wisdom in marriage, so that you can act wisely in any situation, so that you can appreciate each other, so that you feel sorry for and understand each other. Give in in difficult and conflict situations! Treasure each other’s attention, because it is more valuable than gold!
  • We wish you newlyweds to know the happiness of true and sincere feelings in marriage! Be gentle and attentive to each other! Don’t waste your time on trifles and never try to deliberately offend each other. Remember that your marriage is not only a marriage certificate, but a gift that not everyone is given.
  • Smile newlyweds happily and very easily! Look confidently in your bright future, dream, plan! Everything will definitely be fine for you, because I’m not stupid and I see that very special sparkle in your eyes that speaks of love, which testifies to a miracle!
  • I am a person with a lot of experience behind me and therefore I will tell you absolutely confident: I see love in you! Keep it, guys, don't let anyone claim it and don't give it to strangers. There should only be two of you! And only when you are no longer enough for love, I wish you children who will become support and the meaning of life!

The most interesting wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text


  • Our dears! Everyone wishes you happiness, health and good days. I'm I want to wish you friendship. Don’t lose this warm feeling that once brought you together and allowed you to experience love. If a husband is a friend to his wife, she can trust him, can count on him and not hide her secrets.
  • Beloved young people! You have ahead big life as if bright I wish to paint this white canvas with paints, giving it life and a rainbow. Let your family days be as light as a colorful kaleidoscope! Live easily and give each other a fairy tale! Make your dreams come true! Get closer to miracles and perfection in marriage!
  • Our dear ones! You gave each other a symbol of love - an engagement ring ring and I want this symbol to surround your life. Let health, good luck, money and simple, such pleasant joys rush around you in circles!
  • Dear ones! Personally, I would like to wish you a beautiful life! Every understands this in his own way, but I want your every day to be filled with the colors of impressions, the sweet aromas of memories and the warm touches of pleasant people! I wish that the house was always filled with sonorous children’s laughter, that there was simply no place for tears, and that there was no time for sorrows to even look out the window! Be healthy, look forward with confidence and achieve your goals! Live in pleasure and joy!

The coolest wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text


  • Whatever one may say, guys, today you are the winners! You won an incredible prize, the biggest one - a happy family! Hold your gift tightly and don’t share it with anyone! May everything be fine with you and you move forward confidently, knowing that you have each other.
  • Happy Wedding Day to you! It's not just "hearty" and happy holiday, This is what, the warmest and most fabulous memory that you will carry throughout your life! Try to love each other all your life, just as sincerely and just as ardently, so that your children, looking at you, take an example and are inspired!
  • Smile, young people! Look how many people came today congratulate you! You are great fellows, you are enviably handsome and simply wonderful people! Let your children and grandchildren be the same kind-hearted people, the same kind-hearted people as you!
  • I wish you a long life! So that illnesses and misfortunes frighten you home and ran away from him. I wish that long-awaited children are born, that they be beautiful and kind. Let this spark of love never go out in your eyes, that over the years the flame only flares up: bright, hot, high!

The most creative wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text


  • Darlings! You shine for us like two bright diamonds sitting at the table! How nice look at you! How beautiful you are in your costumes, with your smiles and happy faces. But for sincere love this is really not enough! Therefore, increase your feeling every day and every year!
  • Dear ones! You, like the sun, shine for every family and friend person on this holiday! I wish you not to go out, but to flare up with every day you live, igniting a spark in every loved one and loved one! May today's blessing carry you throughout your life!
  • Newlyweds! Stop the moment! Remember every smile on this holiday! Let it be imprinted in your memory and let every day, even the darkest one, warm you, inspire you, give you vital energy and strength. Live with pleasure, savoring every day and each other's presence!

