When does Uraza start? The most important night of the year.

Eid al-Fitr or the holiday of Breaking the Fast is the second most important holiday among Muslims, which is celebrated in honor of the end of the fast of Ramadan; in 2018 it falls on June 16.

The month of Ramadan, in which the Holy Quran was revealed, in 2018 began on May 17 at sunset and ends on June 15 in the evening.

© photo: Sputnik / Amir Isaev, STR

On the last day of Ramadan, after sunset, the holiday of Breaking the Fast or Eid al-Fitr (in Arabic) begins - one of the most important events in Islam.

In different Muslim countries, Ramadan may begin at different times, and this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

Muslim calendar

Muslim chronology begins with the migration (in Arabic hijra) of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Yathrib, later called the city of the Prophet - Medina. According to Christian chronology, the resettlement took place in the summer of 622.

The basis of the Muslim calendar, according to which Muslims all over the world live, is lunar year, consisting of 12 months - it is 10 or 11 days less than the solar year, so the days of Muslim religious holidays shift each year relative to the Gregorian calendar.

A lunar month lasts 29 or 30 days. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar in 2018 and lasts 30 days. This is the holy month of fasting and spiritual purification for Muslims - the most important and significant of all periods of the year.

A month of fasting and spiritual purification

With the onset of Ramadan, every devout Muslim must begin fasting - one of the five pillars of Islam along with witnessing faith, prayer, almsgiving and pilgrimage. Fasting in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar was prescribed in 624, the second year of the Hijri.

During the month of Ramadan, devout Muslims refuse to eat food during the daytime, devoting it to spiritual and physical cleansing. Therefore, in Islam there are two night meals: Suhur - pre-dawn and Iftar - evening.

Muslims abstain not only from food and drink, but also from foul language and unclean thoughts. Their goal is to strengthen faith, rethink their way of life, move away from the forbidden, and identify true values ​​for themselves. life values. The fast of one whose deeds and thoughts are unclean and not pleasing to God is considered invalid.

During the holy month, after the obligatory night prayer, the Taraweeh prayer is performed - a voluntary prayer that lasts until dawn. For its fulfillment, according to legend, a great reward from the Almighty follows.

Those who, for some reason, are exempt from fasting must feed the poor or help the needy every day, spending no less than the amount they spend on food per day.

The most important night of the year

In the holy month of Ramadan there is the night of Laylat al-Qadr or the Night of Power and Predestination - the most important night of the year for every Muslim. That night, the Archangel Jebrail came down to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Koran.

According to sources, Laylat al-Qadr is the night when angels descend to earth, and the prayer said on this night has much greater power than all the prayers of the year.

In the Koran, an entire sura “Inna anzalnagu” is dedicated to this Night, which says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand months in which it is not present.

This is the night when the fate of every person is predetermined in heaven, his life path, the difficulties and trials that lie ahead, and if you spend this night in prayer, in understanding your actions and possible errors, then Allah will forgive him his sins and be merciful.

Feast of Breaking the Fast

On the last day of Ramadan, after sunset, one of the great holidays begins - Eid al-Fitr. At this time, Muslims should indulge in reflection on spiritual values ​​and rethinking life during the period of fasting.

This day is considered a holiday of salvation from hell, as well as a day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the elderly.

The holiday begins at the time of evening prayer. At this time, it is advisable for all Muslims to read takbir (formula for exalting Allah). Takbir is read before performing the festive prayer on the day of the holiday. It is advisable to spend the night of the holiday in vigil, in all-night service to Allah.

On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to wear clean clothes, put a silver ring on your finger, perfume yourself with incense and, after eating a little, go to the mosque early to perform the holiday prayer.

On this day, they pay the obligatory zakat al-fitr or “alms of breaking the fast”, show joy, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to accept fasting, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and receive guests.

