A brief history of the creation of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Tretyakov Gallery - paintings, what to see, information for tourists Tretyakov Gallery year of foundation

Tretyakov Gallery(Moscow, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, telephone numbers, official website.

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Lavrushinsky Lane in Moscow became famous only because the Russian merchant, millionaire and philanthropist Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov built a special building here for his collection of paintings. It formed the basis of one of the largest art collections in the world. The Tretyakov Gallery continues to preserve, explore and popularize Russian art, thereby forming our cultural identity.

A little history

Tretyakov purchased the first paintings of the future collection in 1856. A decade later, the gallery opened to the public, and in 1892 the owner donated it to Moscow along with the building. In the first years of the 20th century, the facade was rebuilt according to Vasnetsov’s sketch.

The Tretyakov Gallery employees have always been zealous about their duties. After the maniac cut Repin’s painting with a knife, the gallery keeper considered himself guilty of this incident and threw himself under the train.

After the revolution, the collection was nationalized, the building was completed and rebuilt many times, and the premises of the closed Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi were added to it. During the war, the paintings and statues were evacuated to Siberia, in 1985 they were merged with the State Art Gallery on Krymsky Val, the main exhibition was moved there, and the main building was restored for 11 years. A new building is currently under construction for the Tretyakov Gallery on Kadashevskaya Embankment.

What to see

The historic building on Lavrushinsky Lane displays more than 1,300 works by Russian artists from the 11th to the early 20th centuries. The hall of ancient Russian painting is decorated with Rublev’s “Trinity”, standing in a glass cabinet where a special microclimate is maintained. Ivanov’s painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People” is displayed in a separate room. On the walls there are many works by I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, V. A. Serov, V. V. Vereshchagin.

The Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi combines a functioning temple and exhibition hall. Its decoration, iconostasis and utensils are part of the museum collection. The pearl of the exhibition is the 12th century icon “Our Lady of Vladimir”, a Russian shrine and a world-class work of art.

The New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val displays paintings by Russian artists of the 20th century. The exhibition includes all artistic movements from the revolutionary avant-garde to the modern underground, the widest retrospective of works in the style socialist realism. Exhibitions of recognized artists and young talents are also organized here. There is a lecture hall and a Creative Workshop, where children and adults get acquainted with the art of the last century and discover their abilities in drawing and sculpting.

More and more visitors New Tretyakov Gallery They ask: “Where is Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square?” The artistic manifesto of Suprematism is in the 6th room next to paintings by Marc Chagall and Wassily Kandinsky. The guides will tell you about its complex symbolism and deep meaning. Interesting fact- there is not a single stroke of black paint in the picture; its color is formed by mixing different colors. X-ray scanning revealed two more images and the words “Battle of the Negroes at Night” under the top layer.

About the Tretyakov Gallery

Practical information

Address historical building Tretyakov Gallery: Lavrushinsky lane, 10 (Tretyakovskaya metro station).
Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - from 10:00 to 21:00. Monday is a day off. The ticket office closes an hour earlier.

Address of the New Tretyakov Gallery: Krymsky Val, 10 (Park Kultury metro station).
Opening hours: Tuesday and Wednesday - from 10:00 to 18:00, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - from 10:00 to 21:00. Monday is a day off.

Ticket price for adults is 500 RUB, for pensioners, students, students - 250 RUB. Admission for visitors under 18 years of age is free. Audio guide rental - 350 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

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If only to see with your own eyes the paintings “Girl with Peaches”, “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “The Appearance of Christ to the People”, “Morning in a Pine Forest” and many other works of Russian fine arts, familiar even to all people far from painting from candy wrappers and Internet memes.

The painting was painted in 1871 under the impression of military operations in Turkestan, which amazed eyewitnesses with their cruelty. Initially, the canvas was called “The Triumph of Tamerlane,” whose troops left behind such pyramids of skulls. According to history, one day the women of Baghdad and Damascus turned to Tamerlane, complaining about their husbands, mired in sins and debauchery. Then the cruel commander ordered each soldier from his 200,000-strong army to bring the severed head of their depraved husbands. After the order was carried out, 7 pyramids of heads were laid out.

