Some problems of the evolution of management documents. Current problems of document management at the present stage

The creation in our country of a rule-of-law state with effectively functioning institutions of representative, executive, judicial authorities, production, science and education is associated not only with the adoption of the legal foundations of their activities, but also with the formation of rational, specific rules and procedures for their functioning, including in the field working with documents.

The continuous growth of documentation volumes throughout the world, the increasingly widespread use of electronic computer technology in information processing, the use of non-paper media and other objective factors lead specialists to the conclusion that it is necessary to search for opportunities to master and manage documented information.

Documented information forms the basis of management; its effectiveness is largely based on the production and consumption of information. In the conditions of modern society, information has become a full-fledged resource of production, a reliable weapon of competition in all spheres of economic activity, and an important element of the social and political life of society. The quality of information determines the quality of management, since information, like a circulatory system, permeates all control organs, providing them with energy potential and setting them into purposeful movement.

Information, as is known, is concentrated in documents that give information an organizational form, move it in time and space; it is documents and documentary information that underlie management decisions and are their material embodiment, provide legal force and thereby contribute to their unconditional execution.

5 The problems of documenting management and organizing its documentation support are as ancient as the documents and management themselves. However, under the influence of various factors, especially under the influence of scientific and technological progress, we are forced to return to this topic again and again. Currently, this problem is being updated by the rapid development of new information technologies and the accelerated informatization of society. These processes pose a number of questions to document scientists that require immediate answers. The first of them is how document science should change as a scientific discipline that studies documents in the context of the globalization of world information processes. The second is how new information technologies affect the situation in the practical sphere of working with documents. The third is how correct were our previous ideas about the subject under study and what are the trends in its development in the near future, what strategic goals should be put forward in the field of documentation management and what tactical schemes should be implemented to solve current practical problems in this area.

Of course, the questions raised require the combined efforts of domestic document experts and cannot be fully resolved in a separate work. Focusing our attention on the problem of document management in organizations, we have chosen a current direction of scientific research that has theoretical and practical significance.

It must be recognized that in “pre-reform” conditions, document management adequately provided management structures with normative and methodological developments and actively used the capabilities of existing information systems.

At the moment in Russia there is a contradictory situation in the sphere of

6 re document management. On the one hand, previously adopted organizational and methodological documents are outdated: the state system of documentation support for management and other standards that were developed by scientists and specialists in the 70-80s. There is an outflow of personnel (especially young people) from the field of scientific research in the field of document science and archival science for various reasons, including the lack of appropriate funding. Attention to training and advanced training of documentation support services workers has decreased, and there is a lack of modern educational and methodological literature on these issues. There has been a certain stagnation in scientific research on document management issues, disunity in work is visible educational institutions, producing qualified specialists, and scientific organizations. To a large extent, the situation was influenced by the renewal of the staff, the departure from established document management traditions, and the loss of the achieved level of culture of working with documents.

On the other hand, due to the penetration of new equipment and new technologies into management, there is a change in the structure of document flow. A change in the economic foundations of society leads to a transformation in the value of certain types of documents and their role in the management process. However, these changes are poorly taken into account by management documentation systems in organizations where outdated rules and standards continue to apply.

To strengthen Russian statehood, and, consequently, the civil service, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of zones of stability and efficiency of management activities. In our opinion, the rational organization of documentation management can serve as one of the important support points for strengthening the state apparatus and an essential element of its stability.

Therefore, the problem of document management can be considered urgent, caused by the need for active, targeted formation of information resources that meet the needs of organizations. Research into the capabilities of modern information technologies from the point of view of their use in document management is extremely important for modern document management. It is necessary to analyze the accumulated achievements in the field of theory and practice of document management, identify trends in their further development and obtain new scientific results on this basis.

The choice of the topic of this study was determined by several factors:

firstly, the presence of a social order of society, associated with the need to streamline the documentary environment in the field of management, primarily state;

secondly, the need for the state archival service to deeply study the interrelated problems of archival science and document management in order to transform them into applied scientific developments;

thirdly, by growing interest in the informatization of Russia and ways of its entry into the global information space, including in the field of documentation management.

Solving the problem of document management in modern conditions, in our opinion, will make it possible to purposefully form the information resources of organizations, ensure their effective functioning, and also provide consumers with access to information resources with the least amount of time, labor and money.

Assessing the degree of development and study of the topic, it should be noted that the issues of documentation management in the domestic literature have not been raised as independent issues until now. Therefore, the

8 riography of the problem is very poor. Only in some works by A.N. Sokova can see attempts to introduce documentation management as a subject of research in a staged sense: as a reflection of foreign experience and a promising direction for the development of domestic document management and office organization 1.

Meanwhile, in developed countries, which have long passed the stage of “initial accumulation” of computer technology and communications, in a society that is now characterized as “post-industrial” or “information”, more and more attention is being paid to the development of documentation management problems. This trend especially manifested itself in the late 70s, when it became obvious that computers (including personal computers) do not lead to the creation of “paperless offices”, but, on the contrary, increase the volume of paper document flow.

Under these conditions, Western scientists have focused their attention on the scientific aspects of records management and have intensified research in this area of ​​knowledge and administrative activities. Through UNESCO and other international organizations, efforts were even made to coordinate the work of scientists from different countries in this direction, which yielded theoretical and practical results. The final report on the RAMP program (author J. Rhodes) describes records management as an overall management function covering the work with records in organizations at all stages of their life cycle 2 .

Sokova A.N. Documentation management abroad (scientific and analytical review) - All-Union scientific and practical conference on the topic “Organizational and legal issues of creating documents using computer technology and using them in the national economy: Abstracts. report - M.: 1984. - CIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD, No. Br. 2081, p. 120-158; It's her. Business documentation in the field of management. - M.: Knowledge, 1985, etc. 2 Rhodes J. The role of archives and documentation management in national information systems. Per. from English V.N. Garmash. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1064 “p”. 1989.

9 A study of the works of Western, primarily American and German specialists shows that even among them there is no complete unity in the understanding of documentation management as a scientific category. However, most scientists are inclined to recognize documentation management as a full-fledged function of organizational management, an information resource (F. Horton, K. Lennon, A. Mordell, A. Ricks, K. Har, D. McLeod, J. Summerville, D. Stephens and etc.) 1 . It is important to emphasize that many scientists and specialists understand the importance of the interaction between documentation management and information management in organizations, assessing documentation as the most important component of an organization's information resources. Based on this assessment, there is a requirement for a deeper use of new information technologies in working with documentation and the inclusion of documentation management structures in the general infrastructure of organizations 2. A distinctive feature of the research of Western specialists is their orientation

Horton F.A., Lennon K. Documentation management and information management, what is the relationship between them in our time. Per. from English V.N. Garmash. - SIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1196 “p”, p. 5, 6; Mordel A. New program for managing UK government records. - SIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD. No. 894 “n”, Hare C, McLeod J. Records Management in the Information Age II Managing Information. - London -April. - 1997. - Vol 4. - No. 4. - P. 23-25; Har K., McLeod J. Document management in the information age. Per. from English V.N. Garmash. - SIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1241 “p”, 1998, p. 6; Summerville J.R. Document management: “What's new.” - Per. from English Zolotukhina I.G. - SIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, 1994, No. 1159 “p”, p. 4. Menne-Haritz A. Dokumentenverwaltungsysteme und offentliche Verwaltung; Wo ist der Sand im Getriebe? - Deutscher Dokumentartag. 1994. Proceedings, DGD, 1994, pp. 11-38; McDo-NaldD. Document management in a modern institution. - CIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD No. 1220 “p”; Roberge M. In the era of information - global: systematic and systematized management of administrative information. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1144 “p”, etc.

10 tion to eliminate the technological and organizational gap between office work and departmental storage of documents 1.

It is obvious that Russia has its own traditions in the field of working with documents and direct borrowing of Western experience and Western approaches is impossible. That is why we turned to studying the problems of the evolution of domestic documentation and the development of office work in Russia, with the goal of assessing the achieved level of organization of work with documents and the degree of originality of national traditions in this to resolve the issue of the possibility of applying the basic principles and methods of document management.

Domestic document management has currently accumulated a significant amount of knowledge, reflected in published monographs, collections of scientific works of MGIAI and VNIIDAD, collections of articles, educational and methodological manuals, materials of conferences and other scientific events. Unfortunately, there are still no major monographic studies. Published works are predominantly in the nature of textbooks and teaching aids (works by Andreeva V.I., Kuznetsova T.V., Livshits YAZ., Mityaeva K.G., Mingaleva V.S., Pshenko A.V., Sokova A.N., team of authors of the Department of Document Management and Documentation Support of the State University of Management) 2. Next

Hives Cr. Management of documentation, information and archives in companies. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 889 “p”; Horton F., Lennon K. Decree. op.; Ricks A. Records management as an archival function. - SIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, No. 946 “p”, etc. 2 Livshits Ya.Z. Documentation support for management. - M.: Knowledge, 1975. - 64 p.; Kuznetsova T.V., Stepanov E.A., Filippov N.G. Office work and technical documentation: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Higher. school, 1991. - 159 p.; Sokova A.N. Business documentation in the field of management. - M.: Knowledge, 1985. - 64 p.; Sokova A.N., Banasyukevich V.D., Semenova G.Yu., Trofimenkova E.V. Documentation development concept

11 It should be noted that in a number of cases, textbooks, especially those published in the 70-80s, can serve as research literature, since they reflect the results of the scientific work of their authors. It is no secret that difficulties with the publication of monographic works forced scientists to resort to such a form of publishing scientific research as textbooks for special courses. Nevertheless, the creation of monographic works on document management still remains an urgent task.

The works of K.G. are of fundamental importance for the development of the research topic. Mityaev, who was the first to propose the term “document science” and made a great theoretical and practical contribution to the development of document science as a scientific discipline. In textbooks, articles, and speeches at conferences, he outlined the main provisions on the tasks of document management, documentation systems, and document functions, which were then developed and supplemented. Textbook by K.G. Mityaev is still a conceptual study that is still relevant in a number of ways today 1 .

management in the Russian Federation / VNIIDAD. - M., 1992. - 33 p. - The manuscript was deposited in the Center for Document Management and Archival Affairs on May 11, 1993, No. 107-93; Mingalev B.S. General patterns and trends in document generation in socio-economic management systems. (Problems of studying): Proc. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1983. - 83 p.; Larin M.V., Mingalev V.S. Modern systems of documentation support for management: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1982. - 99 p.; Andreeva V.I. Office work: Requirements for the company's document flow (based on GOSTs of the Russian Federation). - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: JSC Business School "Intel-Sintez", 1996. - 222 p.; Pshen-ko A.V. Office work and basic regulatory requirements for documents. Textbook allowance. M.: YuK MSU, 1994; Organization of work with documents: Textbook / State. Management Academy. - M.: Infra-M, 1998, etc. 1 Mityaev K.G. History and organization of office work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1959. -359 p.

K.G. Mityaev was the first to systematically outline the history of office work in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR, highlighting the main periods of its development, the specifics various types office work, showing the relationship of office work with the corresponding systems for building the state apparatus, the interdependence of the development of office work and archival affairs 1. Subsequent textbooks from the Institute of History and Archives basically only increased the volume of material presented on the history of office work, expanding the chronological scope of the period covered 2 .

At the same time, in the 70-80s, textbooks appeared that presented the results of scientific research by T.V. Kuznetsova, YAZ. Livshitsa, M.P. Ilyushenko and other scientists who develop document management as a scientific discipline and reflect issues of document terminology and documentation systems, document functions and their development, the role of documentation in management processes 3. In some works, the issues of document management that are fundamental to document management are raised, and the problems of the influence of electronic computer technology on office work are considered 4 .

1 Mityaev K.G. Theory and practice of archiving: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1946. - 248 p.; It's him. History and organization of office work in the USSR. Decree. op.; It's him. Documentation, its tasks and development prospects // Questions of archival science. - 1964. - No. 2, etc.

History of office work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance / Ed. YAZ. Livshitsa, V. A. Tsikulina / MGIAI. - M., 1974. 170 p.; Ilyushenko M.P. History of office work in pre-revolutionary Russia / Russian State University for the Humanities. - M., 1993.

3 Ilyushenko M.P., Kuznetsova T.V., Livshits YAZ., Tsikulin V.A. Documentation systems:
Textbook allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 87 p.; Ilyushenko M.P., Kuznetsova T.V., Liv
shitz YAZ. Documentation / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 83 p.; Ilyushenko M.P., Kuznetso
va T.V. Document form / MGIAI. - M., 1986. - 86 p.; Kuznetsova T.V., Losev V.I.
Management documentation. - M.: Economics, 1985, etc.

4 Mingalev B.S. General patterns and trends in document generation in social
economic management systems. (Problems of studying): Proc. allowance / MGIAI. -

It is impossible not to note the work of VNIIDAD scientists, who, since the establishment of the institute in 1966, have consistently solved the problems of document management, organization of office work and documentation support for management, and automation of work with documents.

A significant contribution to the study of the main categories of document management was made by A.S. Malitikov, V.D. Banasyukevich, K.I. Rudelson and other scientists."

In the last decade, unfortunately, the balance between theoretical research and practical methodological developments has been disrupted in favor of the latter. This is evidenced by a large number of methodological aids and manuals for practical office workers, which mainly interpret the accumulated scientific and methodological potential of document management in a form accessible to practitioners 2 . However, in

M., 1983; Larin M.V., Mingalev V.S. Modern management documentation systems / MGIAI. - M, 1982, etc.

1 Malitikov A.S. Objectives and organizational ways of developing the Unified State System
Topics of office work for institutions, organizations and enterprises // Questions of the archive
Denia. - 1965. - No. 1; His own. Some issues of organization and content of scientific research
bots in the field of Unified State Register // Proceedings of VNIIDAD / VNIIDAD. - M., - 1971. - T. 2; Banasiuke
Vich V.D., Sokova A.N. Issues of formation of the theory of document management // Development Council
document science (1917-1981) / VNIIDAD. - M., 1983; Banasyukevich V.D., Zo-
new V.M. Standard documentation system for the central office mini
departments and departments // Soviet archives. M., - 1986. - No. 4; Rudelson K.I. Modern
document classifications. - M.: Nauka, 1973, etc.

2 See, for example: Handbook of Business Correspondence. - M: Mezhregionservis, 1996; Stanyu-
kov M.V., Office work in a small enterprise. Prior. 1999, - 224 s; Pechniko-
vaT.V., Pechnikova A.V. Documentation support for the organization's activities: Textbook.
manual / Association of Authors and Publishers “Tandem”. - M.: Ekmov Publishing House, 1998. - 208 p.;
Kuznetsova T.V. Secretarial work. 2nd edition, rev. and additional / JSC "Business School". - M.: In
tel-Sintez, 1998. - 288 p.

Some of them contain valuable observations and thoughts, especially regarding the creation of institutional systems for document management support and the integrated use of computer technologies 1 . Among these publications, we should highlight the work of T.V. Kuznetsova 2.

A significant contribution to the development of document science is the doctoral and master's theses defended at MGIAI and VNIIDAD, which are also important for this study. The doctoral dissertation of A.N. should be highlighted. Sokova, in which for the first time after K.G. Mityaev makes a successful attempt to formulate some areas of the theory of document management in conditions when new information technologies begin to be introduced into practice.

Candidate's dissertations, as a rule, examine certain aspects of the theory and practice of document management. Among the most developed are the issues of the history of document management and office work of the Soviet period of national history (works by Andreeva V.I., Baginsky I.M., Banasyukevich V.D., Bobyleva M.P., Dodonova M.I., Kostomarov M. N., Kremera B.I., Kuzmicheva A.D., Larina M.V., Podolskaya I.A., Raichtsauma A.L., Solsky D.I., Tamm I.E., etc.) 4 .

1 Kuznetsov S.L., Office work on a computer. Intel-synthesis, 1999. - 208 p.; Kirsano
va M.V., Aksenov Yu.M. Office management course: Textbook. allowance. - M.-Novosibirsk:
INFRA-M, 2000. - 287 p.; Stenyukov M.V. Documentation. Office Management: Practical
manual on preschool educational activities of the enterprise. - M.: Prior, 1998. - 144 p.; Andreeva V.I.,
Kuznetsova T.V., Serova G.A. Office work in accounting: A practical guide. -
M.: Accounting Bulletin, 1996. - 218 p. and etc.

2 Kuznetsova T.V., Office work (documentation support for management). 1999. - 320 s;

3 Sokova A.N. Development of Soviet document management in the conditions of scientific and technical revolution
lution (1960-1980): Abstract of thesis.... Doctor of Historical Sciences. 05.25.02/ MGIAI. - M., 1987.

4 Andreeva V.I. The main directions of scientific organization of managerial work and business
produced by the state apparatus of the USSR (based on materials from magazine periodicals

The pre-revolutionary period has been much less studied (Vyalova L.M., Lukashevich A.A.) 1.

Some of the dissertations are devoted to research into documentation systems and documentation of individual management functions (works by T.A. Bykova, I.V. Gerasimova, N.Yu. Emelyanova, I.B. Efanova, Krasavi-

1920s): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1985. - 24 p.; Ba-nasyukevich V.D. Management documentation as a historical source (Based on materials from the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry for 1971-1975): Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. history 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 25 p.; Baginsky I.M. Activities of V.V. Kuibyshev to improve the apparatus and office work of the People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the USSR. Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1979. - 24 p.; Dodonova M.I. The problem of office work in Soviet literature of the 20s: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.00.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975. - 33 p.; Kostomarov M.N. Activities of the Moscow Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate to improve the management and office management apparatus (1920-1929): Abstract of thesis. dis. ... candidate of history Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1976. - 33s; Larin M.V. Departmental rationalization bodies and their activities to improve the state apparatus and office work (1923-1932): Abstract of thesis. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 24 p.; Podolskaya I.A. History of the development of methodological foundations for the rationalization of office work in the USSR: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 24 p.; Reichts-um A.L. Improving the management and office work apparatus in the USSR by non-departmental rationalization bodies (1924-1931): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978. - 24 p.; Tamm I.E. The formation of Soviet state office work 1917-1923: abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.00.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975.-28 p.; and etc.

Vyalova L.M. Organization of office work of central government bodies in legislative acts Russian Empire first half of the 19th century: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of history Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1987. - 23 p.; Lukashevich A.A. Development of provincial office documentation of the 70-90s: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995. - 24 p.

16 on A.S., Potapova L.V., Chukovenkova A.Yu.) 1, other dissertations cover issues of documentation support for individual objects, similar institutions (Arkhipova N.I., Mozhaeva N.G., Morozov E.A., Pshen -ko A.V., Sirotkin A.N., Stepanov E.A.) . Quite deeply worked out

Bykova T.A. Formation of a documentation system for managing the social development of work collectives. 1965-1985 (using the example of the electrical industry): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1988. - 27 p.; Gerasimova I.V. Documentation support for the management of research activities of higher education (1917 - late 1980s): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. - 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1991. - 31 p.; Emelyanov N.Yu. Documenting the organization of research activities in industry research institutes (1970-1980): Abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. history 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1985. - 24 p.; Efanova I.B. Development of documentation support for the development of state standards (1940-1980): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1986. - 24 p.; Krasavin A.S. Documenting the labor activity of employees of government bodies (history and current state): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978. - 24 p.; Potapova L.V. Organization of work with citizens' appeals in the executive committee of the Moscow City Council and their influence on its activities (1960 - early 1980s): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1989. - 28 p.; Chukovenkov A.S. Organization of storage and use of machine-readable documents in the field of management: Abstract of thesis. dis... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1987. - 24 p. and others 2 Arkhipova N.I. Documentation support for the management of computer centers (history, current state and development prospects). Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978. - 25 p.; Mozhaeva N.G. Activities of the executive committee of the Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Documents to improve the management apparatus and documentation support in local Soviets of the Moscow province (region) (1921-1930): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1985. - 25 p.; Morozov E.A. Improving the organization and documentation of collegial activities of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR in 1925-1980: Abstract of thesis. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1982. - 23 p.; Pshenko A.V. Documenting the activities of the archival service at the present stage: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1983. - 24 p.; Sirotkin A.N. Documentation support

17 issues of unification and standardization of documents (Vasiliev M.A., Kokorev V.I., Sankina L.V., Sokova A.N., Yankovaya V.F.) 1 - In some dissertations (Malitikov A.S. , Predein E.V., Shchensnovich G.G.) general and special problems of functioning of documentation support services for management are considered.

A study of dissertation research shows that the problems of document management are not deeply reflected in them; they require a modern integrated approach and consideration. About this evidence

State Fund of Algorithms and Programs (research and development in 1966-1987). Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1988. - 25 p.; Stepanov E.A. Improving documentation processes in the management system of higher and secondary special education of the USSR (history and current state): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1979. - 24 p. and etc.

1 Vasiliev M.A. The problem of unifying the texts of management documents used in
clerical work of Soviet institutions (history and current state): Author's abstract.
dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975. - 42 p.; Kokorev V.I. Development and
research of a system of models for the unification and standardization of management documents
cops: Abstract. dis. ... Doctor of Technical Sciences. 05.25.02, 08.00.20 / MGIAI. - M., 1980. - 34 p.;
Sankina A.V. Improving the forms of management documents based on standards
tion and unification (1917-1980): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M.,
- 1983. - 24 s; Sokova A.N. History of unification and standardization of documents in the USSR
(1917-1970): Abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1971. - 16 p.; Yanko
Vaya V.F. Optimization of texts of management documents (theoretical aspect): Auto
ref. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1987. - 23 p. and etc.

2 Malitikov A.S. Main directions of documentary and archival research
vaniya in the USSR (1956-1970): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M.,
1971. - 22 s; Predein E.V. Control of execution of documents in the management apparatus. Is
thorium and the current state: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. -
M., 1981. - 22s; Shchesnovich G.G. Development of basic principles for organizing the system before
documentation in automated control systems: Abstract of thesis. dis.... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M.,
1975. -29 p.

There is also an analysis of literature in scientific areas related to document management.

In recent years, there has been a tendency towards a gradual restoration of the disturbed balance and strengthening of theoretical research in the field of documentation support for management. Many publications in the journals “Domestic Archives”, “Bulletin of the Archivist”, “Office Work”, “Secretary Affairs”, collections of scientific conferences are aimed at solving current problems of working with documents in modern conditions, protecting documented information, terminological problems, the history of office work, legal support for documentation activities of the management apparatus, the influence of new information technologies on the organization of document flow and documentation, problems of electronic documents 1.

1 See, for example: Eremchenko V.A. Office work and departmental storage of documents in the conditions of administrative reform: main problems // Otech. archives. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 9-18; Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Modern concepts of electronic archives // Ibid. - pp. 18-27; They are. Electronic archives and electronic document management // Ibid. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 17-26; Yankovaya V.F. Terminology of documentation support for management (GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions) // Office work. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 41-46.; Kostomarov M.N. “The Many Faces of Janus” - a document in the information management system // Office work. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 22-31.; Matveenko V.A. Legal and organizational problems of documentation support for management // Documentation in the information society: electronic records management and electronic archive: Dokl. and messages to the sixth Intl. scientific-practical conf. November 24-25, 1999 / VNIIDAD, ROIA. - M., 2000, pp. 24-33; Bobyleva M.P. From traditional to electronic document management, some problems of transition // Ibid. - P. 69-72; Kuleshov S.G. About the concept of “electronic document” / Ibid. - P. 54-57; Banasyukevich V.D., Larin M.V. Development of a state system of documentation support for management is an urgent task / Records management. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 5-8; Sankina L.V. Organization of the preschool educational institution service. Regulatory problems

Despite their great value, these works highlight only certain aspects of the problem of document management and can be considered as good research material for subsequent analytical and synthetic processing.

The problem of documentation management cannot be considered without analyzing archival literature. Scientists - archivists have done serious research work, important for understanding the epistemology of the document, the formation and development of documentation systems, terminology systems for document management (A.V. Elpatievsky, V.P. Kozlov, A.D. Stepansky) 1.

documentation / Document in administrative structures: Abstracts of reports. and speech at the international conf. 27-28 Oct. 1994 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995. - P. 62-65, etc. 1 Stepansky A.D. On the theoretical basis for the selection of documentary materials for state storage // Proceedings of the scientific conference on archival issues in the USSR. - M., 1965; Elpatievsky A.V. Some issues of the approach to research in the field of organizing document information from the point of view of document systems // Abstracts of messages for the theoretical seminar “Issues of a systematic approach to research in the field of document information.” - M., 1972; Medushevskaya O.M., Stepansky A.D., Lyushin SP. in Proceedings of a scientific conference on the problems of acquiring documentary sources from the state archives of the USSR. - M., 1976. - Part 1; Sokova A.N. Documentation and its role in public administration and for historical science. - M., 1985. - SIF OCSTI VNIIDAD. No. 039-86; Autocrats V.N. Some aspects of the study of the object and subject of archival science // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. M., 1976. - T. 6. - Part 1; Ilizarov B.S. Current theoretical and methodological problems of Soviet archival science. - M, 1984, etc.; Medushevskaya O.M. Source study at the present stage // Soviet archives. - 1979. - No. 2. - P. 5; Elpatievsky A.V. On the question of defining the concept of “documentary information” in the light of Lenin’s theory of reflection // Abstracts of messages to the theoretical seminar “Terminological problems in the field of document management and archival science” (January 1974) / VNIIDAD. - M., 1973. - P. 27; Elpatievsky A.V., Khanpira E.I. Once again about the term “document” // Soviet archives. - 1987. - No. 1. -S. 54, etc.