Eid al-Adha is closely intertwined with ideas of spiritual improvement and good deeds. During the celebration, it is customary to do good deeds, take care of relatives, and show compassion for those in need.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

News from Muslim republics


There is very little left before the onset of Ramadan, the holy month of Muslims. On the eve of such an important event for believers, Realnoe Vremya begins to publish materials related to the month of fasting, fasting and related events. Today our online newspaper talks about the conditions of fasting, some necessary payments and the republican iftar shifted in space and time.

20 hours - without food or water

Already on Friday, May 26, in the evening at sunset, Muslims around the world will celebrate the month of Ramadan (Ramadan). That same evening, believers will gather for the first additional prayer of the year - Tarawih prayer. From May 27, Muslims will begin to fast from dawn to sunset.

And the month of fasting will end on June 24 (inclusive). The holiday of Eid al-Adha has been declared in the republic on June 25. On the same day, holiday prayers - hait prayers - will be held in mosques. Since this day falls on Sunday, Tatarstan residents will not see an additional day off.

Every evening at sunset, Muslims will break the fast - iftar. It is recommended to take such meals among fellow believers and family. Before dawn, it is necessary to eat food (suhoor) to give strength to the body for the whole day of fasting. The times of Iftar, Suhoor and the five obligatory prayers are usually observed on

Since this year Ramadan falls on the longest days and short nights year, then believers will have to fast for quite a long time during the day. In Tatarstan, for example, approximately 4-4.5 hours are allotted for both meals, evening (Maghrib/Akhsham), night (Isha/Yastu) and additional (Tarawih) prayers.

In addition to refusing to eat and drink, during daylight hours believers should abstain from sex and smoking, since all this also breaks the fast.

In case of diseases that require constant use medicines, water or food, you cannot fast. Also, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, during menstruation and those in a postpartum state do not keep their minds up. Travelers (musafir), minor children, the elderly and the infirm may not fast.

Republican iftar postponed

Last year, Kazan residents feared on social networks that due to the upcoming events - the 2017 Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup - the republican iftar would not be held for two years. But these conversations turned out to be just rumors.

At the same time, this year the Association of Muslim Entrepreneurs of Russia will not hold iftar at the Kazan Arena. Another venue where they wanted to hold the event, the Central Stadium, will also not be able to host believers. According to the message of the Muslim Spiritual Board of the Republic of Tatarstan, due to the Confederations Cup, other events cannot be held at both stadiums.

The mass breaking of the fast will be moved to the Kazan Tennis Academy.

“The program includes: a concert with the performance of munajats, a cultural program, collective prayer, evening breaking of the fast,” says the muftiate’s information.

Back in February, the APM of the Russian Federation reported 15 thousand guests. Previously, the organizers talked about holding an event for thousands of people in May.

Time to splurge

In addition, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan calculated the amount of fitr-sadaq (the amount that a Muslim is obliged to pay during Ramadan before the holiday of Eid al-Adha), fidya (atonement payment if a Muslim was unable to fast for health reasons) and nisab ( the amount of property on which zakat is paid).

According to the joint decision of the Council of Ulema and the Council of Qazis of the Tatarstan Muftiate, for 2017 (1438 AH) the situation is as follows. Fitr sadaqa ranges from 100 to 600 rubles for each family member. This difference is due to the difference in the cost of barley and raisins, from which the payment is calculated. That is, if there are two parents and two minor children in a family, then the head of the family will have to fork out at least 400 rubles.

Fidya (fidiya, redemption payment) is 200 rubles for each missed day of the eid. This amount is usually calculated taking into account prices in the region for basic food products. This money should be enough to feed one adult for a day. If a Muslim does not fast for a month for a good reason and subsequently cannot make up for it, he must pay 5800 rubles (200×29=5800).

Nisab is 198,000 rubles. These are those free funds (from wealthy people), received in a permitted way, from which zakat is paid. Thus, zakat from this capital will be 4,950 rubles (i.e. 2.5%). If a Muslim does not have such free money, then he is exempt from such duties.