“Unequal marriage” Vasily Pukirev

The painting depicts the wedding process in the Orthodox Church. A young bride without a dowry marries an old official against her will. According to one version, the picture shows a love drama of the artist himself. The prototype in the image of the bride is the failed bride of Vasily Pukirev. And in the image of the best man, depicted at the edge of the picture behind the bride, with his hands folded on his chest, is the artist himself.

“Boyaryna Morozova” Vasily Surikov

Giant in size (304 by 586 cm) painting by Vasily Surikov depicts a scene from the history of the church schism in the 17th century. The painting is dedicated to Feodosia Prokopievna Morozova, an associate of the spiritual leader of the supporters old faith Archpriest Avvakum. Around 1670 she secretly became a nun, in 1671 she was arrested and in 1673 she was sent to the Pafnutiev-Borovsky Monastery, where she was starved to death in an earthen prison.

The painting depicts an episode when noblewoman Morozova is transported around Moscow to the place of imprisonment. Next to Morozova is her sister Evdokia Urusova, who shared the fate of the schismatic; in the depths is a wanderer, in whose face one can read the features of an artist.

“We didn’t expect” Ilya Repin

The second painting, painted between 1884 and 1888, depicts the unexpected return home of a political exile. The boy and the woman at the piano (apparently his wife) are happy, the girl looks wary, the maid looks incredulously, and deep emotional shock is felt in the hunched figure of the mother in the foreground.

Currently, both paintings are part of the Tretyakov Gallery collection.

"Trinity" Andrey Rublev

The Tretyakov Gallery has a rich collection of ancient Russian painting from the 11th to 17th centuries, including works by Dionysius, Simon Ushakov and Andrei Rublev. In room 60 of the gallery hangs one of the most famous and celebrated icons in the world - “The Trinity”, painted by Andrei Rublev in the first quarter of the 15th century. Three angels gathered around the table on which the sacrificial cup stood for a quiet, unhurried conversation.

“The Trinity” is stored in the hall of ancient Russian painting at the Tretyakov Gallery, in a special glass cabinet in which constant humidity and temperature are maintained, and which protects the icon from any external influences.

“Unknown” Ivan Kramskoy

The location of the film is beyond doubt - it is Nevsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg, Anichkov Bridge. But the image of a woman still remains a mystery to the artist. Kramskoy left no mention of an unknown person either in his letters or in his diaries. Critics connected this image with Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, with Nastasya Filippovna by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and the names of famous ladies of the world were named. There is also a version that the painting depicts the artist’s daughter, Sofia Ivanovna Kramskaya.

IN Soviet era Kramskoy’s “Unknown” became almost a Russian Sistine Madonna - an ideal of unearthly beauty and spirituality. And it hung in every decent Soviet house.

"Bogatyrs" Viktor Vasnetsov

Vasnetsov painted this picture for almost twenty years. On April 23, 1898, it was completed and was soon purchased by P. M. Tretyakov for his gallery.

In epics, Dobrynya is always young, like Alyosha, but for some reason Vasnetsov portrayed him as a mature man with a luxurious beard. Some researchers believe that Dobrynya’s facial features resemble the artist himself. The prototype for Ilya Muromets was the peasant of the Vladimir province Ivan Petrov, whom Vasnetsov had previously captured in one of the sketches.

In our fast-paced 21st century, people are increasingly traveling around the world. And they go not only to relax in nature, at the sea, but also to get acquainted with cultural attractions.

In Moscow, one of these centers of “cultural pilgrimage” was the All-Russian Museum Association “State Tretyakov Gallery” (STG or Tretyakov Gallery).

A little history

It is generally accepted that the history of the creation of the gallery began when the merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov bought two paintings by compatriot artists. This happened in 1856. Subsequently, in 67 of the nineteenth century, the “Moscow City Gallery of Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov” was opened in Zamoskvorechye for everyone.