20 Specialists in the field of archival science have done a lot to understand the information properties of a document, pointing out the connection between document arrays and information resources. Some works on archival science (V.N. Avtokratov, K.B. Gelman-Vinogradov) have proven the similarity of information processing processes both in operational management and at the stage of archival storage of documents 1 . Of interest are archival works that show the relationship between office work and archival affairs, the process of gradual transition of office work to the jurisdiction of archival authorities 2, work

1 Rudelson K.I. Modern document classifications. - M., 1973. - P. 24-29; Autocrats V.N. On the problem of involving information categories in archival science // Proceedings of VNIIDAD-M., 1973. - T. 3. - P. 251-263; His own. Some aspects of the object and subject of archival science // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. - T. VI. - 4.1. -M., 1976; Gelman-Vinogradov K.B. Documentary memory of the noosphere as a new object of knowledge // International Forum on Information and Documentation. - 1992. - T. 17. - No. 1. - P. 12; His own. Spatial odyssey of documents as a global phenomenon // Otech. archives. - 1992. - No. 6. - P. 24-29, etc.

"Elpatievsky A.V. On the history of documenting acts of civil status in Russia and the USSR (from the 18th century to the present) // Actual source study. - M., 1979. - P. 67; Belova E.V., Elpatievsky A. V., Kolosova E.V. On the “List of documents subject to admission to the state archives of the USSR” // Soviet archives. - No. 2. - Mityaev K.G. / Soviet archives. - 1964. - No. 2. - P. 68; Sorokin V.V. Archives of USSR institutions (1917-1937) / MGIAI. - M., 1982; Knyazev G.A. Theory and practice of archival affairs (Experience). systematic guidance). - L., 1935; Malitikov A.S. Some issues of the organization and content of scientific work in the field of EGSD // Proceedings of VNIIDAD - T. 2 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1973. - P. 6; .A. Records management and departmental storage of documents in the conditions of administrative reform // Otech. Archives. - No. 1, - P. 10; From the history of the formation of the main normative and methodological documents of domestic archival affairs / / Otech. archives. - 1998. - No. 4, - P. 16-24; Kozlov V.P. Archival service of Russia and Russian statehood: 80 years of experience // Otech. archives. - 1998. - No. 6. - P. 9-18, etc.

you, covering foreign experience (E.V. Starostin, I.V. Karapetyants) 1 . Archival studies reveal changes in the value of certain types of documents in the course of historical development, reveal the evolution of documentation systems in connection with the development of the state and methods of its organization 2 .

Documentation management as a scientific category is closely related to information and the organization of information processes in management, therefore literature on information theory, information systems, issues of informatization and computerization of work with documents is of serious interest. First of all, these are studies that reflect the problems associated with understanding the essential characteristics of information as the initial substance for organizing documentary arrays. Works by A.D. Ursula, A.I. Zhukova, Yu.I. Chernyaka, V.G. Afanasyev and others, written in different years, made it possible to form a theoretical foundation on which the main idea of ​​the work is built on the inextricable connection between information and documentation and the possibility of applying information management methodology to documentation management 3 . In ra-

Starostin E.V. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology: Abstract. dis. ... Doctor of Historical Sciences. 05.25.02 / RSUH. - M, 1995; Karapetyants I.V. Economic archives in Western Europe and the USA (1905-1995): Author's abstract. dis. ... Doctor of Historical Sciences. 05.25.02 / RSUH. -M., 1998.

2 See: Banasyukevich V.D. The main problems of archival science in modern literature //
Archival studies and source studies of modern history. Interaction problems on
modern stage: Dokl. and theses. speech at the second All-Russian conf. March 12-13
1996 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1997. - P. 16-22.

3 See Gilyarevsky R.S., Zalaev G.Z., Rodionov I.I., Tsvetkova V.A. Modern information
KA: science, technology, activity / VINITI. - M., 1998. - P. 15-16; Philosophical en
cyclopedic dictionary. -M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983. - P. 217-218; Ursul A.D.
The path to the noosphere. - M.: Luch, 1993. - P. 81; Chernyak Yu.I. Information and management. -

22 bots K.B. Gelman-Vinogradov, G.G. Artamonova, G. Wolfram, A.D. Ursula and other scientists have deeply developed the fundamentally important problems of the formation and operation of information resources, both in a global sense and within individual organizations. The problem of information resources has not yet received a final solution, however, in these works conceptual categories and basic methodological and conceptual provisions that are important for this study are formulated 1 .

In the works of computer scientists, document problems appear as subordinate, and not main, problems; they have a significant drawback - the lack of elaboration of documentation and documentation issues.

M, 1974. - P. 58; Zhukov N.I. Philosophical foundations of cybernetics. - M., 1976. - P. 124-137; Afanasyev V.G. Social information and social management. - M., 1975. - P. 37, etc.

1 Ursul A.D. The problem of information in modern science. Philosophical essays. - M., 1975.

P. 194; Mikhailov A.I. Problems of information support for management processes // Second All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of scientific organization of management of socialist industry”. - Sat. No. 1. - Part II. - M., 1972. - P. 102-103; Gelman-Vinogradov K.B. Documentary memory of the noosphere as a new object of knowledge // International Forum on Information and Documentation. - 1992. - T. 17. - No. 1. - P. 12; Artamonov G.G. Computer science: theory and practice (preparations for the book) // NTI.

Ser. 1. Org. and methods of information work. - 1998. - No. 6. - P. 31. (p. 31-35); Artamonov G.T. Computer science: theory and practice (preparations for the book) // NTI. - Ser. 1st Org. and information methodology. work. - 1998. - No. 4. - P. 31. (p. 31-36); Wolfram G. Organisa-torische Gestaltung des Informationsmanagements. - Verlag Iosef Eul, Gladbach-Koln, 1990. - From 35; Artamonov G.T. Computer science: theory and practice (preparation for the book) // NTI. - Ser. 1. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 32; Kuhlen R. Informationsmarkt. Universitat Konstanz. 1995 and others.

2 See: Klimenko S., Krokhin I.V., Kushch V.M., Lagutin Yu.L. Electronic documents in the corporation
Rative networks: the second coming of Gutenberg. M.: Ankey - EK - Trends, 1999; Infor
mation technologies for humanities students / Moscow State University. - M.-Saransk, 1998. - P. 67-102, etc.

23 information support in the context of the development of the latest information technologies. This problem is not outlined in any way among such concepts as “information processing”, “access to information”, “information communications”, “information storage”, “information use”, although all this “information” is documents in various, mainly paper, media.

The issues of electronic documents are also poorly developed in the literature. There are serious terminological discrepancies, misunderstanding of the nature of electronic documents, their relationship with technotronic, machine-readable and traditional documents. However, the analysis of this group of studies allows us to formulate a document management understanding of the issue and use these works to solve the scientific problem of documentation management 1 .

Of fundamental importance for the dissertation was the study of works on information management - a new scientific discipline that emerged in developed countries along with the information society. Information management is reflected in the domestic literature

Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Formation and development of archives of machine-readable data in 1960-1980 // Otech. archives. - 1998. - No. 6. - P. 41; Kopylov V.A. On the issue of information ownership // NTI. Ser. 1. Theory and methodology of information work / VINITI. - M., 1998. - No. 3. - P. 4; Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Electronic archives and electronic document management // Otech. archives. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 19-20; See: Kurilo A.P. On the legal regime of an electronic document in the system of interbank electronic payments // Problems of informatization. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 76; Semiletov SI. Information as a special object of law // Problems of informatization. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 58; Emelyanov G.V., Pavlov O.V. On the problem of legal regulation of the use of electronic digital signatures in information systems // Problems of legislation in the field of informatization: Abstracts. report Seventh All-Russian Conf. - M.: State Unitary Enterprise "VIMI", 1999. -S. 6 etc.

24 is very weak. Only in the work of A.V. Kostrov, prepared in the form of a textbook, an attempt was made to systematically present the essence of information management, unfortunately, without reference to Russian conditions 1. In our work, we were the first to begin researching information management from the perspective of document management and draw the first conclusions that allow us to evaluate information management as a promising direction for the development of documentation management using new information technologies 2 . In a number of other works, the problems of information management are considered indirectly, as part of solving other problems. Only in the recently published work “Information Support for Public Administration” edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.V. Gulyaev, for the first time in the last decade, comprehensively examined the problems, conceptual provisions and practical experience of creating and functioning of an information support system for the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation 3 .

Considering the insufficient level of coverage of the problem of information management in the domestic literature, the author tried to fill this gap with foreign research on information management, mainly on German. Works by R. Coolen, J. Herget,

1 Kostrov A.V. Introduction to information management: Textbook. allowance / Vladimirsk. state
technical university - Vladimir, 1996. - 132 p.; see also: Perel I.S., Slavin V.N. Information
online activities abroad and problems of information management / NPO "Po
lawsuit." - M., 1992. - 65 p.; Kostomarov M.N. Information systems management for
abroad / RSUH. - M., 1996. - 88 p.

2 Larin M.V. Document management and new information technologies. - M.: On
scientific book, 1998. - 137 p.

3 Nikitov V.A., Orlov E.I., Starovoytov A.V., Savin G.I. Information support
state administration. M.: Slavic dialogue, 2000. - 425 p.

25 G. Verzig, W. Wolfram, T. Seeger, E. Vogel and other scientists reveal the essence of information management as a scientific discipline and area of ​​practical management 1. At the same time, it must be emphasized that practically none of these works even attempt to apply the provisions of information management to document management.

A full solution to the problem of document management is impossible without studying its legal support. It is obvious that strengthening the role of law in modern Russia is a necessary condition for the further strengthening of the state and the effectiveness of public administration. In recent years, the field of information and documentation has become an independent object of research for legal scholars, and even a new branch has emerged - information law. In the work of V.A. Kopylov systematized all current legal acts relating to the regulation of information, documentation, and archival storage of documents 2 . The author attracts attention

1 Attinger M. L. Integrated Information Management: A Real World Theory. - Records Management
ment Qnarterly. - 1993, July. Vol.27, No. 3, - p. 12-16, 30-31; Herget I. Konzeption des
Information managements in Informationswissenschaftlichen Studienangeboten. -Informations-
spezialisten fur Europa. Proceedings. Konstanz, 1990; Hofmeister H.-W. Einsatz von Dokumen-
tenmanagement in Industryunternehmen I Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. - Frankfurt - am
Main. - S. 183-187; Kuhlen R. Informationsmarkt. - Konstanz, 1995. 608 p; Schwetz R. Buro
im Wandel II R.v. Decker's Verlag, G. Schenk. Heigelberg, 1990, 213 s.; Seeger T. Aspekte der
Professionalisierung des Berufsfeldes Information und Documentation. -K.G. Saur, 1990; Syn-
Nott W.R., Gruber W.N. Information Resource Management. - New York, 1981; Vogel E. Infor-
mationsmanagement. - Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Documentation. Band 2,
K.G. Saur, 1990, pp. 897-927; WersigG. Organizations - Communication: Die Kunst, ein
Chaos zu organisieren. - FBO Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1989, 390 pp.; Wolfram G. Organisatorische
Gestaltung des Informationsmanagements. - Verlag Iosef Eul, Gladbach-Koln, 1990.

2 Kopylov V.A. Information law. - M.: Lawyer, 1997; It's him. Information as an object
legal regulation // NTI / VINITI. - M., 1996. - No. 8. - P. 2; It's him. To a question

26 to the category of “documented information”, which, in his opinion, is not sufficiently reflected in the current legislation and puts forward the task of legal solution to the problems of electronic documents and their legal force.

I.L. undertakes in-depth studies of the legal aspects of documented information in the context of the introduction of new information technologies, computer equipment, telecommunication networks, and the recognition of information as the most important management resource. Bachilo. Her works serve as a clear example of a scientist’s adequate response to the challenges of the time and are of great value for this study 1 .

Documentation management as a management function is carried out in organizations in the context of the decision-making process to achieve the chosen goal. That is why documentation management is closely related to management problems, organizational structures, issues of their design, implementation and operation, and automation of management processes.

on information property // NTI. Ser. 1. Theory and methodology of information work // VINITI. - M, 1998. - No. 3. - P. 4.; It's him. On ownership of documented information // Documentation in the information society: electronic records management and electronic archive. Decree. Op. - P. 18-23.

Commentary on the Federal Law on Information, Informatization and Information Protection” / Ed. I.L. Bachilo, A.V. Volokitina and others / IGP RAS. - M., 1996; Bachilo I.L. On the ownership of information resources // Information resources of Russia. - M., 1997. - No. 4; It's her. Information resources as an object of law and an object of relations regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation // Ibid. - 1999. - No. 1; It's her. Modern legal problems of documenting information // Documentation in the information society: electronic records management and electronic archive. Decree. Op. - P. 8-17; It's her. Legal issues of documentation in the conditions of informatization // Problems of legislation in the environment of informatization: Abstracts of reports of the seventh All-Russian Conf. / State Unitary Enterprise "VIMI". - M., 1999, etc.

Modern research on organizational management shows the enormous importance of rational information processing for achieving strategic and operational goals. The globalization of world economic, social and information processes directly affects the quality of management. Methods for solving management problems in organizations against the backdrop of modern geopolitical realities and taking into account the development of the information society are reflected in a number of major monographic studies and articles, modern textbooks by domestic and Western specialists 1 .

The evolution of documents, office management systems and documentation support for management occurs in specific historical conditions and is determined by them. The works of researchers of Russian history, especially historians of government institutions, highlight the close connection between management reforms and office work reforms and their adequacy to the socio-economic and political conditions of a particular period of Russian history. Works of N.P. Eroshkina and T.P. Korzhikhina, as well as T.G. Arkhipova, A.S. Senina, T.M. Smirnova, SP. Strekopytov and others

1 Organization management: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - M.: Infra, 1998. - 669 p.; Kulba V.V., Malyugin V.D., Shubin A.N., Vus M.A. Introduction to information management. - St. Petersburg, 1999; Marka D., McGowan K. Methodology of structural analysis and design / Transl. from English - M.: MetaTechnology, 1993. - 240 p.; Kaufman H.R. Tactics for success in business and science. - M.: Intelligence,

    157 s; Shapiro V.D. etc. Project management. Foreign experience. - St. Petersburg: Two..Three, 1993. - 443 p.; Gerchikova I.A. Management: Textbook / UNITY. - M.: Banks and exchanges, 1994. - 685 p.; Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management: Textbook. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1995; The world of project management / Ed. H. Reschke, H. Schelle. - M.: Alana,

    304 s; Meskon M.Z., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of Management - M.: Delo, 1992; Hoyer V. How to do business in Europe. - M.: Progress, 1992; Mercer D. IBM: management in the most successful corporation in the world / Trans. from English - M.: Progress, 1991. - 455 p.; Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing / Transl. from English - M.: Progress, 1990. - 736 p. and etc.

28 scientists and specialists 1 in the history of government institutions clearly demonstrate the construction of a management system in a specific historical era and, thus, provide an opportunity to study the organization of office work in the management apparatus.

Source study, as a scientific discipline, is quite close to document science in terms of solving the problems of systematic study of the documentary array in historical development. In this regard, the works of Borodka-na L.I., Voronkova S., Golikov A.G., Kashtanov S., Kozlov V.P., Medushevskaya O.M., Muravyov V.A., Sokolov A.K., Slavko T.I., Shmidta SO. and others made it possible to use the experience accumulated by source studies to analyze the evolution of documents and documentation systems 2, including

See: Eroshkin N.P. History of state institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia. - M.: Third Rome, 1997. - 357 p.; Korzhikhina T.P. History of government institutions of the USSR: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Higher School, 1986. - 399 p.; Schmidt SO. At the origins of Russian absolutism - M.: Progress, 1996; Arkhipova T.G., Rumyantseva M.F., Senin A.S. History of public service in Russia in the 18th-20th centuries. - M.: RSUH, 1999. - 230 p.; Strekopytov SP. State management of science in the USSR (1936-1958) Proc. allowance. - M., Russian State University for the Humanities, 1991 - 92 p. 2 See: Medushevskaya O.M. Archival studies and source studies: unity and differences as a problem of interdisciplinary interaction // Archival studies and source studies of Russian history. Problems of interaction at the present stage: Dokl. and theses. speeches at the second All-Russian conference on March 12-13, 1996 / Federal Archive Service of Russia, VNIIDAD. - M, 1997. - P. 11-15; VoronkovaSV. The level of source study development of documents of modern times and their publication at the present stage // Ibid. - P. 26-31; Sokolov A.K. Social history: problems of source study and archival studies // Ibid. - P. 57-63; Schmidt SO. Archaeography. Archival studies. Source study / Russian State University for the Humanities. GAS of Russia. VNIIDAD. - M., 1997. - 363 p.; Kashtanov SM. Essays on Russian diplomacy. - M.: Nauka, 1970. - 503 p.; Kashtanov SM. Russian diplomacy: Textbook. manual for universities on special. "Story". - M.: Higher. school, 1988. - 231 p.; Kozlov V.P. Russian archival science / ROSSPEN. - M., 1999.

29 le using modern computer methods.

So, despite a significant amount of research carried out in related areas of the problem posed, we have to admit that the problem of document management itself is very poorly developed.

Thus, questions about the relationship between public administration reforms and office work, about the role of state regulation of the documentary environment have not been developed, and require an in-depth systematic study of the terminological problems of the document and its evolution. Of undoubted historical interest is the post-Soviet period of development of office work and documentation support for management, associated with solving the problems of Russia’s entry into the global information space.

Until now, there has been no comprehensive and comprehensive study of documentation management, taking into account the analysis of the new information technologies used. Such research should lead to the construction of a concept for document and information management, based on combining the capabilities of technology with the advantages of paper-based records management. This concept can be called information management.

The object of research in the dissertation is documented information in control systems. Documented information plays a vital role in the management process, ensuring the filling of information resources of organizations. In connection with the complication of the structure and content of information resources, the explosive growth of their volume, the most important task of rational management of them arises, which in its importance is comparable to the task of modernizing the production of industrial products 1.

1 I.L. Bachilo notes in this regard that “an information resource as a productive force is subject to comprehension, evaluation, structuring and regulation as an object of legal relations.” - NTI. Ser. 1. Org. and information methodology. work. - 1998. - No. 3. - P. 13.

The current state of the documentary environment is determined not only by socio-economic transformations, but also by the development of information technology. Computer technologies and tools are becoming of great importance, ensuring, on the basis of current legislation, the efficiency of recording, collecting, processing, searching and transmitting information, the reliability of its storage, remote access, providing information at the right time, on the right medium and in the right form, taking into account psychological and ergonomic requirements. New access to global information resources, transition to electronic documentation, storage and transmission of documents, i.e. The transition to fundamentally new ways of organizing information and accessing it poses fundamentally new scientific and applied problems for document management, archival science, documentary science, library science and other scientific disciplines that have a document as an object of study. Their solution requires understanding the rich historical experience of the evolution of a document as a carrier of information, the development of office work, the change of media and technologies, and the formulation of corresponding dependencies.

The subject of the study is document management in organizations. Document management, as a subject of research, is a new scientific category. However, it is based on previous experience and the theoretical and methodological foundation of domestic document science, which traditionally studies documents, documentation systems, processes for documenting management activities and the organization of work with documents in management. We consider document management as a higher stage of development of such concepts as office work and documentation support for management.

Document management, as a universal term, has international recognition and distribution. It denotes the admin area

31 effective management of the creation, use and storage of organizational documents throughout their life cycle on the principles of economy and efficiency, using new information technologies that provide high-quality management in relation to documentation as a full-fledged management resource. If office work was assigned the role of a technical management function, and documentation support of management was assigned the role of an auxiliary function, then documentation management in the organization is assigned the role of the main management function.

We consider document management not in the abstract, but in the specific conditions of the functioning of organizations. In this case, an organization is understood as any management structure that corresponds to the concept of an organization, regardless of its hierarchical level, functional focus and form of ownership.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to solve the scientific problem of document management in the context of new information technologies in organizations of various types, to formulate a concept for managing document resources for decision-making based on information management in historical development and in the methodological aspect.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

    analysis of the role of information in management and the structure of modern information resources in organizations;

    studying the history of domestic records management and the evolution of the document as the basis for modern document management;

    research into the specifics of electronic documents;

4) development of principles for creating a national system
documentation management and issues of its legislative support;

    document analysis of modern information technologies and automated management documentation systems;

    research of information management as a methodological basis for building a document management system in an organization.

The chronological framework of the study is determined by the specifics of the chosen topic. In some areas they cover the historical period from the emergence of the Russian centralized state to the present, but the bulk of the work covers the problems of document management of the last decade.

Delving into the history of office work, we aimed to trace the interdependence of public administration reforms and office work reforms, to identify the continuity and features of office work systems in different historical eras, to show the process of transformation of office work into documentation support for management and the creation of prerequisites for the transition to documentation management in modern conditions of informatization of society. The study of a document as the main object of document management is due to the process of establishing document science as a scientific discipline, so we paid more attention to the period starting from the 1960s, when document management as a scientific discipline was born and a significant amount of research appeared on issues related to the functioning of a document in all spheres of public life. We have considered the issues of office automation in inextricable connection with the informatization of society, which began with the spread of electronic computer technology and the development of automated control systems at the turn of the 60-70s of our century. The problem of information management as a scientific discipline appeared in Western practice in the early 1970s, and we took these years as the starting point for considering this problem.

Thus, the interdisciplinary nature of the study required historical retrospectives of varying depth, depending on how necessary it was for the purposes of this work.

The work includes primarily the problems of the modern Russian state. However, as necessary, the boundaries of the research were expanded by involving the necessary materials from the history of the former USSR, the Russian Empire and world experience. This made it possible to create a sufficient research base and apply a comparative method to find optimal scientific solutions.

As a working hypothesis, we put forward the position that in the Russian Federation the necessary prerequisites have matured for the widespread introduction of documentation management in organizations based on the methodology of information management, as corresponding to the achieved level of informatization of the country and scientific and technological progress, socio-economic conditions, as a way of organizing working with documents as a full-fledged information resource in order to achieve efficient management and economic activities of organizations.

The basis of the methodology of this dissertation research is a realistic and comprehensive approach to the analysis of the development of documentation management, considering it comprehensively and in dynamics, taking into account the totality of facts and the rejection of an ideologized, dogmatic view of the history of the problem. The methodology of the work is a creative combination of various methods: general scientific methods, methods of other sciences and actual documentary methods. To solve the problems, traditional research methods were used: historical, systemic, comparison method (comparative studies), structural-functional, classification and modeling methods widely used in document science, statistical, as well as other private methods.

It should be recognized that today the methodological problems of document management are among the central and as yet unresolved. A similar situation is observed in archival science, where scientists have done much more in creating a new methodological foundation. This raises the question of the philosophy of archival science as a means of developing a new general approach to understanding the role of documents and archives in modern society. It is no coincidence that V.P. Kozlov, in his work on the relationship between the professions of historian and archivist, puts forward the task of understanding the philosophy of archival affairs 1, and T.I. Khorkhordina calls for the development of a new scientific discipline of “archivosophy” 2, located at the intersection of the methodology and theory of scientific studies, philosophy (cultural studies) and computer science. E.V. Back in 1991, Starostin, feeling the need to change the methodology of archiving, proposed the term “archivology,” which means a scientific discipline that studies the whole range of problems associated with the process of documenting the diverse life of human society 3 .

Just as in archival science, in document science philosophy acts as a universal methodology of science. Need in philosophical understanding problems of document management became especially pronounced in the mid-1980s, with the advent of new information technologies in the field of management, the emergence of a “paperless” alternative to information support.

Kozlov V.P. Historian and archivist: general and specific professions // International scientific conference “Historians and archivists: cooperation in the preservation and knowledge of the past in the interests of the present and future.” November 27-28, 1997 Moscow: Conference materials - M., 1998. - P. 15-28.

2 See: Khorkhordina T.I. From archival science to archival philosophy? // Proceedings of the Historical and Archival Institute
Institute - T.ZZ/RGGU. - M., 1996. -S. 185.

3 Starostin E.V. Archivology. Implementation of historical thinking // Problems of the Fatherland
of the historical history of the period of feudolism: Abstracts. report / MGIAI. - M., 1991. - P. 240. See like this
same: Otech. archives. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 123.

35 management problems, the massive use of computers as tools of labor, which entailed serious social consequences for management personnel. This problem was first posed by A.N. Sokova 1 . Its solution becomes especially important nowadays, when society is in different sections of transitional states (from a planned economy to a market economy, from socialist ideology to the ideology of democracy, from an industrial to an information society). In these conditions, the role of methodology can hardly be overestimated.