But what about in the fraternal republic?

By the way, in Bashkiria the amounts are somewhat different from those in Tatarstan. According to the fatwa of the chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Bashkortostan, signed by Mufti Nurmukhamet Nigmatullin and his first deputy Ainur Arslanov (a copy of the document is available to Realnoe Vremya), the fitr sadaq was divided into three categories: for poor Muslims - 50 rubles, for believers with average income - 150 rubles, for wealthy people - 250 rubles. Fidya in the neighboring republic is equal to 150 rubles for each missed day, and 4350 rubles for the entire month. The nisab in the region also turned out to be more modest: 185,000 rubles, from which the zakat is 4,625 rubles.

Another muftiate with headquarters in Ufa, the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, has not yet decided on these amounts. As a rule, in the “diocese” of Talgat Tajuddin (CDUM) such information is announced during Ramadan.

All these payments should go to support the poor, travelers, madrasah students (shakirds), Muslim converts and other charitable needs. Some mosques and special funds purposefully collect such funds. This money must be paid before the holiday of Eid al-Adha,

Eid al-Adha is a holiday of joy, smiles, kindness, generosity, friends and loved ones. In the Muslim world, it is second in importance, after Eid al-Adha. It is also called the Feast of Breaking the Fast, because it is celebrated immediately after the month-long fast of Ramadan and the celebration lasts three days.

For Muslim believers, Eid al-Fitr is not just a holiday, but a kind of merging of fellow believers in common joy after the spiritual enrichment received during Holy Lent. In terms of importance and emotional fullness, it can be compared with the Christian one, when the entire Christian world merges in one rejoicing. When and how will it happen Eid al-Adha in 2018? Let's figure it out together.

When to celebrate Eid al-Adha?

Every year this important day is calculated according to a special Muslim lunar calendar and in 2018, the Muslim world will begin to celebrate Eid al-Adha on Thursday evening, June 14th. And it will begin, as always, with general prayer in mosques.

Don’t forget to purchase everything you need in advance, because within three holidays, all shops in Muslim countries, as well as many organizations, will be closed.

History and essence of the holiday

The day of breaking the fast was established by the Prophet Muhammad himself, who is especially revered by Muslims. Precedes this the most important day the month-long fast of Ramadan, which was also established by the Great Prophet and is included in the five pillars of Islam.

The legend says that it was in this month in the year 610 that the angel Jibrail (for Christians this is the Archangel Gabriel) descended to the prophet Muhammad, who was in the Khiri cave, which was located near Mecca. The latter appeared to convey to the Great Prophet the revelations of Allah, namely the first chapters of the Holy Quran - the main book of commandments for Muslims.

In honor of this special event, the prophet ordered fasting in order to improve oneself and become worthy for the time when one has to appear before Allah.

Only Muslims of advanced age and those who have not reached puberty are exempt from fasting. As well as sick people and pregnant women. But after the man recovers and the woman is delivered from her pregnancy, they must compensate for the permission that was given to them during the difficulties and fast in another month. The same rule applies to those traveling and fighting during Ramadan.

And at the end of the strict fast, arrange big holiday, to say goodbye to the blessed days of Holy Lent, in which all Muslims were given the opportunity to grow spiritually and pacify their passions.

How is the celebration going?

After 29 or 30 days of fasting, depending on the lunar calendar, Eid al-Fitr begins. Preparations for the holiday begin several days before it. Women do general cleaning of the house and the entire household plot. After cleaning, all family members bathe and put on clean clothes.

In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, the women's part of the house begins to prepare holiday treats for family, relatives, friends and, of course, for the poor. And the men go to the mosque, where a special holiday prayer will be read.

Although Eid al-Adha will begin in 2018 on the evening of June 14, the real holiday will begin on the morning of June 15. At sunrise, the mosques will be filled with believers and the entire Muslim world will read the main prayer of the holiday of breaking the fast, Eid prayer.