Later, in August 1892, the collection was donated by Tretyakov to the city of Moscow. Formally, the museum was opened on August 15, 1893.

At first, the gallery was located in the Tretyakov mansion, but gradually extensions were made to it to store the expanding collection. The Tretyakov Gallery received its final known form in 1902-1904. The project plan was developed by the architect V. N. Bashkirov according to the sketches of the artist V. M. Vasnetsov.

Later, other buildings were annexed to the Tretyakov Gallery: a temple, museums, houses and apartments of famous Russian artists.

Today the State Tretyakov Gallery is a huge museum complex that includes eight buildings and structures.

Address of the Tretyakov Gallery and its departments

Main buildings

The Tretyakov Gallery is located in the same place where the Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya metro stations are located. The easiest way to get to the Tretyakov Gallery is from Tretyakovskaya station. Exit the subway. Go up the street from the metro and go to the street called Bolshaya Ordynka. Cross it and you will find yourself at the bar-restaurant building. To the left of the bar-restaurant building will be the Ordynsky dead end. Next, go to the end of the Ordynsky dead end, past Shmelev Square, to Lavrushinsky Lane. On the other side of the alley there will be a building of the Engineering Building, and to the right of it the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Novokuznetskaya station is located near Tretyakovskaya station. Cross the Novokuznetskaya - Tretyakovskaya metro station and exit the metro. Next, take the same route as from Tretyakovskaya station. On the back side of the Engineering Building is the Church of St. Nicholas on Tolmachi. Its address: Maly Tolmachevsky Lane, building No. 9. Church art treasures are exhibited here.

  • The New Tretyakov Gallery is located on Krymsky Val Street, 10. The Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val introduces the works of Soviet and Russian artists period modern history, i.e. 20th century and early 21st century.

Close to it there are such subway stations as “Oktyabrskaya” and “Park Kultury”. To get there from Oktyabrskaya station, you need to exit the metro, cross the underground passage across Bolshaya Yakimanka Street, then walk along Krymsky Val to the Central House of Artists (CHA). The Tretyakov Gallery is located in this house. To get to it from the Park Kultury station, you need to walk along Novokrymsky Proezd, then along the Krymsky Bridge until turning left onto Krymsky Val Street.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest museums in the world. Her popularity is almost legendary. To see its treasures, hundreds of thousands of people come annually to the quiet Lavrushinsky Lane, which is located in one of the oldest districts of Moscow, Zamoskvorechye.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is a national museum of Russian fine art of the 10th - 20th centuries. It is located in Moscow and bears the name of its founder, Moscow merchant and textile manufacturer Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.

The State Tretyakov Gallery is a treasury of national fine art, storing masterpieces created over more than a thousand years. By presidential decree Russian Federation The gallery is considered one of the most valuable cultural objects of our Motherland.

The Tretyakov Gallery's collection is dedicated exclusively to national Russian art, to those artists who contributed to the history of Russian art or who were closely associated with it. This is how the P.M. gallery was conceived. Tretyakov (1832-1898), this is how it has been preserved to this day.

Founded in 1856. Opened to the public in 1893. Several rooms of the private collection of P.M. Tretyakov were first opened to visitors in 1874.

Since 1893 - Moscow City art gallery named after Pavel Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov, since 1918 - the State Tretyakov Gallery, since 1986 - the All-Union Museum Association "State Tretyakov Gallery", since 1992 - the modern name.

The founder of the gallery was the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, for whom collecting works of the national school became his life’s work, and the creation of a public museum with its meaning and justification. Being a passionate collector, in 1872 he began construction of the first halls of the future gallery, adding them to the house in Lavrushinsky Lane, where he himself lived. Later, in 1902, the facade of the house was reconstructed in the Russian style according to the design of the artist V.M. Vasnetsova. In 1892, Tretyakov fulfilled his dream - he transferred the collection he had collected and the collection of his younger brother S.M. Tretyakov as a gift to Moscow. The grand opening of the gallery took place on May 16, 1893.