The most touching and sincere wedding toasts to the newlyweds: words, text


  • Dear young people! Let there always be a place in your family nest for respect and understanding. This is the only way to achieve harmony and joy in being a husband or wife. I wish you to breathe each other like air, drink each other like water and not be able to live without each other like without food!
  • Our dears! For us, your love is an inspiration. This is the way find joy in life and a reason to move forward. May your hearts be calm and large enough to accommodate the love of all your children, grandchildren, and loved ones.
  • Beautiful newlyweds! Your love is a lush and colorful bouquet flowers, which consists of many elements: lush red roses (as symbols of passion), delicate fragrant wildflowers (as a symbol of joy), sensitive and gentle violets (as a symbol of fidelity) and a riot of daisies (your loved ones and loved ones).

The best wedding toasts to the newlyweds from the groom's parents: words, text


  • Dear children! Thank you for deciding to take this important step and You make us happy with your wedding. We believed and hoped for so long that our son would choose his chosen one and are incredibly happy that she turned out to be (name of the bride). May your marriage be perfect and fruitful, may it give us many grandchildren and may your love be eternal, like our world, like the Universe, like time!
  • Dear children! Looking at you, dad and I are incredibly proud that were able to raise and educate such a responsible, kind and confident man who proposed marriage to the woman he loved. Let everything come true, son, exactly as you wish and wish. And for you, dear bride, we wish you to feel confident and happy in the arms of your husband!
  • Newlyweds! Look at each other again. Today you are the groom and bride, lovebirds, and tomorrow you will be the most real: husband and wife. Appreciate what you decided to do for each other - to connect lives. Always forgive, always give in, always understand, always think about the consequences for each other and never lose each other!

The best wedding toasts to the newlyweds from the bride’s parents: words, text


  • Dear children! I would like to say “thank you” for being so serious and responsible that they decided to tie their lives together. Thank you for giving us the joy of expecting grandchildren and a lot of pleasant moments that await us. We wish you a good marriage! Let a good feeling permeate you and fill every cell of yours, let everything be sweet today in life and only bitter today!
  • Dear bride and groom! I want to wish that in your cozy home It was always crowded with laughter, joy, children, loved ones, holidays and pleasant moments! May love and prosperity literally stick to you, may your health never leave you!
  • Newlyweds! Look forward with your head held high, confident, knowing that only the best will come. You have everything to be happy. Know how to use the help of loved ones and friends, share with them and each other not only troubles, but also joys.
  • Dear daughter! You are beautiful and so good today! We solemnly We place you in the hands of your beloved man. Let it protect you like a delicate flower and protect you from the cold wind. Hold your love in a tight embrace, don’t let it go from your palms and share it among your children like a sweet fruit, rejoicing, enjoying it, savoring it! Be the happiest in the whole wide world!

The best wedding toasts to the newlyweds from friends: words, text


  • Our beloved friends! Today you have become an example for us. You - beautiful, kind and perfect ideal. It’s so good that from true friends you were able to become deeply loving “doves”. We promise to always help you, protect you from evil and give you our support. Know that you are simply amazing!
  • Dear ones! Thank you for inviting us to this wonderful event! Know that we respect and love you so much! People like you cannot be found anywhere else in the whole world. Let your parents be proud of you, let everything work out in your life in a way that you wouldn’t even expect. May the days of family life be sweeter than honey and softer than a feather!
  • Newlyweds! Today your family's chariot has reached the START of life. Let her rush forward, sparing no effort. May you only meet along the way beautiful scenery, mesmerizing pictures, good people and great opportunities! In difficult moments, support each other, give warmth, hug your loved one on a “rainy day” and always, even when you can’t, say “I love you.” Well done!

Short wedding toasts for newlyweds: words, text


  • Darlings! You look so good that even the Higher Powers are now watching you, wanting happiness. Don't lose this spark, catch it by kindling the flame into a fire! Value marriage, cherish it, because it is more valuable than money and wealth!
  • Dear ones! Today you have learned the secret of happiness. Rejoice, now it is there at your place! Carry this secret throughout your life so that evil eyes do not envy, evil hands cannot take it away. Love and be loved only by each other!
  • Newlyweds! You are two boats that came together into one, becoming strong and fast ship. You can overcome any river and ocean if you confidently hold hands and help each other.

Video: “The best toasts for a wedding”