Interdisciplinary methods, as a rule, do not have a philosophical origin. They originated in the depths of other sciences (mathematics, information theory, cybernetics, sociology, etc.) and at their junction. These methods are of a general scientific nature. These include methods of historical and logical research, a system method, informational, probabilistic-statistical, structural-functional methods, and a classification method. The use of general scientific methods in document science makes it possible to more widely use the achievements of other fields of knowledge, expands research capabilities and cognitive apparatus. However, when using them, it is extremely important, in our opinion, to take into account the statement of O.M. Medushevskaya that “for effective interdisciplinary dialogue, sometimes the main thing is missing, namely, a clear idea of ​​the common object, which different approaches allow us to see as more voluminous, versatile and systemic” 3 .

Sokova A.N. Document management as a scientific discipline: object, subject, main tasks

// Documentation of management activities: Sat. scientific works / VNIIDAD. - M.,

1986. -S. 24-25. 2 Ursul A.D. Philosophy and integrative general scientific processes. M.: Nauka, 1981. - pp. 163-177. 3 Medushevskaya O.M. Archival studies and source studies: unity and differences as a problem

interdisciplinary interaction // Archival studies and source studies of Russian

The leading role in the methodology of document management is played by the historical method, which is based on the study of history in its specific diversity, establishing the essence of the phenomena under consideration by mentally recreating the historical process. The historical method is closely related to the method of source study. Historical science lacks direct observation of what it would like to study. Source study acts as a method of studying past reality through human perception recorded in sources, including documents 1. The use of new information technologies in the work of historians led to the emergence of computer source studies or historical information science 2 .

The key role in this work is played by the systems method as a direction of scientific knowledge, which is based on the consideration of objects as systems, i.e. revealing the integrity of an object, identifying the diverse types of connections in it and bringing them together into a single picture 3.

The functional analysis method allows you to study the role and significance

no history. Problems of interaction at the present stage: Dokl. and theses. speech at the second All-Russian conf. March 12-13, 1996 / Federal Archival Service of Russia, VNIIDAD. - M., 1997. - P. 12.

1 Danilevsky I.N., Kabanov V.V., Medushevskaya O.M., Rumyantseva M.F. Source study: Theory. Story. Method. Sources of Russian history: Textbook. allowance / RSUH. - M., 1998. -S. 23-24.

Sokolov A.K. On the current state and prospects of working with an archive of machine-readable documents. - Circle of ideas: New in historical computer science // Proceedings of the I Conference of the Association “History and Computer” / Moscow City Archive. - M., 1994. - P. 71.

3 Avtokratov V.N., Ovezov B.B. Some aspects of system analysis (in relation to documentary and archival research) // Abstracts. messages for the theoretical seminar “Issues of a systematic approach to research in the field of document information” (June 1972). - M, 1972. - P. 18-28.

37 management documents generated in the activities of organizations and combined in the relevant document systems 1. Structural-functional analysis makes it possible to study phenomena and processes as systems in which each element of the structure has a specific purpose (function) in management activities. Its application can be illustrated by one of the classic examples of V.N. Avtokratov, who pointed out the cause-and-effect relationship between the activities of the fund-former and the formation of an organically integral fund of documents, representing an “information cast” of the activities of the fund-former 2. The logical development of the structural-functional method in document science is the modeling method, widely used in various fields of science. Modeling is a method of studying an object (original) by creating and studying its copy (model), replacing the original, from certain aspects that interest the researcher 3. A model is a system with its own structure and function, reflecting the structure and functions of the original system; it is an intermediate link between theory and reality. Therefore, the model is capable of reflecting not only

Theory and practice of examination of the value of documents and acquisition of state archives of the USSR // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. - M, 1974. - T. IV. - Part 1; Avtokratov V.N., El-patievsky A.V. Problems of acquiring state archives with modern documents (source studies aspect) // Source studies of national history: Collection of articles. articles. - M.: Nauka, 1976; Rudelson K.I., Shepukova N.M. Problems of examination of the value of documents and acquisition of state archives // Questions of history. - 1983.

- No. 2. - P. 56-69.

2 Autocrats V.N. The concept of origin in archival science // Archaeographic Yearbook
for 1978. - M.: Nauka, 1979. - P. 142.

3 Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2nd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.

4 Autocrats V.N. On the issue of archival methodology // Archaeographic Yearbook
for 1969 -M.: Nauka, 1971. -S. 27.

38 to the characteristics of the original, but also its desired parameters. The modeling method has found widespread use in document science and document management.

This method is closely related to the information method in document science, i.e. applying the principles of information theory to documents and document flows. Academician N.P. Ershov rightly noted that “the information model is the interface through which computer science enters into relations with private sciences, without merging with them and at the same time, without absorbing them” 1. The information approach to documents serves the purpose of assessing the quality of the information they contain and studying the processes of its transformation into documented information in management. The study of document systems as information systems allows us to identify the features of information distribution through communication channels in management, as well as the patterns of this process.

The information method involves the use of a technique for measuring the parameters of documentary information. The main problem of measuring documentary information is related to the translation of qualitative characteristics.

1 Ershov N.P. Computer science: subject and concept // Cybernetics The formation of computer science.
- M., 1986.- P. 30.

2 Proceedings of VNIIDAD. - T. 3. - M., 1973; Autocrats V.N. Source and information
ational approaches in the theory of document examination (Issues of analysis of archival records
criteria of value) // Materials of scientific research. conf. on problems of document acquisition
Talny sources of the state archives of the USSR. - M., 1976. - Part 1; Rudel-
son K.I., Shepukova N.M. Problems of examination of the value of documents and acquisition
state archives // Questions of history. - 1983. - No. 2; Elpatievsky A.V. About the product
using the concepts of information theory in modern archival science // Proceedings
VNIIDAD. - T. 3. - M., 1973. - P. 264-271; Shapiro V.D. etc. Project management.
Foreign experience. - St. Petersburg: Two.. Three, 1993; Marka D., McGowan K. Methodology of structures
analysis and design / Metatechnology. - M., 1993, etc.

39 ristik in quantitative 1. The provisions of sourceometry were not further developed, although their use within the framework of the information method could allow for a qualitative analysis of the country’s written source fund, as well as the development of methods for forecasting document production and acquisition of the archival fund.

Taking into account the insufficient development of the topic, a wide range of sources was used when working on the dissertation, which can be divided into the following main groups: legislative and government acts on issues of informatization, archiving, documentation management, office work and standardization; regulatory and methodological materials, state standards; dissertations and abstracts on documentary studies, document studies and archival studies; dictionaries, methodological literature; scientific reports, research materials stored in the reference and information fund of OCSTI VNIIDAD, and archival documents.

In addition, in the process of preparing the work, the author used his own experience in scientific research and organizational design on the issues of document management, documentation support for management (office work), and the results of foreign internships.

Document management as a scientific discipline as a whole is based on all previous research and practice in the field of Russian and Soviet records management, and on foreign experience. It is important to pay attention

Ilizarov B.S. On the issue of the unity of source study and information approaches in determining the value of documents // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. - M., 1976. - T. 6. - Part 1. - P. 257; His own. Problems of measurement in source studies and archival studies (Basic source measurements and document measurements) // Methodological issues of document science, archival studies, archeography: Collection. report methodological seminar VNIIDAD. - M., 1978. - Issue. 2. - P. 62-110; His own. Source-metric problems of archival science (Methods of measuring volumes of written information): Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1981.

40 does not look at the historical roots of the problem, without identifying which it is impossible to correctly understand the current state and current tasks of document science.

In this regard, a group of legislative and regulatory acts is of interest, the study of which allows us to trace the evolution of state regulation of office work.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, a number of legal acts were consistently in force, which established the rules of administrative and collegiate office work 1 . Among them, it is necessary to highlight the General Regulations of 1720, which for the first time in the history of Russia placed office work on the solid ground of law and defined its fundamental principles for almost two centuries 2 .

IN Soviet time Attention was also paid to documentation issues and their legislative implementation. The first decrees of the Soviet government on issues of office work were in the nature of disparate legal acts on topical issues of documenting management actions. Their reflection can be found in published collections of normative acts 3.

The next group of legal acts that was used in the work is related to the activities of the NK RKI of the USSR and its subordinate bodies to improve office work in the 1920s and early 30s 4.

1 Law books of the XV-XVII centuries. - M.-L., 1952.

2 General Regulations of February 28, 1720 // PSZ of the Russian Empire. - T. VI. -
No. 3534; Institutions for the administration of the provinces of the All-Russian Empire // PSZ Russian
Empire. Collection 1. - T. XX. -No. 14392; General establishment of ministries in 1811 // PSZ
Russian Empire. Collection 1. - T. XXXI. - No. 24686.

3 Collection of laws and orders of the Workers' and Peasants' Government of the RSFSR (1918-

4 Scientific organization of labor, production and management: Collection of documents and materials

1918-1930 -M., 1969.

Particular attention was required to the regulations of the Soviet government, which consistently reveal the transition of office work to the jurisdiction of archival bodies, the change in their tasks and functions in the Soviet period of history, as well as documents related to the development of the Unified State Office System.

The main legal act defining modern state policy and the rights of Russian citizens in the field of information and documentation exchange is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It states: “Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any legal way...” (Part 4, Article 29).

In recent years, in the Russian Federation, in the development of constitutional norms, the fundamentals of state policy in relation to information and documentation have been enshrined at the legislative level. The system-forming act in this area is the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” 2. This law defines the legal regime for documenting information, ownership of individual documents and individual sets of documents in information systems, categories of information according to the level of access to it, and the procedure for legal protection of information. The law also establishes the liability of government bodies, organizations and their officials for offenses when working with documented information 3 .

An important place among the legislative acts regulating the work with documents is occupied by the legislation on the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation.

The main decrees and resolutions of the Soviet government on archival matters of 1918-1982. // Main Archive of the USSR. - M., 1985.

2 SZ RF. - 1995. - No. 8. - Art. 609.

3 See: Nadershina M.D. Legislative regulation of information processes in Russia
these in the 1990s. // Office work. - 1998. - No. 2. - P. 18-23.

42 Federation and archives 1 . It consists of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation “On the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives” and the relevant laws of the republics within the Russian Federation, other legal acts of the Russian Federation and republics, as well as territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Fundamentals of legislation regulate the formation, organization of storage, accounting, use of archives and archival funds and their management in order to ensure the safety of archival documents and their full use in the interests of citizens, society and the state. However, these fundamentals do not contain legal regulation of office work issues.

Regulation of relations in the field of transferring information outside the Russian Federation and receiving it from outside to Russia is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law “On participation in international information exchange”. The purpose of this law is to create conditions for Russia's effective participation in international information exchange within the framework of a single world information space.

Of particular importance for this work was familiarity with a number of related laws, among which mention should be made of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Copyright and Related Rights, and Amendments and Additions to It” 3 , the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Legal Protection of Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases” » 4, Law of the Russian Federation “On State Secrets and Changes, and Additional

1 Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. - 1993. - No. 33. -
Art. 1311.

2 SZ RF. - 1996. - No. 28. - Art. 3347.

3 Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation
Siysk Federation. - 1993. - No. 32. - St. 1242; NW RF. - 1995. - No. 30. - Art. 2866.

4 Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation
Siysk Federation. - 1992. - No. 42. - Art. 2325.

43 disagreements with him”, federal laws “On Communications”, “On Federal Feld-Jaeger Communications”, “On Postal Communications”.

In the process of work, foreign legislative acts in this area were also involved (Czech Republic, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, USA, Germany, etc.) 5 .

Important sources of research are regulatory and methodological materials and state standards on documentation issues, classifiers and lists of documents. In this group of sources, it is necessary to note all editions of the unified state office management system, unified documentation systems, rules for the operation of state and departmental archives, lists of documents indicating storage periods, instructions for office work, prospectuses and descriptions of developed automated documentation systems for management, state standards of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Federations and international standards in the field of documentation.

The most complete intersectoral document in the field of documentation support for management to date is the State System of Documentation Support for Management, approved by the board of the Main Archive of the USSR on April 27, 1988 6 . On the basis of the State Children's Educational Institution there was

1 SZ RF. - 1997. - No. 41. - P. 8220-8235; right there. - St. 4673.

2 NWRF. - 1995. - No. 8. - Art. 600.

3 SZ RF. - 1994. - No. 34. - Art. 3547.

4 SZ RF. - 1995. - No. 33. - Art. 3334.

5 See: US Federal Records Management Law - CIF OCSTI VNIIDAD.
No. 856 "p"; Law on Archival Affairs of the Czech Republic // Inform. OCSTI Bulletin
VNIIDAD. -1994. - No. 5-6; Law on archival affairs of the Republic of Belarus // Archives and
office work. - Minsk, - 1999. - No. 1; Gemeinsame Geschaftsordunng der Bundesmi-
nisterien II Der Archivar. - 1997. - No. 2. - S. 259-287, etc.

6 State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions
nia. General requirements for documents and documentation support services. Approved

44 the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Ministries and Departments of the Russian Federation were developed in 1993 1 .

In the process of preparing the dissertation research, numerous periodicals were used: “Domestic Archives”, “Bulletin of the Archivist”, “Office Work”, “Secretary Affairs”, “Human Resources Service”, other specialized and related magazines, materials of scientific conferences, seminars and symposiums. Publications from foreign scientific journals were also involved, mainly “Records management guarterly” (USA), “Nachrichten fur Documentation”, “Der Archivar”, “Cogito” (Germany).

In the process of writing the dissertation, terminological dictionaries, programs of training courses of the Moscow State Institute of Art and Science and the Russian State University for the Humanities in the disciplines of document studies and archival studies, as well as related disciplines, were used 2.

In the course of the work, archival documents on the subject of the study were used.

renounced by the board of the Main Archive of the USSR on April 27, 1988, order of the Main Archive of the USSR dated May 25, 1988, No. 33 / Main Archive of the USSR, VNIIDAD. - M, 1991.

1 Prepared and approved by Rosarkhiv in accordance with the order of the Governor
of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 1992 No. 1118-r. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
05.08.93 No. 321 / Rosarkhiv. - M., 1997.

2 Dictionary of modern archival terminology of socialist countries. Vol. 1-2 / Leader
Khiv USSR. VNIIDAD. - M., 1982-1988. - Vol. 1. - 445 pp., issue. 2 - 317 s; Gredaso-
va N.I., Repulo L.V. English-Russian dictionary of archival terminology. Vol. 1 / RSUH. IAI.
- M., 1992. - 187 p.; German-Russian terminological dictionary “Information and documents”
mentation” / Topic leaders: M.V. Larin (VNIIDAD), T. Seeger (University of Potsdam) /
VNIIDAD. - Potsdam-M., 1993-1994. - 37 s. - The manuscript was deposited in OCSTI by
Documentation and Archival Affairs March 1, 1996, No. 141-96; Document management: Pro
grams of the course for specialty No. 220600 - Organization and technology of information protection
tions / RSUH. Fak. information protection. - M., 1997. - 23 p.; Theory and methodology of archiving
Denia: Course program for specialty No. 020800 - Historical and archival studies / Russian State University for the Humanities.
IAI. Caf. theories and methods of archival science. - M., 1996. - 43 p. and etc.

45 follow. Archival documents on the history of the formation and development of Soviet office work are especially important for research. Among them, it is worth highlighting the documents of the NK RKI, which specifically dealt with the issues of improving office work in the 20s. The funds of the NK RKI and the Institute of Management Technology, as well as other institutions 1 give an idea of ​​the organization and content of work on the unification and standardization of documents, the streamlining of office work, and theoretical research in the field of scientific organization of managerial work and office work. In the course of the activities of the bodies of the Tax Code of the RKI, the idea of ​​​​creating a unified state normative act regulating office work arose.

The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation are directly related to the research work of this profile, which is carried out by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving of the Federal Archival Service of Russia and has found practical application in the development of a number of research topics that were carried out under the direction of the author , and in the complex of normative and methodological developments of the institute 2.

1 GARF. F. R-374 (People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the USSR); F. R-
4084 (State Institute management techniques); F. A-406 (People's Commissariat
Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the RSFSR); RGAE, F. 484 (Central Union of Consumers
civil societies of the USSR); F. 1884 (Ministry of Railways of the USSR); F. 3527 (Minister
communication center of the USSR); F. 7733 (Ministry of Finance of the USSR).

2 See research reports on topics:

“Theory and practice of information management in the management structures of a market economy” (1994-1997); “Preparation of a Dictionary of modern archival terms in the field of information and documentation” (1994); “Preparation of a dictionary of modern archival terminology of the ISA member countries” (1994-1999); “Preparation of a new edition of the Basic Rules for the Operation of State Archives” (1996-1999); “Preparation of a new edition of the State Duma

The novelty and possibility of developing the problem posed are associated with the lack of fundamental theoretical and applied scientific research in the field of document management in organizations in domestic document science.

The significant difference of this work is that it represents the first systematic research characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, a comprehensive study using the methodology of history and information management, as well as techniques and methods of document management, archival science and computer science. A distinctive feature of the study is the legal basis for the proposed solutions. The dissertation consistently pursues the idea that documentation management in the conditions of modern management and the development of new information technologies should become a new stage in the development of documentation support for management, the main feature of which is the recognition of an information resource as one of the most important resources for the management, production and economic activities of any organization . The dissertation is the first to explore the problems of electronic documents and show their place in the document management system.

For the first time, measures have been proposed aimed at expanding the legal framework for regulating the life cycle of documents in operational management through the development of a law on documentation, the concept and main content of which is given in the dissertation work. Proposals have been developed on the content and practical mechanism for implementing state policy in the field of official documentation, which, in our opinion,

gift system for documentation management" (1997-1999); “Documentary and archival problems of electronic documents.” Analytical review (1999) Information management in modern management structures: Method, recommendations / VNIIDAD. - M., 1996. etc.

47 will help eliminate crisis phenomena in the field of documentation and organization of work with documents in practical management.

The dissertation proposes the application of information management methodology as a new scientific direction in relation to document management. The use of information management methodology will allow solving many issues of the theory and practice of document management in modern organizations, integrating documentation and information into a single information resource and building an effective information infrastructure of the organization based on arrays of documents and information (information resources), information technologies, means of communication and qualified personnel in order to provide effective documentation (information) support for management processes at the lowest cost.

The main provisions of the dissertation work were presented in publications on the topic of research, tested by the author in reports and communications at a number of scientific conferences. Among them, we should mention such as the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Document in the Information Society” (1993-1999), the All-Russian Conference “NTI-95”, the All-Russian Conference “Archival Studies and Source Study of Russian History: Problems of Interaction at the Present Stage ( 1996, 1999), scientific and practical conference “Document. Archive. Story. Modernity" of the Ural State University (2000), conferences of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, methodological seminar VNIIDAD, annual scientific conference of the International Institute of Archival Studies (1994-2000) (Maribor, Slovenia), scientific conferences of the German Society of Document Scientists (1994 , 1997), International Colloquium on Information and Documentation (Germany, 1994), International Forum on Electronic Documents (Brussels, 1997);

48 All-Russian Conference “Legal Problems of the Information Society” (1999).

Many categories of scientists and practitioners are interested in using the results obtained. In particular, the work is of interest for practical activities when building document management systems or real information management systems.

The materials of the dissertation and its conclusions can be used in the creation of general works and textbooks on issues of modern document management, when choosing a methodology for the development and design of automated documentation management systems in organizations.

The dissertation materials are of practical importance when teaching general and special courses, in seminar classes, and in determining the topics and methods for completing student coursework and dissertations.

The provisions of the dissertation were used in the creation of a draft of a new edition of the State Documentation Management System, a draft of the Standard Instructions for Office Work of Federal Executive Bodies, in the development of methodological recommendations, state standards, terminological dictionaries, a number of research works according to the research plan of the Federal Archival Service and subprograms “Development of archival science in the Russian Federation within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development and Preservation of Culture and Art”, in the implementation of the project “Creation and Development of an Information System on Regulatory, Methodological and Legal Information for Document Management and Archiving” of the Federal Target Scientific and Technical Program “ Research and development on priority areas development of science and technology for civil purposes" for 1996-2000 (state contract No. 205-19100) - P, project manager M.V. Larin).

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the choice of the structure of the dissertation -

49 tions. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion.

The introduction reveals the relevance of the topic, the degree of its knowledge, defines goals and objectives, as well as research methods, and presents the historiography of the problem.

The first chapter examines the relationship between information and documentation in the formation of an organization's information resources, and the processes of converting information into documents.

The second chapter is devoted to the evolution of the management document, its terminology system, and the features of electronic documentation.

The third chapter examines the historical aspects of the development of office work, document management systems in connection with the reform of the state and modern problems of documentation support for management, characterizing their legal support and a detailed idea of ​​document management.

In the fourth chapter, issues of theory and practice of using new information technologies in the construction of specific automation systems for document management in organizations are developed.

The fifth chapter formulates a new information management methodology in relation to document management in modern conditions of an open society.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summed up and a strategy is developed for a comprehensive solution to the problems of scientific, organizational and practical work in this direction.

Management decisions are made based on the collection, processing and analysis of information. Reliability, relevance and completeness of information are the most important conditions for management efficiency and the key to the quality of management decisions. A document is one of the main ways of presenting information. We can say that a document is a tool for making management decisions, and for the effective use of this tool it is necessary to ensure maximum automation of the document life cycle while simultaneously complying with information security requirements.

Documents are carriers of managerial, scientific, technical, statistical and other socially significant information. This is reflected in the definition of a document given in the law of February 20, 1995, No. 24-FZ “On information, informatization and information protection”: “a document is information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified.”

The object of management in office work is official documents. The literature offers a large number of document classifications. Thus, in the management documentation support system there are the following classes of documents:





Manufacturing, etc.

Management documents form the core of institutional documentation. They ensure the controllability of objects within the organization and are the main subject of office work.

Management documentation includes the following types of documents:

Organizational and administrative;

Information and reference;

By personnel;



As you know, documentation support for management (paperwork) is a branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with official documents. The term documentation support for management (DMS) arose in connection with the introduction of computer technologies in the field of working with documents.

Since in an office management system the control object is a document, all possible stages of its processing simultaneously describe office work tasks. At the same time, if we consider a document in general, without any classification, then the corresponding tasks form its life cycle: drawing up a draft document, approval of a draft document, registration of a document, review by a manager, monitoring the execution of a document, creating nomenclatures of cases, ongoing storage and use, transfer to archival storage.

Any office management task is ultimately performed to ensure:

High-quality presentation of information in the document;

Timely execution of the document.

Based on this division, two subsystems are distinguished in the office management system - documentation and organization of work with documents.

The perception of information contained in a document depends on the quality of its presentation, which is achieved by following the rules of the documentation subsystem, which includes requirements for presentation style, preparation of a draft document, its design, and approval.

One of the tasks of the documentation subsystem is to optimize the composition and form of documents, for example, to standardize solution technology and the form of information presentation in recurring management tasks. Unification of the composition and forms of documents reduces the cost of processing them.

The subsystem for organizing work with documents must ensure the timeliness of execution of documents, when a document requiring execution is immediately transferred to the employee, and the employee is interested in its execution on time.

The problem of increasing the number of documents, especially electronic ones, is extremely relevant.

Among the objective reasons for the increase in the number of documents related to the natural development and change in the state of organizations, the following should be noted:

Creation of new institutions, expansion of production and trade relations, etc.;

Introduction of computer technology that facilitates the possibility of replication;

The ability of documentation to increase when used, rather than decrease, as is typical for material and technical resources. The more society develops and needs information, the more it produces.

There are also subjective factors that also influence the growth of document flow. The main one is untimely or poor-quality execution of orders and contractual obligations, which leads to the appearance of additional documents: reminders, claims, etc.

According to the rules of office work, the movement of most management documents begins only after their registration, which makes it possible to search, record and control the execution of documents. The next purpose of registration is to give the document legal force, to confirm the fact of its creation or receipt.

When registering a document, a registration control card (RCC) is created, the details of which include the following data: author, type, date, document index, title or summary document, resolution, deadline, etc. Registration is carried out in a decentralized manner, but on the basis of a unified system and universal availability of registration data in compliance with information confidentiality provisions.

The RKK records information about any actions performed on the document, for example, the sequence of transfer of the document between performers. This reduces the likelihood of it being lost. The registration and control card or its duplicate (control form) serves as a technical means of monitoring execution, which in the domestic office management system is an incentive for the timely execution of the document. It is carried out by the preschool educational institution service or any employee appointed by management. Often, they do not participate in the execution of the document they control and do not understand the area of ​​​​activity that the document affects. That is, regulatory authorities exercise formal control over deadlines. Control forms are grouped into special filing cabinets. At the same time, regardless of whether the document is internal, incoming or outgoing, documents in such files are classified according to deadlines.

Regardless of the place of the control service in the structure of the organization, information on the results of control over the execution of specific documents is sent to managers who have established the need for control. Thus, the controller’s work comes down to periodically reviewing control forms, reminding performers about the proximity of deadlines, and reporting to management about violation of deadlines.

We can conclude that, in principle, the office management system consists of three subjects:

1. Leader. The function of a manager is to make management decisions and organize the work of employees to achieve the main goals of the enterprise. The manager uses documents as a source of information for making management decisions and a means for organizing the functioning of the enterprise. The typical role of a manager in relation to working with documents is the initiator of document flow.