Until the sun rises to the height of a standing bayonet, you should give out alms and only then go home, where you will have a very hearty lunch. Because there is a sign that if you “eat to your heart’s content” on this day, then the whole year will be nourishing and rich for the family. Next, be sure to visit all relatives, not only the living, but also the deceased, reading suras from the Holy Book.

Features of the holiday Eid al-Adha

Both during the Great Ramadan itself and on the holiday of its end, Eid al-Adha, special importance is given to charity. During Lent, you can even atone for sins with charity if you could not resist one of the prohibitions. For example, for intimacy with their wives in the light of day, a Muslim is obliged to pay off with 60 days of fasting at another time and distribute alms to 60 needy people.

On Eid al-Fitr, it is also customary to give a lot of alms and not limit yourself only during the holiday, but use these days as the beginning to charitable activities, which a devout Muslim should have as part of his life.

Every year on the Day of Breaking the Fast, a certain minimum monetary alms is established, which must be distributed on the holiday. Its size is calculated from the minimum wages, accepted in the country in which this or that believer lives.

Also on Eid al-Adha it is customary to give gifts not only to the poor, but also to relatives. There is a belief that on this day you need to give at least 7 gifts to different relatives. You should visit your loved ones according to seniority, that is, starting with the oldest members.

Festive table and dishes

All main dishes are prepared from the best lamb. These include rich soups, gravies, baked or fried lamb, as well as meat salads. The most important thing is that all the treats are very filling.

Sweets also occupy an important place - these are various pastries and desserts. For example, baklava, nut rolls, watermelon honey (bekmes), rice with apples and much more. Sweets are a must on this day, as they are associated with the “sweetness” and great joy brought by this Great One.

In general, every Muslim table should have:

  • several salads and appetizers (for example, salad with Nabel style meat, salad with nuts and garlic, salad with lamb and feta cheese, etc.);
  • soups (their assortment is huge, but all recipes should contain lamb on this day);
  • main courses (also all made from lamb: pilaf, stew, meat rolls, etc.);
  • sweets (the fantasies of Muslim housewives in this regard are not limited);
  • drinks (various homemade lemonades, compotes and teas).

IN different countries There are special features of the holiday and traditional dishes that are necessarily served on Eid al-Adha:

  • In Turkey, before the main feast, everyone must first enjoy sweets. And it is customary that the youngest members of families visit the oldest.
  • In Saudi Arabia, they also eat sweets and fruits immediately after Eid prayers.
  • In Tatarstan, they always eat pancakes in the morning on this day.
  • in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, the morning is not complete without pilaf.
  • In Kyrgyzstan, too, you can’t live without pilaf. And be sure to visit seven houses on Eid al-Fitr, treat yourself to them and read holiday prayers in each one.

"Eid Mubarak!" – Muslims shout on Eid al-Fitr all over the world, that is, “Blessed Eid!”

One of the five main holidays celebrated by Muslims is Eid al-Fitr or, as it is also called, Eid al-Fitr. During the celebrations, Muslims congratulate each other on the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

Every year the date of the celebration is different, since it is determined by the lunar calendar and therefore Muslims are interested in what date Eid al-Fitr will be in 2018, as well as when it begins and ends.

Beginning of Eid al-Adha in 2018

A holiday of joy and happiness, this is how Muslims talk about the second most important holiday of Eid al-Adha. The holiday of breaking the fast is celebrated after a strictly monthly fast for three days. In some regions of Russia, this day is a holiday and is considered a day.

Many stores close their doors to celebrate this day, so everything should be purchased in advance.

Every year Eid al-Fitr is celebrated on different days, but it is not difficult to determine what date the celebration will be in 2018. The calculation is carried out according to the Islamic lunar calendar and the arrival of Eid al-Adha falls on the day that follows the new moon. The date of this celebration shifts by 11 days every year and in 2018 Eid al-Fitr begins in the evening of June 14 and ends on July 15.