Initially, the collection included 1287 paintings, 518 drawings and 9 sculptures.

Currently, the collection includes more than 100 thousand items. They are located not only in the main exhibition on Lavrushinsky Lane, but also in the premises at 10 Krymsky Val, its second part, which is a continuation of the first.

New exhibitions are being prepared for the 17th-century chambers and the 18th-century building on Lavrushinsky Lane, adjacent to the main museum building. A new building has been laid on the corner of Lavrushinsky Lane and Kadashevskaya Embankment. Now the historical core of the gallery is a beautiful ensemble with its remarkable dominant feature - the slender bell tower of the Church of St. Nicholas, the gallery’s home church.

It is located on two territories separated from each other by several city blocks. This makes it possible to present in one museum in best works the entire history of Russian art from the most ancient period to the work of our contemporary artists. In addition, the Tretyakov Gallery has in its structure memorial art museums: the museum-apartment of Ap.M. Vasnetsov, house-museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, museum-workshop A.S. Golubkina, museum-apartment of P.D. Korina, house-museum of N.S. Goncharova and M.F. Larionova

Total area - 79745 sq.m;

exposition - 20500 sq.m;

stock - 4653 sq. m

Total number of storage units - 100,577

The house in Lavrushinsky Lane in Moscow, similar to a tower, is not just an art gallery - it is one of business cards capitals. The building houses exhibits from the 11th to 19th centuries.

Moscow art museum, which is called the State Tretyakov Gallery, or Tretyakov Gallery, was founded in 1856. It houses one of the world's largest collections of fine art.

The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery is located in Moscow at the address: Lavrushinsky Lane, building 10.

Tretyakov Gallery on the map of Moscow

Composition of the Tretyakov Gallery

The museum association, which is called the Tretyakov Gallery, is located in Moscow. The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery is located in Lavrushinsky Lane, in Zamoskvorechye. In addition to the main building, where most of the collection is located, the Tretyakov Gallery includes:

  • the engineering building, where temporary exhibitions are held;
  • a building on Krymsky Val, where the art of the 20th century is presented;
  • museum in the Church of St. Nicholas, located in Tolmachi;
  • personal museums of artists.

The collection collected at the Tretyakov Gallery is dedicated exclusively to Russian national art. This is how the gallery was conceived by its founder Pavel Tretyakov, and this is how it has been preserved to this day.

How to get to the Tretyakov Gallery

It is easily accessible from the Tretyakovskaya, Novokuznetskaya, and Polyanka metro stations. The gallery has a branch where you can get acquainted with the latest art. Authors from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are represented there. It is located at the address: Krymsky Val, building 10. Nearby are the Oktyabrskaya and Park Kultury metro stations.

If you decide to visit the main gallery building in Lavrushensky Lane, it is better to get there through the Tretyakovskaya metro station - this is the shortest way. There is only one exit from the metro. Go up the escalator and you will find yourself on Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Cross it - you will run into the building of a fast food restaurant. Turn left. Then turn right - you will find yourself in the Horde dead end. Follow it until the end, until it intersects with Lavrushensky Lane. There the Tretyakov Gallery building will already be within sight.

The Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya stations are located almost in the same place. Therefore, to get to the Tretyakov Gallery through Novokuznetskaya, you need to exit the metro to Bolshaya Ordynka Street and walk a few meters to a fast food restaurant. Then proceed in the same way as described in the first option.

You will have to get from the Polyanka metro station to the Tretyakov Gallery by ground transport. Look for the stop of trolleybus No. 1 or bus No. 700. Get to the stop “Bolshaya Yakimanka Street”. There the gallery will be within sight.

The branch on Krymsky Val can be reached on foot from the Oktyabrskaya and Park Kultury metro stations. Once outside, you need to go towards the Moscow River, crossing it over the bridge. Below, on the left, on the shore, you will see the gray building of the Central House of Artists. It is here that the branch of the Tretyakov Gallery dedicated to contemporary art is located.