2. Employee (performer). The main thing for him is to solve specific problems that fall within the scope of his main responsibilities. In terms of working with documents, he is engaged in the preparation, execution, and approval of documents generated by the implementation of these tasks or accompanying it. That is, the main work with documents carried out by the contractor is related to documentation. In addition, the performer is a participant in the document flow.

3. Preschool educational institution service. The main thing for the service is working with documents, which determines its functions and tasks. It ensures the functioning of the office management system, in particular the document flow subsystem, that is, it organizes the movement and storage of information - it creates an enterprise information system. It is interesting that, often, it is this division, authorized to monitor the execution of documents, that provides for the performer - communication with his manager, for the manager - one of his management functions. That is, in the domestic office management system, the performer, when solving his professional task, must interact with the preschool educational institution service. This is a feature of Russian office work and determines the differences in the organization of work with documents in Russia and in the West.

In Russia, it is planned to centralize the processing of documents in order to implement unified control over their passage and execution. The documents are first reported to the manager, who forms the appropriate health decision, reflected in the resolution. This decision gradually descends through the authorities - to specific performers, becoming increasingly legalized. Execution of a document involves the transfer of the original document or its copy by one official to another. Any action on a document is recorded by the relevant services and employees by making entries in its registration card or logbook. From the moment of registration, the registration card of the document goes into the file cabinet and remains there until the document is written off in the archive. When there is a need to obtain a certificate of the state of affairs, you should turn to the card index, find the corresponding document cards and, based on the information entered in them, conclusions are drawn about the degree of execution of documents (control of the execution of documents is carried out).

The Western approach to document management is characterized by a fundamentally greater degree of decentralization of rights and responsibilities. This is expressed in the fact that officials responsible for resolving certain issues in the organization have all the necessary powers to work with the relevant documents. For example, an incoming document without registration and filing will be sent to the contractor directly, and its further fate will depend only on the conscientiousness of the employee. With such an organization, it is even more difficult to centrally track the processing of documents, but this need does not arise, since the functions of registration and execution control are entrusted to an employee who independently takes care of storage, organizing an effective information retrieval system to ensure the availability of documents sent to him, as well as their protection.

A Western employee deals with questions and problems. It solves a specific problem, to which a set of documents can be assigned. The range of tasks is determined by the authority of the employee and is clearly known. Responsibility for the employee’s work with his documents lies solely with him. Automation of work with documents also has its own specifics. It is carried out in relation to a specific employee and consists of automating his workplace. A unified document management system is thus built from the “building blocks” of automated workstations created on the basis of a document management software system that provides all users with a single ideology for working with documents and the same interface.

In Russia, office work is a whole system that regulates work with documents, so the document, in general, is given greater importance. Distinctive features of the Russian model, as already noted, are the mandatory registration of documents and distributed control of execution. The first feature determines the occurrence of two information flows during the execution of a document. The first flow is associated with the movement of information recorded in a document, which passes through the stages of its life cycle: registered with the preschool educational institution service, sent to the manager for a resolution, received by the executors, written off to the file, etc.

The second stream includes information about what happens to the document during its life cycle and is associated with a registration card in which the following are entered: the values ​​of the details, a record of a resolution, data on the execution of the document, a record of the document being written off as a file, etc. Recording information in the RKK reduces the likelihood of document loss.

Theoretically, both flows should flow in parallel, that is, when any action is performed on a document (first flow), information about this should be synchronously entered into its RKK (second flow). In practice, such simultaneity is difficult to achieve and the registration card, as a rule, reflects the history of the document, and not what is happening to it at the moment.

Due to the complexity of the document processing procedure, a number of problems arise. One of them is the contradiction between control of execution and the process of executing documents. Control of execution is carried out according to formal criteria and is carried out centrally. Execution of a document is an essentially decentralized process, since it often contains an element of creativity, that is, the execution process cannot be formalized. At the same time, in the intervals between control dates, only the executor knows what is happening with the document. The situation becomes more complicated if the document “travels” across departments of the enterprise or is transferred between employees of the same department. The problem of recording information in the document's RKK and department logs is added. As a result, it is almost impossible to centrally track the movement of documents in an organization in real time, because this requires enormous labor costs for the prompt collection of relevant information.

Disadvantages of office work may be associated with neglect of requirements and recommendations government agencies, engaged in research in the field of organizing work with documents. On the other hand, “the sphere of documentation in modern conditions suffers from many shortcomings, which are expressed in the low quality of work with documents, the imperfection of the current documentation management system, the lag of document management developments of a normative and methodological nature from the pace of development of information technology, the absence of uniform requirements for document flow along the “vertical” " and "horizontals" of public administration.

Some limitations on the effectiveness of traditional office work are inherent in the very nature of the information carrier - the paper document. The following problems associated with the use of paper documents have been noted:

1. Exponential growth in the number of paper documents. The reasons for this growth were given above.

2. Difficulties in finding the necessary documents. According to experts, up to 30% of the working time of institution employees is spent on searching, while there is no guarantee of finding the required document, up to 10% of documents are lost forever and are created anew. Search difficulties give rise to the problem of duplication of documents where this is not necessary.

3. Inflexible scheme for generating and editing document texts.

4. A long period of time between the preparation of the document and its publication.

5. Difficulty in replicating documents (this is especially true for documents that are difficult to print).

6. Lack of sound and video inserts.

A means of solving office work problems is the use of computer technology, in particular, the introduction of document management systems. It is computer systems that are able to manage the growing volume of information; they create a fundamentally new technological environment for effective document management. Pakhomov E.V.

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LARIN Mikhail Vasilievich


Specialty: 05.25.02 - “Documentary, document science, archival science”

dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences


The work was carried out at the All-Russian Research Institute of Document Management and Archival Affairs

Relevance of the topic. The creation in our country of a rule-of-law state with effectively functioning institutions of representative, executive, judicial authorities, production, science and education is determined not only by a comprehensive and full-fledged legal justification for their activities, but also by the formation of rational, specific rules and procedures for their functioning, including in the field working with documents. To strengthen Russian statehood, rational management of documentation can serve as one of the important reference points for strengthening the management apparatus and an essential element of its stability.

Documented information forms the basis of management; its effectiveness is largely based on the production and consumption of information. In modern society, information has become a full-fledged resource of production, an important element of the social and political life of society. The quality of information determines the quality of management, since information, like a circulatory system, permeates all control organs, providing them with energy potential and setting them into purposeful movement.

Information is recorded in documents, which give it organizational form and move it in time and space. Documents and documentary information form the basis of management decisions and are their material embodiment, provide legal force and thereby contribute to their execution.

The problems of documenting the activities of organizations and document management are as ancient as the documents and management themselves. Currently, this problem is being updated by the rapid development of new information technologies and the accelerated informatization of society.

The continuous growth of documentation volumes throughout the world, the increasingly widespread use of electronic computing technology in information processing, the use of non-paper media and other objective

factors lead specialists to the conclusion that it is necessary to search for new opportunities for mastering and managing documented information. Focusing our attention on the problem of document management in organizations, we have chosen a current direction of scientific research that has theoretical and practical significance.

For modern document science, it is important to study the capabilities of modern information technologies from the point of view of their use in document management. It is necessary to analyze the accumulated achievements in the field of theory and practice of document management, identify trends in their further development and obtain new scientific results on this basis.

The choice of the topic of this study was determined by several factors:

firstly, the presence of a social order of society, associated with the need to streamline the documentary environment as a means of increasing the efficiency of management, primarily of the state;

secondly, the need for the Russian archival service to deeply study the interrelated problems of document management and archival science in new conditions in order to transform them into applied scientific developments;

thirdly, the increasing pace of informatization of Russia and the urgent tasks of its entry into the global information space, including in the field of documentation management.

Solving the problem of document management in modern conditions, in our opinion, will make it possible to purposefully form the information resources of organizations, ensure their effective functioning, and also provide consumers with access to information resources with the least amount of time, labor and money.

The degree of development and study of the topic. It should be noted that the issues of documentation management have not yet been raised as independent issues in the domestic literature. Only in some cases

botakh A.N. Sokova can see attempts to introduce documentation management as a subject of research in terms of production as a reflection of foreign experience and a promising direction for the development of domestic document management and office organization1.

Meanwhile, in developed countries, which have long passed the stage of “initial accumulation” of computer technology and communications, in a society that is now characterized as “post-industrial” or “information”, more and more attention is being paid to the development of documentation management problems.

A study of the works of Western specialists shows that most scientists are inclined to recognize documentation management as a full-fledged function of organizational management (F. Horton, K. Lennon, A. Mordell, A. Ricks, K. Har, D. McLeod, J. Summerville, D. Stephens and etc.). It should be emphasized that many scientists and specialists have repeatedly noted the importance of the interaction between documentation management and information management in organizations, assessing documentation as an integral part of the organization's information resources. Based on this assessment, there is a requirement for a deeper use of new information technologies in working with documentation and the inclusion of documentation management structures in the general infrastructure of organizations2. A distinctive feature of the research of Western specialists is their focus on eliminating the technological and organizational gap between office work and departmental storage of documents3.

It is obvious that Russia has its own historical

1 Sokova A.N. Business documentation in the field of management. - M.: Knowledge, 1985.

2 Menne-Haritz A. Dokumentenverwaltungsysteme und offentliche Verwaltung: Wo ist der Sand im Oetriebe? // Deutschcr Dokumentartag 1994. Proceedings, DGD, 1994, p. 11-38; MacDonald D. Document management in a modern institution. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1220 “p”; Roberge M. In the era of information - global systemic and systematized management of administrative information. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1144 “p”, etc.

1 Hives Cr. Management of documentation, information and archives in companies. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 889 “p”; Ricks A. Records management as an archival function. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 946 “p”, etc.

traditions in the field of working with documents, and direct borrowing of Western experience and Western approaches is impossible. This is precisely the reason for the need to study the problems of the evolution of domestic documentation and the development of records management, in order to analyze and evaluate the achieved level in order to resolve the issue of the possibility and ways of applying the basic principles and methods of document management in modern Russia.

Domestic document management has currently accumulated a significant amount of knowledge, reflected in the scientific works of MGIAI and VNIIDAD, collections of articles, educational and methodological manuals, and conference materials. Unfortunately, there are still no major monographic studies. Published works are predominantly in the nature of textbooks and teaching aids (works by Andreeva V.I., Kuznetsova T.V., Livshits Ya.Z., Mityaev K.G., Mingalev V.S., Pshenko A.V., Sokova A.N., team of authors of the Department of Document Management and Documentation Support of Management of the State University of Management).

The works of K.G. are of fundamental importance for the development of the research topic. Mityaev, who was the first to propose the term “document management” and made a great theoretical and practical contribution to the development of document management as a scientific discipline1.

K.G. Mityaev was the first to systematically outline the history of office work in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR, highlighting the main periods of its development, the specifics of various types of office work, showing the relationship of office work with the corresponding systems for building the state apparatus, the interdependence of the development of office work and archival affairs. Subsequent textbooks of the Historical and Archival Institute basically only increased the volume of material presented on the history of office work, expanding the chronological scope of the period covered.

At the same time, in the 70-80s, teaching aids by T.V. appeared. Kuzne-

1 Mityaev K.G. History and organization of office work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1959; It's him. Theory and practice of archiving. Textbook allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1946; It's him. Documentation science, its tasks and development prospects // Issues. archival science. - 1964. - No. 2, etc.

Tsova, Ya.Z. Livshitsa, M.P. Ilyushenko and other scientists who develop document management as a scientific discipline and reflect on the issues of document terminology and documentation systems, document functions and their development, the role of documentation in management processes, pose fundamental document management issues, consider the problems of the influence of electronic computer technology on documentation support for management .

It is impossible not to note the work of VNIIDAD scientists, who, since the establishment of the institute in 1966, have consistently solved the problems of document management, organization of office work and documentation support for management, and automation of work with documents. A significant contribution to the study of the main categories of document management was made by A.S. Malitikov, V.D. Banaskzevich, K.I. Rudelson and other scientists.

A significant contribution to the development of document science is the doctoral and master's theses defended at MGIAI and VNIIDAD, which are also important for this study. It is worth highlighting the doctoral dissertation of A.N. Sokova, where for the first time after K.G. Mityaev makes a successful attempt to formulate the theory of document management in the context of the introduction of new information technologies into practice1.

Candidate's dissertations, as a rule, examine certain aspects of the theory and practice of document management. Among the most developed are the issues of the history of document management and office work of the Soviet period (works by Andreeva V.I., Baginsky I.M., Banasyukevich V.D., Bobyleva M.P., Dodonova M.I., Kostomarov M.N. ., Kremera B.I., Kuzmicheva A.D., Podolskaya I.A., Raichtsauma A.L., Selsky D.I., Tamm I.E., etc.)2.

"Sokova A.N. Development of Soviet document management in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution (1960-1980): Abstract of thesis.... Doctor of History. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M, 1987. " Andreeva IN AND. The main directions of the scientific organization of managerial work and office work of the state apparatus of the USSR (based on materials from journal periodicals of the 1920s): Abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1985; Baginsky I.M. Activities of V.V. Kuibyshev on improving the apparatus and office work of the People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the USSR: Author's abstract. dis.

The pre-revolutionary period has been less studied (Vyalova L.M., Lukashevich A.A.)1.

Part of the dissertation works is devoted to research into documentation systems and documenting management functions (works by T.A. Bykova, I.V. Gerasimova, I.B. Efanova, A.S. Krasavina, L.V. Potapova, A.Yu. Chukovenkova. )2, other dissertations cover issues of documentation support for individual objects, similar institutions (Arkhipova N.I., Mozhaeva N.G., Morozov E.A., Pshenko A.V., Sirotkin A.N., Stepanov E. A.)3. The issues of unification and standardization of documents have been worked out quite deeply (Vasiliev M.A., Kokorev V.I., Sankina L.V., Sokova A.N., Yankovaya V.F.)4. In some dissertations (Malitikov A.S., Predein E.V.,

Candidate of Historical Sciences 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M.. 1979; Reichtsaum A.L. Improving the management and office work apparatus in the USSR by non-departmental rationalization bodies (1924-1931): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978; Tamm I.E. The formation of Soviet state office work. 1917-1923: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.00.02 / MGIAI. - M.. 1975, etc. 1 Vyalova L.M. Organization of office work of central government bodies in the legislative acts of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1987; Lukashevich A.A. Development of provincial office documentation of the 70-90s: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995.

"Bykova T.A. Formation of a documentation system for managing the social development of labor collectives. 1965-1985 (using the example of the electrical industry): Abstract of thesis ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M. , 1988; Krasavin A.S. Documentation of the labor activity of government employees (history and current state): Abstract of thesis. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. Yu. Organization of storage and use of machine-readable documents in the field of management: Abstract of thesis ... candidate of historical sciences 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD - M., 1987, etc.

Arkhipova N.I. Documentation support for the management of computer centers (history, current state and development prospects): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978; Pshenko A.V. Documenting the activities of the archival service at the present stage: Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1983; Stepanov E.A. Improving documentation processes in the management system of higher and secondary specialized education of the USSR (history and current state): Abstract of thesis. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1979, etc.

4 Vasiliev M.A. The problem of unifying the texts of management documents used in the office work of Soviet institutions (history and current state): Author's abstract. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975; Sankina L.V. Improving the forms of management documents on the basis of standardization and unification (1917-1980): Abstract of thesis. dis. ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M.,

Shchensnovich G.G.) general and special problems of functioning of documentation support services for management are considered.

A study of dissertation research shows that the problems of document management are not deeply reflected in them; they require a modern integrated approach and consideration.

In the last decade, unfortunately, the balance between theoretical research and applied developments has been disrupted in favor of the latter. This is evidenced by a large number of methodological aids and manuals for practical office workers, which mainly interpret the accumulated scientific and methodological potential of document management.

Now there is a tendency towards a gradual restoration of the disturbed balance and strengthening of theoretical research in the field of documentation support for management. Many modern publications in specialized journals and collections of scientific conferences are aimed at solving current problems of working with documents in modern conditions, the protection of documented information, terminology, the history of office work, legal support for documenting the activities of the administrative apparatus, the influence of new information technologies on the organization of document flow and documentation, problems of electronic documents . Despite their great value, these works cover only certain aspects of documentation management and can serve as good research material for subsequent analytical and synthetic processing.

The problem of documentation management cannot be studied without analyzing archival literature. Archivists have done serious work

1983; Yankovaya V.F. Optimization of texts of management documents (theoretical aspect): Author's abstract. dis.... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1987, etc. "Malitikov A.S. Main directions of document and archival research in the USSR (1956-1970): Abstract of thesis ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M ., 1971; Shchensnovich G.G. Development of the basic principles of organizing a documentation system in the conditions of automated control systems: Abstract of thesis.

research work important for understanding the epistemology of the document, the formation and development of documentation systems, the terminological system of document science (A.V. Elpatievsky, V.P. Kozlov, A.D. Stepansky, E.V. Starostin, etc.). Experts in the field of archival science have done a lot to understand the information properties of a document, pointing out the connection between document arrays and information resources. In some works on archival science (V.N. Avtokratov, K.B. Gelman-Vinogradov) the similarity of information processing processes both in operational management and at the stage of archival storage of documents has been proven. Of interest are works that show the relationship between office work and archival affairs, the process of gradual transition of office work into the jurisdiction of archival authorities1. Archival studies reveal changes in the value of certain types of documents in the course of historical development, reveal the evolution of documentation systems in connection with the development of the state and methods of its organization.

Documentation management as a scientific category is closely related to information and the organization of information processes in management, therefore the analysis of literature on information theory, information systems, issues of informatization and computerization of work with documents represents an essential part of this study. First of all, these are studies that reflect the problems associated with understanding the essential characteristics of information as the initial substance for organizing documentary arrays. Works by A.D. Ursula, A.I. Zhukova, Yu.I. Chernyaka, V.G. Afanasyev and others, written in different years, made it possible to form a theoretical foundation on which the basic idea of ​​the inextricable connection between information and documentation is built and the possibilities of applying information methodology to documentation management are determined. In the works of G.G. Artamonova, G. Wolfram,

" Ermakova I.N. Formation and development of Soviet state office work (1917-1959): Abstract of thesis ... candidate of historical sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1994; Pshenichny A.P. Central Archival Administration of the USSR and the RSFSR (1929-1938): Abstract of thesis.... Candidate of Historical Sciences, 05.25.02 / MGIAI - M, 1985, etc.

HELL. Ursula and other scientists have deeply studied the fundamentally important problems of the formation and operation of information resources, both in a global sense and within individual organizations. The problem of information resources has not yet received a final solution, however, in these works conceptual categories and basic methodological and conceptual provisions important for this study are formulated.

In the works of computer scientists, document problems appear as subordinate, and not main, problems; they lack elaboration of documentation issues and documentation support in the context of the development of new information technologies. This problem is not outlined in any way among such concepts as “information processing”, “access to information”, “information communications”, “information storage”, “information use”, although all this “information” is practically documents in various, predominantly paper media."

The issues of electronic documents are also poorly developed in the literature. There are serious terminological discrepancies, a lack of clear ideas about the nature and properties of electronic documents, their relationship with technotronic, machine-readable and traditional documents. Nevertheless, the analysis of this group of studies allows us to formulate a document management understanding of the issue and use these works to solve the scientific problem of documentation management2.

Of fundamental importance for the study of the topic was the study of works on information management - a new scientific discipline that emerged in developed countries along with the information society. In the domestic literature, information management as a system

1 Klimenko S.V., Krokhin I.V., Kushch V.M., Lagutin Yu.L. Electronic documents on corporate networks: the second coming of Gutenberg. - M: Ankey - Ektrendz, 1999, etc.

2 Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Electronic archives and electronic document management // Fatherland, archives. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 19-20; Kurilo A.P. On the legal regime of an electronic document in the system of interbank electronic payments // Problems of informatization. - 1999. - No. 3, etc.

The topic of methods is reflected very poorly. Only in the work of A.V. Kostrov, prepared in the form of a textbook, an attempt was made to systematically present the essence of information management, unfortunately, without reference to Russian conditions." In our work, for the first time, a study of information management was started from the standpoint of document management and conclusions were drawn that allow us to evaluate information management as a promising direction of development document management using new information technologies.2 In a number of other works, the problems of information management are considered indirectly, within the framework of solving other problems. Only in the recently published book “Information support of public administration”, edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.V. Gulyaev, was comprehensively presented for the first time in the last decade. conceptual provisions and practical experience in the creation and operation of an information support system for the highest government bodies of the Russian Federation3.

Considering the insufficient level of development and coverage of the problem of information management in the domestic literature, the author tried to fill this gap with foreign research, mainly in German. The works of R. Coolen, I. Herget, G. Verzig, W. Wolfram, T. Seeger, E. Vogel and other scientists reveal their understanding of the essence of information management as a scientific discipline and area of ​​practical management4. However, it must be emphasized that

1 Kostrov A.V. Introduction to information management: Textbook. allowance / Vladimirsk. state tech. univ. - Vladimir, 1996; see also: Perel I.S., Slavin V.N. Information activities abroad and problems of information management / NPO “Poisk”. - M, 1992; Kostomarov M.N. Management of information systems abroad / RGTU. - M., 1996.

2 Larin MB. Document management and new information technologies. - M.: Scientific book, 1998.

3 Nikitov V.A., Orlov E.I., Starovoytov A.V., Savin G.I. Information support for public administration. - M.: Slavic dialogue, 2000.

4 Herget I. Konzeptjon des Informationsmanagements in Informationswissenschaftlichen Sludienangeboten // Informationsspezialisten fur Europa. Proceedings // Konstanz, 1990; Hofmeister H. W. Einsatz von Dokumentenmanagement in Industrieunternehmen // Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. -- Frankfurt am Main, 1994. - S. 183-187; Kuhlen R.

Almost none of these works make an attempt to apply the principles of information management to records management.

A complete solution to the problem of document management is impossible without legal support. It is obvious that strengthening the role of law in modern Russia is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of public administration. In recent years, the field of information and documentation has become an independent object of research for legal scholars, and even a new branch has emerged - information law. In the work of V.A. Kopylov systematized all current legal acts relating to the regulation of information, documentation, and archival storage of documents1. The author draws attention to the category of “documented information”, which, in his opinion, is not sufficiently reflected in the current legislation, and puts forward the task of legal solution to the problems of electronic documents.

I.L. undertakes in-depth studies of the legal aspects of documented information in the context of the introduction of new information technologies, computer equipment, telecommunication networks, and the recognition of information as the most important management resource. Bachilo. Her works serve as a clear example of a scientist’s adequate response to the challenges of the time and are of great value for this study2.

Informationsmarkt. - Konstanz, 1995; SeegerT. Aspekte der Professionaiisierung des Berufsfeldes Information und Documentation. -K.G. Saur, 1990; Vogel E. Information management. - Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Documentation. Band 2, K.G. Saur, 1990, pp. 897-927; WersigG. Organizations - Communikation: Die Kunst, ein Chaos zu organisieren. - FBO Verlag, Baden-Baden, 1989: Wolfram G Organisatorische Gestaltung des Informationsmanagements. - Verlag losef Eul, Gladbach-Koln, 1996, etc.

1 Kopylov V.A. Information law. - M.: Lawyer, 1997; It's him. Information as an object of legal regulation // NTI / VINITI. - M., - 1996. - No. 8; It's him. On the issue of information ownership // NTI. Ser. 1. Organization and methodology of information work / VINITI. - M., - 1998. - No. 3.

~ Commentary on the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” (edited by I.L. Bachilo, A.V. Volokitin, etc.). M.: IGP RAS, 1996; Bachilo I.L. On the ownership of information resources // Information resources of Russia. - M., - 1997. - No. 4; It's her. Information resources as an object of law and an object of relations regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation // Ibid. -J999. -No. 1; It's her.

Documentation management as a management function is carried out in organizations in the context of the decision-making process to achieve the chosen goal. That is why documentation management is closely related to management problems, organizational structures, issues of designing management information systems, their implementation and operation, and automation of management procedures and processes.

Modern research on organizational management shows the enormous importance of rational information processing for achieving strategic and operational goals. The globalization of world economic, social and information processes directly affects the quality of management. Methods for solving management problems in organizations against the backdrop of modern geopolitical realities and taking into account the development of the information society are reflected in a number of major monographic studies and articles, modern textbooks of domestic and Western specialists."

The evolution of documents, office management systems and documentation support for management occurs in specific historical conditions and is determined by them. The works of researchers of Russian history, especially historians of government institutions, highlight the close connection of office work reforms with management reforms and their adequacy to the socio-economic and political conditions of a particular period of Russian history. Works of N.P. Eroshkina and T.P. Korzhikhina, as well as T.G. Arkhipova, A.S. Senina, T.M. Smirnova, S.P. Strekopytov, other scientists on the history of government institutions clearly demonstrate the construction of a management system in a specific historical era and topics

Legal issues of documentation in the conditions of informatization // Problems of legislation in the field of informatization: Abstracts. report Seventh All-Russian conf. - M.: State Unitary Enterprise "VIMI", 1999, etc.