Celebrating Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha marks the end of the fast that Muslims are required to observe during the holy month of Ramadan. The holy fast in 2018 begins on May 16 and ends on June 14. The celebration lasts three days and during these days Muslims visit each other, give gifts and visit their older relatives.

On the eve of the holiday, in the evening in mosques they begin to read the night “tarawih” prayer and it is obligatory to spend the whole night in additional prayers. It is advisable to read namaz in the mosque, together with other Muslims, but if something prevents you from going to the mosque, you can spend that night at home.

On the morning of June 15, 2018, Muslims go to the mosque for a holiday prayer, after which they go to the cemetery to honor the memory of deceased relatives, and then begin to celebrate with their families, setting the tables with various dishes and sweets.

Before the holiday begins, you should clean and tidy your home. Everything is carefully cleaned, washed, there should be no dirt or disorder anywhere. For the holiday itself, new clothes are worn, appearance must be neat and clean.

On three days of the holiday, it is forbidden to restore missed days of fasting. Women decorate the tables with all sorts of goodies and delicacies, and also distribute them to neighbors and relatives; this is an obligatory tradition.

Features of the holiday

On the holiday of the end of the holy month, much attention should be paid to charity (remember, Eid al-Fitr ends on July 15 and begins on June 14). Each person helps those in need to the best of their ability. Some help financially, others with food. There are also special centers where you can take all this, and the employees themselves distribute it to those in need. Alms should be given with pure intentions.

Each believer must give a certain minimum monetary alms either to the mosque or give it to the needy himself. Not only those in need are given gifts on Eid al-Fitr, gifts are also given to relatives.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan

Eid al-Adha is directly related to the holy month of Ramadan and when it begins, Muslims fast, and when it ends (in 2018 this day falls on June 15) the holiday itself begins.

This month is dedicated to spiritual cleansing of oneself, spending time in remembrance of the Almighty and renunciation of all earthly pleasures. This month they keep a strict fast, which has its own rules:

  1. Throughout Ramadan, people deny themselves food and drink. The morning meal should be completed before sunrise, but in the evening you can start eating only after the sun disappears below the horizon. You can't drink or eat all day. Failure to comply with this rule is considered a violation of fasting and this day is not counted. To simplify the calculation of time, the Muslim clergy distributes a schedule, which indicates until what time you need to eat and what time to start the meal.
  2. During the day when the fast is being held, it is forbidden to enter into an intimate relationship; in addition, you must refuse kisses, touches and other caresses between a man and a woman. If this prohibition is violated, it will be severely punished. If this rule is violated, you need to keep a fast for sixty days, but you can also feed sixty needy people. Marital intimacy is permitted only after sunset. Before the morning meal begins, it is important to take a complete ablution and only then begin your ritual, otherwise it will not count.
  3. You cannot swear, get angry, use foul language, or gossip. During this month, you need to do more good deeds and pacify your character.
  4. It also happens that a day of fasting is broken, the reasons may be different, but it is important to restore the missed day after the end of the month of Ramadan. If the fast is broken without a good reason, other than restoring that day, the person who broke it must feed the needy or help financially.
  5. Suhoor and Iftar time should be spent with family. During these meals, it is not advisable to eat alone; it is necessary to get together with the whole family and start eating.
  6. You need to spend all your time remembering the Almighty, praying and reading the Koran, you need to ask for forgiveness for your sins.
  7. Fasting is not carried out by small children, people who have health problems and refusal to eat can affect their general condition, as well as women during the period. During menstruation, women are prohibited from performing namaz, fasting and touching the Koran. If your period begins during the day when you are fasting, then the fast is broken and until it ends, you cannot fast; the missed days will need to be restored after the end of Ramadan.

How to congratulate each other

The wish of the blessed one sounds like “Eid Mubarak”, this is how Muslims should greet each other on this day. It’s just not enough to say this greeting, it must be sincere, from the bottom of your heart, filled with meaning; they also wish you all the best, happiness, success in everything.