"Organization management: Textbook / Edited by A.G. Porshnev, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatin. - M.: Infra, 1998; Kulba V.V., Malyugin V.D., Shubin A.N. ., Bye M.A. Introduction to information management. - St. Petersburg, 1999; Methodology of structural analysis and design / Translated from English - M.: MetaTechnology, 1993; Edited by X. Reschke, X. Schelle. - M.: Alan, 1994; Meskon M.Z., Albert M. Khedouri F. Fundamentals of Management - M.: Delo, 1992, etc.

This makes it possible to study the organization of office work in the management apparatus.

Source study as a scientific discipline is quite close to document science in terms of solving the problems of systematic study of the documentary array in historical development. In this regard, the works of Borodka-na L.I., Voronkova S.V., Golikov A.G., Kashtanov S.M., Kozlov V.P., Medushevskaya O.M., Muravyov V.A., Sokolov A. .K., Shmidta S.O. and others made it possible to use the experience accumulated by source studies to analyze the evolution of documents and documentation systems.

The analysis shows that, despite a significant amount of research carried out in related areas of the problem posed, we have to state that the problem of document management itself is very poorly developed. Thus, questions about the relationship between public administration reforms and office work, and the role of state regulation of the documentary environment have not been sufficiently developed; require a more in-depth systematic study of the terminological problems of the document, its evolution under the influence of social and technical factors. Of undoubted historical interest is the post-Soviet period of development of office work and documentation support for management, associated with changes in management structures and functions, and solving the problems of Russia’s entry into the global information space. Until now, there has been no comprehensive and comprehensive study of documentation management, taking into account the analysis of the new information technologies used.

The object of research in the dissertation is documented information in control systems. Documented information plays a vital role in the management process, ensuring the filling of information resources of organizations. In connection with the complication of the structure and content of information resources, the explosive growth of their volume, the most important task of rational management of them arises.

The current state of the documentary environment is determined not only by socio-economic transformations, but also by the development of information technology. Computer technologies and tools are becoming of great importance in modern management, ensuring, on the basis of current legislation and other legal norms, the efficiency of recording, collecting, processing, searching and transmitting information, the reliability of its storage, remote access, provision of information at the right time, on the right medium and in the desired shape, taking into account psychological and ergonomic requirements. New access to global information resources, transition to electronic documentation, storage and transmission of documents, i.e. The transition to fundamentally new ways of organizing information and accessing it poses fundamentally new scientific and applied problems for document management, archival studies, documentary studies and other scientific disciplines that have a document as an object of study. Their solution requires understanding the rich historical experience of the evolution of a document as a carrier of information, the development of office work, the change of media and technologies, and the formulation of corresponding dependencies.

The subject of the study is document management in organizations. Document management as a subject of research is a new scientific category. However, it is based on previous experience and the theoretical and methodological foundation of domestic document science, which traditionally studies documents, documentation systems, documentation processes and the organization of work with documents in management. Documentation management is considered by us as an integrating and higher stage of development of such concepts as office work and documentation support for management.

“Records management”, as a universal term, has international recognition and distribution. It refers to the management of the creation, use and storage of an organization's documents during their

life cycle on the principles of economy and efficiency, using new information technologies that provide high-quality management in relation to documentation as a full-fledged management resource. If office work was assigned the role of a technical management function, and documentation support of management was assigned the role of an auxiliary function, then documentation management in the organization is assigned the role of the main management function.

We consider document management in the specific operating conditions of organizations. In this case, an organization is understood as any structure that corresponds to the legal concept of an organization, regardless of its hierarchical level, functional focus and form of ownership.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to solve the scientific problem of document management in the context of new information technologies in organizations of various types, to formulate a concept and methodology for managing document resources for decision-making based on information management in historical development.

Main objectives of the study:

analysis of the role of information in management and the structure of modern information resources in organizations;

studying the history of domestic records management and the evolution of the document as the basis for modern document management;

research into the specifics of electronic documents;

development of principles for creating a nationwide document management system and issues of its legal support;

document analysis of modern information technologies and automated management documentation systems;

research of information management as a methodological basis for building a document management system in an organization.

The chronological framework of the study is determined by the specifics of the chosen topic. In some areas they cover the historical period from the emergence of the Russian centralized state to the present, but the bulk of the work covers the problems of document management of the last decade.

Delving into the history of office work, we aimed to trace the interdependence of public administration reforms and office work reforms, to identify the continuity and features of office work systems in different historical eras, to show the process of transformation of office work into documentation support for management and the creation of prerequisites for the transition to documentation management in modern conditions of informatization of society. The study of a document as the main object of document management is due to the process of establishing document science as a scientific discipline, so we paid more attention to the period starting from the 1960s, when document management as a scientific discipline was born and a significant amount of research appeared on issues related to the functioning of a document in all spheres of public life.

We have considered the issues of office automation in inextricable connection with the informatization of society, which began with the spread of electronic computer technology and the development of automated control systems at the turn of the 60-70s of the 20th century. The problem of information management appeared in Western practice in the early 1970s, and we took these years as the starting point for its consideration.

Thus, the interdisciplinary nature of the study required historical retrospectives of varying depth, depending on how necessary it was for the purposes of this work.

As a working hypothesis, we put forward the position that the necessary prerequisites for a broad

implementation of documentation management in organizations based on information management methodology corresponding to the achieved level of informatization of the country and socio-economic conditions.

The basis of the dissertation research methodology is a realistic and comprehensive approach to the analysis of the development of documentation management, considering it comprehensively and dynamically, taking into account the totality of facts and the rejection of an ideological view of the history of the problem. The methodology of the work is a creative combination of various methods: general scientific methods, methods of other sciences, and document science itself. To solve the problems, traditional research methods were used: historical, systemic, comparisons (comparative studies), structural-functional, classification and modeling, statistical, as well as other particular methods.

The key role in this work is played by the systems method as a direction of scientific knowledge, which is based on the consideration of objects as systems, i.e. revealing the integrity of an object, identifying the diverse types of connections in it and bringing them together into a single picture.

Source base of the dissertation. Taking into account the insufficient development of the topic, a wide range of sources was used when working on the dissertation, which can be divided into the following main groups: legislative and government acts on issues of informatization, archiving, documentation management, office work and standardization; regulatory and methodological materials, state standards; terminological dictionaries, methodological literature; scientific reports, research materials stored in the reference and information fund of OCSTI VNIIDAD; archival documents.

In addition, in the process of preparing the work, the author used his own experience in scientific research and organizational design on the issues of document management, documentation support for management (office work), and the results of foreign internships.

Of interest is a group of legislative and regulatory acts, the study of which allows us to trace the evolution of state regulation of office work.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, a number of legal acts were consistently in force, establishing the rules of administrative and collegiate office work. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the General Regulations of 1720, which for the first time in the history of Russia put office work on the solid ground of law and defined its fundamental principles for almost two centuries1.

In Soviet times, attention was also paid to documentation issues and their legislative implementation. The first decrees of the Soviet government on issues of office work were in the nature of disparate legal acts on topical issues of documenting management actions. They are reflected in published collections of normative acts2.

The next group of legal acts used in the work is related to the activities of the NK RKI of the USSR and its subordinate bodies to improve office work in the 1920s and early 30s3.

Particular attention was required to the regulations of the Soviet government, which consistently reveal the transition of office work to the jurisdiction of archival bodies, the change in their tasks and functions in the Soviet period of history, as well as documents related to the development of the Unified State Office System4.

The main legal act defining modern state policy and the rights of Russian citizens in the field of information and documentation exchange is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in which

1 General Regulations of February 28, 1720 // PSZ of the Russian Empire. -T. VI. - No. 3534; Institutions for the administration of provinces of the All-Russian Empire // PSZ of the Russian Empire. Collection First. - T. XX. - No. 14392; General establishment of ministries in 1811 // PSZ of the Russian Empire. - Collection First. - T. XXXI. - No. 24686. "Collection of laws and orders of the Workers' and Peasants' Government of the RSFSR (1918-1923).

Scientific organization of labor, production and management: Collection of documents and materials 1918-1930. - M., 1969.

The main decrees and resolutions of the Soviet government on archival affairs 1918-1982. - M.: Main Archive of the USSR, 1985.

it is written: “Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any legal way...” (Part 4, Article 29).

In the Russian Federation, in development of constitutional norms, the fundamentals of state policy in relation to information and documentation are enshrined at the legislative level. The system-forming act in this area is the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”1. It determines the legal regime for documenting information, ownership of individual documents and individual sets of documents in information systems, categories of information according to the level of access to it, and the procedure for legal protection of information. The law also establishes the liability of government bodies, organizations and their officials for offenses when working with documented information.

An important place among the legislative acts regulating work with documents is occupied by the legislation on the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and archives2. It consists of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation “On the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives” and the relevant laws of the republics within the Russian Federation, other legal acts of the Russian Federation and republics, as well as territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Fundamentals of legislation regulate the formation, organization of storage, accounting, use of archives and archival funds and their management in order to ensure the safety of archival documents and their full use in the interests of citizens, society and the state. However, these legislative acts do not contain legal regulation of office work issues.

In the process of work, foreign legislation was also used (Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, USA, Uzbekistan, Germany, Czech Republic, etc.).

"NW RF. -1995. -No. 8. -Article 609.

~ Guide™ of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. - 1993. - No. 33.

Important sources of research are regulatory and methodological materials and state standards on documentation issues, classifiers and lists of documents. In this group of sources, it is necessary to note all editions of the Unified State Records Management System, unified documentation systems, rules for the operation of state and departmental archives, lists of documents indicating storage periods, instructions for records management, prospectuses and descriptions of developed automated documentation systems for management, state standards of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Federations, international standards in the field of documentation.

In the process of preparing the dissertation research, numerous periodicals were used: “Domestic Archives”, “Bulletin of the Archivist”, “Office Work”, “Secretary Affairs”, “Personnel Service”, other magazines on specialized and related topics, materials of scientific conferences, seminars and symposiums. Publications from foreign scientific journals were also involved, mainly “Records management guar-terly” (USA), “Nachrichten fur Documentation”, “Der Archivar”, “Cogito” (Germany).

During the work, archival documents on the topic of research were used. Archival documents on the history of the formation and development of Soviet office work are especially important. Among them, it is worth highlighting the documents of the NK RKI and the Institute of Management Technology, which specifically dealt with the issues of improving office work in the 20s1.

The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation are directly related to the research work of this profile of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Document Management and Archival Affairs of the Federal Archival Service of Russia, and have found practical application in the development of a number of research topics carried out under the guidance of the author, and in the complex normative -methodological development

1 GARF. F. R-374. People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the USSR; F. R-4084. State Institute of Management Technology.

current institute.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work are associated with the lack of fundamental theoretical and applied scientific research in the field of document management in organizations in domestic document science.

This work represents the first systematic research characterized by an interdisciplinary approach, using the methodology of history and information management, as well as techniques and methods of document management, archival science and computer science. A distinctive feature of the study is the legal basis for the proposed solutions. The dissertation consistently pursues the idea that documentation management in the conditions of modern management and the development of new information technologies should become a new stage in the development of documentation support for management, the main feature of which is the recognition of an information resource as one of the most important resources for the activities of any organization. For the first time in domestic document science, the dissertation examines the problems of electronic documents and shows their place in the documentation management system, and proposes measures aimed at expanding the legal framework for regulating the life cycle of documents in operational management through the development of a law on documentation, the concept and main content of which are given in the dissertation work . Proposals have been developed on the content and practical mechanism for implementing state policy aimed at eliminating crisis phenomena in the field of documentation and organizing work with documents in management.

The dissertation substantiates the use of information management methodology as a new scientific direction in relation to documentation management.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the dissertation work are set out in publications on the topic of research, tested by the author in a documentary

reports and reports at a number of scientific conferences. Among them are the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference “Document in the Information Society” (1993-1999), the All-Russian Conference “NTI-95”, the All-Russian Conference “Archival Studies and Source Studies of Russian History: Problems of Interaction at the Present Stage” (1996, 1999). ), scientific and practical conference “Document. Archive. Story. Modernity" of the Ural State University (2000), conferences of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, methodological seminar of VNIIDAD, annual scientific conference of the International Institute of Archival Studies (1994-2000, Slovenia), scientific conferences of the German Society of Document Scientists (1994 and 1997) , International Colloquium on Information and Documentation (Germany, 1994), International Forum on Electronic Documents (Brussels, 1997), All-Russian Conference “Legal Problems of the Information Society” (1999).

Practical significance of the work. The large analytical material used in the dissertation, the obtained research results can be used when creating general works and textbooks on modern document management, when choosing a methodology for the development and design of automated document management systems in organizations or real information management systems.

The dissertation materials can also be used in the preparation of general and special courses, in determining the topics and methods of student coursework and diploma works in document science specialties.

The provisions of the dissertation were used to create a draft of a new edition of the State Documentation Support System for Management, a draft of the Standard Instructions for Office Work of Federal Executive Bodies, in the development of methodological recommendations, terminological dictionaries, and a number of research works

according to the research plan of the Federal Archival Service and the subprogram “Development of archival science in the Russian Federation within the framework of the Federal target program “Development and preservation of culture and art”, during the implementation of the project “Creation and development of an information system on normative, methodological and legal information for document management and archival work » Federal target scientific and technical program “Research and development in priority areas of development of science and technology for civil purposes” for 1996-20001.

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the choice of the dissertation structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion, a list of sources and literature and appendices to the dissertation.

The first chapter of the dissertation “Documented Information as a Management Resource” examines the role of information in management, the formation of the information infrastructure of organizations, and the issues of creating information resources.

Representatives of different branches of knowledge have different approaches to the definition of information. Regardless of adherence to one point of view or another, more and more scientists are inclined to recognize information as a fundamental category of science as a whole, a general scientific category2. The Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” defines information as information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation. The concept of “information” has become firmly established in documentary and archival literature. This concept was studied most fundamentally in the works of V.N. Avtokratova, G.G. Vorobyova, T.V. Kuznetsova, K.I. Rudelson, A.N. Sokova and other scientists.

The concept of “information process” is closely related to the concept of “information”. The information process is a complex combination of object, subject-

1 State contract No. 205-19100 - P, project manager MB. Larin.

2 Ursul A.D. The path to the noosphere. - M: Luch, 1993. - P. 81.

and information1. Information processes include three main stages: production (socialization of knowledge), circulation (processing, transformation, storage, search, distribution, transmission, delivery to the consumer) and consumption (receipt, perception, use) of information.

Information systems in modern literature are characterized as integrated aggregates, artificial unities of methods and means of dissemination, analytical processing, accumulation, storage, retrieval and provision of the required information to interested consumers in a given form and volume2. These systems are designed to provide targeted support for solving management problems.

Information is the basis of management. With its help, connections are realized between the managing and managed subsystems, between individual links of organizations. Information used for management purposes is classified according to many criteria, each of which is essential for the formation of information resources.

Information has some properties common to all its types3. The main property of information should be considered its inextricable connection with a certain self-organizing system. Other important properties of information are structure, meaning and value. The value of information is expressed in such concepts as content, timeliness, completeness, reliability, efficiency.

Information at the global level performs many tasks in the life of society, providing communications between elements of the social system, preserving and transmitting knowledge, forming the memory of mankind. It is necessary to highlight the exceptional role that information plays in organizations, since with its help there is effective interaction between the levels of the management hierarchy, its subjects and objects.

1 Kovaychenko I.D. Methods of historical research. - M., 1987. - P. 109.

2 Raikov A.N. Unity of legal and information space / NTI. - Ser. 1. Org. and methods of information work. - 1997. - No. 7. - P. 4.

Kulikovsky L.F., Motov V.V. Theoretical foundations of information processes. - M.: Higher. school, 1987.-S. 12.

Modern organization is interpreted as a complex, integrated entity. Most organizations are open systems, integral, consisting of numerous interconnected parts, closely intertwined with the outside world. Every organization has an internal and external environment.

External and internal sources of information that influence the organization form its information environment. On its basis, in the course of the organization’s activities, an information infrastructure arises as a special life support system that offers users relevant information. Documented information plays a central role in this infrastructure. Its other elements are information technology and information personnel.

The information infrastructure of an organization is a complex system that combines structured and unstructured information, information processes occurring in interaction with the external environment of the organization and covering information flows designed to unite all levels of management, including workplaces, into an effective mechanism for achieving goals based on the created information resources organizations.

Treating information as a resource means that, by analogy with other resources (finance, equipment, materials, technologies, personnel), a mechanism for managing information resources must be created, appropriate structures must be formed, and new technologies must be developed. One of the important characteristics of an information resource is its quality, the degree of completeness to meet the total information needs of the organization.

According to the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection,” information resources are understood as individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds.

data banks, other information systems)1. A prerequisite for including information in information resources is documenting the information. Thus, the document is the primary basis of information resources. At the same time, in our opinion, the information resource should include information on media that does not have the status of an official document.

Documented information fills the bulk of document flows and information resources of organizations. As the German scientist T. Seeger notes in this regard, “documents form the “raw material” for extracting documentary data that reaches users as a result of information activities”2.

Documented information is the fundamental basis of the information resource of any organization. It is this information that is mainly used in management. Documenting information allows you to record it on a specific medium, give it the necessary organizational form, certify its authenticity and legal force, provide the necessary details for its identification for search and use, as well as provide full-fledged information support for management processes and accumulate information resources for the development of the organization and preserving individual memory of it in time and space. Based on this, the study of a document as a form of organization and presentation of information in management processes has important independent scientific and practical significance.

The second chapter, “Some problems in the evolution of management documents,” discusses the development of the term “document,” features of management documentation and a new subject for document management - an electronic document.

1 Federal Law of February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ “On information, informatization and information protection” // SZ RF. - 1995. - No. 8. - Art. 609. "Grondlagen der praktischen Information und Documentation. Opinion. - T. 1. - P. 4.

The history of a document and documentation as a set of documents interconnected by formal and logical connections is one of the most interesting topics in document science and is still insufficiently studied. History allows us to trace the evolution of the document and its relationship with socio-political and economic changes in society. Among the main characteristics of the process of document evolution are the emergence, change, preservation and transformation of document forms, changes in their share in social and managerial processes different types documents, the influence of new technologies on the document, as well as the stability of the main functions of the document: storing (recording) information and its subsequent transmission in time and space. It can be concluded that documents and documentation arise in connection with human social needs and government objectives. Any document has a corresponding function or a set of functions, determined by the purpose of creating the document.

Unfortunately, to date, among specialists in the field of document management, archival science, and library science, there is no unity in the understanding of the term “document,” despite the presence of a number of legislative and state-sponsored definitions. At the same time, such a definition is necessary for the development of the theory of document management and archival science, and the improvement of methods for working with documents.

The concept of “document” is used in many fields of knowledge and is associated with the subject of their research. Document science considers the document as a management or archival storage tool and, in this regard, studies its functions and role in historical development; archival studies, source studies, and sociology consider a document as a carrier of information about the past or the present.

Documentation science identifies three main components when defining the term “document”:

1) document - a material object;

2) document - information carrier;

3) document - documented information.

The most common designation is a document as a material object with information recorded on it in the form of text, sound recording or image, intended for transmission in time and space for the purposes of storage and public use."

Recently, there has been a transfer of semantic load in the definition of a document from the material component to the informational one. Introduction into practice by legislative means of the term “documented information (document)”, according to V.A. Kopylov, is based on the duality of information (information) and material media (in the form of symbols, signs, letters, waves, etc.). As a result of documentation, a kind of materialization and reification of information occurs2.

The dissertation concludes that the basis of the concept of “document” is made up of three main components: information, a material carrier of information and recording of information with the possibility of its identification through details. The ability to identify recorded information fundamentally distinguishes a document from other media. It seems especially important to introduce the concept of document identification into the definition of the term from the point of view of its application in management activities and archiving.

Thus, as a result of evolution, the concept of a document comes to its modern official interpretation, enshrined in GOST R 51141-98: “documented information (document) is information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified”3.

1 Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 77-FZ “On Legal Deposit of Documents” // SZ RF. - 1995. - No. 1. - Art. 1.

1 Kopylov V.A. Information as an object of legal regulation // NTI. - Ser. 1. Organization and methodology of information work / VINITI. - M, 1996. - No. 8. - P. 2. 3 GOST R 51141-98 Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. --M.: Standards Publishing House, 1998.

Documents are used in various sociocultural environments, one of which is management or management activities. Such documents are called management documents. In the language of document management, management documentation is a documentation system that ensures management processes in society. Management needs form corresponding sets of documents.

Management documents are characterized by stability of formal characteristics and interconnectedness various types documents, which is determined by factors: the nature of management (hierarchy and subordination of institutions and officials, division of competence and responsibilities), the cyclical nature of the management process (continuity, frequency, repeatability of management actions).”

The practical purpose of a management act requires the formation of a document of a strictly defined type and appropriate content, which is secured by the unification and standardization of documents2.

To understand the evolution of the document, it is important to study the question of its functions. Understanding the function of a document as its intended purpose, the main ones are usually distinguished: informational, social, communicative, cultural and special: managerial, legal, accounting, historical source3. A management document undoubtedly has the functions of recording, storing and transmitting information that implement management processes. In the field of management, a document acts as a tool, means or way of implementing management processes4. This is the main function of a management document, and all its other characteristics are properties or factors that allow management

1 Banasyukevich V.D. Management documentation as a historical source (based on materials from the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry for 1971-1975): Avgoref. dis.... 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - P. 21.

2 Theory and practice of archival science in the USSR / MGIAI. - M., 1980. - P. 68.

3 Organization of work with documents: Textbook. - M.: Infra, 1998. - P. 66.

4 Banasyukevich V.D. Functions of management documents // Terminological problems in the field of document management and archival science: Abstracts of messages for a theoretical seminar / VNIIDAD. - M., 1973. - P. 69.

document to perform its main function.

No less important for management documentation is the problem of the information carrier, which undergoes changes with historical development. Scientific and technological progress has led to the emergence of so-called electronic documentation. Its specificity lies in the fact that a person cannot perceive an electronic document in the physical form in which it is recorded on the medium.

In addition, electronic documents are directly dependent on information technologies, which have an irreversible tendency to change and become obsolete with scientific and technological progress in the field of technology and software. In this regard, there is a great danger of losing access to such documents after a certain period of time.

Despite the widespread use of the term “electronic document” in literature and practice, its definition has not yet been established. From the practice of European archivists it follows that they do not distinguish a special concept of “electronic document” in archival science. For example, K. Hannigan directly points out that when compiling the corresponding review, almost all EU countries surveyed, when asked about electronic documents, answered that their laws on archives are valid for all types of archival documents, regardless of media." In a recently published work of specialists on corporate information systems it is also noted that an electronic document is “a document whose carrier is an electronic medium - a magnetic disk, magnetic tape, CD, etc.”2.

In our opinion, in the concept of an electronic document, three well-known components can be distinguished: recorded information, media,

1 See: Hannigan K. Zusammenfassende Betrachtung der Verwaltung eiektronischen Archiv-

guts in den Mitgliegstaaten der EU: Beziehungen zwischen offentlichen Verwaltungen und

Archivdiensten - Vortrage und Ergebnisse des DLM - Forums. - Brussels, 1996. - S. 227-

" Klimenko S.V., Krokhin I.V., Kushch V.M., Lagutin Yu.L. Electronic documents in

corporate networks. - M., 1999. - P. 266.

identification details, which does not go beyond the existing definition of a document1. :

It seems that today we should treat “electronic” documents in the same way as other technotronic documents, taking into account the specifics of the information carrier in the current rules and instructions. This approach facilitates subsequent issues of archival processing of “electronic documents”: about recording formats and standards, about software and hardware, about information migration, etc.

However main problem electronic documents is to give them legal force. Before the adoption of the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection,” issues of the legal force of documents on computer media and machine data were regulated by GOST 6.10.4-84, which established requirements for the composition and content of the details that give legal force to these documents, as well as the procedure for making changes in these documents2. Currently, many provisions of GOST from the point of view of modern archival science require revision."

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”, when storing, processing and transmitting documents using information and telecommunication systems, the accuracy of information can be confirmed by an electronic digital signature, as well as encryption, creating a reliable system of protection against unauthorized access to documents through building a system for delimiting access rights to information at various levels of the management hierarchy4.

"See: Bachilo I.L. Legal issues of documentation in the conditions of informatization / Op. cit. - P. 13.

: GOST 6.10.4-84 “USD. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions" - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1984.

3 See: Documentation and archival problems of electronic documents. Analytical review / VNIIDAD. - M., 1999. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 10438.

4 Klimenko S., Krokhin I.V., Kushch V.M., Lagutin Yu.L. Decree. Op. - P. 46.

In our opinion, when solving the problem of an electronic document, first of all, one should rely on the basic generic concept of “document”. The type of information carrier, technique and technology for identifying the authenticity of information are changing. An electronic document can have the appropriate legal status, like a document on paper, if guarantees are achieved of the authenticity and immutability of the content of the recorded information, if the content of the document is drawn up in accordance with current laws, standards and rules, including all the necessary details of the document.

At the same time, the emergence of an electronic document poses a number of problems for document scientists and archivists, requiring a whole range of scientific research, training, addition of methodological recommendations, rules and instructions, and raises the question of the transition to maintaining in organizations part of the documentation that is of little value for archival storage in electronic form .

The third chapter, “From office work to documentation management,” examines the development of office work systems, their legal and organizational support from a historical perspective.

This aspect of the problem has been most studied in domestic document science. Some provisions are highlighted to achieve the goals of the dissertation.

Domestic office work, having emerged during the formation of the Russian centralized state, has gone through a long historical path. It developed along with the state, whose needs it served for almost six centuries, and changed along with the transformation of Russian statehood. Political, social and economic government reforms caused corresponding changes in the office management system. In accordance with them, three main stages in the development of office work can be distinguished: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern.

At the first stage, office work arises as a technical management function and is regulated mainly by traditions and experience of office work.

production personnel1. With the adoption of the General Regulations, office work becomes on a legislative basis and acquires uniform forms and work technologies. With the development of the management system, office work covers increasingly large segments of management activity and turns into an independent professional field of activity of the state apparatus. The high efficiency of the General Regulations made it possible to use its main provisions for almost two centuries, during which subsequent public administration reforms introduced only partial changes to the office management system2.

Thus, at the first stage of its development, office work went from the simplest forms of documenting management actions to a system of uniform state office work, from customs and traditions to regulation based on legislation. Having originated as an auxiliary technical activity, office work gradually took a significant place in the work of the administrative apparatus and began to determine the level and quality of management.

At the initial stage of development of Soviet office work, the previous legislative framework was eliminated, which led to the elimination of uniform requirements for office work on the part of the state. The regulation of office work moved to the departmental level, and its improvement became the task of the NK RKI of the USSR and the network of bodies subordinate to it, including the Institute of Management Technology3. During the 1920s, a rationalization principle, supported by the RKI bodies, manifested itself, which led to a whole set of office reforms, mainly based on foreign experience.

1 Ilyushenko MP. History of office work in pre-revolutionary Russia / RGTU. - M., 1993. -P.22-23.

2 Medushevsky A.N. The establishment of absolutism in Russia. - M.: Text, 1994, - p. 54.

3 Kuznetsova T.V. Activities of the Central Control Commission-NK RKI to improve the work of the administrative apparatus // Russian statehood: traditions, continuity, prospects / Russian State University for the Humanities. - M.. 1999. - P. 147-151.

The lack of preparation for these reforms caused the liquidation of the scientific organizations involved in them in the early 1930s. As a result, the rich theoretical and practical experience of reforming office work remained unclaimed for almost forty years.

In the 1930s, office work became the sphere of activity of archival management bodies, which, based on the tasks of preserving documents for archives, provided methodological guidance for the “arrangement of the documentary part of office work.” Archival bodies, having turned out to be the successors of the RKI bodies in improving office work, changed the main direction of rationalization. If the NK RKI considered improving office work as a means of increasing management efficiency, then archival authorities regarded office work as a means of ensuring that archives are equipped with full-fledged documentary complexes.

This methodological contradiction was largely overcome in the 1970s by the development of the Unified State Records Management System (USSD), the opening of the Faculty of State Records Management at MGIAI and the creation of VNIIDAD. From this moment on, archival and management tasks are assessed as equal and equivalent. The Unified State Data Sheet took into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress and found widespread practical application." In the conditions of active penetration of electronic computing technology and modern management methods into the management sphere in the 1970s, the role of office work is changing, it is gradually moving to a higher stage of its development - documentation support for management.

Thus, by the end of the Soviet period of its development, office work rose to a higher level - documentation support for management, was regulated by the Unified State Data Sheet and its modifications, state standards and was provided with organizational and methodological support.

1 Unified state system of office work (Basic provisions). - M: Main Archive of the USSR, 1974.

technical guidance from the Main Archival Directorate under the USSR Council of Ministers and its subordinate bodies vested with the appropriate powers.

The current stage of development of office work is closely connected with the formation of a new Russian statehood, oriented towards the creation of a democratic state governed by the rule of law. Post-Soviet Russia has not abolished previous regulatory documents in the field of office work, thereby ensuring historical continuity and preserving the basis for further rule-making. In a rule-of-law state, the law regulates all relations that are of great importance for the subjects and objects of law. In the development of constitutional norms, Russian legislation has consolidated the foundations of state policy in relation to information and documentation based on the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” and the Fundamentals of Legislation “ About the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives" as an important part of the country's information resource. However, issues related to the functioning of documents in the process of fulfilling the tasks of document support for management processes in organizations remained practically unresolved, in other words, the current legislation does not apply to the field of office work."

In this regard, the chapter substantiates the need to develop a law “On Documentation” (its concept is proposed) and a set of by-laws. The law should become a fundamental regulatory framework that will not only resolve many controversial issues of information and documentation exchange between organizations, but also to a certain extent determine the directions and prospects for the development of document management automation,

Regulation by legislation of the sphere of work with documents and promotion of information among the main resources of management and production.

"Bachilo I.L. Modern legal problems of documenting information // Documentation in the information society: electronic records management and electronic archive / VNIIDAD. - M, 2000. - P. 8.

management, as well as changes in management methods have recently created the preconditions for a transition on a national scale from the understanding of working with documentation as a supporting function to document management as the main management function of any organization. This transition is due not only to the presence of the necessary prerequisites in Russia, but also to global experience, which in the context of the globalization of information processes will have a positive meaning for Russia.

The fourth chapter, “Problems of automation of documentation management,” discusses issues of office automation and documentation support for management.

The first attempt at such a study was made by us in 1982, when the accumulated experience in automating documentation support for management was generalized." Since then, this issue has not been comprehensively considered in the documentation science literature. The study of the patterns and ways of evolution of organizational and technological systems of documentation support for management will make it possible to more effectively solve conceptual problems of advanced research and development in this area.

The initial stage of office automation is closely related to the development of automated control systems in the 1970s. At first, automation affected individual tasks of documentation support for management (registration of documents, control of execution, etc.), and then, with the accumulation of practical experience, deepening scientific research and scientific and technological progress, it began to extend to documentation support as a whole.

The development of automated systems has been a factor for domestic document science, stimulating the expansion of document research and integration with related fields of knowledge: computer science and documentary science. The emergence of new information carriers, methods of recording, reading, storing and retrieving information gave impetus to

1 See: Larin M.V., Mingalev V.S. Modern management documentation systems / MGIAI. - M., 1982.

development of new areas of scientific work. The results of scientific research and accumulated practical experience formed the basis for the idea of ​​​​developing a standard automated document management system. As a result, by the end of the 80s, a draft system was created that was recommended for implementation. This project covered all organizational and technological aspects of working with documents based on the integrated use of organizational and computer technology."

Over the first two decades of automation of preschool educational institutions, domestic document science showed a high level of theoretical and methodological preparedness for solving complex interdisciplinary problems, which made it possible to quickly overcome the path from manual methods of working with documents to building projects of large documentary systems. However, their implementation in practice was hampered by the lack of computer equipment and new information technologies that correspond to the world level.

In modern conditions, the tendency to automate work with documents continues to strengthen. If in the previous period the automation methodology was the centralized development of standard solutions in this area, then in the 90s there was the creation of a market for automated document management systems, diverse both in ideology and in the set of information technologies used2.

In these conditions, standard and well-proven individual technologies serve as the main links in automated document management systems. Modern document management technologies make it possible to put into practice a system of methods and methods for collecting, transferring, accumulating, processing, storing, presenting and using

1 Banasyukevich V. D., Zonov V. M. Typical system of documentation support for the central apparatus of ministries and departments // Soviet archives. - 1986. - No. 4; Archives of VNIIDAD, - 1990. -Case No. 06-09.--L. 13-19.

"Chereshkin D.S., Smolyan G.S. On the strategy of Russia's transition to the information society // Problems of informatization. - 1999. - No. 3. - p. 4; Borzo Zh. Russian IT market in 1999 // Computenvorld. - 1999. - No. 7. - P. 1.7.

formation of information contained in documents on the basis of various technical means, constantly being improved in the course of scientific and technological progress." When using individual technologies and technical devices in document management, attention should be paid to the specific consequences of their use.

The combination of individual information technologies into a system makes it possible to build automated document management systems (ADMS) in organizations. In general, from the point of view of completeness of coverage, information processing technologies can be autonomous, applied and complex. The type of automated control system is determined by the essence of the ideology used (client-server, intranet, workflow, groupware, etc.), as well as the orientation towards existing traditions of office work or the use of fundamentally new solutions.

Despite the abundance of automated control systems in the information market, the issues of their selection, evaluation and classification have not been resolved. The chapter provides a rationale for dividing automated control systems into three classes depending on their functionality and formulates general requirements for them.

First of all, the automated control system must perform all the tasks of documentation support for management in full: preparation of documents, registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements. The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use. The system should also help administrators choose routes for document movement within the organization, ensuring the necessary

1 Organization of work with documents. - M.: Infra, 1998. - P. 335-336.

the highest degree of information protection from unauthorized access. In modern conditions, an automated control system must be capable of expansion by certain components (number of technical devices and technologies, number of documents, volume of information, number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to changing user requirements.

To select the type of automated document management system, it is necessary to develop an appropriate methodology. The paper proposes methods for identifying a group of ASUD parameters and their quantitative and qualitative assessment. The application of this methodology should be supplemented by a state certification system for automated document management systems.

In the fifth chapter, “Methodology of information management in document management,” it is noted that the emergence of information management as a scientific discipline is a pattern caused by at least two important global reasons:

the emergence of the information society has led to the need for practical management to take into account its impact on the activities and development of any organization;

recognition of information as the most important management resource required the creation of an adequate scientific theory of its operation.

Information management, having appeared as part of management theory, quickly acquired a completely independent meaning and took shape as a promising scientific direction in the era of the information society.

An analysis of the literature indicates that a coherent and comprehensive theory of the issue has not yet emerged1. The concept of information management combines the following approaches:

"Perel I.S., Slavin V.N. Information activity abroad and problems of information management. - M, 1992. - P. 42-43; Yanovsky A.M. Information management in business // NTI. Ser. 1. Org. and methodology of information work. - 1997. - P. 7; Kostomarov M.N. Op.

economic, considering the issues of attracting new documented information based on considerations of usefulness and financial costs;

analytical, based on an analysis of user needs for information and communications;

organizational, considering information technologies in their impact on organizational aspects;

systemic, considering information processing on the basis of a holistic, system-oriented, all-encompassing information processing process in an organization and paying special attention to the optimization of communication channels, information, material resources and other costs, work methods.

In the literature on the theory and practice of information management, three subject areas of its application are identified. The first concerns information management from the point of view of the conscious and purposeful integration of “information” into the modern work process; in this case, information is understood as a decisive resource of the enterprise, as a factor of competitiveness and the basis for rationalizing the method of action.

The second subject area extends to the development of special technologies for processing, processing and accumulating information and knowledge (information methodology)1.

The third subject area covers the use of information and communication technologies and their potential, taking into account the above-mentioned subject areas.

What new does the concept of information management bring to document management? With its appearance in the transition period from the industrial to the information society, new opportunities arise for a radical restructuring of management in an organization at the macro level.

1 See: Seeger Th.: Grundbegriffe der Information und Documentation. - Buder M., Rehfeld W., Seeger Th., Strauch D.: Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Documentation. Decree, op. - T. 1. - P. 1-8.

Changes at the macro level entail changes at the micro level, which can be traced in the process of transition from the classical type of organization to an information-oriented organization. P. Drucker wrote about this several years ago: “The enterprise of the not-so-distant future will no longer be what I call an information-based organization. Enterprises, and especially large ones, hardly have any other chance than to become information-oriented”1.

The connection between information management and documentation management is as follows. One of the main information sources in an organization are files and documents related to the activities of the organization. The document management system of an organization is subject to enormous pressure from new information technologies. The pressure is expressed in the need to revise the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic essence of the document and carry out structural and functional transformations of the documentation support system for the management of organizations. The complexity is aggravated by the need for an evolutionary transformation of traditional methods of working with documents into a system focused on new information technologies.

Information management in an organization performs strategic, operational and administrative tasks. Strategic objectives include: creating the organization's information infrastructure and managing information technology. Operational and administrative tasks are of a narrower and subordinate nature2.

The main task of information management is information support for the core activities of the organization. The task of information management from this angle should be seen as

"Drucker P.P. Das Zeitalter der Dirigenten. - Manager Magazin, 1988. H. 7. - S. 102." cm. Grudowskj S. Begriffsverstandnis "Informationsmanagement" als Sichtwort Information und Documentation. Nachrichten fiir Documentation. - 1996. - No. 6. - S. 351-360: Yanovsky A.M. Decree. Op. - P. 8.

integrate individual information structures of the system (documents, files, technologies) created by employees on the basis of a unifying search program and based on offers via the Internet and appropriate marketing of the information resources used.

For information management, the problem is to process the diverse “mass product” offered on the information market into action-relevant information. Therefore, external resources alone are not enough. More important is the transition from external knowledge to knowledge relevant to internal decisions. Thus, information systems must be developed with the help of which it will be possible to qualitatively prepare, store and create conditions for its full implementation.

Based on the general concept of management, it can be noted that information management solves the problems of planning, directing, monitoring and organizing documentation support for managing an organization according to certain target criteria. Information management, therefore, has the task and goal of supporting coordinated organizational and information actions of members of the organization."

The next task of information management is the selection of rational forms of communications, technology and information technologies, as well as the characteristics of information resources necessary to achieve the goals of the organization.

An example of the implementation of this approach is the automated information and communication system (ICS) of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The introduction of ICS makes it possible to ensure the effective activities of deputies, automation of document flow and communication with the outside world through modems and e-mail2.

1 Zahn E., Ruttler M. Ganzheitliches Informatiorismanagement - Informationsmanagement. - Stuttgart, 1990. -S. 9.

2 Nikitov V., Orlov E. Decree. Op. - P. 10.

The fundamental difference between information management and documentation management, documentation support for management and from an automated office work system in the broad sense of the word is that an organization specialist, employee, manager are not just consumers to whom information is supplied, but direct participants in the information process, the most important component information management structures.

The practical implementation of communication processes in the management apparatus is carried out by information management institutes (services) in the form of organizing document flow, non-documentary communications, circulation of document flows within the framework of the intracompany information management system, the functioning of information systems and networks1.

Traditional office work, more advanced documentation support systems, automated document management systems and other automated information processing systems, technical means of information processing are combined into unified system on a common methodological basis under unified leadership. In other words, records management expertise is integrated with engineering and technology capabilities. In this case, a separate component of information management is supported by an appropriate organizational structure.

An analysis of modern Western literature shows that the organizational structure of information management in organizations takes on its own specific form in each individual case. At the same time, according to established theoretical concepts, three main types of information management structure can be distinguished: function-oriented, product-oriented and market-oriented2.

Organizational structures of information management are designed to unite top management, specialists, managers, suppliers

1 Kostomarov M.N. Communications as a medium for implementing information management functions // Secretarial Affairs. - 1998. - No. 4. - P. 58. "See: Wolfram G. Op. cit. - P. 262.

of information and the information management unit itself and thereby create the prerequisites for document management throughout the organization on the basis of modern methodological approaches, organizational and technological solutions.

In conclusion, the main results of the study are summarized.

The main conclusion that follows from the content of the work is the following: the existing forms and methods of working with documentation in organizations within the framework of traditional office work and documentation support for management do not meet modern conditions and lead to a narrowing of resources for replenishing the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation. The global informatization of society, the widespread dissemination of new information and communication technologies, the gradual introduction of market mechanisms and modern management have led to an increased role of information in socio-economic processes and its recognition as the most important strategic resource. Due to the fact that the main part of the information resource is documentation, we believe that at the present stage the necessary prerequisites have matured for the transition to a conceptually new way of working with documents in organizations - document management based on information management methodology. The concept of document management in this work was formed on the basis of the following conclusions.

1. The study of information as a scientific category, knowledge of the laws and patterns of information processes methodologically brings us closer to understanding issues of document management. In the management process, information is transformed from individual information and data into knowledge, on the basis of which most management decisions are made. This transformation is carried out as a result of complex information processes that include the production, circulation and consumption of information.

Information processes take place in information systems - a set of interconnected elements that make up a single whole

(organization). Information, information processes and information systems are integrated into the information infrastructure of the organization, which ensures the achievement of management goals on the basis of the created information resources. According to Russian legislation, information resources include documented information and information technologies, i.e. subject and means of information activities.

With the help of documentation, information acquires the necessary properties and, in the form of documents, plays its main role in management processes, transferring management influences from the object to the subject of management and signaling a reverse reaction. As a result of documentation, information is fixed (fixed) on a medium, acquires legal force, the possibility of identification, and evidence of its authenticity. Thus, the main form of organizing information in management is a document.

2, The document in a broad sense is the object of study of many scientific disciplines. However, the term itself has not yet received a generally accepted interdisciplinary definition. It is obvious that the document has general fundamental properties and may have specific features and characteristics depending on its purpose and scope of application.

There are three main essential approaches to formulating the concept of a document: as a material object; as a carrier of information; as documented information. For a long time, the dominance of the term belonged to the bearer. The modern understanding of a document brings to the fore the information component of the document and its legal support, which makes it possible to identify the document in the process of its functioning. Including a legal component in understanding a document allows you to implement the concept of document management at all stages of its life cycle.

The dissertation determined that the main function of a management document is to ensure the purposeful activities of organizations. Along with this, the management document also retains general functions that are important from the point of view of its existence in society: information, communication, social, cultural, legal and the function of a historical source. At different stages of the document’s life cycle, one or another of its functions is updated. In the processes of operational management (the active stage of a document’s life), information, communication and legal functions are of greatest importance.

So, the functioning of a document in an organization places special demands on it: recording information on a tangible medium and the presence of identification features of information. Thus, from a document management point of view, a management document differs from the concepts of a document in related disciplines, which do not impose such strict requirements on it.

3. For a management document, the information carrier is essential. Document information carriers change with technological progress. With the development of new information technologies, so-called electronic documents appear, the storage media of which are fundamentally different from “paper” ones. A person is able to perceive an electronic document only with the help of special technological procedures and software. Electronic documents have a physical and logical structure that does not coincide with previous ideas about a document as a rigid, unchangeable structure of information and its carrier.

As a relatively new phenomenon, an electronic document has not yet received a stable and universally accepted definition. Attempts by some specialists to present electronic documents as something completely new and not falling under the understanding of a document that has been formed in document science do not seem convincing. Conducted in the dissertation ana-

Liz proves that an electronic document methodologically does not go beyond the document understanding of the document. It has all the signs and essential characteristics of a document, has the appropriate functions, and therefore can be included in management processes on the same basis as other technotronic documents.

At the same time, there are certainly specifics of electronic documents, especially in terms of legal force, authenticity, storage methods, the use of open formats and recording standards for the exchange of electronic documents. In this case, the legal justification for authenticating electronic documents using an electronic digital signature or using a system of agreements between participants in the electronic exchange of information becomes important. A comprehensive scientific solution to these problems, in our opinion, is one of the most pressing tasks of document science and archival science.

4. Management documents perform their tasks and functions in accordance with certain rules established by office work. Office work, having emerged along with the state and reflecting the main trends and paradigms of its transformations, goes through a number of historical stages. In document science, there are three main stages in the development of office work: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern. At each of these stages, office work was distinguished by certain specifics and special characteristics.

In the pre-revolutionary period of its development, office work has come a long way from the emergence of the simplest forms of documenting management in the Russian centralized state to office work regulated in detail by the laws of the Russian Empire as an integral part of public administration.

Soviet office work, serving the administrative-command system, was influenced by two main organizational factors. Methodological management of office work from the outside

bodies of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate in the 1920s determined the place of office work as an area of ​​activity on which the improvement of the work of the management apparatus depended. The subsequent transition of office work to the jurisdiction of archival authorities modified its main task: it became the streamlining of the documentary part of office work in order to qualitatively form the country's archival fund. Only at the turn of the 60-70s came the understanding of the commonality of these approaches, as a result of which it became possible creation A unified state records management system, which was aimed at solving the problems of unified management of documented information and preservation of the state's documentary fund.

Further research into the history of office work clearly proves that by the 1980s, in the context of the onset of the scientific and technological revolution, office work in its traditional form was unable to provide modern management of the necessary information concentrated in documents. It became obvious that the sphere of office work should cover not individual systems, but all management documentation of organizations, that it should include issues of documentation and document management, that it is necessary to build information retrieval systems based on documents of organizations, with their further use in archives, that management functions and the documentation that supports them are mutually dependent. As a practical result of this understanding, office work is almost universally replaced by a new concept - “documentation support for management.”

5. At the present stage of development of the Russian state, the problems of documentation support for management occupy an important place in the processes of formation of a new system of social relations on the basis of general legal norms and in the conditions of a change in the paradigm of management activities. The departure from the administrative-command system and the adoption of socio-economic management methods make new demands on

the field of documentation support for this activity. The preservation of the validity of the previous normative documents regulating office work ensured the continuity of the forms and methods of work of the management apparatus with documents during the transition period. However, at present, it is necessary to create fundamentally new methodological foundations for documenting the activities of organizations, first of all, full-fledged legal support. As the research and current practice show, the field of documentation in modern conditions suffers from many shortcomings, which are expressed in the low quality of work with documents, the imperfection of the current document management system, the lag of document management developments of a normative and methodological nature from the pace of development of information technology, the absence of uniform requirements for document flow “vertically” and “horizontally” of public administration.

At the same time, there is a systemic complication of documentation support for management due to the accelerated development and active penetration of new information technologies into it, saturation with modern technology, the emergence of new information carriers and their rapid updating, and automated documentation management systems are being improved.

Over more than thirty years of history, automation of office work and documentation management has gone from local projects to system solutions covering document management processes and their complexes in individual organizations, corporations and sectors of public administration. A market for information technologies and information services has formed, which allows you to select, using the methodology developed in the dissertation, the optimal option for an automated document management system.

Under these conditions, the prerequisites have matured for a departure from the traditional primacy of office work, from the classical division of documentation “according to

"stems" and the transition to the creation of highly effective, using modern scientific and technical achievements, management systems for the full range of information and documentation resources at all stages of the document life cycle in achieving strategic and operational management goals in any organization, especially in public administration. Such a system is called documentation management, which is based on the principles of economy, efficiency and the widespread use of new information technologies that provide high-quality management in relation to documentation as a management resource and allow taking into account the integration trends that dominate the social process.

6. Documentation management needs strengthening of legal support. Due to the fact that there has been a sharp increase in the legal component of office work and documents in general, it is necessary to develop a Federal Law “On Documentation”, which should normatively establish the boundaries of the rights and responsibilities of the state in relation to documentation management in the social and national economic spheres, and outline the contours of state policy in relation to documentation, resolve legal issues of organizing document flow between management bodies along the vertical executive branch and horizontal connections, introduce norms that make it possible to unify the requirements for software, technological and hardware used in public administration, regulate the documentation of relations between citizens and the state, determine responsibility organizations for documenting their activities in the manner established by the state.

State policy in the field of documentation management, in our opinion, should be aimed at reducing the volume of document circulation, unifying documentation systems, formulating requirements for management documents, and documentation rules. Documentation Law

must be supported by a set of by-laws of an instructive and methodological nature.

It is advisable to assign issues of document management in the country to the federal archival management body. Archival authorities, as world and domestic experience shows, are most prepared to perform such a functional task and are interested in it. The modern tasks, functions and powers of Rosarkhiv should be significantly expanded.

Since documentation management is an interdepartmental problem, it seems appropriate to create an Interdepartmental Commission under Rosarkhive as an expert advisory body to consider problems of documentation management, coordinate scientific and methodological activities, develop recommendations and proposals for improving documentation management in the Russian Federation.

7. Recently, the tasks of streamlining and regulating the maintenance of documentation on non-traditional media, which are still being solved empirically in individual institutions and organizations, and are practically not regulated by national regulations, have recently become increasingly important. First of all, we are talking about the so-called “electronic document flow”, the lack of regulation of which by relevant legal acts and technical and technological regulations causes practitioners, including archivists, great concern and dissatisfaction with the low level of theoretical and methodological elaboration. In particular, the issues of legal attribution of electronic documents have not been resolved.

8. Practical work on building modern documentation management systems in organizations is proposed to be carried out using information management methodology. Information management in the scientific sense includes the achievements of several related disciplines that are related to information management in various aspects.

tion in modern organizations. The use of information management allows in practice to move to an information-oriented type of organization characteristic of the information society. Information management as a new methodology for building a documentation management system as a system-forming link in the new paradigm is of fundamental importance for organizations and, as a meta-concept, has significant integrating potential.

The use of information management methodology will allow solving many issues of the theory and practice of document management in modern organizations, which are separated by barriers not only between professional fields, but also by the equipment and technologies used, determined by traditions and poor quality management. A unified methodology will allow integrating documentation and information into a common information resource and building an effectively operating information infrastructure of the organization based on arrays of documents and information (information resources), information technologies, means of communication and qualified personnel in order to achieve effective documentation support for management processes at the lowest cost. Objective conditions for the transition to the application of information management methodology in modern Russian organizations have already been created. Its practical implementation will make it possible to more effectively carry out the ongoing reform of public administration in the Russian Federation, improve the use of information resources of management documentation, and apply modern scientific achievements to improve the quality of documentation management in organizations.