Eid al-Fitr is one of the expected holidays for Muslims, and when it begins, cheerful feasts are held in the homes with the family, and when it ends, everyone sadly sees off this holiday and looks forward to the most important celebration, Eid al-Adha.

Eid al-Fitr is considered one of the most important holidays in Islam. On this day, people rejoice, visit loved ones and give alms to the poor. The beginning and end of Eid al-Fitr in 2018 will take place in mid-June, after the end of the holy month of Ramadan. For this reason, this holiday is also called the Day of Breaking the Fast.

Eid al-Fitr is a bright and joyful day in the life of Muslims, a holiday of unification. Jubilation and joy fill the souls of believers who purified themselves during the holy fast of Ramadan. The celebration lasts three days and is somewhat similar to the Orthodox celebration of Easter.

Knowing that Ramadan will last from May 17 to June 14, it is not difficult to calculate that the beginning of the Day of Breaking the Fast falls on June 15, although believers visit mosques the day before for evening pre-holiday prayer.

Traditions of celebrating Eid al-Adha

During holy fasting, the soul is cleansed of bad deeds and thoughts, repentance comes, and Uraza Bayram is the end of this important period in the life of every Muslim. Only the elderly and children are exempt from fasting, and pregnant women and the sick until they give birth or until their state of health is restored.

The day of breaking the fast is a bright and joyful holiday, preparations for which begin in advance. The day before, all believers do the following:

  1. The housewives are putting things in order in the house. Owners of private houses always tidy up their yard.
  2. They prepare festive clothes in which they will go to the mosque for morning prayer.
  3. They prepare hearty and delicious dishes for the festive table.
  4. They prepare gifts for relatives and alms for the poor.

The holiday of Uraza Bayram begins with the first rays of the sun. In the morning, all believers go to the mosque for prayer, during which they purify themselves. Before going to the mosque, Muslims must bathe, since not only the soul and body must be cleansed. Be sure to wear festive, mostly white clothes. In some countries, beautiful women perform namaz at home, since their attractiveness can distract men from pure thoughts and purification.

Since Eid al-Fitr is a holiday of purification and good deeds, in 2018, as in other years of celebration, believers are obliged to give alms to the poor on the way from the mosque. Delicious treats are distributed to poor people so that everyone can rejoice and rejoice at the arrival of the great holiday. In some countries, a minimum almsgiving is established, which is determined by a percentage of the minimum wage.

On this day, the whole family gathers at the dining table and eats heartily. Hearty dishes are served on the table. It is believed that if everyone eats to their hearts’ content, the whole year will be rich and successful for the family. Be sure to visit relatives on this day and give them gifts. You need to give at least seven gifts, be sure to visit the older family members first, bringing them joy and showing respect.

What to cook for Uraza Bayram in 2018?

Knowing what date Uraza Bayram is in 2018, housewives will prepare a holiday menu and purchase food in advance. The following dishes should be on the table:

  1. Soups made with lamb.
  2. Various types of hearty main courses (lamb is preferred when preparing it).
  3. Meat snacks and salads.
  4. Various sweets and pastries.
  5. Non-alcoholic drinks, including compotes and teas.

On this day, housewives serve only hearty dishes. meat dishes and high-calorie sweets so that all family members can eat after long food bans during the fasting period.

Each country has its own customs and traditions of celebrating the Day of Breaking the Fast, features of preparation and serving of dishes:

  1. Before the main meal, Turks eat various sweets prepared with honey, nuts and other healthy foods.
  2. In Turkmenistan, pancakes are a must for breakfast.
  3. Before the main meal, which consists of meat first and second courses, fruits and sweet treats are served in Saudi Arabia.
  4. In Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the morning begins with pilaf.

Eid al-Fitr in 2018 will be held traditionally, since the customs of the celebration have been formed over the centuries. Prayer and a hearty table are integral elements of celebration and should be present in the life of every believer.