1. Document management and new information technologies. - M: Scientific book, 1998. - 137 p.

2. Information management in modern management structures: Method, recommendations / VNIIDAD. - M., 1997. - 48 p. - Co-authored.

3. Development of organizational forms of rationalization of managerial work and office work in the USSR: Textbook. special course manual. Part 1 / MGIAI.

M., 1982. - 78 p. . . .

4. Organization of work with documents: Textbook, M.: INFRA, - 1998.

5. Journal periodicals of the 1920s on the rationalization of managerial work and office work: Textbook. manual for a special course / MGIAI. - M., 1981. - 83 p. Co-authored.

6. Rationalization of managerial work and office work in periodicals of the 1920s: Proc. manual for a special course / MGIAI. - M., 1982. - 77 p.

7. Modern systems of documentation support for management: Textbook. manual / MGIAI, - M., 1982. - 99 p. - Co-authored.

8. Matrix and graphical modeling in organizational design: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1986. - 88 p. - Co-authored.

9. Organization of managerial work in government institutions: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1986. - 165 p. - Co-authored.

10. Special documentation systems: Textbook. - M.: Economics, 1989. - 143 p. - Co-authored.

11. Rationalization of office work in the Board of the Moscow-Kazan Railway. in 1923-1925 // Current issues in the methodology of document management and archival science / MGIAI. - M., 1976. - P. 147-154.

12. Documents on the activities of departmental bodies for the rationalization of the state apparatus in the 1920s // Sov. archives. - 1977. - No. 4. - P. 68-72.

13. Magazine “Bulletin of Railways” (1918-1926) on the rationalization of management and office work // Some issues of historiography and source study of the history of the USSR: Collection. Art. / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - P. 71-88.

14. Experience in developing an adaptable automated system for documentation support of ministries and departments // Problems of information support for fundamental and applied scientific research in the light of the decisions of the XXVI Congress of the CPSU: Abstracts. report and message All-Union conf. - M., 1982.-4.2. - pp. 115-118. - Co-authored.

15. Automation of documentation support for management: Abstracts // Scientific developments in the service of the economy: Abstracts. report scientific-practical conf. June 21, 1983 - M., 1983. - P. 94-96.

16. On the use of historical experience in organizing work to improve managerial work in government institutions // Current issues in the organization of labor in government institutions: Interuniversity. Sat. / MGIAI. - M., 1983. - P. 123-133.

17. Experience in developing an automated system for operational information and control of execution // Issues of information services / MGIAI. - M., 1983. - P. 153-157. - Co-authored.

18. On the question of the formation and development of a socialist culture of management (1917-1941) // Spiritual potential of the USSR on the eve of the Great

Patriotic War. From the history of Soviet culture. 1917-1941: Sat. Art. / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of History. - M., 1985. - P. 7-22.

19. Experience and main problems of creating an automated document management system // Scientific organization of management work in the apparatus of ministries and departments / MGIAI. - M., 1985. -S. 173-179.

20. Automation of document preparation based on automated workstations // Experience in developing an employee’s workstation: Interuniversity. Sat. / MGIAI. - M., 1985. - P. 54-60. - Co-authored.

21. From the experience of rationalizing management in departments // Development of a system of planned economic management: Coll. abstract All-Union seminar July 26-28, 1986 - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1986; -WITH. 72-73.

22. Some problems of information culture of managerial work // Soviet culture: 70 years of development. - M.: Nauka, 1987. - P. 198-203.

23. Decentralization: the experience of the 1920s in decentralizing management: Theses // Democratization of public production management (materials of the All-Union Symposium). - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1989. - P. 79-80.

24. Management reconstruction: Problems of MIS computers. - Proceedings of International IFIP-HUB-Conference on Information System, Work and organization design. - Working Group 2. - Berlin, GDR, July 10-13, 1989. - pp. 40-41. - English language

25. Unification of documents in departments: experience of the 1920s. // Unification of documentation systems: history, current state, prospects / VNIIDAD. - M., 1989. - P. 79-89.

26. The new legislation on the archival fond and archives in Russia. - XVI. Pos-vetovanie sodobni arhiv"94. - Maribor, 1994. - pp. 71-74. - English.

27. All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Documentation and Archival Matter and its issues in the records management sphere. - Informationsver-mittlungsstellen als Kern des internen Informationsmanagements. Proceedings des 18. Internationalen Kolloguiums uber Information und Documentation. - Oberhof, 1994. - pp. 177-181. - English language

28. VNIIDAD in the system of institutions of the State Archive Service of Russia: problems of development of scientific research and methodological work // Current problems of archival management and economic activity of archival institutions of Russia: Materials of scientific and practical work. Conf., 3 Oct. 1993, Moscow / GAS Russia. - M., 1994. - P. 185-190.

29. Archival school of Marburg//Otech. archives. - 1994. - No. 3. - P. 108-111.

30. Das Documentationssystem in Rusland. - Proceedings des deutschen Dokumentartag 1994 “Informations und Dokumentenmanagement”. Universitat Trier, 27-30.09.1994. -- S. 171-174. - German. language

31. Information resource management as a tool for the convergence of social technologies // Problems of management theory and practice. - 1994.- No. 5. - P. 91-97. - Co-authored.

32. Die Erstellung organisatorisch - funkzioneller Modelle in russischen Archiven. - ATLANTI, MARIBOR. - 1995. - pp. 125-128. - German. language

33. About the project of informatization of archival affairs in Russia // Informatics and Computer Science. - 1995. - P. 24-26. - Co-authored.

34. Information management and documentation management // Document in administrative structures: Abstract. report and performances at the International conf. 27-28 Oct. 1994 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995. - P. 21-33.

35. Information management in the management structures of a market economy // Document in administrative structures. Abstract. report and performances at the International conf. 27-28 Oct. 1994 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995.- P. 124-131. - Co-authored.

36. On the concept of the system of documentation support for public administration in the Russian Federation // Materials of the NTI-95 conference. 19-20 Oct. 1995 / VINITI. - M., 1995. - P. 85-90.

37. Rusland - der Westen: Einige Integrationsprobleme neuer Informationstech-nologien im Bereich des Dokumentenmanagements. - Deutscher Dokumen-tartag 1995. Proceedings. DGD, Frankfurt am Main, 1995. - S. 345-352. - German. language

38. To the 30th anniversary of VNIIDAD. Scientific activities of the institute // Otech. archives. - 1996. - No. 1. - P. 3-12.

39. On scientific and information support for the development of management decisions // Management in archival affairs. Federal, regional and municipal archives. Archivist as a civil servant: Materials of the international. seminar March 21-23, 1995, Moscow / GAS Russia. - M., 1995. -S. 116-120.

40. Computers in Archives: Some Aspects of Social and Psychological Adaptation of Archivists. ATLANTI N 6, Maribor, 1996. - pp. 99-101. - English language

41. Intellectualization of information management of an investment project // Intelligent systems: Tr. Second Intl. in-ta. - M.: RUDNPAIMS, 1996. - T. 2. - P. 267-269. - Co-authored.

42. The main stages of the development of office work in Russia // Studsh apxisnoi for document knowledge / UGNIIADD. - KTV, 1996. - T. 1. - P. 77-84.

43. Electronic documents and archives: the situation in the Russian Federation. - Proceeding of the DLM-Forum on elektronic records. Brussels, 18-20 December 1996. European Communites, 1997. - P. 238-242. - English, German, French language

44. Forum on electronic documents // Otech. archives. - 1997. - No. 2. - P. 100-101.

45. On the directions of research in the field of document management and documentation management // Vest, archivist, 1997. - No. 3 (39). - P. 27-35. - Co-authored.

46. ​​Documentation und Schriftgutverwaltung in Russland: Eine neue Qualitat ist notig. - Information und Documentation: Qualitat und Qualifikation. Deutscher Dokumentartag "97, DGD, 1997. - S. 15-22. - German.

47. System-functional concept of information management of an investment project // Information technologies. - 1997. - No. 6. - P. 35-38. - Co-authored.

48. Documentation support and information management // Office work. - 1997. - No. 2/1. - pp. 14-19.

49. Die Auswirkung neuer Informationstechnologien auf die Archivbenutrung in RuBland - ATLANTI. 1988. - No. 8. - P. 45^9. - German. language

50. Development of a state system of documentation support for management is an urgent task // Records management. - 1998. - No. 1.

51. Document management. Problems of normative and methodological regulation // Office work. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 5-8. - Co-authored.

52. Problems of creating a unified information and archival space in the CIS. The Common archival Heritage of states and Nations of central and Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference. Golawice, October 22-24, 1997. -Warszawa, 1998. -C. 121-123.

53. 30 years of VNIIDAD // Archaeographic Yearbook for 1996. - M.: Nauka, 1998. - P. 49-56. - Co-authored.

54. Documentation science was formed in the depths of archival affairs // Personnel Service. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 31-36.

55. Die Anwendung von neuen Informationstechnologien bei der Gestaltung des Fmdmittelsystems in den Staatsarchiven Russlands. ATLANTI, 1999. - No. 9.

pp. 110-113. - German. language

56. Information as a management resource // Personnel Service. - 1999. - No. 5.

57. From information to knowledge management // Personnel Service. - 1999. - No. 6. -WITH. 38-41.

58. Legislative regulation of documentation support for management in the Russian Federation // Russian statehood: traditions, continuity, prospects: Materials of the II Readings in memory of prof. T.P. Korzhikhina May 26-27, 1999 / Russian State University for the Humanities. - M., 1999. - P. 307-312.

59. Information management in the organization // Personnel Service. - 1999.

- No. 9. -WITH. 37-42.

60. Means of information transmission // Personnel Service. - 1999. - No. 10. - P. 42-45.

61. The level is set by ASUD // Personnel Service. - 1999. - No. 11. - S, 51-58.

62. All-Russian Scientific-Advanced Institute of Documentation Science and apxieHoi poisoning on the inter1 pillar // Student for Documentation Science / UGNIIADD. - Kshv, 1999. - T. 4. - P. 172-174. -Ukr. language

63. Einige theoretische und praktische Probleme der Archivierung von elektroni-schen Aufzeichnungen in Russland. - Nachrichten fur Documentation, 1999.

- No. 6. - S. 493^96. - German. language

64. Richtlinien fur die Proektierung und Einsetzung von archivischen Software Systemen in Russland - ATLANTI, vol. 10, No. 1, Maribor, Slovenia, 2000. - pp. 47-53. - German. language

65. Problems of automation of documentation management in modern organizations // Document. Archive. Story. Modernity: Materials for practical studies. conf. April 20-22 2000, Ekaterinburg. - Ekaterinburg, 2000. - Part 1. - pp. 15-19.

66. Development of the concept of “document” // Office work. - 2000. - No. 1, - P. 5-9.

Human resource management 2. Life cycle organizations 1. Basic approaches to management staff Control staff - one...; rules for the protection of trade secrets and technical documentation. 3. Remuneration: standards and forms of payment...

  • Organization and technology of documentation support CJSC "Construction Company "Druzhba" Thesis


    1999. No. 4. pp. 56-59. Larin M.V. Controldocumentation V organizations(problems of history and methodology). Doctor's dissertation... PRIOR, 2001. 12 Larin M.V. Controldocumentation V organizations(problems of history and methodology). Dissertation...

  • A short guide to the collections of the Documentation Center for Public Organizations

    Internet directory

    control archives of the Sverdlovsk region government agency center documentation public organizations Sverdlovsk... Center documentation public organizations Sverdlovsk region. // Archives of the Urals: Popular Science Magazine/ Control ...

  • The book examines the theory and practice of document management in organizations using information management methodology. Issues of the history and current state of office work, the relationship between documentation management and information management are explored, new information technologies are considered in relation to documentation management, issues of its automation and design.

    The book is intended for scientists and specialists in the field of documentation management and can be used as a teaching aid for students of document management specialties.

    B B K 65.050.

    About M.V. Larin. 200 ISBN 5-7671-0026 CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1. Documented information as a management resource

    1.1. The role of information in management

    1.2. Information infrastructure of the organization

    1.3. Information resources of organizations Chapter 2. Some problems in the evolution of management documents

    2.1. Development of the concept of “document”

    2.2. Management documentation

    2.3. Electronic documentation Chapter 3. From office work to document management

    3.1. Periodization of the history of domestic office work and the pre-revolutionary stage of its development

    3.2. Soviet office work

    3.3. Modern legislative and regulatory framework for documentation support of management

    3.4. Document management Chapter 4. Problems of document management automation

    4.1. Automation of documentation support for management in the 70-80s

    4.2. Modern conditions and prerequisites for the development of automated document management systems

    4.3. Problems of systematization, selection and evaluation of automated management systems

    –  –  –

    The creation in our country of a rule-of-law state with effectively functioning institutions of representative, executive, judicial authorities, production, science and education is associated not only with the adoption of the legal foundations of their activities, but also with the formation of rational, specific rules and procedures for their functioning, including in the field working with documents.

    The continuous growth of documentation volumes throughout the world, the increasingly widespread use of electronic computer technology in information processing, the use of non-paper media and other objective factors lead specialists to the conclusion that it is necessary to search for opportunities to master and manage documented information.

    Documented information forms the basis of management; its effectiveness is largely based on the production and consumption of information. In the conditions of modern society, information has become a full-fledged resource of production, a reliable weapon of competition in all spheres of economic activity, and an important element of the social and political life of society. The quality of information determines the quality of management, since information, like a circulatory system, permeates all control organs, providing them with energy potential and setting them into purposeful movement.

    Information, as is known, is concentrated in documents that give information an organizational form, move it in time and space; it is documents and documentary information that underlie management decisions and are their material embodiment, provide legal force and thereby contribute to their unconditional execution.

    The problems of documenting management and organizing its documentation support are as ancient as the documents and management themselves. However, under the influence of various factors, especially under the influence of scientific and technological progress, we are forced to return to this topic again and again. Currently, this problem is being updated by the rapid development of new information technologies and the accelerated informatization of society.

    These processes pose a number of questions to document scientists that require immediate answers. The first of them is how document science should change as a scientific discipline that studies documents in the context of the globalization of world information processes. The second is how new information technologies affect the situation in the practical sphere of working with documents. The third is how correct were our previous ideas about the subject under study and what are the trends in its development in the near future, what strategic goals should be put forward in the field of documentation management and what tactical schemes should be implemented to solve current practical problems in this area.

    Of course, the questions raised require the combined efforts of domestic document experts and cannot be fully resolved in a separate work. Focusing our attention on the problem of document management in organizations, we have chosen a current direction of scientific research that has theoretical and practical significance.

    It must be recognized that in “pre-reform” conditions, document management adequately provided management structures with normative and methodological developments and actively used the capabilities of existing information systems.

    Currently in Russia there is a contradictory situation in the field of documentation management. On the one hand, previously adopted organizational and methodological documents are outdated: the state system of documentation support for management and other standards that were developed by scientists and specialists in the 70-80s. There is an outflow of personnel (especially young people) from the field of scientific research in the field of document management and archival science for various reasons, including the lack of appropriate funding. Attention to training and advanced training of documentation support services workers has decreased, and there is a lack of modern educational and methodological literature on these issues. There has been a certain stagnation in scientific research on document management issues; disunity is visible in the work of educational institutions that produce qualified specialists and scientific organizations. To a large extent, the situation was influenced by the renewal of the staff, the departure from established document management traditions, and the loss of the achieved level of culture of working with documents.

    On the other hand, due to the penetration of new equipment and new technologies into management, there is a change in the structure of document flow. A change in the economic foundations of society leads to a transformation in the value of certain types of documents and their role in the management process. However, these changes are poorly taken into account by management documentation systems in organizations where outdated rules and standards continue to apply.

    To strengthen Russian statehood, and, consequently, the civil service, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of zones of stability and efficiency of management activities. In our opinion, the rational organization of documentation management can serve as one of the important support points for strengthening the state apparatus and an essential element of its stability.

    Therefore, the problem of document management can be considered urgent, caused by the need for active, targeted formation of information resources that meet the needs of organizations. Research into the capabilities of modern information technologies from the point of view of their use in document management is extremely important for modern document management. It is necessary to analyze the accumulated achievements in the field of theory and practice of document management, identify trends in their further development and obtain new scientific results on this basis.

    The choice of the topic of this study was determined by several factors:

    firstly, the presence of a social order of society, associated with the need to streamline the documentary environment in the field of management, primarily state;

    secondly, the need for the state archival service to deeply study the interrelated problems of archival science and document management in order to transform them into applied scientific developments;

    thirdly, by growing interest in the informatization of Russia and ways of its entry into the global information space, including in the field of documentation management.

    Solving the problem of document management in modern conditions, in our opinion, will make it possible to purposefully form the information resources of organizations, ensure their effective functioning, and also provide consumers with access to information resources with the least amount of time, labor and money.

    Assessing the degree of development and study of the topic, it should be noted that the issues of documentation management in the domestic literature have not been raised as independent issues until now. Therefore, the historiography of the problem is very poor.

    Only in some works by A.N. Sokova can see attempts to introduce documentation management as a subject of study in terms of production: as a reflection of foreign experience and a promising direction for the development of domestic document management and office organization 1.

    Meanwhile, in developed countries, which have long passed the stage of “initial accumulation” of computer technology and communications, in a society that is now characterized as “post-industrial” or “information”, more and more attention is being paid to the development of documentation management problems. This trend especially manifested itself in the late 70s, when it became obvious that computers (including personal computers) do not lead to the creation of “paperless offices”, but, on the contrary, increase the volume of paper document flow.

    Under these conditions, Western scientists have focused their attention on the scientific aspects of records management and have intensified research in this area of ​​knowledge and administrative activities. Through UNESCO and other international organizations, efforts were even made to coordinate the work of scientists from different countries in this direction, which yielded theoretical and practical results. The final report on the RAMP program (author J. Rhodes) describes records management as an overall management function covering the work with records in organizations at all stages of their life cycle 2.

    A study of the works of Western, primarily American and German specialists shows that even among them there is no complete unity in the understanding of documentation management as a scientific category. However, most scientists are inclined to recognize documentation management as a full-fledged function of organizational management, an information resource (F. Horton, K. Lennon, A. Mordell, A. Ricks, K. Har, D. McLeod, J. Summerville, D. Stephens, etc. ) 3. It is important to emphasize that many scientists and specialists Sokova A.N. Documentation management abroad (scientific and analytical review) - All-Union scientific and practical conference on the topic “Organizational and legal issues of creating documents using computer technology and using them in the national economy”: Abstract. report - M.: 1984. - CIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD, No. Br. 2081, pp. 120-158; It's her. Business documentation in the field of management. - M.: Knowledge, 1985, etc.

    Rhodes J. The role of archives and records management in national information systems. Per. from English V.N. Garmash. - SIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, - No. 1064 “p”. 1989.

    Horton F.A., Lennon K. Documentation management and information management, what is the relationship between them in our time. Per. from English V.N. Garmash. - SIF OTSNTI VNIIDAD, No. 1196 “p”, p. 5, 6; Mordel A. New program for managing UK government records. - SIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD. No. 894 "p"; Har K., McLeod J. Document management in the information age. Per. from English V.N. Garmash. - SIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD. - 8 students understand the importance of the interaction between documentation management and information management in organizations, evaluating documentation as the most important component of an organization's information resources.

    Based on this assessment, there is a requirement for a deeper use of new information technologies in working with documentation and the inclusion of documentation management structures in the general infrastructure of organizations 1. A distinctive feature of the research of Western specialists is their focus on eliminating the technological and organizational gap between office work and departmental storage of documents.

    It is obvious that Russia has its own traditions in the field of working with documents and direct borrowing of Western experience and Western approaches is impossible. That is why we turned to studying the problems of the evolution of domestic documentation and the development of office work in Russia, with the goal of assessing the achieved level of organization of work with documents and the degree of originality of national traditions in this to resolve the issue of the possibility of applying the basic principles and methods of document management.

    Domestic document management has currently accumulated a significant amount of knowledge, reflected in published monographs, collections of scientific works of MGIAI and VNIIDAD, collections of articles, educational and methodological manuals, materials of conferences and other scientific events. Unfortunately, there are still no major monographic studies. Published works are predominantly in the nature of textbooks and teaching aids (works by Andreeva V.I., Kuznetsova T.V., Livshits Ya.Z., Mityaev K.G., Mingalev V.S., Pshenko A.V., Sokova A.N., team of authors of the Department of Document Management and Documentation Support of Management of the State University of Management)3. It should be noted that in some cases educational No. 1241 “p”. 1998. P. 6; Summerville J.R. Document management: “What's new.” - Per. from English Zolotukhina I.G. - SIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD. - No. 1159 "p". 1994. P. 4.

    Menne-Haritz A. Dokumentenverwaltungsysteme und offentliche Verwaltung: wo ist der Sand im Getriebe? - Deutscher Dokumentartag. 1994. Proceedings, DGD, 1994.

    pp. 11-38; MacDonald D. Document management in a modern institution.

    SIF OCNTI VNIIDAD. - No. 1220 “p”; Roberge M. In the era of information - global systemic and systematized management of administrative information. - SIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD. - No. 1144 “p”, etc.

    Hives Cr. Management of documentation, information and archives in companies. - CIF OCNTI VNIIDAD, No. 889 “p”; Horton F., Lennon K. Decree. op.; Ricks A. Records management as an archival function. - SIF OTsNTI VNIIDAD. - No. 946 “p”, etc.

    Livshits Ya.Z. Documentation support for management. - M.: Knowledge, 1975.

    64 s; Kuznetsova TV., Stepanov E.A., Filippov N.G. Office work and technical manuals, especially those published in the 70-80s, can serve as research literature, since they reflect the results of the scientific work of their authors. It is no secret that difficulties with the publication of monographic works forced scientists to resort to such a form of publishing scientific research as textbooks for special courses. Nevertheless, the creation of monographic works on document management still remains an urgent task.

    The works of K.G. are of fundamental importance for the development of the research topic. Mityaev, who first proposed the term “document management” and made a great theoretical and practical contribution to the development of document management as a scientific discipline. In textbooks, articles, and speeches at conferences, he outlined the main provisions on the tasks of document management, documentation systems, and document functions, which were then developed and supplemented. Textbook by K.G. Mityaev is still a conceptual study that is relevant in a number of ways today 1.

    K.G. Mityaev for the first time systematically outlined the history of office work in pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR, highlighting the main periods of its development, the specifics of various types of office work, showing the relationship of office work with the corresponding systems for building the state apparatus, the interdependence of the development of office work and archival affairs 2.

    Subsequent textbooks of the Historical and Archival Institute basically only increased the volume of material presented and the documentation: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Higher. school, 1991. - 159 p.; Sokova A.N. Business documentation in the field of management. - M.: Knowledge, 1985. - 64 p.; Mingalev B.S. General patterns and trends in document generation in socio-economic management systems. (Problems of studying): Proc.

    allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1983. - 83 p.; Larin M.V., Mingalev V.S. Modern systems of documentation support for management: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI.

    M., 1982. - 99 p.; Andreeva V.I. Office work: Requirements for the company's document flow (based on GOSTs of the Russian Federation). - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: JSC Business School "Intel-Sintez", 1996. - 222 p.; Pshenko A.V. Office work and basic regulatory requirements for documents: Proc. allowance. M.: YuK MSU, 1994; Organization of work with documents: Textbook / State. Management Academy.

    M.: Infra-M, 1998; Office work (organization and technology of documentation support for management): Textbook / Ed. T.V. Kuznetsova. - M.:

    UNITY-DANA, 2000. - 359 pp., etc.

    Mityaev K.G. History and organization of office work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1959. - 359 p.

    Mityaev K.G. Theory and practice of archiving: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1946. - 248 p.; It's him. History and organization of office work in the USSR. Decree.

    op.; It's him. Documentation, its tasks and development prospects // Questions of archival science. - 1964. - No. 2, etc.

    10 on the history of office work, expanding the chronological scope of the period covered 1.

    At the same time, in the 70-80s, textbooks appeared that presented the results of scientific research by T.V. Kuznetsova, Ya.Z. Livshitsa, M.P. Ilyushenko and other scientists who develop document management as a scientific discipline and reflect issues of document terminology and documentation systems, document functions and their development, the role of documentation in management processes 2. In some works, document management issues fundamental for document management are raised, problems of the influence of electronic computer technology are considered for office work 3.

    It is impossible not to note the work of VNIIDAD scientists, who, since the establishment of the institute in 1966, have consistently solved the problems of document management, organization of office work and documentation support for management, and automation of work with documents.

    A significant contribution to the study of the main categories of document management was made by A.S. Malitikov, V.D. Banasyukevich, K.I. Rudelson and other scientists 4.

    In the last decade, unfortunately, the balance between theoretical research and methodological developments has been disrupted in favor of the latter. This is evidenced by a large number of methodological aids and manuals for office workers. History of office work in the USSR: Textbook. allowance / Ed. YAZ. Livshitsa, V.A. Tsikulina / MGIAI. - M., 1974. 170 p.; Ilyushenko MP. History of office work in pre-revolutionary Russia / Russian State University for the Humanities. - M., 1993.

    Ilyushenko M.P., Kuznetsova T.V., Livshits YaZ., Tsikulin V.A. Documentation systems: Textbook. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 87 p.; Ilyushenko MP., Kuznetsova T.V., Livshits Ya.Z. Documentation / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 83 p.; Ilyushenko MP., Kuznetsova T.V. Document form / MGIAI. - M., 1986. - 86 p.; Kuznetsova TV., Losev V.I. Management documentation. - M.: Economics, 1985, etc.

    Mingalev B.S. General patterns and trends in document generation in socio-economic management systems. (Problems of studying): Proc. allowance / MGIAI. - M., 1983; Larin M.V., Mingalev V.S. Modern management documentation systems / MGIAI. - M., 1982, etc.

    Malitikov A.S. Tasks and organizational ways of developing a Unified State Record Management System for institutions, organizations and enterprises // Issues of archival science.

    1965. - No. 1; His own. Some issues of the organization and content of scientific work in the field of EGSD // Proceedings of VNIIDAD / VNIIDAD. - M., 1971. - T. 2; Banasyukevich V.D., Sokova A.N. Issues of formation of the theory of document management // Development of Soviet document management (1917-1981) / VNIIDAD. - M., 1983; Banasyukevich V.D., Zonov V.M. Standard system of documentation support for the central apparatus of ministries and departments // Soviet archives. - M., 1986. - No. 4; Rudelson K.I. Modern document classifications. - M.: Nauka, 1973, etc.

    productions, which mainly interpret the accumulated scientific and methodological potential of document management in a form accessible to practitioners. However, some of them contain valuable observations and thoughts, especially regarding the creation of institutional systems for document management support and the integrated use of computer technologies. Among these publications, we should highlight the work of T.V. Kuznetsova 3.

    A significant contribution to the development of document science is the doctoral and master's theses defended at MGIAI and VNIIDAD, which are also important for this study. It is worth highlighting the doctoral dissertation of A.N. Sokova 4, in which for the first time after K.G. Mityaev makes a successful attempt to formulate some areas of the theory of document management in conditions when new information technologies begin to be introduced into practice.

    Candidate's dissertations, as a rule, examine certain aspects of the theory and practice of document management. Among the most developed are the issues of the history of document management and office work of the Soviet period of national history (works by Andreeva V.I., Baginsky I.M., Banasyukevich V.D., Bobyleva M.P., Dodonova M.I., Kostomarov M.N. ., Kremera B.I., Kuzmicheva A.D., Larina M.V., Podolskaya I.A., Raichtsauma A.L., Solsky D.I., Tamm I.E., etc.) 5.

    See, for example: Handbook of Business Correspondence. - M.: Mezhregionservis, 1996; Stenyukov MB., Office work in a small enterprise. M.: Prior, 1999 - 224 p.; Pechnikova T.V., Pechnikova A.V. Documentation support for the organization's activities: Textbook. manual / Association of Authors and Publishers “Tandem”. - M.: Ekmov Publishing House, 1998. - 208 p.; Kuznetsova T.V. Secretarial work. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional / JSC "Business School". - M.: Intel-Sintez, 1998. - 288 p.

    Kuznetsov S.L., Office work on a computer. - M.: Intel-Sintez, 1999. - 208 p.; Kirsanova M.B., Aksenov Yu.M. Office management course: Textbook. allowance. -

    M.; Novosibirsk: INFRA-M, 2000. - 287 p.; Stenyukov MB. Documentation. Office work: A practical guide to preschool activities of an enterprise. - M.:

    Prior, 1998. - 144 p.; Andreeva V.I., Kuznetsova TV., Serova G.A. Office work in accounting. Practical guide. - M.: Accounting Bulletin, 1996.- 218 p. and etc.

    Kuznetsova T.V. Office work (documentation support for management) - 2nd ed. - 2000. - 328 p.

    Sokova A.N. Development of Soviet document management in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution (1960-1980): Abstract of thesis.... Dr. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1987.

    Andreeva V.I. The main directions of the scientific organization of managerial work and office work of the state apparatus of the USSR (based on materials from journal periodicals of the 1920s): Abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1985. - 24 p.; Banasyukevich V.D. Management documentation as a historical source (Based on materials from the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry for 1971-1975): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist sc. 05.25.02 / The pre-revolutionary period has been studied much less well (Vyalova L.M., Lukashevich A.A.) 1.

    Part of the dissertation works is devoted to the study of documentation systems and documentation of individual management functions (works by T.A. Bykova, I.V. Gerasimova, N.Yu. Emelyanova, I.B. Efanova, A.S. Krasavina, L.V. Potapova, Chukovenkova A.Yu.), other dissertations cover issues of documentation support for individual objects of the same type in the MGIAI institution. - M., 1977. - 25 p.; Baginsky I.M. Activities of V.V. Kuibyshev to improve the apparatus and office work of the People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate of the USSR. Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1979. - 24 p.; Dodonova M.I. The problem of office work in Soviet literature of the 20s: Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.00.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975.

    33 s; Kostomarov M.N. Activities of the Moscow Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate to improve the management and office management apparatus (1920-1929): Abstract of thesis. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1976.

    33s; Larin M.V. Departmental rationalization bodies and their activities to improve the state apparatus and office work (1923): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 24 p.;

    Podolskaya I.A. History of the development of methodological foundations for the rationalization of office work in the USSR: Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1977. - 24 p.; Reichtsaum A.L. Improving the management and office work apparatus in the USSR by non-departmental rationalization bodies (1924 Abstract of thesis.... Candidate of Historical Sciences. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978. - 24 p.;

    Tamm I.E. The formation of Soviet state office work. 1917-1923: Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.00.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975. -28 p.;

    Vyalova L.M. Organization of office work of central government bodies in the legislative acts of the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century: Author's abstract.

    dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1987. - 23 p.; Lukashevich A.A.

    Development of provincial office documentation of the 70-90s: Author's abstract.

    dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995. - 24 p.

    Bykova T.A. Formation of a documentation system for managing the social development of work collectives. 1965-1985 (using the example of the electrical industry): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1988. - 27 p.; Gerasimova I.V. Documentation support for the management of research activities of higher education (1917 - late 1980s):

    Emelyanov N.Yu. Documenting the organization of research activities in industry research institutes (1970-1980): Abstract of thesis. dis.... cand. ist. Sci.

    05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1985. - 24 p.; Efanova I.B. Development of documentation support for the development of state standards (1940-1980):

    Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1986. - 24 p.; Krasavin A.S. Documenting the labor activity of employees of government bodies (history and current state): Author's abstract. dis....

    Ph.D. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978. - 24 p.; Potapova L.V. Organization of work with citizens' appeals in the executive committee of the Moscow City Council and their influence on its activities (1960 - early 1980s): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci.

    05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1989. - 28 p.; Chukovenkov A.S. Organization of storage and use of machine-readable documents in the field of management: Abstract of thesis.

    dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1987. - 24 p. and etc.

    niy (Arkhipova N.I., Mozhaeva N.G., Morozov E.A., Pshenko A.V., Sirotkin A.N., Stepanov E.A.)1. The issues of unification and standardization of documents have been worked out quite deeply (Vasiliev M.A., Kokorev V.I., Sankina L.V., Sokova A.N., Yankovaya V.F.)2.

    Some dissertations (Malitikov A.S., Predein E.V., Shchensnovich G.G.)3 discuss general and special problems of functioning of management documentation support services.

    A study of dissertation research shows that the problems of document management are not deeply reflected in them; they require a modern integrated approach and consideration. This is evidenced by the analysis of literature in scientific areas related to document management.

    Arkhipova N.I. Documentation support for the management of computer centers (history, current state and development prospects). Author's abstract.

    dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1978. - 25 p.; Mozhaeva N.G. Activities of the executive committee of the Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Documents to improve the management apparatus and documentation support in local Soviets of the Moscow province (region) (1921-1930): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1985.

    25 s; Morozov E.A. Improving the organization and documentation of collegial activities of the State Planning Committee of the RSFSR in 1925-1980: Abstract of thesis.

    dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1982. - 23 p.; Pshenko A.V. Documenting the activities of the archival service at the present stage: Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1983. - 24 p.; Sirotkin A.N. Documentation support of the state fund of algorithms and programs (research and development in 1966-1987). Author's abstract. dis.... cand.

    ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1988. - 25 p.; Stepanov E.A. Improving documentation processes in the management system of higher and secondary special education of the USSR (history and current state): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1979. - 24 p. and etc.

    Vasiliev M.A. The problem of unifying the texts of management documents used in the office work of Soviet institutions (history and current state): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975. - 42 p.; Kokorev V.I. Development and research of a system of models for the unification and standardization of management documents: Abstract of thesis. Dis.... Doctor of Engineering.

    Sci. 05.25.02, 08.00.20 / MGIAI. - M., 1980. - 34 p.; Sankina A.V. Improving the forms of management documents on the basis of standardization and unification (1917-1980): Abstract of thesis. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1983. - 24 p.; Sokova A.N. History of unification and standardization of documents in the USSR (1917-1970): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1971. - 16 p.; Yankovaya V.F. Optimization of texts of management documents (theoretical aspect): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1987. - 23 p. and etc.

    Malitikov A.S. Main directions of documentary and archival research in the USSR (1956-1970): Author's abstract. dis.... cand. ist. Sciences 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1971. - 22 p.; Predein E.V. Control of execution of documents in the management apparatus. History and current state: Author's abstract. dis... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02/ VNIIDAD. - M., 1981. - 22 p.; Shchensnovich GG. Development of basic principles for organizing a documentation system in an automated control system: Abstract of thesis. dis.... cand. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / MGIAI. - M., 1975. - 29 p.

    In recent years, there has been a tendency towards a gradual restoration of the disturbed balance and strengthening of theoretical research in the field of documentation support for management. Many publications in the journals “Domestic Archives”, “Bulletin of the Archivist”, “Office Work”, “Secretary Affairs”, collections of scientific conferences are aimed at solving current problems of working with documents in modern conditions, protecting documented information, terminological problems, the history of office work, legal support for documentation activities of the management apparatus, the impact of new information technologies on the organization of document flow and documentation, problems of electronic documents 1.

    Despite their great value, these works highlight only certain aspects of the problem of document management and can be considered as good research material for subsequent analytical and synthetic processing.

    The problem of documentation management cannot be considered without analyzing archival literature. Scientists - archivists have done serious research work, important for understanding the epistemology of the document, the formation and development of documentation systems, terminology systems for document management (A.

    V. Elpatievsky, V.P. Kozlov, A.D. Stepansky). Specialists See, for example: Eremchenko V.A. Office work and departmental storage of documents in the conditions of administrative reform: main problems // Otech. archives. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 9-18; Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Modern concepts of electronic archives // Ibid. - pp. 18-27; They are. Electronic archives and electronic document management // Ibid. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 17-26; Yankovaya V.F. Terminology of documentation support for management (GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions) // Office work. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 41-46.; Kostomarov M.N.

    “The Many Faces of Janus” - a document in the information management system // Office work. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 22-31.; Matveenko V.A. Legal and organizational problems of documentation support for management // Documentation in the information society: electronic records management and electronic archive: Dokl. and messages to the sixth Intl. scientific-practical conf.

    From traditional to electronic document management: some problems of transition // Ibid. - P. 69-72; Kuleshov S.G. About the concept of “electronic document” / Ibid. - P. 54-57; Banasyukevich V.D., Larin M.V. Development of a state system of documentation support for management is an urgent task / Records management. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 5-8; Sankina L.V. Organization of the preschool educational institution service. Problems of normative documentation / Document in administrative structures: Abstracts of reports. and speech to the international conf. 27-28 Oct. 1994 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1995. - P. 62-65, etc.

    Kozlov V.P. Theoretical foundations of archeography from the perspective of modernity // Otech. archives. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 10-29; Stepansky AD. On the theoretical basis for the selection of documentary materials for state storage // in the field of archival science, they have done a lot to understand the information properties of a document, pointing out the connection between document arrays and information resources. Some works on archival science (V.N. Avtokratov, K.B. Gelman-Vinogradov) have proven the similarity of information processing processes both in operational management and at the stage of archival storage of documents1.

    Of interest are archival works that show the relationship between office work and archival affairs, the process of gradual transition of office work into the jurisdiction of archival authorities2, works highlighting foreign experience (E.V. Starostin, Proceedings of a scientific conference on archival affairs in the USSR. - M., 1965 ;

    Elpatievsky A.V. Some issues of the approach to research in the field of organizing document information from the point of view of document systems // Abstracts of messages for the theoretical seminar “Issues of a systematic approach to research in the field of document information.” - M., 1972; Sokova A N. Documentation and its role in public administration and for historical science. - M., 1985. - SIF OCSTI VNIIDAD. No. 039-86; Autocrats V.N. Some aspects of the study of the object and subject of archival science // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. M., 1976. - T. 6. - Part 1; Ilizarov B.S. Current theoretical and methodological problems of Soviet archival science. - M., 1984, etc.; Medushevskaya O.M. Source study at the present stage // Soviet archives.

    1979. - No. 2. - P. 5; Elpatievsky A.V. On the question of defining the concept of “documentary information” in the light of Lenin’s theory of reflection // Abstracts of messages to the theoretical seminar “Terminological problems in the field of document management and archival science” (January 1974) / VNIIDAD. - M., 1973. - P. 27; Elpatievsky A.V., Khanpira E.I. Once again about the term “document” // Soviet archives. - 1987. - No. 1. - P. 54, etc.

    Rudelson K.I. Modern document classifications. - M., 1973. - P. 24-29; Autocrats V.N. On the problem of involving information categories in archival science // Proceedings of VNIIDAD - M., 1973. - T. 3. - P. 251-263; His own.

    Some aspects of the object and subject of archival science // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. - T. VI. - Part 1. - M., 1976; Gelman-Vinogradov K.B. Documentary memory of the noosphere as a new object of knowledge // International Forum on Information and Documentation. - 1992. - T. 17. - No. 1. - P. 12; His own. Spatial odyssey of documents as a global phenomenon // Otech. archives. - 1992. - No. 6. - P.24-29, etc.

    Elpatievsky A.V. On the history of documenting acts of civil status in Russia and the USSR (from the 18th century to the present) // Actual source study. - M., 1979. - P. 67; Belova E.V., Elpatievsky A.V., Kolosova E.V. “List of documents subject to admission to the state archives of the USSR” // Soviet archives. - 1973. - No. 2. - P. 20; Mityaev K.G. Documentation, its tasks and development prospects // Soviet archives. - 1964. - No. 2. - P. 68; Sorokin V.V. Archives of USSR institutions (1917-1937) / MGIAI. - M., 1982; Knyazev GA. Theory and practice of archival affairs (Experience of systematic management). - L., 1935; Malitikov A.S. Some issues of organization and content of scientific work in the field of EGSD // Proceedings of VNIIDAD. - T. 2 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1973. - P. 6; Eremchenko V.A. Office work and departmental storage of documents in the conditions of administrative reform; main problems // Otech. archives. - 1999. - No. 1, - P. 10; Elpatievsky A.V. From the history of the formation of the main normative and methodological documents of the domestic archiveI.V. Karapetyants)1. Archival research reveals changes in the value of certain types of documents in the course of historical development, reveals the evolution of documentation systems in connection with the development of the state and methods of its organization 2.

    Documentation management as a scientific category is closely related to information and the organization of information processes in management, therefore literature on information theory, information systems, issues of informatization and computerization of work with documents is of serious interest.

    First of all, these are studies that reflect the problems associated with understanding the essential characteristics of information as the initial substance for organizing documentary arrays. Works by A.D. Ursula, A.I. Zhukova, Yu.I. Chernyaka, V.G. Afanasyev and others, written in different years, made it possible to form a theoretical foundation on which the main idea of ​​the work is built on the inextricable connection between information and documentation and the possibility of applying information management methodology to documentation management 3. In the works of K.B. Gelman-Vinogradov, G.G. Artamonova, G. Wolfram, A.D. Ursula and other scientists have deeply developed the fundamentally important problems of the formation and operation of information resources, both in a global sense and within individual organizations. The problem of information resources has not yet received a final solution, however, in these works conceptual categories, basic methodological and conceptual provisions that are important for this study are formulated 4.

    business // Otech. archives. - 1998. - No. 4, - P. 16-24; Kozlov V.P. Archival service of Russia and Russian statehood: 80 years of experience // Otech. archives. - 1998. - No. 6. - P. 9-18, etc.

    Starostin E.V. Foreign archival studies: problems of history, theory and methodology: Abstract of thesis. dis.... Dr. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / RSUH. - M., 1995; Karapetyants I.V. Economic archives in Western Europe and the USA (1905-1995): Author's abstract. dis.... Dr. ist. Sci. 05.25.02 / RSUH. - M., 1998.

    See: Banasyukevich V.D. The main problems of archival studies in modern literature // Archival studies and source studies of modern history. Problems of interaction at the present stage: Dokl. and theses. speech at the second All-Russian conf. March 12-13, 1996 / VNIIDAD. - M., 1997. - P. 16-22.

    See Gilyarevsky R.S., Zalaev G.Z., Rodionov I.I., Tsvetkova V.A. Modern computer science: science, technology, activity / VINITI. - M., 1998. - P. 15 Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983.- P. 217-218; Ursul A.D. The path to the noosphere. - M.: Luch, 1993. - P. 81; Chernyak Yu.I. Information and management. - M., 1974. - P. 58; Zhukov N.I. Philosophical foundations of cybernetics. - M., 1976. - P. 124-137; Afanasyev V.G. Social information and social management. - M., 1975. - P. 37, etc.

    Ursul A.D. The problem of information in modern science. Philosophical essays.

    M., 1975. - P. 194; Mikhailov A.I. Problems of information support In the works of computer science specialists, document problems appear as subordinate, and not main ones, 1, they have a significant drawback - the lack of elaboration of documentation issues and documentation support in the context of the development of the latest information technologies. This problem is not outlined in any way among such concepts as “information processing”, “access to information”, “information communications”, “information storage”, “information use”, although all this “information” is documents in various, mainly paper, media.

    The issues of electronic documents are also poorly developed in the literature. There are serious terminological discrepancies, misunderstanding of the nature of electronic documents, their relationship with technotronic, machine-readable and traditional documents. Nevertheless, the analysis of this group of studies allows us to formulate a document management understanding of the issue and use these works to solve the scientific problem of documentation management 2.

    management processes // Second All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of scientific organization of socialist industry management”. - Sat. No. 1. - Part II. - M., 1972. - P. 102-103; Gelman-Vinogradov K.B.

    Documentary memory of the noosphere as a new object of knowledge // International Forum on Information and Documentation. - 1992. - T. 17. - No. 1. - P. 12;

    Artamonov G.G. Computer science: theory and practice (preparations for the book) // NTI. - Ser. 1. Org. and methods of information work. - 1998. - No. 6. - P. 31.

    (pp. 31-35); Artamonov G.T. Computer science: theory and practice (preparations for the book) // NTI. - Ser. 1. Org. and information methodology. work. - 1998. - No. 4. - P. 31.

    (pp. 31-36); Wolfram G. Organisatorische Gestaltung des Informationsmanagements.

    Verlag losef Eul, Gladbach-Koln, 1990. - From 35; Artamonov G.T. Computer science:

    theory and practice (preparation for the book) // NTI. - Ser. 1. - 1998. - No. 1. - P. 32;

    Kuhlen R. Informationsmarkt. Universitat Konstanz. 1995 and others.

    See: Klimenko S., Krokhin I.V., Kushch V.M., Lagutin Yu.L. Electronic documents on corporate networks: the second coming of Gutenberg. M.: Ankey - EK Trends, 1999; Information technologies for humanities students / Moscow State University. - M.; Saransk, 1998. - P. 67-102, etc.

    Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Formation and development of archives of machine-readable data in 1960-1980 // Otech. archives. - 1998. - No. 6. - P. 41; Kopylov V.A. On the issue of information ownership // NTI. Ser. 1. Theory and methodology of information work / VINITI. - M., 1998. - No. 3. - P. 4; Tikhonov V.I., Yushin I.F. Electronic archives and electronic document management // Otech. archives. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 19-20; See: Kurilo A.P. On the legal regime of an electronic document in the system of interbank electronic payments // Problems of informatization. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 76; Semiletov SI. Information as a special object of law // Problems of informatization. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 58;

    Emelyanov G.V., Pavlov O.V. On the problem of legal regulation of the use of electronic digital signatures in information systems // Problems of legislation in the field of informatization: Abstracts. report Seventh All-Russian Conf. - M.: State Unitary Enterprise "VIMI", 1999. - P. 6, etc.

    Of fundamental importance was the study of works on information management - a new scientific discipline that emerged in developed countries along with the information society. Information management is reflected very poorly in the domestic literature. Only in the work of A.V. Kostrov, prepared in the form of a textbook, an attempt was made to systematically present the essence of information management, unfortunately, without reference to Russian conditions 1.

    Our work was the first to begin a study of information management from the perspective of document management and draw conclusions that allow us to evaluate information management as a promising direction for the development of documentation management using new information technologies. 2. In a number of other works, the problems of information management are considered indirectly, within the framework of solving other problems. Only in the recently published work “Information support for public administration”

    edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.V. Gulyaev, for the first time in the last decade, comprehensively examined the problems, conceptual provisions and practical experience of creating and operating an information support system for the highest bodies of state power of the Russian Federation 3.

    Considering the insufficient level of coverage of the problem of information management in the domestic literature, the author tried to fill this gap with foreign research on information management. The works of R. Coolen, J. Herget, G. Verzig, W. Wolfram, T. Seeger, E. Vogel and other scientists reveal the essence of information management as a scientific discipline and area of ​​practical management 4. At the same time, Kostrov A.V. Introduction to information management: Textbook. allowance / Vladimirsk. state tech. univ. - Vladimir, 1996. - 132 p.; see also: Perel I.S., Slavin V.N. Information activities abroad and problems of information management / NPO “Poisk”. - M., 1992. - 65 p.; Kostomarov M.N. Management of information systems abroad / Russian State University for the Humanities. - M., 1996. - 88 p.

    Larin M.V. Document management and new information technologies.

    M.: Scientific book, 1998. - 137 p.

    Nikitov V.A., Orlov E.I., Starovoitov A.V., Savin G.I. Information support for public administration. M.: Slavic dialogue, 2000. -425 p.

    Attinger M. L. Integrated Information Management: A Real World Theory. - Records Management Quarterly. - 1993, July. Vol. 27, No. 3, - P. 12-16, 30-31; Herget I.

    Konzeption des Infornationsmanagements in Informationswissenschaftlichen Studienangeboten. - Informationsspezialisten fur Europa. Proceedings. Konstanz, 1990;

    Hofmeister H.-W. Einsatz von Dokumentenmanagement in Industrieunternehmen / Deutscher Dokumentartag 1994. - Frankfurt am Main. - S. 183-187; Kuhlen R.

    Informationsmarkt. - Konstanz, 1995. 608 p; Schwetz R. Buro im Wandel // R.v.

    Decker's Verlag, G.Schenk. Heigelberg, 1990, 213 s.; Seeger T. Aspekte der Professionalisierung des Berufsfeldes Information und Documentation. - K.G. Saur, it must be emphasized that in practically none of these works even an attempt has been made to apply the provisions information management to documentation management.

    A full solution to the problem of document management is impossible without studying its legal support. It is obvious that strengthening the role of law in modern Russia is a necessary condition for the further strengthening of the state and the effectiveness of public administration. In recent years, the field of information and documentation has become an independent object of research for legal scholars, and even a new branch has emerged - information law. In the work of V.A. Kopylov systematized all current legal acts relating to the regulation of information, documentation, and archival storage of documents1. The author draws attention to the category of “documented information”, which, in his opinion, is not sufficiently reflected in the current legislation and puts forward the task of legal solution to the problems of electronic documents and their legal force.

    I.L. undertakes in-depth studies of the legal aspects of documented information in the context of the introduction of new information technologies, computer equipment, telecommunication networks, and the recognition of information as the most important management resource. Bachilo. Her works serve as a clear example of a scientist’s adequate response to the challenges of the time and are of great value for this study 2.

    1990; Synnott W.R., Gruber W.N. Information Resource Management. - New York, 1981; Vogel E. Information management. - Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Documentation. Band 2, K.G. Saur, 1990, pp. 897-927; Wersig G. Organizations - Communikation: Die Kunst, ein Chaos zu organisieren. - FBO Verlag, BadenBaden, 1989, 390 pp.; Wolfram G. Organisatorische Gestaltung des Informationsmanagements. - Verlag losef Eul, Gladbach-Koln, 1990.

    Kopylov V.A. Information law. - M.: Lawyer. 1997; It's him. Information as an object of legal regulation // NTI / VINITI. - M., 1996. - No. 8. - P. 2; It's him. On the issue of information ownership // NTI. Ser. 1. Theory and methodology of information work // VINITI. - M., 1998. - No. 3. - P. 4.; It's him. On ownership of documented information // Documentation in the information society: electronic records management and electronic archive.